There is an Approaching Darkness. When Jesus was on the cross there was a darkness for 3 hours that terrified even the soldiers. This was neither an eclipse nor a cloud. This was a supernatural darkness that also resulted in an earthquake, the cracking of rocks (which must have made some horrendous noise), and the supernatural top-to-bottom tearing of the 4-inch thick curtain dividing the Holy of Holies from the inner sanctuary. The thick darkness that fell over Egypt as the ninth plague covered the earth for 3 days. I believe that this is not a coincidence. In my book I compare the period of 70 days from the âbudding of the fig treeâ to the time of âfruit bearingâ as a parallel to the 70-year Prophetic Generation spoken by Jesus at the Olivet discourse. It is fitting that the Shadow of death striking the first-born of Egypt came right after the 3 days of Darkness. Likewise the death of the Savior came right after the 3 hours of darkness. The fleeing Israelites were delivered by God, just as God delivered mankind in the resurrection. The 70 days of flower-to-fig conversion where the flower becomes the inner part of the fruit, is a unique floral transformation from the inside out. Likewise, the 70-year Prophetic Generation discussed in my book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN will generate a unique time of New Beginnings and repentance among a lost generation of “flower children.” There will follow a deliverance for those who seek God and find him.
At our ministry this last Sunday, a guy who claimed Jesus Christ in his life, exuberantly demanded my attention while I was sharing God’s Truth with a younger man (much like what happened many weeks ago when I was sharing with the young New Ager- and a Hindu crazed guy interrupted our conversation- who also claimed a relationship with Jesus). This new guy had numerous tattoos on his arms hands and neck. He wanted to tell me that the Bible supported the idea that the earth was flat. I told him that Isaiah stated the phrase “the circle of the earth” which he ignored and then quoted Genesis: “and the Spirit hovered over the face of the waters”. He asked me how can the “face of waters” be round, and then stated, “the word ‘face’ implies a flat surface and after all you cannot bend water!” I looked at him and replied, “you are wrong water can be bent”. Then he dared me to explain. So I asked him if he had ever heard of gravity? To which he replied “so what?” I said there are many natural forces that can bend water and one of those is when you take a cup of water and swing your arm as you empty the cup….the water pours out in a bend due to centrifugal forces. But the most obvious and common bend is that due to gravity when a wave breaks on a beach… bends at the angle of the Fibonacci curve. He walked away…..
Why are there so many crazy people that claim to be Christians? Doesn’t the Holy Spirit give us common sense? Then it occurred to me that the majority of so called Christians actually believe that God did not create the Universe and everything in it- that evolution did it… it saddened me to realize how effective Satan has been. I ask these people to explain to themselves where all earths 356 trillion billion gallons of water came from, or how can evolution create a language called DNA which is more complicated and diverse than all the verbal languages on the earth put together!!!!?? Evolution cannot create even one single sentence in any language- the reality of evolution is so illogical that it would be easier to prove that the earth is flat. This is just another sign of the End Times…. False Christs, Lies, Slander, and Deceit, and most of all Satan’s deception. Read my book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN and learn more.
Something to Share: Had one of the top Prophecy Teachers tell me that I could not show nor sell my book at his Conference. He apparently disagreed with something I wrote. So I asked him a question concerning his recent TV show. He had said that on Palm Sunday Jesus entered Jerusalem through the Eastern Gate. He also stated that the Temple was actually not where the Dome of the Rock is but further north so that its entrance was in line with this Eastern Gate. I had told him that my book looks at many aspects of Prophecy and other Truths with logic from the viewpoint of an artist, scientist, and military strategist- that one of the weaknesses of present interpretation is that LOGIC and COMMON SENSE is often neglected. He implied that that was ridiculous- so I asked him a question about his lesson on TV, “how can you have the Eastern gate aligned with the Temple and yet still have Jesus making his entrance there?” He thought and then said “DUH – Jesus got off the donkey and then walked into the Temple grounds”. So I asked my NEXT question: “How then could this be called a Triumphal Entrance by the Prophet Zechariah?’ After all a Triumphal Entry implies a King entering on horseback!” He was stunned…and just ended the conversation. The truth is Jesus did not enter Jerusalem through the Eastern Gate. Yet this High Minded Prophecy Teacher has been teaching this on TV as if he is the expert. This guy did not use common sense – since most people know that the most significant aspect about Christ’s entrance was that it was like the entrance of a KING and thus called the “Triumphal Entry.” The Bible does not say where he entered, but people like him like to use their “expertise” to make bad conclusions
By the way last weekend two men accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.