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I have published so many posts related to the book that I NEED to point you to the BEST one for quick excerpts and discussion:  LOOK down the list until you find one that uses the words:   “Excerpts & Discussion.”  If you want analysis and my latest observations the next post is very good- especially the end.  And if you wish to understand some dynamics related to the “Celestial Gateway” and to current events read the post “Gateway to Heaven”.

Here is a quick brain teaser on the book:  Just think about the title “Cosmic Crossroad Countdown”. The “Cosmic” is science related and refers to the harmony and order of the Universe, the “Crossroad” is Faith related therefore  connects the supernatural  with the natural, and the “Countdown” is History and Timeline related.  This book covers a wide range of topics: from the location of the real Mt. Sinai – it is where the Bible says it is in “Arabia” not in Egypt as seminaries teach; to the Celestial “clock” which we ignore as “signs” yet which were used as signposts and markers throughout the Biblical times! It covers the Testimonies of the Prophets and Apostles to the the Mysteries of LOST time during the Jubilee year and the Mystery of the Fig Tree Prophecy- the prophetic 70-year generation. It discusses God’s footprints on our timeline and how He orchestrates history and why what is happening today is not coincidental.

God seeks a personal relationship with us and He is testing the church to prepare it for the rapture. Right now our church is too weak and confused. The church has fallen for the idols of the world and has given up its first love. We need to go back to a faithful study of God’s word with prayer.

You can purchase my  book below at Amazon or Barnes & Nobles for $14, or as a $4 download,  or from me in paperback with an extra discount.  To Order from Authorhouse go to My address is 15615 Coit Rd. Ste. 107, Dallas Texas, 75248  and my email is

The Prophecy Author and speaker, Gary Frazier spoke tonight at our Discipleship University class on prophecy.  He also uses the Fig Tree Prophecy in Matthew 24 to point to our generation as the “last generation” that Jesus spoke of. He calls it the “Terminal generation” whereas I have used the more appropriate term “Prophetic generation”. It is interesting that although we use the same basic data and verses he comes to a slightly different conclusion. He believes that the actual birth of Israel happened much earlier in the late 19th century and that the real generation period is 100 years. I disagree with his conclusion for 3 reasons:
1) I believe that the formation of a nation is determined by possession of the land and the legal declaration hopefully with a United Nation recognition- all this happened in 1948.
2) Meetings and plans in England and elsewhere in the 1800’s were much like the early meetings of our revolutionary leaders – although this initiated our revolution it is not recognized by anyone as the day, nor year of our nation’s birth.
3) The 100 year generation was only apparent in the pre-flood era (when people lived much longer), and would not fit the post-flood era. In my book I explain how 70 years is used to measure “generational time” after the flood. One is in Psalm 90:10 and the other is through the Prophet Daniel who uses the 70 weeks to explain prophecy. His generation was a 70 year generation that God promised would return to rebuild Jerusalem. Although the phrase generation is not used it is implied that this was a prophetic time of 70 years that God would use to punish Israel before restoring her. Seventy years is also the average between the 40 year generation and the 100 year generation.

I did receive an email today from Gary: after he received my book two days ago he writes: “Just finished scanning your book. Great words of wisdom. I’m taking it with me to Israel next week for further study. You could have taught the class and it would have been great!    Have a Blessed Day!”

In both calculations this “Last Generation” spoken of by Jesus is coming to its final few years!  God’s timeline is approaching the “vanishing point” at which time that “last generation” will see the rapture ( those that believe and trust in Jesus Christ as God and Savior).

God wants a relationship with us and he seeks us … all we have to do is to receive the gift that he has to give us and that is the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ and it is only through Jesus Christ ….for as Jesus himself said, the path is narrow and hard but the crowds follow the easy wide path. Do you want to choose him or do you want to choose the way of the world? Jesus Christ is the Door to heaven and the only door… do not be fooled by false prophets or false religions nor the lies of the media and of the world

Why Storms- Knowing God’s Purpose and the Mystery?

Knowing that God is orchestrating history will help you feel assured and have comfort in times of stress and duress. One mystery is why would God allow tragedy to happen to those who love him? There are many possibilities and I will share two. 1) God is interested in drawing people to Him. In our daily mundane or distracted lives we do not look to God nor seek to find Him. However in the darkness the light shines the brightest and people do seek him and find him. That is the ultimate Love because He knows that eternity is much longer than our short lives on this earth- your soul is much more valuable than your eyes.

Our eyes can  prevent us from knowing God- if we allow the flesh to dominate our life.  Jesus proclaimed, ” Blessed are those who are pure in heart, for they will see God.”   2) God has a timeline and that timeline is growing shorter and shorter. That maybe why time seems to be compressed and why we sense more uneasiness, uncertainty, anxiety, and more extreme behaviors, weather, and conditions. Right now God wants to purify and strengthen the church just as he did with his “children” in the wilderness of Sinai and during the Babylonian captivity. God wants to ready the church for the rapture and inspire Christians to share the Gospel.

We can stand firm in the Lord against persecution, trials, and difficulties, 1) We know that God is in Control, as expressed in my new book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN,  2) Rejoice in the Lord, for He is our strong Tower and Counselor, 3) We can be confident in Him and therefore have REST in Him. That is why Jesus said, “My burden is Light and my Yoke is Easy, 4) If you truly believe in God, you will be thankful and will have real joy, for God is accomplishing a divine purpose including conforming us to the image of God,  5) God has promised to Deliver us and Provide us, 6) We can be thankful that He is Perfecting our faith, working out His Plan in us, shaping our character, and Preparing our Way! 7) He is seated in Heaven- our Salvation and Propitiation has been completed- and as Jesus said, “It is Finished”.   The Priests in the Temple had no chairs and had to stand up and work and perform in order to win forgiveness for themselves and the people.  This has all been accomplished by Jesus Christ.

What we need now is sanctification.  This  process will build character! This is one reason why God is testing us and allowing storms, so that we can Glorify him in the test and trial.  Another reason is to motivate us to repent and change course while at the same time drawing people to Him.

We just need to be willing to stand for Him, rejecting the idols and desires of the world, and walking in the Light. The Peace of God will bring Tranquility beyond human understanding and it will guard you from instability. Spiritual stability will help us resist our own flesh, overcome our bad habits, and keep us virtuous – alert- and of strong mind so that we can pray. Yes, Prayer Is That Important. God says, “Come let us Reason together”- and that is exactly what prayer is when done from the heart! This will resolve the storms in your life.

Do you feel anxious and uneasy about the events, weather, and behavior in our nation? Do you believe that history repeats itself?  Do you think that God is actively involved in orchestrating history?   Have we entered a paradigm in history as suggested by the author Jonathan Cahn? Have you heard of The Prophecy of the Fig Tree and the Prophetic Generation? These are questions that are addressed in my new book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN- The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation.   Here is a very quick summary of the book:   The Cosmic refers to Science and the harmony & order of the Universe; the Crossroad relates to faith and the supernatural intersecting the natural; the Countdown represents History and the fact that we are on a time-line that God has determined and which God orchestrates for His purpose and plan.

God wants a relationship with us and he seeks us … all we have to do is to receive the gift that he has to give us and that is the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ and it is only through Jesus Christ ….for as Jesus himself said, the path is narrow and hard but the crowds follow the easy wide path. Do you want to choose him or do you want to choose the way of the world? Jesus Christ is the Door to heaven and the only door… do not be fooled by false prophets or false religions nor the lies of the media and of the world

The Gateway to Heaven

Do you feel anxious and uneasy about the events, weather, and behavior in our nation? Are you concerned about the divisiveness, the polarization, the rebellion, and perversity of our society? Do you believe that history repeats itself?.  Do you think that God is actively involved in orchestrating history?.  Are we entering a new paradigm that even the author Jonathan Cahn describes in detail in his book? Have you heard of The Prophecy of the Fig Tree and the Prophetic Generation? These are questions that are answered in my new book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN- The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation.

I could have called my new book “The Gateway to Heaven”, since my primary theme is to point the way to JESUS CHRIST who is the Gate or Door to Heaven.

When He started His ministry he quoted Isaiah, “The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death – A great Light has dawned.”  He came proclaiming Salvation and Repentance: Jesus said, “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”  Matt. 4:17.

The Crossroad is made up of 4 arms: 1) at the top is the Fig Tree Lesson which is a mystery that God helped me to unfold,  2) one arm has the Signs of the Sun, Moon, and Stars including the constellations, 3)  the 3rd arm has the Testimonies of the Apostles (Peter & John), the Prophets (Daniel, Zachariah, Isaiah, etc.), the archaeological evidence including the city of Jerusalem, the Word of God and the current events;  4) the final arm or leg of the cross has the 70- year Prophetic Generations and the generational periods of 40, 50, & 100 along with time spans of 7 years, 49, 400, 500, and 1000.  This Crossroad intersects with the infinite and divine Time line which started 6000 years ago.

The “Cosmic” is important because Genesis tells us that the Sun, Moon & stars were given to us for Signs and Seasons.  The Bible calls the “Woman of Revelation 12,” a Great Sign.  More than likely, the Sign of the Bethlehem Star was a combination of the same Constellations as in Revelation 12 along with Jupiter and some other “star” that moved into the “body” of Virgo.   I noted in the Book that the Solar Eclipse which we just saw here in America was a Perfect Sign- for it had 3 unique properties:  1) It crossed America and not any other nation.  It was like a great slash starting at the 33rd State and ended at the 33rd parallel, 2)  The path was almost completely clear of clouds and it happened on the Day of Teshuvah which is the beginning of the 40 days of Repentance in the Jewish calendar, 3)  It also happened with the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus as they entered Virgo.  Jupiter represents God’s Authority and Venus is the Morning Star which is another name for Jesus Christ. 4) All this happened on a Jubilee year which is a magnification of God’s demand for repentance, Return, and Mercy. Hence everything related requires extra attention including the 40 days of repentance!  Note that God gave the Ninevites 40 days to Repent!  And that scientists believe that there was a Solar Eclipse prior to Jonah’s arrival that helped to motivate them to seek God.  Does this sound familiar? Nineveh repented, but has America repented?

I noted in the book which was sent in for publishing on Aug. 10th that there would be violent storms soon after the Solar Eclipse.  Note also that many ancient civilizations recognized that there was a “gateway” to heaven in the constellations.  Egypt for instance established this fact in the Sphinx as it has the body of the Lion (Leo) and the face of the Woman (Virgo).  The two represent the beginning and the end of the “Universe” or in a sense of “Time” and is therefore the “Gateway” to the outer regions of heaven.  Stars and Planets have meanings and names which God himself explained to Adam and Eve.  So when Regulus which at the heart of Leo and means “Royalty”, lined up with the Planets Mars (or Man), Mercury (or messenger), and Venus (or High Priest) we should realize that something very significant was happening! This array describes the Lion of Judah, who comes to Judge the Earth.

The Sign of the Woman of Revelation 12 was never intended to be seen in its fullest extent.   God gave us this Great Sign as a declaration of a new paradigm, yet He made it appear primarily in the Word of God and in the Star maps.  This sign was not recognized by the world system, nor by the evolution based scientists who normally embrace unique stellar signs.  So why was it not seen?  First of all it happened low on the horizon, and second the sun is part of the  sign thus making the entire sign invisible to the naked eye.  We all know the blinding effect of the sun and its indirect light that can make stars disappear even before sunrise.  The sign required that the sun rest on “Virgo’s” shoulder making her immediately invisible to the eye, but visible to God.

One of the incredible elements in this Great Sign is the way God moved Jupiter into the “womb” of Virgo for 9 months.  The retrograde motion of Jupiter allowed this unique appearance, and in no other case in history has this been so precisely achieved in heavens.

The “Countdown” is important because God has a Timeline which he established at the Creation and throughout time has orchestrated.  These divine footsteps express His Mercy and Love for those who seek Him and honor Him.  We are nearing the end of this timeline and therefore time feels compressed, with many events and weather patterns appearing extreme, along with the almost irrational behavior of people. The labor pains are more intense and this will continue until the rapture – which could happen at any time.  The Prophecy of the Fig Tree and the Prophetic Generation both point to the fact that we are the “Last Generation” that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24 as he gave his Olivet Discourse.  The countdown which began at “the budding of the Fig Tree”, the establishment of the nation of Israel in 1947-48, has lasted almost 70 years now.  We have until Rosh Hashana in 2018.

As I write this, it is past September 23rd and we are seeing more hurricanes and other signs of trouble on the horizon.  We have record “firestorms” in California, stoked by unusually heavy and persistent winds. Another ominous sign is that of  the Kurdistan Independence vote  that happened a few weeks ago.  This vote could lead to regional war as Iraq, Iran, and Turkey do NOT want an independent Kurdish Republic.  Ironically the Syrians are the only ones willing to help the Kurds by allowing them to sell their oil through their pipelines.  Turkey has blocked their pipelines and all airline traffic and so has Iran and Iraq.  I believe the next war will be a conflict related to Iran’s desire to conquer the Kurds in order to establish a passage to the “sea” and to destroy Israel.



The Lord’s Windstorm

Nahum the prophet said, “The Lord is slow to anger and powerful…the Lord’s path is in the windstorm and hurricane, thunderclouds are dust under his feet.” The Prophet Zechariah states, “God will blow the trumpet and will go out with the summer windstorm”.  And he continues, “The Lord who fashions, lightening thunderstorms…”

IT IS NO COINCIDENCE: Our recent Solar Eclipse crossed the US from coast to coast; was the most viewed eclipse in American history; appeared without much cloud interference; happened at the beginning of a special time of repentance called Teshuva (a time that God calls for national change of behavior) and 33 days before the Sun, moon, and stars will be ready to align themselves for the Great Sign of Revelation 12 on September 23rd.  The Eclipse started in Oregon the 33rd State and ended in South Carolina which is at the 33rd degree parallel. Thirty-three is the number of perfect perfection- hence the PERFECT SIGN.

IT IS NO COINCIDENCE: Hurricane Harvey came a few days later; struck the city of Corpus Christi (which means body of Christ) and had the name Harvey which means “Branding Iron”;    it moved back and forth just as the planet Jupiter was moving in the body of the constellation Virgo (a retrograde motion which makes this Sign the most unique Sign in Earth’s history- since Jupiter is the child about to be birthed near Drago the serpent).  Texas the most conservative state in the union received the 1st blow, a “Sign” that God will bring justice to all and seeks repentance from all.  These storms are so massive that they draw world-wide attention?

IT IS NO COINCIDENCE: Hurricane Irma became a massive storm in the Atlantic where the Solar Eclipse ended and then moved straight for Florida, and again has drawn world-wide attention.

It is no coincidence that we are seeing the supernatural presented in just about every way and form in society: in conspiracy theories, movies, games, print and the rest of the media.  Horrific and often twisted violence is being provoked against man, rumors of war are magnified to nuclear proportions, droughts and famines are spreading without making the news, and the Apostasy is spreading. Time is being compressed and thus we sense that illogical & incomprehensible events are rising with the power of the Lie. However, while darkness spreads the Light of God is exposing it.  The Power of the Cross and the Spirit are moving in mighty ways to save the lost, and God is calling and equipping the church to lead the way, pray, take a stand, and share the Word.

It is No coincidence that we are living in the a time like the “days of Elijah”. Elijah confronted Baal worship in what many believe was the greatest battle in the Old Testament of good against evil.  Upward of 850 prophets of Baal were killed by the people for having failed to defeat the God of Elijah. Baal Worship was the worship of the gods of the environment, child sacrifice (abortion), temple prostitution (Apostasy) and Idol Worship (ESPN’s ( ESPN’s obvious severe bias against our sitting President yet the men and women of this nation still sit mesmerized by their favorite sports!) This is a sad time for America which has glamorized the sport of winning at all costs too long (yes- even to the point of brain damage etc.). If the third hurricane forms out of Jose, Beware!  It will probably head for New York and like Harvey  it may hit land 3 times!

Does anyone remember what happened to Elijah after God’s defeat of Baal?  He fled to the real Mount Sinai which is in Arabia!  There he encountered God in the still voice- not the fire nor the earthquake.  Are we also headed for a major fire and earthquake?  The last events that happened to Elijah were:  1) Elisha who became his companion and apprentice prophet,  2)  He gives Elisha a double portion of “miracle power”- from God  3)  He parts the Jordan River which by the way is where Jesus was baptized  4)  He is lifted up in a whirlwind of fire!  Does any of this sound familiar?  From the Word of God it sounds a little like events in the book of Revelation including the rapture and the two witnesses.

Ezekiel states, (13:13) Therefore this is what the Lord God says, “In my burning anger I’ll rip it open with a windstorm, In my anger I’ll rinse it off with rain…and put an end to it with a hailstorm.” And Jeremiah the Prophet states, “Behold, the storm of the LORD! Wrath has gone forth, a whirling tempest; it will burst upon the head of the wicked.  The anger of the LORD will not turn back until he has executed and accomplished the intents of his heart. In the latter days you will understand it clearly. ” Jer. 23:19-20.  Jesus says, “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.” – Luke 21:11.

In my book, COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN,  I share about God’s footprints on our historical timeline and how Wheels of Time are converging unto our present age.  We saw Signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars just as they may have appeared at the birth of Jesus (The Star of Bethlehem may have had an array of constellation and planet movements as did the September 23rd Woman of Revelation 12 ),  and we are now seeing events happen as they did in the time of Elijah.

The Solar Eclipse was extremely significant in that it happened on the first day of Elul or on the 1st day of the 40-day period of repentance, and went from coast to coast, to cast a shadow only on America.  Likewise this whole event happened on a Jubilee year which implies a super “Return” or super repentance – a warning to America that storms were coming.  In the case of Elijah he overcame Jezebel & Ahab and destroyed 850 priests of BAAL.  In our time we have had the Obama/Hillary combination, which Jonathan Cahn in his book the Paradigm goes into great detail to show they parallel Ahab and Jezebel.  Having overcome this threat of Jezebel,  Elijah flees to a sanctuary and is visited by an earthquake, a hurricane, and a firestorm- each of which we have seen in recent weeks in their extreme forms (the Jubilee would have possible magnified everything by 50X).  I am convinced that we are being tested and this includes the church.

Here is the cover of my new book: 

God wants a relationship with us and he seeks us … all we have to do is to receive the gift that he has to give us and that is the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ and it is only through Jesus Christ ….for as Jesus himself said, the path is narrow and hard but the crowds follow the easy wide path. Do you want to choose him or do you want to choose the way of the world? Jesus Christ is the Door to heaven and the only door… do not be fooled by false prophets or false religions nor the lies of the media and of the world