God’s “Still Small voice”

The Lord has sent a Great Sign and few have had the eyes to see and He has sent a still/small voice of Warning and few have had ears to hear. Maybe God is trying to get your attention! It is no coincidence that our Christian “leaders” are coming under heavy trials.

The enemy is here and is affecting the whole world yet the Church is not keeping up with discernment and commitment.
The Church is giving up Holy Ground and is in retreat in many parts of America because of poor discernment and lack of faithful, Godly
determination.  Perhaps the greatest measure of our Christian life is here. Perhaps we can take our true spiritual temperature by the amount of trials heaped upon us. Perhaps the abundant life is more about having joy in the midst of trials than the absence of those trials. J.B. Phillips translates James 1:2 this way: “Don’t resent trials as intruders, but welcome them as friends.”

If you teach error you will reap trials. God is seeking those with a “wholesome tongue” to speak out — yet there is silence.
God blessed us for a reason. This is a time of trial, so stand up against error, falsehood, and apathy. Where is the voice crying in the wilderness calling for repentance? Seek God in fervent prayer while reading His Word. When we have the “Dollar” on the premier “christian” TV production company speaking “christ” and abortion” in the same breath…. — then we have Apostasy.

When we have “christianity” mixed with puberty blockers and the promotion of baby killing on the same platform then we have wickedness.

When God’s people allow “christian” voices to speak against His Promise, then you have embraced the Lie. Wake up,
God wants to Bless and Restore — yet the “Church is silent and not speaking  the whole Truth and the Warning’s that He has proclaimed.

Red Dragon Alert

Until you understand this — you are out of the “warning loop” that God has provided for us to prepare us for what is about to come. This is a Red Alert- the Red Dragon- Satan & his minions are here to cause chaos & confusion.   Israel & the Church stand in his way & he’s furious because he knows his time is short: Rev. 12:12. And note, God does not just use numbers with impunity—those numbers are part of the warning.

God does not play games……and yet countless pastors, prophecy gurus and other “elites” were like the Pharisees of old and discounted God’s Great Sign for our time——-many will pay a heavy price but what is worse is that most have not taken the warning seriously enough to warn others around them especially their loved ones.  At least Noah tried with all the time, ability, resources, that he had to forewarn the world around him to seek shelter in God before disaster hit. We are NOW again in the “time of Noah” and if you cannot see this then you have been blinded by Satan as the countless other lemmings that we can see each day glorifying sex transition, abortion, Kamala and Walz.  As a voice crying in the wilderness — God wants this message to reach you as before it is too late– and as in the message of John the Baptist – seek repentance, baptism, and prepare for the Lord’s Coming.  But the religious leaders in the time of John and Noah did not – nor did those in the time of the birth of Christ see the first great Cosmic Sign given for the Lord’s first coming-Bethlehem Star.

The Great Sign of Revelation 12 happened almost exactly 7 years ago as a foreshadow of events to come.  That is why God has called it a “GREAT SIGN.”  IT WOULD NOT BE A GREAT SIGN IF IT HAPPENED AT THE BEGINGING OF TIME as 40% or more of pastors and prophecy gurus teach, nor would it be a Great Sign if it Happens in the Middle of the 7-Year Tribulation, or Jacob’s Trouble as the other 60% teach!!  Why would God wait until Judgment has already come to give His Great Sign? And astronomers know exactly the date and time of this Glorious arrangement of wandering stars, Sun, Moon, and distant stars that made up the Great Sign of the Woman (and if you do not know how glorious it was – read any of the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown books–that the LORD commissioned me to write and which I openly give away for free at our mission “Answers on the Rock,” at White Rock Lake.)  My friend Angie and I have been giving away these and other free books for the last 14 years!

How wrong can these “teachers” be to ignore God’s stellar or cosmic billboard in the sky? Ignoring God’s Magnificent and Glorious warning may be equal to the apostasy of macro-evolution, changing the sex of children, pushing puberty blockers, homosexuality, and transgenderism.

The Red Dragon has been cast to earth and is persecuting the Woman who is Israel.  The Church, the real Church that is in Christ imbued with the Holy Spirit, is the Power of God holding back Satan and his minions until the right moment when God will lift them up along with the dead in Christ who will meet Christ in the clouds.  This is a warning that God wants all to hear. God has commissioned me and others who sought answers in prayer to announce this warning to those who have ears to hear yet have not heard and eyes to see yet have NOT seen.  Let’s keep in prayer, share God’s Word with each other, share the Gospel, and give God all the Praise and Glory.  Peace and Hope be with you.

Not Much Time Left II

God can use what man intended for evil to accomplish good for His Purpose and His will.  He will shake the Church and all those who live in apathy and self-confidence. God is not interested in our agendas and idol worship.  He wants us to repent of our laziness and blindness and to grow up and share the greatest Gift on Earth to all who are lost. He will allow churches to burn down, pastors to fall, and anxiety to sweep this nation.  He is trying to get our attention because the leaders today are like the Pharisees of old and have ignored His warnings and the Signs of the Time.

Despite the “Crooks,” “the Stealers, Liars, and  “Cheat—els” Trump stands tall above the fray as God’s man for his time.   Is the existential threat to Democracy, Trump who won two primaries, or Harris who came in last place in her one primary, yet was appointed millions of dollars raised by the Biden candidacy? Is this a dictatorship or a democracy? Apparently Harris has been appointed by the Elites, not by the normal legal process established by both parties in the primaries. He lies claimed Biden was in great physical shape and healthy, and as usual the present Biden/Harris campaign is using Lies to claim that Trump is a threat to Democracy when they themselves are the Biggest Threat.

Now we are being pummeled with lies– as the media and the elite remake the image of Harris.  She is now a capable speaker able to be President and Biden who was shoved aside for his failed mental capacity is capable to be President for the next 5 months. And now these pundits are saying that Trump is too old to run– this hypocrisy is undeniable.

The contrast between Trump and Harris are at the absolute opposite ends of the spectrum.  God could not have created a more obvious choice between competent and incompetent, good and evil, statesman and clown, sacrificial and self-motivated, protector of the innocent vs baby killer, pro-Israel vs. anti-Israel, and family man vs the woman who seduced Willie Brown to get into office. This is to give America a clear choice before judgment comes.  I have listened to many Prophetic voices, and most are saying that a war in the Middle East will happen before September ends.  They say it will be the Psalm 83 war.  That is a joke when one considers that Iran as a nation is feeding weapons to Israel’s neighbors and threatening a retaliation for Israel’s aggression against Hamas and against them. Dark forces seem to be controlling even our “prophetic human centered” voices.

The next war may be ignited by Iran seeking revenge in Israel or right in our own back yard. We could see a civil like war initiated by a Trojan-like attack from Chinese, Islamic, and Venezuelan agents soon after the election when the nation will be reeling from election controversy. These foreign agents and their governments will see an opportune time to initiate chaos to stoke a civil war.  They will attack churches, military bases, small businesses on Main Street, and all of our vulnerable infrastructure which includes the Grid, rail and highways, food and water sources, and all those who are sworn to our security and safety. This environment will be aided by the Lies that permeate our media and social media in TikTok and other popular sources of “news” and “data.”  We have a population that has been brainwashed by propaganda that will believe almost any lie.

This is not based on a dream or a whim but on the state of our world and what is revealed in the Word of God.  Read the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown books.  Everything in the first groundbreaking book has come true.  And we already see that the 3rd book is showing a pattern of historicity with the recent assassination attempt on Trump. That final book has the subtitle: The Invisible War & Final Chapter.

Out of Order

The world is “Out of Order” the Judge in the Court of the Heavens is hammering His gavel – a Sign of approaching Judgment. The world is more and more under the sway of the Devil. Devil means liar–and this Father of Lies is gaining more and more ears and control. Jesus warned that they hear with their ears yet do not hear, and see with their eyes and yet do not see. Each of the major Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel) warned their people of this and then Jerusalem fell. Trump gave God credit on the stage at the RNC and the big Box media scoffed– then God struck high tech worldwide crippling travel, finances, trade, and just about every major function– by crippling CloudStrike—yes it was GodStruck!
Grown men are lying about their sex and even their age to compete against women (just this year 692 women had scholarships, metals, or records taken away from them by men.) The Church is here to fulfill the Great Commission yet mainline churches are having debates whether they should ordain homosexuals or bless their weddings– a great percentage of the church is Out of Order. We are commanded to examine ourselves to SEE if we are in the faith! Is Jesus Christ in you? We grieve when a whale dies yet celebrate abortion or call the killing of babies a medical procedure. We are Out of Order. This is the Invisible War destroying the hearts of men and women. Public education allows men to dress like women and preach to children yet arrests or fires a coach who kneels on the grass and prays after a game. OUT OF ORDER declares the LORD, as He prepares to lower the gavel.
Under Biden, America’s leadership has abondoned our allies in Afganistan, hamstrung Israel, and now disrupted our democracy by ignoring the Primary vote.  Loyd Austin our top General disappeared into hospital garb because he knew Biden was not accessible and not meeting with cabinet members.  Who is leading our nation and is Biden capable of leading?  Our enemies see a leader that has captitulated to the far left, that is weak, and has allowed a party coup to upend democracy. Read Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War & Final Chapter to understand deeper issues and signs of what is happening.
So, who is the existential threat to Democracy, Trump who won two primaries, or Harris who came in last in her one primary yet was appointed millions of dollars raised by the Biden candidacy in the last 3 years? How can this be called democracy? You have a candidate who had not raised a penny for her race yet claims the Biden bank account for her own race. She was appointed by the Elites not by the normal legal process established by both parties in the primaries. Lies claimed Biden was actively Healthy and the Biden/Harris campaign is using Lies to claim that Trump is a threat to Democracy when they themselves are the Biggest Threat. At this time America needs strong resolute leadership at such a perilous time. Yet again we are being pummeled with lies–stating that Biden is capable to be President but not to run for office. And now the pundits are saying that Trump is too old to run– this hypocrisy is undeniable.
This is a bridge to nowhere when you have a Biden presidency that perpetuates itself on Lies—if he cannot run for office why is he still in office? Why was Cheatle given a sweet condolence letter by Jill as she resigns from office? Was she a good friend of Jill? What qualifications did she have? Was this a conspiracy to open the doors for an assasination attempt against Trump? What is the morale level now in the Secret Service and how quickly can this failed administration resolve this?  God Help us with a Great Spiritual Revival before the Final Chapter commences.

The Final Countdown

Understanding the time: seeing with eyes that see and hearing with ears that hear as commanded by Jesus Christ and given as a warning by Him and all the major prophets.

For you who understand the purpose and importance of Biblical Prophecy understand that the Pope for the first time visited the G7 meeting of the Free Worlds Economic Powers —linking the Vatican to the Ai and new technologies and the future one world government all of which leads up to the 10 horns or 10 toes of the End time “super-power” that will be the base principality for the Anti-Christ takeover of the world.
For you who seek Truth and Reality– you have been blinded by the world and church system to see with eyes that cannot see God’s Great Sign for the end-time. Remember the Bethlehem Star? Take note that the ruling powers, the leading scholars, the scribes, the religious leaders and the elites all of whom should have known the Signs that God was giving them about the Messiah missed the Largest Most spectacular Sign given since the Rainbow in Noah’s time. They missed the Sign in the sky, the lights that God gave to mankind for “appointed times” (Moedim”—the word used in Genesis 1:14).
God divided night and day with those billions of lights for appointed times not just for seasons as our blinded interpreters have beguiled us with. God put those stars and planets in our Universe with orbits to define an “appointed time”. He set it up to point to an exact city in an exact kingdom and an exact time—only God can do this. This was the most important time in human history—and thus gave announced it in a massive billboard with incredibly precise movement of stars, planets, sun and moon. NOW understand this the same thing has happened with God’s “Great Sign of the Woman” in Revelation 12.
Incredibly our blinded leaders including most pastors and TV evangelists/ prophecy gurus have ignored this Sign or completely dismissed it as not important! Why? Wake up! Why would God call it a Great Sign and place it in the middle of the futurist Prophetic book of Revelation? Yet most of these same self-proclaimed experts claim that this sign happened at the beginning of time (official position of the Baptist Convention). What? Why would God call it a great sign if humanity was not around to see it? And why even mention it? No, this Sign is for us now. It also cannot happen after Chapter 11 even though it is found in Chapter 12. Why do we know this–because the next paragraph describes the war in heaven and Satan being permanently cast down to earth “for a short time.” Thus, God is telling us that this Great Sign does NOT follow the chronological order of events in Revelation.
The FACT is all the Sun, moon, Planet movements, and Stars required to create the Sign + 5 more highly significant God-markers occurred together on one moment in history to get the attention of the world. This Sign marks the Lord’s 2nd Coming just as they were laid out to mark His 1st Coming in 3AD (to see the evidence supporting this, read the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War & Final Chapter).
Those 5 levels of evidence include 1) those “lights” appearing together in the right position ro fulfill the Great Sign 2) those same lights performed 3 amazing pre and post movements to get our attention- one was that Jupiter stayed in the womb of Virgo for just over 9 months in retrograde motion which is the normal gestation period for a baby and Second before this Jupiter traveled with Venus in a conjunction for exactly 400 days throughout the Solar System before they both enter the womb. Then third: Venus, Mars, and Mercury end up aligning with each other pointing directly at the great star Regulus in Leo –meaning that the sign points to Regulus=Royalty, with Jesus as Mars (Man), Mercury (the divine messenger) and Venus (as the High Priest- or the Morning Star.
The next level has to do with extraneous stellar or other lights= Next to all this is the Star Spica in Virgo which means “seed”- pointing to the Prophecy in Gen. 3:15 about the seed of the Woman and the seed of the Serpent. Nearby is the comet titled P 67 pointing to the release of Jerusalem to God’s people. Each of these “lights” can be compared to the “lights” that star maps show appeared at the birth of Jesus in 2-3BC.
The 3rd level points to all the generational periods that pointed to the date of this Great Sign in Sept. 23, 2017. You had the 50, 70, 100, and 500 year connections to major events in history related to the re-birth and liberation of Israel and Jerusalem. The 4th layer were the Festivals–each pointing to the Lord’s return and this Sign happened the day after Rosh Hashanah and the beginning of the Feast of Trumpets and the 10 Days of Awe.
The 5th level points to historical markers that have since happened to cement the importance of this date: As stated in the first book- the Lord forwarned me of an Invisible attack related to this Sign and it happened soon later and during this period as lies tried to unseat the President and then the “invisible” Covit-19 hit. 80 days later we saw President Trump declare his promise to declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel and to move the Embassy. Likewise, this marked the beginning of a 7-year foreshadow of the 7- year Tribulation which I believe will soon happen.
We just saw the most horrendous attack on Jews since the holocaust as another warning. We have seen the Pope appear at the G7, the growth of Hamas in popularity even here in America, the great threat from our open border getting more real every day, the daily mistakes and missteps by our Mr. Magoo president, and the blindness happening in our American intelligence agencies and media, the gross lies being broadcast by liberal media of every kind, and the rebellion reaching deep into policy making throughout America- and the world resulting in the increase of perversion and the attack on our children.
NOW realize that Jesus spoke about the “last generation” after the budding of the fig tree–which I believe is the re-birth of Israel and 2017 marked the end of the 70-year prophetic generation BUT in His Mercy God gave us an 80-year generation marking a New Beginning which would happen at its end. That takes us to election time –which I believe will mark the beginning of a Great Event that will shake the whole world. It could be war, the fall of America, a natural calamity, an attack on Israel —or all of these.
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Raelene Marie and Laurie A Griffin

The Emergent

What are we doing?  So many sermons promote the concept of a defeated toothless Satan.  Is this true?  As Jesus stated, “I have come that they may have life and have to the full,” In the same thought He also emphatically stated that Satan, the enemy, has “come to kill, steal, and destroy.”  This does not sound like a defeated foe.  Yes, in the cosmic spiritual battle that spans all time, Jesus defeated Satan at the Cross.  And Satan is no match against Jesus Christ nor against anyone who invites Christ into their heart.

However, there is a fact that we must all accept.  Believers are not immune to a violent death at the hands of those who may love Satan and hate God.  Everyone who dies and has died believing and trusting in Jesus Christ will be eternally Saved and will have defeated sin and “death” as He did.  These supernaturally empowered believers will therefore be “victorious over Satan” and his angels.  All the Apostles except for John who wrote Revelation were victorious, yet they were violently killed, and since then millions more have been persecuted and killed.

The book of Revelation, presented to John by Jesus Christ, explains that billions will die in a span of just 7 years, and will include millions upon millions of “new believers in Jesus Christ.”  This is not a “defeated Satan.”  To teach this is to create a complacent, apathetic, and indifferent church.  By the way this is what many pastor’s and the Papacy want so that they can maintain control. This and the lie that the book of Revelation is just a spiritualization of a person’s salvation and/or personal torment are some of biggest LIES from Satan, who is the Father of Lies. Whole denominations including the Catholic Church promote these falsehoods.

This is part of Satan’s preparation for the Anti-Christ and False Prophet.  He is the “Emergent” that will have control over both of these “Beasts” and will seek to kill and destroy every Jew and Christian alive.  Right now he is preparing nations and people for his army of evil minions.  He wants chaos.  At any given moment the world can be turned into an inferno of war and calamity.  A twitchy finger on a nuclear warhead or a series of balistic missiles from Iran will change the topography of the earth and will intiate a series of wars of Biblical proportions.  This will not be like any other war and entire continents will be left burning.  The fools who worry about climate change had better spend their time and billions trying to stop this fanaticism. Instead they are in self denial and refuse to see or hear the Truth related to the Oct 7th attack on innocent women & children.

Evil has been unleashed in America and around the world.  A 72 old great grandmother named, Lavrenz, who went to Washington DC January 6, to pray and walked into the White House as police officers stood by “acting as if to invite people in” was recently convicted of “insurrection” facing many years in prison and over $100,000 in fines.  Yet all those anarchists that burned down buildings, attacked federal officers, and destroyed people’s lives, were not arrested nor faced a hunt-down like what we are seeing related to all the J6 walk-ins.  Just this week in Dearborn, Michigan there were military aged Muslim men declaring “Death to America,” yet they were not arrested nor prosecuted.  An 89-year-old Holocaust survivor was given a 10-year sentence for protesting in front of an abortion clinic. Are we headed towards a Biden led Totalitarian government? Is the world falling apart and therefore preparing for a one-World Government?  Evil has been turned to good and good to evil by compromised authorities and leaders worldwide.  Putin’s war on Ukraine, mass killings, America’s acceptance of puberty blockers and abortion, the widespread lawlessness in Haiti and our big cities, and the vicous terrorism in the Middle East, India, and Africa are all  symptoms of darkness and the deeper darkness that is coming.


Factor X: Cosmic Signs, Election Signs, and Invisible to Visible Wars

Stats show that there are close to 7 million Jews in Israel and 7 million living outside Israel. Stats also show that the earth’s present population is near 7 billion and that the population prior to the Great flood was also 7 billion based on a 2000-year period and on the average age of 912 (which is the average age recorded in Genesis). The number 7 is the perfect number of completion in God;s eye. The number 7 is used consistently in the book of Revelation and in Creation. 7 Churches, 7 Lampstands, 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, 7 Bowls, 7 Days of Creation, 7 Feasts to Celebrate the Lord, 7 Eyes and Horns of the Lamb, the 7 Spirits, the 7 stars, and the 7 Thunders.

Is God giving us a picture of judgment to come and the beginning of the promised Prophetic events. The world today is in spiritual rebellion and physical uncertainty with broken borders and regional wars. Is something greater soon to come? As we were launching a massive retaliatory strike in Yemen with the support of over a dozen allied nations, a record-breaking artic dome was forming over America. The very first part of our election process is about to happen in the middle of this storm in temps at around minus 15 in Iowa. Is this part of God’s warning? On our southern border the Texas Governor is defying Biden’s failed border policy and is stationing the Texas National Guard on key areas along the border blocking the Federal Customs agents from interfering. This is an effort to protect our border and to bring the Supreme Court into the decision-making process. Biden’s open-border policy most agree is putting not only Texas but the entire nation in jeopardy. Will this lead Biden to arrest the Governor and bring in the U.S. Army?

Jonathan Cahn brought up an interesting comparison and warning going back to Roe vs Wade and the first 3 years of abortions from 1970 to 1973 comparing the 1.3 million abortions or deaths of “children” to a matching number of people lost to Covid 19 according to the CDC in its first 3 years. Both were 1.3 million. We have recently seen an incredible and almost totally irrational shift of our nation’s agenda focused on issues that go against Natural Law and/or National Security. It is as if a spiritual wave of darkness has swept over us and instead of glorifying God and His blessings, we have opened our gates to an invasion by both physical and spiritual forces.

Will soon to come major events bring the world to its knees. Is Europe about to weather a major record breaking cold front like the one that is presently spreading throughout our nation? Will war rise to unprecedented levels, and will this also include Taiwan, Iran, Lebanon, and other fronts? The year 2024 may be linked to God’s prophetic timetable which is anchored in Genesis & interwoven throughout His Word.

The war against the Houthis in Yemen just escalated with Iran’s capture of a Greek tanker in the Gulf of Oman. Will that now initiate a new front in the Persian Gulf as the U.S. and the allies move their warships to that area too? Will this lead to Iran’s involvement and a much bigger war? Will Iran shut down all trade along the Persian Gulf? And because of the Treaty agreement with Russia, will this lead to its involvement?

Despite all the threats in the Middle East, Baron’s and other investment firms are stating that the biggest threat to business in America is not Ukraine nor Yemen but is our own election. This is easy to understand considering that each election since 2012 has generated more and more controversy and havoc. This election will introduce unknown factors such as 8 million illegal aliens and a million or so get-a-ways that could be secret agents of Iran or China or another group such as the Houthis.

Another question is in the Cosmic realm as America will have another major Solar Eclipse crossing its boundaries–this time North to South. After the West to East Solar/Moon shadow crossed our entire nation, we saw 3 major hurricanes causing more damage than any time in history.

third factor is Trump who is very divisive—one side believing he should be in jail and the other convinced that he is the only one that can take on the deep state and the mess that America is in. The 4th factor is Ai, ChatGPT and other electronic factors such as social media which can be used to deceive the masses and cause riots or rebellion.

All of these factors, especially if Trump loses the election, will in some form weaken our country and may lessen the support that we give Israel. It could also inspire China to attack Taiwan or Russia to initiate expansion of its power and influence in Africa. American power and influence is wanning in Africa and South America and more signs of weakness will diminish respect even more and can easily embolden our enemies to undermine the dollar and attack our economic, diplomatic and military assets throughout the world.

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James Kugler

Countdown to Gog?

Is God giving us a picture of judgment to come and the beginning of the promised Prophetic events. The world today is in spiritual rebellion and physical uncertainty with broken borders and regional wars. Is something greater soon to come. As we were launching a massive retalliatory strike in Yemen with the support of over a dozen allied nations, a massive record breaking artic dome is forming over America. The very first part of our election process is about to happen in the middle of this storm in temps beyond minus 15 in Iowa. Is this part of God’s warning? On our southern border the Governor is defying Biden’s failed border policy and is stationing Texas National Guard along key areas in the border blocking the Federal Custom’s agents from interfering. This is an effort to bring the Supreme Court into the policy dictates that most agree is putting not only Texas but the entire nation in jeopardy. Will this lead Biden trying to arrest the Governor and bringing in the U.S. Army?

Jonathan Cahn brought up an interesting comparison and warning going back to Roe vs Wade and the first 3 years of abortions from 1970 to 1973 comparing the 1.3 million abortions or deaths of “children” to a matching number of people lost to Covid 19 according to the CDC in its first 3 years. Both were 1.3 million. We have recently seen an incredible and almost totally irrational shift of our nation’s agenda focused on issues that are Woke or going against Natural Law and/or National Security. It is as if a spiritual wave of darkness has swept over us and instead of glorifying God and His blessings we are opening our gates to invasion by both physical and spiritual enemies.

Will soon to come major events bring the world to its knees? Is Europe about to weather a major record breaking cold front like one that is spreading throughout our nation? Will war rise to unprecendented levels and will this also include Taiwan and other fronts? The year 2024 may be linked to God’s time-table which is anchored in Genesis & interwoven throughout His Word. The war against the Houthi just escalated with Iran’s capture of a Greek tanker in the Gulf of Oman. Will that now initiate a new front in the Persian Gulf as the U.S. and the allies move their warships to that area too? Will this lead to Iran’s involvement with much greater assets on both sides. And because of the Treaty agreement with Russia, will this lead to its involvement?  National News commentators are even asking the question, “are we headed towards WWIII?”

If not WWIII it looks like we are headed into war called the war of Gog and Magog?  This is a semi-regional war in that the Bible focuses only on Israel but worldwide there may be serious nuclear or massive non-nuclear wars by the Red Dragon nation of China & its proxy North Korea for Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan?  Surely the United States will be involved in either or both fronts which will bring in all Nato countries including Turkey, and many non-Nato countries in North Africa and the Middle East.

The Grand Delusion & Signs of this Present Time

The Signs God is Giving Us: From the Virgin Mary to a White Horse,

The Great Delusion has begun. We have one of the greatest villains of all time claiming that he is the Christian leader of the Greatest Christian nation in the world. His name is Putin, and he rides a white horse of lies and deceit. He believes that he is doing God’s will in destroying what he calls “Nazi Ukraine.” Then there is Islam which seeks to destroy what it calls “Nazi Israel or the small Satan”. Amazingly this irrational mix of Shia and Shiite hatred has received applause from a large woke mob around the world even though radical Islam is diametrically opposed to Western women’s rights, transgenderism and homosexuality. Could this be part of God’s judgment on the crooked moral path that the West has taken?
In India Prime Minister Modi pontificates that his nation is the world’s greatest democracy, yet he allows the pervasive persecution and killing of minorities including Christians. His Hindu culture uses lies to protect and promote the caste system of power and brutality. In China the leader is also cloaked in the blood of Christians and other minorities. Like a wolf pack ready to devour a hen house, Xi and his Communist party can’t wait to attack Taiwan. Their lies are so effective that they have seduced millions around the world into a dependency on their goods and services.
Those communist leaders have compromised the sneakiest liar of them all, the President of the United States who also believes he is the Christian leader of the world’s greatest Christian democracy. He should be protecting America and yet he has opened our border to Iranian proxies, given billions to Iran who has armed the Houthi militia in Yemen and many militia groups in Iraq and Syria that have all attacked American bases or ships. The Pope who claims to be the spiritual leader of Catholicism in both apostate Europe and in socialistic South America believes that he is head of the world’s greatest Christian body. His lies promote Universalism (that there are many paths to Heaven) and that there is no Hell. In essence he is a false prophet preparing the way for a one-world religion and government.
Each “Great Leader” is using lies to control the masses. Each is in essence riding a white horse of deception. But there are other spiritual deceptions compromising the hearts and minds of the apathetic masses and those who think they know or follow Truth. These lies promote not only the cults but also a perverted faith that discourages the personal sharing of the Gospel. Jesus Christ commanded His church to go into the world and spread the Gospel of the Good News of Salvation to all tribes and nations.
These wayward believers or denominations promote an exclusive Calvinism or Replacement Theology that excludes Israel and the majority of the lost who are eager to receive the Gospel. They have spiritualized the Truth out of entire books or sections of the Bible such as the entire first 6 Chapters of Genesis, the major and minor prophets, and the books of Daniel and Revelation. This has allowed perversion and gross error to permeate the church and sow doubt and despair. Apostasy has grown and churches have been turned into recreation centers and mosques. This “white horse” is ushering in great perversion, war, and rebellion which will set the stage for the Anti-Christ.
Only in and through Jesus Christ will people find peace and rest in the middle of this increasingly chaotic and uncertain world. “But God demonstrates His love in this, while we were sinners Christ died for us.” John 5:8. To understand why I absolutely know we are approaching Tribulation read the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown series, the books are discounted to make it affordable for everyone and all profits are donated—for it is the Lord who gave me this to share. This essay continues in the following message included. It is all part of Invisible War set into place by Satan.
Are we in the Final pre Anti-Christ stage of this war?

Sightings of the Virgin Mary can happen in the unlikeliest places. Some people encounter her high in the mountains of the French Alps, while others find her in a school playground. Sometimes, Mary comes awash in a bright light. Other times, she’s in tears. In the 20th century alone, there were about 386 sightings of Mary “reported at a level beyond local rumors,” according to The New York Times. The bishops of local dioceses study these apparitions. In any given case, a bishop might have to make sure the sighting isn’t a moneymaking scheme or confirm that it doesn’t contradict church doctrine. Can these sightings be a satanic attempt to draw attention and worship away from Jesus Christ and strengthen the false prophet while glorifying a woman idol much like Ianna and Ishtar of ancient Babylon?  The following are historical Mary-like sightings:

Fatima 1917:  in Portugal and group of shepherd children.  The Vatican has called the visions at Fatima the “most prophetic of modern apparitions.” A group of young children reported seeing the Virgin six times while they were tending sheep in Fatima.  Millions crawl in penance to the shrine.

1981 Medjugorje: Bonia, six children reported seeing visions of the Virgin Mary with a child in her arms. Unlike with other sightings, some of the witnesses in this case claim they have continued to see the apparitions over the subsequent decades.  Millions worship at the shrine.

Guadalupe, Mexico: Mary is believed to have appeared to Juan Diego, an Aztec convert to Christianity, in 1531. According to the story, she asked that a shrine be built for her at the site of the apparition and left her image on the inside of a cloak. That image is now venerated at the Basilica of Guadalupe. Millions upon millions worship at various shrines.

Paris 1830:  Mary appeared to a young novice named Catherine Laboure (pictured here), who was part of the society of the Girls of the Charity.

La Salette, France (in the Alps): Mary is said to have appeared to two young shepherds.

1858 Lourdes, France:  Pope Benedict XVI blesses worshippers as he arrives at the Massabielle cave of the Lourdes shrine, in Lourdes, France, in 2008. About 6 million people are drawn to Lourdes every year to pray at the place where Mary is said to have appeared to a teenager named Bernadette Soubirous. Many of the pilgrims are sick and disabled and millions come to the spot in hopes of healing.

1879, Knock, County Mayo, Ireland:  At least 15 people saw Mary appear over the altar of a village chapel in Knock, Ireland, along with Joseph, John the Apostle and a lamb.

1932-33, Beauraing, Belgium:  Five children said that Mary appeared to them in the playground of their convent school in Belgium.

1933, Banneux, Belgium:  Jan. 15, 1933, a young woman named Mariette Beco was reportedly standing at her kitchen window when she saw the Virgin Mary calling her from the garden. She claimed that she saw the apparition seven more times that year.

1980s, Kibeho, Rwanda:  The Virgin Mary allegedly appeared to several high school children in Kibeho, Rwanda, in the 1980s.

Is this another Sign of the End Time where Satan is appearing as an Angel of Light and is telling people like Pope Francis that there is no Hell, and that God offers Universal Salvation. Pope Francis has also called the effort to evangelize a pagan pursuit.  This could be because the Pope believes that the kissing of his ring brings a divine blessing and the worship of Mary, the exhibit of Jesus artifacts, the performance of “religious rituals and sacraments, and the glorification of religious artworks are the best way to draw the lost into the Kingdom.  But are these distractions just part of Satan’s seduction of the world?

The Catholic church has a long history of using Pageantry and Ritual to attract the native populations into its fold.  Right now, the Pope is also making a supreme effort to draw all religions into his sphere of influence.  This sounds like what the Book of Revelation warns concerning the False Prophet as he seeks to prepare the way for the Anti-Christ.  Pope Francis has done a lot to organize the Abrahamic Family House which is an attempt to draw all 3 faiths, the Islamic, Hebraic, and Christian faiths, together under one spiritual roof in Abu Dahbi. He also built the Cathedral of Our Lady of Arabia of worship in Bahrain.

Ask yourself if anything like this ever happened in history, with the specter of nuclear war hanging over the world?  And as you digest all this, switch your mindset & investigate your heart?  Is anything keeping your from surrendering to Almighty God, to Jesus Christ who loves you, and can give you True Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace?

These spiritual compromises have allowed perversion and gross error to permeate the church and have sown doubt and despair that hinders the Holy Spirit.  Apostasy has grown and churches have been turned into recreation centers and mosques. This “white horse” is ushering in the Red Horse which will bring war and rebellion.  This Red Horse or spirit of revenge and terror will eventually lead to the destruction of 1/4 of the earth’s population thus setting the stage for the Anti-Christ. This evil hero will rescue the earth by controlling economies and the access to goods and foods.  He will demand a mark on the forehead and wrist for anyone to have access to this market system.  However, anyone who takes the mark of this spiritual “beast” will be condemned by God.  Only in and through Jesus Christ will people find true peace and rest in the middle of this increasingly chaotic and uncertain world. “But God demonstrates His love in this, while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” John 5:8.

Despite all that is happening there is Hope.  We know how Biden has failed at the border, in foreign policy, military policy, and in the economy.  He has motivated Islamic radicalism on college campuses, the rise of fentanyl smuggling and use, the open practice and promotion of Satanism and sex trafficking, and the increased violence against anti-abortion clinics.  His actions or inaction has motivated Islamic attacks on our Christian missions overseas, our bases in the Middle East, an attack in Ukraine and in many African countries where coups have taken place.  His lack of leadership has led to 10’s of thousands of deaths among Christian communities and tribes in Nigeria alone.  And his lies are so obvious that most people have lost total confidence in his promises.

We have Hope despite the dark clouds. What will happen next?  Will China, North Korea, Iran and Russia sense that we are weak and incapable of mustering our troops to fight the good fight?  Did our aircraft carrier USS FORD retreat to port because it could no longer function effectively either due to crew problems or to a breakdown in its military capability? Can one run a tight ship with Wokeness and hypersensitive crew members?  Why did Secretary of Defense Austin cover up his pain and need for hospitalization?  He did not let the President know that he would be unable to perform his duties.  And it appears that even after a week, he was still incapacitated.  Can he not trust the Pentagon nor the White House?  Does he believe that we have enemy spies in our midst?

Although America is like a ship in troubled waters, we have Hope. We have serious internal threats, and we seem incapable of dealing with them.  To understand better what some of these threats are read the 3rd book in the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown series and open the Word of God to find the Answers to all your doubt and fear and anxiety. There is always HOPE.  Hope in Jesus Christ. He is your blessed Hope.  The Bible is a book about failed people who are rescued by God.  People smile on the outside yet crying on the inside.  Hope in God, He is a strong tower an anchor for the soul.  We are not perfect.  Do not let failure haunt you, for God can use even tragic mistakes to give you Hope and greater Faith.

Faith is being sure of what you Hope for, and the evidence of what you cannot see.  Moses killed a man employed by Pharoah and buried him in the desert, yet God used him to lead the people out of bondage and met him when he climbed Mount Sinai.  Moses met with God for 40 days and delivered the 10 Commandments.  Moses struck the rock and it split in two bringing forth water to sustain the millions of people and animals that God had delivered on wings of eagles through the Sinai wilderness.  Moses was with them for 40 years then walked to his own burial.  He did not lead the people into the promised land because God did not want the people to worship a man — a man who struck the rock a 2nd time — when God had told him to speak it —thus giving God the Glory.  Trust God’s Word and walk with Him — for He will give you Joy unspeakable, the Favor of God, a future with peace and rest in Jesus Christ, and an immutable Truth that will anchor you against the lies of the world.

2024 and the Coming Tribulation

Do not give up, persevere and God will help you as you seek His guidance….. this will be one of the most difficult years on record for America and in many ways for the world. Keep your heart focused on God as events unfold. God has already fulfilled 4 Great Prophecies in the last 76 years. 1) He has regathered the Jewish people 2) He reestablished the Jewish Nation 3) In a Miracle war God returned Jerusalem to Jewish control. 4) Now God is setting the stage for the Anti-Christ through Israel. These all point to a generational fulfillment of key prophecies from most of the minor and major prophets in the Old Testament.

In other words the rest of Prophecy is about to be fulfilled and we will soon see America weakened so that the war of Gog and Magog may be fulfilled. To further understand other Signs and Warnings that point to what is coming read the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown series…. everything in the first book has already come true. Trump was not destined to win and the invisible war or agent that undermined all levels and sectors throughout the world was forewarned by God’s Great Sign of the Woman in Revelation 12. I purposefully lowered the price of the books so that everyone can afford them, and all profits are donated.

As part of the Sign Satan is cast down and is now furiously trying to get back at God and His people. As part of this sign, Bosra and the area north of Petra will become a place of refuge for Jews during the Tribulation. All of this is also confirmed in the Old Testament prophecies. And note that Jesus Christ himself confirms that birth pains will lead to rebellion and rebellion to the Tribulation and the Abomination of Desolation. Jesus also confirms the existence and history of Adam and Eve, Noah, and even Jonah.

Here is a dangerous progression of current events: 1) Houthis missile positions and storage areas bombed and the assasination in Lebanon of Hamas leader for Samaria and Judea, 2) one hundred or more killed by ISIS bombs at Suleimani’s memoria and Houthis hit multiple ships with missiles, 3) Israel strikes the Damascus airport killing 11 of the top military operatives for the Iranian proxies in the region 4) and Israel kills Iran’s Brigadier General and Iran captures Greek ship in the Gulf of Oman. Mix this with the Gaza war, increased military action in Lebanon along with Turkey and Russia aledgedly moving forces under a UN flag to the border. Will a much bigger war ignite? Everything suggests it will happen especially since we have weak leadership at the very top and since Iran is bent on retaliation and in generating total chaos to usher in the 12th Iman.

The Bible states that there will be a big war in the region and that Damascus will be destroyed. This war is described in Ezekiel 38 and involves nations thought to be Russia as Magog, and Turkey as Tubal, and Iran as Persia. The one element preventing this war from happening is America and our military.

Most students of the military end time Prophecy believe that U.S. will be internally or externally compromised by either a Trojan horse-like attack (Biden inviting into our nation 8-9 million illegal immigrants with thousands of other get-a-ways who could be Iranian or Chinese saboteurs and terrorists). This will mimic the Persian victory over Babylon where Babylon fell in one day due to a surprise internal and external attack. Ironically Persia or Iran will be part of this attack since Hezbollah an Iranian proxy has thousands of agents in dozens of cells within our nation (the FBI reported on this over 5 years ago). Read the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown series to understand how explicitly God has warned us with both great Signs and Warnings — in Genesis, in the books of the Prophets, in the book of Revelation, in Generational markers such as the Jubilee, in Mathew 24, many other warnings spoken by Jesus Christ, and with a powerful Sign in the Stars, Moon, and Planets (or Lights) much like the “Bethlehem Star” marking His 1st Coming.

Russia did not make a single sale at the big Dubai military airshow this year. A large part of this decline is due to competition from other nations that are new players in the game. With the poor performance of Russian military equipment in Ukraine, sales have dropped considerably since 2022. The sanctions have not helped and the Russians are having a hard time producing their top of line planes and other equipment because they depend on foreign chips that are not available to them anymore. Hence Russian resources are being depleted. The price of oil has fallen and so has the price for fertilizer and other products that they make any money from.

Putin is being backed into a corner and Xi, the leader in China, is ambitious and ready to take over Taiwan. He sees the world distracted by two wars and their lack of resources to fight another war. Again he sees Biden as an extremely weak adversary. This does not bode well for 2024 especially since both North Korea and Iran are eager to launch nuclear missiles — for no reason except to cause chaos and maybe gain some advantage. The hope of this coming war is a lie that has been whispered in their ear by the demonic world. Those same demons motivated Hamas in their Oct 7th attack. It is motivating Jew hatred around the world and a desire to glorify a dark evil instead of Jesus Christ.  This is connected to another fulfillment of prophecy as Jews from around the world are seeking to leave their homelands and Return to Zion.

To all you Catholics, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and others who entirely endorse Replacement Theology, this is for you.  Notice that the Lord’s prayer states, “on earth as it is in heaven” which is a reference to the God’s Promise through the Prophets in the Old Testament that He will literally return in His 2nd Coming to establish His kingdom on earth for 1000 years. This Promise is then repeated in the last book of the New Testament (revealed to John and to the Church to encourage them for it lays out the future-“on earth as it is in heaven”) For Example Isaiah states: “The wolf will dwell with the lamb,” -“And the wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little boy will lead them”. Isaiah 11:6 or “The wolf and the lamb shall graze together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox; and dust shall be the serpent’s food. They shall do no evil or harm in all My holy mountain,” says the LORD. Isaiah 65:25. The book of Revelation reveals that after a Great Tribulation in which Satan and his angels along with the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet will be defeated there will be a 1000-year Kingdom on Earth in which Jesus Christ will reign on His throne in Jerusalem:

Revelation 20:2-7: “He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time. I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshipped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. ” Rev. 20:2-7.

Those that did worship the beast and received the mark on their foreheads will face the Great White Throne Judgment in which God will judge the living and the dead…..casting into Hell those who choose to reject God and His Gift of Salvation which is Given through the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.


The 2024 Tribulation: UFOs and Satan vs. God

There is a real Satan, the Prince of the power of the air, who has dominion on the earth and is skilled in deception. Is it just a coincidence that there are so many movies presenting UFO-alien scenarios and superhero vs. sci-fi creatures? Why is there so much UFO talk by pilots, military officers, scientists, and those who claim to have been abducted in a UFO event? Now the media and the government have taken up the mantle. Is the stage being set for a supernatural disappearance of millions of people? Now ask yourself what country has by far the greatest amount of Christian leadership with many active in key strategic areas such as doctors, nurses, engineers, politicians, judges, police officers, and military personnel. I believe America is far ahead of any nation in this unique blessing. God blessed us with a Christian foundation not only in law but also in our historical and educational narrative. This is diminishing before our eyes and maybe this is one reason why God has prepared this time for His soon Return and is thus giving so many Signs and Warnings.

The problem is magnified by fact that our leadership is weak and compromised. Who in their right mind would purposefully open their national borders to a world of very needy people, criminals, and potential Trojan horse invaders? Who would do this as a nation tried to recover from an economic collapse, a pandemic, and the real threat from Chinese and Arab infiltrators that have promised to retaliate against our nation? Right now we cannot even produce enough Patriot missiles to arm Ukraine, Israel, and our troops overseas. Our nation may be more vulnerable now than any time since the revolutionary war.  But consider this: maybe God has allowed this all to happen for a reason—   these events fit His divine Timetable and allow His Prophetic Promises to be fulfilled.

There are, however, a few institutions or situations that are still a huge obstacle for Satan and our other enemies as they prepare the way for a non-American global Anti-Christ. The biggest and most powerful obstacle is the Church and the next are those nations and governments that have been supported or propped up by America. These include Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and those nations that face the Russian and Chinese front. When the rapture comes America will fall quickly affecting the remaining leadership and internal fortitude in those other nations. With those key “Arab nations” turning against the now weakened Israel, and with an emboldened Gog and Magog (Putin and Russia), Iran and other incited forces such as Syria will quickly seek to retaliate against Israel. This will be the war of Ezekiel 38. America’s defenses will collapse as our remaining forces retaliate against Russia and China. The White, Red, Black, and Pale Horses of the Apocalypse will quickly follow destroying 1/4 of the earth with 1/4 of the population.

Many will come to faith as they witness this world catastrophe and the disappearance of so many Christians they knew. Their blood will be shed on earth by the resulting rebellion, anarchy, and chaos. Their spiritual blood will appear at the altar in heaven crying out for vengeance, the 5th Seal (this is a good example of how God fulfills the Lord’s prayer- “on earth as it is in heaven). Then a massive earthquake will strike the earth and all the mountains, and all the islands will shake causing the “kings” of the earth to flee into “caves” as they cry out to God for mercy. The massive amount of dust, fire, and smoke will cause the moon to appear as blood and the sun will be darkened (read the Seal #6 in Chapter 6). Then as the nations of the world work to select a leader under a one-world currency, the Anti-Christ will make his appearance. Satan will first empower the False Prophet who will then help direct and groom the Anti-Christ to be leader of the 10 Horns or Kings of Power on Earth.

Read the prophetic book that has come true -Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Fig Tree and the Prophetic Generation- along with the 3rd in the Series warning of Tribulation 2024.