Are We Ready?

Again The Bible has a powerful verse to describe how the lowly, the rejected, the leftovers and abused are used to shame those who claim to be wise and powerful.. God can use anyone to change the world. Here is the verse from I Cor. 1:28: “God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important.” It is like a baby in a manger, a boy with slingshot, a drowning man, an old woman, a demoniac or a fisherman, a resurrected Jew, a tax collector or repentant persecuter, can not only shake the world but can lead people to an amazing Eternal Salvation.
God also uses Signs to draw our attention. Do you think that maybe names or numbers can be used. There are names that make us think twice about their implication such as Biiiden or Puuutin—Trump sounds good. Is God sounding the Trumpet? Our new hero in baseball has an interesting name: Aaron (the Priesthood of Aaron) Judge (the next time the world sees the Lord, He will be their Judge.)  The Judge is Coming! The greatest hitter of all time Roger Maris is about to have his homerun record for one season smashed by Yankee home run phenom- Aaron Judge. He hit two on Sunday and is playing tonight—just one more and he will break the record.  I believe a lot in names especially names that pop up out of nowhere in record books topping all previous records in a sport that is considered America’s family sport. This is epic moment for those baseball fans and the typical middleclass family—kind of a symbol of America’s heart.
In the midst of this event the typical American family is under attack by government directed inflation, transgenderism agendas, and other sex related attacks that want to separate parents from their own children. They want to teach these kids gender pronouns instead of the heroes of American history. They want to teach kids sexual ideas that traditionally has been the right of only the parents. This government is also allowing the increase rates of crime and the open border policy is allowing more flow of drugs and criminal elements into their neighborhoods. America is in a whirlwind of trouble in almost every area including foregin policies. To learn more about the landscape of where we land on the prophetic map read any of the cosmic Crossroad countdown series or trilogy.
Think how important the number 12 is? It is written all over the Temple of God and His Tabernacle, it is a big part of our natural world–12 months, 12 constellations, 12 hours of the day and 12 of the night. Look into the Word and see how key the 12th Chapter is. Realize that Revelation 12 is the most mysterious chapter in the Bible yet astronomers know that it happened on September 23, 2017 exactly as described + with added features such as Jupiter and Venus traveling the entire Solar System together for 400 days at which time they enter the “womb of Virgo” and Jupiter remains there for the average gestation period of a baby—9 months! That Chapter points to the invisible war in both the natural and supernatural. Read Cosmic Crossroad Countdown–the trilogy. It along with the formation of the nation of Israel are the two marker events exaclty 70 years apart that mark the new beginnings–the countdown to the Tribulation.

The Stage is Almost Set

Is it a lie to say that the border issue is not a problem to the whole nation? Is it a lie to say the border is closed and secure? Is it a lie to say that the border is under control and therefore fentanyl is not getting through? Biden and his administration have been announcing these lies throughout the world. How can any of our diplomats or other negotiators have any credibility abroad? What hypocrisy we represent. We have “Screamin California” where people are told to buy electric cars and where the Governor, a star in this Democratic fantasyland, declares that by 2035 everyone must drive electric. And this is the governor who has told its residents not to use electricity because the heat wave has overtaxed the grid. But this goes much further. California is the template for 15 other states that have promised to follow that same environmental program.
This Marxist environmental movement will not only bankrupt our nation, but it will also dictate how we travel, when we travel, how we live and even how we die. We have recently seen how the system can determine our medical facilities, treatment, and needs even though we are individuals with different immune systems and capabilities. Many of these liberal ideas suggest that we move away from ownership to leasing and renting so that everyone can partake of this efficient and new One-world system. Like streaming movies and music – we should all “stream” our lives so that we partake in pool of resources that are shared by all. Those who do not wish to join will become the slaves of the rest and can work in the labor factories like those set up in China. This is door to the Orwellian life that will be promised by the Anti-Christ and which is being set in place now.
Have people fallen asleep? Kids are being taught the transgender pronouns instead of learning about the great heroes of our past. Criminals are being encouraged to steal and damage property because the laws allow them to go free even when caught. Those who threaten or beat up the innocent are being released with low bail; this is true even if they are carrying a deadly weapon. Is this the lawlessness that Jesus describes in the Olivet Discourse? We must Wake UP before this nightmare becomes real to each of us. Understand where we are in the discourse of Truth revealed in Revelation. Read Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: the Invisible War & the Final Chapter.
And here we are approaching Rosh Hashana, next Sunday-Tuesday, when the trumpets are blown all day with the last Trumpet being a Shofar. Obviously there is no temple but the orthodox in Israel still blow the trumpets. This is also when the Feast of Trumpets which was and is a time of repentance and purification. It is 10 days before the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur.

The Fall of the church and Rise of Marxism

The Big question that you need to ask your pastor or you is what DOES THE BOOK OF REVELATION REPRESENT: 1) IS IT A ROAD MAP TO WARN THE PRESENT DAY CHURCH OF THE NEED TO REPENT AND WALK WITH CHRIST.  2) That it warns of THE RISE OF THE ANTI-CHRIST BEAST who will create a One-World government, and 3) that it gives us hope of THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST, AND THE JUDGMENT OF HIS CREATION.  This represents a literal meaning of the Book of Revelation, the book of Daniel, the words of OT prophets and the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 24.

4) OR that the Book of Revelation and much of what the major and minor prophets say are JUST AN ALLEGORY AND HAVE little or no VALUE FOR US TODAY.   This is a very serious question that very few families, individuals, leaders, and pastors are willing to address.

It is the difference between believing what all the prophets in the Bible and Jesus Christ said about the future or dismissing them as having already happened.  If you believe that God has rejected Israel and that the next step is establishing the Kingdom of God on earth, then you need to read Revelation again because Jesus himself calls it Apocalyptic prophecy.  And if it all happened in AD 70 then it did not happen to the whole world as Revelation clearly lays out. It would have only happened to a small slice of the Middle East.  It would diminish the power of the key book of Prophecy in the New Testament -the one and only book in the Bible in which Jesus Christ promises blessings to all who read it, a blessing to anyone who hears and special blessings to anyone who understands it.  At the same time, He promises to curse anyone to adds or subtracts from its meaning.

If the events in Revelation were all about a soon to happen event during the Roman Empire as Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Lutherans and Catholics believe, it would have to be after John the Apostle wrote the Book of Revelation in AD 90.   And that would imply that you believe each event in Revelation has already occurred in history.  That includes the Seal, Trumpet, and Bowl Judgments.  So where and when was the Mark of Beast, when was the 1000-year kingdom, where is the perfect peace on earth, and where is the destruction of the earth?  Is all that just symbolic?  If you say that the Abomination happened in the time of Nero or some other Roman Emperor, then when did the Tribulation and the 1000-year reign on earth happen or are they yet to come—you are implying a span of at least 1,900 years from the Abomination to now.

Know this you are going against what Jesus Christ said.  Jesus said in Revelation 24:15 – that immediately after the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel – cataclysmic events in Tribulation would Commence- That “unless those days were shortened, no one would survive.”  Are you thinking that those birth pains lasted 1,900 years from the Abomination of Desolation which the Preterists believe happened in 70AD when those in Judea did flee?  Neither would make any sense. History DOES NOT BACK UP what THE PRETERIST believes and THOSE WHO TAKE REVELATION AS AN ALLEGORY.

THE TRUTH IS:  According to Daniel the end time events would last 1 week of years or 7 years and that the Abomination of Desolation would happen at the middle of that week or after 3 and 1/2 years.  That week would be the 70th week- a week of tribulation that has not yet happened according to anyone who studies history and compares it to the Words of Jesus Christ.

AND THE TRUTH IS:  According to Jesus speaking in Matthew 24, that when you see the wars and rumors of war, the earthquakes, the famines and nation rising against nations then it is the beginning of birth pains.  These signs along with increased persecution, the increases in false prophets, the rise of lawlessness, and the “Abomination of Desolation as spoken by Daniel — then let the reader understand that those in Judea must flee to the mountains,” Matthew 24: 4-16 – all Spoken by Jesus Christ concerning this future end time.

According to those who make Revelation an allegory and claim that it is not a literal promise, the “fleeing into the mountains” has already happened- in AD70.  Therefore, the world is ready for the KINGDOM OF GOD to be erected on earth (and has been ready for 1,900 years).  YES, one-half of the present-day Church has sold out to the belief that when an individual accepts Jesus Christ as Savior it is the 2nd Coming of Christ, and that He (Jesus Christ) will not return in the clouds as was promised by the angels in the book of Acts (1:9-11) and in the writings of Paul.  The 2nd coming to them is a personal acceptance of Jesus as Savior and is not a Corporate Promise to the Church to Return to take it up as His Bride  (the rapture) before the Great Tribulation.

These Kingdom builders also believe that Israel has forsaken all the Promises that God made for it and that the Church has replaced Israel as God’s Promised people. Therefore, they believe that Israel is cursed and no longer connected to Promises made by the Old Testament Prophets or Jesus Christ.  This would also eliminate much of what Paul said in the book of Hebrews, Romans, and other letters such as in Thessalonians concerning the rapture or the Return of Jesus Christ.

Basically, they believe Revelation is just an allegory with symbols and metaphors.  Entire Denominations were formed out of this lie.  One in particular was established by a Scottish woman who out of pride and rebellion against the Anglican Church formed a nationalist denomination for the Scotts. Out of the movement and similar one’s people were taught a “covenant type theology” that states that God has rejected His Covenant with Israel and replaced it with a Covenant with the Church.  This IS NOT STATED ANYWEHRE IN THE BIBLE.  God directs each of us to study the Word of God to show oneself approved. They teach when one is baptized as a baby, you are sealed with the Holy Spirit.  Therefore, they do not believe in the concept of being born again if you were baptized as infant.

The irony of this distorted theology is that they believe Israel lost is covenant because it was cursed for disobeying God.  Yet, they are the ones who are disobeying God and are cursed.  This whole denomination has split twice as a result of disobedience concerning homosexuality and the governance of the Church. Do NOT TRUST IN FALSE TEACHING BY OTHERS WHO MAY HAVE ALSO BEEN TAUGHT A LIE.   Much of the leadership of this denomination and other denominations have sold out to an intellectual pursuit of truth and therefore endorse evolution.  Like the Pope they have endorsed evolution and this Replacement theology where Israel has no rights to Palestinian lands.

If you trust that God wants us reject Israel and to build the Kingdom ourselves then you are rejecting the idea that Jesus will build the Kingdom himself after the Tribulation.  You are trusting that even after 1,900 years of increased war, rumors of war, famine, and lawlessness mankind will get its act together and will suddenly form the perfect Kingdom.

Think about it.  You are believing what the Anti-Christ and Satan wants you to believe.  YES, Satan is even now breaking down nations, democracies, families, small businesses so that he can usher in a ONE-World government in order to hand the power over to the Anti-Christ and others who promise “Peace and Safety (I Thess. 5:1-3).”  That false church will fall for these lies and will follow the Anti-Christ instead of seeking to protect Israel and stop this consolidation of power by one man.  This false church and all those in it will be led to believe that this charismatic leader and his false Prophet will create a “A Perfect Kingdom.”  This false church will also follow false gods and knowledge that the man of Lawlessness will use to deceive even the elect.

This word “elect” I believe was purposely used by Paul because he knew this group of false believers will consider themselves the “elect” which is a major characteristic of these deluded church leaders. These leaders think that because they were born into a denomination or sacred organization that they have been elected unto salvation.  They trust in infant baptism for the sealing of the Holy Spirit.  Eventually the Anti-Christ will destroy the False Prophet along with these misguided churches, fulfilling what Jesus said about the lambs led by the false shepherd.

This One-world system will not usher in the true Kingdom of God but will instead usher in a false unified world system (the Ten Horns of the Beast) which establishes the false covenant with Israel, then betrays Israel with the Abomination of Desolation.  This will happen in the middle of the 7-year Tribulation period.  As stated, it will be a time when those in Judea must flee or die.  This will be a time when Jesus will protect this Jewish remnant of believers as they flee to Bosra after that great Abomination.

The True Kingdom of God or the time when Jesus Christ will rule on the earth for 1000 years will only happen after the 7-year Tribulation when Jesus Christ defeats the world’s armies led by the Anti-Christ. This Anti-Christ army may have a lot of christians in it who think that Israel is the enemy- for they have been duped into thinking that they are fighting for the Kingdom of God on earth established by this great prophet (the False Prophet) who performs miracles, and the Charismatic leader (the Anti-Christ) who has brought the whole world together in “peace & safety.” Hopefully these duped Christians will not take the mark of the Beast for that will condemn them to eternal damnation.

Many will walk in this sin through the trials and tribulation thinking that he or she is participating in God’s building of a holy and perfect one-world Kingdom on Earth. They are deceived by both the False Prophet and the Anti-Christ who are performing wonders on earth.  They will reject the literal meaning of about 1/3 of what the Bible says: this includes all the major prophets, most of the minor prophets, the Book of Daniel, and about 35% of the New Testament.  At a certain point God will put a great delusion upon them as stated in II Thess. 11.  I ask you to study what your denomination teaches and believes, and where your belief stands.  It could mean the difference between you following the LORD JESUS CHRIST as prophecy is fulfilled or going against the Promises that He has made for Israel, for the Church and for those who are born again.

It is evident in recent current events that there is a Marxist movement to overthrow the soul of our nation and every institution that we hold dear including what is protected by the Constitution. Our Constitution was given to us by God through covenants established by many of our founding state or local governments.  As stated in my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown that the LORD put in my heart in 2017, the failures of our government in protecting the innocent, keeping prayer in our schools, and keeping God in the center of our nation’s progress has opened the door to judgment.  This judgment and call to repentance is part of God’s plan to purify the Church and redeem those who have lost their way.  God wants us to pray and to look up to Him for answers.  The lawlessness and rebellion that is spreading throughout our nation are being buttressed by lies, false narratives, deception, and corruption that is being promoted by most of the media and by many influential and wealthy groups such as Hollywood, Corporate moguls, High Tech influencers, and Academia.   A cancellation of Truth and the glorification of a Woke mentality has redefined the natural order that God established and defined good as evil and evil as good.  The ground is being prepared for a One-World government that rejects God.

Coming Chaos?

Realize that the book of Daniel, Genesis, and Revelation are crossing over to our time– a Crossroad leading to a Divine Countdown that is being guided by the Prophecies of Daniel and other great prophets from the Bible.  Jesus Christ has spoken directly to us in Luke 21 and Matthew 24, concerning these end-time events.  He speaks of perplexing events such as the horrible killing of the children in Uvalde. The stage is being set for the final events promised by God himself to the Serpent of old in Genesis 3:15. It should sadden everyone to watch the news because so many of those Democratic politicians, CEOs, Big Box news executives, and anchors are acting as enablers to those who seek to destroy the institutions and values that we have held so dear.  Even pastors are afraid to call out this party that favors perversion and abortion. Do they not understand that there are spiritual forces in high places and wickedness in dark principalities that seek to destroy everything that is related to Jesus Christ, the Church, and Family?  Why can’t they see that they are in the middle of a spiritual battle and by ignoring the Truth and not standing up, they are on the wrong side? We must call out this evil.

Churches in Europe are being converted into mosques and museums. In America, the Church has split over homosexual rights and transgenderism. Entire denominations are at war with each other. Some churches are suggesting that there is more than one way to heaven. Other entire denominations have cracked under the accusation of sexual abuse. Popular Christian ministries have also collapsed including Hillsong United and the Way. It should sadden everyone to watch our local news because so many naive politicians, CEOs, and Big Box news anchors are acting as enablers to those who seek to destroy the institutions and values that we have held so dear. Many in power are willing to sacrifice family values and virtue on the altar of destructive perversion and abortion. They do not understand that there are powerful spiritual forces in high places and wickedness in dark principalities guiding this. If you think that Covid-19 was destructive just imagine what those invisible dark forces will eventually do to our nation and to the world.

We are led by hypocrites who celebrate the rights of women one week and then the next week refuse to define what a woman is! Why can’t people see that this is a spiritual battle and act? If we ignore the Truth and do not stand up against these dark forces that want to destroy us, we will self-destruct? We must call out this evil and act as Watchmen on the Wall before the enemy scales the wall and God has to destroy America in order the save the innocent. Yes, God promises that He will JUDGE our SIN. The rapture may only come after God has purified the Church with trials.

Right now we are inviting China into our homes despite the fact that they are killing our children with Fentanyl. We are opening our borders even though we know that over 70,000 criminal border jumpers per month are escaping detection. Among these are drug mules carrying the poisons that kill our citizens. Yet our liberal bail system releases them even though they have been caught red-handed. How regressive can prosecutors and state law get before the public does something? Do we honestly think that smugglers will stay around to stand before a judge? We watch sports and movies that support China’s income. Many Christians idolize the idols of the world system and give large amounts to support their favorite team or competitor.

Why do so many talking heads in the media seek the HOW behind the violence and not deal with the underlying WHY? They want to take away the few protections that families have. Instead, we cultivate evil in our culture that millions refuse to see. Jesus warned spiritual leaders in His time by saying seeing they do not see, hearing they do not hear.

And the Ten Commandments have been sidelined allowing for a substitute relativism to guide the youth. The laws and directives that are passed promote bad health, easy divorce, the break up of families, and a culture that devalues life. We have a massive growth in Diabetes, perversion, gambling, and drug and alcohol use. Most abusers and mass killers were raised in families where the father was absent, have poor social skills, read pornography, and have some sort of mental pathology. They get their life lessons from violent social media, YouTube, and gaming. Their morality is determined by the next post or next flick on their cell phone search. Their joy comes from acting out their fantasies no matter how harmful they are.

America has become the breeding ground for evil. Evil does not follow laws. Brazen evil corrodes everything good and promotes everything wicked including mass killings. God is watching as our leadership fights against laws to restrict the killing of near-term babies and develops policies that allow political corruption and the easy inflow of fentanyl and other killer drugs into our nation. When a nation turns its back on God, God will give it up to the desires of the flesh. God, however, will not allow Satan to win the war against His Chosen. He declares that we were born so that He can love us. If only people would receive this free Gift of love, they would turn their back on evil and discover true Freedom.

So, why do we continue to ignore the Christian values and the message in the Word of God that has the power to defeat this evil? America’s sin has been exported around the world and it will open our nation to a Noah-like flood of judgment. By closing the door to God, we will open the door to Satan. Countries like China and Russia may be able to just walk in and take over like Cyrus and the Medo-Persian army did to defeat the Great Babylon of Ancient Times. Read the new book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War & Final Chapter to understand how and why we are where we are.

Watchman on the Wall- a LIGHT to our Path

If I could I would yell from the rooftops like the watchman on the wall – for the Church to wake up — the tidal wave is coming. God is trying to get your attention yet you are focused on agendas, old worn-out theology, bad thinking, and protecting your turf. When will pastors take a long look at the warnings, reevaluate their prejudices and myopic insight, and see the Truth declared in His Word. As the last post showed many Jews in ancient times understood that there was and is a deeper truth beyond the declared truth in the Torah or in God’s Word. I have given many examples in past posts and will give another good example related to one of the most revered passages in the New Testament.
Now understand that God created the heavens and He inspired the Great Prophet Daniel to write down what he had been shown. His scrolls were kept with him in Persia where he died. As a student at the American School in Teheran, Iran I was able to visit his tomb and had my first spiritual experience on those grounds. Here is what God says, “Behold Wise men from the East came to Jerusalem saying, ‘where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the East and are come to worship him.’ And when Herod heard this he was troubled and all of Jerusalem with him. “
Travelers in those days knew what a “Star” was and they came in two forms stationary stars and “wandering stars” or planets. So what is “his star.” They understood the significance of the “bright morning star” which was Venus and which moved in a steady pattern through the heavens. Jesus called himself the Bright Morning Star in Revelation 22:16, “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star” BUT over and over again pastors and scholars overlook the Book of Revelation, especially those in the cults and who are Covenant theologians–for the book of Revelation sinks their Eschatology and their false understanding of who Jesus Christ is. Note This: here is another reason why Isaiah 14 is not talking about Satan when the main character of the passage is thinking of himself as the “morning star” and rising above heaven— but is just a man who will fall —like Nebuchanazar or the King of Tyre.
There are some “influential scholars” who want to define this “star” as the Shechinah Glory which would make NO SENSE and would be an obvious break in the complete storyline! We know what the Shechinah Glory was and how it led the nation of Israel throughout the Wilderness Experience. Hence it was visible to the millions of people in that deliverance. There is NO EVIDENCE given in the WORD of GOD of this appearance to the masses of people—so why do we hear such absurd ideas? And why are they allowed to spread? I believe it is because a lot of MONEY is being used to distract us and generate smoke screens that are keeping the Truth of Prophecy from people!
Besides the moon, and regular stars, Venus would aid many of the nomadic people and travelers crisscrossing the long East-West deserts throughout the Middle East in the cool of the night. Star watchers also knew that Jupiter made surprising appearances that would act as an exclamation point – for it could do a series of retrograde moves around certain stars or constellations. If these retrograde moves would move back and forth in a key constellation or around a key star- that would draw the attention of these “Wise men” who used the Stars to both navigate and understand the scrolls that Daniel wrote. One of those key stars is Regulus which is at the Heart of Leo so when the Kingly wandering star, Jupiter, did an amazing retrograde motion around Regulus — it caught the attention of these wise men.
These were NOT dumb people and they knew the difference between a star and a comet—so NO COMET IS MENTIONED! Hence why have we not studied the Star Maps in order to see what stars might have “moved” at certain times around significant constellations or special stars? A special star would be one that Has Been Named By God to connect with His Promise in Genesis 3:15. Two Constellations fit this script: Virgo (the Virgin- Eve who God addresses in the Garden as He curses the Serpent). And Leo or the Lion which we know as the Lion of Judah- is the “hero-King” that will defeat the Serpent. This 1st promise or prophecy is KEY to the Lord’s return for it speaks of the Anointed One or King who will “crush the head of the seed of the Serpent.” This Anointed One will be the King of the Jews.
Hence a special movement of a wandering Star like Jupiter around Leo would draw special attention, especially around its heart. And this is what happened in 3-2 B.C. (recognized as the time of the birth of Jesus) – the retrograde motion lasted for months as the Wise men observed in the East then prepared for the trip…and sought further direction in Jerusalem. THEY might have also noticed the “scepter that shall rise out of Israel.” Note Num. 24:17- “I see him but not now, I behold him but not nigh: There shall come forth a star out of Jacob, a scepter shall rise out of Israel (an alignment of stars in the shape of a scepter formed during the 3-2 BC period).” All of the date details are mentioned in an exciting depiction on the website: .
Once they left Jerusalem they observed Venus move directly in front of them as it guided them to Bethlehem. After Herod told the wise men where or what city the prophets said that the Messiah would be born in, these “kings of the East, the Word states,” “And they having heard the king went their way; and lo, the star, which they saw in the East (Venus) went before them, till it came and stood before where the young child was.”
Note that Mary and Joseph stayed in Bethlehem almost up to the age of 2 partially because they had been unwed when they were “with child.” They wanted the anonymity that Bethlehem offered them. Then the angel told them to flee to Egypt- to protect them from Herod and again to fulfill prophecy (for as in the case of the nation– He would come out of Egypt). This also links Jesus Christ and His Return to the rebirth of the Nation of Israel in 1947-48. All this is tied together in the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: the Fig Tree and the Prophetic Generation—which ties all these factors together including the books of Daniel, Genesis & the book of Revelation. All the insights the Lord gave me in that book came true and now a follow-up book is being offered to you. The Lord motivated me to give away about 700 of the first book for free and you can get a copy from our ministry at White Rock Lake in Dallas near the intersection of West Lawther and Chapel Hill Road at 2-5 on Sunday afternoons. We have given away free books and prayed for people there for over 11 years now– it will soon be 12 years. Our ministry is called Answers on the Rock and The Lord has helped us bring the lost to Him, educating many in apologetics, and with the Holy Spirit teaching us as we share and surrender.
WHAT IS IMPORTANT ABOUT ALL THIS IS THAT THE PASTORS OR LEADERS THAT WE HAVE ENTRUSTED RESPONSIBILITY TO HAVE FAILED TO RELATE THESE FACTS TO ITS MEMBERS WHO WOULD THEN UNDERSTAND THAT GOD MIGHT USE THE SAME METHOD TO WARN ABOUT HIS 2ND COMING AS ILLUSTRATED IN THE KEY PASSAGE IN REVELATION 12 THAT IS CALLED THE “GREAT SIGN OF REVELATION 12.” This has probably happened because of the same problem that the Pharisees had which is “shortsightedness.” They were not taught this and never did put much thought into God’s Signs and in His Creation being key to understanding Prophecy. They were into the LAW and enforcing it as a means of righteousness. Another good example is that most pastoral students have NOT been taught apologetics and how to defend the faith against the cults, falsehoods such as evolution, and weak theology that does not meet the standard of time—example is the concept that Mt. Sinai is in Egypt—which goes against our knowledge of geography, geologic formations, military logic, and sociological studies among nomadic groups who know that the Mountain of the Law is in Saudi Arabia. Why are the seminaries allowing disinformation or deception to persist and spread? Those professors WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE BY GOD.
We also know from “deeper understandings in the Torah” that God would NOT have sent a fleeing Moses back into Egypt (which means confinement) as is the Catholic view of where Mt. Sinai is in southern Egypt. No Moses fled to Midian where the Midianite priest Jethro was located—and he did not herd his sheep in Egypt which would have been over 400 miles away around the Red Sea! So why do most pastors, and your Bible still show Mt. Sinai as being in Egypt? YOU should start asking questions and demanding answers because the Time is at Hand and you are being misled. This is the same accusation that God made concerning the smartest most disciplined leaders in His time, the Pharisees. God wants each of you to think for yourselves in prayer—which means He wants you to listen to Him and read His Word.
We are very likely to lose the next Presidential election considering that our leaders, the FBI, and other security services seem to be oblivious that the real threat to democracy is coming from non-profits and other nefarious organizations paying off thugs and mules to riot ONLY drop off thousands of ILLEGAL ballots at key locations where the last election was won BUT ALSO TO use every other method to garner fake votes whether it be electronically or be it through intimidation of the elderly or manipulation of the homeless. Unless we have a way to prevent this we might as well not have the next election. It would save the country a lot of money. We are being undermined by invisible agents that are working at night picking up ballots at those NGOs and other offices — and they are being paid by China, Soros, or Zuckerberg. Likewise, the rioters that are demonstrating in front of the Justices home are breaking the law while being paid to do so by these “secret” agencies. It would be easy to penetrate them but our justice department is just as corrupt.
I predict that we may even lose the next election coming up because these brazen infractions are NOT being prosecuted and the perpetrators are not being reprimanded in any way Shame on our President and the whole “perverted system of democracy” that is now controlling our politics and our media!!!!! JUDGEMENT IS COMING This I NOW BECAUSE GOD TELLS ME SO!!!!!!!!!!! We do not have much time left- Read Cosmic Crossroad Countdown–any one of the 3 books and you will see why. When you can use a few million dollars to harass even our top court or change an election it is worth much more than BILLIONS in Gold and believe me they will do it again and THIS TIME IN A MUCH MORE WIDESPREAD WAY–TO ALSO WIN CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! Please forward this email to as many as possible- God Bless America–if it is not too late and go see Jonathan Cahns new movie this Thursday called The Harbingers of Things to Come——–BUT DO SOMETHING or you will regret it—believe me you will regret it…….the countdown is on. And this message goes to family members all over America who are looking forward to vacations and fun…. who are so consumed with the pleasant things in life like baseball and tea parties—-WAKE UP —- again God is telling us to Open our Eyes and Hear His Voice—- We do NOT have much time.  Understand that behind all this are invisible forces that are just as real as those thugs– except that they are of a different world and offer fuel to the people’s anger, rationalization to their hatred, and defiance to their purpose.  They hate God, they hate Christians and they just want chaos to upend the established Judeo Christian authorship of our nation.  

The Truth is Being Revealed & the Lie Exposed

Our society is reeling in vitriol that is coming at us from dark sources. There are people who feel they can prosper from crime and destruction of our neighborhoods. There are others who feel entitled to steal whatever they want, hurt people, and make demands that will destroy our security and way of life. Then there are those who have made corruption a way of life, true crime families that have been milking our government and those governments that deal with us. They are truly the source of much of this evil. They have motivated others in their evil endeavors and are protected by corporations and news media agencies.

We have been emersed in this deep rancor, a war of words and dangerous ideas for many years, but the intensity of the lies has increased greatly in the last few months. One side has been motivated by waves of hate and vengeance which has resulted in the destruction of the life savings of many innocent people. The other side has taken the impact with an amazing spirit of Justice with law and order. Yes, there has been anger and fear evoked from these threats. But both the police and the victims have handled this injustice with great patience and self-control.

May be an image of text that says 'The problem is Sin, not Skin. The answer is Grace, not Race. Jesus died for all. Our nation needs Jesus! Grateful Addicts in Recovery Can I Get An Amen?'

However, one result of this terror-like behavior is that many are living day to day in very uncertain conditions. These individuals and families have suffered severely under both the invisible pandemic war and a virulent venom coming from bullies in the evening streets and then in the media.  Sadly, there are now countless students and others listening to the LIE, who have been brainwashed, and having been sold on socialism, now believe that capitalism is evil. They believe in the overthrow of our values, virtues, and authority figures. We have allowed our children to be taught the lie in our hallowed institutions of learning. We have endorsed the great lie of evolution and the worship of nature versus God. These kids and many adults do not realize that these forces are mixed with other darker powers that want to overthrow of our system and take control of the world.

These powers want us to fall because our system is the most effective force against evil in the world. They have blinded their converts so that they cannot see the evil of the socialist system and how it easily morphs into a society of misery and tyranny.  In some countries like North Korea the word “love” has been banned to control the soul of the people. I know the dangers of socialism because I lived in Venezuela in the days of capitalism and democracy. Venezuela at that time was the fastest growing nation in South America and had a healthy middle class. Then greed took hold and a bully soldier saw an opportunity to take control by force just as Gadhafi had done in Libya.

This strongman attitude is usually guided by deep hatred for the church and for democracy. It is the same attitude that guides people bent on destroying our neighborhoods. This darkness is sweeping from our streets and colleges to the halls of the media and our Congress. There is now a well exercised animus against the Established Church, the present Government leadership, and anyone who supports virtue and the Judeo-Christian values. Unfortunately, many people do not comprehend the nefarious agents, natural and supernatural, that are trying to overthrow our way of governance and justice.  If they succeed, it will destroy their lives too and will usher in the Anti-Christ.

These events and agents were introduced by a Sign that almost everybody failed to take note of. People were preoccupied with attacking Trump and caught up in ridiculous conspiracy theories that distracted many from the divine meaning of the Sign.  But this is the way Satan, and his forces work to distract and confuse us.  Satan and his demons are alive and well in the world and their focus right now is bringing down America. What is sad and makes many people angry is to see our media cover up evil as if it is going to help us all. They have made the LIE a weapon to try and bring down our government. They in essence are instruments of the dark forces and the principalities of evil.  These corrupt news organizations will destroy our country and include the Big Box media or Technology giants: Twitter, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN AND MSNBC.

Each of these Powers of the Air appear to be blinded by hate, corruption, and nepotism. Could they be under the power of darkness that God warned us about in the Great Sign of Revelation 12? Seven out of seven insights in the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown came true: go to and you will discover answers that will give you Hope and a Peace in God.  Donald Trump and his family and cabinet need prayer. We need to pray for divine strategies that will come into place to reset and reseat Trump in the office of the Presidency. Pray for our nation that we will fulfill the purpose that He has for us. Donald by the way means “world ruler” and he will win the coming election. His actions are admired the world over. There is a danger here and you can read about this in my book.

Why are We Afraid to Call IT WHAT IT IS?

Our society is reeling in vitriol that is coming at us from dark sources. There are people who feel they can prosper from crime and destruction of our neighborhoods. There are others who feel entitled to steal whatever they want, hurt people, and make demands that will destroy our security and way of life. Then there are those who have made corruption a way of life, true crime families that have been milking our government and those governments that deal with us. They are truly the source of much of this evil. They have motivated others in their evil endeavors and are protected by corporations and news media agencies.

We have been emersed in this deep rancor, a war of words and dangerous ideas for many years, but the intensity of the lies has increased greatly in the last few months. One side has been motivated by waves of hate and vengeance which has resulted in the destruction of the lifesavings of many innocent people. The other side has taken the impact with an amazing spirit of Justice with law and order. Yes, there has been anger and fear evoked from these threats. But both the police and the victims have handled this injustice with great patience and self-control.

However, one result of this terror-like behavior is that many are living in fear and in very uncertain conditions. Many individuals and families have suffered severely under both the invisible pandemic war and this virulent venom coming from bullies in the media and in the evening streets. Sadly, there are now countless students and others listening to the LIE, who have been brainwashed, and having been sold on socialism, now believe that capitalism is evil.  They believe in the overthrow of our values, virtues, and authority figures.

We have allowed our children to be taught the lie in our hallowed institutions of learning. They do not realize that these forces are mixed with other darker powers that want to overthrow of our system.  These powers want us to fall because our system is the most effective force against evil in the world. They have blinded their converts so that they cannot see the evil of the socialist system and how it easily morphs into a society of misery and tyranny. In some countries like North Korea the word “love” has been banned to control the soul of the people.

I know the dangers of socialism because I lived in Venezuela in the days of capitalism and democracy.  Venezuela at that time was the fastest growing nation in South America and had a healthy middle class.  Then greed took hold and a bully soldier saw an opportunity to take control by force just as Gadhafi had done in Libya.  This strongman attitude is usually guided by deep hatred for the church and for democracy.  It is the same attitude that guides people bent on the destruction of our neighborhoods.

This darkness is sweeping from our streets to the halls of the media and our Congress. There is now a well exercised animus against the Established Church, the present Government leadership, and anyone who supports virtue and the Judeo-Christian values.

Unfortunately, many people do not comprehend that nefarious agents, natural and supernatural, are trying to overthrow our way of governance and justice; and that if they succeed, it will destroy their lives too.  These agents were introduced by a Sign that almost everybody failed to take note of. People were preoccupied with attacking Trump and caught up in ridiculous conspiracy theories that distracted many from the divine meaning of the Sign.  But this is the way Satan and his forces work to distract and confuse us.  Satan and his demons are alive and well in the world and their focus right now is bringing down America. What is sad and makes many people angry is to see our media cover up evil as if it is going to help us all. They have made the LIE a weapon to try and bring down our government. They in essence are instruments of the dark forces and the principalities of evil.  These corrupt news organizations will destroy our country and include the Big Box media or Technology giants: Twitter, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN AND MSNBC.

Each of  these Powers of the Air appear to be blinded by hate, corruption, and nepotism. Could they be under the power of dark forces that God warned us about in the Great Sign of Revelation 12? Read the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: Donald J. Trump and his family and cabinet need prayer. We need to pray for divine strategies that will come into place to reset and reseat Trump in the office of the Presidency. Pray for our nation that we will fulfill the purpose that He has for us. Donald by the way means “world ruler” and he will win the coming election. His actions are admired the world over. There is a danger here and you can read about this in my book.

The New Explosive Update to Cosmic Crossroad Countdown- with my Testimony

This little book: Cosmic Crossroad Countdown has 7 insights that have come true.  Because of limited time and space, I will only detail two but as you will see they are of supreme importance.  I am not sure why God gave me the message since I am neither a pastor nor skilled speaker and have thus had to cry out in the wilderness alone to warn anyone willing to listen. The message connects God’s first Promise (Gen. 3:15) at the beginning of time to the message He gave Daniel and John the Apostle.  God warned the Serpent Satan that his seed would strike the heel of the seed of the Woman, but her seed would crush his head.  Daniel was given a vision that spans the centuries; first marking the date of Jesus Triumphal entrance into Jerusalem, and then allotting a final week of 7 years to come sometime in the future.  Almost exactly 500 years later John the Apostle was given the Great Sign a vision of a Woman, the Dragon, and the birth of a child that would baffle theologians up to now.  God places John’s vision right in the middle of the most important prophetical book in the Bible. He brackets this book with a promised blessing at the beginning and at the end to anyone who hears its words, reads the content, and/or understands the message.  This is one reason Why this message is so important.  It is interesting that Daniel, John, and Moses who wrote Genesis, each saw Jesus face to face and each wrote books that are the most controversial of all time. And God uses these books to highlight His Great Sign of Revelation 12 – & the same three books are the focus of my little book.

Many people are distracted by fear and uncertainty but know this, God does not change, and His WORD is the same yesterday, today and forever. God’s Word is just as fresh and vital as it was when it was written. There is peace and joy that passeth all understanding  in the LORD’s presence for He has overcome death, Satan, and the world.  “The people dwelling in darkness have seen a great Light, and for those dwelling in the shadow of death, on them a light has dawned.” This is a promise that has two fulfillments like the Great Sign, one for the Time of Jesus and one for today.  Like King David we must all repent, seek Him and ask for a Clean heart and a Right Spirit.

 We are the midst of a great darkness that is getting more and more intense each day as the Lies and Rebellion against GOD and Righteousness escalates. The influential Big-Box-media have become echo chambers for gross lies that are projected throughout the world. These lies promote the killing of babies, the worship of nature, the rejection of God’s authority, and overthrow of both the family and any noble institution that opposes them.  There is not much time. Satan wants to pollute every heart and destroy everyone’s spirit.  To a believer this is a shadow much like the shadow of the Valley of Death from Psalm 23, for it warns us and purifies us as God walks with us. God gave us the Tabernacle or Temple as a shadow of the eternal blood Sacrifice Jesus Christ made on the Cross. It makes sense that He is now giving us a 7-year shadow, as a precursor to Daniel’s 70th week, to prepare us for the storm ahead. The shadow began in the first blood moon of Passover 2014 and will end at the equinox of 2021.  In the center was the Great Sign.  Just like the Great Sign is in the center of Revelation, it is also in the center of God’s will and in the center of our time.

The book explains where, how and why the Great Sign of Revelation 12 appeared in the very middle of this 7-year shadow.  During this time, we have had the rise and fall of ISIS, the attempted overthrow of our government, the rise of immorality and perversion, the decline of authority and the family, and the New Beginnings at every layer of society due to Covid-19. The shadow of His wings is a comfort to those who depend on Him, to rescue the lost, restore their hearts & spirit, & bring joy in the midst of fear (Ps. 63:7).

If we are in Him, His voice guides us and He goes before us. So why does God choose weak vessels like us?  A broken vessel knows his or her purpose. Not only are we made by Him, he restored us and gave us purpose, a new life and unshakeable hope.  So, what made me weak? I had a pathologic fear of speaking in public—not sure if I was dyslexic or just shy, but I had a hard time expressing myself in both junior and high schools.  I was afraid of being called on or if asked a question I would go blank out of fear. My parents said it was because I was dislocated half a dozen times when my diplomat father was reassigned every 2 years to a new country (Brazil, Iran, Venezuela, Philippines, and Argentina)  In Iran I had a surreal experience at “Daniel’s tomb” when God calmed my anxious spirit.  Anyhow this paranoia only increased when I came to America to go to college (like “Giles goat-boy” in the big city).

The second “supernatural” experience happened my senior year as I sat in a totally dark dorm-rec room contemplating life & death.  The Viet-Nam war was on full force and I had failed a pre-Vet entrance exam.  As a 10-year old kid my two older brothers had cornered me into a boxing match with a much bigger stronger kid-  they were jealous since I had defeated a challenger to my king-of-the-block status weeks earlier- a kid whose brother was a friend of my older brother. During this boxing match I defeated the aggressive opponent – and it was the first time I had every fought anyone much less boxed.  To avoid this next bout, I closed the bathroom door and just froze blindly asking God to help me.  After what seemed like eternity, there was a light and then as if I had been asleep a knock on the door and it was my parents.  So here I was, the Dorm monitor alone at Easter break without a person to talk to (my parents had returned to Iran for another 2-year stent).  Then the main entrance door opened and a person in bright white linens walked in and asked where the cafeteria was.  I was stunned not only because the question was strange since the university was shut down but also because she was extremely beautiful and bright.  She had an accent that reminded me of my mother, and so I asked her if she was from Brazil.  She said yes that she was from Fortaleza.  That was the city that I was born in!  Stunned I asked who she was?  She said she was the wife of an engineer who was at a conference on campus.  After telling her where the cafeteria was, I turned on the lights and fell back into the chair realizing that God had interceded.  Yet I did not have the understanding and the faith to go much further—I did not know how?  My father had not given me the tools nor the desire to open the Bible even though he was the son of a missionary.  He made the mistake of trying to explain away with science most of the great miracles in the Bible.

I felt determined that I could succeed on my own and eventually I fell in love with someone who in a sense saved my life, but she led me into drugs.  Note that my father had warned me of the danger and I had ignored him – at which time the worse event of MY LIFE happened – when he told me not to marry her – I cursed him and he died the next morning of a heart attack. I tried to resuscitate him to no avail, and it was my wife who would resuscitate me into the real world of self-existence.  We were co-dependent and so if it were not for God’s intervention, I would not have survived her departure when 6 years later she said that she was leaving.  I was desperate since the drugs we were taking seemed to be erasing what identity I had.  I crashed onto the floor in total supplication and surrender. Amazingly God answered my prayer and brought me into contact with Christian radio and music ministries on my car radio.  I flipped open a little green Gideon Bible that had been given me when I graduated from High School. For the first time in my LIFE a message penetrated my heart and not just my mind! Both the Word and the music worked like medicine to heal a very broken spirit and polluted mind. Then as I prayed, He answered one prayer after another.  The fear of the supernatural and of darkness that had haunted me my whole life went away miraculously.  However, during the cusp of this restoration and transformation I continued with the medicine and while under its calming effect (it was a simple non-hallucinogenic muscle relaxant) I had a vision of going to Hell. I was placed on a stage with hundreds of darkened lifted hands and frozen faces. A voice said, “Does anyone have anything against this man?” I did not hear a voice but saw a massive light that grabbed me and lifted me up in swirl of light, then I awoke.

In front of me was the janitor whose mouth was agape.  “I thought you were dead.”  Were his first words.  “You were as white as a ghost.”  I quickly replied, “I’m Ok, thanks.”  He continued, “when I saw you, I ran out of the room to call the police but then a voice told me to go back and try to save you.”   The next day as I was relaxing with Gospel music when God unfolded a massive scroll written in Hebrew over me and then showed me that I was awake and not asleep by dividing a 2nd image, one of a classical natural landscape, into each primary color and bringing it back together.  I did not grasp the meaning of this message until realizing for the first time that God may have purposed me to unveil a truth that others could not see: while seeing  they do not see and hearing they do not hear.  In the many years that followed I was led into the mission field to help Indigenous Indian groups in far out places such as the Gola tribes of Africa, the Ixil in Guatemala, Quechua in Peru, and Mayans in Panama. On each trip God used miracles to win hearts and to teach us to depend on Him and not on our own strength.  These experiences, seminary and Bible studies helped me dig deeper, but it was God who unraveled the mystery of the generational markers, the Fig tree parables, and the Sign of Revelation 12.  They are linked.

The final vision scared me out of my wits (in short time God was kind to wean me off the drug).  I was not unconscious since I was listening to Christian music on a hand radio.  But I was sitting in a reclined chair its back to a blank white wall.  However, as I looked ahead, I saw a reflected image behind me, and it was coming out of a massive hole in the wall that was on-fire—a Hellish-hole.  I immediately realized that it was a Satanic spirit and without even looking back I ran out of the room and into the basement where my car was….but as I was fleeing down the steps a voice told me your car is not going to start.  I put my key in and it did NOT start….so I ran up the entrance ramp to the convenience store across the street and called the ministry on a pay phone (I still had the radio in my hand).  They prayed up the amour of God with me and told me to go back.  I did but it was like walking against the wind and darkness won.  I retreated and so called them back.  We prayed that a car from God would come to help me jump my car. Within 10 minutes as I sat on the concrete a guy asked me from his car-window “Puede Ayudarme?” which means can you help me?  “Sure, the hospital is this way and by the way can you help me,” was my reply.  The prayer was answered. -   “Be alert & of sound mind so that you can pray.”

God’s Prophetic book of Revelation is both a hope and a warning to us.  It is unique in that it promises that all who read and hear the book a sincere Blessing and to anyone who tries to change its meaning – a curse.  At the middle of Revelation in Chapter 12 there is an enigmatic Great Sign. It is not in chronological order with the rest of the book -so it should tell us that there must be another reason for its placement.  The multi-dimensional meaning of this Great Sign as stated by God to John is discussed in detail in the newly updated book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown…the eBook is only $2.99.  Associated with this Sign is the Jubilee year, the promise in Genesis 3:15, the Jewish High Holy Festivals, the shadow of Daniel’s 2 prophetic 3 ½ year periods that forewarns us of an approaching storm.  As hinted in the beginning of this letter these insights do shakes up all the past attempts to interpret this key passage.  Popular interpretations connect the sign only to the past- to both the birth of Jesus and the nation of Israel. Yes, those past events are the foundation of the Sign (as all signs need a strong foundation).  But a Sign is NOT a Sign unless it points to the future and that is what this Sign does. Why no one else has “seen” this I do not know.  Notice the word “Then” connects the passage of a war in heaven and the casting out of Satan to the Sign of the Woman and Child.  These separate messages are inherently linked together and are connected to the two 3 ½ year shadows. The book reveals why we are in the middle of an invisible war in both the natural and supernatural world.  This along with New Beginnings at every level in society were God inspired insights explained in the book.   It is the central mystery and meaning of Revelation Chapter 12.  The first half of the foreshadowing or what could be called part one of God’s Prophetic Shadow began exactly 3 ½ years earlier at the 1st Blood Moon on Passover, April 2014.  Read more at  or at  You can also see more on Facebook Pages:  SOS Save Our Souls, Cosmic Crossroad Countdown, and Dentistry Xposed (my 2nd book).    Help spread the Light of God’s Word and this message of Hope, for God is in control of events.   It is no coincidence that Satan, the world system, and his angels are attacking us and those 3 books of the Bible with the Lies of evolution, humanism, revisionism, and sexual exploitation. The attack is also against Israel and the Church. I pray that you accept this message as coming from God and worthy to motivate you to seek Him with all your heart, soul, and mind.  God Bless.

The Ingathering Approaches

Read the post prior to this for the important explanation of What’s Happening: the Approaching Completion

Unsplash-Aaron Burden

The Lord is about to gather His Church from the four winds of the Earth.  This Great Stirring of the Seas will shake the World and Beast will rise up under the bidding of the Dragon.  All this will happen as soon as the King of Kings, the Seed of the Woman of Genesis 3:15 has fulfilled the Harvest.  He is drawing the nets in and as Promised the number will be perfect.  

Open your eyes and see; have ears that will hear for the time is drawing nigh. Tell your neighbors and seek the council of the Holy Spirit for the Time, Times Half-a-Time is set.  The foreshadowing is almost over and all warnings are nearly exhausted. You have been given a mandate, yet many have chosen comfort, safety, and mammon over sacrifice.  Look up before it is too late. The time from the first blood moon on April 15, 2014 happend exactly 3 1/2 years before the Sign of the Woman.  Likewise the addition of another 3 1/2 years to Sept. 21-22, 2017 would carry us to a couple of months after the inauguration of the President in 2021.  This shadow forms a cross which reminds us of the Shadow of the Cross that reaches out over history as Sign of Salvation.

Gather your thoughts, Be alert and of sound mind so that you can Pray.   Do not be anxious, but by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving. Ask the Lord for vision so that you might see with eyes that see, and hear with ears that hear.  Begin by reading the Holy Word of God then allow His appointed servants to explain what is happening. Read the post prior to this one “What’s Happening-the approaching Completion.” at:
Do not let the fallen angel and gods of this age blind you.  The church has already allowed the lies of Islam and a pharisaical spirit to distract saints from the Truth and the true Mountain of God.   The world system has blinded many so that they did not heed the warnings of the Sign of the Woman.  You still have time but you must move quickly and humble yourself before the Ancient of Days and the Living Word of God. 
KNOW THIS:  Jesus said before all this happens, “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.”   I guarantee that all of you missed the greatest Sign in the sun, moon, and stars since the Bethlehem Star.  Do you have any idea what I am talking about?  Read the prior post “What’s Happening” to understand what you missed and what you failed to share with your friends, family and congregations.
The passage just quoted refers to what is called the “End Times.”  Jesus fore-warns that when “you see Jerusalem surrounded its destruction is near and those in the province of Judea must flee to the mountains.”  This would include primarily unbelieving Jews, some of whom see Him and Praise Him with the proclamation- “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.”
Jesus warns that those in Jerusalem must leave it “because these are the days of vengeance to fulfill all those things written.” Jesus then states, “Jerusalem will  be trampled by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.”  So are we approaching this time?  Jerusalem is indeed being trampled by Gentile tourists and Islam on the Temple Mount.  People are perplexed by the “roaring and tossing” of the populations on earth; the rebellion and lawlessness is shocking a lot of people.  WE also see whole cities of Jews being built on mountain-top locations.  Jerusalem has been attacked in recent history by Jordanian armies.
Despite all this most people agree that the Jerusalem prophecy above has not been fulfilled but will happen late in the Great Tribulation.  However, note that Jesus says that the Sign in the Sun, Moon, and Stars happens before all of these specific END TIME EVENTS HAPPEN.  I believe this is all included in one thought for an important reason: because the Great Sign of the Woman  of Revelation 12 is a direct warning of these coming events.  Other verses in Revelation 12  warn the people to flee Judea and they will flee into the southern wilderness.  Is there a prophetic connection here? Revelation 12:13 states, “When the dragon saw that he had been thrown to earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male.  The woman was given the wings of an eagle (planes?) so that she could fly from the serpent’s presence to her place in the wilderness, where she was fed for a time, times, a half-a-time. “  Just note that the world system along with poor “christian” teaching such as theistic evolution are confusing your brain and heart. 
In my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown— I laid down what God showed me about the Great Sign of Rev. 12: First that a door had been opened to a new paradigm and second that because the Great Sign was invisible to the naked eye, it acts as a warning to the world and the church in this present age of invisible forces to come. Why did God need to do this?  Because today we do not have prophets like in the time of Hezekiah and the last kings of Judah.  Another reason may be because God wants to purify the church before He raptures it.  But why is America in focus?  We influence the whole world with Hollywood as we glamorize fantasy, horror, gambling, sexual promiscuity, immorality, and aberrant sex.  We have also been the major initiators of junk food, junk drinks, and now violent youth demonstrations. 
We are the home of 1/3 of Jews in the world and we have been a nation blessed by God from the time of our founding fathers to today.  Our nation is directly connected to the establishment of Israel through both Truman and Trump. This Sign has parallels to what happened to Israel as it was taken captive by Babylon and to the 70 prophetic years during which time Israel and Daniel were in exile. We have had a modern day 70-year prophetic Generation since the foundation of the nation of Israel in 1947-48. The American Jews are now migrating back to Israel due to the stresses and dicatates put on by anti-Semitism and the covid virus.
These parallels include: “Jews in exile” in America and a repeat of another 70-year prophetic generation;  the 50-year Jubilee which ended in Sept. 21st, 2020;  the Jewish Festivals with their connection to the Blood moons; the miracle of the Great Sign of Rev. 12; Teshuva (a 40-period of repentance and remembrance); the Great American Eclipse which began Teshuva; and to ISIS and their destruction of Ishtar Gate exactly 400 days prior to the first stage of alignment in planets, moon and stars in preparation for the Great Sign.  This 1st stage involved Venus linking with Jupiter in a conjugation as it traveled across the heavenlies and ened up in the “womb of Virgo.”
Will God  soon generate persecution of Jewish communities which will motivate them to move in even greater numbers to Israel thus fulfilling the Aleyah (or Return)? In fact many of the shops destroyed in LA were Jewish owned- most had turned off their security alarms etc. to observe the Sabbath from Friday-Saturday.  Many Orthodox Jews in New York are very concerned about the behavior of the mayor in regards to limiting their religious practices.  I predict that soon we will see an even greater migration of the Hassidic community away from America and to Israel. 

Are You Ready?


God’s Message to The Church:  1)  To the Popular Emergent Movement:  So many Prophecy Proponents and Pastors are caught up in the best way to market their Ministry. CD’s, DVD’s, and books keep the dollars flowing. Many run   on promises that are not for them to keep or tow a popular message that feeds expectations. Why? Is it because they are caught in the donation stream and the safe and secure atmosphere of popular Christian culture and dogma? They seem to enjoy swimming in the waters of a feel-good ministry and one that draws applause as coffers are filled. Did Jeremiah follow this calling? Did Isaiah or any of my prophets follow this blind simplicity and lack of commitment?

2) To the Promotional Pastors:  Pastors and Prophecy profiteers why are you teaching your followers to look forward to the world having the Temple on the Temple mount as if it were to be GOD’s Temple? The only animal sacrifices done now are by Satanists. Why should God grace a Temple dedicated to false animal sacrifices? They have not accepted the Lamb of God offered up for All. Why is any Christian ministry so willing to support ultra-orthodox, anti-Christian sects or Rabbis that motivate Jews in Israel to hate God’s children and all the have-not Palestinian Believers that live in Israel? Why do ministries support these religious groups that persecute anyone sharing the Gospel? Why do you accept the demand that any visitor to God’s Holy City not share the Gospel?  Why do you hope that the Dome of Rock will be destroyed? Have you asked yourself why the Dome of the Rock was outlaid with Gold much in the same way that Ezekiel’s Temple will be adorned with Gold? Maybe just maybe God directed it and you have all been wrong all this time.  The Dome may be God’s method to preserve the Temple Mount until the dark shadow that is spreading introduces the Anti-Christ.

God has stopped Christian tourism for a reason–it has become less Of GOD- and more of a cover to make money or UP reputations – again this is Not of God. God’s City, Jerusalem, is for His Glory NOT FOR MAMMON!! NOT FOR IDOLS like the dollar! To allow any Israeli tour agency to tell Christians not to share the Gospel goes against the VERY core of the FAITH AND THE COMMISSION? A friend and strong Messianic Jew named Jacob Damkani is now dying from a blow to the head by one of those ultra-orthodox goons who set out to stop the Mission proclaiming Jesus Christ as Savior.

3 )  To ALL Truth Seeking PASTORS: God is saying do not be a self-serving profiteer. “Why did you miss my Great Sign of Revelation 12 and did your best to stop anyone who tried to make America aware? You know that the Sign is important. Why did you cynically attack anyone who tried to point out other obvious signs that were linked together -the Blood Moons and the Sign of the Sun (America’s Great Solar Eclipse) all given to you years and weeks earlier (each on my special Festival Day and each being a special forerunner of the Great Sign my design to wake you up and GET YOUR ATTENTION)? Your pride, fear and agendas blinded you! Why have you insisted that my Great Sign is not part of the Blessings of Revelation and that it only points back into the past? Like all my Signs it is anchored in the foundation of past promises, AND LIKE MY WORD and the other signs like the rainbow, it points to more storms to come!”

God shut down the worldwide celebration of His Resurrection Day for a reason.  The World-wide church has made it into a circus of pagan rituals, false declarations, and pageantry. God does not want the church to market His message with marshmallow PEEPs – that poison the temple of the Holy Spirit with pure insulin stimulating sugar.  God is not being honored in the way that Glorifies the Sacrifice that He made.  Jesus Christ is the Way, The Truth & The Life and NO ONE comes to the Father except by Him.”

God is trying to tell us not to act like the blind leading the blind, for Judgment is Coming! The Corona or Crown virus is just a foreshadowing of judgment to come on all humanity including the church for not seeing what is to be seen and hearing what should be heard. This invisible crown judgment has shaken the world and you too should be shaken. This was not the first invisible attack on the nations since the Great Sign. We have seen a persistant, pernicious and invisible rebellion of the heart spreading in intensity to every segment of society – where even our bathroom rules were amended. The Word speaks of this growing rebellion leading to the Coming of Christ…”that day will not come unless the rebellion comes first and the lawless one* is revealed, the one destined for destruction. He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God.”

God desires that we get on our knees “Confessing and Repenting” for this invisible shadow was clearly forewarned by the Sign and was ignored. God is speaking to us, “if I send pestilence among My People, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. NOW MY EYES WILL BE OPEN AND MY EARS ATTENTIVE TO THE PRAYER OFFERED IN THIS PLACE.”  We have a chance to stop the judgment affecting each layer of society from food production to entertainment, from idol worship to medicine, from the simple baker to the queens and queers of Hollywood and Broadway.   If you study the gods of Egypt this judgment resembles the shadow cast over Egypt as each judgment humbled the nation stage by stage.  

The Church thinks that it will be quickly raptured avoiding any tribulation. This is NOT what God’s Word says. As shown by this pandemic the Church will experience layers of judgment just as His Jewish  remnant saw the judgment come upon Israel and Judah. God will be with you, but you must seek Him with all your heart, mind, and soul and then you will be blessed with eyes that see and ears that hear. The Church will not be taken out until it is purified like dross and grows up through tests and trials.  More “invisible tests” are coming including the rebellion of the heart, earthquakes, deep drought, epidemics, pandemics, and night torments such as terrific winds and many demonic supernatural wiles of the flesh and others from the devil himself. This will groom the world for the One-World Government, Digital ID, Tracking, and the ushering in of the Anti-Christ. 

Here is another example of false teaching in the church that represent lies passed down through seminaries. This must stop or we and they will not be blessed.  God’s Holy Mountain of the Law is not in Egypt.  Why would anyone believe a lie?  Just as evolution has become ingrained in secular schools the false narrative telling where Mt. Sinai is located has been perpetuated in the minds of countless Bible students.  AND SEMINARIES COULD CARE LESS WHETHER A GRADUATE PROMOTES EVOLUTION OR NOT!!!!  THIS IS AN ABOMINATION OF THE WHOLE CHRISTIAN ACADEMIC SYSTEM.  THEY COULD CARE LESS WHETHER THAT PASTOR KNOWS HOW TO PRACTICE APOLOGICS WHICH IS THE SHARING OF THE GOSPEL IN OPPOSITION TO THE PHILOSOPHIES OF WORLD.  Stop and use what God has given you, a mind to think and tools to see the truth.  God has given us “eyes to see and ears to hear.”  Go to Google Earth and look up the name “Jabal Al Lawz” which is Arabic for the Mountain of the Law.  You will discover the true Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia, as named by the descendants of the Midianites.  Who knew better, the European crusader given a map by a nomad, or the wise nomad who gave him the false map?  Why would any local tribe or family share the true location of the Mountain of God with invading crusaders (friendly or not) – no matter the amount of money paid.

Logic question #2:  Why would Pharaoh when pursuing the nation of Israel which had 2-3 million people chose to chase them through a muddy wadis when he could just go around the territory he obviously knew very well and meet them on the other side.  I took military tactics in school which apparently all these rather dumb professors and researchers did not.  And I am not trying to be proud but just respond in frustration considering why no one else has asked these simple questions!!!!

Logic question #3, Where would 2-3 million Jews encamp around their version of Mt. Sinai in Egypt when Google maps clearly shows there is not plateau even big enough to encamp 30,000 people.  The facts are totally 100% against the theory that is based on false Crusader maps and archaeologists from Egypt and Saudi Arabia: two nations that have a lot to gain by lying and deceiving.

The Unknown

This message relates to history, the epidemic and my recent book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown which gave a warning concerning the Solar Eclipse with storms to come, and the Sign of an “invisible” attack or warning that would begin to change the world.  The Word “Corona” means crown in Spanish and in science is the ring of light at the point of total eclipse during a Solar Eclipse.  Like a mighty king this virus is having a mighty affect on the kingdoms of earth, striking the weak and often those at the prime of life.  At the same time it is an unknown in science (allegorically it is blotting out the sun) and therefore has humbled both nations and scientists while threatening economies and our present concepts fighting disease. 
Hello World- you may be experiencing the confusion from the unknown-unseen which could make a difference between life and death- and the state of your spirit.
Few will listen to the truth…much like in the time of Jesus and Noah. They cannot nor want to see the signs of the time as expressed clearly in Matt 16:2-3. This is true even of believers and prophecy pretenders who distract the masses as they did in the time of the kings of Israel. So God has given us a “modern-day mystery-sign” to unravel much like He gave parables to his disciples and to the growing church and half-blind world.
At Sinai God told the Jewish nation, “And if after all this you will not obey Me, I will proceed to punish you sevenfold for your sins.” Why is this so significant? One of the many commands God gave them was that they had to forgive all debts and return the land to the original owners every 50 years or at the Jubilee year. Because they failed to honor the Jubilee mandate for 10 times or for 500 years of their nation building, they were taken into captivity as punishment for exactly 7X10 or 70 years.
This is a very good example of why the Jubilee year is significant in Biblical Prophecy and why God allowed Israel to take over Jerusalem (their own reclaimed land- they were the original owners) in the 1967-68 War & restoration – a very special Jubilee year. The next Jubilee year was 2017-18 (in Israel the year always begins at Roshshanna or in that year Sept. 21-22, 2017) This was the year that Trump declared he would make Jerusalem the legal capital of Israel by moving our Embassy there.
All of this seems abstract but from a historical perspective it will make sense if you study past Jubilees. The incredible thing is that there was also a very important Sign that happened to mark this last Jubilee. It was “The Great Sign” of Rev. 12 which occurred on Sept. 23rd as noted by astronomers and explained in the book: Cosmic Crossroad Countdown. We KNOW that it happened in a very God-like way and we KNOW that Satan did all he could to counterfeit and hide it. Do you remember Plantet X and Nibiru which were not visible even to telescopes but were to destroy the earth on that day? Well they never existed! Those were lies to distract you from the Truth- exactly what we see today.
Everything including Trump’s victory in 2016, the growing rebellion of the heart, the invisible spiritual attacks on the family and faith, and the invisible enemy that has humbled the world are all part of this sign that we know happened yet was unexpected and unseen- as explained in the book. Why did God purpose this almost invisible sign? That in itself is part of the message that God wants us to know.
What else is real yet unseen? God and the world of the supernatural is completely unseen. God, however, wants us to know HIM …. but the unknown is frightening as we see with this invisible virus. Although invisible, God loves us and is merciful. He wants us to know him in a personal way, yet the world rebels against HIM. Known by some and unknown by most – the battle being fought is unrecognized by the world for it involves dark forces and principalities of evil. This is the epitome of an asymmetrical war being fought for your heart, mind and soul. The answer is to Seek God with all your heart mind and soul and He will meet you there. And Know that Jesus Christ became known for you and to you so that you might recognize God in the flesh as Your Savior. 

One way that God communicates His Love for us is through prophecy.  It is prophecy that gives us hope for He does promise to return and prepare the earth for a “Kingdom on earth” where He will reign.   The Power and Mystery of Prophecy is exhibited in the 350+ prophecies that were fulfilled by Jesus Christ in his first coming.  Many of these prophecies came from unexpected directions such as Psalm 22.  Who would have guessed that a “song” from David would end up being a key prophecy of the suffering and crucifixion of the Messiah, or that a prophecy of Hosea (11:1-4) would show that the Jewish Messiah would come out of Egypt.  So significant and unexpected is this prophecy that it is repeated by Matthew: This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, “Out of Egypt I called my son.” (Matthew 2:13-15). 

As stated earlier the Critical Jubilee Year that God established in the Wilderness for the Nation of Israel, and recorded in the book of Leviticus was a measurement of obedience to God’s laws of return, restoration and forgiveness. Because the nation of ancient Israel disobeyed this command for the approximately 500 years of its existence or 10 Jubilees God punished the nation with destruction and exile for a length of 70 years or 7 times 10. This also fulfilled God’s Promise in Leviticus that Israel would suffer 7 times the penalty as a reminder of their gross disobedience. God KEEPS His Promises- Good or Bad, Blessings or Curses.  And He will keep them  all including those related to the world and to those who  do not fear Him nor Receive His Gift of Forgiveness through the Sacrifice He provided:  His own Son – Jesus Christ.

The Jubilee Year was intended as a time for Return and Restoration- a picture of Redemption. Land would be returned to the original owners and all debts would be forgiven. Land would also be left fallow and the people would learn to depend on God for survival. The year was very unique in that it would begin on the Day of Atonement and not on Rosh Hashanah as did every other year. So what would happen to the 10 days between this New Year Day and the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur? Those 10 days were just NOT COUNTED. So every 50 years 10 days would not be counted—this alloted for physical corrections in the rotation of earth around the sun to keep the seasons in tune with the 360 day year and leap years. But it another more significant Spiritual meaning. It would signify that Jubilee was a Very Special Year in which Time was Not Counted Just as it is NOT COUNTED IN HEAVEN. It connected the Jubilee of Restoration & Return to God’s thrown room where time was Not Counted and Where everyone must go for judgment or restoration. Everything Returns to God in the end. All of this is in my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown

This 50-year period message should not confuse people. His message simply has a time-capsule attached to it that allows some generations to be impacted more than others. This motivates others to forwarn others and  to teach the Truth.  I believe that even today God is revealing multi-layers of truth including the very fact that both signs and prophecies may be misinterpreted by those in high positions of authority.  These authorities include both pastors and so-called prophecy experts.  Tradition tries to protect its own turf and draws the wagons around cherished concepts.  God, however, is in the business of revelation and transformation and is not stuck in tradition, agendas, budgets, and the status quo.

Usually when God fulfills Prophecy, He shakes the nations and, in the process, He builds new nations.  In other situations, he rebuilds and strengthens a nation as He has recently done with both Israel and America.  Both recovered and grew their economies after the formation of the Jewish nation in 1948. Now we are both in semi-lockdowns and Israel is asking all tourists to leave right before Easter and refusing to let any more enter for the annual celebration.  We are allies in God’s war against evil and we are both at war with an invisible enemy.

Do you think God is also trying to get the attention of both the orthodox and the secular Jew who now have a life-challenging thing in common?  Is this tiny unknown force generating enough uncertainty that people will look to God for answers?  I believe that God is trying to get the attention of every soul and spirit in the World and shaking them by the collar.  He says, “Wake Up! Know me, confess and repent before time runs out….Time-times-half-a-time is approaching- (read the Prophetic Book of Daniel to understand its significance), so get your heart and mind in order and restudy all the prophetic books including Daniel.” 

God most likely wants people to seek Him with all their heart, mind, and soul.  In doing this he allows epidemics like the Spanish Flu of 2018-19 to come at the heal of WWI and infect 1/3 of world’s population. Fifty million of them died making it the deadliest period in history, yet it seems to be just a speck in the memory bank of time.  Only God knows how it affected history.  Maybe it delayed another world war or slowed the world down enough to generate revivals in England and elsewhere. 

God is also motivating people to study the Bible and prophecy as they point others to Him. It is unfortunate that there are some leaders who discourage this study of prophecy thus squelching the power of the Holy Spirit in one’s life.  They do not seem to understand that God grants the believer the gift of prophecy, teaching and evangelism.

The world has gotten too busy and preoccupied with the pursuit of wealth, power, beauty and other vanities that has affected the clergy and leadership. Maybe God has purposed to slow things down with this corona pandemic.  God knows that this isolation experience is teaching us multi-generational living, home schooling or university level online learning that may undermine the power of Academia, and help us cook more,  grow a garden, repair our homes and practice many other crafts, concepts and arts.  Part of the world’s sin was a rebellion of the heart which was sexualizing everything and glorifying the world instead of God. By separating people God is helping them to establish new habits such as book reading and to rethink life for themselves. Each has been given a new start and a new opportunity for change. God will now hold each person accountable.  God is eager to see us get back to the basics, to the family, and to worshipping Him.

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