Dr. Hofmann’s Book Reviews

Book 1:  Dentistry Xposed:  DentistryXposed by Dr. Peter Hofmann is a book written by a man with 43 years of experience as an urban and wilderness dentist. The first few pages of this book got me hooked, as it promises to be a health advocate for those who cannot afford the modern hospital. The truth is that every human being has one or more health concerns. Coming across a book that promises cost-effective tips on staying healthy will surely get your attention. If you want to know about the challenges of modern dentistry, foods that help fight tooth decay, the importance of fibrous foods, and the only recommended healthy sugar, then make sure you finish reading this book.

This book focuses mainly on dentistry practice, the challenges of a modern-day dentist, and the way forward. In advising on how to choose a dental treatment, the author advised you to wait or go online to websites like PubMed or Medline when in doubt about a medical procedure.

The thing I like about this book is that it made me aware of my teeth. I never knew that teeth could erode from over-brushing. My prior conviction is that, just like a dirty cloth, the more you wash and brush your teeth, the cleaner you are. This book proved otherwise. Also, this book said it is good practice to rotate the use of a toothbrush, allowing each to dry out before reuse. This practice prevents bacterial recontamination.

After reading this book, I discovered that one of the greatest enemies of the tooth is sugar. If the world spends fewer billions to produce sugar when compared to the trillions it costs to treat sugar-related illnesses, then to tackle sugar diseases, we have to tackle its production. The healthy sugar recommended for use in this book is xylitol. If you want to learn about the health benefits of this healthy sugar, read the rest of this book.

Another thing I like about this book is the use of diagrams at some points to drive home the writer’s point. I admire the labeling of the parts of the teeth and their functions. Also, this book has a lot of words unique to dentistry. To make reading easier, the author did not leave the readers in the dark but defined the technical terms used in this book. I give it 5 stars.

Book #2  Cosmic Crossroad Countdown—the 3rd book in this exciting Trilogy.

Dr. Peter Hofmann, author of Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War & Final Chapter, unveils the coming events that will shape the future of the world. The series of events will challenge the status quo and bring about a new world order.  Dr. Hofmann draws from the ancient prophecies of the Bible and other sources to warn of a great and powerful war between the forces of light and darkness. He reveals God’s plan to humble the proud and the elite, and to crush the invisible forces that control the Dark Pyramid of false religions and criminal elements.

Dr. Hofmann says, “We are in the Last Days, and the Hour is near as forewarned by the prophets in the Old Testament and by Jesus Christ, Paul, and Peter in the New Testament.” He explains that God gave us a very significant sign, much like the Bethlehem Star, as a warning of invisible “agents,” both natural and supernatural, that have affected every sector and level of society worldwide.

He believes that the purpose of this book is to wake people up, so that they can make changes in their lives. He states, “People must evaluate their eternal perspective and realize that God is fulfilling the plans He set down throughout ancient time.”

Dr. Hofmann’s book is a testament to God’s love and grace even in this time of trial and uncertainty. He hopes that the book will give strength and courage to those who are facing ever increasing hardship and anxiety.

Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War & Final Chapter is Available at Amazon:  and Barnes & Noble: 

Letter to Wayward Pastors


I just wanted to let you know why many have left the church.  For some reason, you and some in your leadership have done a lot to counter what the LORD has appointed the church to do.  Yes, you give a good sermon but you lack the inner strength and true compassion to be a “good pastor of the flock.”  You see, a good shepherd has a personal interest in his flock and is eager to listen to members of his flock.  He puts his flock first and not his personal safety and fears.  He speaks the truth even though it might make many uncomfortable.  Instead of skipping tough passages such as Revelation 12, he will seek in prayer to teach the whole truth.  Below is a list of potential failures in the modern affluent church:

  • Foremost is the selection of the top leaders for the Education Department and the delegation of discerning authority.  Make sure that your teachers know good doctrine and are versed in the Bible.  A bad leader of a whole department will tend to fail to appoint inspired teachers that are guided by the Holy Spirit.
  • Do not spend more time selling your books and the books of those outside your congregation than in helping your own members develop their writing and sharing skills.  Serving as a spokesman for organizations such as Fox News can be seen by many as being self-promotional.
  • Your promotion of diabetes causing sugar and sugar products to promote your church and even to promote God is not only hypocritical but bordering on evil. If you had read the message that the LORD has given concerning the “coming invisible attack” that is shared in Cosmic Crossroad Countdown—you realize that Covid-19 is a part of that attack which has now killed thousands of diabetic and pre-diabetic individuals.  Many have eaten the pure 100% junk SUGAR-poison that you had been using to promote EASTER (the marshmallow PEEPS is a good example).
  • More than likely Pastors and other top leaders are too busy to read this, but God will still hold you accountable. When the error in your teaching is brought up to you such as that in bad ACADEMIC dogma, you ignore them. You or your leaders even demote or slander others who have been led by the Holy Spirit.  You attack the humble logic of those who are inspired by God as if God cannot gift someone and direct someone!  When some offer services to teach a class in nutrition, you have ignored them.
  • God is trying to message you by allowing your leaders to make big mistakes. For instance, when it appears that there are failures in strategic planning and discernment, repent and seek answers from the Holy Spirit.  If you have spent millions on a parking lot and children’s center that have been empty for the last year-and-a-half, you failed. Or if you wasted millions on a sports center or on trips to Alaska and other extravagant excursions, that had to be canceled- you failed.  God has been using others to try to warn you and your “self-motivated leaders” who have failed to see and hear His voice.
  • Has your insecurity blinded you?  This same insecurity can affect your teaching.  For instance,  in the book of Revelation: How can you honestly say that chapter 12 of the book of Revelation is in chronological order?  That would put the raptured church in heaven at the same time as Satan being in heaven.  It would also put the Satan possessed Anti-Christ killing the two witnesses while Satan is still in heaven!  Your logic is non-sensical and frankly antithetical.
  • God will direct people to leave and to give less to your coffers.  Yet, those directed by the Holy Spirit will pray for you and for the church,  in the hope that you will see and hear His Voice before it is too late.  God entrusted many of your humble servants with certain abilities or gifts as a steward to build the kingdom and YOU have outright rejected them.  We are created to give Glory to God by both the fruit of the Holy Spirit and by our good works. You cannot ignore what each person has been dedicated by God to do for Him.  God is asking you and your academic-minded leaders to surrender to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and to listen to those humble sources?

Sincerely Yours in His Mercy and Love,

Opposite Effect- Antacid in Life – Like anything it can destroy instead of heal:


We are always seeking solutions to our problems and without research and care we can cause more harm than good.  A very good example is the connundrum with Antacids.  They can do much more than just  Weaken Your Teeth:

  • For proper digestion, your stomach needs a certain level of acidity. If you take antacids too often or in high enough doses, your body can react by producing more acid than normal. This vicious cycle can lead to more heartburn (if you take more antacids the problem will accelerate). In the process of attempting to block the acid production: antacids can inhibit the absorption of calcium and protein—both vital components for improving the strength of your teeth and jaw. Kidney damage.  Antacids can potentially cause the following:
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms. …
  • Allergic reaction. …
  • Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. …
  • Low blood pressure. …
  • Endocrine disruption.

What people do NOT realize is that antacids will lead to Tooth Decay And Gum Disease if taken habitually and antacids can cause dry mouth. With less saliva in your mouth to wash food debris from your teeth and neutralize the acid produced by plaque, and because of this you are more likely to experience gum disease and tooth decay.

Antacids are also often full of sugar and the chewable ones can get stuck in the crevices of your teeth. This type of prolonged exposure can contribute to cavities.

Tips to avoid The Negative Effects Of Antacids

  • Use antacids in moderation. Try sugar-free ones.
  • Rinse your mouth after taking antacids, and after eating acidic foods.
  • Consume less acidic foods and drinks.
  • To protect enamel, wait about 30 minutes to brush after eating antacids or acidic foods.
  • Use Xylitol sugarless gum and candies which will help with dry mouth.

One area of great importance is acidic saliva which is discussed much more at the main website Dentistry Xposed.com

The Ghosts of America’s Great Health & Sugar Blunder

As an American do you feel that the average person in your circle has a healthy diet? Do you believe that we need to focus more on nutrition and overall body health?   Have you been given a nutrition evaluation or had any nutritional education?  Is your body morphology outside what is considered healthy?   How is your breath or waistline?  Do your gums bleed? Have you put off dental treatment because of cost or fear?  Are sugar and fructose to blame? 

These questions need to be confronted.  Why? Because many people have been given bad information or have a health or dental condition that will catch up with them.  Sugar is very good at attacking every part of the body and it begins in the mouth.  The mouth acts like a barometer providing evidence of unhealthy conditions, and therefore has been the focus of many extensive studies.  We now know that the health of the mouth is key to the health of the body.  Many hospitals and doctors now require a clearance from a dentist concerning the condition of the gums.  Why?  Because gum disease has been linked to infections of joints, heart vessels and other organs.  This is one reason why my new book is called Dentistry Xposed. 

In 1984, Marlan Mattox invited me on his radio show where I was able to share on the dangers of sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup. I explained that in the mid 70’s, Nixon had instituted a program to decrease the cost of food.  Fructose corn syrup was so cheap it became an instant solution. At the same time the sugar cartel was using research to convince people that it was fat not sugar that was causing heart disease and other problems.  Fats were then removed, and to keep food tasty, it became convenient to add the HFCS. This magnified all our problems since it goes directly to the liver.

Now a top Endocrinologist, Dr. Lustig who often teaches medical students, warns about the long-term effects of HFCS on our body. He describes how HSFC forms destructive end-products called AGE’s in the liver.  AGE’s also happens when we over-heat foods and sear them causing the unnatural fusion of proteins, lipids (fats) or sugars.  These end-products harm the liver & can lodge in capillaries and then affect the brain, eyes, hearing and other organs. AGE’s stands for Accumulated Glycation End-Products and is likened to poison. What is scary is that HFCS has the ability to quickly establish addictions. Dopamine in the brain is released and leptins which stimulate the sensation of being full are suppressed. It is the perfect sugar or molecule to draw people into addictive behavior.

Since 80’s the nation has developed the largest per capita ratio of diabetic patients in what is called the “First World” of economies.  Despite all our high technology and massive expenditures in healthcare, we do not compare well with little Finland. After sixty-one years of research among its entire population, Finland knows the value of a simple sugar that fights bacteria and does not harm the liver, pancreas, heart, teeth or other tissue.  This sugar, called xylitol, is found in fruit and vegetables and is even produced in our bodies and stored in the mitochondria of our cells. Finland gave it to their kids in WWII when the Nazi’s blocked the import of sugar.  Twenty years later they found that these grown-up kids had no tooth decay and little history of disease.  Unfortunately, xylitol was introduced into our nation while High Fructose Corn Syrup was being promoted by both the politicians and the economists. Because xylitol was more expensive and came from abroad, the policy makers immediately nixed its promotion and use in our food supply. Xylitol was suppressed even though many doctors and scientists knew it had healing powers.

America’s sugar, HFCS, worked its way into almost every kind of processed food including pretzels, sports drinks, canned foods, jams, lunch meats, cereals, junk munchies, yogurt, juices and candies.  This Halloween, the sugar industry made and delivered about 2.4 billion dollars’ worth of candies and other sweet products to the mouths of our children and eager adults.  Unlike the 6-carbon sugar fructose, 5-carbon xylitol protects the colon from the yeast Candida, soothes the colon lining with butyrate, and prevents constipation; all of which prevents colon cancer.  Studies going back 61 years shows that xylitol prevents tooth decay and stimulates the flow of saliva which counters dry mouth. In comparison HFSC causes obesity, diabetes, fatty liver disease, neurodegenerative diseases & other chronic problems. This has been America’s worst health mistake.  Unfortunately, xylitol is now primarily produced in China from corn cobs. Instead of building a xylitol industry in our country and promoting food-medicines, our leaders chose to create high fructose factories which have slowly poisoned the population. While Europe and Asia kept fat in foods and learned to use xylitol, we have been taught to love donuts and other super-sweet treats. 

There is hope, however.   Even though we have put ourselves and our loved ones under harm’s way, we can still affect change.  There is Great Reward in breaking food, alcohol, and drug addictions. It takes education and awareness. This is one very good reason for this book. There is nothing wrong with a desert during a meal, however, when we stoke-up-the-body with excessive calories to satisfy a deep desire, then we have encroached upon the true meaning of gluttony. Dentistry Xposed goes into detail about other falsehoods and misunderstandings. Our system is manufacturing disease with over 500 drugs and medications that cause dry mouth. Dry mouth is one of the major causes of gum disease or tooth decay and the formation of bacterial plaques which release tissue destroying enzymes into our blood stream or lungs. This affects organs such as the heart, pancreas and brain along with the health of the fetus. Other areas of falsehoods and myths revolve around the care of teeth and gums and how they are treated. Billions are made by scamming people with unneeded deep cleanings and poor crowns.

The solution can be as simple as maintaining a non-acidic saliva with the use of xylitol mints.  Much of the battle is Mental & Spiritual and requires a pro-active solution with good support, teaching & restoration. Like smoking there is more than a chemical stimulation involved. Sitting in front of a TV is part of the reward system that motivates us to move the arms, fingers and mouth closer to the poisons.  Stop rewarding yourself, your kids and others with sugar and learn to use good substitutes like safe natural foods or xylitol.  For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light

 Sincerely Yours, Peter Hofmann DDS, GO TO: DentistryXposed.com, 972-960-1913, 15615 Coit Rd. Ste.107 Dallas, Tex. 75248

you up to the task?  For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.

Learn how to fight the battle in a better way that will save your health. Read my new book: Dentistry Xposed: Protecting you, Your Smile, and Your Wallet.

Sincerely Yours, Peter Hofmann DDS, DentistryXposed.com, 972-960-1913, 15615 Coit Rd. Ste.107 Dallas