Why The Invisible Sign!- The Jerusalem Countdown, Reversal of Fortune & my book

An Addendum to COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN (The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation): 

I believe that time is short. God seems to be shaking up the world to the point that those who have gained power and prestige through lies, ill gain, and selfish determination are taking a fall from grace. The celebrities and politicians, like Congressman John Conyers and ABC’s Matt Lauer, who have used and abused their power are now being exposed and shamed by their own kind, the liberal media. It reminds me of how Gideon defeated the Midianite army and coalition of forces. There was fire-light thrown into the darkness which confused the enemy and caused them to destroy each other. God will find divine ways to teach the power hungry a big lesson. The Light of Truth will dispel and destroy darkness. Jesus says to us, “I am the Light of the Word, follow me and you will not walk in darkness, but will have the Light of Life.”

God is speaking to us in this time and age and we are seeing the “reversal of fortunes” as suggested in my book. However, I had thought that this would be reflected in the economy, but instead we are seeing this happen in a personal way to a person’s fortune, reputation, and self-esteem. God orchestrates this fall for their sake so that in their loss and fall they will turn to Him in repentance. This reversal of fortune or fall from grace is a shadow or reflection of Satan’s fall from heaven described in Revelation 12. You will see how this fall is related to the Great Sign of Revelation 12:1-4.

Our year started out and continued with many surprise returns: from the 28-point reversal in the Super-bowl to the surprise win by the Astros; from the fall of Target to the rise of Walmart; from the NFL fiasco to the obsessive hypocrisy of the media; from the politically motivated attacks on Trump and Moore, to actual evidence based revelations of rape & groping committed by media & Hollywood giants. These “surprise returns and reversals of fortune” have a Biblical base. They are highlighted by the fact that September 22nd ended the Jubilee year and each generational period of 40, 70, and 100 connects in a dramatic way to our present time-line in the Hebraic year 2017-2018. There are also connections to 500 & 2000-year time spans.

My book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN-The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation, explains each generational connection, that the Solar Eclipse would follow with major storms, and that the Great Sign of Revelation 12 would be a sign without immediate impact. Like the Bethlehem Star, the September 23rd Sign from Revelation 12, ushers in a new Paradigm. The key is the first verse! I have asked dozens of people to tell me what is contradictory or illogical about that verse. No one has had the observational skills to see it. This is one of my points- it takes more than theology to understand the message in the Word of God – a touch of Science, Geography, Art, military tactics, and just pure common sense helps illuminate the message. One could say it takes wisdom and study. As you will see the correct understanding makes a huge difference as to what this whole passage means. It also illuminates the next paragraph in Revelation 12.

The fact is the Sign of Revelation 12 speaks of the Woman clothed with sun with the moon at her feet and a garland of 12 stars. Do you see the problem? As stated earlier, I have shown this to scholars who have failed to see this simple fact. Even though the verb, “appeared,” is used the “Great Sign,” is not visible and never was intended to be visible. Note that the minute the sun appears above the horizon or near the “Woman’s” shoulder – the sign disappears completely! This does not, however, imply that the event did not happen. The stars, planets, sun, and moon are where they are supposed to be, but we cannot see them.

God has given us a sign that is not intended to be seen with our eyes! Why? It is entirely possible that we will never see a visible sign of His Return, because Jesus said multiple times that he would not give a Sign to an “evil generation”. In Matthew 12:39, Jesus says, “A wicked generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” The Great Sign of Revelation 12 would fit this promise perfectly. Even though the sign is miraculous, it is not visible. It “appeared” in the heavens, but the sun keeps the human eye from seeing it!

Hence, I believe this sign is designed to portend the beginning of a supernatural event or series of events that are real, but are NOT visible! These spiritual events will have physical consequences as God orchestrates history with His Promises. The next sub-chapter within Revelation 12, portrays the casting out of Satan and one-third of the angels from heaven. Could this indicate that the mighty on earth who are full of pride like Satan will take a fall too? Does it mean that Satan and his demons will be more active on earth causing demonic mischief? This could be the answer to all the bizarre behavior, irrational threats by crazed leaders, and horrific acts of terror and murder that are happening in America and throughout the world. Could the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel be a catalyst to some more end-time events?

Also note that the 1st verse in Revelation 12, describes only the Woman. The 2nd verse introduces the child. And the 3rd verse shines a light on the “Dragon” or serpent. In just these three verses, the theme of the Bible is presented – as it was in Genesis 3:15. This is akin to the “Wheel of Time” mentioned in my book. Genesis Chapter 3 ushers in a whole new paradigm and I would guess that Revelation 12 will also. Remember the Bethlehem Star? The book explains that this visible sign was also related to the constellation Virgo and that it was not recognized by most in the known world. Yet, it motivated the Magi or Kings to travel a great distance to worship the child! That is why in my book I suggested that the Sign of Revelation 12 on September 23rd, 2017, has opened a door to new beginnings with supernatural consequences.

One of these new beginnings mentioned in my book, COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN, is the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The fact that it did not happen earlier illustrates the impact Satan has in the natural world. Jerusalem is the location where God made his Covenant with Abraham and where God spared Isaac. It is where King David and all the other Judaic kings held office and where many of the great prophets lived and died. In Luke 2 the Word states, “Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover.” This is where Jesus is found as a boy teaching the scribes in the Temple. It is the city of God where Jesus was crucified, then resurrected, and will return in His 2nd Coming. Psalm 122 commands us to pray for Jerusalem. Zachariah 12 states, “On that day I (God) will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.”

God will side with Israel against all the nations of the world and He will use His supernatural power to defeat them all. Thus, we are in what I call a “new Paradigm,” where new beginnings will shake America and the world. In the book I indicated that since Jerusalem was shared by both Islam and the Judeo-Christian world, it was protected- this may now change to a degree.
President Trump has begun what some Jews already call the greatest Pro-Israel initiative in modern time. He is being compared to President Truman who has been given credit for opening the door to establish the Jewish nation.

In my book I indicate what is happening is not a coincidence. The time from the capture of Jerusalem by the Ottomans to their defeat by the British was 400 years. The time between Truman’s amazing decision to establish the nation of Israel and President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is 70 years. It appears that Trump was appointed by God for this time. Note also that Truman and President Trump both won surprise reversal of fortune elections- two of the most surprising elections in our history. The parallels are very interesting as both were businessman, and both have their names beginning with the same 1st 4 letters and their names mean something from a biblical viewpoint. This “New Beginning” will bring conflict and many new challenges around the globe and even in America. I believe that this will embolden the forces of evil and darkness. Keep in prayer! NOTE THAT NO OTHER NATION IN THE WORLD HAS AS MUCH RIGHT TO ITS CAPITAL AS ISRAEL HAS TO JERUSALEM! THIS RIGHT WAS SET BY GOD!

God will prevail for He is in control of the storm. Just as the storm that scared the disciples as they hurried to wake up Jesus Christ, our storm is designed to teach us faith. Jesus asked them why they had such little faith. He wants us to go through the storm with Him so that we will grow in faith. Jerusalem is God’s Holy City. And through Jerusalem, Jesus Christ will show us His Glory and His Power. Jerusalem is the center of history and through Jerusalem, Jesus will show the world that He is the center of the Universe and controls all the forces of Creation. The people of the Promise will seek to know Him and enjoy Him for HE IS THE LIGHT OF LIFE.

Cosmic Crossroad- The Christmas Message and Connection

After writing Christmas letters for over 35 years, it seems that the message has lost its impact on the busy, ever hurried, self-fulfilled mind. Even though we can sense the supernatural (“eternity is written in the heart”) few want to acknowledge the benevolent Person of God behind it. As the heart longs for divine justice, identity, and purpose, the self-will seeks its own center in the Universe of existence. The Truth is, without God we are NOT the center of any anything good – and if we think we are, then we are merely fools in the grand delusion of materialism.

COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN -The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation: Presents a wide perspective on what may be called a “New Paradigm” in History. Our nation & world stand at a critical Crossroad in time. We are being challenged from every side with internal and external threats and challenges. Time seems to be speeding up, compressed with bizarre and extreme events, and disturbed by irrational behavior. The dishonorable, the Perverse, and the Lie, are being raised up (as were the Gates of Baal in N.Y.) while the True and Honorable are pushed down. Eternal things—eternal redemption, salvation, inheritance, and glory—are of infinitely greater value than the temporal things crowding our minds and limiting our perception.  Read the book and learn more about God’s footprints on our time-line.  We are at a Cosmic Crossroad in time – so Merry Christmas as the Countdown continues.

Truth declares, “All treasures of wisdom & knowledge are found in Him,” as Jesus Christ beckons, “Learn from me for I am meek & humble in heart.”  God has left divine footprints on our time-line dating back to the beginning of time with clues & Signs that explain the present and reveal the future. These “Wheels in Time” illustrate events that parallel our time with great moments in history such as the time of Daniel the prophet, and Jesus Christ. This includes: The Fig Tree Prophecy spoken by Jesus concerning a “Last Generation,” the “Cosmic Crossroad” and historic generational periods, a “LOST TIME” instituted by God, and a mysterious “Cross in the Wilderness.” We are witnessing a social shaking and reversal of fortunes with surprise returns! God is exposing Lies & Sin.

“Grace” wants to take hold of us and point us to the obvious Gift wrapped in God’s Mercy. God is trying to get our attention, while we still have time. You see, this is not only the year of surprise returns, but is also the year of remembrance! This year we remember the following:  1) 500 years ago the Luther’s “95 Thesis” was nailed to the door in Wittenberg- resulting in a revolution in mind, soul, nation, and world. 2) Also 500 years ago the Ottoman Empire took control of Jerusalem, but what we celebrated this year was its release exactly 400 years later in 1917 with the signing of the Balfour Agreement, (after the British and Allies defeated Germany and the Turks), 3) 70 years ago the “budding of the fig tree” occurred with the establishment of the Nation of Israel in 1947-48, 4) 50 years ago the city of Jerusalem was “Reunited” in the 6-Day war of 1967. 5) 2000 ago years, Jesus Christ now a man of about 20 years of age would celebrate the Jubilee year. We are now at the 40th Jubilee – a time of complete testing. Does a new beginning await us?

This brings us back to His Mercy. God was Merciful to Adam & Eve when he Promised the “seed” of the Woman would defeat the “serpent.” God was merciful to Abraham, declaring him righteous based on faith alone. God was Merciful to Noah & family, to Abraham’s descendants, and countless others when He interceded for them. Throughout history God wrapped His Love and Mercy around people of Faith. Why is it that the human mind (Jewish, Islamic and Gentile) cannot comprehend the simplicity of God’s unmitigated Mercy when magnified & personified by Grace through faith in God’s Promised Messiah, Jesus Christ? Is it that we are too dependent on self or on Justice meant out by Law and works?  Does it take a “wilderness experience” to humble us enough to see His Grace?  It would make total sense that God would do away with the slaughter of “innocent” animals and the old way of doing things – when those strict methods led exactly to what Moses warned about – the worship of idols and rebellion against God! God Fulfilled the Law with His Gift of Grace?

God, in His Sovereign Mercy, came in the flesh (fully man, yet fully God) to die as the ultimate Sacrifice for our Sins. Jesus Christ is our Propitiation- He alone took God’s full wrath for our sins. When the Spirit of God is sealed in us we become a spiritual temple. Having a deep desire to know God’s Word is a good sign that you are His Temple. Jesus speaks directly to us through the Spirit of Truth when He says, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all.”

This has been a year of surprise returns for me! I went to South Africa thinking that I was going to go white shark diving, and was told that the Orcas had chased the sharks away. That very day, I was almost “bushwhacked” by 5 men.  But, what Satan meant for evil God used for good. A bedraggled man named “Goodman”, who witnessed the event asked, “how did you get away?” I said, “God delivered me, and he will deliver you to if you desire?” He then accepted Jesus as his Savior. This began my “Pilgrim’s Progress” through South Africa & Namibia. The next surprise was our trip to witness the Great American Solar Eclipse. My focus was to take photos of the Eclipse, and it ended with a fun experience without good photos. The highlight ended up being the class at Billy Graham’s Cove and their Library in Charlotte.

To those who still want to hold on to the philosophies of the world despite receiving the Gift of Salvation.  How can Jesus claim authority over heaven and earth and forgive sins, if He is not the Creator of what is, and has been, and is yet to come?  Not accepting the God of Creation is rejecting the authority of the Word of God and the Truth. Ignorance is no excuse, time has moved us forward, and the Word is there for all to read and know.  Now is the time to change and act for the sake of the Gospel, the family, nation, and the Lost.



Our nation stands at a critical Crossroad in time. We are being challenged from every side with internal and external threats, unlike any time in history. What we do now will make a difference for the future generations. Our debt opens us up to Economic war from foreign powers who want to see the dollar and our nation fall. Our vulnerability in the power grid and in the intellectual spy game is greater than ever … as China and Russia hack into our systems and compromise our university idealism. With the combination security hacks of our Governmental payment system and Equifax foreign powers can cross reference those people in important positions that are having financial problems.

The “liberal” corporate mentality is more willing to share high tech info with the Chinese than it is with our own government! We know that everything shared with any Chinese company will end up on its military scheme- yet here in america very little is being shared for our military use! We are defeating ourselves and letting the Trojan horse in with a blind smugness that may defeat us in a way that the Persians defeated the Babylonians. We are not learning from history- after all the liberal media and many technological institutions are more interested in virtual reality than they are in the REAL WORLD & our survival!

It is no surprise that the World is going through major upheavals and challenges of both natural and human origin.  Since America carries a special burden or mark given by God over the centuries, she will also receive a special judgment by the Almighty.  History shows that America was chosen to not only unify the nations with language, currency, and an expanding culture of information (as foretold by Daniel the prophet), but also to be at the forefront of creating the giant steps of speed and propulsion (again as foretold by Daniel-  people going to and fro ).  God has also used America to spread His Gospel and to establish and protect the nation of Israel.  However, America has now reached a nadir or vanishing point where the bad is outweighing the good, and ironically, this is not the fault of the present leadership.  On the contrary the “Lie” has become so ingrained in the last 10 years and glorified by the media that the Spirit of God is being pushed away by the “powers of darkness and principalities of evil” that have taken over.  And the nations of the world are also being deceived! Do not believe CNN and the lies of Satan!

America is drowning in the “best of times and the worse of times.”  This is only a small part of the judgment.  The worst is to come.  The best of times lulls us into apathy, complacency, and an indifference to God.   The church grows, yet idolatry grows with it.  Materialism and comfort have undercut many churches and made them into a country club of entertainment and mindless devotion.  In many cases lies have been incorporated into the churches theological system in order to “unify” the disenchanted and confused, in the hope that the pastors message will transform them with truth.  The congregation in the process cannot  remember any of the parts of the message much less the theme.  In essence the Spirit of God is missing.  Maybe this is why this has become the year of “surprise returns.”  God is trying to get our attention in the “games” that we play.

It has gotten to the point where more youth are turning away from the Truth than are being drawn.  One study shows that only 2% of Millennials in America trust in Jesus Christ and have a Christian world view!  Those who do go to church have a conscience formed by the world and NOT by the Word of God. Therefore they feel emboldened to defend the perverse and the anti-biblical as long as it has good reason or appropriate origin as defined by the relative state of being.  Tolerance is the badge of faith instead of Jesus Christ.

God, will therefore use America as an example to the rest of the world.  God has to end the ever increasing flood of drug and pornography addictions, the gambling and prostitution, the export of base and violent entertainment,  the “exploitation of innocent humans, and the spread and growth of every other kind of darkness.  Before Judgment, God will inspire His leaders and His people to speak out and stand up for Him.  Revival has begun in many areas and this is Americas only hope.  With trials comes new growth and victories of both body and spirit.  God is using the storms to bring people to Him and he will continue to use these trials to build the true church and the kingdom of God.

Read my new Book: COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN-  Please go to Barnes & Noble and leave a review on my new book if you have read it or part of it.  Another important review that would help is from Amazon. I need reviews quickly in order to place my book in “book clubs”, thanks.  The following is an example of what the book is about:

COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN -The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation”
Presents a wide perspective on what many are calling a “New Paradigm” in American History.
Our nation stands at a critical Crossroad in time. We are being challenged from every side with internal and external threats, unlike any time in history.  Time seems to be speeding up, compressed with bizarre and extreme events, and disturbed by irrational behavior.  What we learn and do now will affect future generations.
This book unveils Answers to troubling current events as it reveals Signs and Mysteries that are meant for us today.   In a broad sweep of inspiration, the book illumines a prophetic parallel in history and a new paradigm that is part of God’s Promise.  God has left divine footprints on our time-line dating back to the beginning of time, with clues for the present and future.  This includes:  The Fig Tree Prophecy spoken by Jesus concerning a “Last Generation”; a “Cosmic Crossroad” that is intersecting our present time-line; a “LOST TIME” instituted for a Lost Generation; the Convergence of “Wheels of time” with historical generational time periods; and a mysterious “Cross in the Wilderness” along with other divine signs.
God gave us these prophetic messages and signs because He desires to have a relationship with us as He guides us through the trials and tests that lie ahead.  If we do not choose Him soon, time will make the decision for us – The Countdown begins.

The Beginning of the End?

One of the main purposes of my new book, COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN is to show that God loves us and is in control – just as He has been in control throughout history -evidenced in both the Old and New Testaments and in rise and fall of nations.   He is real and alive today seeking a personal relationship with us. He has a time table and He is in total control of it.  Because we are nearing the end-time, Time appears to be speeding up and feels compressed from our viewpoint. We see things as being exaggerated or illogical – with many instances of extreme weather, 100-year-record earthquakes, fire storms, wind storms, hail storms, solar flares and abnormal behavior of every kind and scope.

We know that God has ordained the End Times, but He has also ordained the means to the end. Now the question is what are you going to do?   What motivated me to write this book was heart knowledge that God gave me while sharing the Gospel at our mission at White Rock Lake in Dallas – the Fig Tree parable given by Jesus concerning the Last Generation- has a key to unlock the mystery. That key opened up my understanding of the Cosmic Crossroad which has 4 arms: each arm is based on Truth- one relates to the Fig Tree lessons by Jesus and so I therefore go into great detail discussing both the Old and New Testament message related to the “Fig Tree” including the budding, and the ripening of the fruit on the Fig tree.

The next “arm” is the Signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars – with a discussion on the Bethlehem Star and its parallel to the Great Sign of Revelation 12 and the promise in Genesis 3:15. The 3rd arm incorporates the Testimonies of Current events & history, Prophets and  Apostles,  Jerusalem and the Word. The 4th arm includes the 50-year Jubilee, the Prophetic generations, and important the 40, 70, 100, 400, 500, & 1000 generational periods. All of these have correlating Signs from the past and  converge in “wheels of time”  on God’s eternal time-line.

Many of you may have tried to do a review for my book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN – The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation on Barnes and Noble and could not because you did not put in the subtitle. It will NOT discover the book under the SEARCH unless you also included the subtitle! On Amazon however it is the opposite- you can find it easier with just the title! I absolutely have to have these reviews in at AMAZON by today in order to have my application approved. The review process only takes 5 minutes and only requires that you write a short sentence, if I do not have 6 more reviews by this morning they could throw out my application. The fact is I did not receive a single review from any of you on Barnes & Noble at the last request…..and this may have been because of the sub-title issue.

After receiving a “vivid dream” from a friend and my own sleepless night I am motivated to share this possible scenario:  San Francisco, Seattle, or Los Angeles SHOULD BE on Alert! North Korea could be sending a submarine tender disguised as a fishing boat across the Pacific. The pair will seek to enter a harbor in the early morning haze or at night without running lights, and if detected will attempt to sink any ship that threatens the nuclear mother-load on-board the tender. As long as they feel they can get close enough they will detonate to eliminate evidence.  They are dumb enough to think that without evidence they will get away with it- that the world is too divided and that America will not act.

If they can enter the harbor without detection they may then turn on the “party lights” and head for the center of the bay, in the case of San Francisco they will head for the Oakland Bay bridge. On-board is their “test” hydrogen/ atomic bomb that they hope will detonate eliminating all evidence of their existence. The submarine offers an escape for the nefarious, suicidal, night stalkers on-board. Be Alert !  This runs like a fiction story, but knowing the fanaticism of North Korea a surprise like this may be in order.

Do you Want to See God?

The Bible is the Word of God. It is Living and Active and like a two edged sword it can pierce your heart and your mind, the natural and the supernatural.  It has the power to tear down walls and transform hearts and minds.  Jesus Christ said, “Blessed are those who are pure in heart, because they will see God.”

Colleges and Universities do all they can to take the individual away from the Living Word of God and draw them into a kingdom created and designed by man.  Man becomes the center of the Universe and his contrived theories say that everything was created by an accidental Big Bang and that through billions of miracles of accidental cellular changes a recreated DNA strand of information regenerated new information billions and trillions of times over.  That is like saying the Library of Congress recreated itself over and over again improving its shelves of books over time!  The evolutionist demands that water came from nowhere, saturating an earth that was a ball of fire, becoming a soup of life generating molecules, that were then energized into forming molecules of life.

The problem is lab experiments show that all molecular structures formed from such a power soup would have only left handed amino acids. Life requires equal amounts of left and right handed amino acids.  Likewise enzymes that would form from amino acids would have to have very specific functions from the moment of creation- yet  it takes millions of enzymes working together to create life and each of these amino acids are so unique that they cannot be altered.  It has been shown that any attempt to alter enzymes degrades them to the point of denaturing them.  They will not only not function, but will become a poison to the rest of the tissue or organ function. Evolution is a lie and is impossible.  What we experience in “species” change today is not evolution, it is natural adaptation or natural selection.  This process utilizes the power of the DNA allowing us to “breed selective combinations of genes” with characteristics that we demand as humans or which the environment demands for survival.

The Bible is a crossroad of the Supernatural with the natural.  To many it seems purely abstract and they cannot comprehend its power.  For instance the verse, “Be alert and of sound mind so that you can pray,” seems totally illogical to the natural mind.  Surely we need to be alert, but not to pray; first we should hide or run or do our best to work out an answer or a solution.  Another example is: “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  What is this mumbo-jumbo about things not seen and hoped for? We can have faith in the plane that flies, but what does this have to do with the supernatural- why is that faith? This is one good reason why the Bible is discarded even by those who claim to be Christians yet do not immerse their lives in seeking and knowing Jesus Christ. True faith that changes and transforms requires the supernatural.

So Do You Want to See God?  Take that supernatural step of Faith and ask God into your life.  It is that simple, just ask Him to “Come into my life. Thank you for loving me, I know that I have failed you in many ways.  I am trusting in what Jesus did for me in paying for my sin.  I wish to make you Lord of my Life and ask that you help me understand your Word.”  Then go to the Bible and start reading, and “yes,” pray before and after you read!  As stated earlier, “Be Alert and of Sound Mind, so that you can Pray!” Prayer is that important!

There are a lot of good books to read to help you in your walk including Billy Graham’s books on Angels, the classic “Pilgrim’s Progress” or “On Hind’s Feet.” Other great books include those by Greg Laurie, Lee Strobel, and Apologetics books by Dr. Henry Morris.  My book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN- The Fig Tree & the Prophetic Generation will give you a grounding on some Apologetics (or defense of the faith), some Eschatology (the study of Prophecy from the Bible),  some Christology (study of who Jesus Christ is – for instance He is God and was not created), some History (which is important since God has orchestrated much of the important turning points in history), and some very important events in the Word- including Israels 40-year wandering in the wilderness,  the Signs in the stars announcing the birth of Christ,  and the testimonies or messages from  Peter, Paul, John, and Prophets such as Jeremiah, Zachariah, Daniel, and Joel.  One of the most important revelations relates to where Mt. Sinai is.  I can tell you without any hesitation that Mt. Sinai is in Arabia (note both Elijah and Paul said that they went to Arabia to have fellowship with God).   Most important this book has a deep study in the Fig Tree lessons that Jesus Christ shared with his disciples and with us (for they relate to our day and age)!

The Book also discusses much of what authors like Jonathan Cahn discuss in their books on Eschatology.  There is an extensive discussion on why generational periods of 40, 50, 70, and 100 are important to the study of God’s footprints in history and to his Promise for us.  If you wish to read an excerpt of this book read one of the posts below that have a summary, an addition, or just a discussion.  God Bless you in your walk with Christ and ToGodBtheGlory.

Here is a very quick summary of the book:   The Cosmic refers to Science and the harmony & order of the Universe; the Crossroad relates to faith and the supernatural intersecting the natural; the Countdown represents History and the fact that we are on a time-line that God has determined and which God orchestrates for His purpose and plan.


Why Storms- Knowing God’s Purpose and the Mystery?

Knowing that God is orchestrating history will help you feel assured and have comfort in times of stress and duress. One mystery is why would God allow tragedy to happen to those who love him? There are many possibilities and I will share two. 1) God is interested in drawing people to Him. In our daily mundane or distracted lives we do not look to God nor seek to find Him. However in the darkness the light shines the brightest and people do seek him and find him. That is the ultimate Love because He knows that eternity is much longer than our short lives on this earth- your soul is much more valuable than your eyes.

Our eyes can  prevent us from knowing God- if we allow the flesh to dominate our life.  Jesus proclaimed, ” Blessed are those who are pure in heart, for they will see God.”   2) God has a timeline and that timeline is growing shorter and shorter. That maybe why time seems to be compressed and why we sense more uneasiness, uncertainty, anxiety, and more extreme behaviors, weather, and conditions. Right now God wants to purify and strengthen the church just as he did with his “children” in the wilderness of Sinai and during the Babylonian captivity. God wants to ready the church for the rapture and inspire Christians to share the Gospel.

We can stand firm in the Lord against persecution, trials, and difficulties, 1) We know that God is in Control, as expressed in my new book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN,  2) Rejoice in the Lord, for He is our strong Tower and Counselor, 3) We can be confident in Him and therefore have REST in Him. That is why Jesus said, “My burden is Light and my Yoke is Easy, 4) If you truly believe in God, you will be thankful and will have real joy, for God is accomplishing a divine purpose including conforming us to the image of God,  5) God has promised to Deliver us and Provide us, 6) We can be thankful that He is Perfecting our faith, working out His Plan in us, shaping our character, and Preparing our Way! 7) He is seated in Heaven- our Salvation and Propitiation has been completed- and as Jesus said, “It is Finished”.   The Priests in the Temple had no chairs and had to stand up and work and perform in order to win forgiveness for themselves and the people.  This has all been accomplished by Jesus Christ.

What we need now is sanctification.  This  process will build character! This is one reason why God is testing us and allowing storms, so that we can Glorify him in the test and trial.  Another reason is to motivate us to repent and change course while at the same time drawing people to Him.

We just need to be willing to stand for Him, rejecting the idols and desires of the world, and walking in the Light. The Peace of God will bring Tranquility beyond human understanding and it will guard you from instability. Spiritual stability will help us resist our own flesh, overcome our bad habits, and keep us virtuous – alert- and of strong mind so that we can pray. Yes, Prayer Is That Important. God says, “Come let us Reason together”- and that is exactly what prayer is when done from the heart! This will resolve the storms in your life.

Do you feel anxious and uneasy about the events, weather, and behavior in our nation? Do you believe that history repeats itself?  Do you think that God is actively involved in orchestrating history?   Have we entered a paradigm in history as suggested by the author Jonathan Cahn? Have you heard of The Prophecy of the Fig Tree and the Prophetic Generation? These are questions that are addressed in my new book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN- The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation.   Here is a very quick summary of the book:   The Cosmic refers to Science and the harmony & order of the Universe; the Crossroad relates to faith and the supernatural intersecting the natural; the Countdown represents History and the fact that we are on a time-line that God has determined and which God orchestrates for His purpose and plan.

God wants a relationship with us and he seeks us … all we have to do is to receive the gift that he has to give us and that is the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ and it is only through Jesus Christ ….for as Jesus himself said, the path is narrow and hard but the crowds follow the easy wide path. Do you want to choose him or do you want to choose the way of the world? Jesus Christ is the Door to heaven and the only door… do not be fooled by false prophets or false religions nor the lies of the media and of the world


IF YOU HAVE ALREADY READ THE SUMMARY GO TO THE DISCUSSION ON THE 4TH PARAGRAPH:  One of the main purposes of my new book is to show that God loves us and is in control – just as He has been in control throughout history -evidenced in both the Old and New Testaments and in rise and fall of nations.   He is real and alive today seeking a personal relationship with us. He has a time table and He is in total control of it: We can see His foot prints throughout history in Nineveh and the Solar Eclipse there, through the Dead Sea Scrolls, in the digs in Jerusalem and elsewhere). Because we are nearing the end time, Time appears to be speeding up and feels compressed from our viewpoint. We see things as being exaggerated or illogical – with many instances of extreme weather, 100-year-record earthquakes, fire storms, wind storms, hail storms, solar flares and abnormal behavior of every kind and scope. We know that God has ordained the End Times, but He has also ordained the means to the end. Now the question is what are you going to do?

What motivated me to write this book was heart knowledge that God gave me while sharing the Gospel at our mission at White Rock Lake in Dallas – the Fig Tree parable given by Jesus concerning the Last Generation- has a key to unlock the mystery. That key opened up my understanding of the Cosmic Crossroad which has 4 arms: each arm is based on the Bible- one relates to the Fig Tree lessons by Jesus and so I therefore go into great detail discussing both the Old and New Testament message related to the “Fig Tree” including the budding, and the ripening of the fruit on the Fig tree. The next “arm” is the Signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars – with a discussion on the Bethlehem Star and its parallel to the Great Sign of Revelation 12 and the promise in Genesis 3:15. The 3rd arm incorporates the Testimonies of Current events & history, Prophets and the Apostles, the City of Jerusalem and the Creation. For instance the evidence of an ordered and fine tuned creation is evidence of God’s divine plan and His ability to communicate to us through His creation. The 4th arm includes the 50-year Jubilee, the Prophetic generations, and important the 40, 70, 100, 400, 500, &1000 generational periods. All of these point to a soon to come intersection and convergence of “wheels of time” and events on God’s eternal time-line.

The main “prophetic-like” statement that I made in the book was to say that soon after the Solar Eclipse here in America there would be “many storms”.  I felt that God led me to include this and so in faith I put this in the book.  Go to the official COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN . COM  website to read an excerpt of the book and for more information.  Jeremiah states, “Behold the storm of the LORD! Wrath has gone forth, a whirling tempest; it will burst upon the head of the wicked.  The fierce anger of the LORD will not turn back until he has executed and accomplished the intentions of his mind. In the later days you will understand this.” (Jer. 30:24-25)

Discussion:  If you have any questions post them to the form provided and I will answer them.  Questions:   1)  You mention that the Jew looks for Signs whereas the Gentile looks for knowledge.  Then you stated that Stars are a sign to the Jew, yet the Bethlehem star was seen only to Gentile kings?   ANSWER:   Actually the Bethlehem Star was seen by everyone, but only recognized by the Magi who had been trained by Daniel in the 70 and more years that he resided in Babylon (Daniel 1:20, 2:2, 4:7 and 5:7) and in Persia.  Probably the Sign was that of the Constellation Virgo and Leo with something spectacular that happened within the “womb” of Virgo.  Daniel was a Jew and he knew the prophecy of Isaiah (49:5-7) concerning the “Light to the Gentiles”.  He probably taught the Magi or stargazers that the “Gateway” or “Door” to the mystery of when the Messiah would come depended on the these constellations.  These are the same stars that the Egyptians used to design the Sphinx which has the body of the lion and head of the “virgin.”  They represent the beginning and the end of the “divine” stellar “clock” or history in the constellations that God probably taught Adam and Eve.

Question 2)  What do think will happen due to Sept. 23?  First I want to dispel the confusion created by the “conspiracy” people.  No, there is no planet “X” and the world is NOT going to End or be destroyed by meteor.  My thought and it is only an educated heart felt thought is that it opens up a new paradigm or series of events which are “new beginnings”.  Note this is NOT date setting since I am not setting an actual date!  Jesus scolded the Pharisees for not being aware of Signs of his Time (That Jesus is and was the Promised Messiah)  just as they were blind to the meaning of the Bethlehem Star.

Question 3)  Why the current event section of your book?

I really should have made this section longer and with categories.  Current events point to the end time in many ways:  1) It is obvious that there is an increase in animosity towards Israel and Christianity throughout the world and here in America.  2)  False religions and Christs:  we see this increasing in various parts of the world including Russia & the Caribbean where “prophets and false Christs” are proclaiming to be messengers from God.  It is happening in a different form here in America with many churches turning towards homosexuality & false theology such as “Replacement Theology”.   3)  America is the world’s Tech giant as we birth the powers that control the internet & social media- allowing for quick communications and loss of face to face interaction.  This faceless force is affecting a new generation of “lost souls” who see no need for relationship with God- for they have formulated their own idols and gods that cater to them.  4)  The increase in irrational behavior and Terrorism is another sign of the EndTime!  Children are being trained to kill and a whole generation is forced into a slavery of death in many Arab countries and in many Islamic provinces all over the world.  Sharia law is also being practiced throughout the world.  We also see the rise of rogue nations that carry massive nuclear weapons and whose leaders are bent on the destruction of Israel and the United States.  5)  There is an increased expansion of both China and Russia in every area of global control including the aspect of hacking and theft of secrets.  6) Increase in anarchy throughout the world including here in America.  Antifa is a prime example- especially since our media tends to glorify them while attacking any counter movement.   7)  The Apostasy of the church and the apathy in the American church.  As stated in my book there are many leaders in the church who are trying to promote perversion and unnatural laws that go against God’s Word.  The Sign of the Solar Eclipse addresses this very issue.  America  and the church needs to repent or we will come under God’s Judgment soon.

Question 4.  What do you mean by the Messiahnic age?  Lamb & Lion ministries seems to be confirming one of my points in the book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN. David Reagan states,” Did you know that more Jews have come to Jesus since 1967 than in the 2,000 years prior to that time? Do you know why?”
In my book I repeat what a 14th century rabbi states, that the 10th Jubilee which is the 1967 to 2017 Jubilee would be the Messiahnic Jubilee- translated means the time of Jewish conversion.

God tells us to be “alert and of sound mind so that we can pray”.  He also tells us that “it is not by power nor by might, but my Spirit, saith the LORD.”  So seek God’s Spirit in prayer by reading His Word, and then be obedient & of sound mind.

God wants a relationship with us and he seeks us … all we have to do is to receive the gift that he has to give us and that is the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ and it is only through Jesus Christ ….for as Jesus himself said, the path is narrow and hard but the crowds follow the easy wide path. Do you want to choose him or do you want to choose the way of the world? Jesus Christ is the Door to heaven and the only door… do not be fooled by false prophets or false religions nor the lies of the media and of the world

The Lord’s Windstorm

Nahum the prophet said, “The Lord is slow to anger and powerful…the Lord’s path is in the windstorm and hurricane, thunderclouds are dust under his feet.” The Prophet Zechariah states, “God will blow the trumpet and will go out with the summer windstorm”.  And he continues, “The Lord who fashions, lightening thunderstorms…”

IT IS NO COINCIDENCE: Our recent Solar Eclipse crossed the US from coast to coast; was the most viewed eclipse in American history; appeared without much cloud interference; happened at the beginning of a special time of repentance called Teshuva (a time that God calls for national change of behavior) and 33 days before the Sun, moon, and stars will be ready to align themselves for the Great Sign of Revelation 12 on September 23rd.  The Eclipse started in Oregon the 33rd State and ended in South Carolina which is at the 33rd degree parallel. Thirty-three is the number of perfect perfection- hence the PERFECT SIGN.

IT IS NO COINCIDENCE: Hurricane Harvey came a few days later; struck the city of Corpus Christi (which means body of Christ) and had the name Harvey which means “Branding Iron”;    it moved back and forth just as the planet Jupiter was moving in the body of the constellation Virgo (a retrograde motion which makes this Sign the most unique Sign in Earth’s history- since Jupiter is the child about to be birthed near Drago the serpent).  Texas the most conservative state in the union received the 1st blow, a “Sign” that God will bring justice to all and seeks repentance from all.  These storms are so massive that they draw world-wide attention?

IT IS NO COINCIDENCE: Hurricane Irma became a massive storm in the Atlantic where the Solar Eclipse ended and then moved straight for Florida, and again has drawn world-wide attention.

It is no coincidence that we are seeing the supernatural presented in just about every way and form in society: in conspiracy theories, movies, games, print and the rest of the media.  Horrific and often twisted violence is being provoked against man, rumors of war are magnified to nuclear proportions, droughts and famines are spreading without making the news, and the Apostasy is spreading. Time is being compressed and thus we sense that illogical & incomprehensible events are rising with the power of the Lie. However, while darkness spreads the Light of God is exposing it.  The Power of the Cross and the Spirit are moving in mighty ways to save the lost, and God is calling and equipping the church to lead the way, pray, take a stand, and share the Word.

It is No coincidence that we are living in the a time like the “days of Elijah”. Elijah confronted Baal worship in what many believe was the greatest battle in the Old Testament of good against evil.  Upward of 850 prophets of Baal were killed by the people for having failed to defeat the God of Elijah. Baal Worship was the worship of the gods of the environment, child sacrifice (abortion), temple prostitution (Apostasy) and Idol Worship (ESPN’s ( ESPN’s obvious severe bias against our sitting President yet the men and women of this nation still sit mesmerized by their favorite sports!) This is a sad time for America which has glamorized the sport of winning at all costs too long (yes- even to the point of brain damage etc.). If the third hurricane forms out of Jose, Beware!  It will probably head for New York and like Harvey  it may hit land 3 times!

Does anyone remember what happened to Elijah after God’s defeat of Baal?  He fled to the real Mount Sinai which is in Arabia!  There he encountered God in the still voice- not the fire nor the earthquake.  Are we also headed for a major fire and earthquake?  The last events that happened to Elijah were:  1) Elisha who became his companion and apprentice prophet,  2)  He gives Elisha a double portion of “miracle power”- from God  3)  He parts the Jordan River which by the way is where Jesus was baptized  4)  He is lifted up in a whirlwind of fire!  Does any of this sound familiar?  From the Word of God it sounds a little like events in the book of Revelation including the rapture and the two witnesses.

Ezekiel states, (13:13) Therefore this is what the Lord God says, “In my burning anger I’ll rip it open with a windstorm, In my anger I’ll rinse it off with rain…and put an end to it with a hailstorm.” And Jeremiah the Prophet states, “Behold, the storm of the LORD! Wrath has gone forth, a whirling tempest; it will burst upon the head of the wicked.  The anger of the LORD will not turn back until he has executed and accomplished the intents of his heart. In the latter days you will understand it clearly. ” Jer. 23:19-20.  Jesus says, “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.” – Luke 21:11.

In my book, COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN,  I share about God’s footprints on our historical timeline and how Wheels of Time are converging unto our present age.  We saw Signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars just as they may have appeared at the birth of Jesus (The Star of Bethlehem may have had an array of constellation and planet movements as did the September 23rd Woman of Revelation 12 ),  and we are now seeing events happen as they did in the time of Elijah.

The Solar Eclipse was extremely significant in that it happened on the first day of Elul or on the 1st day of the 40-day period of repentance, and went from coast to coast, to cast a shadow only on America.  Likewise this whole event happened on a Jubilee year which implies a super “Return” or super repentance – a warning to America that storms were coming.  In the case of Elijah he overcame Jezebel & Ahab and destroyed 850 priests of BAAL.  In our time we have had the Obama/Hillary combination, which Jonathan Cahn in his book the Paradigm goes into great detail to show they parallel Ahab and Jezebel.  Having overcome this threat of Jezebel,  Elijah flees to a sanctuary and is visited by an earthquake, a hurricane, and a firestorm- each of which we have seen in recent weeks in their extreme forms (the Jubilee would have possible magnified everything by 50X).  I am convinced that we are being tested and this includes the church.

Here is the cover of my new book: 

God wants a relationship with us and he seeks us … all we have to do is to receive the gift that he has to give us and that is the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ and it is only through Jesus Christ ….for as Jesus himself said, the path is narrow and hard but the crowds follow the easy wide path. Do you want to choose him or do you want to choose the way of the world? Jesus Christ is the Door to heaven and the only door… do not be fooled by false prophets or false religions nor the lies of the media and of the world

Are These the Days of Elijah?

The Prophet Malachi promised that Elijah the prophet would come right before the “great and awesome day the LORD.”  The Jewish people do not believe that he has come, whereas we as Christians know that Jesus proclaimed that John the Baptist was Elijah.  Today we are the “Elijahs”, because we are supposed to be preparing the “Way of the Lord” in the “wilderness” for His Second Coming.

Right now we are seeing very dark forces rising up.  We have seen ISIS, North Korea, Abu Sayyaf, Al-Qaida, Hezbollah, Boko Haram, Al Sahbaab, Hamas, and dozens of others intent on killing Christians, Jews, and anyone they do not like.

The powers of darkness are being manifested in social behavior and the glamorization of evil, Satan, slavery, pornography, and just about everything that goes against the Spirit and Truth.  The Burning Man festival is a good example.   This “alternate world” is an ultimate freak-out with drugs, sex, sorcery, witchcraft, worship of the dead, and now even a human sacrifice.  Check out the post on the “Burning Man”.   We are witnessing Defiance and “demi-gods” taking front stage in America with the media glamorizing their every action and declaration.  God is now going to act.

In the time of Elijah, Jezebel introduced Baal worship which was a combination of nature worship, Idol worship, child sacrifice, self mutilation, and worship of Asherah.   This is an amazing parallel to what we see today, if you consider abortion as child sacrifice and piercing as mutilation.  Temple prostitution is associated with drugs, slavery, child abuse, and the worship of Asherah.

Do you remember how Elijah was hunted down by Ahab?  Finally Elijah agreed to meet King Ahab’s 850 prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel for the showdown of the Ages.  It had not rained in Israel ever since God told Elijah that He would not bring rain…. and of course Ahab blamed Elijah.  He had all the people show up to watch the battle.  Elijah gave the Baal prophets as much time as they needed, even time to cut themselves and wail to their god.  Elijah then had the men dig a trench and fill it with water.  In this trench he drenched the wood for the altar that was built and then called out to God.  God answered and lit the altar up and the  sacrifice was  fulfilled.  The people then killed all the prophets of Baal.  This was the ultimate supernatural battle fought on a mountain top in front of all the kings men and for all the people to witness.   Are we willing to take a stand for God and “destroy” the demi-gods and idols in our lives?  Why are people wasting hours watching sports, idolizing sports and sport heroes, talking sports, and promoting sports?  Why are we setting a bad example for kids?  These so called heroes are often abusers of women, of the temple of the Holy Spirit which is their body, and glamorizers of violence.

Today on this same Mount Carmel there is another “Altar” – one that represents all the pagan religions of the world.  It is lit up at night like a great pyramid of paganism and Baal worship for all the world to see. Israel allows it!  Below is a picture of this eleven level pyramid of altars to the world’s most prominent religions including ancient ones to Saturn, which is just another name for Satan.  This is a testimony of the fallen nature of culture today including that of Israel and God’s chosen people.  Again “Testimonies” are an integral part of my new book:  COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN- The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation.

The Cover of my New Book:





My favorite verse to summarize the importance of this book is: “Be alert and of sound mind so that you can pray.”  This simple yet powerful verse emphasizes the fact that this book alerts the public to the need to reconnect with the God of their childhood and to have faith in Him, Jesus Christ.  Most of all we need to pray as we study the Word of God  so that He can teach us and guide us through tough times that are fast approaching.  We are NOT called to defend ourselves with weapons of destruction, but with weapons of the Spirit, or Prayer & The Word of God.  We are not going to help anyone by hiding out in an underground bunker, nor a mountain cave.  We are to be a Light on a Hill for everyone to see and know.   The Answer and Truth are from God and God alone.
If you were God and wanted to communicate a warning to all mankind, what would you do? Would you communicate a written warning first? If mankind did not heed that warning, what would you do next? If He then recreated himself as one of us and again warned us, would you listen? Having left clear directions and updated commands He departs. Then as He predicted most have fallen away, and the future generations followed in disobedience and rebellion.
The “Wheels of Time” have repeated this cycle of repentance to disobedience, righteous pursuit to the glorification of the perverse, the lifting of Worship and Relationship with the God of Love and Truth, to the lifting up of the Lie and Deceit.  What would He then do? Does He repeat His past attempts to suppress evil and preserve a righteous remnant? Or does He try to repeat Signs and Warnings to the most influential nation in the world as He did with the Babylonians, then the Persians, and again with the Romans and most recently with the nations that have upheld his ideals and spread his Gospel? In the past those attempts have worked only for a  short time and with each attempt the results have been weaker and less effective. A good example was Nineveh where God sent Jonah to preach, and in due time the evil Empire of Assyria repented.  What motivated them to repent?  Star charts show that there was a Solar Eclipse that happened right before Jonah arrived.  Jesus said to the Pharisees, that to “an evil generation he would give no sign except the sign of Jonah.” Was that the same sign that He just gave to America?  In short time Nineveh went back to its old ways and was totally obliterated by the Babylonians. 
We are the strongest nation in the world, with power over trade and currency, domination in language and communication, the world’s entertainer and driver of technology and services, and sadly the greatest producer of perverse, sordid, and anti-family film, music, games, literature, and art. We are the world’s greatest purveyor of gambling, drugs, and abortion aid and services. We drive the world’s economy, lust, greed, and a good part of its addictions. However, America has also been the world’s leader for many decades in defending and protecting victims and the defenseless, medical research and cures, charitable giving and rescue, and the builder and developer of churches, missions, and other Gospel instruments. We have also been the strongest and most consistent supporter of Israel and the persecuted Christian.  It would make sense that God will address America first.

Everyone needs to take a spiritual inventory and an eternal perspective before it is too late!  If you cannot understand, nor concentrate on the Bible it is useless as revelation to you.  Every Word in the Bible is inspired!  It feeds the human soul, just as Jesus said, “My bread is every word that procedeth out of the mouth of God!”  Yes, the Word or Bible is more than just words, it is the living Word that can divide and discern soul and spirit, mind and falsehood, and even natural and supernatural.  Even the words of Shakespeare are meant to tickle the mind and are for entertainment: the Word of God is not!  Understand that there is a real war going on in the supernatural as stated in the inspired  word Paul shared with the Ephesians.  “ For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

 If you devote time with the Creator of the Universe, he will reply to your quest and question.  He will open your own mind and heart up, and remove the fog of fear and pride, giving you knowledge of both the universe and the supernatural. He will reveal Truth to you and give you purpose and an identity that is eternal! He will give you the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things that you cannot see!  Yes, that is what He calls Faith, and it is a free Gift along with Eternal Life.

The purpose of the book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN- The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation, is to draw as many people to the Truth in the Bible for this book reflects the Prophecies, Teachings, and Events recorded in God’s message to man.  There are some speed bumps and blind alleys in life, but God uses them to build us up so that we can be a better person and witness.  Likewise, there are some errors in this first edition of the book, but a new edition is now out.

 More than ever in my life- I believe that Christians as a group are at the Crossroad of the Promised Return of the Lord Coming in the Clouds. What legacy are you leaving behind?  Are you sharing the Gospel? Are you preparing your loved ones and others for the rapture, or are you the one that needs to truly repent and believe?  Tell your loved ones that Good News, that Jesus Christ accepts them where they are at!  The God of the Universe has a special Purpose and Plan for them! 
NOTE THAT WHEN THE INITIAL TRANSCRIPTS WERE SENT IN FOR PUBLISHING, THE BOOK WAS SABOTAGED.   You will see the first evidence of this on the very first page on the 3rd paragraph where the name of “Jesus” is mentioned first!  Right after his name there is a capital “Z” placed in the middle of “hiZmself.”
There are at least 9 other changes that were made after they received the final draft!  In one case someone changed the verse chapter related to Matthew 24 to Matthew 9.  Another one adds an entire repeated paragraph.  When reading the book, if you have difficulty understanding it, return to this website for clarification, or email me at “phrescue7@sbcglobal.net,” and I will answer your questions.  The theme and message of the book was NOT changed, nor was the import!  The book is meant as a warning and a “heads Up” to all who read it!  We are already seeing God’s Sign to America playing out with a record breaking “freak” hurricane that struck at the heart of the “Bible Belt” and conservative America just a week after the Solar Eclipse.  In just a matter of one day this category 1 storm turned into a category 4, then moved back and forth over the shoreline for a week of heavy rain and up 134 mph winds! Why would God allow this? America as a nation, will be judged just as was Israel.  God is showing us that ALL of America will be tested.  I believe that Texas is passing the test!  Will what is coming to California/ West Coast,  and the North East/South East be handled with the love and sacrifice that has been seen here? Will we see the next hurricane hitting Florida?  Will extreme cold hit the North this year? I  think even Texas is headed for a record cold winter.
The motion of that hurricane in a sense mimics the movement of Jupiter in the “birth womb” of the Woman of Revelation 12 making this next sign one of its kind and much more significant than the Solar Eclipse. It is also a reflection of the Genesis Prophecy of Genesis 3:15 showing the “seed” in both and the “serpent” wanting to devour it. Like in the Revelation sign the Lion of Judah waits to crush the head of the serpent- its paw sits near the serpents head.  Could the promise of Genesis 3:15 be a foreshadowing of the unfolding of God’s eternal promise to Israel and to the church. AS stated in the book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN the Solar Eclipse also had a divine link between the Jewish world and the Gentile world. This linkage will be heightened when the feast days approach next month!   Here is the cover to the new book:  
“Offer the sacrifices of Righteousness to the Lord”.  God commands us to offer our actions and thoughts as sacrifices to Him.  Yes our “Right Living” is accepted by God as a sacrifice to Him!  This is our sacrifice that we can offer to Him daily – or for that matter at every minute or second of our life!  We should all offer on a daily basis the sacrifices of Praise and obedience.
God wants a relationship with us and he seeks us … all we have to do is to receive the gift that he has to give us and that is the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ and it is only through Jesus Christ ….for as Jesus himself said, the path is narrow and hard but the crowds follow the easy wide path. Do you want to choose him or do you want to choose the way of the world? Jesus Christ is the Door to heaven and the only door… do not be fooled by false prophets or false religions nor the lies of the media and of the world

Cosmic Crossroad Countdown- Bio, Summary, and Excerpt:

THIS BOOK WAS originally WRITTEN 2 years AGO, and DUE TO AN ERROR (SOMEONE SABOTAGED THE PRODUCTION by putting a “Z” on the first page next to the name Jesus Christ), it had to be republished 3 months after being submitted.  At that time my heart was impressed with the need to warn America quickly that the Sign of the Solar Eclipse would bring serious storms and other events  and that America needed to repent of its defiance and sins against God and authority.  We all need to come to the table of reconciliation with forgiveness and repentance.  That first 130 page Book was printed in a hurry to beat the Solar event and so had some fragmentation in the flow.  I have now  republished it with the same data but which clarity and better flow. You will be amazed how relevant it is to today, for every inspiration and insight has Come True.   Dr. Hofmann continues to warn about the countdown that is bringing radical new Beginnings.  Continue reading for the Author’s Bio and Book Summary. Continue reading Cosmic Crossroad Countdown- Bio, Summary, and Excerpt: