Understanding the time: seeing with eyes that see and hearing with ears that hear as commanded by Jesus Christ and given as a warning by Him and all the major prophets.
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Raelene Marie and Laurie A Griffin
Understanding the time: seeing with eyes that see and hearing with ears that hear as commanded by Jesus Christ and given as a warning by Him and all the major prophets.
Raelene Marie and Laurie A Griffin
Just as God used Daniel and heavenly lights to point to Christ’s first coming, does it not make sense that He will again use His Heavenly Lights, elements of Daniel’s Prophecy and historical markers to point to His next coming? A Solar Eclipse with Blood moons, a Virgin with child, a Dragon with a Lion, a comet titled P67, a horribly evil invasion on October 7 against God’s Promised nation, ancient mysteries and the prophetic number 7, Iran’s attack against Israel, and today’s uncertainty and anxiety being felt at all levels of society point to a surprise answer that will solve the Puzzle of the Ages.
Dr. Hofmann will show how carefully God intervenes in history linking the natural to the supernatural as His promises are fulfilled in sequences of time marked out by 6-Days in Creation. In the center is Jerusalem, the mystery of New Beginnings, three prophetic books and the divine connection of Festivals & Jubilees. This is a warning beacon in our Time to draw us to Truth and to solve the puzzle of the century before it is too late. Just as the scholars and scribes missed the signs 2000 years ago, people may miss divine joy unless they read this book. It is a sign that points to both Israel and to the United States.
The Bible has many mysteries, but the greatest mystery linked to Revelation is rarely discussed. Recently a renowned Prophecy speaker announced that he was beginning a program on Bible Mysteries. His list did not include Revelation 12, which contains at least 5 major mysteries. Revelation the Key Prophetic book given to us by Jesus Christ himself, is the only book that promises a Blessing to anyone who reads it, hears it, or understands it. Why? Because it is relevant to our faith and to understanding the Return of Jesus Christ, the Judgment of the Earth, and the Kingdom to come including the His Eternal Heaven.
The book centers on Revelation 12 which explains the Great Sign of the Woman and the Casting of Satan and His Angels out of Heaven. It is a Banner Chapter to get our Attention! It cannot be in Chronological order because Chapter 7 presents the martyred saints in heaven, and Chapter 11 reveals the murder of the two Witnesses. How could Satan kill these saints on earth, if Satan and his angels are still in heaven accusing the Saints in Chapter 12?
You will discover Answers that will make total sense. This enigmatic chapter in Revelation speaks of a Dragon, a Child, a Woman, and an array of stars that form the Great Sign. Nowhere in the Bible does God mention a “great sign” except here. Yet, pastors and other leaders negate this Sign by saying it happened before the beginning of time. So, I ask you, why would God call it “A Great Sign,” if people were not yet on earth to see it. Are our leaders afraid to address this because God states that anyone who changes the meaning of His Revelation will be cursed? Remember God also says that anyone who reads, hears, or understands His Revelation will be Blessed. This makes the Book of Revelation the most important book in the World to read and understand.
Despite the severe warning many Bible translators have taken great liberty in re-interpreting words in Greek to fit their own agenda and prejudices. A good example is the description of the key 4th Horse of the Apocalypse- the only rider and horse that is given a title and that title is Death. Translators claim that the word “Chlooros” can be interpreted as “yellow” or “pale” which is NOT TRUE. We get the word “chlorophyll from Chlooros” and chlorophyll is bright green. The ancient Greek word for yellow is Xanthos and “pale” is not a true color because it can be used to describe many different colors. A pale face is not the same color as a pale horse. In the case of horses it is an off-white. The translator I talked to said it cannot be green because horses are not green. What? So my reply was, “This is NOT an earth-dwelling horse- it is a supernatural horse because Death is riding it.” Maybe God wants us to know that none of the horses are natural horses! The point is the translators are wrong again- and why would God select another White Horse for Death? It undermines the prophetic meaning. So some translators have made up a new color “pale green” even though nowhere in the text does it suggest that color! NOPE, the color is plain jane GREEN – like a green lizard or snake or grass. The same word Chlooros is used in Mark 6:39 when describing the grass that Jesus and others sit on to eat.
God motivated and inspired Dr. Hofmann to write the series because the Tribulation period is fast approaching. He gave Dr. Hofmann the vision of a great scroll opening in the sky with Hebrew letters- and showed him that it was not a dream by separating the scroll into 3 scrolls—each in a Primary color – and bringing them together—was a profound message to him as an artist. Now he sees numbers like 7 as prophetically divine. Things are not going back to normal as the dark pyramid and principalities of evil widen their control and power. These powers include many well-known corporations and lesser-known entities involved in witchcraft and wickedness. Just as with the spread of the invisible Covid, every level and sector of society is being attacked by an invisible wave of natural and supernatural darkness that is full of lies and celebrates evil. God is shaking the Church and believers must keep in prayer. God wants us to stand up and share the Gospel and be both a Light and Salt to a very lost world.
The Great Sign of Revelation 12 happened at the end of what prophetic Jews call the Holy Jubilee or the first Jubilee of the Century. It therefore, marks the beginning of a new time on God’s 50-year calendar. The Sign also came at the end of the Hebrew year 5777 into 5778 with the 8 standing for both “new beginnings” and since 8=Peh=Mouth, for God making a new Proclamation. It occurred right after the Feast of Trumpets and during the 10 Days of Awe which is a time for Holy preparation of both ones heart and the atmosphere within the Holy of Holies before the Day of Atonement. God is in essence announcing that we all need to prepare our hearts for His return is emminent. The 777 is for perfection and the Spirit of God working in a mighty way as with Joshua and the 7 priests with 7 Trumpets blowing them on the 7th day.
The Great Sign like the Star of Bethlehem involved many lights pointing to the birth of Jesus Christ & the nation of Israel, and using the Sun, Moon, Stars, along with 3 Planets in a very unique arrangement over a period of many months. Just as with the Star of Bethlehem the religious leaders failed to see with eyes that see and failed their commission. Satan successfully distracted the “eyes” of man so they were “blind guides” just as Jesus warned. Our church was distracted by those “agitators and distractors” claimng that Planet X or Nibiru would collide and destroy the earth. This is one more reason why the Sign was real!
Read the first verse of Revelation 12 and realize “the Sun on her shoulder” would blind anyone viewing the Great Sign and therefore, no one could see the Sign as the sun moved into place. Both the “moon on her feet” and the “garland of twelve stars” would be Invisible to human eyes. So why would God call it a Great Sign? Why would He use the word “appeared” if we could not actually see it? Well, the astronomers and those with star-maps knew that the Sign was happening as the constellations, moon, and Sun moved into configuration. God is never wrong, nor does He use bad thinking to reach or teach us. He knew our astronomers would see the sign. Because the Sign was invisible could God be telling us that invisible forces would invade our space and affect our lives. He has been trying to get our attention for a long time.
Before we go any further it is important that we grasp the spirit of these verses in relation to the whole of Scripture. For instance, when John speaks of the Dragon in Revelation 12, we know that he is speaking of Satan. We can also conclude that John in Chapter 12:1 is describing a Sign in the stars which will involve constellations Draco, Virgo, and Leo, plus the Sun, Moon, and 3 Planets. The 4 planets or wandering stars that match the Bethlehem Star Sign tell us that there is significant meaning to the Sign related to Jesus Christ. Is it about His Return?
This is where science comes in. The constellation Leo which is right next to the “head and shoulders” of Virgo has only 9 bright stars or lights and needs 3 other lights to make 12. Common sense tells us that John is not referring to all stars visible and invisible that are part of Leo, but only to those 9 that can be seen on a starry night. We celebrate the fact that God brings 3 planets (Mars, Mercury, and Venus) into the scene at the right moment and in the right place to total twelve lights. He brought Venus, the “bright morning star,” into conjunction with Jupiter 400 days earlier and directed them to parade across the solar system as they moved into the womb of Virgo. Jupiter signifies “Authority or Justice” and Venus the “Spirit of God or the High Priest.”
The symbolism is obvious for Jesus, born of the Virgin, is linked to both the Lion of Judah in the line of David, and to the “Morning Star” Venus. Jesus states, “I have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright morning star. “The morning star” may have also led the Magi in their quest. This will be revealed later in the book.
The study of the stars in ancient times was called the Mazzaroth (Zodiac) and required years of study to fully understand. They knew that God named the stars and that some stars were necessary for night navigation. The Mazzaroth calculates with accuracy the solar year by using charts of the constellations. Each of the 12 constellations correlates to an assigned month connected to the twelve tribes of Israel. To the ancient Hebrew, the Mazzaroth and movement of the stars was a calendar to determine harvest time and their cultural identity. The birth of Jesus was announced by movements in this star map. So, it makes sense that Jesus instructs us to watch for signs in the sun, moon, and stars. After all He created and named them for a reason. The leaders of Israel were blinded by power and greed and did not look up to see the Starry Sign above them. They stated that they did not “want any King but king Caesar.”
Astronomers all over the world, however, were awed by the 400-day conjunction of Venus and Jupiter that ended when Jupiter went into a nine-month retrograde motion inside the “womb” of Virgo while Venus moves on, eventually aligning itself with Mercury, Mars, and Regulus; all part of the Great Sign of Revelation 12. The bright morning star Venus heralded the beginning of the Sign. In a perfect alignment it joins Mars (the Son of God) and Mercury (the messenger or the Word of God) and together they point at Regulus which means “Royalty or King.” Could Venus represent the Spirit of God which guided Israel in the Wilderness? It is the Spirit of God that impregnates the Virgin Mary and gave birth to the Savior.
In about 700 BC, Isaiah proclaims this about the Lord’s birth, “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” Jesus, the bright morning star, bring eternal life, and remove the “shadow of death” which is our sin. Prior to the Great Sign, the 4 Blood Moons, appeared in a two-year span during Jewish High Holy Days. Many think that they reflect the blood sacrifice that Jesus made to pay for our sin, and that the world needs to repent and turn to Him for He shall soon Return.
As God’s Law or Truth exposes our sin, the blood that Christ shed for us replaces it. The blood moons which appeared on all four corners of the earth also draw attention to Jews in Israel and worldwide who are steeped in pagan rituals and live in gross sin with high abortion rates, gay rights celebrations, and pornography. The “Woman” in the Great Sign is Israel which flees into the wilderness for exactly 3 ½ years guided by Jesus who protects and restores her. It reflects back to Israel’s 40-year wilderness experience when the nation was judged. God appoints numbers such as 40 and 400 to remind us of His “appointed time” for testing. Yom Kippur was also an “appointed time” set up by God to atone for the nation’s sin. God will use numbers as markers to communicate His order and plan to fulfill His Promise.
Below is a Summary of the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible Warn and Last Chapter as it appears at the Publisher- go to CosmicCrossroad.com
Just as God used the Prophet Daniel’s prophetic scrolls, and heavenly lights to point to Christ’s first coming, does it not make sense that He will again use Daniel and the Heavenly Lights? He gave us the Great Sign of Revelation 12 which showed Saturn moving in retrograde motion for over 9 months in the womb of Virgo and then gave us three planets -Mars, Mercury and Venus aligning in perfect arrow- formation at the great star Regulus which sits at the “heart of the constellation Leo.” Before this He had both Venus and Jupiter travel in conjunction across the solar system for exactly 400 days. He also gave us the four Blood moons and 2 Solar Eclipses, a Virgin with child, a Dragon with a Lion, and the comet titled P67 to make his point clear. However, knowing how “blind religious leaders” were blinded then and now, God added important information from the Genesis Record and its divine Pattern, along with Daniel’s 70 week’s warning and many historical markers to point to His next coming? An example is the formation of the nation of Israel.
Dr. Hofmann will help you unravel the puzzle of the ages and see how carefully God unfolds history linking his Return to a sequence of time that will surprise you. In the center is the birth of Jesus Christ, a mistake made in the annals of history, the Great Sign of Revelation 12, God’s city Jerusalem, the mystery of sevens and eights, and the divine connection of Festivals and Generations. God has given us this warning beacon to draw us to Him before it is too late. He wants us to help Rescue others before it is too late.
The Bible has many mysteries, but the greatest combination lies in Chapter 12 of the book of Revelation. Although confused scholars have chosen to cast it and the book of Revelation in the dust bin of “ancient history,” Jesus Christ declares that there is a special blessing for anyone today who reads it, hears it, or understands it, and a curse to anyone who changes it or adds to it. Why? Because God knows it has the key that leads us to Him and to His game plan.
Revelation 12 is anchored in the birth of both Christ and the nation of Israel linking it all to another Sign- the casting out of Satan and his angels from Heaven. It stands as a warning to all mankind for Satan is furious because he now knows that he has just a “short time.” The only thing protecting the world right now is the Church and the Holy Spirit in believers. By putting the Great Sign in the middle of His Revelation and not in chronological order, God is trying to warn us of this special purpose.
God motivated and inspired Dr. Hofmann to share this because the Tribulation period is fast approaching. He gave Dr. Hofmann the vision of a great technicolor scroll opening up the sky with Hebrew letters and showed him that it was not a dream by dividing it into 3 scrolls—each in a Primary color – and bringing them together again. Things are not going back to normal as Satan’s dark pyramid with its principalities of evil is growing by the hour with the help of AI and well crafted lies like global warming. Well-known corporations and lesser-known entities involved in wickedness are under the spell. The horribly evil invasion on October 7th and Iran’s first attack against Israel on April 14, along with the irrational celebration at our centers of learning that followed, point to an acceleration of this wickedness. Everything in the first book of this series came true including the invisible invasion of Covid and its effect on every level and sector of society. God’s time table is set and He wants the world to know the truth and to seek Him with open hearts before it is too late.
Book 1: Dentistry Xposed: DentistryXposed by Dr. Peter Hofmann is a book written by a man with 43 years of experience as an urban and wilderness dentist. The first few pages of this book got me hooked, as it promises to be a health advocate for those who cannot afford the modern hospital. The truth is that every human being has one or more health concerns. Coming across a book that promises cost-effective tips on staying healthy will surely get your attention. If you want to know about the challenges of modern dentistry, foods that help fight tooth decay, the importance of fibrous foods, and the only recommended healthy sugar, then make sure you finish reading this book.
This book focuses mainly on dentistry practice, the challenges of a modern-day dentist, and the way forward. In advising on how to choose a dental treatment, the author advised you to wait or go online to websites like PubMed or Medline when in doubt about a medical procedure.
The thing I like about this book is that it made me aware of my teeth. I never knew that teeth could erode from over-brushing. My prior conviction is that, just like a dirty cloth, the more you wash and brush your teeth, the cleaner you are. This book proved otherwise. Also, this book said it is good practice to rotate the use of a toothbrush, allowing each to dry out before reuse. This practice prevents bacterial recontamination.
After reading this book, I discovered that one of the greatest enemies of the tooth is sugar. If the world spends fewer billions to produce sugar when compared to the trillions it costs to treat sugar-related illnesses, then to tackle sugar diseases, we have to tackle its production. The healthy sugar recommended for use in this book is xylitol. If you want to learn about the health benefits of this healthy sugar, read the rest of this book.
Another thing I like about this book is the use of diagrams at some points to drive home the writer’s point. I admire the labeling of the parts of the teeth and their functions. Also, this book has a lot of words unique to dentistry. To make reading easier, the author did not leave the readers in the dark but defined the technical terms used in this book. I give it 5 stars.
Book #2Â Cosmic Crossroad Countdown—the 3rd book in this exciting Trilogy.
Dr. Peter Hofmann, author of Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War & Final Chapter, unveils the coming events that will shape the future of the world. The series of events will challenge the status quo and bring about a new world order. Dr. Hofmann draws from the ancient prophecies of the Bible and other sources to warn of a great and powerful war between the forces of light and darkness. He reveals Godâs plan to humble the proud and the elite, and to crush the invisible forces that control the Dark Pyramid of false religions and criminal elements.
Dr. Hofmann says, âWe are in the Last Days, and the Hour is near as forewarned by the prophets in the Old Testament and by Jesus Christ, Paul, and Peter in the New Testament.â He explains that God gave us a very significant sign, much like the Bethlehem Star, as a warning of invisible âagents,â both natural and supernatural, that have affected every sector and level of society worldwide.
He believes that the purpose of this book is to wake people up, so that they can make changes in their lives. He states, âPeople must evaluate their eternal perspective and realize that God is fulfilling the plans He set down throughout ancient time.â
Dr. Hofmannâs book is a testament to Godâs love and grace even in this time of trial and uncertainty. He hopes that the book will give strength and courage to those who are facing ever increasing hardship and anxiety.
Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War & Final Chapter is Available at Amazon:Â Â and Barnes & Noble:Â
WHATâS HAPPENING? Â Are we in a Time of Divine Completion?
Do you think that all of this is just a coincidence? That an âopposition forceâ controls most of the largest cities in the world. That this opposition force is going against the free gathering of the church? That as soon as the fruitless impeachment push fails a virus rises. Does God allow a straw house to flourish? Does He honor false pretenses and glorification of the world system? Has the house of worship been corrupted by money, marketing, and self-promotion? Many have led God’s people astray with falsehoods. Many pastors and leaders seem to have believed the lie and lost their heavenly compass.
The homeless, the widow and the orphan point a finger at you. God has sent you warnings, but you have ignored them. The storm clouds have turned black and He is bringing forth His Truth. The earth and everything in it, the world, and its inhabitations, belong to the Lord; for He laid its foundation to the seas and established it on the rivers. Many Christian Academians & intellectuals have not ascended to the mountain of the Lord. They have not shared Truth from His Holy Mountain, nor understood the significance of Mt. Horeb in Arabia. They are blinded by Egypt and have misled His people. They have taught evolution as Bible truth and thus worshipped Creation instead of the Creator.Â
Who has clean hands and a pure heart? Who has not set his mind on what is false? And who has not sworn deceitfully and in vain? Who will receive the blessing of Revelation and righteousness of His salvation? Seek His Truth and seize being False Teachers, for you will be held accountable as you hurt His children!
God can transform the valley of trouble to the gateway of blessing. Lift up your heads you gate! Rise up you ancient doors! The King of Glory will come in. He will shake the earth and the foundations of the mountains will tremble. They shake because He burns with anger; smoke will rise from His nostrils and consuming fire will come from His mouth. He will part the heavens and come down, a dark cloud beneath His feet. He will ride on a cloud soaring on the wings of the wind. He is Light and can make darkness His hiding place, and dark storm clouds His canopy. From the radiance of His presence, His clouds sweep onward with hail and blazing coals.
Do not dwell in the Valley of confusion, seek the Glory & Truth of His gateway. Turn the valley of trouble into the gate of hope. Know that when the LORD thunders from heaven; He shouts to the depths of the sea & will part the foundation of the world. Heaven will open and judgment will come, so humbly Seek the Lord with all your mind, heart, and soul before it is too late. Jesus said before this happens, “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.”
Encourage one another as the Day draws near. God has numbered the days and He has numbered your day. Do you realize that He gave us a roadmap at the very beginning of Genesis? On the first day He divided darkness from light. This parallels the spiritual division that happened in that first 1000 years. Adam’s sin caused a darkness that divided earth and cast mankind out of the garden of Eden. On the 2nd day God divided the waters which is parallel to what happened in the next 1000 as God flooded the earth dividing the saved from the lost with a global flood. On the 3rd Day God created plants and their seeds which parallels the main event of the 3rd 1000 years, the Abrahamic covenant and God’s Promise that his seed would bless every nation in the world. Then on the 4th Day God created the “Heavenly Lights” which parallels God’s Light as His Prophets spread the Promise of an Eternal Savior throughout the earth. On the 5th Day God made the living creatures which parallels the life and death of the Savior and the regeneration and restoration of mankind; we are made new creations in Him. On the 6th Day God made Man telling him to fill the earth and subdue it, while in that 6th “1000-year period” man would indeed totally subdue the earth taking dominion and spreading the Word of God to all nations. The 7th day was made for rest to enjoy the presence of the Lord; and thus, the Millennium or the last 1000 years will be ruled by the Lord and will be a time of rest and peace with Him.
God has everything planned out and He has a calling for your life, but know this Hebrews 9:27 states that, “It is appointed for men to die once, and after this comes the judgment.” Just as your day is numbered a Grandeur Plan is at Hand. God placed the Heavenly Lights for the seasons and to act as a Sign of things to come. And He has numbered the days of Civilization and this Earth. It is no coincidence that most of the big cities are now controlled by opposition forces and that China incubated many of the deadly viruses that has threatened the world. Communist China is the red Dragon nation that has persecuted Christians since its founding over 50 years ago. They have counterfeited our products including the American dollar, stolen intellectual property and built a military machine with stolen secrets that is aimed to kill us. They are a perfect example of what the Dragon is, has been doing, and will do. In this crazy time âof tossing & roaringâ it is time to repent and turn to God.
Here are some Biblical Signs of the End:  1) In the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. 2) Jesus said, “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” “And this Gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Jesus who quoted the prophet Daniel, also communicated with him saying, “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Daniel was told to shut the book until our present time, a time when jet planes and cars speed us across the byways and when knowledge expands to new horizons every day. This study will show you why this is the time of the end and that His clock has been set.Â
3) Numbers and distinct spans of time play a key role. Twenty, for instance is the number for âCompletionâ as it was the age of manhood; when one could join the military and give a sacrifice in the Temple. It was a perfect period of waiting or suffering as in Labanâs treatment of Jacob. When added to a 50-year Jubilee time of national remembrance & return, it became a special Prophetic generational 70-year period. Daniel lived in a special prophetic 70-year period that saved the nation of Israel and connected the Jews to Cyrus the Great and Persia. Likewise, the formation of the modern nation of Israel in 1947-48 began a new 70-year prophetic period that connects Israel, Truman, President Trump, and America to the “Great Sign of the Woman in Revelation 12.” Connected to this sign is WHAT is happening today. We can conclude that 2020-21 is a super-perfect time of vision, completion of certain prophetic events and a shadow of many new beginnings? Â
4) The Great Sign of Revelation 12 appeared on Sept. 23rd, 2017 and was confirmed by astronomers. It should have drawn the attention of Prophecy and Bible teachers.  Theologians know that “The Woman” gave birth to a Son who is to rule with a rod of iron at least 2000 years after His birth. However, the next phrase “her child was caught up” or “rapturo” does not refer to the Ascension of Jesus Christ. Jesus had just defeated death, sin & Satan, and was NOT under any threat by this “Dragon.” Therefore, He did not need to be “caught up.” This promise transcends time as it points forward to a future rapture of the Church which will be âcaught upâ before the Dragon can destroy it. Just like in Daniel’s 70-week prophecy this End-Time prophecy unhitches from the first part of the verse and points to the future. It is like the Lordâs great declaration from Isaiah 61:1, âThe Spirit of the Lord is upon meâ¦â which stops mid-verse- with the last part of the promise to be fulfilled 2000 years later. Likewise, the child in the second part of the verse is now the âChurchâ which will be pursued and persecuted by Satan for hundreds of years. Hence the Great Sign is anchored in the past like a sign anchored in concrete. But it points to the future as a sign should. And note the Sign has a long timeline starting with the birth of Jesus and extending to the future rapture and beyond to the Millennium. It functions like Danielâs 70-week Prophecy by connecting the distant past to the far future. Both span a period of about 2000 years. Danielâs final Week has two 3 1/2 periods each having 1260 days. Rev. 12:6, mentions that the Woman flees into the wilderness and is protected by God for 1260 days. Both Daniel and Revelation 12 fit together in a divine template of 3 ½ year periods.
There are other interesting correlations and perplexing parallels revealed in Chapter 12 of both books. The Twelfth Chapter of Daniel states, “At that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people (Israel); and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that time.” Does the Wrath of God begin here, when Michael must deal with the onslaught of Satan and his angels revealed in Chapter 12 of Revelation? “And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon….so the great dragon was cast out…and his angels were cast out with him.“ Then a warning is given: “Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman (Israel) who gave birth to the male CHILD (now the Church).”
In next chapter John the Revelator sees the “beast rising up out of the sea, having 7 heads and 10 horns, and states that the Beast “was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion…..the dragon gave him his power.” Satan is mad and he intends to destroy the Woman, her offspring, and her child. In Chapter 7 of the book of Daniel four beasts come out of the Great Sea having been churned by the four winds. One was like a lion, another like a bear, the other like a leopard, and the last different than all the others having iron teeth and 10 horns. This last super-Beast is obviously the same “Beast” of Revelation 12 who is described as having characteristics of bear, lion, and leopard. Does this mean that this final beast is a world-wide beast like the 10 +3 nations that have nuclear weapons (the Iron Teeth)? There are major rumors of war to come in the Kurd-Iran-Turkey corridor and in the Pakistan-China-India region (all having the Iron Teeth), In Chapter 12 of Daniel the “man clothed in linen (Jesus) tells Daniel, “it shall be for a time, times, and half a time, (which equals to 3 1/2 years) and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished.” Both Revelation 12 and Daniel warn of a 3-and one-half year period of severe persecution by the Anti-Christ on the holy people of Israel. It seems that Michael has withdrawn from his position protecting Israel. Is he the ârestrainerâ in II Thess. 2:8 who âis taken away?â Â
In the Word of God, we see the Anti-Christ or Beast rising out of the sea (gentile population) and determined to destroy Israel. These events or effects include “the churning of the sea by the 4 winds.” What causes this stirring or churning and why is the dragon cast out of heaven? Is he cast out because there is no place for him since the Church has been raptured and he can no longer be the accuser of the saints? Is the rapture itself the “churning of the seas?” Certainly, the rapture will cause massive chaos and concern among the people of all nations. Where else do we see the 4 winds? In Rev. 7:1 the 4 winds have been held back by 4 angels, while God seals the 144,000 who will replace the church. It is implied that the winds are then released, and John sees an entire host of saints dressed in white: “His throne was a fiery flame, its wheels a burning fire; a fiery stream issued and came forth before Him. A thousand times ten thousand stood before Him.”  Are these the raptured saints or are the raptured saints in Rev.5? In Revelation Chapter 5 there are ten thousand times ten thousand angels seen in heaven, but these are not the saints. The answer will determine when the rapture happens. Many think that the saints in Chapter 7 are Saints slain in the Wrath of God, but why would they be in heaven when the real Wrath of God has not yet happened?
There are many other interesting observations to be made concerning events related to the chapter 12 warning. In the next chapter of Revelation or Rev. 13, we see the Beast rising out of the sea and then being given authority for exactly 42 months or 3 and 1/2 years.  This beast had been wounded and the whole world marveled at his recovery and followed him. This is the same 3 and 1/2 years spoken about in Daniel 7:25, “He shall… persecute the saints of the Most High & shall intend to change times & laws (overturning of statues & history) then the saints shall be given into his hand for (3 1/2 years)“. Soon he signs a covenant with Israel which may include the permission to build the Temple. This has not happened, but God in His Grace is giving us a shadow to warn us. The 1st Blood moon happened exactly 3 ½ years prior to the Great Sign of Rev. 12 which came at the end of the âHolyâ Jubilee of 2017 and marked the beginning of the next 3 ½ year period. The first period was characterized by the Rise of ISIS and the 2nd has so far included the transgender revolution & Covid. Both introduced lawlessness and rebellion in our social order and manâs relation to God. Perversion, transsexuality, & hate are at new levels.
Daniel & Revelation are connected to our present-day history. The Great Sign of Revelation 12 HAPPENED in a cloud of major storms, mass killings and sex scandals which portends what we are experiencing NOW- rising disorder with a paradigm of New Beginnings in every sector. We are seeing a shaking of nations, cultures, and establishments of every kind. The intensity of the shaking will increase until there is a revival. The Word uses âshadowsâ to connect the supernatural to the natural. The âshadow of His wingsâ is a refuge and the Valley of the SHADOW of death is a place God allows to test and purify us. God warns us with shadows, fire, pestilence and lawlessness.
This year was to be a showpiece event in Dubai, the 2020 Expo. Sheik Muhammed the leader of Dubai, however, is now in the middle of salacious scandal and a high-level divorce involving courts in England. And princess Latifa, one of his daughters, was kidnapped from a yacht owned by a French sailor in international waters that was trying to smuggle her out of Dubai. Prior to her recent attempt to escape she claimed that she had been imprisoned and tortured for 3 years while a teenager. Since her recent capture she has disappeared and is feared dead. So, it makes sense that the wife is frightened for her own life. It is well known that women are subjected to abuse along with many workers needed to build the massive new structures: including a whole new A.I. city and over 80 skyscrapers throughout old and new Dubai. Throughout the world the Covid 19 virus has shut down extensive gambling, sex, and sports establishments that draw crowds to idol worship. Huge amounts of black money have been flowing through these markets and much of it is whitewashed in the construction of buildings in Dubai and elsewhere. God has allowed this to happen but will soon push back on this evil. In the meantime, this atmosphere of uncertainty, chaos, and fear will continue to shake society and will draw the lost to Him.
If we go back to the time of Moses, we discover that at Mt. Sinai, God spoke from the Holy Mountain on the Sabbath after the Trumpets were blown to gather the people. God is now speaking through the Great Sign of Revelation 12 which was timed to happen right after all the Trumpets were blown during the great Feast of Trumpets, near the closing of the first Day of Awe. Note the name of our President is TRUMP, this is no coincidence. There are 10 Days of Awe which were set up by God for the people to humble themselves before the Lord in preparation for the great Day of Atonement. No trumpets were blown during this solemn 10-day period. This was to be a special Holy Time of remembrance and Return. It was the period in which the Great Sign appeared in 2017. Thirty days prior to this Sign, Teshuva began marking the beginning of 40 days of remembrance and forgiveness which included the 10 Days of Awe and ended on the Day of Atonement. A day prior to Teshuva, the United States saw the great American Solar Eclipse.
Teshuva and especially the Days of Awe were a time for people to Return to God & purify oneself. God’s Glory & Mercy was celebrated as people and Priests performed special acts of forgiveness and services before the Great Day of Atonement. What does all this mean? The Great Sign points to a time in History during which God used Holy Festivals to honor His Promises. Before and after this Sign, He has set a special time of purification in which He is stirring things up so that people will seek and come to Him and “His Holy Mountain,â seeking mercy, with a repentant heart. All of this is like a shadow that God is casting over His earth. It is a shadow of His Mercy and Grace, but it is also a warning for us to remember what we have done and who we are so that we can humble ourselves and pray. The Word says, “Be alert and of sound mind so that you can pray.” God is purifying the earth and He wants you to know the Truth before Judgment Day.
Here are three important truths to know and understand: A. The Great Sign is NOT just about the past. Jesus Christ is speaking today and WARNING pastors, prophecy speakers, and the Church as he did the Pharisees of old to hear with their ears and open their eyes to see what NEEDS TO BE SEEN. Even the Pharisaical Jewish calendar may be wrong as I will explain later. Many church leaders appear to be so blind that they do not even know where the true Mountain of God is located on this planet. They have believed the lies of the Saudi and Egyptian archeologists and think that Mt. Sinai or Mt. Horeb is in Egypt and not in “Arabia” as stated in the Bible. Arabia has always been on the East side of the Red Sea as in “Saudi Arabia.” Jesus warns, “Hearing you will hear and not understand, and seeing you will see and not perceive; for the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes have been closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears. Mat. 13:10-15. I promise that with two verses from the Word of God and 20 minutes of your time with a map I can prove beyond doubt that Mt. Sinai is not in Egypt but instead is in the Arabian land mass.
Jesus also states that there is a big tendency for smug leaders to miss the obvious signs, “When it is evening you say, ‘it will be fair weather, for the sky is red’; and in the morning, ‘it will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times.“Â So, if someone misinterprets Revelation and then promotes it to their congregation in error, is that considered “adding to the words written?” Is this one reason why many churches are not growing or why there is so much illness, abortion, divorce, and suicide within the church?
B. After the “Woman” or the Jews in Jerusalem flee into the wilderness they are protected by God (Matt. 24:15), for 1260 days. This has not yet happened.  As stated in Rev. 12:6, Satan is cast out of heaven and knows he only has a short time, so he pursues the Woman but is stopped by God and turns away to persecute the believing Jews. This has not happened. By this time God has already raptured the Church or “child,” which has yet to happen.
C. The book of Revelation is the only book that promises blessings to those who read it and even to those who hear it (and the blessings are at both the beginning and the end). Revelation 12 is in a Key location, right in the middle of the book! The Sign itself is unusual because when it appears it is “invisible” to the human eye. As far as I know NO OTHER PROPHECY TEACHER NOR PASTOR HAS NOTED THIS REMARKABLE FACT. It is obvious yet few have taken the effort and time to understand God’s Great Sign. This is VERY SAD. Note the Sun is on the Womanâs shoulder and when the Sun is shining nearby you cannot see the stars and moon, yet God still calls it a Great Sign and says that it âappeared.â Why? Is there a deeper meaning? First realize that trying to catch the sun at the right moment could have blinded the person who dared look at the Sign for too long. Likewise man cannot look upon God for He is Perfectly Holy. And note that God knew we would have astronomers that would have known that this sign appeared, yet very few associated it with the complete Word of God. Is God suggesting that we are blind to His warnings? Why would God use an invisible Sign?Â
It was in an early morning dream state the Lord imposed on me the impression that an invisible Sign had a significant purpose, after which I quickly wrote it down. This leading from the Holy Spirit inspired me to study more and to hurry up my writing on the impact of the Jubilee, the Festivals, the Fig Tree, the Solar Eclipse, and the Prophetic Generation. There was also affirmation from others who were anticipating something extra-ordinary such as Planet-X, but these were just diversions coming from Dark sources. Satan was using these false prophets to undermine the true meaning of this Sign and to destroy any credibility related to the Sign since Planet X never appeared nor existed!Â
Like the parables the Sign of the Woman of Revelation 12 has a hidden supernatural purpose and meaning. Satan’s attempt to rewrite its meaning only affirms the importance of the Great Sign. These attempts at counterfeit and undermining of truth is Satan’s signature method to mislead mankind. He and his world system have also tried their hardest to undermine the credibility of the following three divine books connected to His amazing sign: Genesis, Daniel, and of course Revelation. In the book of Genesis Satan’s demise is prophesied and in the book of Revelation it is realized. In the book of Daniel, the timing of all this is laid out. Each of these books deal with the Cosmic conflict between Jesus Christ and Satan. In Genesis, the serpent is condemned by God when God tells him that the Seed of the Woman will crush His head. This is exactly what is depicted in the Great Sign with the stars of the Dragon in Drago, the great star Spica in Virgo ( which means the SEED in the Virgin) and the great star Regulus in Leo (which means the Royalty of the Lion of Judah).Â
The âhidden invisibilityâ aspect of the message is KEY to the Great Signâs importance! What the Sign signifies and points to is the beginning of a New Paradigm where invisible forces will appear and grow in intensity as they impact the world. These invisible forces are: 1) Spiritual forces in dark places and principalities of evil, but also includes God’s counter-forces including His angels, 2) Famines and deadly microbes such as viruses or bacteria and their pandemics and epidemics 3) Natural events such as weather and earthquakes and 4) Lawlessness which emanates from those evil forces. Jesus states, âBecause lawlessness will increase, the love of many will grow cold.âÂ
Let us first consider these amazing facts: The Great Sign happened in 2017 soon after the warnings given by the Great Solar Eclipse. It occurred right at the end of the last Jubilee and began in Days of Awe hours after the Feast of Trumpets. It happened in the early morning as the sun rose on Sept. 23rd, 2017, exactly 1260 days after the first blood moon of April 15, 2014. Does this suggest that it will be followed by a foreshadowing extending another 1260 days into the future; a 3 ½ year extension of Awe to shake up the church and to purify Christians? For instance, right now fantasy theme parks, drama theatres and movie theaters are closed most of which proclaim the world’s message of revisionist history, fantasy, horror, debauchery, or immorality. Television which has negatively affected the family and our culture has also seen production limitations. Christians who have been caught up in this worldly worship are being set free. Events that draw people away from church like sports have halted.  The “idols” in the lives of many have been torn down and now people are discovering deeper relationships at home and on zoom with the church. God is working in mighty ways to transform hearts and lives.
In my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown, which was completed in early August, I suggested that the approaching Solar Eclipse of 2017 would be a warning to America of MAJOR COMING Storms. The year 2017 ended up being the costliest year ever for America. Over 306 billion dollars was needed to repair damages from 3 major hurricanes, 10 other major weather disasters, and major fire storms. The Great American Solar Eclipse happened 30 days prior to the Great Sign of Revelation 12, a day before Teshuva began. It paralleled the time of Return and surrender that God had set for the purifying of the people before the Day of Atonement. We are now seeing the results of increasing birth pains and accelerating âinvisibleâ assaults on the family, on social order and neighborhood security.  We must remember that Godâs Signs are all connected to history and to His footprints & promises that are woven into His Story. He has a reason for what He wrote in the sky.
If this Great Sign is correct, these assaults will increase or multiply into different forms such as pestilence, droughts, famines, or earthquakes, (as forewarned by Jesus at the Olivet Discourse in Mathew 24). Soon later the Anti-Christ is revealed and makes his move. The book also explains in much greater detail how magnificent and majestic the Sign of Revelation 12 really was when it appeared amid Israelâs major Festivals. The stars and planets moved into an amazing array at a perfect time in the Jewish calendar to display the âbirth of the childâ (Jupiter entered the womb of Virgo for over 9 months); and 3 other planets lined up perfectly next to Regulus (Mars for man, Venus for High Priest and Mercury for Messenger). It all happened in a convergence of 4 distinctive blood moons, 4 major planets, three constellations, a curious comet, stars, and sun; all within a perfect orchestration of Godâs historical Jubilees, the 40-day surrender and return to God during Teshuva, and the celebration of Feast of Trumpets, the Days of Ingathering, the Feast of Tabernacles and the special Day of Atonement.
What does all these mean for the Church and unbelievers today? I will continue to share my honest opinion based on what seems to be the Perfect Character of God who Loves us and Seeks to Save as many Souls as Possible. His will is unfolding quickly in these Last Days. God is abundant in Mercy and His Word states “His Mercies are New Every Morning!” I believe that God has created a Template that will reflect and warn of the Great Tribulation or Wrath of God to come. This time-and-event-template began with the first blood moon on April 15th of 2014. Three-and one-half years later the Sign of Revelation 12 occurred. We are almost 3 years into the 2nd three-and one-half year period of foreshadowing. By April 2021 it will total seven years of foreshadowing with the Revelation 12 Sign in the middle. Likewise, in Mat. 24, Jesus forewarns that after birth pains will come a period where âyou will be hated by all nations for my nameâs sake, and many will be offended, betraying one another, and .. lawlessness will abound.â Then He warns people in Judea who âsee the Abomination of Desolation standing in the holy place” to flee into the wilderness because the “great tribulation” or the final 3-and one-half weeks is about to begin. Cosmic Crossroad Countdown predicted that God would allow various kinds of âinvisible attacksâ to motivate Jews to leave America and other countries and return to Israel. This is NOW happening. For a simple-to-understand time-line presentation and a good perspective on Godâs wheel of time in world history check out the book and the graphs presented.
In this season involving the “Day of Awe Foreshadowing” we have seen foreboding evidence of the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The White Horse or the False teachers and cults have spread their lies throughout the earth winning many lost hearts and minds. The Red horse of Islam & Communism has persecuted and terrorized every continent and Islam especially caused many to kill each other forcing millions to flee the Middle East. The Black Horse has caused scarcity all over Africa, the Middle East, India, and many other nations affected by Covid, drought, and locusts. Is the Pale Green Horse about to happen bringing wider-scale death and destruction? Rebellion, chaos, and scarcity will add to the mayhem and confusion to where nations and kingdoms will suffer great travail. Will this initiate a world war?
These events could also be a foreshadowing of a the much greater Tribulation or Wrath about to happen after the rapture of the “child.” When the church is raptured Satan and his demon angels will be cast from heaven and they will magnify the severity and effects of the 4 seals and the 4 Horsemen that will be opened up and let loose one after another. Read the rest of Revelation 12. The Church will not be around to mollify the extent of this confusion, fear, and despair. God, however, will appoint the 144,000 Messianic Jews who will act as a divine compass. This is shown in Chapter 7 of Revelation right after the 6th Seal when the earth experiences a great earthquake along with a sack-cloth sun and the Blood moon. Is this great Earthquake a result of the billions of graves cracking open throughout the world during the rapture of the dead? When Jesus was resurrected there was a large local earthquake?
An important scenario is  reflected in Chapter 2:30 of Joel’s Prophecy concerning both the Moon & Sun which happens before âthe great and awesome Day of the Lord (or the Wrath of God).” This Blood moon and Sack-cloth sun act as a pivot point and warn of the Wrath to come. This clearly separates the Seal judgements from the Wrath of God or the âDay of the LORD.â For in Revelation 6, the 6th and final Seal includes this Blood moon and Darkened sun. Thus, it and the other 5 Seals have to happen prior to the Wrath. Hence the rapture of the church may happen during this last seal when the great earthquake causes the kings to hide in caves in fear. Are they in fear because their loved ones have been raptured? Does this rapture of the dead cause the earthquake? Even though the church is to be raptured the Bible and God’s Spirit will still be around along with the Gospel Angel. So, what could happen next? Many ministries are recording record responses to the Gospel as they go full throttle on sharing the Gospel online! Could riots, the rapture, or a massive revival happen between Passover and March 20-21 (end date of the 7-year template)? Godâs original New Year begins on the vernal equinox or March 20, 2021 which matches this date.
Another important Truth that both the Protestant/Catholic Church and the Messianic church seem to have missed is the strong possibility that the Essenes who hid the Dead Sea Scrolls were the first to predict the death of Israelâs Messiah?  They seemed to disappear as a group about the time that the Church was formed. Did they become Christians? They had a solar based calendar that was more accurate with harvest seasons and festivals. It was superior to the lunar oriented Jewish calendar since an additional month did not have to be added every 10 years. Their calendar added 4 extra days based on adding 2 solstices plus 2 equinoxes and thus equaled to a 364-day year. Their calendar was divided into four 90-day periods or seasons with these four special days separating each period.  This was much closer to the change of seasons year after year than the Jewish 12 X 30 = 360-day year. There were four other very special days, “Grace focused” holidays in the summer season each of which fell on Sunday: 1st Fruits of new Wine, Pentecost and the counting of the Omer, the First Fruits of Barley, and the New Oil. Each of these days were exactly 49 days apart or 7 weeks. The 50th day rested on that day and it was always a Sunday!  This may be one big reason why the Church started worship on Sundays. According to the lunar calendar we are in the year 5780 whereas in the Essene calendar we are at about 5945. Check out Ken Johnson, Ancient Dead Sea Scroll Calendar video on YouTube. Â
After the Cosmic battle between Michael the Archangel and the prince of Persia, Daniel was given the divine message and the timing of future events. He was told to keep the book closed until the end, and it has been kept closed to the Jews who seem to be unable or unwilling to interpret it. Both the Pharisees and the Sadducees were unable to comprehend the timing of Danielâs prophecy and its connection to Jesus Christ. But the Essenes understood, possibly because John the Baptist associated with them.  Like the Essenes he used baptism as a sign of purification and a change of heart or repentance. They knew the time of the Messiahâs reign down to the very year of His crucifixion, and this may be because they were the scribes of the Dead Sea Scrolls which included the accurate prophecies of Daniel.  Note, that John the Baptist was led by the Spirit of Elijah and was the son of Zacharia, a Priest of the Temple and therefore must have had a special divine understanding. Besides knowing that Jesus was the Messianic King promised in Danielâs 490-year prophecy, they may have known that his final entry into Jerusalem would lead to his death at the important end date of 483 years spoken to Daniel by the angel Gabriel.  Â
Three promises in Danielâs prophecy related to the Messiah were at least partially fulfilled at the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ: that of finishing the transgression, the making an end of sins and finally the beginning of eternal righteousness.   These all happened at once. Likewise, the future Revelation will involve multiple layers of events that will overlap and come quickly. The Seal Judgments, Trumpet Judgments and Bowls that make up the End-Time come quickly with one atop the other as each seal of the Lambâs Book is broken. For instance, the 7th seal is the 1st Trumpet, the 7th trumpet is the 1st Bowl judgment. There are moments of silence and intermittent hesitation in heaven to allow angelic preparation, the rapture, Satan to be cast out, or for the 144,000 Jews to be chosen. As stated, earlier Jesus Christ is in control. He speaks to us in His Word, “Let not your hearts be troubled.” He consoles us with this forewarning, “In the World you will have tribulation but be of good cheer, I have overcome the World.” Although the church will not go through the Wrath of God, it has and will face trials and tribulation. The church which has been infiltrated with evil and âfalse Christsâ will be purified, the faithful will be raptured, then (God) will shake not only the earth but also the heaven, Heb.12:26.  Jesus wants us to know that He will be with us through trials and will protect and provide for us. The Promises He made will be kept and He will preserve a remnant of Israel (The Woman) and His bride (The Church).
One way that God communicates His Love for us is through prophecy. It is prophecy that gives us hope for He does promise to return and prepare the earth for a “Kingdom on earth” where He will reign.  The Power and Mystery of Prophecy is exhibited in the 350+ prophecies that were fulfilled by Jesus Christ in his first coming. Many of these prophecies came from unexpected directions such as Psalm 22. Who would have guessed that a âsongâ from David would end up being a key prophecy of the suffering and crucifixion of the Messiah, or that a prophecy of Hosea (11:1-4) would show that the Jewish Messiah would come out of Egypt. So significant and unexpected is this prophecy that it is repeated by Matthew: This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, âOut of Egypt I called my son.â (Matthew 2:13-15).Â
As stated earlier the Critical Jubilee Year that God established in the Wilderness for the Nation of Israel, and recorded in the book of Leviticus was a measurement of obedience to God’s laws of return, restoration and forgiveness. Because the nation of ancient Israel disobeyed this command for the approximately 500 years of its existence or 10 Jubilees God punished the nation with destruction and exile for a length of 70 years or 7 times 10. This also fulfilled God’s Promise in Leviticus that Israel would suffer 7 times the penalty as a reminder of their gross disobedience. God KEEPS His Promises- Good or Bad, Blessings or Curses. And He will keep them all including those related to the world and to those who do not fear Him nor Receive His Gift of Forgiveness through the Sacrifice He provided: His own Son – Jesus Christ.
The Jubilee Year was intended as a time for Return and Restoration- a picture of Redemption. Land would be returned to the original owners and all debts would be forgiven. Land would also be left fallow and the people would learn to depend on God for survival. The year was very unique in that it would begin on the Day of Atonement and not on Rosh Hashanah as did every other year. So what would happen to the 10 days between this New Year Day and the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur? Those 10 days were just NOT COUNTED. So every 50 years 10 days would not be counted—this alloted for physical corrections in the rotation of earth around the sun to keep the seasons in tune with the 360 day year and leap years. But it another more significant Spiritual meaning. It would signify that Jubilee was a Very Special Year in which Time was Not Counted Just as it is NOT COUNTED IN HEAVEN. It connected the Jubilee of Restoration & Return to God’s thrown room where time was Not Counted and Where everyone must go for judgment or restoration. Everything Returns to God in the end. All of this is in my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown
This 50-year period message should not confuse people. His message simply has a time-capsule attached to it that allows some generations to be impacted more than others. This motivates others to forwarn others and to teach the Truth. I believe that even today God is revealing multi-layers of truth including the very fact that both signs and prophecies may be misinterpreted by those in high positions of authority. These authorities include both pastors and so-called prophecy experts. Tradition tries to protect its own turf and draws the wagons around cherished concepts. God, however, is in the business of revelation and transformation and is not stuck in tradition, agendas, budgets, and the status quo.
Usually when God fulfills Prophecy, He shakes the nations and, in the process, He builds new nations. In other situations, he rebuilds and strengthens a nation as He has recently done with both Israel and America. Both recovered and grew their economies after the formation of the Jewish nation in 1948. Now we are both in semi-lockdowns and Israel is asking all tourists to leave right before Easter and refusing to let any more enter for the annual celebration. We are allies in God’s war against evil and we are both at war with an invisible enemy.
Do you think God is also trying to get the attention of both the orthodox and the secular Jew who now have a life-challenging thing in common? Is this tiny unknown force generating enough uncertainty that people will look to God for answers? I believe that God is trying to get the attention of every soul and spirit in the World and shaking them by the collar. He says, âWake Up! Know me, confess and repent before time runs out….Time-times-half-a-time is approaching- (read the Prophetic Book of Daniel to understand its significance), so get your heart and mind in order and restudy all the prophetic books including Daniel.âÂ
God most likely wants people to seek Him with all their heart, mind, and soul. In doing this he allows epidemics like the Spanish Flu of 2018-19 to come at the heal of WWI and infect 1/3 of worldâs population. Fifty million of them died making it the deadliest period in history, yet it seems to be just a speck in the memory bank of time. Only God knows how it affected history. Maybe it delayed another world war or slowed the world down enough to generate revivals in England and elsewhere.Â
God is also motivating people to study the Bible and prophecy as they point others to Him. It is unfortunate that there are some leaders who discourage this study of prophecy thus squelching the power of the Holy Spirit in oneâs life. They do not seem to understand that God grants the believer the gift of prophecy, teaching and evangelism.
The world has gotten too busy and preoccupied with the pursuit of wealth, power, beauty and other vanities that has affected the clergy and leadership. Maybe God has purposed to slow things down with this corona pandemic. God knows that this isolation experience is teaching us multi-generational living, home schooling or university level online learning that may undermine the power of Academia, and help us cook more,  grow a garden, repair our homes and practice many other crafts, concepts and arts. Part of the worldâs sin was a rebellion of the heart which was sexualizing everything and glorifying the world instead of God. By separating people God is helping them to establish new habits such as book reading and to rethink life for themselves. Each has been given a new start and a new opportunity for change. God will now hold each person accountable. God is eager to see us get back to the basics, to the family, and to worshipping Him.
For more information go to ToGodBtheGlory.org