
Revival has to start with the Church –BUT the preaching of repentance needs to be taken in by the Believer and not just the lost. We have to live in and think on God’s Truth with the Gospel on our lips: the Apostle Peter says, “Be Holy in All Your Behavior because Christ is Holy.” We have handsome well-spoken preachers representing the Church yet failing to see the wave or Perfect Storm that is coming. They are not seeing with eyes that see.
Do you realize that many states such as Utah, New Mexico, Nevada and others give a 35% tax break to movies produced in their state? In other words, a movie that denigrates Christianity, moral values, and Truth is being subsidized by all the taxpayers of that state. Do you realize that that movie is then marketed all over the world – so that we are GUILTY of poisoning the minds and spirits of people throughout the world? We are by far the greatest prolific creators of Horror, Sex, and Blood movies — and this genre is one of the fastest growing. Maybe this is why we are seeing our nation fall into the hands of two of the lamest leaders any nation in the world has ever seen! Maybe that is why we are losing respect all over the world. So what? What comes next is “horror” because the Word itself forewarns us…..the spiritual war will be manifested to a greater extent in the total collapse of our nation internally and externally.
When the dollar falls and our leaders betray us we will be held accountable for the world’s greatest debt that has ever been conceived—that means ownership by our enemies both natural and supernatural. And you think Global warming will be important? That will be the least of our worries. Remember the great prophet Samuel and the Temple leaders Eli and his sons? In many ways, we are in a similar situation. Israel had a king, Saul, who blamed his problems on others and who was turning his back on God.
The High Priest was the FAT ELI representing the FAT Church of today that has grown prosperous on the earnings and wealth of many ill gains and greedy pursuits. Even many elders and deacons are guilty of ill-gotten wealth taken off the backs of widows, orphans, and the downtrodden. The church has turned a blind eye to its teaching of evolution and other lies. Some churches teach that there is no Hell yet Jesus spoke more about Hell than Heaven. Eli’s two sons corrupted the Temple — and so has become the Church of today in America. The Leaders and most of the congregants are more concerned about profit and agendas than with the simple sharing of the Gospel. They even teach the LIE — relying on old traditions, falsehoods, and their own lack of discernment. FEW study the Word of God and FEW see with eyes that can see. FEW hear the Word and hear with ears that can hear. Like the FAT Eli who died when he fell off his chair — America has become an embarrassment of global magnitude.
The Perfect Storm is approaching —- the supply chains are breaking and the war has not even started. China is convulsing and miles of ships are backed up, wheat fields are barren and the price of bread will soon shoot up, factories in Europe are slowing due to lack of fuel, baby food is in hard supply due to spoilage, famine is in African and growing into a storm that will rock the world, and people are just sitting in front of their TV’s enjoying the LIES and the Pictures of other people’s pain—- like the Days of Noah but at a grander scale that will make dictator’s like Putin laugh even louder when the fire is unleashed on the great power brokers and elites of the world system. God has given us prophets like Samuel to forewarn us. Jonathan Cahn has a movie coming out tonight that is called The Harbingers of Things to Come and you can watch Jason Sobel on TBN to hear the deeper Truth in the Torah and the Bible. WE DO NOT HAVE MUCH TIME. You can also read any of the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown series offered at Amazon for a lowered price—- in fact my friend and I give away FREE books at White Rock Lake in Dallas —-every Sunday 2-5 pm…..when weather permits. OUR Gospel ministry is called Answers on the Rock. We will also pray for anyone at any time anywhere. 
Just listened to David Jeremiah and he gave a good talk on the 2nd Coming and quoted Isaiah 9:6-7, “For to us a child is born,  to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon4 his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it..”
David proceeded to reveal that IT IS OBVIOUS THAT ISAIAH IS SEEING THE COMING FROM A DISTANCE AS IF MOUNTAINS AND THAT THERE REALLY IS A LONG TIME BETWEEN THE BIRTH AND HIS RETURN TO SIT ON THE THRONE OF DAVID. HE SAID THAT THE OLD TESTAMENT PROPHETS OFTEN DID THIS.  YES, this is obviously true yet YOU, David Jeremiah, and most other TV Prophecy Gurus refuse to see this as a reality in New Testament prophecy given to John on the Isle of Patmos.
Why are David and other teachers of prophecy unable to see that God is allowing the same extension of time in the prophecy of Revelation 12 when John sees the child about to be born and the serpent awaiting his birth so that he can “devour it.”  David Jeremiah and others refuse to understand that the Revelation given to John spans hundreds and thousands of years just as Isaiah’s did: from the birth of Jesus to now and into our future. The “child” Jesus was NEVER under the threat of being “devoured” by Satan and a few words later Revelation 12 states that “He is raptured” before the Serpent or Dragon can get to him. People like David say that that was the Ascension. Really!!!! Are they saying that Jesus in his Glorified body was under any threat by the Dragon??? It is amazing to me how blind our modern-day interpreters of prophecy can be. This is why I HAD TO WRITE THE BOOK: COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN: THE FIG TREE & THE PROPHETIC GENERATION ALONG WITH TWO SEQUELS TO KEEP YOU INFORMED.

Watchman on the Wall- a LIGHT to our Path

If I could I would yell from the rooftops like the watchman on the wall – for the Church to wake up — the tidal wave is coming. God is trying to get your attention yet you are focused on agendas, old worn-out theology, bad thinking, and protecting your turf. When will pastors take a long look at the warnings, reevaluate their prejudices and myopic insight, and see the Truth declared in His Word. As the last post showed many Jews in ancient times understood that there was and is a deeper truth beyond the declared truth in the Torah or in God’s Word. I have given many examples in past posts and will give another good example related to one of the most revered passages in the New Testament.
Now understand that God created the heavens and He inspired the Great Prophet Daniel to write down what he had been shown. His scrolls were kept with him in Persia where he died. As a student at the American School in Teheran, Iran I was able to visit his tomb and had my first spiritual experience on those grounds. Here is what God says, “Behold Wise men from the East came to Jerusalem saying, ‘where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the East and are come to worship him.’ And when Herod heard this he was troubled and all of Jerusalem with him. “
Travelers in those days knew what a “Star” was and they came in two forms stationary stars and “wandering stars” or planets. So what is “his star.” They understood the significance of the “bright morning star” which was Venus and which moved in a steady pattern through the heavens. Jesus called himself the Bright Morning Star in Revelation 22:16, “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star” BUT over and over again pastors and scholars overlook the Book of Revelation, especially those in the cults and who are Covenant theologians–for the book of Revelation sinks their Eschatology and their false understanding of who Jesus Christ is. Note This: here is another reason why Isaiah 14 is not talking about Satan when the main character of the passage is thinking of himself as the “morning star” and rising above heaven— but is just a man who will fall —like Nebuchanazar or the King of Tyre.
There are some “influential scholars” who want to define this “star” as the Shechinah Glory which would make NO SENSE and would be an obvious break in the complete storyline! We know what the Shechinah Glory was and how it led the nation of Israel throughout the Wilderness Experience. Hence it was visible to the millions of people in that deliverance. There is NO EVIDENCE given in the WORD of GOD of this appearance to the masses of people—so why do we hear such absurd ideas? And why are they allowed to spread? I believe it is because a lot of MONEY is being used to distract us and generate smoke screens that are keeping the Truth of Prophecy from people!
Besides the moon, and regular stars, Venus would aid many of the nomadic people and travelers crisscrossing the long East-West deserts throughout the Middle East in the cool of the night. Star watchers also knew that Jupiter made surprising appearances that would act as an exclamation point – for it could do a series of retrograde moves around certain stars or constellations. If these retrograde moves would move back and forth in a key constellation or around a key star- that would draw the attention of these “Wise men” who used the Stars to both navigate and understand the scrolls that Daniel wrote. One of those key stars is Regulus which is at the Heart of Leo so when the Kingly wandering star, Jupiter, did an amazing retrograde motion around Regulus — it caught the attention of these wise men.
These were NOT dumb people and they knew the difference between a star and a comet—so NO COMET IS MENTIONED! Hence why have we not studied the Star Maps in order to see what stars might have “moved” at certain times around significant constellations or special stars? A special star would be one that Has Been Named By God to connect with His Promise in Genesis 3:15. Two Constellations fit this script: Virgo (the Virgin- Eve who God addresses in the Garden as He curses the Serpent). And Leo or the Lion which we know as the Lion of Judah- is the “hero-King” that will defeat the Serpent. This 1st promise or prophecy is KEY to the Lord’s return for it speaks of the Anointed One or King who will “crush the head of the seed of the Serpent.” This Anointed One will be the King of the Jews.
Hence a special movement of a wandering Star like Jupiter around Leo would draw special attention, especially around its heart. And this is what happened in 3-2 B.C. (recognized as the time of the birth of Jesus) – the retrograde motion lasted for months as the Wise men observed in the East then prepared for the trip…and sought further direction in Jerusalem. THEY might have also noticed the “scepter that shall rise out of Israel.” Note Num. 24:17- “I see him but not now, I behold him but not nigh: There shall come forth a star out of Jacob, a scepter shall rise out of Israel (an alignment of stars in the shape of a scepter formed during the 3-2 BC period).” All of the date details are mentioned in an exciting depiction on the website: .
Once they left Jerusalem they observed Venus move directly in front of them as it guided them to Bethlehem. After Herod told the wise men where or what city the prophets said that the Messiah would be born in, these “kings of the East, the Word states,” “And they having heard the king went their way; and lo, the star, which they saw in the East (Venus) went before them, till it came and stood before where the young child was.”
Note that Mary and Joseph stayed in Bethlehem almost up to the age of 2 partially because they had been unwed when they were “with child.” They wanted the anonymity that Bethlehem offered them. Then the angel told them to flee to Egypt- to protect them from Herod and again to fulfill prophecy (for as in the case of the nation– He would come out of Egypt). This also links Jesus Christ and His Return to the rebirth of the Nation of Israel in 1947-48. All this is tied together in the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: the Fig Tree and the Prophetic Generation—which ties all these factors together including the books of Daniel, Genesis & the book of Revelation. All the insights the Lord gave me in that book came true and now a follow-up book is being offered to you. The Lord motivated me to give away about 700 of the first book for free and you can get a copy from our ministry at White Rock Lake in Dallas near the intersection of West Lawther and Chapel Hill Road at 2-5 on Sunday afternoons. We have given away free books and prayed for people there for over 11 years now– it will soon be 12 years. Our ministry is called Answers on the Rock and The Lord has helped us bring the lost to Him, educating many in apologetics, and with the Holy Spirit teaching us as we share and surrender.
WHAT IS IMPORTANT ABOUT ALL THIS IS THAT THE PASTORS OR LEADERS THAT WE HAVE ENTRUSTED RESPONSIBILITY TO HAVE FAILED TO RELATE THESE FACTS TO ITS MEMBERS WHO WOULD THEN UNDERSTAND THAT GOD MIGHT USE THE SAME METHOD TO WARN ABOUT HIS 2ND COMING AS ILLUSTRATED IN THE KEY PASSAGE IN REVELATION 12 THAT IS CALLED THE “GREAT SIGN OF REVELATION 12.” This has probably happened because of the same problem that the Pharisees had which is “shortsightedness.” They were not taught this and never did put much thought into God’s Signs and in His Creation being key to understanding Prophecy. They were into the LAW and enforcing it as a means of righteousness. Another good example is that most pastoral students have NOT been taught apologetics and how to defend the faith against the cults, falsehoods such as evolution, and weak theology that does not meet the standard of time—example is the concept that Mt. Sinai is in Egypt—which goes against our knowledge of geography, geologic formations, military logic, and sociological studies among nomadic groups who know that the Mountain of the Law is in Saudi Arabia. Why are the seminaries allowing disinformation or deception to persist and spread? Those professors WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE BY GOD.
We also know from “deeper understandings in the Torah” that God would NOT have sent a fleeing Moses back into Egypt (which means confinement) as is the Catholic view of where Mt. Sinai is in southern Egypt. No Moses fled to Midian where the Midianite priest Jethro was located—and he did not herd his sheep in Egypt which would have been over 400 miles away around the Red Sea! So why do most pastors, and your Bible still show Mt. Sinai as being in Egypt? YOU should start asking questions and demanding answers because the Time is at Hand and you are being misled. This is the same accusation that God made concerning the smartest most disciplined leaders in His time, the Pharisees. God wants each of you to think for yourselves in prayer—which means He wants you to listen to Him and read His Word.
We are very likely to lose the next Presidential election considering that our leaders, the FBI, and other security services seem to be oblivious that the real threat to democracy is coming from non-profits and other nefarious organizations paying off thugs and mules to riot ONLY drop off thousands of ILLEGAL ballots at key locations where the last election was won BUT ALSO TO use every other method to garner fake votes whether it be electronically or be it through intimidation of the elderly or manipulation of the homeless. Unless we have a way to prevent this we might as well not have the next election. It would save the country a lot of money. We are being undermined by invisible agents that are working at night picking up ballots at those NGOs and other offices — and they are being paid by China, Soros, or Zuckerberg. Likewise, the rioters that are demonstrating in front of the Justices home are breaking the law while being paid to do so by these “secret” agencies. It would be easy to penetrate them but our justice department is just as corrupt.
I predict that we may even lose the next election coming up because these brazen infractions are NOT being prosecuted and the perpetrators are not being reprimanded in any way Shame on our President and the whole “perverted system of democracy” that is now controlling our politics and our media!!!!! JUDGEMENT IS COMING This I NOW BECAUSE GOD TELLS ME SO!!!!!!!!!!! We do not have much time left- Read Cosmic Crossroad Countdown–any one of the 3 books and you will see why. When you can use a few million dollars to harass even our top court or change an election it is worth much more than BILLIONS in Gold and believe me they will do it again and THIS TIME IN A MUCH MORE WIDESPREAD WAY–TO ALSO WIN CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! Please forward this email to as many as possible- God Bless America–if it is not too late and go see Jonathan Cahns new movie this Thursday called The Harbingers of Things to Come——–BUT DO SOMETHING or you will regret it—believe me you will regret it…….the countdown is on. And this message goes to family members all over America who are looking forward to vacations and fun…. who are so consumed with the pleasant things in life like baseball and tea parties—-WAKE UP —- again God is telling us to Open our Eyes and Hear His Voice—- We do NOT have much time.  Understand that behind all this are invisible forces that are just as real as those thugs– except that they are of a different world and offer fuel to the people’s anger, rationalization to their hatred, and defiance to their purpose.  They hate God, they hate Christians and they just want chaos to upend the established Judeo Christian authorship of our nation.  

The Prophetic Storm

Ukraine is a microcosm of what the end-time scenario may look like.  It was a member of the USSR as a national Republic and when the Soviet Union broke up the people voted to be independent. Under the Soviet Union, they were heavily repressed since Russia used the resources in Ukraine extensively. Farming, coal, and steel mills were the backbone of the economy and demanded long work in often harsh conditions. Ukraine had already paid a very heavy price in WWII with a loss of more than 1/4 of its adult population. So with the open doors of freedom and the temptations of the West, one can imagine how easy it was for the youth and the repressed to seek outlets and comfort in every form of vice and venture. Crime and cults spread along with every form of the underground enterprise including computer hacking, cyber theft, sex trafficking, and pornography, leaving behind waves of victims. Christian missions helped those affected by alcoholism, drug addictions, and rampant abortions. Amazingly in the midst of this darkness and despair, the economy of the nation thrived and the Christianity faith spread.

What is amazing is that a man whose family had paid a heavy price in the war, and who was one of those lost kids in the Ukraine transition.- made it through the maze of temptations to become a good family man and leader of the nation. And what may be prophetic is the very fact that he is Jewish. Israel is beginning to play a big part in the process of finding an answer to the war. Besides IDF commandos training Ukrainian troops, the nation of Israel has supplied a very sophisticated field hospital and is working behind the scenes to bring the opposing forces to the peace table. Hence the Middle East where Russia has more forces than any other foreign power and where Israel is under threat from a Biden treaty with radical Iran could play a key part in “world peace” and in a “peace covenant”.
The “Great Sign of Revelation 12,” which included the 4 Blood Moons, the Great American Solar Eclipse, the conjunction of Venus & Jupiter as they moved together for 400 days throughout the Solar System and ended up in the womb of Virgo (Jupiter staying for just over 9 months or the gestation period of a baby) should have gotten people’s attention- BUT like the Bethlehem Star, it was barely noticed– ironically it was pagan astronomers who brought it to the attention of scientists throughout the world. This paralleled the TIME of the first coming of Jesus Christ when it was only the pagan Magi that saw the Sign and worshipped the baby King of Kings.
One Church enduring trials is the church in China. The CCP or Communist Chinese Party has imprisoned not only millions of minorities such as the Uyghurs but also many who do not follow the party line. It has murdered hundreds of millions of babies, especially girls, and executed 100 million during the Maoist purge.  Now, this is the main source of goods in our materialistic society.  Both the NBA and DISNEY make millions or billions on their goodwill.  Companies like this have sold their soul and morality to MONEY.  What will happen if China attacks and demolishes Taiwan in order to take the whole country captive?
As we study the progression of rebellion, deception, lies, and other sins in our world system we can see why God has started the final countdown. Over 860,000 Americans are among the millions killed by the “Invisible Attack” of Covid-19 which was probably a weaponized virus. Another 100,000 or more have been killed by Chinese smuggled fentanyl and other drugs. China has hacked our systems and has ravaged our industrial and creative base along with many of our protected copyrights. The CCP is a Transnational Criminal Organization impacting people all over the world in a destructive way.  Within its own boundaries, it has an ongoing organ harvesting or slavery of Christians, the Falun Gong, Uyghurs, and other minorities.
It is watching what the “free world” does concerning the brutal attack upon the masses in Ukraine. China is being empowered by the weak-willed nations and is like a lion ready to pounce on Taiwan (which produces most of the world’s chips). The belly of the China-Russia beast is also being fed by a Media that has sold its soul to the great Dragon – Satan- as promised by the Great Sign of Revelation 12.  Ukraine and what is going on in China is just the beginning of the Dragon’s scourge.
The Great Sign of Revelation 12 forewarned us of the “Invisible attack” that we just endured with Covid-19. In the first Cosmic Crossroad Countdown book printed in 2017 weeks before the Solar Eclipse and the Great Sign, there were 7 insights that came true exactly as the Lord presented to the author. The major ones were 1) Storms would hit America soon after that spectacular Solar Eclipse- a shadow across the land from sea to sea 2) There would be an Invisible attack coming from both natural and supernatural sources- and sure enough we saw great changes in the “mentality and behavior” of our masses and our leaders plus we had not only silent cyber and hacking attacks but we also had the scourge of Covid at every level and sector of society. 3) We then had New Beginnings affecting us at home, work, and all over the world with changes in governments, travel, sports, zoom technology, virus passports, etc. 4) Those events pushed a large population of Jews out of New York City to migrate to Israel. This happened to Jews living elsewhere as they fled activities by Russia and other nations that have grown more radical and warlike.
The Great Sign also gives warnings about war both natural and supernatural. We are seeing how Israel may be dynamically tied to the war in Ukraine for many reasons besides the fact that it is one of few countries in the world led by a Jew. The IDF is helping train the Ukrainian soldiers and provide them with much-needed drones that do not have Chinese chips. Israel is also providing a state-of-the-art field hospital. All of this is generating a Perfect Storm of events that may prepare the stage for the Anti-Christ and the 10-horned beast. Ukraine in fact is a microcosm of the Seal Judgments: 1) after being set free from Russian suppression it fell into the well-spring of temptation, crime, the lies of cults, sexual immorality, sex trafficking, and other corruption. This is what the White Horse of the Apocalypse represents. 2) Now the Red Horse has brought war and conflagration. 3) soon the Black Horse will cause more famine, more dislocations, and the loss of work and balanced trade. This is not the first 3 Seals of Revelation but they foreshadow what is about to come.