The Fall of the church and Rise of Marxism

The Big question that you need to ask your pastor or you is what DOES THE BOOK OF REVELATION REPRESENT: 1) IS IT A ROAD MAP TO WARN THE PRESENT DAY CHURCH OF THE NEED TO REPENT AND WALK WITH CHRIST.  2) That it warns of THE RISE OF THE ANTI-CHRIST BEAST who will create a One-World government, and 3) that it gives us hope of THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST, AND THE JUDGMENT OF HIS CREATION.  This represents a literal meaning of the Book of Revelation, the book of Daniel, the words of OT prophets and the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 24.

4) OR that the Book of Revelation and much of what the major and minor prophets say are JUST AN ALLEGORY AND HAVE little or no VALUE FOR US TODAY.   This is a very serious question that very few families, individuals, leaders, and pastors are willing to address.

It is the difference between believing what all the prophets in the Bible and Jesus Christ said about the future or dismissing them as having already happened.  If you believe that God has rejected Israel and that the next step is establishing the Kingdom of God on earth, then you need to read Revelation again because Jesus himself calls it Apocalyptic prophecy.  And if it all happened in AD 70 then it did not happen to the whole world as Revelation clearly lays out. It would have only happened to a small slice of the Middle East.  It would diminish the power of the key book of Prophecy in the New Testament -the one and only book in the Bible in which Jesus Christ promises blessings to all who read it, a blessing to anyone who hears and special blessings to anyone who understands it.  At the same time, He promises to curse anyone to adds or subtracts from its meaning.

If the events in Revelation were all about a soon to happen event during the Roman Empire as Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Lutherans and Catholics believe, it would have to be after John the Apostle wrote the Book of Revelation in AD 90.   And that would imply that you believe each event in Revelation has already occurred in history.  That includes the Seal, Trumpet, and Bowl Judgments.  So where and when was the Mark of Beast, when was the 1000-year kingdom, where is the perfect peace on earth, and where is the destruction of the earth?  Is all that just symbolic?  If you say that the Abomination happened in the time of Nero or some other Roman Emperor, then when did the Tribulation and the 1000-year reign on earth happen or are they yet to come—you are implying a span of at least 1,900 years from the Abomination to now.

Know this you are going against what Jesus Christ said.  Jesus said in Revelation 24:15 – that immediately after the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel – cataclysmic events in Tribulation would Commence- That “unless those days were shortened, no one would survive.”  Are you thinking that those birth pains lasted 1,900 years from the Abomination of Desolation which the Preterists believe happened in 70AD when those in Judea did flee?  Neither would make any sense. History DOES NOT BACK UP what THE PRETERIST believes and THOSE WHO TAKE REVELATION AS AN ALLEGORY.

THE TRUTH IS:  According to Daniel the end time events would last 1 week of years or 7 years and that the Abomination of Desolation would happen at the middle of that week or after 3 and 1/2 years.  That week would be the 70th week- a week of tribulation that has not yet happened according to anyone who studies history and compares it to the Words of Jesus Christ.

AND THE TRUTH IS:  According to Jesus speaking in Matthew 24, that when you see the wars and rumors of war, the earthquakes, the famines and nation rising against nations then it is the beginning of birth pains.  These signs along with increased persecution, the increases in false prophets, the rise of lawlessness, and the “Abomination of Desolation as spoken by Daniel — then let the reader understand that those in Judea must flee to the mountains,” Matthew 24: 4-16 – all Spoken by Jesus Christ concerning this future end time.

According to those who make Revelation an allegory and claim that it is not a literal promise, the “fleeing into the mountains” has already happened- in AD70.  Therefore, the world is ready for the KINGDOM OF GOD to be erected on earth (and has been ready for 1,900 years).  YES, one-half of the present-day Church has sold out to the belief that when an individual accepts Jesus Christ as Savior it is the 2nd Coming of Christ, and that He (Jesus Christ) will not return in the clouds as was promised by the angels in the book of Acts (1:9-11) and in the writings of Paul.  The 2nd coming to them is a personal acceptance of Jesus as Savior and is not a Corporate Promise to the Church to Return to take it up as His Bride  (the rapture) before the Great Tribulation.

These Kingdom builders also believe that Israel has forsaken all the Promises that God made for it and that the Church has replaced Israel as God’s Promised people. Therefore, they believe that Israel is cursed and no longer connected to Promises made by the Old Testament Prophets or Jesus Christ.  This would also eliminate much of what Paul said in the book of Hebrews, Romans, and other letters such as in Thessalonians concerning the rapture or the Return of Jesus Christ.

Basically, they believe Revelation is just an allegory with symbols and metaphors.  Entire Denominations were formed out of this lie.  One in particular was established by a Scottish woman who out of pride and rebellion against the Anglican Church formed a nationalist denomination for the Scotts. Out of the movement and similar one’s people were taught a “covenant type theology” that states that God has rejected His Covenant with Israel and replaced it with a Covenant with the Church.  This IS NOT STATED ANYWEHRE IN THE BIBLE.  God directs each of us to study the Word of God to show oneself approved. They teach when one is baptized as a baby, you are sealed with the Holy Spirit.  Therefore, they do not believe in the concept of being born again if you were baptized as infant.

The irony of this distorted theology is that they believe Israel lost is covenant because it was cursed for disobeying God.  Yet, they are the ones who are disobeying God and are cursed.  This whole denomination has split twice as a result of disobedience concerning homosexuality and the governance of the Church. Do NOT TRUST IN FALSE TEACHING BY OTHERS WHO MAY HAVE ALSO BEEN TAUGHT A LIE.   Much of the leadership of this denomination and other denominations have sold out to an intellectual pursuit of truth and therefore endorse evolution.  Like the Pope they have endorsed evolution and this Replacement theology where Israel has no rights to Palestinian lands.

If you trust that God wants us reject Israel and to build the Kingdom ourselves then you are rejecting the idea that Jesus will build the Kingdom himself after the Tribulation.  You are trusting that even after 1,900 years of increased war, rumors of war, famine, and lawlessness mankind will get its act together and will suddenly form the perfect Kingdom.

Think about it.  You are believing what the Anti-Christ and Satan wants you to believe.  YES, Satan is even now breaking down nations, democracies, families, small businesses so that he can usher in a ONE-World government in order to hand the power over to the Anti-Christ and others who promise “Peace and Safety (I Thess. 5:1-3).”  That false church will fall for these lies and will follow the Anti-Christ instead of seeking to protect Israel and stop this consolidation of power by one man.  This false church and all those in it will be led to believe that this charismatic leader and his false Prophet will create a “A Perfect Kingdom.”  This false church will also follow false gods and knowledge that the man of Lawlessness will use to deceive even the elect.

This word “elect” I believe was purposely used by Paul because he knew this group of false believers will consider themselves the “elect” which is a major characteristic of these deluded church leaders. These leaders think that because they were born into a denomination or sacred organization that they have been elected unto salvation.  They trust in infant baptism for the sealing of the Holy Spirit.  Eventually the Anti-Christ will destroy the False Prophet along with these misguided churches, fulfilling what Jesus said about the lambs led by the false shepherd.

This One-world system will not usher in the true Kingdom of God but will instead usher in a false unified world system (the Ten Horns of the Beast) which establishes the false covenant with Israel, then betrays Israel with the Abomination of Desolation.  This will happen in the middle of the 7-year Tribulation period.  As stated, it will be a time when those in Judea must flee or die.  This will be a time when Jesus will protect this Jewish remnant of believers as they flee to Bosra after that great Abomination.

The True Kingdom of God or the time when Jesus Christ will rule on the earth for 1000 years will only happen after the 7-year Tribulation when Jesus Christ defeats the world’s armies led by the Anti-Christ. This Anti-Christ army may have a lot of christians in it who think that Israel is the enemy- for they have been duped into thinking that they are fighting for the Kingdom of God on earth established by this great prophet (the False Prophet) who performs miracles, and the Charismatic leader (the Anti-Christ) who has brought the whole world together in “peace & safety.” Hopefully these duped Christians will not take the mark of the Beast for that will condemn them to eternal damnation.

Many will walk in this sin through the trials and tribulation thinking that he or she is participating in God’s building of a holy and perfect one-world Kingdom on Earth. They are deceived by both the False Prophet and the Anti-Christ who are performing wonders on earth.  They will reject the literal meaning of about 1/3 of what the Bible says: this includes all the major prophets, most of the minor prophets, the Book of Daniel, and about 35% of the New Testament.  At a certain point God will put a great delusion upon them as stated in II Thess. 11.  I ask you to study what your denomination teaches and believes, and where your belief stands.  It could mean the difference between you following the LORD JESUS CHRIST as prophecy is fulfilled or going against the Promises that He has made for Israel, for the Church and for those who are born again.

It is evident in recent current events that there is a Marxist movement to overthrow the soul of our nation and every institution that we hold dear including what is protected by the Constitution. Our Constitution was given to us by God through covenants established by many of our founding state or local governments.  As stated in my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown that the LORD put in my heart in 2017, the failures of our government in protecting the innocent, keeping prayer in our schools, and keeping God in the center of our nation’s progress has opened the door to judgment.  This judgment and call to repentance is part of God’s plan to purify the Church and redeem those who have lost their way.  God wants us to pray and to look up to Him for answers.  The lawlessness and rebellion that is spreading throughout our nation are being buttressed by lies, false narratives, deception, and corruption that is being promoted by most of the media and by many influential and wealthy groups such as Hollywood, Corporate moguls, High Tech influencers, and Academia.   A cancellation of Truth and the glorification of a Woke mentality has redefined the natural order that God established and defined good as evil and evil as good.  The ground is being prepared for a One-World government that rejects God.

The Mark of the Dragon- he is here.

2Cor. 4:4 In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. Satan is increasing his evil activity on this earth preparing the way for the Anti-Christ and building a one-world government.

This is for Fathers, Pastors, Missionaries, Church Leaders, Mothers and anyone who helps to raise children and/or sanctify the newly saved. When you teach your children evolution and that science explains away the miracles as my father did YOU ARE BASICALLY DESTROYING THEIR ABILITY TO BELIEVE IN A LOVING GOD, IN THE SUPERNATURAL, IN MIRACLES, IN THE SUPERNATURAL RANSOM THAT JESUS CHRIST PAID AT THE CROSS!!!! This is especially true if the fathers are so focused on their “mission” that they do not show “LOVE” to their kids and do not treat the Word as Holy & Powerful for changing and transforming hearts.

So, my grandfather loved God so much that he went to the mission field right out of surgical school or his surgical internship in one of America’s best medical schools at that time- Case Western. He went to Canton, China and built a hospital where he served for 25 years before dying from spinal meningitis. His wife left in time to evacuate before the Japanese attack on China. The question is why did every one of their 4 kids not know the Lord after they grew up and raised a family? It is impossible to judge but each seemed to fail in a key aspect of the faith– to spread the Truth of the Word of God to their kids in a matter of one generation the grandkids grew up with faith in evolution, in the American dream, in the Presbyterian false doctrine that one is saved when dedicated as a baby. Amazing that the mainline Presbyterians do not believe that being born again plays any part in salvation.  So that means they believe that all their kids are part of the elect so why share the Gospel with them. This is how I and my brothers were raised!!! None of us knew God and no one shared the Gospel with us even though we were 1) raised in a “Christian home” 2) had grandparents that served on the mission for 25 years 3) had a living grandmother who also loved the Lord but did not share Him.
When you teach your children evolution and that science explains away the miracles as my father did YOU ARE BASICALLY DESTROYING THEIR ABILITY TO BELIEVE IN A LOVING GOD, IN THE SUPERNATURAL, IN MIRACLES, IN THE SUPERNATURAL RANSOM THAT JESUS CHRIST PAID AT THE CROSS!!!! This is especially true if the fathers are so focused on their “mission” that they do not show “LOVE” to their kids and do not treat the Word as Holy & Powerful for changing and transforming hearts.
And you wonder why am I sharing this. Because the Church is sick very sick and need of major interventions to resuscitate it. Some of what the Presby’s believe was excused by other denominations–but God is saying NOT ANYMORE. We are approaching the LORD’s return and the fulfillment of major Prophecies especially in the book of Revelation. Yet the Presbyterian Church believes that the 2nd Coming occurred when Jesus entered their heart. Well, I will warn them they do NOT have the Holy Spirit if that is what they believe He is saying. That is NOT in the Word of God. We are not sealed with the Holy Spirit when we are a baby, and the Book of Revelation is not just a symbolic heap of words that mean nothing to our time and therefore can be relegated to the trash heap of ancient philosophy.
Revelation promises a curse to anyone or for that matter any denomination that changes the meaning (adds to) or subtracts from the Book of Revelation—and that is one reason why that entire denomination is dying. When people are intellectually full of God but their heart is empty, cry out and say LORD, LORD, did we not perform miracles for you (raising money for buildings when times were hard), do good (giving your church millions so that you could deduct it from taxes and make your name known) in His name and perform other great works for the church—Jesus will say I KNOW YOU NOT—AND they will be cast into the fiery pit of Hell.
Because this is the End Time God is saying read the Book of Revelation and He promises a Blessing to you if you do read it…He is especially saying this all those who have a Mixed up understanding of what it means. It is NOT symbolic and YES, Jesus is literally returning to Judge the Earth and eventually the Earth will be destroyed by God—so He will cleanse the earth of all traces of Mankind’s sin. Sorry, folks but this is what the Word says. When God returns, He will cast into Hell all those who have rejected Him and who have falsified their belief in HIM. God did create the Heavens and the Earth as stated in Every Book of the Bible except the book of Ruth and YES evolution is a lie along with the idea that Jesus Christ is not coming back.
Another big lie from all those who have rejected God’s Word in Revelation and other Prophecies related to almost all the Great Prophets in the Old Testament is that Israel NO LONGER MATTERS for the Church has replaced Israel as the Covenant Promised People. This is a very very BIG LIE and comes straight from the pits of Hell…..for each of these Prophets state that God’s promise will never be forsaken just as once a person is truly saved he or she will never lose their salvation.
God NEVER breaks a Promise!!! and to suggest that He does ought to be a warning to any true believer that Satan is doing his dirty deeds. The Final Hour is approaching and as these fake churches push their agenda and accusations against the True Church and against the True Believers, and Against God’s Word, and Against
God’s Covenant People—–they will come under His judgment. Sorry to be so blunt but each of us had better stop the distractions and focus on His Word and His Plan for your life—God has a purpose for you and He wants you to put it in high gear. Listen to God’s voice –hearing they did not hear, SEE the Truth and the Power of His Cross and His Creation (it is not evolution) –for Jesus warns “seeing they will not see.” Jesus is very clear for the Book of Revelation is a R-E-V-E-L-A-T-I-O-N— He speaks of a dead church (the church of Sardis)–that needs to wake up—only the Holy Spirit can wake it up by the power of Resurrection. This is where the Presbyterian church of America lies—in a grave —needing to WAKE UP and REPENT. And you need to ask yourself some simple questions –Like how or where did you spend most of your day today—were you emersed in the world system or in God’s Plan for your life? The Bible says that if you die sacrificially and give away everything (even a sacrificial suicide) YET do not love (REAL LOVE does not kill oneself) then it is futile- a total waste. The only Hope is in Jesus Christ— surrender completely to HIM before it is too late.
The Mark of the Dragon is Here: I know the Book of Revelation focuses on the Mark of the Beast but Right Now we are seeing the Mark of the Dragon. He is deceiving Believers with 1) Lies concerning everything you see and believe 2) Deceives everyone into thinking that knowledge is the key to joy and Truth. 3) Generates Apathy and Doubt about the existence of God and His Love for you. 4) Is the stoker of Indifference towards that which is uncomfortable or requires obedience and dedication to the search for God and Truth.
5) He Draws you into LUST for anything and entwines you into bad habits–habits that will kill you. 6) Steals away your integrity, your self-worth, your family, your job, your hope, and your health. 7) Corrupts everything that is good, noble and true. 8 ) He accuses those who are innocent and those who have sin but who can know salvation from that sin if they seek God with their heart, mind, and soul.  9)   Generates Fear of the unknown, of death, and of every step you take by faith. He wants people to hate and will do everything he can to create the whirlwind of prejudice and racism 10) Creates doubt about the Time that we are In and convinces people that one cannot overcome the evil and darkness around them.
The Mark of Satan is all around us in millions of ways. He dwells in darkness and in the principalities of evil established on this earth. He encourages criminality and selfish greed, sexual lust, and the pursuit of treasures here on earth. He is a Liar from the Beginning and wants you to join him in Hell. He knows that Jesus Christ has defeated him and that his time is short–but he wants to take as many as he can with him. He was defeated by the Cross, and He knows that Jesus Christ is the Victor who can save you if you just believe in Him!
I was radically saved by Jesus Christ in my office in 1983 when darkness had such a hold on me that it was affecting my thoughts and my wellbeing. God gave me a new identity and purpose and transformed my life. Through experiences on the mission field and in my daily life, I experienced the mighty miracle power of God. I want to share with you what the Lord showed me and am starting a Podcast combining both the Physical/Natural world concerning our health & the Supernatural kingdom concerning the battle that is going on around us. Both are interrelated and affect our well-being, our health, our families, our survival and our relationships. Interestingly both are often dealing with invisible agents that come at us from all directions–an asymmetrical war that is trying to undermine our integrity, strength, testimony, and countless other important facets of our existence on this earth. These agents include viruses, bacteria, and workings of the powers of darkness and principalities of evil etc. The Podcast will be made available but first I need a email list—so please contact me at and JUST type PODCAST.

Is the Sun Setting on America?

IS THE SUN SETTING ON AMERICA? As the book, Cosmic Crossroad Countdown warned we are on a slippery countdown to the end and the climb back will not happen–there will be no going back to normal. We are being inundated with obligations that will bankrupt the nation and weaken our infrastructure of schools, military, welfare, and all those services we cherish.

WHY is this happening? God has His plan, and the Sign of its beginning was definitively given to us, yet those in charge, our civil and religious “Watchmen” refused to see it nor did they care to understand it. Even our churches have been distracted from the first love and many have focused on the next Christmas show, cruise, new book, birthday, or other celebration or entertainment. The next big wave will come as a shock — just as the election in 2020 shocked the masses along with the great charade that followed created by the socialist mindset called the great insurrection and an excuse to break every remaining level of decency and propriety in our government. The FBI and DOJ are now instruments of a political party witch hunt.

Judgment is coming as the devilish magician seeks to destroy the great democracies and establishments. It is said that magicians know that the easiest people to fool are those intellectuals who think they know everything. Yup, it’s those climate change experts, doctors, finance gurus, etc. who think they are on top of the world. However, the one in charge in this world system, “the great magician” -whomever he is (I could tell you but you would not believe me)- distracts them and then pulls the trick when they least expect it. Right now we just “hired” more than 87,000 IRS agents- more than doubling the agency—and the ads posted to hire them are saying they need gun training and willingness to enforce the law–which makes them seem like treasury agents or police force to enforce tax payment. This will make the IRS the biggest Federal Force except for the military, and they will not have the oversight that the military has. We are being set up for a soon to come Police state that will take down not only our democratic election but also our free speech, right to own long guns or for that matter any gun, and freedom of religion among others. All this is coming– but your brain says no way it cannot happen in America. Instead, people are sucking in the Climate Change elixir of brain fog and anesthesia. The “smartest” intellectuals as the Bible says will become fools. If you want to learn more take note of a radical new book about to be published…just give it two weeks: it is the 3rd book in the CCC series: Cosmic Crossroad Countdown- The Invisible War and the Final Chapter.

The Amazing Truth

Chapter 2:   What is Truth & Why is it So Important

James 3:17   But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.

JESUS TAUGHT:  Love Does Not Delight in Evil but Rejoices in Truth:

In order to deal with and expose Lies, we must know the Truth. Much like Treasury Department agents who are taught to study the authentic dollar bill in order to spot the counterfeit we must know the Truth in order to know and spot the lie. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me.” Jesus Christ himself defines TRUTH. This may be why it is the most controversial verse in the Bible. It also denies the veracity and claims of all other cults and religions. Jesus Christ did what no other human could do, He died for our sins and rose from the dead, as an eternal unblemished SIN OFFERING. Born of a Virgin and Spirit of God through a supernatural transformation, Jesus was fully God and fully Man, the perfect sacrifice. If you place your trust in this offering, you will be eternally forgiven. God will give you a new identity and a new purpose in life. The Resurrection is the most powerful event to ever happen, and God grants us the privilege of partaking in this power. Jesus said that He is the Word and that He alone is the Door by which we can enter His kingdom. Our works and knowledge cannot save us. Throughout His journey with us, Jesus used the Power of His Word to change the world. He quoted Deuteronomy multiple times to defeat Satan.  His Psalms promise that “The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple”

The Word describing the Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ is the New Testament. His birth, death, and resurrection fulfill over 350 Old Testament prophecies and point to His Return which will then fulfill another 900 or more prophecies. Jesus Christ, the Author of the Christian Faith, sets precise TIME periods and SIGNS in both the New and Old Testaments to prepare the way for the Return. For instance, the Sign of the Cross is in both the Old and New Testament, and both offer Life and Grace to those “bitten by the serpent.” This is an example of God using a Sign or timeless message as a beacon to alert us about His eternal plan to redeem his Creation. He presented this promise in Genesis 3:15 and then fulfilled it in His birth and resurrection, in the birth of the nation of Israel on May 14, 1948, in the Return of Jerusalem in the miracle war of 1967, and by Trump’s declaration to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem on December 6, 2017. Each is a step toward the final battle in Israel where He will defeat Satan and the Anti-Christ. Amazingly each of these events is tied to God’s great prophets, to historical markers such as His Jubilee years and Festivals, and to prophecies given by Jesus in the Gospels and Revelation. Unlike any other book, the Bible lays an accurate picture of history, science, and the future. No other book predicts the future and carries the power of the Cross and Resurrection and so we must remember to read, understand, and share it.

Biblical Signs point to the future and are anchored in the past. They play an integral part in both the Prophecy and Promises made by Jesus Christ. The beautiful Sign of the rainbow is a promise that God will never again flood the entire earth. The Bethlehem Star pointed to the time and place of Christ’s birth. The sign of the Cross in the wilderness was represented by a serpent on a pole and by the pattern of the encampment set when 12 tribes arranged their tents North, South, East, and West in blocks of 3 tribes aligned parallel to the rectangle created by both the Tabernacle and the Levite tents arranged on three sides of the Tabernacle. This forms a perfect cross pattern that is highlighted by the fact that two of the groupings have almost exact numbers of men (forming the arms), compared to Judah’s group with many more (forming the base) and Ephraim’s group with the least. On one side, the East side facing away from Mt. Sinai, Moses and Aaron placed their large tents. The Tabernacle itself was a special part of the sign for it had an outer layer of skin made from the white Scimitar Oryx and an inner layer of ram’s skin that God commanded to be dyed red.

The Scimitar Oryx is extinct in the wild but the Texas Safari ranch near Clifton Texas has managed to preserve the breed. It is easily domesticated and herded for meat, milk, and transportation. As explained in the first book the name in the Jewish dialect describing them evokes a marine animal because they appeared to be jumping like large fish in the desert mirage. Unfortunately, many linguists have made the mistake of thinking that the marine root word indicates that the outer layer was made of porpoise skin or badger skin. This is an example where Academic overreach can fail when science and logic are not considered. The Jews were not fishermen and did not hunt badgers which are one of the most difficult animals in existence to hunt. Many languages like English use descriptive root words such as Tiger shark and Bull shark to describe how the animal behaves or looks even though both are still fish. Change is slow in Academia and in book publishing, which allows these important errors to persist. This is the same type of error that has allowed publishers to place Mt. Sinai in Egypt instead of Arabia where the science of geography and the use of satellite photography clearly indicates where it must be located. Present-day tribal leaders that live in the region also accept that the Holy Mountain of God known as Jabal al-Lawz is in Arabia where their ancient Midianite ancestors lived. Other important factors and markers supporting this location will be discussed later. Even the Saudi government now recognizes the significance of Jabal al-Lawz and has recently allowed tourism in this location. A detailed and accurate picture of the encampment is presented in the CosmicCrossroadCcountdown Trilogy books.

 As the outer layer of the Tabernacle covering stretched and shrunk due to the hot wind and sun, it exposed the red stripes of that inner layer. Isaiah 53:3 states, “By His stripes, we are healed.” The Tabernacle after all was where Jesus Christ dwelt amongst the people in the wilderness as He dispensed His Grace and Love for this nation He was nurturing and protecting. The encampment in the shape of the cross provided 4 safe zones for women, children, and the herd animals to bivouac in safety and for the men to form their marching lines when moving to a new location. It also gave a larger profile on the horizon to discourage enemy attacks and a way to easily out-flank an enemy if they should attack.  It is all explained and illustrated in Dr. Hofmann’s Cosmic Crossroad Countdown Trilogy. It must have been a striking sight from heaven’s view with all the campfires lit.

 And now we must address the only Sign that God calls the GREAT SIGN. This must be a very special sign for it is Chapter 12, the Middle Chapter of the Book of Revelation, a Chapter that is NOT in chronological order. And it is the only sign called the Great Sign in His Word. We know that Chapters 12 and 13 cannot be in chronological order for three important reasons. 1) Chapter 12 speaks of Satan being cast out of heaven permanently which implies that prior to this event he can still accuse the Saints before the throne of God. 2) If he is still in heaven through Chapter 12, how can he be on earth killing the Saints that are shown to be already martyred and in heaven in Chapter 7? Plus, would God rapture the Saints in Chapter 4 while Satan is still in heaven accusing the Saints? This would seem unlikely. 3) In Chapter 13 how can the Anti-Christ be rising out of the sea, a reference to his birth out of the Gentile world, when in Chapter 11 he has already killed the two witnesses? These Chapters are spotlight events that help us orient the Big Picture. They tell a separate yet important story that acts as a warning for us today. They help make us aware of what to look for. For instance, the Anti-Christ will be a Gentile and the Sign of the Woman is a Warning LIGHT that Satan will soon be cast to earth. And therefore, we must WAKE UP, prepare and share the Gospel for God timed the Great Sign to appear in our time to warn us of the Covid attack but also to warn us of the invisible spiritual battle that is presently preparing the stage for the Anti-Christ.

Many teachers of Revelation fail to see this and claim that the Book of Revelation is in perfect Chronological Order and that the Great Sign is of no consequence since it happened as a spiritual event before time began. This is the position of some Southern Baptists and most Amillennialists. This myopic view blinds the Church to God’s purpose for the Sign. It demotes the Sign and gives it a different meaning. Why for instance would God call it a Great Sign if it happened before the creation of man? No one would be alive to be warned by it. This is one reason God motivated the author to write this series of books warning the Church. And by the way, Dr. Hofmann has been blessed and not cursed since he wrote the first book. Many other Christian leaders reply that this type of warning has failed in the past and therefore we should ignore the Signs and take no notice. They want people to feel at ease and comfortable in their pews. This is a big mistake. Satan wants to catch the Church in slumber and does not want it to be alert and of sound mind. The Word states, “Be Alert and of Sound Mind so that you can pray.” The key difference between now and past predictions is that both the nation of Israel and the Sign of Revelation 12 appeared at the perfect moment in time- exactly 70 years apart. Both are key markers for our 70-year prophetic generation as forewarned by Jesus in His Fig Tree Parable given on the Mount of Olives. The “ripened leaves” of the Fig Tree and Ezekiel’s “dry bones” coming to life are both prophecies pointing to the birth of the nation of Israel in 1947-48. Satan has done everything he can to blind the world from recognizing both. As he did with the Pharisees in the time of Jesus Satan seeks to blind the Christian world so that it will not see the time of the Anti-Christ approaching.

God promises a blessing to all who read, hear and understand the book of Revelation. This is one reason why we must study and share this prophetic book. God also warns the reader that anyone who adds or subtracts from the Book of Revelation will be cursed. It is clear that the Great Sign of Revelation 12 points to the future and not the past and that it incorporates Promises declared by God. For instance, Revelation 12 has a foundation that connects to the promise of the birth of the Messiah, the vision that Joseph had of his brothers and parents, and the promise that God made to the Serpent and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The Sign shows a dragon waiting to consume the child about to be born out of the womb of the Woman. As explained in the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown Trilogy this child is both Jesus Christ and the present-day Church. Nine of these 12 lights that adorn the head of the Woman represent the Constellation Leo. Leo the Lion is the starry symbol for the Lion of Judah which is Jesus Christ or the “seed” of the Woman. The brightest of the 9 stars is Regulus which means Royalty. Regulus also has an important connection to the Bethlehem Star as explained in the detailed video at the website: In the Virgo constellation is the star named Spica which means Seed.  Above Virgo and Leo is the constellation Drago the Dragon which awaits the birth of the Seed of the Woman.

The other 3 lights pointing to the Sign are wandering lights that move into place at the precise time of the Sign. Amazingly they align themselves perfectly with the bright star Regulus which represents the heart of Leo or the Lion of Judah. The three lights are Mars meaning “Man,” Mercury meaning “Messenger,” and Venus “The Morning Star” which is a title given to Jesus Christ. Each of these including Regulus, meaning Royal, points to the divine Character of Jesus Christ. It is as if God purposefully put an exclamation point or arrow on the Sign to get our attention. Another more amazing feature is the conjunction of the largest planet Jupiter (which protects the earth from asteroids) with Venus as they move together for 400 days across the solar system announcing to the Universe the Return of the King. Together they enter the womb of Virgo, Venus departs, and Jupiter goes into retrograde motion and stays within the womb of Virgo for just over 9 months. As the Sign reaches completion Venus comes into alignment with Mars and Mercury, the moon moves to the feet and the sun rises to Virgo’s shoulder. This makes the Great Sign of the Woman God’s miracle Sign of Revelation 12. Never in history, as revealed by NASA star maps, has this ever happened nor will it ever happen again.

Because the Sign of the Woman points to the future this child must have a connection to not only Jesus Christ but also to the future Church. This is common in Biblical prophecy as many prophetic passages and verses span thousands of years including paragraphs in Chapters 9 and 42 in Isaiah. Isaiah Chapter 42:6-7, transcends thousands of years: “I will take hold of your hand, I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light to the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind…” The “you” address the Jew in Isaiah’s time during their upcoming captivity, but also to the time of Jesus and through to our time as Jews turn to Jesus and become part of the Church. The Church is in Christ and Jesus is in the heart of each Christian. Likewise, the Word tells us Jesus was born a Jew, a member of the tribe of Judah, one of the 12 tribes of the nation of Israel. The 12 stars or lights that adorn the head of the Woman would therefore suggest that the Woman represents the nation of Israel. She, the nation of Israel, births the child Jesus who births the Church through the Holy Spirit in 32-33 AD, and both Israel and the Church are protected by Leo the Lion of Judah which is Jesus Christ. The Lights around the head of “Israel” may also suggest that God has given Israel a special dispensation with greater divine understanding of God’s creation. We have seen that Jews have won over 20% of all Nobel prizes and have turned a small desert nation into a powerhouse economy and great military force. This halo also reminds us that Israel is still important to Prophecy.

Leo is the last constellation in the Mazzaroth or the Jewish version of the Astrological Chart. This is important for this series of Divine Signs was given to Adam and Eve by God as they walked in the Garden and tells the story from the beginning of time to the End of History. The first Astrological Sign is Virgo represented by the Great Sign of the Woman and which has the bright star Spica meaning “Seed.” This reminds us of the Promise God made to the Serpent (who represents Satan or the Dragon) in the Garden of Eden, Genesis 3:15: “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he will crush your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” This consummate battle was fought on the Cross and will culminate when the “seed of the Woman” Jesus Christ defeats the forces of the Anti-Christ and casts him, the False Prophet, and Satan into the Lake of Fire forever. Hence, we see a supernatural connection between the beginning and end of the Bible with the book of Daniel giving more details.

The Sign of Revelation 12 presents the timeless conflict between the Woman Virgo, the Dragon Satan, and the Divine Victor or Lion of Judah which is Jesus Christ. It is a Stary Billboard declaring the soon-to-come event of the Ages. The Sign ties the nation of Israel to the birth of Jesus Christ and to the Church in another way. The Sign reflects Joseph’s dream of the 12 brothers, his mother Rachel and his father Jacob. They all bow down to him, a picture of the eventual deliverance of the nation of Israel when they recognize that Jesus Christ is the Messiah.  When Jesus was born, He was under the threat of Herod who wanted him killed. However, Jesus was never truly vulnerable since He had thousands upon thousands of Angels looking over him and his family. Likewise, when Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, He was not vulnerable in His Glorified body. Thus, the verse in Revelation 12 that uses the word “Rapturo” is not referring to Jesus Christ but to the rapture of the Church. Jesus Christ was not raptured and so this entire passage like many prophetic messages has a dual meaning representing more than the birth of Jesus Christ. It also points to the Church which was birthed through Jesus and has been and will be under the threat of Satan up to the rapture. This is further explained in Chapters 9 and 12 of the Book of Daniel which speaks of the Abomination of Desolation. There are other mysteries to the Sign and the next one is the biggest.

As explained in each of the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown books God says “And there Appeared a Great Sign” suggesting that as a GREAT Sign it would be easy to see. However, the great mystery of the Sign is that even though people wanted to see it, no one has a photo of it. The Sign was invisible for you could not see the stars nor the moon in the daylight. In fact, the author has not found anyone who claims to have seen the complete sign. To be visible the sun had to be low on the horizon because its glare would blind the viewer. The second the sun reached the “shoulder” of the woman the glare was too intense for people to see anything. And being so low on America’s horizon objects, clouds, and smog blocked the view. God knew that this would happen, but He also knew that our astronomers could see it through telescopes. This is much like the scenario with the Bethlehem Star. Ancient astronomers saw it, but the Jews missed it.  Therefore, we can conclude that the message of the Sign was threefold: 1) That being invisible it warns of spiritual blindness in our society as it failed to connect the sign to the Prophecy in Revelation 12.  People were eager to believe the lie but paid little attention to the Truth and warnings in God’s Word; 2) That it points to an invisible attack on the world affecting every layer and sector of society, which was Covid-19;  3) And as part of this invisible attack there would also be a supernatural agent upending society worldwide. This is evidenced by a widespread increase in what God describes as rebellion in Romans Chapter 1 and as lawlessness in Jesus’ discourse on the Mount of Olives.  Since September 23, 2017, the date of the Sign, we have seen widespread increases in suicides, national corruption, mass murders, malicious destruction, lawless intimidation, and perversion sanctified by an immoral society.

Another aspect of supernatural blindness is society’s inability to comprehend the warnings given in the 2017 Cosmic Crossroad Countdown book. These warnings came true. Jesus warned “you see without seeing and hear without hearing” as He quoted the Prophets who spoke it before the destruction of Jerusalem.  Revelation 12 explains that Michael and his angels will defeat Satan and his angels and will cast them from heaven. Jesus states on the Mount of Olives that right after the Abomination of Desolation, Satan and the Anti-Christ will threaten Israel, “the Woman,” forcing her to flee Jerusalem into the Wilderness for 3 and one-half years where Bosra and Petra lie in the State of Jordan.  This is stated in both Revelation 12 and Daniel 12. Therefore, it makes sense that Satan is cast from heaven before the Abomination of Desolation occurs. This may be one important reason why God gives us the Sign of Revelation 12 as a warning. It could be the start of the countdown to the Abomination. Later we will see how the Essene calendar fits in. The further we move along God’s timetable to the Abomination of Desolation the more we see and hear lies permeating society. Is it because Satan is preparing the stage for the Anti-Christ? The highlight of this fall from Truth occurs when Satan and his angels are cast down to earth to help the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet mastermind and carry out their takeover of the One-world system.

A large part of today’s Church has gradually fallen in bed with the Lie. More than half of Christian churches teach or allow for the theory of evolution to explain the creation of the Universe. The theory of Evolution is accepted in many Christian circles even though every book in the Bible except the book of Ruth teaches that God is the Creator! More than half the church is not looking forward to a literal millennium and the return of Jesus to rapture in his church. They believe that the church will build the kingdom and that Israel has lost its blessings due to disobedience. Therefore, they believe the Church will receive the Promises and Israel plays no part in prophecy. It is apparent that this Church has not taken God’s Word literally and is not the Church of Philadelphia described in Revelation. It is more like the Church of Laodicea, a church that says, “I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing” (3:17). But Jesus responds that it is lukewarm and “is wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked” (3:17).

Here are clear verses that support the fact that God will keep His promise to Israel. God said that he would gather his people from nations around the world and bring them back to the Promised land. He said that the nation would come alive like dry bones putting on flesh, Ezekiel 37:21, “Then say to them, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will take the people of Israel from the nations among which they have gone, and will gather them from all around, and bring them to their own land.” Amos 9:14-15, “I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel, and they shall rebuild the ruined cities and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and drink their wine, and they shall make gardens and eat their fruit. I will plant them on their land, and they shall never again be uprooted out of the land that I have given them,” says the Lord your God. In Ezekiel 37:11-12, God said to Ezekiel, “Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. Behold, they say, ‘Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are indeed cut off.’ Therefore prophesy, and say to them, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will open your graves and raise you from your graves, O my people. And I will bring you into the land of Israel.” Isaiah 11:12, states, “He will raise a signal for the nations and will assemble the banished of Israel and gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.” These are just a few of the verses that define God’s permanent intention for the nation of Israel. If He cannot keep that promise, how can we be certain that He will keep any promise to us? But the promise was kept and continues to be fulfilled as the nation was born in 1948. Israel is the most powerful power in the region and is very productive. The proper interpretation of God’s Word is key to understanding and having the power of His Word in your life.

Another big problem with the interpretation of God’s Word and prophecy is explained using good hermeneutics. One must consider the context of the whole scripture, especially verses connecting the same thought. This would also have to include the history at the time and the culture when the event happens. God knows past, present, and future, so a solar eclipse in Jerusalem in the time of Jesus would be a wonder but not so much in our time. Recently a major prophecy “expert” declared in a sermon on YouTube that Joel 2:31 just refers to a solar and lunar eclipse. Yet the verse prior states, “I will show you wonders in the heavens and on earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the great and dreadful day of the Lord.” The context seems to imply that “blood and fire” cause the dark sun and blood moon. It appears that God wants us to know that this is an event occurring on earth that will affect the appearance of those heavenly lights. The next verse implies that it is a catastrophic event for it states, “And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.” This event may coincide with the blood moon and sackcloth sun in Revelation 6:12 implying that the Day of the Lord happens as the leaders of the world hide in caves. They hide and call out to God during a great earthquake and “the stars in the sky fell to earth… and the sky receded like a scroll and every mountain and island was moved out of their place.” Further examples of good hermeneutics are illustrated in the first 3 books.

We know that Satan aims to confuse us and that he will use counterfeits as he did with the Great Sign. The world was distracted by lies coming from a dark element that claimed God’s Great Sign pointed to the destruction of the earth by Planet X or Nibiru.  To this day some pastors link the Sign to this lie. Satan succeeded because pastors failed to support the Biblical veracity of God’s Sign. They have also failed to defend Creationism and contend with the failed theories of evolution.  Likewise, certain governments like Russia and China are successfully lying to their people so that they can destroy the lives of countless people around the world. Russia’s criminality will lead to the starvation of millions in Africa and elsewhere, and China’s actions are a crime against humanity.

In America a large criminal element is being released on society by liberal prosecutors and a liberal bail system. Open borders also invite criminal trafficking of people and drugs.  Designer drugs made in China like fentanyl are killing thousands. The Political machine then uses the crimes committed by these evil elements to force legislation against the purchase or use of weapons. Instead of defeating the sources of crime they are trying to disarm a victimized society. Are certain leaders allowing China access to our oil and other products due to secret deals made in the Obama years? Could these powerbrokers be trying to disarm the world so that a One-World system of government can take control? Their purpose is to wipe out nationalism, the small business, Christian influence, and Israel. Good is being turned to evil and evil to good.  All of this has happened since the Sign appeared and is connected to the invisible attack discussed earlier.  As explained in the first book the Sign itself was a warning of an invisible attack that would affect every level and sector of society. Some of these attacks came in the form of the pandemic and the circumstances that have evolved due to the panic caused by the pandemic: this includes ballot harvesting and other invisible measures to affect the vote in America’s last election which then inspired Putin to attack Ukraine.  This Russian invasion is now affecting food and oil supplies around the world and will probably lead to massive starvation in places like Africa.  This and the invisible war are escalating a path to the 7-year Tribulation.

Coming Chaos?

Realize that the book of Daniel, Genesis, and Revelation are crossing over to our time– a Crossroad leading to a Divine Countdown that is being guided by the Prophecies of Daniel and other great prophets from the Bible.  Jesus Christ has spoken directly to us in Luke 21 and Matthew 24, concerning these end-time events.  He speaks of perplexing events such as the horrible killing of the children in Uvalde. The stage is being set for the final events promised by God himself to the Serpent of old in Genesis 3:15. It should sadden everyone to watch the news because so many of those Democratic politicians, CEOs, Big Box news executives, and anchors are acting as enablers to those who seek to destroy the institutions and values that we have held so dear.  Even pastors are afraid to call out this party that favors perversion and abortion. Do they not understand that there are spiritual forces in high places and wickedness in dark principalities that seek to destroy everything that is related to Jesus Christ, the Church, and Family?  Why can’t they see that they are in the middle of a spiritual battle and by ignoring the Truth and not standing up, they are on the wrong side? We must call out this evil.

Churches in Europe are being converted into mosques and museums. In America, the Church has split over homosexual rights and transgenderism. Entire denominations are at war with each other. Some churches are suggesting that there is more than one way to heaven. Other entire denominations have cracked under the accusation of sexual abuse. Popular Christian ministries have also collapsed including Hillsong United and the Way. It should sadden everyone to watch our local news because so many naive politicians, CEOs, and Big Box news anchors are acting as enablers to those who seek to destroy the institutions and values that we have held so dear. Many in power are willing to sacrifice family values and virtue on the altar of destructive perversion and abortion. They do not understand that there are powerful spiritual forces in high places and wickedness in dark principalities guiding this. If you think that Covid-19 was destructive just imagine what those invisible dark forces will eventually do to our nation and to the world.

We are led by hypocrites who celebrate the rights of women one week and then the next week refuse to define what a woman is! Why can’t people see that this is a spiritual battle and act? If we ignore the Truth and do not stand up against these dark forces that want to destroy us, we will self-destruct? We must call out this evil and act as Watchmen on the Wall before the enemy scales the wall and God has to destroy America in order the save the innocent. Yes, God promises that He will JUDGE our SIN. The rapture may only come after God has purified the Church with trials.

Right now we are inviting China into our homes despite the fact that they are killing our children with Fentanyl. We are opening our borders even though we know that over 70,000 criminal border jumpers per month are escaping detection. Among these are drug mules carrying the poisons that kill our citizens. Yet our liberal bail system releases them even though they have been caught red-handed. How regressive can prosecutors and state law get before the public does something? Do we honestly think that smugglers will stay around to stand before a judge? We watch sports and movies that support China’s income. Many Christians idolize the idols of the world system and give large amounts to support their favorite team or competitor.

Why do so many talking heads in the media seek the HOW behind the violence and not deal with the underlying WHY? They want to take away the few protections that families have. Instead, we cultivate evil in our culture that millions refuse to see. Jesus warned spiritual leaders in His time by saying seeing they do not see, hearing they do not hear.

And the Ten Commandments have been sidelined allowing for a substitute relativism to guide the youth. The laws and directives that are passed promote bad health, easy divorce, the break up of families, and a culture that devalues life. We have a massive growth in Diabetes, perversion, gambling, and drug and alcohol use. Most abusers and mass killers were raised in families where the father was absent, have poor social skills, read pornography, and have some sort of mental pathology. They get their life lessons from violent social media, YouTube, and gaming. Their morality is determined by the next post or next flick on their cell phone search. Their joy comes from acting out their fantasies no matter how harmful they are.

America has become the breeding ground for evil. Evil does not follow laws. Brazen evil corrodes everything good and promotes everything wicked including mass killings. God is watching as our leadership fights against laws to restrict the killing of near-term babies and develops policies that allow political corruption and the easy inflow of fentanyl and other killer drugs into our nation. When a nation turns its back on God, God will give it up to the desires of the flesh. God, however, will not allow Satan to win the war against His Chosen. He declares that we were born so that He can love us. If only people would receive this free Gift of love, they would turn their back on evil and discover true Freedom.

So, why do we continue to ignore the Christian values and the message in the Word of God that has the power to defeat this evil? America’s sin has been exported around the world and it will open our nation to a Noah-like flood of judgment. By closing the door to God, we will open the door to Satan. Countries like China and Russia may be able to just walk in and take over like Cyrus and the Medo-Persian army did to defeat the Great Babylon of Ancient Times. Read the new book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War & Final Chapter to understand how and why we are where we are.


Revival has to start with the Church –BUT the preaching of repentance needs to be taken in by the Believer and not just the lost. We have to live in and think on God’s Truth with the Gospel on our lips: the Apostle Peter says, “Be Holy in All Your Behavior because Christ is Holy.” We have handsome well-spoken preachers representing the Church yet failing to see the wave or Perfect Storm that is coming. They are not seeing with eyes that see.
Do you realize that many states such as Utah, New Mexico, Nevada and others give a 35% tax break to movies produced in their state? In other words, a movie that denigrates Christianity, moral values, and Truth is being subsidized by all the taxpayers of that state. Do you realize that that movie is then marketed all over the world – so that we are GUILTY of poisoning the minds and spirits of people throughout the world? We are by far the greatest prolific creators of Horror, Sex, and Blood movies — and this genre is one of the fastest growing. Maybe this is why we are seeing our nation fall into the hands of two of the lamest leaders any nation in the world has ever seen! Maybe that is why we are losing respect all over the world. So what? What comes next is “horror” because the Word itself forewarns us…..the spiritual war will be manifested to a greater extent in the total collapse of our nation internally and externally.
When the dollar falls and our leaders betray us we will be held accountable for the world’s greatest debt that has ever been conceived—that means ownership by our enemies both natural and supernatural. And you think Global warming will be important? That will be the least of our worries. Remember the great prophet Samuel and the Temple leaders Eli and his sons? In many ways, we are in a similar situation. Israel had a king, Saul, who blamed his problems on others and who was turning his back on God.
The High Priest was the FAT ELI representing the FAT Church of today that has grown prosperous on the earnings and wealth of many ill gains and greedy pursuits. Even many elders and deacons are guilty of ill-gotten wealth taken off the backs of widows, orphans, and the downtrodden. The church has turned a blind eye to its teaching of evolution and other lies. Some churches teach that there is no Hell yet Jesus spoke more about Hell than Heaven. Eli’s two sons corrupted the Temple — and so has become the Church of today in America. The Leaders and most of the congregants are more concerned about profit and agendas than with the simple sharing of the Gospel. They even teach the LIE — relying on old traditions, falsehoods, and their own lack of discernment. FEW study the Word of God and FEW see with eyes that can see. FEW hear the Word and hear with ears that can hear. Like the FAT Eli who died when he fell off his chair — America has become an embarrassment of global magnitude.
The Perfect Storm is approaching —- the supply chains are breaking and the war has not even started. China is convulsing and miles of ships are backed up, wheat fields are barren and the price of bread will soon shoot up, factories in Europe are slowing due to lack of fuel, baby food is in hard supply due to spoilage, famine is in African and growing into a storm that will rock the world, and people are just sitting in front of their TV’s enjoying the LIES and the Pictures of other people’s pain—- like the Days of Noah but at a grander scale that will make dictator’s like Putin laugh even louder when the fire is unleashed on the great power brokers and elites of the world system. God has given us prophets like Samuel to forewarn us. Jonathan Cahn has a movie coming out tonight that is called The Harbingers of Things to Come and you can watch Jason Sobel on TBN to hear the deeper Truth in the Torah and the Bible. WE DO NOT HAVE MUCH TIME. You can also read any of the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown series offered at Amazon for a lowered price—- in fact my friend and I give away FREE books at White Rock Lake in Dallas —-every Sunday 2-5 pm…..when weather permits. OUR Gospel ministry is called Answers on the Rock. We will also pray for anyone at any time anywhere. 
Just listened to David Jeremiah and he gave a good talk on the 2nd Coming and quoted Isaiah 9:6-7, “For to us a child is born,  to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon4 his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it..”
David proceeded to reveal that IT IS OBVIOUS THAT ISAIAH IS SEEING THE COMING FROM A DISTANCE AS IF MOUNTAINS AND THAT THERE REALLY IS A LONG TIME BETWEEN THE BIRTH AND HIS RETURN TO SIT ON THE THRONE OF DAVID. HE SAID THAT THE OLD TESTAMENT PROPHETS OFTEN DID THIS.  YES, this is obviously true yet YOU, David Jeremiah, and most other TV Prophecy Gurus refuse to see this as a reality in New Testament prophecy given to John on the Isle of Patmos.
Why are David and other teachers of prophecy unable to see that God is allowing the same extension of time in the prophecy of Revelation 12 when John sees the child about to be born and the serpent awaiting his birth so that he can “devour it.”  David Jeremiah and others refuse to understand that the Revelation given to John spans hundreds and thousands of years just as Isaiah’s did: from the birth of Jesus to now and into our future. The “child” Jesus was NEVER under the threat of being “devoured” by Satan and a few words later Revelation 12 states that “He is raptured” before the Serpent or Dragon can get to him. People like David say that that was the Ascension. Really!!!! Are they saying that Jesus in his Glorified body was under any threat by the Dragon??? It is amazing to me how blind our modern-day interpreters of prophecy can be. This is why I HAD TO WRITE THE BOOK: COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN: THE FIG TREE & THE PROPHETIC GENERATION ALONG WITH TWO SEQUELS TO KEEP YOU INFORMED.

Watchman on the Wall- a LIGHT to our Path

If I could I would yell from the rooftops like the watchman on the wall – for the Church to wake up — the tidal wave is coming. God is trying to get your attention yet you are focused on agendas, old worn-out theology, bad thinking, and protecting your turf. When will pastors take a long look at the warnings, reevaluate their prejudices and myopic insight, and see the Truth declared in His Word. As the last post showed many Jews in ancient times understood that there was and is a deeper truth beyond the declared truth in the Torah or in God’s Word. I have given many examples in past posts and will give another good example related to one of the most revered passages in the New Testament.
Now understand that God created the heavens and He inspired the Great Prophet Daniel to write down what he had been shown. His scrolls were kept with him in Persia where he died. As a student at the American School in Teheran, Iran I was able to visit his tomb and had my first spiritual experience on those grounds. Here is what God says, “Behold Wise men from the East came to Jerusalem saying, ‘where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the East and are come to worship him.’ And when Herod heard this he was troubled and all of Jerusalem with him. “
Travelers in those days knew what a “Star” was and they came in two forms stationary stars and “wandering stars” or planets. So what is “his star.” They understood the significance of the “bright morning star” which was Venus and which moved in a steady pattern through the heavens. Jesus called himself the Bright Morning Star in Revelation 22:16, “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star” BUT over and over again pastors and scholars overlook the Book of Revelation, especially those in the cults and who are Covenant theologians–for the book of Revelation sinks their Eschatology and their false understanding of who Jesus Christ is. Note This: here is another reason why Isaiah 14 is not talking about Satan when the main character of the passage is thinking of himself as the “morning star” and rising above heaven— but is just a man who will fall —like Nebuchanazar or the King of Tyre.
There are some “influential scholars” who want to define this “star” as the Shechinah Glory which would make NO SENSE and would be an obvious break in the complete storyline! We know what the Shechinah Glory was and how it led the nation of Israel throughout the Wilderness Experience. Hence it was visible to the millions of people in that deliverance. There is NO EVIDENCE given in the WORD of GOD of this appearance to the masses of people—so why do we hear such absurd ideas? And why are they allowed to spread? I believe it is because a lot of MONEY is being used to distract us and generate smoke screens that are keeping the Truth of Prophecy from people!
Besides the moon, and regular stars, Venus would aid many of the nomadic people and travelers crisscrossing the long East-West deserts throughout the Middle East in the cool of the night. Star watchers also knew that Jupiter made surprising appearances that would act as an exclamation point – for it could do a series of retrograde moves around certain stars or constellations. If these retrograde moves would move back and forth in a key constellation or around a key star- that would draw the attention of these “Wise men” who used the Stars to both navigate and understand the scrolls that Daniel wrote. One of those key stars is Regulus which is at the Heart of Leo so when the Kingly wandering star, Jupiter, did an amazing retrograde motion around Regulus — it caught the attention of these wise men.
These were NOT dumb people and they knew the difference between a star and a comet—so NO COMET IS MENTIONED! Hence why have we not studied the Star Maps in order to see what stars might have “moved” at certain times around significant constellations or special stars? A special star would be one that Has Been Named By God to connect with His Promise in Genesis 3:15. Two Constellations fit this script: Virgo (the Virgin- Eve who God addresses in the Garden as He curses the Serpent). And Leo or the Lion which we know as the Lion of Judah- is the “hero-King” that will defeat the Serpent. This 1st promise or prophecy is KEY to the Lord’s return for it speaks of the Anointed One or King who will “crush the head of the seed of the Serpent.” This Anointed One will be the King of the Jews.
Hence a special movement of a wandering Star like Jupiter around Leo would draw special attention, especially around its heart. And this is what happened in 3-2 B.C. (recognized as the time of the birth of Jesus) – the retrograde motion lasted for months as the Wise men observed in the East then prepared for the trip…and sought further direction in Jerusalem. THEY might have also noticed the “scepter that shall rise out of Israel.” Note Num. 24:17- “I see him but not now, I behold him but not nigh: There shall come forth a star out of Jacob, a scepter shall rise out of Israel (an alignment of stars in the shape of a scepter formed during the 3-2 BC period).” All of the date details are mentioned in an exciting depiction on the website: .
Once they left Jerusalem they observed Venus move directly in front of them as it guided them to Bethlehem. After Herod told the wise men where or what city the prophets said that the Messiah would be born in, these “kings of the East, the Word states,” “And they having heard the king went their way; and lo, the star, which they saw in the East (Venus) went before them, till it came and stood before where the young child was.”
Note that Mary and Joseph stayed in Bethlehem almost up to the age of 2 partially because they had been unwed when they were “with child.” They wanted the anonymity that Bethlehem offered them. Then the angel told them to flee to Egypt- to protect them from Herod and again to fulfill prophecy (for as in the case of the nation– He would come out of Egypt). This also links Jesus Christ and His Return to the rebirth of the Nation of Israel in 1947-48. All this is tied together in the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: the Fig Tree and the Prophetic Generation—which ties all these factors together including the books of Daniel, Genesis & the book of Revelation. All the insights the Lord gave me in that book came true and now a follow-up book is being offered to you. The Lord motivated me to give away about 700 of the first book for free and you can get a copy from our ministry at White Rock Lake in Dallas near the intersection of West Lawther and Chapel Hill Road at 2-5 on Sunday afternoons. We have given away free books and prayed for people there for over 11 years now– it will soon be 12 years. Our ministry is called Answers on the Rock and The Lord has helped us bring the lost to Him, educating many in apologetics, and with the Holy Spirit teaching us as we share and surrender.
WHAT IS IMPORTANT ABOUT ALL THIS IS THAT THE PASTORS OR LEADERS THAT WE HAVE ENTRUSTED RESPONSIBILITY TO HAVE FAILED TO RELATE THESE FACTS TO ITS MEMBERS WHO WOULD THEN UNDERSTAND THAT GOD MIGHT USE THE SAME METHOD TO WARN ABOUT HIS 2ND COMING AS ILLUSTRATED IN THE KEY PASSAGE IN REVELATION 12 THAT IS CALLED THE “GREAT SIGN OF REVELATION 12.” This has probably happened because of the same problem that the Pharisees had which is “shortsightedness.” They were not taught this and never did put much thought into God’s Signs and in His Creation being key to understanding Prophecy. They were into the LAW and enforcing it as a means of righteousness. Another good example is that most pastoral students have NOT been taught apologetics and how to defend the faith against the cults, falsehoods such as evolution, and weak theology that does not meet the standard of time—example is the concept that Mt. Sinai is in Egypt—which goes against our knowledge of geography, geologic formations, military logic, and sociological studies among nomadic groups who know that the Mountain of the Law is in Saudi Arabia. Why are the seminaries allowing disinformation or deception to persist and spread? Those professors WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE BY GOD.
We also know from “deeper understandings in the Torah” that God would NOT have sent a fleeing Moses back into Egypt (which means confinement) as is the Catholic view of where Mt. Sinai is in southern Egypt. No Moses fled to Midian where the Midianite priest Jethro was located—and he did not herd his sheep in Egypt which would have been over 400 miles away around the Red Sea! So why do most pastors, and your Bible still show Mt. Sinai as being in Egypt? YOU should start asking questions and demanding answers because the Time is at Hand and you are being misled. This is the same accusation that God made concerning the smartest most disciplined leaders in His time, the Pharisees. God wants each of you to think for yourselves in prayer—which means He wants you to listen to Him and read His Word.
We are very likely to lose the next Presidential election considering that our leaders, the FBI, and other security services seem to be oblivious that the real threat to democracy is coming from non-profits and other nefarious organizations paying off thugs and mules to riot ONLY drop off thousands of ILLEGAL ballots at key locations where the last election was won BUT ALSO TO use every other method to garner fake votes whether it be electronically or be it through intimidation of the elderly or manipulation of the homeless. Unless we have a way to prevent this we might as well not have the next election. It would save the country a lot of money. We are being undermined by invisible agents that are working at night picking up ballots at those NGOs and other offices — and they are being paid by China, Soros, or Zuckerberg. Likewise, the rioters that are demonstrating in front of the Justices home are breaking the law while being paid to do so by these “secret” agencies. It would be easy to penetrate them but our justice department is just as corrupt.
I predict that we may even lose the next election coming up because these brazen infractions are NOT being prosecuted and the perpetrators are not being reprimanded in any way Shame on our President and the whole “perverted system of democracy” that is now controlling our politics and our media!!!!! JUDGEMENT IS COMING This I NOW BECAUSE GOD TELLS ME SO!!!!!!!!!!! We do not have much time left- Read Cosmic Crossroad Countdown–any one of the 3 books and you will see why. When you can use a few million dollars to harass even our top court or change an election it is worth much more than BILLIONS in Gold and believe me they will do it again and THIS TIME IN A MUCH MORE WIDESPREAD WAY–TO ALSO WIN CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! Please forward this email to as many as possible- God Bless America–if it is not too late and go see Jonathan Cahns new movie this Thursday called The Harbingers of Things to Come——–BUT DO SOMETHING or you will regret it—believe me you will regret it…….the countdown is on. And this message goes to family members all over America who are looking forward to vacations and fun…. who are so consumed with the pleasant things in life like baseball and tea parties—-WAKE UP —- again God is telling us to Open our Eyes and Hear His Voice—- We do NOT have much time.  Understand that behind all this are invisible forces that are just as real as those thugs– except that they are of a different world and offer fuel to the people’s anger, rationalization to their hatred, and defiance to their purpose.  They hate God, they hate Christians and they just want chaos to upend the established Judeo Christian authorship of our nation.  

The Prophetic Storm

Ukraine is a microcosm of what the end-time scenario may look like.  It was a member of the USSR as a national Republic and when the Soviet Union broke up the people voted to be independent. Under the Soviet Union, they were heavily repressed since Russia used the resources in Ukraine extensively. Farming, coal, and steel mills were the backbone of the economy and demanded long work in often harsh conditions. Ukraine had already paid a very heavy price in WWII with a loss of more than 1/4 of its adult population. So with the open doors of freedom and the temptations of the West, one can imagine how easy it was for the youth and the repressed to seek outlets and comfort in every form of vice and venture. Crime and cults spread along with every form of the underground enterprise including computer hacking, cyber theft, sex trafficking, and pornography, leaving behind waves of victims. Christian missions helped those affected by alcoholism, drug addictions, and rampant abortions. Amazingly in the midst of this darkness and despair, the economy of the nation thrived and the Christianity faith spread.

What is amazing is that a man whose family had paid a heavy price in the war, and who was one of those lost kids in the Ukraine transition.- made it through the maze of temptations to become a good family man and leader of the nation. And what may be prophetic is the very fact that he is Jewish. Israel is beginning to play a big part in the process of finding an answer to the war. Besides IDF commandos training Ukrainian troops, the nation of Israel has supplied a very sophisticated field hospital and is working behind the scenes to bring the opposing forces to the peace table. Hence the Middle East where Russia has more forces than any other foreign power and where Israel is under threat from a Biden treaty with radical Iran could play a key part in “world peace” and in a “peace covenant”.
The “Great Sign of Revelation 12,” which included the 4 Blood Moons, the Great American Solar Eclipse, the conjunction of Venus & Jupiter as they moved together for 400 days throughout the Solar System and ended up in the womb of Virgo (Jupiter staying for just over 9 months or the gestation period of a baby) should have gotten people’s attention- BUT like the Bethlehem Star, it was barely noticed– ironically it was pagan astronomers who brought it to the attention of scientists throughout the world. This paralleled the TIME of the first coming of Jesus Christ when it was only the pagan Magi that saw the Sign and worshipped the baby King of Kings.
One Church enduring trials is the church in China. The CCP or Communist Chinese Party has imprisoned not only millions of minorities such as the Uyghurs but also many who do not follow the party line. It has murdered hundreds of millions of babies, especially girls, and executed 100 million during the Maoist purge.  Now, this is the main source of goods in our materialistic society.  Both the NBA and DISNEY make millions or billions on their goodwill.  Companies like this have sold their soul and morality to MONEY.  What will happen if China attacks and demolishes Taiwan in order to take the whole country captive?
As we study the progression of rebellion, deception, lies, and other sins in our world system we can see why God has started the final countdown. Over 860,000 Americans are among the millions killed by the “Invisible Attack” of Covid-19 which was probably a weaponized virus. Another 100,000 or more have been killed by Chinese smuggled fentanyl and other drugs. China has hacked our systems and has ravaged our industrial and creative base along with many of our protected copyrights. The CCP is a Transnational Criminal Organization impacting people all over the world in a destructive way.  Within its own boundaries, it has an ongoing organ harvesting or slavery of Christians, the Falun Gong, Uyghurs, and other minorities.
It is watching what the “free world” does concerning the brutal attack upon the masses in Ukraine. China is being empowered by the weak-willed nations and is like a lion ready to pounce on Taiwan (which produces most of the world’s chips). The belly of the China-Russia beast is also being fed by a Media that has sold its soul to the great Dragon – Satan- as promised by the Great Sign of Revelation 12.  Ukraine and what is going on in China is just the beginning of the Dragon’s scourge.
The Great Sign of Revelation 12 forewarned us of the “Invisible attack” that we just endured with Covid-19. In the first Cosmic Crossroad Countdown book printed in 2017 weeks before the Solar Eclipse and the Great Sign, there were 7 insights that came true exactly as the Lord presented to the author. The major ones were 1) Storms would hit America soon after that spectacular Solar Eclipse- a shadow across the land from sea to sea 2) There would be an Invisible attack coming from both natural and supernatural sources- and sure enough we saw great changes in the “mentality and behavior” of our masses and our leaders plus we had not only silent cyber and hacking attacks but we also had the scourge of Covid at every level and sector of society. 3) We then had New Beginnings affecting us at home, work, and all over the world with changes in governments, travel, sports, zoom technology, virus passports, etc. 4) Those events pushed a large population of Jews out of New York City to migrate to Israel. This happened to Jews living elsewhere as they fled activities by Russia and other nations that have grown more radical and warlike.
The Great Sign also gives warnings about war both natural and supernatural. We are seeing how Israel may be dynamically tied to the war in Ukraine for many reasons besides the fact that it is one of few countries in the world led by a Jew. The IDF is helping train the Ukrainian soldiers and provide them with much-needed drones that do not have Chinese chips. Israel is also providing a state-of-the-art field hospital. All of this is generating a Perfect Storm of events that may prepare the stage for the Anti-Christ and the 10-horned beast. Ukraine in fact is a microcosm of the Seal Judgments: 1) after being set free from Russian suppression it fell into the well-spring of temptation, crime, the lies of cults, sexual immorality, sex trafficking, and other corruption. This is what the White Horse of the Apocalypse represents. 2) Now the Red Horse has brought war and conflagration. 3) soon the Black Horse will cause more famine, more dislocations, and the loss of work and balanced trade. This is not the first 3 Seals of Revelation but they foreshadow what is about to come.

The Countdown to War & the Beast

The Cosmic Crossroad Countdown connects Prophecy and History to the 3 most controversial books of the Bible: Genesis, Daniel, and Revelation. It is setting the stage for the Anti-Christ and leading to the Horses of the Apocalypse. God is sending the nations of the world a warning in the wake of the Sign of Revelation 12. All of this is connected to the Trump impeachment trial, the corrupt elections, an invisible war, and the dark pyramid that is led by Satan and his legions. Europe especially is being presented with a major moral test that it will soon have to address- to let a dictator exterminate a nation’s population or to take military action?
I do believe that God is giving a divine message to America, Russia, Europe, Israel, and the whole world. The world needs to understand that it is no coincidence that Ukraine played a big part in pre-election events in the 2016 election, in the impeachment trial, and in Biden’s wealth and win in the 2000 election. That criminality helped a corrupt party win the election in the world’s most sophisticated and powerful nation It shook the world. It is ironic that the Lies told in that process have been matched by Putin’s lies. The corruption in America’s election has also been matched by Putin’s corruption in Ukraine and in Russia. The false-flag concept that the Administration is accusing Putin of –was perfected by the Democratic party in the last election–so you remember how many times they called conservatives Racists and Nazis?
How interesting that Ukraine is so tied to America’s fall from Grace and that Ukraine has a strong leader that the world sees as a hero. Zelensky is a Jew and a man of integrity placed in the middle of this storm— a perfect storm of corruption, warmongering, greed, suffering, helplessness, and media coverage. The world is watching this Apocalyptic and thus semi-prophetic event. It is “almost prophetic” in the sense that few see its true prophetic connection. IT IS NO coincidence that Ukraine is led by a Jew and that it lies between Israel, Russia, and Europe. This is the perfect spark to begin the Prophetic Countdown to the staging of both the Anti-Christ and the 10 horned-beast of Revelation. This is the location from which the Apocalyptic White Horse with its Lies and False Christ cult has risen – Ukraine is a nation that has had a fast-growing and large population of religious cults of False Christs. It has had one of the largest Jehovah’s Witness churches in Europe.
Note this: We are in a very special time- beginning in 2017 (a year in which we had so many disasters that it broke all FEMA records – with over $450 billion in cost to our nation). The invisible war took a great toll not only in America but also throughout the world. Every level and sector of society was affected. Darkness and idolatry were pushed back – yet many lives ended or were upended. Many Jews fled New York to Israel and likewise, the Ukraine chaos forced many Jews to flee to Israel. The whole world is being shaken again – this time by bloodshed. Entire cities are being wiped out with wounded in hospitals and children in theaters. Is this a sign of the 2nd Horse – the Red Horse of the Apocalypse? Ukraine is the breadbasket of Europe and for that matter Russia. Will this conflagration lead to a much more severe bartering and inflation that ushers in the 3rd horse of the Apocalypse? Or does all of this foreshadow the Coming 6 Seals of Revelation?
After all the Great Sign of Revelation 12 has been revealed for all to comprehend and to take heed—YET the church and the world failed to accept it just as the elite intellectuals and the Jews failed to see their Bethlehem Star. That divine cosmic Sign set a countdown to a divine event that would not only affect mankind eternally but would also change the way we measure and count historical time. It also started the countdown for Daniel’s 70th-week prophecy.  The Sign of Revelation 12 along with the birth of Israel reset that countdown and anchored the divine footsteps in our modern-day History. We are witnessing “a time such as this” that will change everything we know.
And I hate to burst people’s bubble- we will never Christianize America but we can share the Gospel with as many people as possible. Some believe that in the process we can delay God’s judgment.  God did say that He would discipline Israel when they strayed away and disobeyed Him – and history showed that He did. The question is, did He delay judgment at any time? He did give King Hezekiah 15 extra years to inspire the Jewish nation to defeat Judah’s enemies. Was God’s timetable kept despite the failures of the Jewish nation? Some would argue that Ancient Israel had the opportunity to accept the Son of God and thus welcome in the Kingdom of God on earth. But when they rejected their Savior they were given curses instead of the blessings as promised by God – just as Moses and other prophets had warned.
The nation of Israel was driven from the Promised land during both the Babylonian captivity and after the Roman destruction of the Temple and many died in the process of fighting or fleeing. The leaders and most of the people of these later generations forgot the prosperity that God had blessed the early nation with as He parted the Red Sea and saved them from starvation, the harsh elements, and their enemies. God had helped them through every trial during the 40-year wilderness experience and guided them to the Promised Land. God gave them victory after victory in this enemy-held land. He then prospered the land and rewarded them with safe cities, prosperous farmlands, prophets to guide them, and a spiritual purpose & hope.
Likewise, early Americans were rescued from persecution and over generations have forgotten the blessings and prosperity given to them by God as it grew through the wilderness becoming a promised land of hope and refuge for millions. Now America has lost its way and is rejecting the God of its forefathers. We have forgotten the blessings of the past — the way God worked in our history and in the daily lives of those struggling to survive. We have taken God for granted and millions have turned to outright rebellion against God and against His Word. So we should not be surprised by the progression of events that worked to humble us including the selection and election of inept leaders (this also happened in Israel.) The next stage in Israel’s history was a war that brought its destruction and captivity.
What most do not understand is there is also an invisible war going on that will fulfill prophecy. Covid was just a small part of the manifestation of the Invisible War that is preparing the stage for the Anti-Christ and the formation of the 10-horned Beast. At present Angels are protecting leaders and even pilots and others in Ukraine as Putin’s forces are held back and pushed back. Part of this is due to the prayer of the saints around the world. All of this was forwarned in the Sign of Revelation12 and is explained in the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown—the series.
Already many leaders throughout the world are asking, “Are we going to let this massacre of innocent civilians go on? We must act before more die.” This could initiate a much bigger war that will draw Nato and America into a war with both Russia and China. Are you ready? Have you put your faith in Jesus Christ? This is a special 30 days as we approach Easter and Passover. Keep in prayer and share the Gospel.

Sin or Satan & What is Happening

Christ came into the world to save man from sin.  Sin is the transgression of the Law.  It pollutes and defiles everything it touches: 1)  It is also a defiance against God and shows severe ingratitude;  2) It is a scourge on man and cannot be removed just as a leopard cannot change its spots;  3)  It condemns  us to eternal death; 4)  God damns only the sinner and that is why He sent Jesus Christ to save us; 5)  God hates sin;  6) and the blood of Jesus Christ washes sin away.  If we trust in the Sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us, we will be saved from the penalty of sin.  We still sin but the penalty is gone- God does not count it against us. “All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God” and the “wages of Sin is death.” Without Jesus Christ we are destined to serve the law of sin and death.  But with Jesus Christ we are destined to eternal life with Him in Heaven.

The mind is desperately wicked  and Sin dominates the mind so that it is overpowered by evil.  The Bible confirms that evil dominates the will of the sinner.  It says that humanity loves darkness because our hearts are evil. Man is overpowered by evil.  It is a copout to blame it all on Satan, yet with weak theology many think “Satan made me do it.”  Satan does work in the life of the sinner, for Jesus said, “you are of your Father the Devil” to the Pharisees.  Sin brings unbelievers under easier control by Satan, but he cannot control the Christian nor is he omniscient. This may be why he focuses on the Anti-Christ, entering him, and controlling the world through him.

Jesus cast out demons many times but only once cast them into pigs so what happened to the others?  We do not know the extent of the division between the physical and the spirit—it could be that as a dislocated spirit they immediately stepped into God’s domain and are in essence no longer “on earth.” Paul saw 3 heavens, so they could be in a lower heaven until the time comes.  Sin is evil, but when the person invites Satan or demons or evil spirits to take part, I believe it moves to another level – but it is still volitional and therefore probably counted as sin.  Satan has no power over the believer but can temp us and therefore undermine our mission or image.  Yes, Satan rules the earth, but he is a false ruler not having a kingship and like an exiled ruler, he is positioned in heaven where he is limited in his freedom and power. He can accuse the Saints and can interact with God as he did in the case of Job.

The point is Revelation 12 has not been fulfilled completely – for the second part where the word “then” is used has not happened: Satan is cast out of heaven after the sign of Revelation 12 is fulfilled- but there is no indication that he has begun the Tribulation, nor begun a heavy persecution of Jews and Israel.  My book goes into detail to explain this, and Revelation states that there is a curse placed upon anyone who adds to the Book of Revelation.  God, however, has blessed me ever since I wrote this explanation of Revelation 12 and so I am totally 100% convinced what the lord gave me is true.  The completion of the Great Sign in Revelation 12 is much like the formation of the nation of Israel in 1947-48 and the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947.  Both of those completely changed our understanding of not only Prophecy but also the accuracy of Prophecy.  Likewise, SCIENCE PROVES that the Great Sign happened at a propitious moment in 2017 – where layers of Biblical and Scientific events overlapped to Glorify God.  Read the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown book series.

There are two reasons that are clear why Satan is not cast out yet.   Number one is the fact that the Word states that he knows his time is “short” and if you look throughout the scripture whenever the word short is used it does mean short and not 6000 years.  And number two Revelation is very clear that now Satan will be very “Furious” indicating that there is a heightened amount of evil about to happen upon Earth due to Satan and his angels.  This would also negate Satan being cast out around the time of the Garden of Eden because the Bible is very clear that it was man’s sin both in the garden and later at the flood, and if you go to you will see the rest of the story…. this is also discussed in my new book: COSMIC Crossroad Countdown the Invisible War and the Final Chapter.

Also, Satan was not cast out at the Cross.  Jesus did say that he saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven, but this does not have a time element related to us and because he is the Beginning and the End it could be future affirmation.  True, that once Jesus defeated Satan at the cross, Satan lost his power against Christians and those who trust in the Power of the Cross.  However, the statement related to “the accuser of the Saints” relates to the church which was formed after the Price Paid at the Cross.  Satan is still emboldened to weaken the Church and the believer and the World with its unbelievers.  We all need to understand this because we tend to take Satan for granted as if he is a totally toothless lion—when it is quite clear that when the “evil time comes” Satan will wreak havoc on the world as he persecutes what remains of Israel and the Church and puts the world under his control.


This is what R.C. Sproul said about Satan:  Even at this moment, as I’m discussing this question, Satan’s authority and power are limited and subordinate to the authority that is vested in Christ. Christ right now is the king of this earth. His kingdom is invisible, and not everybody acknowledges it. People are giving more allegiance to the prince of darkness than to the Prince of Peace, but that is an act of usurpation on the part of Satan. His power is restricted, limited, and temporal. What has happened briefly is this: The power and authority of Satan has been dealt a fatal blow by Christ. The Cross, the Incarnation, the Resurrection, and the Ascension tremendously weakened any power or authority that Satan enjoyed, but it didn’t annihilate him. That will come later, when Christ completes his work of redemption with the consummation of his kingdom. All things will be brought into captivity to him, and every knee will bow to him, including the fallen angels, who will bow in submission to his authority.

The Question is- has the “casting out of Satan and his angels” happened or is it still in the future? Here is my VIEWPOINT:  Do you believe that Satan and his angels were cast out of heaven AT THE BEGINNING OF TIME?  This would be soon after Satan rebelled against God.  This is often stated as being right before the Serpent tempted Adam and Eve.  This is taught in seminaries and therefore, is the teaching of most pastors.  This thinking is also spread by the Catholic Church and all orthodoxy.  So, I ask you Why would God Cast Satan out at that time?  This could mean that man’s sin is superseded by Satan’s actions causing havoc and rebellion on earth.  Adam and Cain could have said Satan made me do it.  In other words, Satan and his angels could be accused of being the agents of all evil on earth and thus the flood would NOT necessarily remove this evil, for Satan would still be on earth after the flood.  This is not what the Bible says.  The cause of the flood was 100% man’s sin: “God saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart were all evil all the time.  The Lord was grieved that He had mad man….”  This does not say Satan was causing this evil nor influencing it- for God would have said so.  God brought the flood to destroy the earth and mankind’s evil and evil intentions.  If Satan was on the earth in “great fury” as Revelation 12 states, the whole scenario would repeat quickly after the flood, and man could say he was not responsible.  No, it is man’s sin that brings the wickedness and evil.  Satan and his angels were in heaven when God allowed Satan to cause the trials in JOB’s life as an example of Faith for us (and most believe that the book of Job is the oldest book of the Old Testament).  Satan can influence us and affect how we choose to act, but he is has not yet been “cast out of heaven.” He is the Accuser of the Saints in heaven.

God all along has kept Satan in heaven to keep him and his angels under his control for His purposes.   As the saying goes:  “Keep your friends close but keep your enemies even closer.”  God who taught us to love our enemies allowed Satan in heaven for His purpose.  God is in the act of molding us with dignity, value, and free will.  God does not want to violate or negate mankind’s dignity, value, and free will.  He allows us to fail or sin by our free will for we will be judged for that sin.  It is not Satan that controls us- God has dominion.  God does allow Satan certain access such as Tempting Jesus in the Wilderness or “roaming like a lion” to bring trials in people’s lives or even to change the course of history temporarily—as happened with some of those possessed or influenced by Satan or demons. God is teaching that there is a real history behind evil; that the Garden of Eden was a real event; that we must lean on Him and search His Word for our protection and guidance; and that we can go to Him in prayer for comfort, help, direction, understanding etc..

Satan and his angels will be cast out of heaven prior to the Great Tribulation – as Satan will enter the Anti-Christ and, in his fury, will seek to kill all Jews and Christians.  This is the “day of evil” mentioned in Ephesians 6:13 (and when the day of evil comes.) It also says, “do not sin — for it will give Satan a foothold.”  Satan is working to weaken us and to cause us to stumble as he did with Job.  He, however, is not on earth causing the fury prior to what Revelation 12 speaks of.  Revelation 12 tells us that there is a SHORT TIME in which Satan will be furious on earth for he knows his time is short.  This time element or period of time is key, for God created time and the Word carries forth a definition of time – we know that He limits time and evil.  So, when He states the word “SHORT,” He is giving us a certain period of time – a gift of Grace because He knows that the destruction will grow so great that He will eventually have to limit the whole end-time event.   Matt: 24:21-22 “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would survive. But for the sake of the elect those days (the Great Tribulation) will be cut short.” Thus, the word “SHORT” cannot imply 6000 years as would be the case if Satan and his angels were cast out of heaven near the “Creation of Earth.” Satan is still in heaven and is still accusing the Saints while Jesus Christ is our Advocate.  Remember that Revelation 12 defines what happens when Satan is cast out of heaven.  It says that Satan and his angels war against Michael the Archangel and his angels and are cast out of heaven. “Satan is furious because he knows his time is short.”

TO UNDERSTAND MORE GO TO:  my new book- Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War and the Final Chapter.