2024 and the Coming Tribulation

Do not give up, persevere and God will help you as you seek His guidance….. this will be one of the most difficult years on record for America and in many ways for the world. Keep your heart focused on God as events unfold. God has already fulfilled 4 Great Prophecies in the last 76 years. 1) He has regathered the Jewish people 2) He reestablished the Jewish Nation 3) In a Miracle war God returned Jerusalem to Jewish control. 4) Now God is setting the stage for the Anti-Christ through Israel. These all point to a generational fulfillment of key prophecies from most of the minor and major prophets in the Old Testament.

In other words the rest of Prophecy is about to be fulfilled and we will soon see America weakened so that the war of Gog and Magog may be fulfilled. To further understand other Signs and Warnings that point to what is coming read the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown series…. everything in the first book has already come true. Trump was not destined to win and the invisible war or agent that undermined all levels and sectors throughout the world was forewarned by God’s Great Sign of the Woman in Revelation 12. I purposefully lowered the price of the books so that everyone can afford them, and all profits are donated.

As part of the Sign Satan is cast down and is now furiously trying to get back at God and His people. As part of this sign, Bosra and the area north of Petra will become a place of refuge for Jews during the Tribulation. All of this is also confirmed in the Old Testament prophecies. And note that Jesus Christ himself confirms that birth pains will lead to rebellion and rebellion to the Tribulation and the Abomination of Desolation. Jesus also confirms the existence and history of Adam and Eve, Noah, and even Jonah.

Here is a dangerous progression of current events: 1) Houthis missile positions and storage areas bombed and the assasination in Lebanon of Hamas leader for Samaria and Judea, 2) one hundred or more killed by ISIS bombs at Suleimani’s memoria and Houthis hit multiple ships with missiles, 3) Israel strikes the Damascus airport killing 11 of the top military operatives for the Iranian proxies in the region 4) and Israel kills Iran’s Brigadier General and Iran captures Greek ship in the Gulf of Oman. Mix this with the Gaza war, increased military action in Lebanon along with Turkey and Russia aledgedly moving forces under a UN flag to the border. Will a much bigger war ignite? Everything suggests it will happen especially since we have weak leadership at the very top and since Iran is bent on retaliation and in generating total chaos to usher in the 12th Iman.

The Bible states that there will be a big war in the region and that Damascus will be destroyed. This war is described in Ezekiel 38 and involves nations thought to be Russia as Magog, and Turkey as Tubal, and Iran as Persia. The one element preventing this war from happening is America and our military.

Most students of the military end time Prophecy believe that U.S. will be internally or externally compromised by either a Trojan horse-like attack (Biden inviting into our nation 8-9 million illegal immigrants with thousands of other get-a-ways who could be Iranian or Chinese saboteurs and terrorists). This will mimic the Persian victory over Babylon where Babylon fell in one day due to a surprise internal and external attack. Ironically Persia or Iran will be part of this attack since Hezbollah an Iranian proxy has thousands of agents in dozens of cells within our nation (the FBI reported on this over 5 years ago). Read the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown series to understand how explicitly God has warned us with both great Signs and Warnings — in Genesis, in the books of the Prophets, in the book of Revelation, in Generational markers such as the Jubilee, in Mathew 24, many other warnings spoken by Jesus Christ, and with a powerful Sign in the Stars, Moon, and Planets (or Lights) much like the “Bethlehem Star” marking His 1st Coming.

Russia did not make a single sale at the big Dubai military airshow this year. A large part of this decline is due to competition from other nations that are new players in the game. With the poor performance of Russian military equipment in Ukraine, sales have dropped considerably since 2022. The sanctions have not helped and the Russians are having a hard time producing their top of line planes and other equipment because they depend on foreign chips that are not available to them anymore. Hence Russian resources are being depleted. The price of oil has fallen and so has the price for fertilizer and other products that they make any money from.

Putin is being backed into a corner and Xi, the leader in China, is ambitious and ready to take over Taiwan. He sees the world distracted by two wars and their lack of resources to fight another war. Again he sees Biden as an extremely weak adversary. This does not bode well for 2024 especially since both North Korea and Iran are eager to launch nuclear missiles — for no reason except to cause chaos and maybe gain some advantage. The hope of this coming war is a lie that has been whispered in their ear by the demonic world. Those same demons motivated Hamas in their Oct 7th attack. It is motivating Jew hatred around the world and a desire to glorify a dark evil instead of Jesus Christ.  This is connected to another fulfillment of prophecy as Jews from around the world are seeking to leave their homelands and Return to Zion.

To all you Catholics, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and others who entirely endorse Replacement Theology, this is for you.  Notice that the Lord’s prayer states, “on earth as it is in heaven” which is a reference to the God’s Promise through the Prophets in the Old Testament that He will literally return in His 2nd Coming to establish His kingdom on earth for 1000 years. This Promise is then repeated in the last book of the New Testament (revealed to John and to the Church to encourage them for it lays out the future-“on earth as it is in heaven”) For Example Isaiah states: “The wolf will dwell with the lamb,” -“And the wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little boy will lead them”. Isaiah 11:6 or “The wolf and the lamb shall graze together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox; and dust shall be the serpent’s food. They shall do no evil or harm in all My holy mountain,” says the LORD. Isaiah 65:25. The book of Revelation reveals that after a Great Tribulation in which Satan and his angels along with the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet will be defeated there will be a 1000-year Kingdom on Earth in which Jesus Christ will reign on His throne in Jerusalem:

Revelation 20:2-7: “He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time. I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshipped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. ” Rev. 20:2-7.

Those that did worship the beast and received the mark on their foreheads will face the Great White Throne Judgment in which God will judge the living and the dead…..casting into Hell those who choose to reject God and His Gift of Salvation which is Given through the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.


The 2024 Tribulation: UFOs and Satan vs. God

There is a real Satan, the Prince of the power of the air, who has dominion on the earth and is skilled in deception. Is it just a coincidence that there are so many movies presenting UFO-alien scenarios and superhero vs. sci-fi creatures? Why is there so much UFO talk by pilots, military officers, scientists, and those who claim to have been abducted in a UFO event? Now the media and the government have taken up the mantle. Is the stage being set for a supernatural disappearance of millions of people? Now ask yourself what country has by far the greatest amount of Christian leadership with many active in key strategic areas such as doctors, nurses, engineers, politicians, judges, police officers, and military personnel. I believe America is far ahead of any nation in this unique blessing. God blessed us with a Christian foundation not only in law but also in our historical and educational narrative. This is diminishing before our eyes and maybe this is one reason why God has prepared this time for His soon Return and is thus giving so many Signs and Warnings.

The problem is magnified by fact that our leadership is weak and compromised. Who in their right mind would purposefully open their national borders to a world of very needy people, criminals, and potential Trojan horse invaders? Who would do this as a nation tried to recover from an economic collapse, a pandemic, and the real threat from Chinese and Arab infiltrators that have promised to retaliate against our nation? Right now we cannot even produce enough Patriot missiles to arm Ukraine, Israel, and our troops overseas. Our nation may be more vulnerable now than any time since the revolutionary war.  But consider this: maybe God has allowed this all to happen for a reason—   these events fit His divine Timetable and allow His Prophetic Promises to be fulfilled.

There are, however, a few institutions or situations that are still a huge obstacle for Satan and our other enemies as they prepare the way for a non-American global Anti-Christ. The biggest and most powerful obstacle is the Church and the next are those nations and governments that have been supported or propped up by America. These include Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and those nations that face the Russian and Chinese front. When the rapture comes America will fall quickly affecting the remaining leadership and internal fortitude in those other nations. With those key “Arab nations” turning against the now weakened Israel, and with an emboldened Gog and Magog (Putin and Russia), Iran and other incited forces such as Syria will quickly seek to retaliate against Israel. This will be the war of Ezekiel 38. America’s defenses will collapse as our remaining forces retaliate against Russia and China. The White, Red, Black, and Pale Horses of the Apocalypse will quickly follow destroying 1/4 of the earth with 1/4 of the population.

Many will come to faith as they witness this world catastrophe and the disappearance of so many Christians they knew. Their blood will be shed on earth by the resulting rebellion, anarchy, and chaos. Their spiritual blood will appear at the altar in heaven crying out for vengeance, the 5th Seal (this is a good example of how God fulfills the Lord’s prayer- “on earth as it is in heaven). Then a massive earthquake will strike the earth and all the mountains, and all the islands will shake causing the “kings” of the earth to flee into “caves” as they cry out to God for mercy. The massive amount of dust, fire, and smoke will cause the moon to appear as blood and the sun will be darkened (read the Seal #6 in Chapter 6). Then as the nations of the world work to select a leader under a one-world currency, the Anti-Christ will make his appearance. Satan will first empower the False Prophet who will then help direct and groom the Anti-Christ to be leader of the 10 Horns or Kings of Power on Earth.

Read the prophetic book that has come true -Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Fig Tree and the Prophetic Generation- along with the 3rd in the Series warning of Tribulation 2024.

Dr. Hofmann’s Book Reviews

Book 1:  Dentistry Xposed:  DentistryXposed by Dr. Peter Hofmann is a book written by a man with 43 years of experience as an urban and wilderness dentist. The first few pages of this book got me hooked, as it promises to be a health advocate for those who cannot afford the modern hospital. The truth is that every human being has one or more health concerns. Coming across a book that promises cost-effective tips on staying healthy will surely get your attention. If you want to know about the challenges of modern dentistry, foods that help fight tooth decay, the importance of fibrous foods, and the only recommended healthy sugar, then make sure you finish reading this book.

This book focuses mainly on dentistry practice, the challenges of a modern-day dentist, and the way forward. In advising on how to choose a dental treatment, the author advised you to wait or go online to websites like PubMed or Medline when in doubt about a medical procedure.

The thing I like about this book is that it made me aware of my teeth. I never knew that teeth could erode from over-brushing. My prior conviction is that, just like a dirty cloth, the more you wash and brush your teeth, the cleaner you are. This book proved otherwise. Also, this book said it is good practice to rotate the use of a toothbrush, allowing each to dry out before reuse. This practice prevents bacterial recontamination.

After reading this book, I discovered that one of the greatest enemies of the tooth is sugar. If the world spends fewer billions to produce sugar when compared to the trillions it costs to treat sugar-related illnesses, then to tackle sugar diseases, we have to tackle its production. The healthy sugar recommended for use in this book is xylitol. If you want to learn about the health benefits of this healthy sugar, read the rest of this book.

Another thing I like about this book is the use of diagrams at some points to drive home the writer’s point. I admire the labeling of the parts of the teeth and their functions. Also, this book has a lot of words unique to dentistry. To make reading easier, the author did not leave the readers in the dark but defined the technical terms used in this book. I give it 5 stars.

Book #2  Cosmic Crossroad Countdown—the 3rd book in this exciting Trilogy.

Dr. Peter Hofmann, author of Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War & Final Chapter, unveils the coming events that will shape the future of the world. The series of events will challenge the status quo and bring about a new world order.  Dr. Hofmann draws from the ancient prophecies of the Bible and other sources to warn of a great and powerful war between the forces of light and darkness. He reveals God’s plan to humble the proud and the elite, and to crush the invisible forces that control the Dark Pyramid of false religions and criminal elements.

Dr. Hofmann says, “We are in the Last Days, and the Hour is near as forewarned by the prophets in the Old Testament and by Jesus Christ, Paul, and Peter in the New Testament.” He explains that God gave us a very significant sign, much like the Bethlehem Star, as a warning of invisible “agents,” both natural and supernatural, that have affected every sector and level of society worldwide.

He believes that the purpose of this book is to wake people up, so that they can make changes in their lives. He states, “People must evaluate their eternal perspective and realize that God is fulfilling the plans He set down throughout ancient time.”

Dr. Hofmann’s book is a testament to God’s love and grace even in this time of trial and uncertainty. He hopes that the book will give strength and courage to those who are facing ever increasing hardship and anxiety.

Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War & Final Chapter is Available at Amazon:  and Barnes & Noble: 

What Lies Around the Corner- will we survive?

Debt for 30-year-olds is up 27% since 2019. The younger adults love spending money and act as if they will recipients of free money in the future. The national debt of over 30 trillion and the Administration’s attempt to win our love and buy our votes is lending to this ailment. This Free Money attitude may also be inspiring a whole new generation of “deservers” to act criminally. They feel that they deserve wealth and whatever they want because the world around them is “stealing” their future. This is going to lead to greater and greater amounts of crime – in every category from larceny and shoplifting, to riots and destructive robbery. This may be one of the most difficult summers since the riots of 2020. There is a rebellion rising that will lead to major lawlessness in the big cities (and it may become worldwide).
Everyone will feel the heat as we see inflation in the major areas of life including the increased difficulty in getting small bank loans. People are not putting money into small bands because they pay such a low interest rate compared to T-bills that pay 4 or 5 %. Insurance rates are on the rise due to increased theft and destruction, extreme weather, EV replacement costs, and all the elements that insurance companies have to deal with.
None of this includes external threats and the failures of our central government. Nor does it include the ever-present climate issues or illegal immigration and other invasions and diseases. We are on the precipice of war and our nation is divided in multiple ways without a good sense of direction. Can we survive this trend? The world laughs at those who pray to God for answers. It does not heed the warnings of God’s promises and prophecy related to the End Times and to Israel and an approaching war and rapture of the Church.
The Bible says, “Trust in the Lord with all Your Heart and lean not on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him? and He will make your path straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and shun evil,- this will bring health to your body.” But most want to do it their way and reject God.
What will summer portend in your neighborhood? It does not look good for our big cities. The good news is that the large snowfall is bringing flood like conditions on the Rio Grande which is hindering human trafficking, drug smuggling and illegal crossings. The bad news is we will definitely see higher gas prices and according to some forecasters – we will see a much hotter and drier summer throughout the nation and in many other parts of the world.
Prosecutors in many big cities go by the philosophy introduced in the movie “The Shack”- that many people are victims of their environment. They say that these poor kids or young adults deserve a break because they were raised in violence or darkness and may not understand right and wrong. This is one big reason why they are letting them go free without bonding or generating a criminal record. LIES have been stoked to the point that there is no freedom of speech in Universities and Christians are being blamed for the deaths at the Covenant School, for shutting down the “right to abortion” and Jews are being assaulted for their connection to Israel– all of this is swimming around in the brains of the youth as it is stoked by CNN, Hollywood talking heads, the money flowing from those like George Soros and other elites. Their argument is that “the environment creates juvenile and adult crime– and therefore they should not be punished. Let them express themselves.”
This summer is going to be a lot more chaotic than people realize. Everything is leading up to a breakdown in our security, the implosion of our democratic system, and the overthrow of the standards and principles that have held our nation together. Our nation is losing its credibility overseas. The real implosion will happen when the dollar fails, and we can no longer just print money to run our debtor nation. In effect we are breaking every standard that gives honor and Glory to God in this downward spiral.
The national debt of over 30 trillion and the Administration’s attempt to win our love and buy our votes is lending to this ailment. This Free Money attitude may also be inspiring a whole new generation of “deservers” to act criminally. They feel that they deserve wealth and whatever they want because the world around them is “stealing” their future. This is going to lead to greater and greater amounts of crime – in every category from larceny and shoplifting, to riots and destructive robbery.
People who have turned to a chronic sin like pornography or homosexuality or transgenderism and felt guilty are now released of that guilt and ill feeling because they are now empowered by society and even their families. Is this what Jesus spoke about when he warned that a demon leaves the person but goes out and finds 7 other demons and returns to the “cleaned out home that is now in order” and brings greater destruction.
The seeds of Darkness has entered our lives through music, TV, movies, gaming, gambling, drugs, fantasy, intellectual lies, dark sex, blood money, and all the other “thrills” that take the mind away from God. The only Answer is God – and do not depend on your perception of who God is—- He cannot be manipulated.
Read His Word for Jesus says you will be saved if you can call Him Lord, and believe in your HEART that He rose from the dead. This means that you have faith because it takes faith to throw away the lies of the world and to just place your trust —-all your life— your thoughts and dreams— on Jesus Christ.
To understand WHY this is happening read the books by Johnathan Cahn and the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War and the Final Chapter. The first book in this trilogy warned of Covid and other “invisible” agents that have disrupted our way of life.
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Jesus Warned Us: Countdown to the End

Most of you are not paying attention to Prophecy and God’s warnings, and that is understandable since we are distracted by so many challenges in the economy and in world news. The fact is we are treading new ground in the Prophetic timeline. So, you ask “How do you know, Who gave you that knowledge, and Why?” A day before Jesus Christ was crucified he spoke to his disciples on the Mount of Olives and told them (and therefore us who live in the future) that the end would come when certain key events happened:

1) Wars and rumors of wars. “Nations will rise against Nations.” Never in history have we faced extinction level war from so many directions. We have active, ever-increasing threats coming from the European front, from the Middle East, from the Far East — each of which may cause the launching or transport of American Nuclear warheads. And note that each of these war fronts is increasing in intensity! China is actively seeking to undermine us and recently made pacts with Saudi Arabia and Brazil to undercut the dollar.

2) He warned us of Pestilence. This is the first time in history that a worldwide “pestilence” has done so much damage to every level and sector of society on every continent (even Antartica). Ironically this “invisible” virus was created and launched from the “Red Dragon” nation of China.

3) Jesus said, “Watch that no one deceives you.” Today we are seeing lies coming from every direction especially from leaders who are hiding their intentions, their past, and who seek to manipulate the present. Millions are being brainwashed throughout the world by America’s international media and economic machine which includes big box media like MSNBC AND CNN, Hollywood and sitcoms, major corporations like Nike, Coca Cola, Vanguard, and Black Rock. Information is being generated at such high rates that wisdom is being left behind as millions are transfixed by their cell phones, word bites, and sound bites. Others are transfixed by ads and music pulsating with falsehoods and deceit. I was just overseas listening to CNN and the lies concerning what is going on here in America is alarming– Republicans, Christians and especially Trump are being denegrated, maligned, and slandered on the air. False Christs and false teachers are promoting a man-made Kingdom soon to come. Biden says inflation is under control but just around the corner are big economic challenges like the price of oil that will create severe hardship for many.

4) Jesus warned of earthquakes that will increase in intensity like birth pains. It is no coincidence that one of the greatest earthquakes of the modern era just happened only a few miles from the Holy lands and cities that birthed Christianity in Asia Minor and only a few hundred miles from Jerusalem.

5) He warned of famines – and famines are affecting millions in sub-Sahara Africa and in parts of Asia. Experts in the UN are warning that these will intensify due to the war in Ukraine where much of the wheat and other products cannot be exported. Also American wheat and corn storehouses have een depleted in the past year. Flooding this year may also affect wheat and corn production.

6) Jesus warned of Lawlessness. Mayorkas, our Homeland Security Secretary, refuses to call the border a crisis despite the fact that in the last few days Texas special agents caught more than 30 illegals in a remote cave dressed in camo fatigues and stopped two cars with hundreds of thousands of fentanyl pills. In the past vew weeks the border patrol has intercepted 1,700 Chinese nationals – most of them military age men and women along with others from 150 other nations. It seems obvious that many criminal elements are not being detected as fentanyl is still killing thousands. The question is how many of these are potential assasins that will disrupt our election in 2024. It is clear that the Biden Administration intends to weaken the security of Texas and other border states and has no remorse for the thousands of deaths related to fentanyl poisoning.

Frustration and futility at the border is leading to burnout and even suicide of border agents. This Lawlessness is promoting the death of thousands of people who are killed by those criminal elements and by incidental accidents caused by them on our roads. In fact a grandmother and her grandson were recently killed by a fleeing truck carrying hidden illegals. Jesus Christ warned that Lawlessness will be one of the Signs of the end.

7) Implied in the Warnings that Jesus gives is a vacuum in leadership and a failure of the Church to impact the direction of nations. We are witnessing a failed leadership that has gotten almost everything wrong. It has failed to preserve the integrity, honor, and virtue in its political and social arena. It has failed to provide the security and wise leadership to insure world peace. It has failed to keep the cost of energy and other staples down and therefore has generated worldwide inflation and economic struggles for familes everywhere. It has failed to keep its promises of unifying the nation and instead has caused deep divisions including the indictment of an ex-President for political reasons.

Is all of this preparing the stage for a false Christ or false Savior and Anti-Christ to step in to unite the world under one “safe” and peaceful unbrella of leadership and resource?

So, who gave me this info? The Word of God and the Holy Spirit have filled me with a zeal and an intense desire to share a message and warning that God has quickened my heart and mind to share. I believe that this quickening is happening now in a greater intensity because we are approaching heavier persecution and collapse and of our rights and privileges. Revival can happen and we must keep in prayer. The economic power of America will soon fall and each of us must prepare for this. The Church must wake up and motivate its members to prepare correctly and to share the Gospel.

So the BIG question is Why Now? This is the message that the LORD put in my heart and I believe is trying to put in your hearts. It is systematically laid out in the message God has given us in the Books of Daniel, Revelation, Ezekiel, and Genesis — a message that has been ignored by Pastors and maybe that is why God is using me and others to write about it– in my case it is in the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown trilogy. As I was teaching the Word at our ministry called Answers on the Rock, at our local lake called White Rock Lake, the a stranger came up and asked about the meaning of Revelation 12. I did not know how to respond since it is very apparent that this Chapter is most enignimatic passage in the Bible– yet as I spoke an answer came to mind that could only have come from God and so I had to write it down myself. That was nexus for writing my first book: Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: the Fig Tree & Prophetic Generation. Everything in the first book came true and so I am 100 percent convinced that it the answer came from God.

It is apparent that a divine paradigm changed in 1948 when the nation of Israel was formed. This was confirmed by the Sign of Revelation 12 – which was in turn confirmed by Star maps and astronomers around the world. This may seem trivial but remember God warned the inhabitants of the world and His people through scrolls written by Daniel before the birth of Christ. Daniel was God’s Prophetic agent for both Christ’s first and second Coming. Those Words were read by the Magi who then looked for the Sign in the Stars. When they saw it, they were convicted by its message even though they were pagans or gentiles and not part of God’s chosen people. They acted by faith. Like the Pharisees of old many of our leaders think they have all the answers and are not willing to listen to those guided by the HOLY SPIRIT. I have been told that what is necessary is a degree in theology or archeology. Jesus scolded the Pharisees for not seeing the Sign in front of them and it looks like mos the Church is blinded by pride and false theology. It is God’s creation, His pure Word, and His science that is declaring the Truth. The star maps show that the configuration of heavenly lights is similar to that which appeared in the Great Sign of Revelation 12 (read the 3rd book to understand all the details.)

The birth of Christ began a new paradigm that we call the 1st Coming and the Revelation 12 configuration of heavenly lights forewarn us of Satan’s arrival with his demon angels and of Jesus Christ’s 2nd Coming soon to follow. The word “soon” is relative to God’s timeline spanning the prophecies of both Daniel and Genesis. However, there is an immediacy implied in Revelation 12 because God defines it as a “Great Sign.” Nowhere in the entire Word of God does He emphatically call any of His other Signs a “Great Sign”. We have to be careful not to DISPARAGE GOD’S WARNING to us and therefore we must act according to His will which is laid out in His Word. The Word says, “Be Alert and of sound mind so that you can Pray.” Right before His death, Jesus calms his disciples and us by saying, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But Take Heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.

The Cosmic Crossroad Countdown Trilogy

The Bible has many mysteries but the greatest mystery is rarely discussed. This in itself is a great mystery! Recently a renowned Prophecy speaker announced that he was beginning a program on Bible Mysteries. His list did not include Chapter 12 of the book of Revelation which contains at least 5 major mysteries. Revelation is the Key Prophetic book given to us by Jesus Christ himself concerning His Return. It is the only book that promises a Blessing to anyone who reads it, hears it, or understands it. Why? Because it is relevant to our faith and to understanding His Return for the Church, the Judgment of the Earth, and the Kingdom to come including the His Eternal Heaven.  The first book presented convincing evidence of how and why the Sign appeared in 2017.  It carefully laid out a Crossroad of  Biblical facts and Truth that forewarned us in the Sun, Moon, Stars, and Planets (which the Word calls traveling or wandering stars).  The book was written after the Lord directly inspired Dr. Hofmann to begin the book in 2016 in preparation for both the great American Solar Eclipse in August and the Great Sign of Revelation 12 in September.  Everything forewarned by the Lord as revealed to Dr. Hofmann happened as written including the storms that happened soon after the solar eclipse: one month later the biggest and most damaging hurricane to hit America happened in Houston. Harvey also affected his home city of Richardson.  Later the key warning of an Invisible attack happened in a much greater dimenstion that he anticipated: Covid 19 hit.  Illustrated to the right  is the cover of that 1st book: 

The Cosmic Crossroad Countdown series centers on Revelation 12 which has a message for us today.  It is not in the middle of God’s powerful Prophetic book because of a Chronological Order in time. Instead God placed it there to get our ATTENTION with both the Sign of the Woman and the Casting of Satan and His Angels out of Heaven.  It is a Banner Chapter to forewarn us events that would shake up America and the entire world!  These events unfolded as God warned.  The book came out before events that shook up every level and sector of society.

Why is Revelation 12 NOT in Chronological order?  Revelation 12 cannot be in Chronological order because Chapter 4 presents the rapture, Chapter 6 presents the blood of the martyrs; and then Chapter 7 shows the martyred saints in Heaven.  How could the death of all these Saints happen if Satan and his angels are still in heaven accusing the Saints?  You will discover the clear Truth that supports this declaration. This enigmatic chapter speaks of a Dragon, a Child, a Woman, and an array of stars that form the Great Sign. Nowhere in the Bible does God mention a “great sign” except here.  Yet, pastors and other leaders teach that this Sign happened before the beginning to time.  So I ask you why would God call it “A Great Sign” if people were not on earth yet?  These teachers and others are afraid to write about it because God states that anyone who changes the meaning of His Revelation will be cursed. But remember God also says that anyone who reads, hears, or understands His Revelation will be Blessed. This makes the Book of Revelation the most important book in the World to read and understand.

Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War and the Final Chapter. God motivated and inspired Dr. Hofmann to write this last book of the trilogy because the Tribulation period is fast approaching. Things are not going back to normal as the dark pyramid and principalities of evil widen their control and power. These powers include many well known corporations like Black Rock and lesser known entities involved in witchcraft and immoral wickedness. Every level and sector of society has been affected by this invisible wave of natural and supernatural darkness. We must wake up the Church before it is too late. God wants believers to share the Gospel and be both a Light and Salt to a very lost world.   

In 2017 the Dr. Hofmann started writting this groundbreaking series revealing the meaning of the Great Sign. He had experienced a divine inspiration as he and his friend taught at their ministry called “Answers on the Rock.” The Great American Solar Eclipse was approaching and the meaning hit him between the eyes as he prayed and meditated. As quickly as he could he wrote the book but had unexpected delays one of which was the publisher “accidentally” putting a capital “Z” right next to the first mention of the name, “Jesus Christ.” After the reprint, he marketed the book but only had one week prior to the Eclipse and one month prior to the Great Sign of Revelation 12. Yes, both Signs were happening 30 days apart. Every inspiration that the Lord gave him related to the two Signs came true exactly as the Lord imprinted on his heart and mind. Read both books to get the full power and meaning of these Great Signs.  Now the book on the right is coming true as the invisible war spreads to every level of society in America and throughout the world.  God is preparing the stage for the Anti-Christ and the Church is barely responding.




The Cosmic God Pill

Thw world is about to Take God’s strong medicine. We saw the world rejoice with “Unholy” and Satan in the Grammy’s and at the exact time on the other side of the world a massive combination of earthquakes hit Turkey and Syria killing over 43,000 and increasing daily. Russia has canceled the nuclear proliferation treaties and Putin is meeting with Xi to gain support for his war in Udraine. the world is chosing sides for a major war.

Do you have the heart-felt knowledge that God is trying to get our attention and trying to bring the lost to their knees in order to save them? To do this God will allow trials to shake our nation. this article may be hard to digest but it is the pill that we are presently being fed.

We have given Ukraine 16 Himars rocket systems that have a 50 mile range and has torn apart Russian advances. Russia has done an excellent job of destroying the plywood and cardboard decoys set out by Ukraine.  A number of prominent Twitter and Telegram accounts have said Russia is claiming to have destroyed 44 Ukrainian HIMARS, even though the US has supplied only those 16.
“The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has announced today at a briefing the destruction of 44 HIMARS out of 20 that are in service in Ukraine, – according to open sources,” Flash tweeted, in a message that received more than 3,000 likes and 470 retweets.  This was all fake news.  These long-range, high-precision rocket launchers, HIMARS, have proven extremely effective in Ukraine’s ongoing war effort. With a range reaching up to 50 miles, Ukraine has used the rockets to effectively hit Russian positions and then move the unit  before the enemy can retaliate. Thus Russia has failed to destroy a single HIMARS launcher since Ukraine first began using them in June, according to a senior Defense Department official.
This Ukraine war would not have happened if Biden had not shut down our efficient oil and gas pipelines. By hampering our oil and gas production Biden increased the price of all kinds of energy worldwide, which has allowed Putin to pay for his war machine.  History shows that each time the price of gsoline went above $80/barrel Putin saw it as an opportunity to invade a country near his border.  This happened with Soviet Georgia and with his take over of Crimea.  But Biden was so dumb as not to foresee this!  Now the economies of the world are paying for this and so is the world’s ecology!
Now looking at the Homefront it looks like the democrat philosophy of using chaos to make advances has become their template for administrating the economy and the border. As Obama said never forget to take advantage of a good “chaos.”  Biden has purposed to load Texas with poor illegal immigrants in order to break its independence and its rejection of the Federal health care network. He intends on breaking the back of the Republican party and conservatism. So do not rely on any guilty conscience or sympathy to change their brutal programs that are killing hundreds of weaker immigrants who fall by the side. He does not care about the drugs that are killing thousands of young Americans including high school kids. Nor does he care about a 22 trillion-dollar debt that will balloon by 2033. He does not care about those people in Ohio that are suffering from that ecological disaster (even though ecology is the centerpiece of the democrat platform.) He does not care about inflation that is breaking the budgets of millions nor does he care about the strength of our military in a war against China—because he expects to come out on top no matter what happens —with his good connections across the Pacific.
Globalism is Biden’s god and he expects it to save the world.   His buddy Bill Gates has given 1 billion towards a Universal digital currency.  This will allow the UN to keep track of the billions who need healthcare, food, and other supplies.  But it will also be used to track and control everyone when the Anti-Christ makes his move.  Artificial Intelligence which is being promoted by Musk, Soros, and other billionares will allow Biden and others to promote a liberal agenda and establish the foundaton for a one-world government.   It should be called AF for Artificial Supitidity because it will be demoting the Truth and promoting the Lie.
Biden knows that he will win the next election not based on popularity but based on his machine–much of which is corrupt. The fact is more than half of Americans have been brainwashed by lies and deceit. As with the Roman Empire right before its collapse we are the threshold of self-destruction. I tell you this because you must turn to God and seek Him with all your heart, soul, and mind. This may seem harsh but God knows when hearts have hardened and when materialsim, mihilism, self-determination, perversion, the sacrifice of babies, and other idolatry have grown so popular as to destroy the lives and souls of the innocent— that it is better to bring greater Trials and Tribulation in order to shake people onto their knees. His goal is to protect others including the innocent around the world influenced by our wicked Hollywood, media, and culture.
So ironically God is allowing the Biden’s of the world to fluorish. The world is being shaken so that a new order can rise up that will promise Peace and Unity in the form a one-world government. Equality will be one of its banners. All the nations around the world are failing and the stage is set for a great war that God will intervene in– one that will destroy Iran without hurting Israel, but also one that will weaken America to a great degree. Read more about this in the book triology titled Cosmic Crossroad Countdown.

What will Happen to a Weak Church in the Hands of an Angry God?

Is a weak church about to fall into the hands of an Angry God? Some churches have invited the world deep into both the teaching and the activity of the Church. They have promoted evolution or an Old Age Earth theory which denies what almost every book in the Bible clearly states was an ACT OF GOD ALONE. They do this to gain the world’s approval and acceptance in a false education system. A system that is dependent on the “ignorance of the world’s philosophies.” Ephesians 4:18 “They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart.”
This is an educational system based on the world’s philosophies and intentions. These Academic institutions and schools are in the business of hardening hearts and deceiving even the elect. Even seminaries refuse to teach anything contrary to evolution and do not teach Apologetics. The head of America’s largest Apologetics (defense of the faith) accedes that most leaders do not believe in the Genesis Account and try to reinterpret it. This may be one big reason why abortion and divorce rates in the church are equal to the world. The Church has lost its credibility and the fog of intellectualism has taken over—a philosophy of the World.
These mega churches and mega denominations are dependent on numbers and numbers means compromise and marketing. They dare not say something that might upset a member. they would rather use pure sugar to attract people than the benefit of nutrition to protect people’s faith. This is both an allegory and a real issue- for many Christians are now over-weight and unhealthy.
One argument recently stated is that we cannot afford to alienate non-believers because they need to be saved. This is why many pastors refuse to discuss basic issues facing our nation and our families. They do not want to mix politics with faith even though it is that kind of faith that stopped slavery, helped to win freedom for our nation and others, defeated hunger and disease in many parts of the world with Christians missions and hospitals, and pushed back darkness throughout the world. Politics exported abortion throughout the world and will prepare the stage for the Anti-Christ—including isolation and the closure of churches.
Some Pastors and leaders incorporate pagan events such as Halloween and Easter to promote sugar, parties, and fashion. The church becomes a marketplace for books, business, and entertainment. Sports and standings among other schools or churches becomes the centerpiece of applause and character building –whereas few churches have an active vital discipleship program. What would happen if that became the #1 priority, along with Evangelism? What would happen if the challenge was to learn Bible verses and share the Gospel? If this was incorporated at a young age—along with prayer—the Church would prosper.
The point is we do not have much time and God wants us to get our act together. He is giving us all kinds of Warnings and Signs to get our attention, yet these pastors want the Church to feel comfortable and continue to give to the coffers. They are afraid to walk by faith yet preach that everyone needs to walk by faith. They preach the Gospel yet are afraid of letting an outside evangelical movement inspire their congregation to join in evangelism. They are afraid of losing members to another group! And of course, they take issue with those who are inspired by the Holy Spirit to make them aware of any of these problems. It is sad because to many are caught up in Academia and their dogma, it is their god and that god is being controlled by the gods of the ancient world.
Pope Francis endorses same-sex civil union. The Pope has also endorsed the idea that there are many ways to heaven. Like the Vatican many large churches have become greatly in debt and therefore have mortgaged their future and tied themselves to the marketplace. They must focus on numbers of members, church roles, budgets, and marketing. They have an agenda that keeps members focused on their agenda. What would happen if a pastor said “i have made a mistake in my past sermon–the Holy Spirit convicted me that I was wrong?” Instead, some of these more prolific pastors have sermons or books out that contradict their present-day views. But they will not admit it. I KNOW because I have done the research. Like you and me we learn deeper Truth in the Word as we reread passages. Well pastors are not perfect, but they want to keep the aura that they are. Thus, they do not want us to know that their view or perception of a passage has changed. And in the end what they share often does NOT penetrate the heart and mind of the listener.
The point is many of us have a FOG of contradiction in our minds that have been taught us— we walk like zombies believing whatever the latest sermon states—then quickly forget it because it has only created more subconscious confusion. Truth should motivate anyone who has the Holy Spirit to understand it, remember it and share it!!!!!! This is one big reason why the Lord led me to write the latest version of the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: the Invisible War & the Final Chapter.
Our country does not need Marxism…historically it has been a complete failure and yet we are being set up like lemmings for the Great Reset which will change everything as we know it. We are likely not to see the results that the pundits are promising. Be prepared for a surprise in this election that will shake us all to the core. Go to and read some articles that will also help you understand.

The Fall of the church and Rise of Marxism

The Big question that you need to ask your pastor or you is what DOES THE BOOK OF REVELATION REPRESENT: 1) IS IT A ROAD MAP TO WARN THE PRESENT DAY CHURCH OF THE NEED TO REPENT AND WALK WITH CHRIST.  2) That it warns of THE RISE OF THE ANTI-CHRIST BEAST who will create a One-World government, and 3) that it gives us hope of THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST, AND THE JUDGMENT OF HIS CREATION.  This represents a literal meaning of the Book of Revelation, the book of Daniel, the words of OT prophets and the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 24.

4) OR that the Book of Revelation and much of what the major and minor prophets say are JUST AN ALLEGORY AND HAVE little or no VALUE FOR US TODAY.   This is a very serious question that very few families, individuals, leaders, and pastors are willing to address.

It is the difference between believing what all the prophets in the Bible and Jesus Christ said about the future or dismissing them as having already happened.  If you believe that God has rejected Israel and that the next step is establishing the Kingdom of God on earth, then you need to read Revelation again because Jesus himself calls it Apocalyptic prophecy.  And if it all happened in AD 70 then it did not happen to the whole world as Revelation clearly lays out. It would have only happened to a small slice of the Middle East.  It would diminish the power of the key book of Prophecy in the New Testament -the one and only book in the Bible in which Jesus Christ promises blessings to all who read it, a blessing to anyone who hears and special blessings to anyone who understands it.  At the same time, He promises to curse anyone to adds or subtracts from its meaning.

If the events in Revelation were all about a soon to happen event during the Roman Empire as Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Lutherans and Catholics believe, it would have to be after John the Apostle wrote the Book of Revelation in AD 90.   And that would imply that you believe each event in Revelation has already occurred in history.  That includes the Seal, Trumpet, and Bowl Judgments.  So where and when was the Mark of Beast, when was the 1000-year kingdom, where is the perfect peace on earth, and where is the destruction of the earth?  Is all that just symbolic?  If you say that the Abomination happened in the time of Nero or some other Roman Emperor, then when did the Tribulation and the 1000-year reign on earth happen or are they yet to come—you are implying a span of at least 1,900 years from the Abomination to now.

Know this you are going against what Jesus Christ said.  Jesus said in Revelation 24:15 – that immediately after the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel – cataclysmic events in Tribulation would Commence- That “unless those days were shortened, no one would survive.”  Are you thinking that those birth pains lasted 1,900 years from the Abomination of Desolation which the Preterists believe happened in 70AD when those in Judea did flee?  Neither would make any sense. History DOES NOT BACK UP what THE PRETERIST believes and THOSE WHO TAKE REVELATION AS AN ALLEGORY.

THE TRUTH IS:  According to Daniel the end time events would last 1 week of years or 7 years and that the Abomination of Desolation would happen at the middle of that week or after 3 and 1/2 years.  That week would be the 70th week- a week of tribulation that has not yet happened according to anyone who studies history and compares it to the Words of Jesus Christ.

AND THE TRUTH IS:  According to Jesus speaking in Matthew 24, that when you see the wars and rumors of war, the earthquakes, the famines and nation rising against nations then it is the beginning of birth pains.  These signs along with increased persecution, the increases in false prophets, the rise of lawlessness, and the “Abomination of Desolation as spoken by Daniel — then let the reader understand that those in Judea must flee to the mountains,” Matthew 24: 4-16 – all Spoken by Jesus Christ concerning this future end time.

According to those who make Revelation an allegory and claim that it is not a literal promise, the “fleeing into the mountains” has already happened- in AD70.  Therefore, the world is ready for the KINGDOM OF GOD to be erected on earth (and has been ready for 1,900 years).  YES, one-half of the present-day Church has sold out to the belief that when an individual accepts Jesus Christ as Savior it is the 2nd Coming of Christ, and that He (Jesus Christ) will not return in the clouds as was promised by the angels in the book of Acts (1:9-11) and in the writings of Paul.  The 2nd coming to them is a personal acceptance of Jesus as Savior and is not a Corporate Promise to the Church to Return to take it up as His Bride  (the rapture) before the Great Tribulation.

These Kingdom builders also believe that Israel has forsaken all the Promises that God made for it and that the Church has replaced Israel as God’s Promised people. Therefore, they believe that Israel is cursed and no longer connected to Promises made by the Old Testament Prophets or Jesus Christ.  This would also eliminate much of what Paul said in the book of Hebrews, Romans, and other letters such as in Thessalonians concerning the rapture or the Return of Jesus Christ.

Basically, they believe Revelation is just an allegory with symbols and metaphors.  Entire Denominations were formed out of this lie.  One in particular was established by a Scottish woman who out of pride and rebellion against the Anglican Church formed a nationalist denomination for the Scotts. Out of the movement and similar one’s people were taught a “covenant type theology” that states that God has rejected His Covenant with Israel and replaced it with a Covenant with the Church.  This IS NOT STATED ANYWEHRE IN THE BIBLE.  God directs each of us to study the Word of God to show oneself approved. They teach when one is baptized as a baby, you are sealed with the Holy Spirit.  Therefore, they do not believe in the concept of being born again if you were baptized as infant.

The irony of this distorted theology is that they believe Israel lost is covenant because it was cursed for disobeying God.  Yet, they are the ones who are disobeying God and are cursed.  This whole denomination has split twice as a result of disobedience concerning homosexuality and the governance of the Church. Do NOT TRUST IN FALSE TEACHING BY OTHERS WHO MAY HAVE ALSO BEEN TAUGHT A LIE.   Much of the leadership of this denomination and other denominations have sold out to an intellectual pursuit of truth and therefore endorse evolution.  Like the Pope they have endorsed evolution and this Replacement theology where Israel has no rights to Palestinian lands.

If you trust that God wants us reject Israel and to build the Kingdom ourselves then you are rejecting the idea that Jesus will build the Kingdom himself after the Tribulation.  You are trusting that even after 1,900 years of increased war, rumors of war, famine, and lawlessness mankind will get its act together and will suddenly form the perfect Kingdom.

Think about it.  You are believing what the Anti-Christ and Satan wants you to believe.  YES, Satan is even now breaking down nations, democracies, families, small businesses so that he can usher in a ONE-World government in order to hand the power over to the Anti-Christ and others who promise “Peace and Safety (I Thess. 5:1-3).”  That false church will fall for these lies and will follow the Anti-Christ instead of seeking to protect Israel and stop this consolidation of power by one man.  This false church and all those in it will be led to believe that this charismatic leader and his false Prophet will create a “A Perfect Kingdom.”  This false church will also follow false gods and knowledge that the man of Lawlessness will use to deceive even the elect.

This word “elect” I believe was purposely used by Paul because he knew this group of false believers will consider themselves the “elect” which is a major characteristic of these deluded church leaders. These leaders think that because they were born into a denomination or sacred organization that they have been elected unto salvation.  They trust in infant baptism for the sealing of the Holy Spirit.  Eventually the Anti-Christ will destroy the False Prophet along with these misguided churches, fulfilling what Jesus said about the lambs led by the false shepherd.

This One-world system will not usher in the true Kingdom of God but will instead usher in a false unified world system (the Ten Horns of the Beast) which establishes the false covenant with Israel, then betrays Israel with the Abomination of Desolation.  This will happen in the middle of the 7-year Tribulation period.  As stated, it will be a time when those in Judea must flee or die.  This will be a time when Jesus will protect this Jewish remnant of believers as they flee to Bosra after that great Abomination.

The True Kingdom of God or the time when Jesus Christ will rule on the earth for 1000 years will only happen after the 7-year Tribulation when Jesus Christ defeats the world’s armies led by the Anti-Christ. This Anti-Christ army may have a lot of christians in it who think that Israel is the enemy- for they have been duped into thinking that they are fighting for the Kingdom of God on earth established by this great prophet (the False Prophet) who performs miracles, and the Charismatic leader (the Anti-Christ) who has brought the whole world together in “peace & safety.” Hopefully these duped Christians will not take the mark of the Beast for that will condemn them to eternal damnation.

Many will walk in this sin through the trials and tribulation thinking that he or she is participating in God’s building of a holy and perfect one-world Kingdom on Earth. They are deceived by both the False Prophet and the Anti-Christ who are performing wonders on earth.  They will reject the literal meaning of about 1/3 of what the Bible says: this includes all the major prophets, most of the minor prophets, the Book of Daniel, and about 35% of the New Testament.  At a certain point God will put a great delusion upon them as stated in II Thess. 11.  I ask you to study what your denomination teaches and believes, and where your belief stands.  It could mean the difference between you following the LORD JESUS CHRIST as prophecy is fulfilled or going against the Promises that He has made for Israel, for the Church and for those who are born again.

It is evident in recent current events that there is a Marxist movement to overthrow the soul of our nation and every institution that we hold dear including what is protected by the Constitution. Our Constitution was given to us by God through covenants established by many of our founding state or local governments.  As stated in my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown that the LORD put in my heart in 2017, the failures of our government in protecting the innocent, keeping prayer in our schools, and keeping God in the center of our nation’s progress has opened the door to judgment.  This judgment and call to repentance is part of God’s plan to purify the Church and redeem those who have lost their way.  God wants us to pray and to look up to Him for answers.  The lawlessness and rebellion that is spreading throughout our nation are being buttressed by lies, false narratives, deception, and corruption that is being promoted by most of the media and by many influential and wealthy groups such as Hollywood, Corporate moguls, High Tech influencers, and Academia.   A cancellation of Truth and the glorification of a Woke mentality has redefined the natural order that God established and defined good as evil and evil as good.  The ground is being prepared for a One-World government that rejects God.

Is the Sun Setting on America?

IS THE SUN SETTING ON AMERICA? As the book, Cosmic Crossroad Countdown warned we are on a slippery countdown to the end and the climb back will not happen–there will be no going back to normal. We are being inundated with obligations that will bankrupt the nation and weaken our infrastructure of schools, military, welfare, and all those services we cherish.

WHY is this happening? God has His plan, and the Sign of its beginning was definitively given to us, yet those in charge, our civil and religious “Watchmen” refused to see it nor did they care to understand it. Even our churches have been distracted from the first love and many have focused on the next Christmas show, cruise, new book, birthday, or other celebration or entertainment. The next big wave will come as a shock — just as the election in 2020 shocked the masses along with the great charade that followed created by the socialist mindset called the great insurrection and an excuse to break every remaining level of decency and propriety in our government. The FBI and DOJ are now instruments of a political party witch hunt.

Judgment is coming as the devilish magician seeks to destroy the great democracies and establishments. It is said that magicians know that the easiest people to fool are those intellectuals who think they know everything. Yup, it’s those climate change experts, doctors, finance gurus, etc. who think they are on top of the world. However, the one in charge in this world system, “the great magician” -whomever he is (I could tell you but you would not believe me)- distracts them and then pulls the trick when they least expect it. Right now we just “hired” more than 87,000 IRS agents- more than doubling the agency—and the ads posted to hire them are saying they need gun training and willingness to enforce the law–which makes them seem like treasury agents or police force to enforce tax payment. This will make the IRS the biggest Federal Force except for the military, and they will not have the oversight that the military has. We are being set up for a soon to come Police state that will take down not only our democratic election but also our free speech, right to own long guns or for that matter any gun, and freedom of religion among others. All this is coming– but your brain says no way it cannot happen in America. Instead, people are sucking in the Climate Change elixir of brain fog and anesthesia. The “smartest” intellectuals as the Bible says will become fools. If you want to learn more take note of a radical new book about to be published…just give it two weeks: it is the 3rd book in the CCC series: Cosmic Crossroad Countdown- The Invisible War and the Final Chapter.

Coming Chaos?

Realize that the book of Daniel, Genesis, and Revelation are crossing over to our time– a Crossroad leading to a Divine Countdown that is being guided by the Prophecies of Daniel and other great prophets from the Bible.  Jesus Christ has spoken directly to us in Luke 21 and Matthew 24, concerning these end-time events.  He speaks of perplexing events such as the horrible killing of the children in Uvalde. The stage is being set for the final events promised by God himself to the Serpent of old in Genesis 3:15. It should sadden everyone to watch the news because so many of those Democratic politicians, CEOs, Big Box news executives, and anchors are acting as enablers to those who seek to destroy the institutions and values that we have held so dear.  Even pastors are afraid to call out this party that favors perversion and abortion. Do they not understand that there are spiritual forces in high places and wickedness in dark principalities that seek to destroy everything that is related to Jesus Christ, the Church, and Family?  Why can’t they see that they are in the middle of a spiritual battle and by ignoring the Truth and not standing up, they are on the wrong side? We must call out this evil.

Churches in Europe are being converted into mosques and museums. In America, the Church has split over homosexual rights and transgenderism. Entire denominations are at war with each other. Some churches are suggesting that there is more than one way to heaven. Other entire denominations have cracked under the accusation of sexual abuse. Popular Christian ministries have also collapsed including Hillsong United and the Way. It should sadden everyone to watch our local news because so many naive politicians, CEOs, and Big Box news anchors are acting as enablers to those who seek to destroy the institutions and values that we have held so dear. Many in power are willing to sacrifice family values and virtue on the altar of destructive perversion and abortion. They do not understand that there are powerful spiritual forces in high places and wickedness in dark principalities guiding this. If you think that Covid-19 was destructive just imagine what those invisible dark forces will eventually do to our nation and to the world.

We are led by hypocrites who celebrate the rights of women one week and then the next week refuse to define what a woman is! Why can’t people see that this is a spiritual battle and act? If we ignore the Truth and do not stand up against these dark forces that want to destroy us, we will self-destruct? We must call out this evil and act as Watchmen on the Wall before the enemy scales the wall and God has to destroy America in order the save the innocent. Yes, God promises that He will JUDGE our SIN. The rapture may only come after God has purified the Church with trials.

Right now we are inviting China into our homes despite the fact that they are killing our children with Fentanyl. We are opening our borders even though we know that over 70,000 criminal border jumpers per month are escaping detection. Among these are drug mules carrying the poisons that kill our citizens. Yet our liberal bail system releases them even though they have been caught red-handed. How regressive can prosecutors and state law get before the public does something? Do we honestly think that smugglers will stay around to stand before a judge? We watch sports and movies that support China’s income. Many Christians idolize the idols of the world system and give large amounts to support their favorite team or competitor.

Why do so many talking heads in the media seek the HOW behind the violence and not deal with the underlying WHY? They want to take away the few protections that families have. Instead, we cultivate evil in our culture that millions refuse to see. Jesus warned spiritual leaders in His time by saying seeing they do not see, hearing they do not hear.

And the Ten Commandments have been sidelined allowing for a substitute relativism to guide the youth. The laws and directives that are passed promote bad health, easy divorce, the break up of families, and a culture that devalues life. We have a massive growth in Diabetes, perversion, gambling, and drug and alcohol use. Most abusers and mass killers were raised in families where the father was absent, have poor social skills, read pornography, and have some sort of mental pathology. They get their life lessons from violent social media, YouTube, and gaming. Their morality is determined by the next post or next flick on their cell phone search. Their joy comes from acting out their fantasies no matter how harmful they are.

America has become the breeding ground for evil. Evil does not follow laws. Brazen evil corrodes everything good and promotes everything wicked including mass killings. God is watching as our leadership fights against laws to restrict the killing of near-term babies and develops policies that allow political corruption and the easy inflow of fentanyl and other killer drugs into our nation. When a nation turns its back on God, God will give it up to the desires of the flesh. God, however, will not allow Satan to win the war against His Chosen. He declares that we were born so that He can love us. If only people would receive this free Gift of love, they would turn their back on evil and discover true Freedom.

So, why do we continue to ignore the Christian values and the message in the Word of God that has the power to defeat this evil? America’s sin has been exported around the world and it will open our nation to a Noah-like flood of judgment. By closing the door to God, we will open the door to Satan. Countries like China and Russia may be able to just walk in and take over like Cyrus and the Medo-Persian army did to defeat the Great Babylon of Ancient Times. Read the new book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War & Final Chapter to understand how and why we are where we are.