a Supernatural War

There is a great war occurring around us for the minds, souls, and hearts of not only our children but for every human that walks this earth. This is why we have to watch what we do and say and do. Jesus said, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you…” (Matthew 13:11). One of those secrets is this—the entire spiritual realm works on authority.  This is just like the kingdoms in fairy tales (they get all their good ideas from the Gospel). “Yes,” all those great stories of supernatural evil being overcome by goodness are stories of Redemption based on the Gospel.

Remember—Adam and Eve were given authority over the earth, to “rule and subdue.” But they forfeited that authority and the devil became the usurping “prince of this world.” This is reality! Satan has done a great job of making people think that this is the fable.  And “NO”, it is not and the sooner you accept this Truth the sooner your mind, soul, and Spirit will be set free. Through the cross Jesus cast the dark prince down, and after his resurrection he said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18). Authority was given, then lost, and later recovered by Jesus Christ on the Cross.

I just returned from Morocco where I learned that the Jews in Spain were saved by Morocco and it is no coincidence that Morocco is a safe country for Christians and tourists in general. God has blessed this amazing land which is much like Israel. The land varies from sand dunes to beautiful “Swiss like mountains” with snow and a “Swiss” village. Figs, dates, Olive trees, and other common Israeli fruit and vegetables grow in the land. There are large swaths of farmland growing grain and other products.


We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments.  

In addressing the need to teach in parables, Jesus responded,  “so that seeing they will not see, hearing they will not understand….”  Are you one of those people who went to church, was bored or could not connect? Maybe it was because what was being taught did not capture your heart and mind. Maybe it was because what was taught at times did not make sense nor feel true at heart? Give God a chance, it is humans that make  mistakes and fail.  He really wants your attention and your heart. He loves you and sees you for who you really are. In fact you may not know who you really are. Let Him into your heart and he will teach and show you your identity and purpose.  Then seeing you will see, and hearing you will understand.

The following is another example of how some traditional teaching has gone off track: In the Bible we see that Jesus often taught with parables, so those with faith would understand, but those who were rejecting truth would not. In the Old Testament there are many passages that people fail to comprehend either because they do not take the time to study or because they are partially blinded by doubt or the cares of the world. Today the pastor gave a good sermon on Gideon, however he made an error in his observation. He stated that Gideon chose the 300 based on the cupping of their hands to drink the water. He said that the act of cupping the water demonstrated that they could see around them in case of a sneak attack! JUST THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE! Unfortunately, he did not read the details before writing his sermon. The 300 chosen were those who lapped the water and not those who cupped their hands! The Word specifically says, “separate those who lap the water with their tongue as a dog laps.” Now get a bucket of water and try to lap like a dog! You cannot do it, because your tongue is not designed like a dog. The tongue of the dog curls backwards. God always wants us to depend on Him and not on our own effort. He will even use a dog trait to identify his chosen!

Many people make the mistake of reading the Bible using pure theology with little or no scientific logic or “God purpose.” I define, “God Purpose” as seeing things from God’s viewpoint. Our mind identifies with those using cupped hands, and then imagines that certain other people can naturally drink water like a dog. At least this is what our uninformed Bible teachers have taught us. This is NOT TRUE. God wanted to show Gideon and us that He would win the battle using unconventional methods. In fact He wanted us to know that He was not choosing men based on their skills or strengths. As with Naaman the Syrian commander, God would use a humbling method to teach and transform. Elisha’s servant passed Elisha’s prescription for God’s healing to a leprous and proud Captain Naaman who was reluctant to obey until his humble maid reminded him that God’s truth was real and would work through anyone. Naaman obeyed and was immediately healed.

A human cannot lap water like a dog because our tongues do not curl. Our nose would be under water! Those teachers who suggested that a certain percentage of people normally lap water are wrong! They just heard or read what some other misinformed teacher had said, and did not do any research. God gave those 300 men a supernatural ability to drink that water vertically– maybe drawing the water into their mouths through His divine power. The point is, God was using this as a Sign to separate 300 chosen men! These were men that He chose for a reason, maybe because they had pure thoughts, and hearts. They would then use clay pots, torches, and trumpets to defeat an army of over 100,000 well trained and well-armed warriors!  The Midianites were a fierce nomadic war group trained to fight in all kinds of terrain.  This unconventional battle would be won by God, and He wanted everyone to know this both then and now.

People try to put the story into a human mindset, leaving God’s methods and message out.   Then they teach the wrong message which only turns people off or does not allow them to see the Power and Character of God.  It does help to know a little simple biology and use common sense. To those who suggest that a person with a big enough tongue could roll there tongue to create a “straw effect” – it might be true, but that would not be “lapping like a dog” and so would not fit the context.  The word “lap” and its compounds are used over 3 Times for emphasis – which does not mean “sup.” One can kneel 2 different ways – with one leg or two. However, there is another way to bend down to drink and that is to squat which is probably what these men did to then lift the water in both hands and lap like a dog.

Now imagine what it was like for those unconventional 300 as they stood there and looked down on that massive army destroying itself! They had taken into battle “Light for Fire”, “Vessels of Pottery” to break, and “Trumpets” to blow- each saying something about God’s work in us.  God is the potter and we are the clay.  He is our Light and our refining Fire, calling us, to become like broken vessels so that He might conquer our strongholds! He wants to light a fire in us so that as humble broken vessels we will go out and trumpet the Good News of the Gospel. The Trumpets announce the coming victory which he promises those who follow Him.  Remember our world may be dark and getting darker, yet the Gospel is the Light that will win against the forces of darkness.  God is going to give you and me unconventional methods to win the war and one of those is through prayer.

There is also an eschatological message in this powerful foreshadowing.  God is illustrating his plan for redemption of mankind.  As mentioned we are broken pots that need restoration and he is the potter that will refine us with fire.  He will save us in a very unconventional way by sending His Son to die for us and then return for His Bride with the Last Trumpet.

Read and digest my book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN: The Fig Tree and the Prophetic Generation and you will see other examples of where traditional thinking may be in the way of correct interpretation and exegesis.  Now are you one of those people who went to church, saw your peers come to Christ and decided to join in, but never truly accepted Jesus as Savior? Or maybe you said a prayer or repeated a prayer, or just went forward without repenting and accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord? Jesus taught the parable of the two sons to show us that those who at first rejected Him or His Fathers messengers, but then repented and surrendered to Him were the ones that were truly saved – and not those who said they believed yet failed to follow through with true faith and commitment. He also shared the parable of the wheat and tares which explains how Satan sows bad seed in the world and in the church among believers. He says that the enemy comes at night to sow weeds among the wheat. God is teaching us that we cannot judge the church because of bad seed in our midst. These tares are sown in the darkness of heart and time. Do not let the “tares” in the church determine your faith in God and in the church. Seeing you will see and hearing you will understand the truth if you keep your heart open to God and His Word.

The Divine Crossroads and Signs

IN writing my book I wanted to impart to the reader the fact that we are living in a special time where we are witnessing a “Crossover or Crossroad” in Jewish and Gentile History, and also in Jewish & Gentile Celestial Signs along with Jewish and Gentile Scientifically Historical Archaeological discoveries. For instance this last summer we had a series of significant celestial events: One was the Solar Eclipse over America (which indeed was a forewarning of severe storms to come) and the others were the Blood Moons and the overlay of the “Great Sign of the Woman” in Rev. 12:1-4 (which portends supernatural and natural events related to Israel, Jerusalem, and her exiled people).
What happened in the 1947-48 historical period was not only the formation of the nation of Israel, but also the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The scrolls verified the accuracy and Truth of every Word in the Old and New Testament (for in the New Testament Jesus defined the Promises, and God’s character with many important references to Isaiah and prophets like Daniel). The accuracy of these references were carefully transcribed by the writers of the Dead Sea Scrolls and are “divine finger prints” or Living Testimonies of the reality of God’s Prophecies and Promises for us today.  Many came True in the time of Jesus. And some have yet to be fulfilled- and since we know the others came true 100%, we can Trust that the remaining will indeed be fulfilled with 100% accuracy! 
We are also seeing this Crossover in the “Old City of David” archaeological digs that are occurring as I write this. They have found concrete proof that David was not just a regional mayor, but a national leader and king of a real nation whose capital was Jerusalem. This means that the Jews are not a colonial power invading a foreign land owned by the Palestinians- “No” this proves that the Bible is true and the Jewish people are indeed the owners or inheritors of this land!
This is part of the Testimony of God’s city of Jerusalem which is being revealed shovel by shovel, and word to word.  And it is fitting that America and our President have played the historical role by testifying of this fact to the Gentile World.
The Lies and Deceptions designed by dark forces are being pushed back by the Gospel with supernatural transformations shaped by God, and also by Science and epic natural events! This is an Amazing time to be alive.  In my book I describe a powerful set of “divine signs” given to us in the banners carried by the 4 groups of Hebrew tribes in the Wilderness.  These are the same images seen on the faces of the Angels with Wheels in Heaven and amazingly they appear as symbols for the 4 Gospels.  The wheels of Time are being repeated with Signs given to us by God for our discernment in this present Time.  The name of the book is  COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN: The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation.
Today we have signs pointing to the rise and fall of people and people groups.  It was no coincidence that at the 2017 Oscars, Warren Beatty (representing Glorified brutal violence against the innocent- ie. Bonnie & Clyde that terrorized small Texas towns) read out the incorrect winner as being La La Land – which represents Hollywood.  They were the losers for Moonlight which points to God and to his people are the winners.  Hollywood income like Disney is falling and their fortunes will fall in many other ways  as exemplified by Weinstein.


The MESSAGE  of the video above is made VERY clear in the way that it is presented; the subject is like a black sore that smells and hurts—-you would know that it was bad and needed to be treated and removed.  WATCH IT FIRST!

However, this is the point of my book-  This is an OBVIOUS problem, yet we who are well educated “Westerners” and the majority of educated people worldwide (magicians will say that the educated are the most easy to fool) ARE OBLIVIOUS to the TRUE FACTS that stare them in the face.  And if we do see and understand the facts or Truth, we cannot understand why others cannot see them. Why is this Twilight Zone seem so real?  Is it supernatural?  How can people be so stupid or blind?  Well, let us look at another less dangerous subject so that we can understand how illogical the human mind can be – when it is properly brainwashed, and thinks it is so right.
1) We know that we cannot get something from nothing- right?
2) We know that from disorder comes disorder and not order- right?
3) We know that language cannot self-germinate or evolve out of thin air,- ie mixing an alphabet soup for 10 million years and have it spell out even one logical thought or sequence of sentences that have meaning- right?  And if you think so – remember that each letter has a certain shape that is designed to fit onto the other (like a 3-D puzzle) with exact multi-dimensional features.  Each has to have the right co-valence in order to function and produce an enzyme (which are organized amino acids – the basic foundation of life).  We know that amino acids produced in a test tube DO NOT FORM SENTENCES that allow for life because of well tested fact that they form right handed and left handed amino acids in almost even amounts that do not allow for life.  Life is mostly composed of left-handed amino acids and most poisons to humans are made of right-handed amino acids.
4) We know that despite over 100 years of advanced medicine, technology, lab studies, and microscopic evaluation and research- WE CANNOT CREATE LIFE!!! Yet we expect to believe that life happened spontaneously!?!  Are we really that dense and brainwashed that we cannot think for ourselves, and let reason and logic win?
5) We should know that if there was a big bang the earth would have been a ball of fire – so where did it get the 352 billion trillion gallons of water come from – when water is extremely rare or non-existent elsewhere. In other words explain to me how a ball of fire becomes a ball of water spontaneously.  The “experts” claim that comets brought the water to earth?  REALLY – it is much, much easier to believe that Islam is a religion of peace. 
Yet, you want to believe this absurd logic because it fits your mental picture of truth that excludes God. I hate to say this, but Islam may be closer to the Truth than you are!  They do believe that God created the universe and they do trust in their god so much that they prostrate themselves and surrender to him. You instead trust only in what you know or have been told- which could be a total lie.
You trust in what others have told you without thinking it out!  You just accept it as truth because you were told it was true!  OR, You could care less since your way of thinking and living puts you on the throne allowing you to do whatever you want!  YES my friend that is why we have stupidity reigning in the world – and why we need great leaders to lead us out of the shadow of darkness into the light!!!!!!! And MOST of all that is why we need to turn to GOD and to the God that created us – for only He knows exactly what lies in the future- what His purpose is for you and your “enemies” !   Mistakes and failures  will happen- due to our blindness and lack of attention to HIS WARNINGS AND SIGNS because -we fail to trust in Him. Like lost sheep we end up only trusting in our own fallible minds and desires.  God saw the need for great leaders for they were the ones who sought Him and listened to him. He was able to work miracles through them and to in time was able to fulfill the promises that He made for the world.
One of the biggest promises not yet fulfilled is the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ.  Daniel’s interpretation of the vision of Chapter 2 in Daniel lays out the history of key Empires affecting Israel.  The first 3 are explained to Daniel by the angel.  They are Babylon, Persia, and Greece.  The rest are not, and it is up to us to discern what the upper and lower legs mean with the feet and toes.  There are many interpretations, but none that I have read seem to fit perfectly.  Here is my interpretation, which is a combination of the Roman and the Caliphate-Turkey concept.  This concept incorporates the history described in the previous post related to the “Throne of Satan” that is described in Revelation 2 .  This throne was reconstructed by the Germans and became Hitler’s model for his podium from which he created the “Cathedral of Lights” and promoted his “Torch parades” that  attacked the Jewish businesses and homes.  The Throne of Satan still rests in Berlin and is directly related to “burnt offerings” dating back to BAAL worship and forward to the Holocaust.  This ties Germany, a member of the Holy Roman Empire, to Turkey and the Ottoman Empire.  It is important to note that the Grand Mufti of Turkey was one of Hitler’s confidants, who many believe motivated Hitler to kill the Jewish people.
I believe that the upper portion of the legs do represent the Roman Empire which blends into this “Caliphate” of Turkey and other Islamic nations.  This would better fit the idea of the “beast with Iron Teeth.”  To suggest that the Byzantine Empire (which was Christian) could be one leg of  the vision of the Giant and thus part of the beast with iron teeth, makes no sense at all.  The Byzantine Empire probably recognized the evil of this “throne” and were the ones who dismantled it and used the “bricks” to make walls for other buildings and for fences.  So what we see is the upper legs representing the Roman Empire in the time of Jesus and up to the Hadrian dispersion and Domitian’s persecution of Christians.  Just as in past prophecies there is no clear chronology of time.  Like mountains in a panorama we do not see the valleys in-between.  Likewise the next “Empire” represented is the Ottoman Empire which had sharp, iron teeth and like the Early Roman Empire persecuted the Jews harshly.   The Roman-Ottoman-German Empire makes up the two legs and each of these “levels or legs” heavily persecuted the Jews and used them as “burnt offerings” to the Throne of Satan.
The feet and 10 toes will be the nation or nations that lift up the Anti-Christ to power.  They will be connected to the “Throne of Satan” in some dynamic, and will seek to destroy Israel and both Jews and Christians.

Hell and a warning

HELL and a warning:

Why do you think, Jesus Christ spoke more about Hell than about Heaven?  Do  you think it is because He knew the future and the Lies that Satan would spin about God’s Eternal Judgment? I believe that He wanted to make it very, very clear to us that Hell is a place to fear for it is an eternal punishment and not just a momentary punishment.  Even Justinian compromised and explained that surely God would allow the dead an opportunity to be redeemed or prayed into heaven. This of course is where the idea of “Purgatory” came from.  Sadly this is  the belief of all Catholics and Mormons (who do not name it purgatory), and therefore probably the majority of people who call themselves “Christian”. Satan has done a good job of deceiving people.  This is a very sad reflection of the church and the Seminaries.  Speaking of seminaries, they have also neglected to teach their students about the importance and facets of Apologetics.  Hence they graduate students without the ability to defend the Faith against the adherents of Evolution and the cults!

The Seventh Day Adventist and the Jehovah Witness have another take on Hell. They do not believe in it at all, and declare that everything will be annihilated except for them.  This Annihilation deception is again, Satan’s attempt to negate the Sovereignty of God and  the “position” where God places believers and non-believers.  Without Hell there is no True Heaven, and no True Tri-une God as declared by Jesus Christ,  the Holy Spirit and the Father.

Hell and the dark forces on this earth are connected to Satan and his schemes to thwart the Gospel and Redemption.  Satan and his demons will be cast into the same fiery pit as those who are condemned at the Great White Throne Judgment by God. This is not a temporary judgment.  Jesus said,  “The Son of Man will send out his angels and they will uproot from the kingdom everything that is spoiling it, and all those who live in defiance of its laws, and will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be tears and bitter regret.” (Matthew 13:24-43) Jesus called it a place of wailing and of weeping, a place of outer darkness.  Jesus also spoke of “Ge-henna” which was a familiar physical “hell” to the people of the time for it represented the smoldering garbage dump that served the city of Jerusalem.  Hell, of course, is not a physical place, and therefore annihilation which relates to the physical is not Biblical Truth!  Hell is an Eternal agony, and supernatural = an after death experience with eternal separation from God.  Right now, God is building up His Kingdom and Satan is building “down” his.

A Warning:  The Americo-Euro-Asians and all who choose the world over God, have grown too comfortable in a techno-sugar-coated-superficial narcissism. I am reminded of a man who was in prison and looked forward to latrine duty so that he could collect the used and unused toilet paper provided by the cruel warden from torn up Bibles. He so wanted to learn the Word of God. Many have grown up in total poverty or neglect and God is giving them visions and dreams to bring them to him. In this world of mass transportation and communication, God says, “I have given the privileged the Gospel and they have rejected me, so I am giving the crumbs to the dispossessed.”

He warns, “I am going to bring you to Holy ground one way or another, so you had better come as soon as you can on my terms. You chose to ignore me and to resist my gifts of salvation and the Spirit, now you will face cleansing trials and tribulations”.

He is saying, “I spoke in parables because you would not listen nor hear; you refused to see me and see the Truth. You want your own desires and your own dreams, so I will give them to you as a veil that will blind you to my coming. You seek your own will, so I will harden your heart, and as unto the Pharaoh you will not see my judgment to come until it is too late. You hear and follow false prophets and teachers; you think and hope you will be lifted up before you are tried;  I will not pluck the spoiling seed until the stalk dies, for you will face the desert wind, fire, and the shaking from the four corners. You and your people will fall into deception, and lies, and the mighty will fall. My Word is not a hidden Truth, yet you have failed to study my Revelation and my Promises.”

Jesus forewarns us all concerning the “days of Noah,” and people will be marrying and being given unto marriage, when the judgment comes. They will not heed the warnings, nor give any credence to them. Are you one of them? Read the new book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN: The Fig Tree & the Prophetic Generation to understand what is about to happen.  History will repeat itself and the “Wheels of Time” are there for us to study and learn from.

Turkey is turning more and more into the Gog of the Bible.  They have imprisoned Pastor Brunson on trumped up charges using hidden witnesses and mock trials.  They have in essence admitted that they are doing this in retribution for our failure to turn over certain American citizens for trial in their country. There is good evidence that Turkey is the “seat of Satan” as described in Revelation, concerning the church of Pergamum.  Satan would feel at home in a city with 4 Temples to the Emperors of Rome, a Temple to Artimus, and a huge Temple to Zeus on top of there summit. This summit complex had the steepest amphitheater in the world and still stands.  In one of the buildings snakes would be used for healing; there were rooms where one would sleep with snakes in the hope that the serpents would crawl over them and give them good dreams, and healing.  Zeus was the pinnacle of paganism and represented Apostasy. Like BAAL he was the God of Thunder with lightening in his hands. He was connected to the defilement of the Temple- the abomination of desolation in the 2nd century BC.  In essence this altar was to be the throne to Satan, but it was pulled down by the Maccabean revolt. The altar in Pergamum was not destroyed at this time.  Read Rev. 2:12 about the church, “where Satan dwells…” Later under Titus and the altar of Zeus, Rome would rename the area where the Jews had lived as “Palestinia”.   Satan is and was determined to remove the Jews and displace even their name.  He wants to put himself on the throne of your life- will you let him?

The Christian elder and pastor, Antipas was burned alive as a burnt offering at the altar to Zeus in Pergamum.  This “throne of Satan” was later discovered by a German engineer  and moved to Berlin and reconstructed.  In 1930 it was opened to the public just in time for Adolph Hitler.  This throne and altar inspired Hitler’s podium platform and his torch parades, and eventually the “Cathedral of Light” created by dozens of spotlights pointing to heaven. Read Isaiah 14:12-14 and read the amazing parallel to Satan-like pride and ambition.   Hitler employed “Hollywood Stars” to add to his German mystique.  Soon he formed the Nuremberg Laws which removed the citizenship from the Jews and then set up the “final solution,” the Holocaust.  Was this in essence another “burnt offering” to Satan, just as Antipas was? Hitler made the Jews the “scapegoat”.  The Jews were led like lambs to slaughter in “cattle cars”.

We may see Turkey making more alliances with nations like Russia and Iran in the near future, as it contends with both Israel and America.  Recently Erdogan, the self proclaimed dictator of Turkey, told America and Israel that moving the embassy to Jerusalem “was their red line.”  Iran has already told us that rescinding the Iran agreement established by Obama, would be crossing a red line, with severe consequences. Well that line was crossed, and Iran fired missiles into Israel – a big mistake.  Israel had already warned Putin and the Russians not to turn on their anti-aircraft SAM missiles which they honored. Israel was able to destroy all the Iranian military sites in Syria in just one evening.  Now Iran, realizing that they have been betrayed by Russia, has reneged on the treaty and agreements with Russia, Europe and others and is preparing for nuclear war.

Here in May or June we also have the potential conference between Kim of North Korea and Trump.  Is this another trap or smokescreen from North Korea for a surprise attack on the South or on us?   We are entering a very precarious period with ominous signs.  Some of those signs are of natural order such as the 3 surprise eruptions of a normally “dormant” Steamboat geyser in Yellowstone (which produces a geyser 10X the volume of Old Faithful) and the fierce eruption of the volcano on the large island in Hawaii.  This is a volcanic island like many in the Pacific that are now very active.  There are earthquakes happening all around the ring of fire surrounding the entire Pacific ocean.  Does all this portend of a massive earthquake in California?

There is a chance for Redemption to all who call upon the Lord.  God is bringing miraculous healing and salvation to many people throughout the Middle East and the World.  Trust is the Lord with All your Heart and Lean not on your own understand, Acknowledge Him in all that you do, and He will make your path straight.  If you confess Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that He was raised from the dead, you will be saved.




THE Approaching Fire

For your eyes only: The month of May looks to be a tricky time with both the Iran deal and Korea’s Kim up for negotiations, the NRA meeting in Dallas, the AT&T decision, and the move of the American Embassy! Putin is a lot like Kim in that both have assassinated their own people overseas, have hacked our systems, and have threatened us with nuclear weapons.  This is now May 8th and Trump has successfully nixed that bad Iran agreement.  Amazing how the media misrepresented the truth. The Iran deal did not do what Obama said it would do, hold back violence in the Middle East.  It only empowered Iran to spend the money we gave them to build and ship better weapons and rockets to its proxies and its own forces in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon!  Obama sold out Israel with a kiss.
There have also been 3 rather large earthquakes in Iran and 3 large eruptions of the Steamboat geyser in Yellowstone- each eruption being 10 times larger than Old Faithful’s size. God has shown me that May is also significant as it leads to Shavout or Pentecost which many feel is an important transitional point in time for both Jew and Gentile. It denotes two important points in history when God reached down to man with fire and love. First there was the Law at Mt. Horeb when God wrote the Law with the finger of fire, and then there was Pentecost when the Holy Spirit appeared in fingers of fire upon each believer. It represents what Zachariah said, “Not by might, nor by power, but by Spirit saith the Lord”.
Will God test our Spirit and our willingness to go to Him for guidance, help, and strength? Will we look to the Holy Spirit who is sealed in each believer and to the Moral Law for guidance or will be look to the world and its lies?  I believe that God is warning us that He will soon test us with fire mixed with love.  Just as in the case of the twin towers, God’s testing brought people to repentance.  If our nation would repent and seek God with all our hearts we would not go through this testing.  However, each time He brings a test we go through only a temporary repentance which, as in the time of Israel’s judgment, was soon followed by even worse disobedience and harlotry.  As a nation many fools are relishing evil and rebellion against God’s love and message.  God has only one choice – and that is to punish this blatant rebellion before “His innocent children fall away.”  ……this is what the Lord has placed in my heart…..By the way II Thessalonians warns us about the rebellion that happens right before the rise of the Anti-Christ.  We are seeing many powerful leaders go down in flames as they lie and boast – but then fall when their own sin is discovered.  The latest was the famed N.Y. district Attorney who was prosecuting the Harvey Weinstein case and in trying to make Harvey a spectacle to scowl at – he became the greater spectacle!
You can read more about this timeline and the “Wheels of Time” that are crossing over by reading my book: Cosmic CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN: The Fig Tree and the Prophetic Generation.

BOOK Ends – Thoughts on Cosmic Crossroad Countdown.

In math we know a negative + negative = a positive.  So how does a double negative become positive in real life?  God is the master of surprise and surprised the world with a series of these.   Jesus Christ became a captive to set the captives free, He became sin to destroy sin, He died for us to defeat death.   This is the power behind the bronze serpent in the wilderness that healed all those who looked on it. Jesus became sin for us so that we might be set free from sin – a parallel of the healing that came to those who looked upon the serpent on the pole.  Read about the Wilderness experience in Cosmic Crossroad Countdown
The Burning Bush in the Wilderness was an eternal fire, and so was the torch fire  at the Abrahamic Covenant,  the fire beaming from the eyes of God and the fire of the Shekinah Glory which followed the Israelites.  Fire would normally consume organic matter, but instead this fire not only brings light but also carries a supernatural message.  In essence this type of event goes against the natural order and would involve a visible infinity.  If you saw an angel, for instance, this would be looking into infinity.  Abraham was asleep when the torch passed between the sacrificed animals.  Moses, however, was awake and saw “God” in the fire.   I would conclude that the fire denotes eternal time, matter, power (energy) & revelation – Awesome Truth laden with Love and Grace -in other Words the “I AM”.   This would involve, the Present, the Future, and the Past, for God is not affected by Time.  We are given a portion of this Holy fire when the fire of the Holy Spirit is sealed in us.  This is the eternal seal that guarantees our salvation.  He is God’s Spirit, an eternal fire within us – a source of the divine Light revealing Truth in the Word of God and elsewhere.  We, however, are not greater than the angels until we are “resurrected” into the presence of God.  At the point we also become eternal beings, greater than the angels, but not “mini-god-spirits” like the Mormons believe.

Paul the Apostle who had a first-hand experience of the “Light” of Jesus Christ writes that as children of light “we should have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness” (Ephesians 5:11-12), taking the responsibility to reprove them and expose the lies. This includes the lies of evolution which deny the Power and Glory of God Almighty who defeated the Sin of Adam and the Fall of Man, on the Cross.  The Light exposes that which is reproved by God, enabling us to “walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise” (Ephesians 5:15). That wisdom is not the foolish wisdom of this world (1 Corinthians 1:20) but the wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 2:7), “that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God,” understanding what the will of the Lord is.   Through his death and resurrection, Jesus who is, “God with Us (Emmanuelle),” has made His Kingdom available to everyone for free, and has manifested the Truth in His Word and Answered Prophecy.  The kingdom treasures are manifested in both the Old and New Testaments, but the “new wine” of Grace sets us free from the curse of the Law.  This Gift of Hope, Love, and Peace, the “kingdom life”, pulses through our heart and every fiber of our body and Spirit, as we wait for his return.  Jesus said, “Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the Age,” Matt. 28:20.

In the book of Romans God  forewarns us of a new kind of flood in the future. In the book of Daniel, God speaks of the widespread expansion of information and a population on the move. This information deluge will overwhelm people with useless and distracting data that will draw the generations further and further away from the Word of God and from a relationship with Him. This deluge of information will also allow enemy sources to penetrate and disable our personal and national intelligence data banks and hardware that are keys to world survival, but not our eternal security.
This rapid rise in knowledge will  lead to increased perversion, and greater threats to God’s city, Jerusalem, and to His promised Israel.  Instead of repenting those who wish to attack the traditional family will and have joined up with the witches, the cults, the abortionist, the criminals (illegal aliens, felons, and radical Islam), and even those who are pushing for legalized marijuana.  They do not realize that they are playing with a Hellish fire that will consume them.  “Just as they did not seem fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them up to a depraved mind, to do things which are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil……..” “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator….”
As explained in earlier posts and in COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN, the “Great Sign” of Revelation 12 is an invisible sign for a skeptical world.  Unlike the Star of Bethlehem, which was visible to those with “eyes” to see, and the many visible appearances that the Lord made in  the Old Testament as a “Theophany”, God is not going to make an appearance until His Second Coming – at least the Bible does not forewarn us of any!  Near the End of Time, He will appear in the clouds to receive the church, and again on the Mount of Olives to face the world’s forces.  One of the first signs of His 2nd Coming will actually come from the Anti-Christ and his covenant with Israel.  It is important to note that this “Great Sign” was greatly promoted in the news by fake prophets as being a sign of a coming collision with a Planet-X.  Satan loves to distract us from God’s Truth and from the meaning of His Sign.  The minute the sun rose, the stars and planets and moon became invisible to our eyes.  What else is invisible, yet great?  Yes, God and all the angels are invisible yet great, and as real as the ground you stand on. Hence the this sign points to the supernatural or that which is real, yet cannot be seen.  We know the Great Sign was real because our astronomers and star-maps told us so.  And God knew that we would have this knowledge.  Read the book for to learn why this was a very, very unusual sign, and remember that the “child” is the church & not Jesus.  Then read about the dragon in Rev. 12, that wants to devour the child.  Also read about Satan in the next paragraph, and check out the statement below:
I believe that time is short, as discussed in the book.  God seems to be shaking up the world to the point that those who have gained power and prestige through lies, ill gain, and selfish determination are taking a fall from grace. The celebrities and politicians, like Congressman John Conyers and ABC’s Matt Lauer, who have used and abused their power are now being exposed and shamed by their own kind, the liberal media. It reminds me of how Gideon defeated the Midianite army and coalition of forces. There was fire-balls thrown into the darkness which confused the enemy and caused them to destroy each other. God will find divine ways to teach the power hungry a big lesson. The Light of Truth and the Fire of the Holy Spirit will confuse, and destroy darkness. Jesus says to us, “I am the Light of the Word, follow me and you will not walk in darkness, but will have the Light of Life.”  We are seeing the “reversal of fortunes” or “surprise returns” in relation to the Jubilee year, as described in my book.  However, I had thought that this would also be reflected in the economy. Instead we are seeing this happen in a personal way to a person’s fortune, reputation, and self-esteem. God has orchestrated this fall for their sake so that in their loss and fall they will return to Him in repentance. This reversal of fortune or fall from grace is a shadow or reflection of Satan’s fall from heaven described in Revelation 12.

Why is the number 12 or Revelation 12 important?  Twelve is the number of Perfection & Authority – but also of “Time” set by God in the natural world of the moon, sun, stars, & constellations, (12 months, 12 Constellation Signs, and two sets of 12 hours). Twelve is also an interesting number combination of the perfect unit 2 found in all of creation and the number 10 of purification. The number “two” defines a dynamic coexistence of opposites or contrasts that balance forces, entities, divinity, space, and matter. All of creation is a balance of 2’s. Two can be looked at as a unit such as male and female, or the Hypostatic union of God and man, or light and darkness.

God in fact designed His Creation to witness both Good and evil. Thus, the number 12 could be looked at as a universal number for order in God’s Divine Plan for creation in both space and time!  The number 2 also represents God’s power manifested on earth.  We see 2 witnesses, the power of praying “where 2 are gathered”, the disciples going out 2 by 2, and many metaphors such as the two “olive trees” and “two lampstands” in Zechariah.   Two is also a sign of balance and stability.  It provides equal force and function to our body and those of other creatures.  The animals entered the ark two by two and God provides us two choices: to be with Him or separated from Him for eternity.  God is pointing to Revelation 12 for a reason-  a message from the “heavens” to forewarn us about supernatural events about to happen.  Everything is moving a lot faster and with more intensity including all the dark forces and principalities of evil.  This speeding up was forewarned by Daniel who was given the most important prophecy of all time:  The 70 Weeks Prophecy of the End of the Age.   Every aspect of life seems to be “accelerating and changing” so dramatically that many people in many nations fear that the world is hurtling toward doom.  America is no long the beacon of light reflected in the Statue of Liberty and the American Constitution.

There is an Approaching Darkness.   When Jesus was on the cross there was a darkness for 3 hours that terrified even the soldiers.  This was neither an eclipse nor a cloud.  This was a supernatural darkness that also resulted in an earthquake, the cracking of rocks (which must have made some horrendous noise), and the tearing of the 4-inch thick curtain  at the Holy of Hollies from top to bottom (hence God tearing it).  The thick darkness that fell over Egypt as the ninth plague covered the earth for 3 days.  I believe that this is not a coincidence.  In my book I compare the period of 70 days from the  “budding of the fig tree” to the time of “fruit bearing” as a parallel to the 70-year Prophetic Generation spoken by Jesus at the Olivet discourse.  It is fitting that the Shadow of death striking the first-born of Egypt came right after the 3 days of Darkness.  Likewise the death of the Savior came right after the 3 hours of darkness.   The Israelites were then delivered by God, just as God would deliver mankind through the resurrection.  The 70 days of germination of the fig floret results in the bearing of fruit and is a direct parallel to the 70 years since the “budding” of Israel.  The end of the 70-year Prophetic Generation will result in New Beginnings and new life in Christ.  There will be both a judgment and a deliverance.  Those who seek God will find Him and those who reject him will turn further and further away from truth and righteousness.

Turkey is turning more and more into the Gog of the Bible.  They have imprisoned Pastor Brunson on trumped up charges using hidden witnesses and mock trials.  They have in essence admitted that they are doing this in retribution for our failure to turn over certain American citizens for trial in their country. There is good evidence that Turkey is the “seat of Satan” as described in Revelation, concerning the church of Pergamum.  Satan would feel at home in a city with 4 Temples to the Emperors of Rome, a Temple to Artimus, and a huge Temple to Zeus.  Snakes would be used for healing; there were rooms where one would sleep with snakes in the hope that the serpents would crawl over them and give them good dreams, and healing. The Christian theologian and leader Antipas was burned alive and killed at the altar to Zeus.  This “throne of Satan” was later moved to Berlin and reconstructed by 1930, just in time for Adolph Hitler.  This throne and altar inspired Hitler’s torch parades and “Cathedral of Light” created by dozens of spotlights pointing to heaven.  Hitler employed “Hollywood Stars” to add to this German mystique.  Soon he formed the Nuremberg Laws which removed citizenship from the Jews setting them up for the “final solution,” the Holocaust.  Was this another “burnt offering” to Satan, just as Antipas was thousands of years earlier?

We may see Turkey making more alliances with nations like Russia and Iran in the near future, as it contends with both Israel and America.  Recently Erdogan, the self proclaimed dictator of Turkey, told America and Israel that moving the embassy to Jerusalem “was their red line.”  Iran has already told us that rescinding the Iran agreement established by Obama, would be crossing a red line, with severe consequences.  Here in May we also have the potential conference between Kim of North Korea and Trump.  Is this another trap or smokescreen from North Korea for a surprise attack on the South or on us?   We are entering a very precarious period with ominous signs.  Some of those signs are of natural order such as the 3 surprise eruptions of a normally “dormant” Steamboat geyser in Yellowstone (which produces a geyser 10X the volume of Old Faithful) and the fierce eruption of the volcano on the large island in Hawaii.  This is a volcanic island like many in the Pacific that are now very active.  There are earthquakes happening all around the ring of fire surrounding the entire Pacific ocean.  Does all this portend of a massive earthquake in California?



Victory in Christ

So many people claim Christianity because they live in America, went to church, have parents that were Christians, or have the cultural experience. Unfortunately Christianity is not a club, membership, work achievement, nor award.  It is completely irrevocably different than any religion. Religion by definition is man made and implies that mankind must do something in order achieve “membership” or acceptance. The Creator of the Universe has always opposed these man designed religions as being counterfeit attempts to distort His message of Redemption.  Redemption implies what was Lost can be Regained.  The fact is “religion” was the means that Satan used to deceive man, for it required man to do something in order to find a “higher truth”. “Take a bite of this for you surely will not die”. “You will instead have knowledge of the beyond.”  That Fall had supernatural consequences that requires a supernatural solution instituted by God to reconcile and restore man back into an “eye to eye” relationship with God.
We do not need a religion of man-made promises, nor any man-made god. This is exactly what our adversary wants us to focus on. A true faith in God is just the opposite – it is a relationship with the God who created you and knows you and loves you more than you know. It is a free Gift. “For it is by Grace through Faith that you have been saved, it is not of works, so that no one can boast.” Just ask God by Faith and He will Answer.  “If you confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that he rose from the dead, you will be saved.”
The Christian Faith is about a position that requires possession.  The Position is “son or daughter adopted into God’s family,” or “child of God,” or “saint-priest-disciple/follower of Jesus Christ.”  Those saved are forgiven, redeemed from sin, purchased by His Blood and immune from God’s wrath.   It is a special relationship with God who created man in His image and established the concept of partnership, servant-hood, priest-hood, marriage, and family.  Having been sealed with the Holy Spirit, each saved individual should be drawn to possess a desire to know God and His message and have fellowship with one another in Worship to God.  It is like receiving a Gift that is so great and awesome one cannot stop thanking God.  One, however, cannot possess this Gift unless you ask for it and receive it by faith.
As we experience God in Life and in His Word and with others, we grow in the Fruit of the Spirit and the Armor of God.  As the relationship grows we are draw by His Awesome Love, Power, Truth, and Peace.  Many people have positional victory, yet do not possess the fruits, truths, and crowns of victory that are given to all who believe and trust in Him.  The confused or immature believer often clings to the familiar and attractive,  to his or her worldly trophies and habits.  These will hold the believer back and keep them from enjoying the presence and power of the Holy Spirit and a relationship with the Living God.  Instead of putting on the full armor of God and growing in the Fruit of the Spirit the person languishes on the desires of the flesh and is distracted by the wiles of Satan the dark forces of this world.
The believer will be lifted up and protected in the everlasting love of the Father, under the Blood of Jesus Christ, and the direction of the Spirit.  The problem arises when that person does not know how to receive the freeing Promises that God offers us.  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and He will make your path straight; fear God and do not be wise in your own eyes…”  Take possession of what God wants to give you.  You are a winner.  Victors, however, must have tests and challenges.  God will use those tests to teach you to stand for Christ.  You will grow in Him and will become a victor under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Celebrating Life & His Resurrection – Message to the Jew, the Lost & the Saved.

The Bible says Rejoice -  Stand firm – Resist the Devil – He (God) who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.  We are more than conquerors according to the Power of the Holy Spirit sealed within the new believer.  We are forgiven according to the Power of the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross.  We are sealed in His Promise because of faith in Him – in things not seen, the substance of things hoped for. Faith is like a tiny seed that must first die to live, but then will grow into a great and wonderful tree of life.  Our Faith in Jesus Christ sets us free forever, transforming our lives and bringing peace beyond understanding.

WHAT I LEARNED ON a recent trip to MALTA :  1) Having a “HIGH” education and intellect does not insure a mind of logic and truth.  Found this out today during our tour, from a well-dressed young lady who hit a car as she was pulling out from her parked spot.  Since she did not see the car which came in from around a corner, she felt it was not her fault and would not give the man insurance information.   And because we are in Malta and the police are hard to be found we had to wait over 30 minutes in the bus on a very narrow, ancient city street.  Our great achievements in science, engineering, & transportation were not going to make a difference.  We were trapped by history & human frailty and pure stubborness.

2) When Bad things happen do not despair, God can use the ugly, the bad, and the mistake to make something very good!  Only He can make a curse into a blessing. I had planned this Malta trip months ago with Angie and she broke her hip a month or so later, and therefore,  I thought the trip would be  hampered in a major way.   As it turns out, someone in a wheel chair gets through the security and boarding lines 10 times faster especially in the mass of humanity in Turkey and other places we flew (7 different planes)!

3)  Miracles are real!  Paul was bit by a viper and the people of Malta wanted to make him God when they saw that it did not affect him.  He refused their offer and pointed to the Truth of the Gospel then proceeded to heal the sick for 3 months .  During WWII an enemy bomber dropped a 500 lb. bomb onto the dome of the Mostra Cathedral.   The church was full of people trying to escape the bombing.  The bomb penetrated the heavy dome and hit the floor below skidding across the sanctuary towards the entrance.  It did not explode nor did it injure anyone!  Just one more “healing” – “salvation” miracle!

4) God blessed us by keeping the rain away reminding us how water and wind became the means through which the Apostle Paul a prisoner onboard a Roman supply vessel became shipwrecked off the Bay where we were staying.  Paul ended up staying on the island for 3 months during which time he miraculously healed many sick people. Eventually he was transported to Rome where he later was executed.  That island became a beacon of Christianity and the “Hospital” island of the Mediterranean.  The Knights of St. John who defeated the Ottoman invasion were most known for their skills in not only building hospitals but also in treating patients with methods they developed.  They were not crusaders, yet many died defending the Bible and the island  – they were Men from 8 nations- hence the eight points on the Maltese cross. They were called Knight Hospitaliers.

5) When returning to the US, we missed the Winter Bomb of early March in the North East by arriving a couple of days after the first one hit, and left a day before the next storm came in.  We were able to transfer to Washington DC to visit the White House and the Museum of the Bible:  “Washington Revelations” takes you by “jet drone” to all the Biblical quotes on Federal buildings, statues, and other museums. There is a special area on the writing of “Amazing Grace” and one on Sciences – Kepler, Copernicus, Galileo, George Washington Carver, and Newton.  There is also a great presentation on the 1st revival in America led by Whitfield, Nazareth at the time of Jesus, the writing of the Bible and all the martyrs and efforts to preserve the Word of God.  We learned how valuable the Word is to tribes worldwide – there are over 500 translations into various tribal languages.  One section was devoted to a new city found in Israel that many believe is the “city of 2 gates” where the Philistines fled after David killed Goliath.  Another one on how Christianity and the Bible has affected the American Culture- allowing one to listen to dozens of songs by different musicians and singers.

On the trip I had the opportunity to finish reading The Paradigm and had time to reflect on its import.  In my book, COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN,  I also discuss a “paradigm” one that connects the 1st century 70- year prophetic period of Christ’s birth to the 70-year Prophetic Generation of the birth of Israel. Both have a 20 year “maturation” period, then a 50-year period of global spread and importance.  As the church spread, its leaders were attacked then in 67 AD Peter and Paul were executed.  Likewise, Israel has had attacks from all its neighbors.  The threat to the cross, church and Israel continue to this day.  These parallels in history are no coincidence. 

In this letter I want to remind the reader of the most important day in the History of the World.  Out of nowhere a man like no other man threw the powers of the world on its heels.  Even though the prophets had forewarned of this moment, few recognized the Truth in front of them.  In many ways it was like the Days of Noah –for which the world did not listen and was judged by water (here we have the water motif again). John the Baptist came to baptize the sinner with water and Jesus came to baptize them by the fire of the Holy Spirit.

When He rose from the dead, he preached for 40 days then Ascended into Heaven.  Ten days later the Holy Spirit came in fire upon those gathered at Shavout or what we call Pentecost.  This year’s Resurrection Celebration comes on April 1 which is April Fool’s day for the first time in many decades.  It is fitting for this is the Day that Satan was fooled into thinking that he would defeat God and win dominion over mankind.  Those who submit to the Lies of the World, choosing self & denying the person of God are also fools.  Many try to use God through legalism and misuse of the Word to accomplish their own purpose.  Jesus could have been King and Priest of a Great Kingdom at Satan’s bequest, but He chose to die a cruel death on the cross in order to be our Savior.  He defeated Satan, death, and sin offering us the Gift of Eternal Life.

To the World and to the Jew, God asks why do you think that you have earned your Salvation? I am not your King. I AM the Lamb Of God who paid the Price for your sins. I AM the Gift of Salvation offered to those who believe in me. I AM, Jesus Christ, your Redeemer the Holy One of Israel, who cleanses one of sin. I AM the only Salvation from SIN. By my scourging you are healed; not by might nor by power but by my Spirit.

The Jews did not look for a Savior. They wanted A King to give them what they deserved…and in a perverted way this is what anyone who does not know God seeks. One feels deserving of vindication and honor by whatever works they have done. To Jews, Israel is the suffering servant., yet in the scripture it is obvious that Isaiah is NOT speaking of a nation but of a redeemer. Isaiah 53 is the guilty conscious of the Jews. Israel is not a righteous sinless people suffering for the world. This can only be the person of Jesus Christ. Israel has no need for a sacrifice nor a mediator- all they want is a King to rescue them from suffering. They expect exaltation for their goodness. So ask a Jew if he or she needs a Savior? A sinner, and the most “righteous” person, can only be right with God, if his or her sins are completely paid for vicariously by a slain Savior, the Blood of the Lamb.  This is a picture of the sacrificial system that God set up in the Temple for Israel.  God provided that sacrificial template to prepare them for the Messiah that would save them!

Our Savior died for sin and rose from the dead conquering death and sin. He is not a worldly king, but He is King of Kings, Lord of Lords. He is Jesus Christ, the Risen Savior.    Our Servant King, Jesus Christ bore our iniquities and Paid the ultimate price for our sins. He is our chosen One in which our soul rejoices. He alone is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.



On page 67 of my book, COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN,  I discuss a very interesting “parallel in time” related to two 70-year Prophetic Generations each consisting of a 50-year Jubilee, and a 20-year “maturing” period. The birth of Jesus Christ in 2 BC (read my blog post showing why this date of birth is the correct one), and the birth of Israel in 1947-48 begin this mirror image parallel.  The parallel is broken up into a 20-year period and a 50-year one.  The date 1967 when Israel fought the miraculous 6-Day war after maturing into a capable fighting force with a solid economy runs parallel to 17 AD when the Son of God, Jesus Christ became of age 20 which was the tradition age in Israel to serve and give offerings.  Both introduce the next stage of maturation, where they impact the world with their shared power and aid.   Jesus will heal the multitudes through miracles while Israel will heal countless people through their advanced medical research and production.  They will also give all kinds of international aid (including high tech irrigation techniques and earthquake recovery). Jesus will transform the world with the New Covenant of Grace while Israel and the Messianic Church will transform the world through peaceful missions, life changing ministries, and Nobel winning discoveries in every profession including medicine, economics, and physics.

Add 50 years or one Jubilee to make our time of 2017-18 AD, we have seen the death of Billy Graham which runs parallel to 67-68 AD and the death of both Paul and Peter.  Their death left the church without the most influential leaders.  Right before their death something else of great significance happened: the “abomination of the Temple” or the date when the Romans brought their banners and standards of Caesar Titus into the Temple sanctuary.  In parallel, today’s church has in the last couple of years taken a big fall into Apostasy.  Barna Research has shown that only 28% of pastors had a Biblical World view.  The rest compromised their trust in the Word of God by not believing that the Word of God is reliable enough to be called inerrant and non-contradictory!  Check out the chart on page 67 of the book.

Both 70-year periods introduce a new paradigm in history.  After 67-68 AD the church would continue to grow outward away from Jerusalem and Judea, and persecution would continue until the Christian revival under Emperor Constantine. Both Christians and Jews would be dispersed throughout the Empire and beyond.  We still do not completely know what transformations will happen after our 2017-18 period, but there are many “new beginnings” occurring as the church is starting to make a comeback in national affairs and influence.  In contrast many prideful leaders have risen to new heights, then fallen completely from national grace.  This includes Congressman Conyers, Hillary Clinton, Judge Moore, and many “stars” in Hollywood and the media. There is much more explained in other posts on the blog, ToGodBtheGlory.org and in my book.  This birth, maturation and transformation parallel has similarities to the one explained in the book, Paradigm, by Jonathan Cahn.  The parallels between Ahab, Jezebel, Joram, and Jehu with Bill and Hillary Clinton, Obama, and Trump is startling.  There are many details in these unique paradigms discussed in his book and mine that will shake you up and help you to realize that God is in complete control of historical events and the affairs of man.  Read more in the next post on the Resurrection.

Apostasy and Forgiveness – an Easter Message

Jesus brought compassion and forgiveness to a world full of religious and secular laws and regulations.  The Romans had introduced Pax Romana and a new order to a world full of chaos and war, but they did it by brute force.  They ruled and dictated from the thrown of Caesar who called himself God.  Ironically the religious leaders of Israel were just as egregious in their assault on the soul and Spirit of mankind.  In fact their sin was worse considering their divine position and message  had been awarded to them by God himself.  Now because they had twisted the spirit of His Word and Promise they would receive His curses and woes. Blinded by their own self-righteousness they thought that they were better than the kings and leaders of the past that had persecuted & killed the Prophets.

Little did these religious leaders know that they would soon kill the Son of God in a blind rage of jealousy and revenge.  Jesus had told them just before his Crucifixion, “You shut the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces.  For you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in,” Mt. 23:13.  Not only had these leaders rejected Jesus but they “had strained gnats” to make new laws to subjugate the people. They were actually preventing people from coming into a relationship with God.   Is this a form of smoke screen and control that is being used today in the modern church?

I believe that it is, but in a more devious and subtle form.   Both Liturgy and the pro-culture, emergent concept draw people away from the Truth and from an intimate relationship with God.  What is Truth without both Love and Obedience to the Word? What is Truth without teaching the whole Bible and the Name of God in every aspect of Life and Creation?  What is Truth if we compromise with the world system in order to fit in?  What is Truth when Lies are embedded in the liturgy, the teaching of the historical book of Genesis, the foundational doctrine of God’s Word and the nature of God?  The Spirit of God is hindered by lies and by rules that do not exhibit the Grace of God and the fruits of the Spirit.

We all make mistakes and God is above all willing to forgive the sin and restore the sinner.  After all this is why God sent His Son to die for us.  By shedding His blood God would be making propitiation for us.  Our sins will be forgiven.  This is why if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins.  God is Just and His Mercies are new every morning.

Life’s accidents and mistakes will trip us up. This is part and parcel to the fall of Creation. In writing my book, COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN, I made requests from the publisher to make changes.  In some cases those changes were not made, and the errors have therefore persisted.  It saddens me, because the book is for both the believer and unbeliever to see the Word of God in a fresh way – free of the myopia that distorts and constrains the “Spirit and Truth of the Word.”  One of those distortions for example is the concept of macro-evolution and a “limited flood”.  Both are lies that cloud the mind and hinder the Spirit of God.  They in many ways “shut the door of the kingdom of heaven” to those who attend church.  These non-believers and some confused believers are not nourished by the Truth and never sense the  “Power of the Spirit”.  In many instances they are learning the lingo  and the external shape of the walk, but do not really partake of an intimate relationship with God.  The mistake that the publisher failed to change was a simple one: I had asked that they change the word “2nd” to “First” in relation to Solomon’s Temple.  I had in a moment mental fatigue typed in the wrong info.  This stupid mistake has been carried forth into my new printing and I am saddened – since I clearly asked them to change it!