The Last Generation

A Biblical generation can be 40, 50, 70, or 100 years. Forty years seems to be a period for complete testing and preparation; 50 years is a period of release and deliverance; 70 years is a period when prophecy is completed; and 100 years appears to be the longest period for God dealing with Israel. Combinations of these numbers is also significant such as the 40th Jubilee = 2000 years! It is important to note that in 1917 the British issued “The Balfour Declaration”, which was the first official act to allow for the formation of the new nation of Israel.

Since it is clear from the Word of God that the end-time clock is associated with the nation Israel and the city of Jerusalem (Eze. 36-38, Daniel 9), then the years 1917, 1948 and 1967 are very important in determining the end time generation. The question then is when did the end generation begin? Was it in 1917 the first official act by a Gentile nation to give Israel legal right to the holy land; 1948 when Israel was reborn as a nation after 2500 years of exile; or in 1967 when they recaptured Jerusalem and declared it to be the eternal undivided capital of the State Israel? We must keep in mind that the last 7 years of Daniel’s 70th Week are part of the end generation, which ends Gentile domination of both Israel and the city of Jerusalem.

Let’s study the 4 time periods above for each of the three possible dates for beginning of the last generation – 1917, 1947/8, and 1967 and see if we can determine the length of the end time generation- Also note that an Event is confirmed by two or more witnesses -GOD’S NUMBER OF ACTION IS 3:
1) THE BALFOUR DECLARATION IN 1917. (First Official Act to Give the Jew the right of return to the land). 1917 + 40 year generation = 1957. This scenario will not work because the time has expired for the tribulation and the Second Coming to occur. 1917 + 50 year generation = 1967. This scenario won’t work for the same reasons. 1917 + 70 year generation = 1987. This scenario won’t work also for the same reasons.
1917 + 100 year generation = 2017. This scenario WORKS with the tribulation beginning in 2017

2) 1947/8, The REBIRTH OF ISRAEL AS A NATION 1948 + 40 year generation = 1988. Does not work because the time has expired for the tribulation and the 2nd Coming to occur. 1948 + 50 year generation = 1998. Also doesn’t work for the same reasons.
1947/8 + 70 year generation=2017/8. This scenario WORKS with the tribulation beginning in 2017/8 .

3) 1967, The RECAPTURE OF JERUSALEM 1967 + 50 year generation = 2017. This WORKS with the tribulation beginning in 2017..
From these calculations, we have 3 generational periods pointing to an END GENERATION of 2017/18. Here is recap of the 3 Biblical generations and the 3 dates that fulfill prophecy for the nation of Israel:
Using the birth day of the nation Israel in 1947/8, the recapture of Jerusalem in 1967, and the issuing of the Balfour Declaration in 1917, we notice that the 50 for Jubilee = Release, the 70 = prophecy complete, and the 100 = the right of the Jew to return to their homeland- all end at approximately the same time period, 2017/8 (with the tribulation following). In addition the word” Genea” has a meaning related to ‘birth’ of the nation of Israel. It seems logical that the END GENERATION of 100 years will usher in a rebirth of the nation of Israel in Christ.

The number 70 is especially associated with Israel’s bondage, captivities, exiles, return and completion of all vision and prophecy. Notice the generational numbers 50, 70, and 100 fit into this period perfectly. I do not think this is a coincidence. If this is the true prophetic scenario, then I believe Daniel’s long awaited 70th Week will occur soon. Note also that Jerusalem was conquered by the Ottoman’s in 1517 and that Empire remained in control for 8 Jubilee’s or 400 years- similar to the Biblical captivity in Egypt. Those Turks were conquered by the British Empire in 1917. If we look at the birth of Jesus occurring around 2-3 B.C. and take into account one extra year to compensate for the year “0” we can see that the year 17 AD as being 20 years after the birth of Jesus Christ. So His 1st Coming begins with a prophetic 70 year generation: 20 + 50 = 70 and could also end with a prophetic 70 year generation period: 1947-8 + 70 = 2017-8. Note also 17 AD + 2000 (40X50) = 2017.

With what is happening in our world today, I cannot see things continuing beyond the 2nd decade of the 2nd Century. On the scene will be the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet, especially as the present apostasy grows in proportion to the true Church, as the Islamist movement grows and threatens Israel, and as the numbers of martyrs increases at such a great rate. Our Hope is in Jesus Christ and in His Redemption. In His Name, Peter – Check out this blog site for more information. Have a Blessed New Year!

Signs in the Stars of His Coming

Signs in the Stars of His Coming

Yesterday (Jan. 12) saw the appearance of a “Wolf Moon,” the first full moon of the year. In addition to this, the planet Venus was at its brightest in eight years. These two events occurred the evening before Friday the 13th.

The sign of Revelation 12 has many details that are common, but uncommon when all put together. The first part of the sign is the woman clothed with the sun. This happens every year, but it narrows the time down to one month around the autumnal equinox. That woman is represented by Virgo–the virgin. She is clothed by the sun from mid-September to early October. September 23, 2017 meets these requirements.

The next requirement is that the moon must be under the feet of Virgo. With the sun in Virgo and her feet to the east, the moon must be a few days past new moon. Since the Hebrew Calendar is lunar and the Feast of Trumpets (September 21, 2017) is on the new moon, September 23-25 places the moon in the correct position. This happens every year on the Hebrew Calendar as long as the new moon did not occur too early or too late in relation to the equinox, which would put the sun too high or low in Virgo. Here it is perfect. The requirement of the moon and sun narrows it down to a few days of the year. The rest of the parts of the sign must then coincide with this time if we are able to observe this sign.

On September 23, 2017 there are four planets in the vicinity that complete the sign and its ultimate uniqueness. Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter play their parts. Above the head of Virgo is the constellation Leo. In Leo at this time there will be Mars, Venus, and Mercury. With Leo being a constellation of nine principle stars, the three wandering stars make it twelve at this time. Thus the garland of twelve stars is upon the woman. For three planets to be in Leo at this time with all of the other preconditions makes this rare. Combined with the final piece of the picture below is what makes this sign difficult of not nearly impossible to replicate anywhere close to the time in which we live. How rare? A search 150 years before and 150 years after September 23, 2017 produced no results.  But if you go back about 5993 years it does pop up.  Could this be the time that Adam and Eve walked with God in the Garden of Eden?

The final piece of the sign is Jupiter. Jupiter was known by the Jews as the planet of the Messiah. Jupiter enters the sign of Virgo on August 27, 2016, which coincides with a close conjunction of Venus. The next such close conjunction with these two brightest planets is 49 years later. Jupiter itself enters Virgo about every 12 years. The August 27, 2016 conjunction comes exactly 400 days before Yom Kippur 2017. Yom Kippur always ends Teshuvah, which is a 40 day season of repentance. Does Jupiter and Venus mark a ten-fold application needed at that time? Note also that the United States has a unique solar eclipse right at this time that travels like a sash from the upper west to the lower east coast.

Jupiter then spends those 400 days in Virgo. As the sign of Revelation 12 forms on September 23, 2017, Jupiter is in the womb of Virgo and moving back and forth – and is about to be born. Remember, the meaning of Tribulation refers to the period of labor pains before birth. The world is going to go through a period of delivery to result in the Messianic Kingdom. This sign speaks to those coming seven years–the worst in human history. However, we have been warned and God will deliver those who have put their trust in Christ by taking them to heaven before the seven years begins. For those who will miss that opportunity, God’s grace will still abound for those who change & believe that Jesus is the savior of the world, but they will have to endure the Tribulation.

Let’s us go back 1260 days from the sign of Revelation 12 to the day of the first lunar eclipse of the Tetrad of 2014-2015. The eclipse of April 15, 2014 occurred at a specific place in the heavens. As a time marker that points to the sign of Revelation 12, it should also have some significance. This eclipse on Passover 2014 occurred right next to star of Spica in Virgo. Jesus’ own body was sacrificed for us on Passover. He was the Seed of the Woman. He was the ear of grain that must die that life may abound. Spica in Hebrew is Zerah meaning “seed”–the Seed of the Woman. It is the same word as found in the promises of Genesis. It is fitting then that this sign of the lunar eclipse points to the sign of Revelation 12, which speaks of the Messiah’s birth, but also to the necessary second part of Jesus’ coming back to earth.

With exactly 1260 days between the signs, it would seem logical that the day count represented a leg of the Tribulation. But it cannot unless one is to believe that we are in the Tribulation, but we are NOT. However, this sign is straight from Revelation 12.  Placing this sign in context with all of the other signs and calculations presented here, it would seem that this sign is a warning of the Tribulation that will soon begin.

The conclusion on this website is that maybe the Rapture occurs on the Feast of Trumpets 2017, which would be on September 21. If the Tribulation ends on the Day of Atonement 2024, then 2,520 back from that day is November 19, 2017. The sign of Revelation 12 then comes 57 days before the Tribulation. This gap matches the gap between the end of Daniel’s 69 weeks on Palm Sunday and the beginning of the Church on Pentecost.   The sign of Revelation 12 makes sense as a sign warning to us all that the Tribulation is coming, just as depicted in the sign itself with the virgin (Israel) about to go through tribulation. For the Church, our time is then short. The requirements of the sign make it extremely rare making 2017 the only year in which it coincides with the final generation. By default, it must be a sign that precedes the Tribulation and signs should be a warning of what is soon coming. But all too often, the heavenly sign of Revelation 12 is glossed over and not looked at as a actual visible sign that can be observed. It happens in just over three years. It’s time to get ready…10:30 am PDT or equivalent time of 8:30 pm Jerusalem time September 23, 2017.

While perusing through Jupiter’s position among the stars, there was something else that presented itself. On the 9th of Av 2024, Jupiter will be in the sign of Taurus. It will be between the horns. The common Hebrew name for Taurus is Shur, which can mean both coming and ruling or in other words, the coming judge. In short, Taurus represents the coming governor, Jesus Christ, with his congregation (meaning of Pleiades).  Here is an image that will help you to  understand what all this means:

On the day known for Jewish sorrow due to the number of calamities that have fallen on this day, Mars comes into conjunction with Jupiter beteween the horns. Mars, in Hebrew Ma’adim, meaning the Adam, the Red One or the Son of Man. On this day it is believed there will be 60 days left of the Tribulation. This sign looks to speak of that time when Jesus will shortly return to end the Tribulation with the Church accompanying him. No other signs or conjunctions after this at this time come into view. However, there will be the final signs of the stars falling from the sky, and the moon and sun being darkened.

From “Signs of the End” by Daniel Matson

Entering the Holy of Holies: The Last Generation- 2017?

Do not read this unless you have been sanctified and read the book “Revelation” for a Divine Blessing – but, note that anyone who adds to or subtracts from that book will be cursed- for His Word and Forewarning are Just and Holy!

A Biblical generation can be 40, 50, 70, or 100 years. Forty years seems to be a period for complete testing and preparation; 50 years is a period of release and return; 70 years is a period when prophecy is completed; and 100 years appears to be the longest period for God dealing with Israel. Combinations of these numbers is also significant such as the 40th Jubilee = 2000 years! It is important to note that in 1917 the British issued “The Balfour Declaration”, which was the first official act to allow for the formation of the new nation of Israel.

Since it is clear from the Word of God that the end-time clock is associated with the nation Israel and the city of Jerusalem (Eze. 36-38, Daniel 9), then the years 1917, 1948 and 1967 are very important in determining the end time generation. The question then is when did the end generation begin? Was it in 1917, the first official act by a Gentile nation to give Israel legal right to the holy land; 1948 when Israel was reborn as a nation after 2500 years of exile; or in 1967 when they recaptured Jerusalem and declared it to be the eternal undivided capital of the State Israel? Each of these events appear to be a Divine act. We must keep in mind that the last 7 years of Daniel’s 70th Week are part of the end generation, which ends Gentile domination of Israel, the city of Jerusalem and the world.

Let’s study the 4 time periods above for each of the three possible dates for beginning of the last generation – 1917, 1947/8, and 1967 and see if we can determine the length of the end time generation- Also note that an Event is CONFIRMED BY 2 OR MORE WITNESSES -GOD’S NUMBER OF ACTION IS 3:
1) THE BALFOUR DECLARATION IN 1917. (First Official Act to Give the Jew the right of return to the land). 1917 + 40 year generation = 1957. This scenario will not work because the time has expired for the tribulation and the Second Coming to occur. 1917 + 50 year generation = 1967. This scenario won’t work for the same reasons. 1917 + 70 year generation = 1987. This scenario won’t work also for the same reasons.
1917 + 100 year generation = 2017. This scenario WORKS with the tribulation beginning in 2017
2) 1947/8 REBIRTH OF ISRAEL AS A NATION 1948 + 40 year generation = 1988. Does not work because the time has expired for the tribulation and the 2nd Coming to occur. 1948 + 50 year generation = 1998. Also doesn’t work for the same reasons.
1947/8 + 70 year generation=2017/8. This scenario WORKS with the tribulation beginning in 2017/8 .
1948 + 100 year generation = 2048. This scenario is a possibility with the tribulation beginning in 2027.
3) 1967 The RECAPTURE OF JERUSALEM 1967 + 50 year generation = 2017. This WORKS with the tribulation beginning in 2017..

From these calculations, we have 3 generational periods pointing to an END GENERATION of 2017/18. Here is recap of the 3 Biblical generations and the 3 dates that fulfill prophecy for the nation of Israel:
Using the birth day of the nation Israel in 1947/8, the recapture of Jerusalem in 1967, and the issuing of the Balfour Declaration in 1917, we notice that the 50 for Jubilee = Release, the 70 = prophecy complete, and the 100 = the right of the Jew to return to their homeland- all end at approximately the same time period – 2017/8 (with the tribulation following). In addition the word” Genea” has a meaning related to ‘birth’ of the nation of Israel. It seems logical that the END GENERATION of 100 years will usher in a rebirth of Israel in Christ.

The number 70 is especially associated with Israel’s bondage, captivities, exiles, return and completion of all vision and prophecy. Notice the generational numbers 50, 70, and 100 fit perfectly into this period. I do not think this is a coincidence. If this is the true prophetic scenario, then I believe Daniel’s long awaited 70th Week will occur soon. Note also that Jerusalem was conquered by the Ottoman’s in 1517 and that Empire remained in control for 8 Jubilee’s or 400 years- similar to the Biblical captivity in Egypt. The Turks were conquered by the British Empire in 1917. If we look at the birth of Jesus occurring around 2-3 B.C. and take into account one extra year to compensate for the year “0” we can see that the year 17 AD as being 20 years after the birth of Jesus Christ. So His 1st Coming begins with a prophetic 70 year generation: 20 + 50 = 70 and could also end with a prophetic 70 year generation period: 1947-8 + 70 = 2017-8.  So we have “Release & Return” bracketed by Prophetic generational periods!  And also a side note:  17 AD + 2000 (40X50) = 2017 !

With what is happening in our world today, I cannot see things continuing beyond the 2nd decade of the 2nd Century. On the scene will be the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet, especially as the present apostasy grows in proportion to the true Church, as the Islamist movement grows and threatens Israel, and as the numbers of martyrs increases at such a rapid pace.   Our Hope is in Jesus Christ & in His Redemption. So it is in His Glorious & Holy Name that we hold fast, Peter

“For thus says the high and exalted one who lives forever, My name is holy.” Holy is His name. 

Fallen! to Rise Again?

I believe that We are being tested and that soon we will be judged.  We will pay and the world will rejoice!  God has lifted up these two candidates who have “unsavory character” to show the world how far “America” has fallen!   We were given so much and now we have squandered it on pleasure and material pursuit.
Trump is the “choas candidate”, but God often picks someone who will stir things up in order to generate change and the reordering of things.  Trump has upturned the politically correct and the political machines guarding Washington D.C.!  This is what Reagan and Lincoln did in their own way.  And so now God is challenging the church to makes its presence known by taking a stand for Truth and change.  If this does not happen quickly and decisively, God will have to follow through with powers beyond our borders, just as He did with Israel.  “For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen: because their tongue and their doings are against the LORD, to provoke the eyes of his glory,”  Isa. 3:8.  The Risen Jesus Christ proclaims, “Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” REV. 2:5.   The Risen Christ is the “Door”  as He created a Way to heaven for us.  Note what He said, ” I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me”.
Many thoughtful people attack Trump on his character and past tweets, yet fail to acknowledge the behavior of Hillary and her family.  At least the Trump family has provided major milestones to both public and private charity and infrastructure- which the media loves to diminish.  They attack Trump’s charity ventures without mentioning that Hillary & Bill used foundation money for Chelsea’s  wedding and other expenses over the last 10 years!  So, yes, Trump has fallen short- but don’t we all?  To attack him is disingenuous and hypocritical.  I know one “Christian” who has been divorced twice who is attacking him on the character issue and is upset because I suggested that she is being hypocritical!? We should look at our own past!   The KEY issues are the policies and the promises put forth for the Administration of their Government:
We need to look at the platform of each candidate and what this means for our nation and our children over the long term.
1) Do you want to increase our population with illegal immigrants and Islamist groups, or do you want to increase the population by stopping the abortion industry? This industry has already terminated 47 million babies!
 2) Do you want more drugs and potential terrorism by having open borders?  This includes criminal elements that love the black market and aid the flow of weapons, drugs, and other goods to your community.  – Or do you want to close the borders so that we can protect our nation from an ever increasing drug problem that feeds crime and overdosing!  
3) Do we want to protect the family unit and our identity as a “Christian nation”? – or do we want to continue down the path that Obama started to by creating an Islamic, globalist nation that follows the laws of the United Nations and not the Laws granted to us by the Constitution?  The Hillary policies will promote the transgender/homosexual agenda to the point that many Christian institutions and business will cease to exist.  One columnist showed that many Christian universities depend on the GI bill to provide students with money.  This will end with policies that tie that money to new employment policies!
4) Do you want Iran and Saudi Arabia as our major allies in the Middle East or do we want Israel and Egypt?   Israel gives us more intelligence and tests our equipment better than any other country- and they have always protected our Western flank in the Middle East.   Israel has also provided us with logistical and air support in very difficult situations.   Egypt upset Obama and Hillary’s plan for overthrowing “dictatorships” and we all know what would have happened if Morsi continued in power!   Their foreign policy destabilized that whole region and led to the overthrow and chaos in Libya- which in turn has created a massive refugee issue.    Also the Obama agenda and directives have helped to antagonize many African “Christian nations” who do not want to adopt homosexuality and nationwide abortion incentives (Obama and Hillary attached American aid to the willingness to change this social climate).
5) Do you want to continue to allow Wall Street and the big banks to control our monetary policy- so that we continue as the world’s biggest debtor nation?  The nations of the world await our great fall – because they not only resent us dictating morality, but also our dictating of monetary policy through our dollar and our debt structure!   We mint billions of dollars every year and expect other countries to “buy our debt” in bonds and derivatives!   Our policy has helped the world become beholden to our whims.   We do suck the resources from other countries and waste them by our excessive and obsessive pursuit of material excess.   We have a huge population that has grown to expect free handouts, free empty calories (junk food which we pawn throughout the world),   free entertainment (here, like in China many people steal property and virtual rights), and cheap thrills and escape (we are the biggest “pleasure drug” users in the world!).  With our perverse perspective we then produce the most “R” and “X” rated entertainment for the world to consume.  Some of this entertainment is pornographic and some is pure horror.  All of this points to a Sodom and Gomorrah of super-Biblical proportions!  Ironically our so called social progressives and environmentalists are some of the biggest abusers of  all of these – including the drugs!  Then we have the gall to insult the poor nations around the world by attacking the core of their identity – the family and their faith in a God of the Bible!  
 Amen and Amen!  Maranatha!

Divine Plan or Just Chance?

Does anyone remember the movie “The Ten Commandments”, or the details of the Exodus account.   What happened when the people erected a golden calf to their self created god?   They probably tried to give the true God some token credit as they celebrated their “freedom” and “success” in escaping the Pharaoh with many of the treasures of Egypt.  Does this sound a little like religion in America?  While Moses was on top of Mt.Sinai conversing with God and receiving the 10 Commandments the people decided to worship their own way-with their own idol and a lot of fun and evil desires.   Just as America has removed the 10 Commandments from the pubic Arena….., these people did not need nor want God’s Law, nor the curse of knowing their own sin.   They wanted freedom to do what they wanted without interference.   This is the same rationale of those who want abortions and the whole abortion industry.  This is the same rationale of those behind atheism and Evolution and the New Religions of self made gods….they do not want God interfering with their desires, habits, dreams, and psyche.   This is the  rationale of all those in leadership that want to control the masses through deceit, lies, and carefully designed illusions.
The whole world is turning against the Truth and the God of the Universe who is behind the Truth.  The penalty will be great.  Remember how the earth opened up and consumed the rebellious Israelites.  Well in reality that only happened later.  If you read Exodus you will see that God commanded Moses and Aaron to arm the Levites with swords so that they could execute all those who rebelled.  In a later rebellion God opened the earth to swallow a large rebellious family.   This illustrates that God will judge us not only by a nation’s action, but also according to  family and individual decisions and behavior. We will all be held accountable for our sin – the only difference will be whether one chooses to Trust in the Sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on the Cross for your sin.  When you believe in Him you are in essence exchanging your sin for a new Life in Him, which means you are making Him Lord of your Life.
Now back to the main point.   The Golden Calf represents our own god that we wish to follow and celebrate.  Because of our sin nature we are separated from God.  However, when one erects a “standard” to this prideful rejection, it becomes a virtual “slap” in God’s face.   This happened when Israel and Judah erected “Ashtoreth poles” and other idols in and around Jerusalem during the reign of the “evil” kings.  In order to redeem His people God had to judge them by leading them into captivity.  Can and will this happen to America?  We are raising flags in jubilant gay  “Pride” parades, mosques to the moon god,  Hindu temples and other temples to “millions” of other gods, and now we are about to erect multiple replicas of the hellish Gate to Baal (Baal worship demanded the sacrifice of babies to appease the gods).  Ironically ISIS destroyed the Baal temple in Palmyra and has promised severe punishment to anyone who breaks its version of Shariah law.  They seem to understand the danger of erecting idols to other pagan gods.  America needs to wake up.
We have dumbed down our spiritual accountability and Biblical perspective to the point that worshiping skin, sports and “Shallowood” are the norm and the priority.  How many of you have heard of the “Festival to Moloch”?  Read up on it for it represents the deepest of evils in a land that God commanded to be destroyed.  No man, woman, or child was to be left alive because of the evil of the Canaanites.  They celebrated this Spring festival with the sacrifice of babies in their mountain top fire altars.  The two most holy days to the Satanist coincide with this Spring festival and the Fall festival of Halloween.  The retailers predict that we will spend up to 20% more this Halloween!
The media and now the general population seems to relish the shaming of Christians, Christianity, and anything related to Jesus Christ and the Cross. Warning signs are all around us:  extreme weather conditions, a Zika virus that has the potential of being a massive pandemic (since there is no attempt to quarantine), crazy election wars, an economic slowdown generated out of corruption and fear, and the crisis of war and terrorism throughout the world mixed in with a toxic blend of civilian crime, looting, aberrant behavior, drugs, and the perverted system of rewards for doing nothing.  Are these signs of His coming? When Jesus returns, he will return as the Judge to judge the nations and each and every individual.   Are you ready?
Do not forget that the Bible has eternal power like a supernatural double edged sword which can divide lies and deceit from Truth and Spirit …after all it is the “Living Word”.  Jesus called himself the Word. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” So lets see what the Word says: Gal 6:7 “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”
So is it coincidence that these mockers were treated to a judgement instead of a reward, a sign to all those who mock God?  John Lennon mocked God what he suggested that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus Christ? He died with six bullets shot at close range. Tancredo Neves when running for President in Brazil bragged that if he got 500,000 votes not even God could remove him from office. He won, then died one day before taking office. Cazuza, a notorious Brazilian bi-sexual, mocked God by blowing a puff of smoke to a crowd saying “this is for you God”. He died of lung cancer at the age of 32. The man who built the Titanic said, “not even God can sink this ship”. The ex-vocalist of AD/DC sang, “Don’t stop me I am going down all the way down the highway to Hell” In 1980 he was found dead choked in his own vomit.
What we see day in and day out is the universal principle of “cause and effect”. Many think of it just in scientific terms, but since God created everything including science we see the “divine effect” transferred from the supernatural world into our daily world of trial and error, success and failure.   We cannot escape it because we were made in His image and for a very special reason. We were made to harvest the earth, tending to His creation, and having fellowship with Him.  However, instead of choosing Him, man naturally chose sin and self. What we reap is death, chaos, futility, and fear.    The Cross changed it all.   The Cross  restored our connection to God and opened the Door to Redemption and Fellowship with Him.  This truth will set you free!  Do not mock God!

Cosmic Coincidences or Not?

First I want to make sure that you understand what “cosmic” means.  Remember when you were a kid and how that word could transport your mind to the world of super human heroes and super natural villains.  Carl Sagan made it a common scientific word that ironically in his world of theory generated more fiction than the cartoons did.  You will not understand this until the end of this essay- so be patient.

Many of you have heard of the Privileged Planet and the simple fact that it appears mankind was “given” a special place to live and propagate.  Nowhere in the entire Universe is there a place like earth.  All our nearby planets and our moon  fit into a precise pattern that either shields us or actively improves the condition for life on our planet.  Thanks to the moon, tidal movements affect and generate ocean currents and other changes in ocean physiology that protects a very diverse ecology on this planet.  The simple fact that the Universe has a beginning implies that a Creator exists.  This Creator, or God, made something from nothing and created time, space, and energy.   This could not have happened by chance since it would go against not only every law of physics, but also every conceivable form of logic and common sense.  Carl Sagan tried to defy this very fact just like Darwin tried to formulate a man centered answer to why we have so many different species.  The fact is  God created the billions and billions of spiral galaxies (which by the way would no longer be in the perfect spiral form if left to chance and billions of years- for energy and time causes the energy of a spiral to unwind).  God also created DNA which is akin to a very sophisticated computer program and anyone who uses a computer or writes or reads knows that information cannot create itself.  This genetic information is what makes you who you are and  differentiates  every “Family” and “Kind” in the animal and plant kingdoms.

The ability to procreate -thus allowing for DNA to recombine into new patterns was God’s gift.   God started with a baseline of DNA combinations that formed the basic pure gene pool that He defined as “kind”.   These pure gene pools or “kinds” produced all the colorful and wild species that we see today.   This is what we call natural selection. For instance wolves produced all the species of dogs that we see today.  However,  it is impossible for two different “kinds”  to procreate with each other.  We do not see one “kind” producing a new “kind”.  For instance we do not see dogs producing a type of cat, or horse, or alligator.  All cats are of the same “kind”; everything from kitties to Lions to Bob cats.  All dogs are of the same kind: from wolves, to poodles, to Hyenas.  Human kind cannot and will never be able to “evolve” into an ape, nor will an ape evolve into a human.

Now back to the Cosmic issue.  Since God created the Universe, the word Cosmic implies a Divine and a supernatural element to our existence.  So as we continue in this vein of logic, we will see that many things that we take for granted or just cannot explain are in essence carefully planned by our Creator- wars for instance that were won by sudden storms or extreme weather.  We are given examples in the Bible of hail storms that destroyed cities (Egypt) or defeated armies (Judges and the battle Deborah fought for Israel);  of droughts that brought Empires to their knees as in the case of Joseph and Egypt;  of navies that we decimated by storms as in the case of Xerxes and Esther (more of historical nature); or of earthquakes that marked the moment of the Resurrection.  We have blood moons, sackcloth suns, falling stars, and a host of other cosmic events promised in prophecy.  In history we also see the weather related defeat of the Spanish Armada, the British marine forces in Washington in the War of 1812, the German invasion of Russia, and the great Chinese naval fleet attacking Japan.  History shows how fog has protected our men and other “good” military forces from being detected during war. There are countless other accounts of “super natural” events and conditions aiding in the survival of noble men and women in war  and in peace.

So lets address the main theme of this essay: is God directing events today?  Can and would God use ISIS or Iran or for that matter any enemy of America in the same way as He used Assyria, Babylon, and Persia?  Are we deserving of Judgment? Many seem to think so including many leading pastors.   Why for instance are we catering to concepts, philosophies, and behavior that mimic the pagan nations that God judged in the Old Testament.  We place the creation over the Creator in our worship of animals and evolution.   We place convenience and personal “rights” over the sanctity of life as in the case of wanton abortion.  It is estimated that with the new abortion pill, that our nation alone commits a million abortions per year!    We place “tolerance” foremost in the formation of new laws that elevate homosexuality and most other deviant forms of sexual behavior.  We glamorize violence, sex, drugs, and cosmetic beauty.  We exploit the young, the innocent, and the weak to promote our materialistic and narcissistic society.  We fill our void of loneliness and rejection with pets, alcohol, fantasy, and fiction. We have turned away from God and from the Truth that He placed on our path.  We have rejected a relationship with the Almighty God

Is it mere Coincidence that we are erecting a gate from the Temple of Baal at our most famous intersection: Times Square?   Is this significant?  It reminds me of the “Harbinger” verse in Isaiah 9:11 where the “curse” is misinterpreted by Congressional and other public leaders as being a blessing. They think that it is a “victory” call –  when it actually is a warning of impending judgement by God.   This pagan gate is not a “victory gate”,  it is a symbolic gate or door to a Hellish Temple and the worse form of worship- the sacrifice of babies. It has recently been reported that multiple “Baal Gates” will be delivered to cities around our country!  As stated earlier that form of pagan worship was why God allowed, and in fact motivated the great pagan Empires to attack and conquer Israel and Jerusalem!  The only Door that honors God is Jesus Christ who called himself the “Door” to eternal life.  He is both the path and  the Light that guides us through this dark, confusing world of sin.  He is the “Strong Tower” and our “Redeemer” who saves us from the penalty of sin and death.  It is no coincidence that the principalities of evil and the powers of darkness erect mosques, pornography shops, or cult structures next to churches and Christian charities.

Wicked Ways

Wicked Ways
I know that this is going to sound like voodoo science or trash reporting but I believe that this in a growing phenomena that we all need to pay attention to. We have seen the craziness of individuals like the Lufthansa pilot and our homegrown “wide eyed” mass murderer. But these are only a few of the really sick people that the media has focused on. In Guinea there was a little reported “vampire” killer draining the blood out of his victims. In Sierra Leone we watched in horror as armed kids cut off the arms and legs of other kids and in Central Africa the Lord’s Army of mesmerized children rampaged through villages and ravaged countless lives. Now we are witnessing the insane ferocity of ISIS, women suicide bombers killing people in prayer, and the Boko Haram mass rape and kidnaping. Evil is being cultivated even in the minds of our home grown children as shown in many cases of pre-medicated child on child torture and murder.

This is not a studied “mad cow” phenomena, nor something that society would dare define as simply a psychological issue such as schizophrenia or paranoia. It is more like a devilishness that appears to take control as it worms its way into ones conscience destroying any vestige of goodness. The character of this “virus” would come closer to a grade B zombie movie or a Biblical phenomena described in the New Testament as “demon possession”.

I would suggest that this is only going to get worse, much worse. My hunch is that our system of morality, godliness, and decency has broken down and that this bizarre behavior is a reflection of that breakdown. A good comparison would be a hospital that loses interest in maintaining a sterile environment. “Invisible” agents begin to cause very serious infections that affect not only the patients but everyone else. There seems to a line of accountability that we have broached. And these global anomalies may be a warning of something much worse that is about to come?

Are we seeing other “signs” and warnings? We have scientists working on the sudden increase in earthquakes in “middle America” and the increased volcanic activity in the “Ring of Fire”. The media has reported on the violent increase in “catastrophic” weather events around the world. The media however, has failed to report much on the other unusual events and discoveries that have recently happened! For instance how many of you have heard about the 6.3 earthquake that shook Antarctica, a place where earthquakes do not occur! Has the media exposed the truth concerning recent Dinosaur finds in China? The Chinese Paleontologists have tried to explain to the world that our evolutionary tree does not make any sense. They were immediately suppressed by American and European scientists and told to keep quiet. They correctly described our behavior as arrogant and unscientific. Yes, these scientists found “feathered dinosaurs” and mammals in geologic layers that flipped the “western” established “evolutionary tree”.  Paleontology states that feathered dinosaurs had to evolve after the dinosaur age and before the mammalian period.  Yet discoveries in China contradict both!   There is an eternal cost to promoting and living in Lies.

There seems to be a global conspiracy to keep the truth away from the general population.  How can evolutionary science explain elastic and viable tissue in over 100 fossil specimens found throughout this planet?  Why has the paleontologist refused to reveal what is inside thousands of dinosaur eggs that have been found over the decades?  Tom Horn, the famed T-Rex specialist, asked that very question.  A true scientist would dissect the egg!  In China they accidentally cracked opened two sauropod eggs and found totally elastic and colored, non-fossilized embryo’s inside!  Note that these sauropods are listed on the “American” Evolutionary tree to be over 190 million years old!!!   Any CSI expert would tell you that blood and tissue cannot exist that long without total derangement of proteins!  Our esteemed scientists claim that there must be a super protein involved!  What? I thought they believed in EVOLUTION!  That would mean that prehistoric proteins should be much more “primitive”.  Where is the media, scientist, or anyone with any form of logic?  Can’t anyone put 2 and 2 together?

Another simple question to ask yourself is:  “how did our planet get populated with trillions of tons of water to the point that over 75% of earth is covered by some form of water? ”  Where did this water come from?  Just as water cannot evolve, DNA which is language cannot evolve.  This is like suggesting that mouse traps and books  can evolve out of nothing!  Understand this language and computer programs do NOT HAPPEN WITHOUT AN INTELLIGENT DESIGNER!


In 1974 David Wilkerson published a book called “Visions” that would immediately be panned by the media and denounced by his own Pentecostal Church movement. Now amazingly this book of prophetic thoughts has come true. God gave him a vision of America that has come true 100%. He was careful to note that some would not come true in his lifetime. He died in 2011 in a tragic car accident. He was right about our fall from Grace. He was right about the fall of major companies in a worldwide economic collapse. He was right about the revolution at the polls that would elect a popular President that will cause changes undermining our principles, an increase in cataclysmic weather changes, the rise and power of the homosexual movement, the legalization of marijuana, the increase in persecution of Christians, and the fall of major auto companies. So far the taxation of churches and a major earthquake in an unusual place have both not happened. Although the earthquake in DC that cracked the Lincoln Memorial might be notable.

As David Reagan stated our nation is now too far gone to turn back. There was a point at which God told both Ezekiel and Jeremiah not to pray for Israel or Judah anymore – for He would not longer give an ear. Paul understood this and in the book of Romans he clearly explains this step by step decline. First Paul states, “The just shall live by faith. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. “ In other words our conscience and sense of right and wrong should be evidence enough of a Divine Creator. But Paul also shows that the creation itself, the stars, planets, and everything else in this creation is manifestation enough of a divine hand. So there is NO excuse. “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. HERE IS STEP ONE : the nation forgets what God has done for them. We were established as a Christian nation of persecuted refugees who gave God the Glory for their survival. All the great universities were created as seminaries and all the state constitutions gave God the Glory. So now as Obama has clearly shown we have grown vain and very forgetful of our heritage. The first fateful signs occurred when prayer and Bibles were removed from schools and all the halls of government.

STEP TWO: “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. “ (INSTEAD OF GIVING GOD THE GLORY OF BEING CREATOR THEY REPLACED EVOLUTION AND ALL ITS GODLINESS AND TAUGHT IT AS TRUTH TO EVERYONE). This put the Bible, the Word of God and Truth into the category of “fable”, “lore” and good children’s stories.

STEP THREE: “Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves”. This has manifested itself in wonton abortions and STD’s. We see this happening in all walks of life; from the piercing and tattoo halls, to the halls of Wall Street and the high professions. Homosexuality, sex abuse (SRA- Satanic Ritual Abuse), pornography, and many aberrant sexual acts are also on the rise and even worshiped.” When the highest court in the land gave honor & legality to this trend, our nation took a giant leap into darkness.

STEP FOUR: “For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. Furthermore, because they did not think it worthwhile to keep knowing God fully, God delivered them to degraded minds to perform acts that should not be done.” God said because of a rebellious heart he would give man and woman up to homosexuality as penalty. This is being manifested in widespread homosexual behavior and the growing transgender movement. Men and women are losing their identity just as our nation is. LOSS OF IDENTITY.

STEP FIVE: “They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, quarreling, deceit, and viciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, haughty, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to their parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, and ruthless. Although they know God’s just requirement—that those who practice such things deserve to die” The FINAL STEP IS DESTRUCTION -Once the sin becomes so great their hearts ARE HARDENED and their influence affects everyone including the innocent children- Just as in the Days of Noah mankind will be doing everything evil in the eyes of God. At the point the most merciful thing for God to do is to JUDGE. (Romans 1:21-32)