The Approaching Darkness –

There is an Approaching Darkness. When Jesus was on the cross there was a darkness for 3 hours that terrified even the soldiers. This was neither an eclipse nor a cloud. This was a supernatural darkness that also resulted in an earthquake, the cracking of rocks (which must have made some horrendous noise), and the supernatural top-to-bottom tearing of the 4-inch thick curtain dividing the Holy of Holies from the inner sanctuary. The thick darkness that fell over Egypt as the ninth plague covered the earth for 3 days. I believe that this is not a coincidence. In my book I compare the period of 70 days from the “budding of the fig tree” to the time of “fruit bearing” as a parallel to the 70-year Prophetic Generation spoken by Jesus at the Olivet discourse. It is fitting that the Shadow of death striking the first-born of Egypt came right after the 3 days of Darkness. Likewise the death of the Savior came right after the 3 hours of darkness. The fleeing Israelites were delivered by God, just as God delivered mankind in the resurrection. The 70 days of flower-to-fig conversion where the flower becomes the inner part of the fruit, is a unique floral transformation from the inside out. Likewise, the 70-year Prophetic Generation discussed in my book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN will generate a unique time of New Beginnings and repentance among a lost generation of “flower children.” There will follow a deliverance for those who seek God and find him.

At our ministry this last Sunday, a guy who claimed Jesus Christ in his life, exuberantly demanded my attention while I was sharing God’s Truth with a younger man (much like what happened many weeks ago when I was sharing with the young New Ager- and a Hindu crazed guy interrupted our conversation- who also claimed a relationship with Jesus). This new guy had numerous tattoos on his arms hands and neck. He wanted to tell me that the Bible supported the idea that the earth was flat. I told him that Isaiah stated the phrase “the circle of the earth” which he ignored and then quoted Genesis: “and the Spirit hovered over the face of the waters”. He asked me how can the “face of waters” be round, and then stated, “the word ‘face’ implies a flat surface and after all you cannot bend water!” I looked at him and replied, “you are wrong water can be bent”. Then he dared me to explain. So I asked him if he had ever heard of gravity? To which he replied “so what?”  I said there are many natural forces that can bend water and one of those is when you take a cup of water and swing your arm as you empty the cup….the water pours out in a bend due to centrifugal forces. But the most obvious and common bend is that due to gravity when a wave breaks on a beach… bends at the angle of the Fibonacci curve. He walked away…..

Why are there so many crazy people that claim to be Christians? Doesn’t the Holy Spirit give us common sense? Then it occurred to me that the majority of so called Christians actually believe that God did not create the Universe and everything in it- that evolution did it… it saddened me to realize how effective Satan has been. I ask these people to explain to themselves where all earths 356 trillion billion gallons of water came from, or how can evolution create a language called DNA which is more complicated and diverse than all the verbal languages on the earth put together!!!!??  Evolution cannot create even one single sentence in any language- the reality of evolution is so illogical that it would be easier to prove that the earth is flat.  This is just another sign of the End Times…. False Christs, Lies, Slander, and Deceit, and most of all Satan’s deception. Read my book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN and learn more.

Something to Share: Had one of the top Prophecy Teachers tell me that I could not show nor sell my book at his Conference. He apparently disagreed with something I wrote. So I asked him a question concerning his recent TV show. He had said that on Palm Sunday Jesus entered Jerusalem through the Eastern Gate. He also stated that the Temple was actually not where the Dome of the Rock is but further north so that its entrance was in line with this Eastern Gate. I had told him that my book looks at many aspects of Prophecy and other Truths with logic from the viewpoint of an artist, scientist, and military strategist- that one of the weaknesses of present interpretation is that LOGIC and COMMON SENSE is often neglected. He implied that that was ridiculous- so I asked him a question about his lesson on TV, “how can you have the Eastern gate aligned with the Temple and yet still have Jesus making his entrance there?” He thought and then said “DUH – Jesus got off the donkey and then walked into the Temple grounds”. So I asked my NEXT question: “How then could this be called a Triumphal Entrance by the Prophet Zechariah?’ After all a Triumphal Entry implies a King entering on horseback!” He was stunned…and just ended the conversation. The truth is Jesus did not enter Jerusalem through the Eastern Gate. Yet this High Minded Prophecy Teacher has been teaching this on TV as if he is the expert.  This guy did not use common sense – since most people know that the most significant aspect about Christ’s entrance was that it was like the entrance of a KING and thus called the “Triumphal Entry.” The Bible does not say where he entered, but people like him like to use their “expertise” to make bad conclusions

By the way last weekend two  men accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.

The Back Windows of Truth – from the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown

Page 77:  Peter the Apostle warns us to, “Rid yourselves of all wickedness, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander.” And he continues, “the stone that the builders rejected – this One has become the cornerstone.” And then he warns,  “I urge you as aliens and temporary residents to abstain from fleshy desires that war against you.” Then after much sharing concludes, “Be sober! Be on the alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour. Resist him, firm in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are being experienced by your brothers in the world,” I Peter 2:1-5:9.  Slander is much worse than people realize for it results in damage to all involved. Those who listen to slander need to beware for not only will it detour you, but if you pass it on, you will be just as guilty.  Slander relates to what was said earlier about reconciliation and remorse during the 10 Days of Awe.  By tradition the Jews thought that God was keeping a set of books on everyone and would judge them accordingly.  This is supported by what Jesus Christ said, “But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment,” Matt. 12:36.

We all remember as children what happened to Samson, who squandered God’s blessings to feed his desire. He lost the very eyes that led him to sin. our country cannot afford to be led away by lust and greed and the resulting perversion and loss of innocence. one result of this run-away lust is the high abortion rate and a resulting mental and spiritual illness in our nation.

Page 72:  We seem to be at a very important “Cosmic Crossroad” in time, both astronomical and historical – linking God’s time to man’s time and joining Judaic prophetic signs to Gentile Signs of the end Time. This is all part of His order and plan. Just as God used the stars to point to His 1st coming, does it not make sense that He will again use the stars and constellations to point to His 2nd Coming! Twelve is the number of Perfection & Authority – but also of “Time” set by God in the natural world of the moon, sun, stars, & constellations, (12 months, 12 Constellation Signs, and two sets of 12 hours). Twelve is also an interesting number combination of the perfect unit 2 found in all of creation and the number 10 of purification. The number “two” defines a dynamic coexistence of opposites or contrasts that balance forces, entities, divinity, space, and matter. All of creation is a balance of 2’s. Two can be looked at as a unit such as male and female, or the Hypostatic union of God and man, or light and darkness.

God in fact designed His Creation to witness both Good and evil. Thus, the number 12 could be looked at as a universal number for order in God’s Divine Plan for creation in both space and time!  The number 2 also represents God’s power manifested on earth.  We see 2 witnesses, the power of praying “where 2 are gathered”, the disciples going out 2 by 2, and many metaphors such as the two “olive trees” and “two lampstands” in Zechariah.   Two is also a sign of balance and stability.  It provides equal force and function to our body and those of other creatures.  The animals entered the ark two by two and God provides us two choices: to be with Him or separated from Him for eternity.

Page 78:  Peter’s generation saw the first coming of the Lord and witnessed intense persecution. In comparison, we have witnessed “evil empires” and defeated them, and in this country, we have seen very little persecution. Are we “on guard”, as Peter states, or are we allowing the enemy in? The result of our recent election shows the deep divide within the ethos and convictions of our society. The fabric appears torn by hatred, revenge, and a rebellious anger. Some are raising the flag and others are stomping on it. Some are lifting hands to God and others are flaunting a tirade of anti-authority demands and behavior. The traditional fabric is being trampled on and set on fire! Yet, God is with us and our country continues to seek the high ground. We can learn from history, from other generations, and from the words of God, or we can go our own way and lose our way. That is one reason why we need to continue to look at Prophecy and Promise, and realize that this confusion may be God’s plan.  God may be orchestrating all this bizarre behavior to open the door to the Anti-Christ. The stage is being set and the Last Generation needs to turn the lights on!

Page 81:    Here is recap of the top 3 major Biblical generations and the 3 dates that fulfill prophecy for the nation of Israel: Using the birth day of the nation of Israel in 1947-48, the recapture of Jerusalem in 1967, and the issuing of the Balfour Declaration in 1917, we notice that the 50 for Jubilee equals “Release or Return”, the 70 equals “Prophecy Complete”, and the 100 equals “Time extended” for testing. All will end at approximately the same time in 2017-18. Behind these generational periods are the other supporting periods such as the 400, 500 and even the 1000-year Jubilee periods.

We will see how the 40-year generation period spiritually intersects with multiple 400-year periods and other wilderness times of purification. God penalized the nation of Israel a total of 40 years, or one year for each day that the spies lacked faith in their 40-day period spying out of the “enemy” land! This was a unique period for Israel We will soon see in Chapter 6, how this time of purification also links to the “Cross in the Wilderness” and to us.

Page 87:  Our liberal Media used to present truth to the world, but now it is under a grand delusion! It acts as both judge and jury determining what is right and wrong in our nation – making evil good and good evil! These and other lies are reflected throughout the world with increased atrocities, terrorism, apostasy, corruption, starvation, disease, and Christian persecution. An example of what God says about liars and those who follow the lie: “The one who conquers will have this heritage, and I will be his God and he will be my son.” But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” The Serpent said to eve, “You will certainly not die.” The world wants us to believe that God either does not exist or He is impotent. God is alive, and He is actively waiting for you or others to come closer to Him, and to follow Him with faith. There is nowhere that God will not go to save you. God is chasing after you, if not with the “hounds of heaven,” He is seeking and searching the world with the “Four Wheels” Ezekiel describes in the throne room of heaven. This could be his “vehicle” to bring opportunities for you.

Why The Invisible Sign!- The Jerusalem Countdown, Reversal of Fortune & my book

An Addendum to COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN (The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation): 

I believe that time is short. God seems to be shaking up the world to the point that those who have gained power and prestige through lies, ill gain, and selfish determination are taking a fall from grace. The celebrities and politicians, like Congressman John Conyers and ABC’s Matt Lauer, who have used and abused their power are now being exposed and shamed by their own kind, the liberal media. It reminds me of how Gideon defeated the Midianite army and coalition of forces. There was fire-light thrown into the darkness which confused the enemy and caused them to destroy each other. God will find divine ways to teach the power hungry a big lesson. The Light of Truth will dispel and destroy darkness. Jesus says to us, “I am the Light of the Word, follow me and you will not walk in darkness, but will have the Light of Life.”

God is speaking to us in this time and age and we are seeing the “reversal of fortunes” as suggested in my book. However, I had thought that this would be reflected in the economy, but instead we are seeing this happen in a personal way to a person’s fortune, reputation, and self-esteem. God orchestrates this fall for their sake so that in their loss and fall they will turn to Him in repentance. This reversal of fortune or fall from grace is a shadow or reflection of Satan’s fall from heaven described in Revelation 12. You will see how this fall is related to the Great Sign of Revelation 12:1-4.

Our year started out and continued with many surprise returns: from the 28-point reversal in the Super-bowl to the surprise win by the Astros; from the fall of Target to the rise of Walmart; from the NFL fiasco to the obsessive hypocrisy of the media; from the politically motivated attacks on Trump and Moore, to actual evidence based revelations of rape & groping committed by media & Hollywood giants. These “surprise returns and reversals of fortune” have a Biblical base. They are highlighted by the fact that September 22nd ended the Jubilee year and each generational period of 40, 70, and 100 connects in a dramatic way to our present time-line in the Hebraic year 2017-2018. There are also connections to 500 & 2000-year time spans.

My book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN-The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation, explains each generational connection, that the Solar Eclipse would follow with major storms, and that the Great Sign of Revelation 12 would be a sign without immediate impact. Like the Bethlehem Star, the September 23rd Sign from Revelation 12, ushers in a new Paradigm. The key is the first verse! I have asked dozens of people to tell me what is contradictory or illogical about that verse. No one has had the observational skills to see it. This is one of my points- it takes more than theology to understand the message in the Word of God – a touch of Science, Geography, Art, military tactics, and just pure common sense helps illuminate the message. One could say it takes wisdom and study. As you will see the correct understanding makes a huge difference as to what this whole passage means. It also illuminates the next paragraph in Revelation 12.

The fact is the Sign of Revelation 12 speaks of the Woman clothed with sun with the moon at her feet and a garland of 12 stars. Do you see the problem? As stated earlier, I have shown this to scholars who have failed to see this simple fact. Even though the verb, “appeared,” is used the “Great Sign,” is not visible and never was intended to be visible. Note that the minute the sun appears above the horizon or near the “Woman’s” shoulder – the sign disappears completely! This does not, however, imply that the event did not happen. The stars, planets, sun, and moon are where they are supposed to be, but we cannot see them.

God has given us a sign that is not intended to be seen with our eyes! Why? It is entirely possible that we will never see a visible sign of His Return, because Jesus said multiple times that he would not give a Sign to an “evil generation”. In Matthew 12:39, Jesus says, “A wicked generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” The Great Sign of Revelation 12 would fit this promise perfectly. Even though the sign is miraculous, it is not visible. It “appeared” in the heavens, but the sun keeps the human eye from seeing it!

Hence, I believe this sign is designed to portend the beginning of a supernatural event or series of events that are real, but are NOT visible! These spiritual events will have physical consequences as God orchestrates history with His Promises. The next sub-chapter within Revelation 12, portrays the casting out of Satan and one-third of the angels from heaven. Could this indicate that the mighty on earth who are full of pride like Satan will take a fall too? Does it mean that Satan and his demons will be more active on earth causing demonic mischief? This could be the answer to all the bizarre behavior, irrational threats by crazed leaders, and horrific acts of terror and murder that are happening in America and throughout the world. Could the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel be a catalyst to some more end-time events?

Also note that the 1st verse in Revelation 12, describes only the Woman. The 2nd verse introduces the child. And the 3rd verse shines a light on the “Dragon” or serpent. In just these three verses, the theme of the Bible is presented – as it was in Genesis 3:15. This is akin to the “Wheel of Time” mentioned in my book. Genesis Chapter 3 ushers in a whole new paradigm and I would guess that Revelation 12 will also. Remember the Bethlehem Star? The book explains that this visible sign was also related to the constellation Virgo and that it was not recognized by most in the known world. Yet, it motivated the Magi or Kings to travel a great distance to worship the child! That is why in my book I suggested that the Sign of Revelation 12 on September 23rd, 2017, has opened a door to new beginnings with supernatural consequences.

One of these new beginnings mentioned in my book, COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN, is the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The fact that it did not happen earlier illustrates the impact Satan has in the natural world. Jerusalem is the location where God made his Covenant with Abraham and where God spared Isaac. It is where King David and all the other Judaic kings held office and where many of the great prophets lived and died. In Luke 2 the Word states, “Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover.” This is where Jesus is found as a boy teaching the scribes in the Temple. It is the city of God where Jesus was crucified, then resurrected, and will return in His 2nd Coming. Psalm 122 commands us to pray for Jerusalem. Zachariah 12 states, “On that day I (God) will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.”

God will side with Israel against all the nations of the world and He will use His supernatural power to defeat them all. Thus, we are in what I call a “new Paradigm,” where new beginnings will shake America and the world. In the book I indicated that since Jerusalem was shared by both Islam and the Judeo-Christian world, it was protected- this may now change to a degree.
President Trump has begun what some Jews already call the greatest Pro-Israel initiative in modern time. He is being compared to President Truman who has been given credit for opening the door to establish the Jewish nation.

In my book I indicate what is happening is not a coincidence. The time from the capture of Jerusalem by the Ottomans to their defeat by the British was 400 years. The time between Truman’s amazing decision to establish the nation of Israel and President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is 70 years. It appears that Trump was appointed by God for this time. Note also that Truman and President Trump both won surprise reversal of fortune elections- two of the most surprising elections in our history. The parallels are very interesting as both were businessman, and both have their names beginning with the same 1st 4 letters and their names mean something from a biblical viewpoint. This “New Beginning” will bring conflict and many new challenges around the globe and even in America. I believe that this will embolden the forces of evil and darkness. Keep in prayer! NOTE THAT NO OTHER NATION IN THE WORLD HAS AS MUCH RIGHT TO ITS CAPITAL AS ISRAEL HAS TO JERUSALEM! THIS RIGHT WAS SET BY GOD!

God will prevail for He is in control of the storm. Just as the storm that scared the disciples as they hurried to wake up Jesus Christ, our storm is designed to teach us faith. Jesus asked them why they had such little faith. He wants us to go through the storm with Him so that we will grow in faith. Jerusalem is God’s Holy City. And through Jerusalem, Jesus Christ will show us His Glory and His Power. Jerusalem is the center of history and through Jerusalem, Jesus will show the world that He is the center of the Universe and controls all the forces of Creation. The people of the Promise will seek to know Him and enjoy Him for HE IS THE LIGHT OF LIFE.

Do you Want to See God?

The Bible is the Word of God. It is Living and Active and like a two edged sword it can pierce your heart and your mind, the natural and the supernatural.  It has the power to tear down walls and transform hearts and minds.  Jesus Christ said, “Blessed are those who are pure in heart, because they will see God.”

Colleges and Universities do all they can to take the individual away from the Living Word of God and draw them into a kingdom created and designed by man.  Man becomes the center of the Universe and his contrived theories say that everything was created by an accidental Big Bang and that through billions of miracles of accidental cellular changes a recreated DNA strand of information regenerated new information billions and trillions of times over.  That is like saying the Library of Congress recreated itself over and over again improving its shelves of books over time!  The evolutionist demands that water came from nowhere, saturating an earth that was a ball of fire, becoming a soup of life generating molecules, that were then energized into forming molecules of life.

The problem is lab experiments show that all molecular structures formed from such a power soup would have only left handed amino acids. Life requires equal amounts of left and right handed amino acids.  Likewise enzymes that would form from amino acids would have to have very specific functions from the moment of creation- yet  it takes millions of enzymes working together to create life and each of these amino acids are so unique that they cannot be altered.  It has been shown that any attempt to alter enzymes degrades them to the point of denaturing them.  They will not only not function, but will become a poison to the rest of the tissue or organ function. Evolution is a lie and is impossible.  What we experience in “species” change today is not evolution, it is natural adaptation or natural selection.  This process utilizes the power of the DNA allowing us to “breed selective combinations of genes” with characteristics that we demand as humans or which the environment demands for survival.

The Bible is a crossroad of the Supernatural with the natural.  To many it seems purely abstract and they cannot comprehend its power.  For instance the verse, “Be alert and of sound mind so that you can pray,” seems totally illogical to the natural mind.  Surely we need to be alert, but not to pray; first we should hide or run or do our best to work out an answer or a solution.  Another example is: “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  What is this mumbo-jumbo about things not seen and hoped for? We can have faith in the plane that flies, but what does this have to do with the supernatural- why is that faith? This is one good reason why the Bible is discarded even by those who claim to be Christians yet do not immerse their lives in seeking and knowing Jesus Christ. True faith that changes and transforms requires the supernatural.

So Do You Want to See God?  Take that supernatural step of Faith and ask God into your life.  It is that simple, just ask Him to “Come into my life. Thank you for loving me, I know that I have failed you in many ways.  I am trusting in what Jesus did for me in paying for my sin.  I wish to make you Lord of my Life and ask that you help me understand your Word.”  Then go to the Bible and start reading, and “yes,” pray before and after you read!  As stated earlier, “Be Alert and of Sound Mind, so that you can Pray!” Prayer is that important!

There are a lot of good books to read to help you in your walk including Billy Graham’s books on Angels, the classic “Pilgrim’s Progress” or “On Hind’s Feet.” Other great books include those by Greg Laurie, Lee Strobel, and Apologetics books by Dr. Henry Morris.  My book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN- The Fig Tree & the Prophetic Generation will give you a grounding on some Apologetics (or defense of the faith), some Eschatology (the study of Prophecy from the Bible),  some Christology (study of who Jesus Christ is – for instance He is God and was not created), some History (which is important since God has orchestrated much of the important turning points in history), and some very important events in the Word- including Israels 40-year wandering in the wilderness,  the Signs in the stars announcing the birth of Christ,  and the testimonies or messages from  Peter, Paul, John, and Prophets such as Jeremiah, Zachariah, Daniel, and Joel.  One of the most important revelations relates to where Mt. Sinai is.  I can tell you without any hesitation that Mt. Sinai is in Arabia (note both Elijah and Paul said that they went to Arabia to have fellowship with God).   Most important this book has a deep study in the Fig Tree lessons that Jesus Christ shared with his disciples and with us (for they relate to our day and age)!

The Book also discusses much of what authors like Jonathan Cahn discuss in their books on Eschatology.  There is an extensive discussion on why generational periods of 40, 50, 70, and 100 are important to the study of God’s footprints in history and to his Promise for us.  If you wish to read an excerpt of this book read one of the posts below that have a summary, an addition, or just a discussion.  God Bless you in your walk with Christ and ToGodBtheGlory.

Here is a very quick summary of the book:   The Cosmic refers to Science and the harmony & order of the Universe; the Crossroad relates to faith and the supernatural intersecting the natural; the Countdown represents History and the fact that we are on a time-line that God has determined and which God orchestrates for His purpose and plan.

The Gateway to Heaven

Do you feel anxious and uneasy about the events, weather, and behavior in our nation? Are you concerned about the divisiveness, the polarization, the rebellion, and perversity of our society? Do you believe that history repeats itself?.  Do you think that God is actively involved in orchestrating history?.  Are we entering a new paradigm that even the author Jonathan Cahn describes in detail in his book? Have you heard of The Prophecy of the Fig Tree and the Prophetic Generation? These are questions that are answered in my new book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN- The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation.

I could have called my new book “The Gateway to Heaven”, since my primary theme is to point the way to JESUS CHRIST who is the Gate or Door to Heaven.

When He started His ministry he quoted Isaiah, “The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death – A great Light has dawned.”  He came proclaiming Salvation and Repentance: Jesus said, “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”  Matt. 4:17.

The Crossroad is made up of 4 arms: 1) at the top is the Fig Tree Lesson which is a mystery that God helped me to unfold,  2) one arm has the Signs of the Sun, Moon, and Stars including the constellations, 3)  the 3rd arm has the Testimonies of the Apostles (Peter & John), the Prophets (Daniel, Zachariah, Isaiah, etc.), the archaeological evidence including the city of Jerusalem, the Word of God and the current events;  4) the final arm or leg of the cross has the 70- year Prophetic Generations and the generational periods of 40, 50, & 100 along with time spans of 7 years, 49, 400, 500, and 1000.  This Crossroad intersects with the infinite and divine Time line which started 6000 years ago.

The “Cosmic” is important because Genesis tells us that the Sun, Moon & stars were given to us for Signs and Seasons.  The Bible calls the “Woman of Revelation 12,” a Great Sign.  More than likely, the Sign of the Bethlehem Star was a combination of the same Constellations as in Revelation 12 along with Jupiter and some other “star” that moved into the “body” of Virgo.   I noted in the Book that the Solar Eclipse which we just saw here in America was a Perfect Sign- for it had 3 unique properties:  1) It crossed America and not any other nation.  It was like a great slash starting at the 33rd State and ended at the 33rd parallel, 2)  The path was almost completely clear of clouds and it happened on the Day of Teshuvah which is the beginning of the 40 days of Repentance in the Jewish calendar, 3)  It also happened with the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus as they entered Virgo.  Jupiter represents God’s Authority and Venus is the Morning Star which is another name for Jesus Christ. 4) All this happened on a Jubilee year which is a magnification of God’s demand for repentance, Return, and Mercy. Hence everything related requires extra attention including the 40 days of repentance!  Note that God gave the Ninevites 40 days to Repent!  And that scientists believe that there was a Solar Eclipse prior to Jonah’s arrival that helped to motivate them to seek God.  Does this sound familiar? Nineveh repented, but has America repented?

I noted in the book which was sent in for publishing on Aug. 10th that there would be violent storms soon after the Solar Eclipse.  Note also that many ancient civilizations recognized that there was a “gateway” to heaven in the constellations.  Egypt for instance established this fact in the Sphinx as it has the body of the Lion (Leo) and the face of the Woman (Virgo).  The two represent the beginning and the end of the “Universe” or in a sense of “Time” and is therefore the “Gateway” to the outer regions of heaven.  Stars and Planets have meanings and names which God himself explained to Adam and Eve.  So when Regulus which at the heart of Leo and means “Royalty”, lined up with the Planets Mars (or Man), Mercury (or messenger), and Venus (or High Priest) we should realize that something very significant was happening! This array describes the Lion of Judah, who comes to Judge the Earth.

The Sign of the Woman of Revelation 12 was never intended to be seen in its fullest extent.   God gave us this Great Sign as a declaration of a new paradigm, yet He made it appear primarily in the Word of God and in the Star maps.  This sign was not recognized by the world system, nor by the evolution based scientists who normally embrace unique stellar signs.  So why was it not seen?  First of all it happened low on the horizon, and second the sun is part of the  sign thus making the entire sign invisible to the naked eye.  We all know the blinding effect of the sun and its indirect light that can make stars disappear even before sunrise.  The sign required that the sun rest on “Virgo’s” shoulder making her immediately invisible to the eye, but visible to God.

One of the incredible elements in this Great Sign is the way God moved Jupiter into the “womb” of Virgo for 9 months.  The retrograde motion of Jupiter allowed this unique appearance, and in no other case in history has this been so precisely achieved in heavens.

The “Countdown” is important because God has a Timeline which he established at the Creation and throughout time has orchestrated.  These divine footsteps express His Mercy and Love for those who seek Him and honor Him.  We are nearing the end of this timeline and therefore time feels compressed, with many events and weather patterns appearing extreme, along with the almost irrational behavior of people. The labor pains are more intense and this will continue until the rapture – which could happen at any time.  The Prophecy of the Fig Tree and the Prophetic Generation both point to the fact that we are the “Last Generation” that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24 as he gave his Olivet Discourse.  The countdown which began at “the budding of the Fig Tree”, the establishment of the nation of Israel in 1947-48, has lasted almost 70 years now.  We have until Rosh Hashana in 2018.

As I write this, it is past September 23rd and we are seeing more hurricanes and other signs of trouble on the horizon.  We have record “firestorms” in California, stoked by unusually heavy and persistent winds. Another ominous sign is that of  the Kurdistan Independence vote  that happened a few weeks ago.  This vote could lead to regional war as Iraq, Iran, and Turkey do NOT want an independent Kurdish Republic.  Ironically the Syrians are the only ones willing to help the Kurds by allowing them to sell their oil through their pipelines.  Turkey has blocked their pipelines and all airline traffic and so has Iran and Iraq.  I believe the next war will be a conflict related to Iran’s desire to conquer the Kurds in order to establish a passage to the “sea” and to destroy Israel.



The Lord’s Windstorm

Nahum the prophet said, “The Lord is slow to anger and powerful…the Lord’s path is in the windstorm and hurricane, thunderclouds are dust under his feet.” The Prophet Zechariah states, “God will blow the trumpet and will go out with the summer windstorm”.  And he continues, “The Lord who fashions, lightening thunderstorms…”

IT IS NO COINCIDENCE: Our recent Solar Eclipse crossed the US from coast to coast; was the most viewed eclipse in American history; appeared without much cloud interference; happened at the beginning of a special time of repentance called Teshuva (a time that God calls for national change of behavior) and 33 days before the Sun, moon, and stars will be ready to align themselves for the Great Sign of Revelation 12 on September 23rd.  The Eclipse started in Oregon the 33rd State and ended in South Carolina which is at the 33rd degree parallel. Thirty-three is the number of perfect perfection- hence the PERFECT SIGN.

IT IS NO COINCIDENCE: Hurricane Harvey came a few days later; struck the city of Corpus Christi (which means body of Christ) and had the name Harvey which means “Branding Iron”;    it moved back and forth just as the planet Jupiter was moving in the body of the constellation Virgo (a retrograde motion which makes this Sign the most unique Sign in Earth’s history- since Jupiter is the child about to be birthed near Drago the serpent).  Texas the most conservative state in the union received the 1st blow, a “Sign” that God will bring justice to all and seeks repentance from all.  These storms are so massive that they draw world-wide attention?

IT IS NO COINCIDENCE: Hurricane Irma became a massive storm in the Atlantic where the Solar Eclipse ended and then moved straight for Florida, and again has drawn world-wide attention.

It is no coincidence that we are seeing the supernatural presented in just about every way and form in society: in conspiracy theories, movies, games, print and the rest of the media.  Horrific and often twisted violence is being provoked against man, rumors of war are magnified to nuclear proportions, droughts and famines are spreading without making the news, and the Apostasy is spreading. Time is being compressed and thus we sense that illogical & incomprehensible events are rising with the power of the Lie. However, while darkness spreads the Light of God is exposing it.  The Power of the Cross and the Spirit are moving in mighty ways to save the lost, and God is calling and equipping the church to lead the way, pray, take a stand, and share the Word.

It is No coincidence that we are living in the a time like the “days of Elijah”. Elijah confronted Baal worship in what many believe was the greatest battle in the Old Testament of good against evil.  Upward of 850 prophets of Baal were killed by the people for having failed to defeat the God of Elijah. Baal Worship was the worship of the gods of the environment, child sacrifice (abortion), temple prostitution (Apostasy) and Idol Worship (ESPN’s ( ESPN’s obvious severe bias against our sitting President yet the men and women of this nation still sit mesmerized by their favorite sports!) This is a sad time for America which has glamorized the sport of winning at all costs too long (yes- even to the point of brain damage etc.). If the third hurricane forms out of Jose, Beware!  It will probably head for New York and like Harvey  it may hit land 3 times!

Does anyone remember what happened to Elijah after God’s defeat of Baal?  He fled to the real Mount Sinai which is in Arabia!  There he encountered God in the still voice- not the fire nor the earthquake.  Are we also headed for a major fire and earthquake?  The last events that happened to Elijah were:  1) Elisha who became his companion and apprentice prophet,  2)  He gives Elisha a double portion of “miracle power”- from God  3)  He parts the Jordan River which by the way is where Jesus was baptized  4)  He is lifted up in a whirlwind of fire!  Does any of this sound familiar?  From the Word of God it sounds a little like events in the book of Revelation including the rapture and the two witnesses.

Ezekiel states, (13:13) Therefore this is what the Lord God says, “In my burning anger I’ll rip it open with a windstorm, In my anger I’ll rinse it off with rain…and put an end to it with a hailstorm.” And Jeremiah the Prophet states, “Behold, the storm of the LORD! Wrath has gone forth, a whirling tempest; it will burst upon the head of the wicked.  The anger of the LORD will not turn back until he has executed and accomplished the intents of his heart. In the latter days you will understand it clearly. ” Jer. 23:19-20.  Jesus says, “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.” – Luke 21:11.

In my book, COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN,  I share about God’s footprints on our historical timeline and how Wheels of Time are converging unto our present age.  We saw Signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars just as they may have appeared at the birth of Jesus (The Star of Bethlehem may have had an array of constellation and planet movements as did the September 23rd Woman of Revelation 12 ),  and we are now seeing events happen as they did in the time of Elijah.

The Solar Eclipse was extremely significant in that it happened on the first day of Elul or on the 1st day of the 40-day period of repentance, and went from coast to coast, to cast a shadow only on America.  Likewise this whole event happened on a Jubilee year which implies a super “Return” or super repentance – a warning to America that storms were coming.  In the case of Elijah he overcame Jezebel & Ahab and destroyed 850 priests of BAAL.  In our time we have had the Obama/Hillary combination, which Jonathan Cahn in his book the Paradigm goes into great detail to show they parallel Ahab and Jezebel.  Having overcome this threat of Jezebel,  Elijah flees to a sanctuary and is visited by an earthquake, a hurricane, and a firestorm- each of which we have seen in recent weeks in their extreme forms (the Jubilee would have possible magnified everything by 50X).  I am convinced that we are being tested and this includes the church.

Here is the cover of my new book: 

God wants a relationship with us and he seeks us … all we have to do is to receive the gift that he has to give us and that is the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ and it is only through Jesus Christ ….for as Jesus himself said, the path is narrow and hard but the crowds follow the easy wide path. Do you want to choose him or do you want to choose the way of the world? Jesus Christ is the Door to heaven and the only door… do not be fooled by false prophets or false religions nor the lies of the media and of the world

Are These the Days of Elijah?

The Prophet Malachi promised that Elijah the prophet would come right before the “great and awesome day the LORD.”  The Jewish people do not believe that he has come, whereas we as Christians know that Jesus proclaimed that John the Baptist was Elijah.  Today we are the “Elijahs”, because we are supposed to be preparing the “Way of the Lord” in the “wilderness” for His Second Coming.

Right now we are seeing very dark forces rising up.  We have seen ISIS, North Korea, Abu Sayyaf, Al-Qaida, Hezbollah, Boko Haram, Al Sahbaab, Hamas, and dozens of others intent on killing Christians, Jews, and anyone they do not like.

The powers of darkness are being manifested in social behavior and the glamorization of evil, Satan, slavery, pornography, and just about everything that goes against the Spirit and Truth.  The Burning Man festival is a good example.   This “alternate world” is an ultimate freak-out with drugs, sex, sorcery, witchcraft, worship of the dead, and now even a human sacrifice.  Check out the post on the “Burning Man”.   We are witnessing Defiance and “demi-gods” taking front stage in America with the media glamorizing their every action and declaration.  God is now going to act.

In the time of Elijah, Jezebel introduced Baal worship which was a combination of nature worship, Idol worship, child sacrifice, self mutilation, and worship of Asherah.   This is an amazing parallel to what we see today, if you consider abortion as child sacrifice and piercing as mutilation.  Temple prostitution is associated with drugs, slavery, child abuse, and the worship of Asherah.

Do you remember how Elijah was hunted down by Ahab?  Finally Elijah agreed to meet King Ahab’s 850 prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel for the showdown of the Ages.  It had not rained in Israel ever since God told Elijah that He would not bring rain…. and of course Ahab blamed Elijah.  He had all the people show up to watch the battle.  Elijah gave the Baal prophets as much time as they needed, even time to cut themselves and wail to their god.  Elijah then had the men dig a trench and fill it with water.  In this trench he drenched the wood for the altar that was built and then called out to God.  God answered and lit the altar up and the  sacrifice was  fulfilled.  The people then killed all the prophets of Baal.  This was the ultimate supernatural battle fought on a mountain top in front of all the kings men and for all the people to witness.   Are we willing to take a stand for God and “destroy” the demi-gods and idols in our lives?  Why are people wasting hours watching sports, idolizing sports and sport heroes, talking sports, and promoting sports?  Why are we setting a bad example for kids?  These so called heroes are often abusers of women, of the temple of the Holy Spirit which is their body, and glamorizers of violence.

Today on this same Mount Carmel there is another “Altar” – one that represents all the pagan religions of the world.  It is lit up at night like a great pyramid of paganism and Baal worship for all the world to see. Israel allows it!  Below is a picture of this eleven level pyramid of altars to the world’s most prominent religions including ancient ones to Saturn, which is just another name for Satan.  This is a testimony of the fallen nature of culture today including that of Israel and God’s chosen people.  Again “Testimonies” are an integral part of my new book:  COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN- The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation.

The Cover of my New Book:




Cosmic Crossroad Countdown- Bio, Summary, and Excerpt:

THIS BOOK WAS originally WRITTEN 2 years AGO, and DUE TO AN ERROR (SOMEONE SABOTAGED THE PRODUCTION by putting a “Z” on the first page next to the name Jesus Christ), it had to be republished 3 months after being submitted.  At that time my heart was impressed with the need to warn America quickly that the Sign of the Solar Eclipse would bring serious storms and other events  and that America needed to repent of its defiance and sins against God and authority.  We all need to come to the table of reconciliation with forgiveness and repentance.  That first 130 page Book was printed in a hurry to beat the Solar event and so had some fragmentation in the flow.  I have now  republished it with the same data but which clarity and better flow. You will be amazed how relevant it is to today, for every inspiration and insight has Come True.   Dr. Hofmann continues to warn about the countdown that is bringing radical new Beginnings.  Continue reading for the Author’s Bio and Book Summary. Continue reading Cosmic Crossroad Countdown- Bio, Summary, and Excerpt:

Divine Order expressed by math and numbers in ALL of Creation

This is an article by an ICR scientist that shows how the entire Universe from the smallest particles to the solar system has symmetry and ratios that reflect God’s purpose for order, beauty, and function. I would also like to add that Fractals illustrate this symmetry and design in a very powerful visual way.  Check them out on You Tube.

Numbers and Divine Proportions – a paper by Fred Wilson, M.S, which illustrates a Divine Order expressed by math and numbers in ALL of Creation:

In God’s creation, there exists a “Divine Proportion” that is exhibited in a multitude of shapes, numbers, and patterns whose relationship can only be the result of the omnipotent, good, and all-wise God of Scripture. This Divine Proportion—existing in the smallest to the largest parts, in living and also in non-living things—reveals the awesome handiwork of God and His interest in beauty, function, and order.

I will first begin with shapes, then discuss how a numbering pattern and a ratio (the Divine Proportion) are an inherent part of these shapes and patterns and are ubiquitous throughout creation. Let’s begin with a shape with which we are all familiar. It is the spiral commonly seen in shells. By taking a careful look at that spiral (the chambered nautilus is probably the clearest example) you will observe that as it gets larger, it retains its identical form. Since the body of the organism grows in the path of a spiral that is equiangular and logarithmic, its form never changes. The beauty of this form is commonly called the “golden spiral.”

This spiral is visible in things as diverse as: hurricanes, spiral seeds, the cochlea of the human ear, ram’s horn, sea-horse tail, growing fern leaves, DNA molecule, waves breaking on the beach, tornadoes, galaxies, the tail of a comet as it winds around the sun, whirlpools, seed patterns of sunflowers, daisies, dandelions, and in the construction of the ears of most mammals.

This spiral follows a precise mathematical pattern. We will first look at this spiral in sunflowers. By looking carefully at a sunflower you will observe two sets of spirals (rows of seeds or florets) spiraling in opposite directions. When these spiral rows are counted in each direction, you will discover that in the overwhelming majority of the cases that their numbers, depending upon the size of the flower, will be of the following ratio: if small, 34 and 55; if medium 55 and 89; if large 89 and 144. These numbers are part of the Fibonacci numbering sequence, a pattern discovered around A.D. 1200 by Leonardo Pisa (historically known as Fibonacci). Each succeeding number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. The sequence of these numbers is 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233, ad infinitum. This numbering pattern reveals itself in various ways throughout all of nature, as we shall see. When the smaller number of this pattern is divided into the larger number adjacent to it, the ratio will be approximately 1.618; if the larger one adjacent to it divides the smaller number, the ratio is very close to 0.618. This ratio is the most efficient of similar series of numbers.

Why did Phideas, the Greek sculptor, and others in ancient Greece and Egypt often use this ratio in designing many of their works of art? Because this ratio has been found to be remarkably pleasing to the human eye, it produces what is called a Golden Rectangle. If the short side of the rectangle is 1, the long side will be 1.618. This rectangular shape was close to the pattern used in the designing of the Parthenon of Greece and for many of their numerous pictures, vases, doorways, windows, statues, etc., and even for certain features of the Great Pyramid of Egypt. The United Nations building is a golden rectangle. Many of the things you use are (approximately) patterned after the golden rectangle—credit cards, playing cards, postcards, light switch plates, writing pads, 3-by-5 and 5-by-8 cards, etc.1

Artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Van Gogh, Vermeer, Sargent, Monet, Whistler, Renoir, and others employed the golden proportion in many of their works. They would “take a blank easel and divide it into areas based on the golden proportions to determine the placement of horizons, trees, and so on.”2 Why the golden proportion? Art forms can be either of static or dynamic symmetry. In static symmetry the lines have definite measurements whereas in dynamic symmetry it is the proportioning of the areas that is given emphasis. It implies “growth, power, movement. It gives animation and life to an artist’s work . . . rather than the effect of stillness and quiet” 3 of static symmetry. This is the appeal of the golden proportion.

Another area of great interest is the occurrence of Fibonacci numbers in the spiral arrangement of leaves around a plant’s stem (called phyllotaxis). This spiral pattern is observed by viewing the stem from directly above, and noting the arc of the stem form one leaf base to the next, and the fraction of the stem circumference which is inscribed. In each case the numbers are Fibonacci numbers. Examples: In an elm the arc is 1/2 the circumference; in beech and hazel, 1/3; apricot, oak, 2/5; in pear and poplar, 3/8; in almond and pussy willow, 5/13; and in some pines either 5/21 or 13/34. Why did God arrange them this way? This pattern assures that each leaf will receive its maximum exposure to sunlight and air without shading or crowding other leaves. Not only do we discover this pattern in leaf arrangements, but it is also commonly found in the arrangement of many flower petals. Examples: a lily has 3 petals, yellow violet 5, delphinium 8, mayweed 13, aster 21, pyrethrum 34, helenium 55, and michaelmas daisy 89. With such a great variety of spiral ratios in leaf and petal arrangement, no one has any reason to get bored with God’s creation.

When we realize that the information to produce these spirals and numbers in living things is stored in the DNA, should we then be surprised to find that the DNA molecule is 21 angstroms in width and the length of one full turn in its spiral is 34 angstroms, both Fibonacci numbers? The DNA molecule is literally one long stack of golden rectangles.

Let’s look into the area of very small and very large things. In the world of atoms there are four fundamental asymmetries (structure of atomic nuclei, distribution of fission fragments, distribution of numbers of isotopes, and the distribution of emitted particles), and it is significant that “the numerical values of all of these asymmetries are equal approximately to the `golden ratio,’ and that the number forming these values are sometimes Fibonacci or `near’ Fibonacci numbers.”5 In changing states of a quantity of hydrogen atoms, as the atoms gain and lose radiant energy at succeeding energy levels, the changing proportion of the histories of the atomic electrons form Fibonacci numbers. In the area of very large phenomena when the time period of each planet’s revolution around the sun is compared in round numbers to the one adjacent to it, their fractions are Fibonacci numbers! Beginning with Neptune and moving inward toward the sun, the ratios are 1/2, 1/3, 2/5, 3/8, 5/13, 8/21, 13/34. These are the same as the spiral arrangement of leaves on plants!

Revolution of the planets in days and their correlation to Fibonacci numbers and spiral arrangement of leaves on plants
Observed (theoretical) Ratio Plants
(Pluto) 90,000   (2:3 Neptune) —
Neptune 60,193       62,000 —
Uranus 30,688          31,000 1:2 Elm
Saturn 10,760           10,333 1:3 Beech
Jupiter 4,332               4,133 2:5 Apricot
Asteroids 1200-2000  1,550 3:8 Pear
Mars 687                         596 5:13 Almond
Earth 365                        366 8/13 —
Venus 225                       277 13/21 Pine
Mercury 88                      87 13:34 Pine

There are creationists who have theorized that some cosmic force, probably in relation to the day of Noah’s flood, altered the solar system, especially from Venus to the asteroid belt. This may account for the only significant theoretical adjustments in the chart: Mars (687 to 596), and Venus (225 to 277); the rest are very close to reality. Even with these two adjustments, the correlation of the Fibonacci pattern to the periodic times of the planets is far more than just a chance arrangement. It is one more example of God’s marvelous mathematical arrangement of His creation. The fact that it is not perfect reveals that although Adam’s sin affected the whole creation (Romans 8:22), yet God in His goodness has not allowed sin to overcome all the marks of His great handiwork (Psalm 19:1).

A most interesting divergence in the chart is that of the Earth. As the next planet in the series after Mars, its number should be 8:21, but it isn’t. This number “skips” over Earth and connects to Venus. Even with this divergence we find that the Earth’s period compared to Mars and Venus are Fibonacci numbers (8/13, 13/21). It is my opinion that this anomaly is evidence of God’s showing the uniqueness of planet Earth in relationship to the whole cosmos. [here, I the owner of this blog, feel there is another reason: originally earth fit the mold but due to changes God made to earth’s rotation during the battle against the Amalekites in the wilderness- where 12 hours were added. And maybe also due to changes caused by the complete reordering of earth’s crust during the worldwide flood].  It also accomplishes another fact, for this “anomaly” shatters the big bang and nebular hypothesis, for if all the planets formed from a whirling cloud of dust and atoms, this feature would not be present. To think that the times of revolution of the planets around the sun correlates with the arrangement of leaves around stems on plants is also an amazing phenomena.

These shapes, numbers, spirals, and the divine proportion are ubiquitous in their presence throughout all of creation. They are found in living and nonliving phenomena. Their symmetry, beauty, and mathematical preciseness are evident in every aspect of nature. Although absolute perfection is not found in all of these (due to the effects of Adam’ sin), their very presence virtually everywhere and in everything argues against their having occurred by blind chance or evolutionary processes. The only rational conclusion is that the Creator of the universe is a personal, intelligent Being, who created these things as a visible fingerprint of His invisible, yet personal existence. This great, wise, powerful, creative, and sovereign God of creation is the One revealed in the Bible, of whom it can be said, “Great things doeth He, which we cannot comprehend” (Job 37:5). He is worthy of worship. And what is His name? The Lord Jesus Christ. “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created” (Revelation 4:11).

A World of Lies or the Lilies of Truth?

Jesus Christ has to be either a liar, a lunatic, or who he really said he is: GOD.





Yes, Jesus Christ showed himself to be God throughout his ministry and THAT is why the Jewish leadership felt that it was their duty to stop Him and kill him. In John 10:33, as they picked up stones to kill him, Jesus asks, “I have shone you many good works for which of these do you want to stone me”, and they said, “Because you a mere man claim to be God.” They saw him feed 5000 and then 4000 and were amused, they saw him raise the dead and heal the sick and were stunned, but when he drove out the demons they declared that he was the son of Satan. And so Jesus replies, “How can Satan cast out Satan?” To us and to the entire creation, He says, “I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever!” (Rev.1:17–18).

So need we ask, “How can such a powerful Truth and Person be denied when the evidence is so clear?” Jesus has already fulfilled over 300 prophecies from the Old Testament and will fulfill 2X more in His 2nd Coming! His resurrection was proof to all who had followed him that He indeed reigned over man’s greatest enemy = Death thus fulfilling his own prophecy – that He would raise from the grave in 3 days! In John 10:17-18, Jesus said, “I am laying down My life so I may take it up again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down on my own.” In response many Jews said, “He has a demon and He’s crazy!”

There is the investigative reporter by the name of Lee Strobel who after seeing his wife surrender to Jesus Christ and accept Him as Lord and Savior, desperately sought to prove the resurrection a myth! He is now author of many books including, “The Case for Christ”, “The Case for Easter”, “The Case for Faith”, & now “The Case for a Creator”. He had collected all the evidence and tried to make a courtroom like case against the resurrection. The evidence proved otherwise and what he had thought were Lies became Lilies of Truth!  Many other intellectuals including the well known CSI expert, J. Warner Wallace, author of Cold-Case Christianity and Josh McDowell author of Evidence Demands a Verdict, & More Than a Carpenter (with over 5 million printed) studied the evidence and also were convinced in their minds & convicted deep in their hearts of this Truth! The Word transformed them and they now preach the Truth of the Gospel throughout this earth! The tiniest seed can grow into a big tree of faith; likewise the Lily of the field that “resurrects” from the dead “ in all it’s beauty is more arrayed than the glory of Solomon.”

The problem is the vast majority of people are not only unwilling to seek the Truth, but are also afraid to discover and accept the truth – because it will prove them wrong and convict them of their own sin! Many of them would be shocked to learn that to have owned a Bible or to have gone to church, or to have a Christian parent or grandparent does NOT make them a Christian! As Jesus clearly illustrated in his parables of the sower, the seed, and the rich man – they have been distracted by the world, some seduced by wealth, others have had doubts planted by the wiles of the devil, but some fall away due to the simple cares of life! Often the most loving thing God can do is allow these “Prodigal Sons” to be severely strained and shaken in order to save them!

Do you think that Almighty God will exempt anyone from His commands and Covenants? Jesus who calls himself the “Word” says to us: “Abide in me and I will abide in you”, “Those I love, I reprove & discipline – therefore be zealous and repent”, “You are mistaken not understanding the scriptures nor the POWER of GOD”, “Everyone who acknowledges me before men – I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven, but whoever denies me before men- I will also deny him before my Father in heaven”! Jesus Christ, the Ancient of Days and The Lord of the Heavenly Army will be the Judge! Take careful note of the witness of the Apostles, the martyrs throughout time who die for their faith, the countless others who give selflessly for Christ- bringing healing to the sick and lost throughout this earth, & to the authors mentioned earlier; they are NOT crazy nor delusional! For instance they do not blow themselves up to kill the innocent!

LIFE is not going to get any easier for any of us as we grow older and more overwhelmed by a changing world! God has been very clear that He is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and that He will return in the form of the reigning King of Kings, the Lion of Judah, and the Apha and the Omega to judge the earth and every soul that lives and has lived. One can quote many verses, but here is just one: “Judgment will take place at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with His powerful angels, taking vengeance with flaming fire on those who don’t know God and on those who don’t obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus“, II Thess.1:7-8.

God desires and aches for each of us to seek Him out with all our heart, mind, and soul! That is why He has given us so MUCH evidence and so MUCH opportunity for inspiration and observational experience. Have you not heard God shout to you in your pain or whisper to you in your joy? The Truth has been sitting on your table top, in inspirational music, classical literature, in the wonder of nature, in the majesty of the heavens, and in the faith of a child. They were put there as a testimony of who God is and How MUCH HE LOVES you and me! Just like a Good Father, He wants you to” know” him which implies to Love Him and Obey Him! So how can we know Him, if we do not respect, nor follow Him? And how can we know Him and follow Him, if we do not read His Word, seek and speak to Him in pray, or listen to His message?

Why do we spend so much time studying a world system with it’s lies, and so little time and effort studying what our Maker and Redeemer wants us to study and know? To know God is to Trust in Him, his Precepts, & his Promises! To know Him is to know both His Truth & His Love, gaining purpose for your life.  To know him is to know his Name and your true Identity! God says to us, “Anyone who calls upon the name of the LORD will be saved”, and Psalm 54:1, “Oh God, save me by your name and vindicate me by your power.”

To know Jesus Christ is to have the most powerful personal relationship one will ever choose to have – so that God can lead you to exceptional Truth.  Only He can free your mind from slavery to the world and its lies! Only He can open your heart to who He really is: Faithful and True, Good Shepherd, the Door, Savior, and Author and Finisher of our Faith.

The movie “La La Land” is about the consequences of making wrong choices. Life is indeed a series of choices & the biggest choice that anyone can make is to choose to believe and trust in Jesus Christ. Most other choices are just a distraction that God is trying to clear away from the path. Jesus warns, “Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads to LIFE, & few there be that find it”! Know that we are just specks in time & our eyes a particle of personal joy, but our soul is for eternity and linked to Heaven or to Hell!” The choice is ours alone – God does not send anyone to Hell. Despite God’s most clear and precise warnings many will still choose it! Make no mistake HELL is NO “La La Land” – it is a permanent separation from God and an eternal fiery pit that God originally designed for Satan and his angels!

When we think of eternity many people think of the stars and light years! The Genesis Truth is that “God fashioned two great lights- the larger light to shine during the day and the smaller one to shine during the night -as well as the stars”. In the book of Job written 1600 years before the Savior’s birth God says that, “He shakes the earth from its orbit, so that its foundations shudder… He alone spreads out the heavens, he walks on the waves of the sea. He created Bear, Orion, the Pleiades, and the southern constellations. He does great things that cannot be explained”-just as Jesus walked on water, restored the eyes of a man born blind & raised Himself from the grave!  By the way a great book to read on the constellations, why God created them, and named each star is  “Looking Up”.

So the Big Question is, do you want to believe a supernatural God or do you want to believe men in white robes who cannot explain why or how: 1) Earth is the only planet discovered with water -the essence of life- 326 million trillion gallons of it! 2) The moon is located at the perfect distance for both tidal effects and solar eclipses 3) Triton, the moon of Neptune, far from the heat of the sun, rotates backwards and has hot nitrogen geysers;  hence its internal heat cannot be billions of years old! 4) Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune have large magnetic fields which would have dissipated over time as earth has! 5) If earth began as a ball of fire, where did all the water come from? 6 ) If Venus was part of a big bang, why is it the only planet that spins backwards? 7) IOS a smaller moon has 9 active volcanoes and Europa has constant big geysers – both a long way from the sun, yet HOT!  8) Our moon had only centimeters of dust as predicted by a NASA Christian Space Scientist and is moving away one inch/year!  Less than a million years of shift would have made life impossible for plants, mammals & dinosaurs during moon eclipses and chaotic high tides!  9) Why have the billions of spiral galaxies not unwound from their perfect spiral shape over billions of years – as physics demands!  1000’s of other questions of this magnitude make the Big Bang and billions of years totally illogical and unsupported by observational science and math! 10) Do you really think that everything came from nothing?!! – This would be against entropy- or both Laws of Thermodynamics and everything empirically tested in science and illustrated in history!

One reason I travel the world is to see the extreme variety of plants and animals – for instance the Weta, and insect in New Zealand, that has “antifreeze” for blood so that it can survive frozen all winter long! Some of the ferns and “pine trees” that I got to see there are the same found in countless fossils! So it is a matter of who you have faith in! God who created the Lilies of the field or mankind which has lied throughout the ages?  Fossils form in just months at the hot spring in Yorkshire near the river Ned.  They show that it does not take long to fossilize the outer layers- just like the dinosaur bones that are fossilized on the outside, yet have blood cells, osteocytes, osteoblasts, and elastic tissue on the inside! There are presently over 150 cases of dinosaur, water-born animals, and bird fossil finds that have evidence of intact proteins with DNA – and thus they all have C14 that can be dated! If even a trace of C14 is present the tissue or cell cannot be older than 75,000  years!  Another incredible book to read is “Undenieable” by Douglas Axe who worked in the same lab as did Watson and Crick.  His studies show that protein enzymes, the building block of life, cannot be altered without causing cellular failure! This fact alone totally shoots down macro evolution.

“For it is by Faith through Grace that you have been saved, this is NOT of yourself- NOT of works, so that no one can boast, it is a Gift of God!”

Hunting Dinosaur Bone or Mammalian Bones

Finding Dinosaur Bones – How to find them and Caution when sharing them!  Note that the pics above are of the original fossils as I found them.  I have removed much of the red sandstone that covered them and right now there is a good possibility that this is a new species.

To all you wanta-be or amateur dinosaur hunters – here is some good news! I was in NE Texas scrub lands and dropped down to a riverbed where after 40 minutes of casual walking in my “Sunday shoes and clothes” saw an odd looking red rock! About 15% of the rocks were red (sandstone full of ferrous oxide) and rest white or browns! I had prayed that God would give me just a small fossil so to make this “Black Friday” trip to nowhere worthwhile! So he wrapped the perfect bone in red for me: a dinosaur Jaw Bone! Nearby I also found a perfectly round rock with concretions and a Pac Man like bite mark with homogeneous bumps on the inside (like a pomegranate or guava).  I believe that it is fossilized fruit or seed pod! Note that I am a dentist- so the Jaw bone was perfect- it has a submandibular depression, a mandibular notch-for the nerve, a tooth socket, condyle and condylar eminence, and it is very heavy and strong- for it is full of iron ions/ferrous oxide. So just because a rock is red do not think that it is just sandstone! The picture above shows the jaw bone after being soaked in warm soapy water for over 2 days – so much of the red is gone!

What I want to emphasize to kids and anyone who wants to seek out fossils- DO NOT TAKE THEM TO A “ROCK STORE” FOR IDENTIFICATION!!!  I took both fossils to 2 Rock shops in Dallas and both tried to tell me that the samples were just rocks (either due to lack of knowledge or due to a desire to obtain them for a cheap price !!). Be very very careful!