Knowing that God is orchestrating history will help you feel assured and have comfort in times of stress and duress. One mystery is why would God allow tragedy to happen to those who love him? There are many possibilities and I will share two. 1) God is interested in drawing people to Him. In our daily mundane or distracted lives we do not look to God nor seek to find Him. However in the darkness the light shines the brightest and people do seek him and find him. That is the ultimate Love because He knows that eternity is much longer than our short lives on this earth- your soul is much more valuable than your eyes.
Our eyes can prevent us from knowing God- if we allow the flesh to dominate our life. Jesus proclaimed, ” Blessed are those who are pure in heart, for they will see God.”  2) God has a timeline and that timeline is growing shorter and shorter. That maybe why time seems to be compressed and why we sense more uneasiness, uncertainty, anxiety, and more extreme behaviors, weather, and conditions. Right now God wants to purify and strengthen the church just as he did with his “children” in the wilderness of Sinai and during the Babylonian captivity. God wants to ready the church for the rapture and inspire Christians to share the Gospel.
We can stand firm in the Lord against persecution, trials, and difficulties, 1) We know that God is in Control, as expressed in my new book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN, 2) Rejoice in the Lord, for He is our strong Tower and Counselor, 3) We can be confident in Him and therefore have REST in Him. That is why Jesus said, “My burden is Light and my Yoke is Easy, 4) If you truly believe in God, you will be thankful and will have real joy, for God is accomplishing a divine purpose including conforming us to the image of God,  5) God has promised to Deliver us and Provide us, 6) We can be thankful that He is Perfecting our faith, working out His Plan in us, shaping our character, and Preparing our Way! 7) He is seated in Heaven- our Salvation and Propitiation has been completed- and as Jesus said, “It is Finished”.  The Priests in the Temple had no chairs and had to stand up and work and perform in order to win forgiveness for themselves and the people. This has all been accomplished by Jesus Christ.
What we need now is sanctification. This process will build character! This is one reason why God is testing us and allowing storms, so that we can Glorify him in the test and trial. Another reason is to motivate us to repent and change course while at the same time drawing people to Him.
We just need to be willing to stand for Him, rejecting the idols and desires of the world, and walking in the Light. The Peace of God will bring Tranquility beyond human understanding and it will guard you from instability. Spiritual stability will help us resist our own flesh, overcome our bad habits, and keep us virtuous – alert- and of strong mind so that we can pray. Yes, Prayer Is That Important. God says, “Come let us Reason together”- and that is exactly what prayer is when done from the heart! This will resolve the storms in your life.
Do you feel anxious and uneasy about the events, weather, and behavior in our nation? Do you believe that history repeats itself? Do you think that God is actively involved in orchestrating history?  Have we entered a paradigm in history as suggested by the author Jonathan Cahn? Have you heard of The Prophecy of the Fig Tree and the Prophetic Generation? These are questions that are addressed in my new book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN- The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation.   Here is a very quick summary of the book:  The Cosmic refers to Science and the harmony & order of the Universe; the Crossroad relates to faith and the supernatural intersecting the natural; the Countdown represents History and the fact that we are on a time-line that God has determined and which God orchestrates for His purpose and plan.
God wants a relationship with us and he seeks us … all we have to do is to receive the gift that he has to give us and that is the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ and it is only through Jesus Christ ….for as Jesus himself said, the path is narrow and hard but the crowds follow the easy wide path. Do you want to choose him or do you want to choose the way of the world? Jesus Christ is the Door to heaven and the only door… do not be fooled by false prophets or false religions nor the lies of the media and of the world