Dr. Hofmann’s Book Reviews

Book 1:  Dentistry Xposed:  DentistryXposed by Dr. Peter Hofmann is a book written by a man with 43 years of experience as an urban and wilderness dentist. The first few pages of this book got me hooked, as it promises to be a health advocate for those who cannot afford the modern hospital. The truth is that every human being has one or more health concerns. Coming across a book that promises cost-effective tips on staying healthy will surely get your attention. If you want to know about the challenges of modern dentistry, foods that help fight tooth decay, the importance of fibrous foods, and the only recommended healthy sugar, then make sure you finish reading this book.

This book focuses mainly on dentistry practice, the challenges of a modern-day dentist, and the way forward. In advising on how to choose a dental treatment, the author advised you to wait or go online to websites like PubMed or Medline when in doubt about a medical procedure.

The thing I like about this book is that it made me aware of my teeth. I never knew that teeth could erode from over-brushing. My prior conviction is that, just like a dirty cloth, the more you wash and brush your teeth, the cleaner you are. This book proved otherwise. Also, this book said it is good practice to rotate the use of a toothbrush, allowing each to dry out before reuse. This practice prevents bacterial recontamination.

After reading this book, I discovered that one of the greatest enemies of the tooth is sugar. If the world spends fewer billions to produce sugar when compared to the trillions it costs to treat sugar-related illnesses, then to tackle sugar diseases, we have to tackle its production. The healthy sugar recommended for use in this book is xylitol. If you want to learn about the health benefits of this healthy sugar, read the rest of this book.

Another thing I like about this book is the use of diagrams at some points to drive home the writer’s point. I admire the labeling of the parts of the teeth and their functions. Also, this book has a lot of words unique to dentistry. To make reading easier, the author did not leave the readers in the dark but defined the technical terms used in this book. I give it 5 stars.

Book #2  Cosmic Crossroad Countdown—the 3rd book in this exciting Trilogy.

Dr. Peter Hofmann, author of Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War & Final Chapter, unveils the coming events that will shape the future of the world. The series of events will challenge the status quo and bring about a new world order.  Dr. Hofmann draws from the ancient prophecies of the Bible and other sources to warn of a great and powerful war between the forces of light and darkness. He reveals God’s plan to humble the proud and the elite, and to crush the invisible forces that control the Dark Pyramid of false religions and criminal elements.

Dr. Hofmann says, “We are in the Last Days, and the Hour is near as forewarned by the prophets in the Old Testament and by Jesus Christ, Paul, and Peter in the New Testament.” He explains that God gave us a very significant sign, much like the Bethlehem Star, as a warning of invisible “agents,” both natural and supernatural, that have affected every sector and level of society worldwide.

He believes that the purpose of this book is to wake people up, so that they can make changes in their lives. He states, “People must evaluate their eternal perspective and realize that God is fulfilling the plans He set down throughout ancient time.”

Dr. Hofmann’s book is a testament to God’s love and grace even in this time of trial and uncertainty. He hopes that the book will give strength and courage to those who are facing ever increasing hardship and anxiety.

Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War & Final Chapter is Available at Amazon:  and Barnes & Noble: 

Saving Your Life – along with the Signs of the Time


This book is called Dentistry Xposed: Protecting You, Your Smile, and Your Wallet.  I point out dozens of myths, scams & falsehoods that cheat people of their health and billions in savings each year and I will show you products and concepts that will improve your smile and even save your life. Did you know that five of the major causes of death are related to problems in the mouth?  A healthy mouth will protect you from heart disease, bone loss, pancreatitis, cancers, dementia, and other disorders. There is an interconnection between mouth disease, the microbiome of the gut, colon cancer, diabetes, and bad sugars such as sucrose and HFCS. There is, however, a miracle “super-natural” sugar that will save lives. The book includes a glossary of dental terms and answers tough questions related to mouth erosion, stress, vaping, Apple Cider vinegar, sleep apnea, poor-fitting crowns, dry mouth syndrome, alcohol, and safe disease prevention. For instance, there is an amazing super-soft toothbrush that will clean your teeth better and safer than other brushes; and there is a symmetrical sugar molecule, xylitol, that is stored in your cells and is also found in vegetables & fruit.  It can prevent or stop tooth decay, strep throat, sinusitis, diabetes, and serious tissue changes including colon cancer.

I want to make you aware that we often manufacture disease. A good example is the 500 drugs and medications that create dry mouth which leads to periodontal disease feeds bacteria into our bloodstream.  High Fructose Corn syrup, or HFCS, has been promoted because it is cheap vs. the natural sugar Xylitol which protects your tissues and lowers blood sugar levels. One causes type 2 Diabetes the other helps to prevent it. One causes fatty liver disease, the other counters constipation and microbes that can cause cancer.  Xylitol is a tasty food-medicine that can counter the effect of dry mouth & help a leaky gut.  Most doctors and the modern media have not heard of it and that is one reason why Dr. Hofmann calls this the “Untold Story” which has been suppressed by big money and politics.  It is time for a change. Over 80 years of research with a sampling of millions of people shows how effective and safe this simple sugar is. It is so safe that the FDA allows it to be sold as sugar-free.

The book reveals 23 widespread myths, 100’s of amazing facts, 45 “truth-bytes” that will help you change the course of your life.  For instance, alcohol in Listerine is OK but aged alcohol in bar drinks can cause oral cancer.  However, there are political, economic and corporate powers that have prevented many of the answers from getting to the public.  This book is guaranteed to save people a lot of money or they can have their money back.  Most important it will save lives. Knowing how to communicate with your dentist and having the knowledge to make the right decisions about your dental care will save you a lot of time, money, and pain. It will help you diagnose problems before they cause an emergency or weaken a heart, such as in the case of sleep apnea or sleeplessness in a co-worker or family member.  It will show you how to create an effective Dental Emergency Kit for those tooth problems.  Because sugar causes so many diseases, I will summarize more benefits of xylitol.

The logic of using sugar to heal problems caused by sugar does not register easily in one’s mind.  However, I now call xylitol a “miracle molecule” and I use it on a regular basis as a mint, chewing gum, and spray.   Amazingly, it stimulates the flow of liquids: saliva in the mouth, the dilution of phlegm or mucus in the nasal passages, and the softening of stools in the colon.   Use it as a spray to stop strep throat and a nasal squirt to heal sinus, nasopharyngeal, or even middle ear infections. God gave us this super-natural sugar for a reason- yet manufacturers have promoted the disease-causing sugars for generations.  We can prevent serious problems like diabetes, colon cancer, and other diseases with the effective use of this simple yet powerful healing molecule. It is found naturally in strawberries, mushrooms, cauliflower, and raspberries and can be bought as a mint or raw sugar at nutrition and grocery stores.  The only downside is that to a new user it can cause a runny stool and is not good for dogs.

It may surprise you to know that Xylitol is the only sugar that is produced by your own cells.  Each cell in your body stores xylitol in the mitochondria where it may repair ribose, a central component of RNA and DNA.  It is so safe that many countries give it to children or pregnant women to prevent tooth decay. It flows in the bloodstream and can pass through tissue, placenta, and bone barriers while causing no harm.  Research is showing that it decreases preterm birth, heals chronic wounds, and can help fight both depression and the flu. I mixed xylitol with saline solution to heal my sinusitis, dry cough, and chronic strep throat problems.

Xylitol is sold in all nutrition-focused grocery and health stores, usually at a reasonable price.  We are blessed to have this 5-Carbon food-medicine to counter the deadly effects of 6-carbon sugars.  Diabetes for instance has made our population very susceptible to Covid-19.  Xylitol’s extremely low glycemic index helps prevent diabetes and allows the diabetic to maintain stable blood sugar levels. When bad bacteria consume this 5-carbon sugar-alcohol they cannot metabolize and become inactive. They cannot multiply nor can they stay attached to the tissue they are harming. Xylitol then stimulates saliva flow or fluid flow in the area which washes away the bad bacteria and the acids that they had produced.  It is a one-two-three punch that stops inflammation.  We should do all we can to promote and use this wonder-sugar.

In preparing for this book not a single doctor who conversed with Dr. Hofmann knew anything about the power of Xylitol.  Nurses he spoke to said they used it in the hospital for treating dry coughs.  This may be explained by the fact the nurses are more involved in the day-to-day care of patients whereas doctors acting as overseers may be too distracted to learn from them. Dr. Hofmann is not surprised by this failure since he made the mistake years ago of buying some spray which he then left unused and unsold in his cabinet.  No one is educating us, and this is another good reason to buy this book and share it with your dentist or physician.  There is a lot of information on dentistry that I have collected over 44 years of practicing dentistry including a new substance that removes decay without the need for a needle or drill.  Go to Facebook pages: Dentistry Xposed and Cosmic Crossroad Countdown.  You can purchase both books at Amazon or your favorite bookstore or at my Dental practice in Dallas, Texas:  Peter Hofmann DDS at 15615 Coit. Rd. Ste. 107, Dallas, 75248.

Signs of the Time:  Do you realize how much we depend on signs? Signs tell us how fast we can drive, where to eat, how far to go, where we live, or when our plane arrives. Frankly, we take signs for granted. In ancient times there were few man-made signs, so many people depended on the stars, moon, sun, and shadows to tell them when where, and how to navigate distances and time. This may be the reason why people have failed to comprehend the convergence of 3 important signs. It involved planets, stars, our moon, the Jubilee year, Jewish Holy Festivals, & the Generations. God had promised that “A Star shall come out of Jacob; a scepter shall rise out of Israel.” He intends to use Heavenly Lights to announce His Promise of the Messiah. And when He puts those bright Lights in alignment and in a divine order or pattern such as placing them in the “womb” of the Constellation Virgo for 9 months then we know He is trying to get our attention. We also know that the main star in Virgo is called Spica which means Seed. This emphasizes the fact that Eve, the Seed, and the Serpent Satan in Genesis and the Woman-with-child under the threat of Drago in Great Sign of Revelation 12 are interconnected and therefore, point to the final battle between the Dragon or Satan and the Seed of the Woman, Jesus Christ.

Recently unusual movements of heavenly bodies were linked to special events on earth over a span of 3-and one-half years. Each event had significant meaning. For instance, the Blood moon on the feast of Passover 2014 has a significant meaning when it is connected to 3 other Blood moons within a 24-month period that also landed on special Jewish Festivals. That first blood moon happened exactly 3 ½ years before the “Great Sign” that Jesus warned the Apostle John about in Chapter 12 of His Revelation to the Church. The Sign happened on September 22, 2017, as declared by astronomers who were amazed by how Jupiter stayed in the “womb” of Virgo for over 9 months. Prior to that Venus moved in conjunction with Jupiter across the Solar System for 400 days! Then Venus (representing Jesus as High Priest) departed the womb and moved in perfect alignment with Mars (Son of Man) and Mercury (The Messenger or the Word) to form a line of Bright Heavenly Lights pointing at the star Regulus (Jesus as the King of Kings) at the heart of the constellation Leo.

There was a time when constellations were extremely important. The Big Dipper for instance pointed out the North Star and this bright Star helped the star navigator sail in the right direction. The constellations told the story of Creation with Virgo, the Virgin Eve, leading the way, and Leo the Lion closing out the epic event. Some students of Egyptology suggest that ancient priests believed there was a special portal into the underworld at the point where Virgo and Leo joined. Ancient Egyptians thought that the sun, moon, and stars in a certain pattern provided a pathway to the supernatural and to the “Field of Reeds” where the god of the afterlife, Osiris, ruled. That is why the Sphinx had the head of the Virgin and the body of a Lion. This was their path to eternity, but God has a unique purpose His Great Sign. We will explore the possibilities and the timing of this incredibly special event.

The Great Sign is connected to God’s promise to the Virgin Eve and the Serpent Satan in Gen. 3:15: “I will put enmity between you (speaking to the Serpent) and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” Both involve the Virgin, the Seed, a Dragon, and the Hero. Both reflect the birth of the Savior and His Resurrection with the defeat of Satan, death, and sin. Jesus’s first coming was announced with a heavenly light, the Bethlehem Star. It was a silent beacon that was not noticed by the leaders, scribes, and Pharisees. It was noticed only by the Kings of the East who were trained by the prophet Daniel. Likewise, the Great Sign was not seen by the Spiritual leaders of today. In fact, it was virtually invisible since it appeared so low on the horizon. Plus, the minute the sun came up and positioned itself on the shoulder as described in Revelation 12:1, you could not see the sign since it would blind you!

So why would God call the Sign of Revelation 12 a “Great Sign” if it would be unseen by the naked eye? Only astronomers with their telescopes and star maps knew it happened. So, what is its message? Is it to warn us of surprise unseen attacks: of both natural and supernatural invisible forces? Is it a divine Time Marker giving us a time to prepare while Satan sets up the stage for the Anti-Christ? We should expect attacks on the Church, on Christian leadership, the nuclear family, and on the unborn.

Since then, we have seen unusual increases in perversion and insane behavior. We had unseen hacking and cyber-attacks, extreme winds (a record number of hurricanes), and the Covid-19 pandemic. Will it usher in a final countdown for End Time events? It should be a warning to those who have wandered from the faith. Jesus who is the Light of the World warned religious leaders of his time that they were oblivious to the kingdom that was coming. These blind leaders feared the voice of God for it threatened their power and wealth. Is this happening today? Are our faith leaders and those millions who are living comfortably afraid of the voice of God declaring His soon return? As suggested divine Signs do not mean much to those who do not care nor know how to read them. It would be like you or I see a sign written in a foreign alphabet. That ignorance, however, does not mean that it will not affect us. If you miss a stop sign you may suffer severe consequences. Simple signs or less visible signs might be ignored. And some signs can have different meanings to each observer. The rainbow is a sign that water vapor is in the air but according to the Bible, it is an important sign from God of His Covenant never to flood the earth again. The Great Sign seems to carry an important spiritual warning and message.

The Great Sign of Revelation 12 comes right before there is a war in heaven where Satan and his angels are cast out. Revelation 12:12 states, “Therefore rejoice O heavens, and you dwell in them! Woe to the earth and the sea, for the Devil, has come down to you with great fury, because he knows he has a short time.” Have you noticed how crazy and insane things appear to be? It is because Satan and his demons are here. This is part of the shadow that covers the earth. But God and His angels are here to protect us. We can seek refuge in the Shadow of His wings and the Valley of the Shadow of death will draw us closer to God.

The first 3 ½ year shadow began with that first blood moon and ended on September 23, 2017, at the Great Sign of Revelation 12 and at the end of the Jubilee. The 2nd 3 ½ years began as the Trumpets were announcing the 10 days of Awe. It ends March 20, 2121. This is not the rapture but suggests that there will be an intensifying of judgment against the darkness that has spread over the leadership of the nation. Evil has spread to board rooms, to offices of governors, mayors, and leaders of our nation. Read Revelation 12: 1-8 and note that the word “THEN” after the Sign of the Woman closely ties this time to an unseen attack by Satan and his angels after being cast from heaven.

This sequence of two 3 ½ periods surrounding the Sign of Revelation 12 is a divine shadow of the 7-year judgment to come. This second 3 ½ year foreshadow seemed to start innocently but it did not, for we saw an attempted political coup against God’s chosen man to lead America. God put Trump in power to declare Jerusalem the legal capital of Israel. Trump has also been appointed to fight the lies of socialism and the rebellious anti-God movement. LIES are a profoundly serious offense to God. These LIES have risen to incredible heights. Many in the media, Hollywood, High Tech, and Congress have exalted the LIE and suppressed the Truth to destroy the sexual order, the family, Israel, and God’s chosen authorities. Behind this wave of darkness are supernatural forces that aim to undermine God’s people and institutions.

Many have heard the powerful story about Rahab, her faith, and the signal she would give to save herself and her family. The sign she used to alert the Israelites was a scarlet threaded rope hung from a window on the wall. The Israelite army was to march around the city one time for 6 days then on the 7th day, they marched around 7 times and blew their trumpets. God used specific numbers and actions to prepare for the divine destruction of Jericho. He used Rahab’s red rope to remind us that divine grace runs like a scarlet thread throughout “His story” tying His Promise to great events and people in history. That is why the Great Sign of Revelation 12 is so important. God’s mercies are new every morning and God’s final defeat of Satan and evil will follow along with the Great Sign of Revelation 12. Rahab’s status as harboring a house of prostitution would put her at the very bottom of the moral and social totem pole, especially since God had commanded that all Canaanites be killed. Yet God not only preserved her, but He also raised her up as an example of faith. She is mentioned in the Hall of Faith in the Book of Hebrews and in the Book of Matthew as the ancestor of Jesus Christ. Her faith and our faith are to be threads of hope and mercy woven in time, as a testimony of God’s love and Gospel of Salvation.

Are we experiencing a greater influx of dark unseen forces and invisible agents? Covid-19, an unseen microbe, came from an unknown source. LIES and malware have been used to disrupt and corrupt. Other invisible forces affecting our lives include the falsehoods and censorship in our Airwaves. These include High Tech, television, Hollywood, and radio. Are Satan and his minions behind this invasion of propaganda and lies? Note that Satan is the Prince of the Air. This is all part of God’s plan which connects the Seed of the Serpent in Gen. 3:15 to both the 70th-week Prophecy of Daniel and the mystery message in Revelation 12. In this mystery, God forewarns us that Satan’s angels are now cast down from heaven and that Satan is in a fury because his time is short. These invisible dark forces will affect both America and Israel and will foreshadow the final 7 years spoken by Daniel. It will cause Jews to flee to Israel.

God gives us warning Shadows including America’s recent (2017) Solar Eclipse whose shadow crossed America from coast to coast for all to see, the 4 Blood Moons that cast shadows on every continent, and now the 7-year shadow that began with the first blood moon and ends on March 20, 2121. Shadows precede actual events, like an eagle casting its shadow on the prey. What happens next is not the rapture but a more intense series of birth pains as God works to purify and strengthen the Church. A humble church will act as a Light and Salt to the lost world.

“For though they knew God, they did not Glorify Him as God nor show gratitude. Instead, their thinking became nonsense, their senseless minds were darkened,” Ro. 1:21. Has God abandoned our nation to a depraved mind as stated in Romans 1:28? Is this why everything seems so illogical and beyond belief? This appears to be a supernatural descent into apostasy. Few seek the need for repentance like the ancient Israelites who refused to listen to the warnings of the prophets. The church has given up its first love for sugary treats to promote Easter, shopping sprees in the Holy Lands, comedy shows on Alaska cruises, variety shows, and Christmas extravaganzas. Sharing the Gospel and missions are given a backseat to building projects. The church spends more money on fancy buildings than any special service.

Other evidence that the “Great Sign” is important is the fact that Daniel, John, Matthew, and Moses, saw Jesus face-to-face, and each wrote about these end-time events that interconnect with each other. Their books point forward to events happening in our time to give us Hope. This Hope is anchored to the soul. As the Word says, we have been born into a Living Hope. In Matthew Jesus warns of lawlessness, “Because lawlessness will multiply the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be delivered.” He then warns of wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, and famines as part of birth pains. These birth pains will intensify, meanwhile, the world and church are being shaken as God exposes sin and darkness to the Light. Places like N.Y. city and California may come under more extreme storms and shakings.

Through all this God will be Glorified, people will be saved, and the Church will be raptured. We can look forward to our faith being sharpened through endurance as we fix our Hope on the Grace to be brought to us through the complete Revelation of Jesus Christ. If you feel like you are being blinded by a devious media and leadership in high places, and Lies coming from all directions, pray to God. The Bible declares: Be Alert and of Sound Mind so that you can pray. Pray implies an immediate connection to the supernatural. Does all this make sense to you? As believers, we must move forward against the gate of Hell and its dominion on earth. We cannot let our past successes keep us from the miracles of Today. New blessings will follow us when we Walk in the Light and by the Spirit of God as we war against the world system and those diabolical strongholds.

Opposite Effect- Antacid in Life – Like anything it can destroy instead of heal:


We are always seeking solutions to our problems and without research and care we can cause more harm than good.  A very good example is the connundrum with Antacids.  They can do much more than just  Weaken Your Teeth:

  • For proper digestion, your stomach needs a certain level of acidity. If you take antacids too often or in high enough doses, your body can react by producing more acid than normal. This vicious cycle can lead to more heartburn (if you take more antacids the problem will accelerate). In the process of attempting to block the acid production: antacids can inhibit the absorption of calcium and protein—both vital components for improving the strength of your teeth and jaw. Kidney damage.  Antacids can potentially cause the following:
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms. …
  • Allergic reaction. …
  • Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. …
  • Low blood pressure. …
  • Endocrine disruption.

What people do NOT realize is that antacids will lead to Tooth Decay And Gum Disease if taken habitually and antacids can cause dry mouth. With less saliva in your mouth to wash food debris from your teeth and neutralize the acid produced by plaque, and because of this you are more likely to experience gum disease and tooth decay.

Antacids are also often full of sugar and the chewable ones can get stuck in the crevices of your teeth. This type of prolonged exposure can contribute to cavities.

Tips to avoid The Negative Effects Of Antacids

  • Use antacids in moderation. Try sugar-free ones.
  • Rinse your mouth after taking antacids, and after eating acidic foods.
  • Consume less acidic foods and drinks.
  • To protect enamel, wait about 30 minutes to brush after eating antacids or acidic foods.
  • Use Xylitol sugarless gum and candies which will help with dry mouth.

One area of great importance is acidic saliva which is discussed much more at the main website Dentistry Xposed.com

The Ghosts of America’s Great Health & Sugar Blunder

As an American do you feel that the average person in your circle has a healthy diet? Do you believe that we need to focus more on nutrition and overall body health?   Have you been given a nutrition evaluation or had any nutritional education?  Is your body morphology outside what is considered healthy?   How is your breath or waistline?  Do your gums bleed? Have you put off dental treatment because of cost or fear?  Are sugar and fructose to blame? 

These questions need to be confronted.  Why? Because many people have been given bad information or have a health or dental condition that will catch up with them.  Sugar is very good at attacking every part of the body and it begins in the mouth.  The mouth acts like a barometer providing evidence of unhealthy conditions, and therefore has been the focus of many extensive studies.  We now know that the health of the mouth is key to the health of the body.  Many hospitals and doctors now require a clearance from a dentist concerning the condition of the gums.  Why?  Because gum disease has been linked to infections of joints, heart vessels and other organs.  This is one reason why my new book is called Dentistry Xposed. 

In 1984, Marlan Mattox invited me on his radio show where I was able to share on the dangers of sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup. I explained that in the mid 70’s, Nixon had instituted a program to decrease the cost of food.  Fructose corn syrup was so cheap it became an instant solution. At the same time the sugar cartel was using research to convince people that it was fat not sugar that was causing heart disease and other problems.  Fats were then removed, and to keep food tasty, it became convenient to add the HFCS. This magnified all our problems since it goes directly to the liver.

Now a top Endocrinologist, Dr. Lustig who often teaches medical students, warns about the long-term effects of HFCS on our body. He describes how HSFC forms destructive end-products called AGE’s in the liver.  AGE’s also happens when we over-heat foods and sear them causing the unnatural fusion of proteins, lipids (fats) or sugars.  These end-products harm the liver & can lodge in capillaries and then affect the brain, eyes, hearing and other organs. AGE’s stands for Accumulated Glycation End-Products and is likened to poison. What is scary is that HFCS has the ability to quickly establish addictions. Dopamine in the brain is released and leptins which stimulate the sensation of being full are suppressed. It is the perfect sugar or molecule to draw people into addictive behavior.

Since 80’s the nation has developed the largest per capita ratio of diabetic patients in what is called the “First World” of economies.  Despite all our high technology and massive expenditures in healthcare, we do not compare well with little Finland. After sixty-one years of research among its entire population, Finland knows the value of a simple sugar that fights bacteria and does not harm the liver, pancreas, heart, teeth or other tissue.  This sugar, called xylitol, is found in fruit and vegetables and is even produced in our bodies and stored in the mitochondria of our cells. Finland gave it to their kids in WWII when the Nazi’s blocked the import of sugar.  Twenty years later they found that these grown-up kids had no tooth decay and little history of disease.  Unfortunately, xylitol was introduced into our nation while High Fructose Corn Syrup was being promoted by both the politicians and the economists. Because xylitol was more expensive and came from abroad, the policy makers immediately nixed its promotion and use in our food supply. Xylitol was suppressed even though many doctors and scientists knew it had healing powers.

America’s sugar, HFCS, worked its way into almost every kind of processed food including pretzels, sports drinks, canned foods, jams, lunch meats, cereals, junk munchies, yogurt, juices and candies.  This Halloween, the sugar industry made and delivered about 2.4 billion dollars’ worth of candies and other sweet products to the mouths of our children and eager adults.  Unlike the 6-carbon sugar fructose, 5-carbon xylitol protects the colon from the yeast Candida, soothes the colon lining with butyrate, and prevents constipation; all of which prevents colon cancer.  Studies going back 61 years shows that xylitol prevents tooth decay and stimulates the flow of saliva which counters dry mouth. In comparison HFSC causes obesity, diabetes, fatty liver disease, neurodegenerative diseases & other chronic problems. This has been America’s worst health mistake.  Unfortunately, xylitol is now primarily produced in China from corn cobs. Instead of building a xylitol industry in our country and promoting food-medicines, our leaders chose to create high fructose factories which have slowly poisoned the population. While Europe and Asia kept fat in foods and learned to use xylitol, we have been taught to love donuts and other super-sweet treats. 

There is hope, however.   Even though we have put ourselves and our loved ones under harm’s way, we can still affect change.  There is Great Reward in breaking food, alcohol, and drug addictions. It takes education and awareness. This is one very good reason for this book. There is nothing wrong with a desert during a meal, however, when we stoke-up-the-body with excessive calories to satisfy a deep desire, then we have encroached upon the true meaning of gluttony. Dentistry Xposed goes into detail about other falsehoods and misunderstandings. Our system is manufacturing disease with over 500 drugs and medications that cause dry mouth. Dry mouth is one of the major causes of gum disease or tooth decay and the formation of bacterial plaques which release tissue destroying enzymes into our blood stream or lungs. This affects organs such as the heart, pancreas and brain along with the health of the fetus. Other areas of falsehoods and myths revolve around the care of teeth and gums and how they are treated. Billions are made by scamming people with unneeded deep cleanings and poor crowns.

The solution can be as simple as maintaining a non-acidic saliva with the use of xylitol mints.  Much of the battle is Mental & Spiritual and requires a pro-active solution with good support, teaching & restoration. Like smoking there is more than a chemical stimulation involved. Sitting in front of a TV is part of the reward system that motivates us to move the arms, fingers and mouth closer to the poisons.  Stop rewarding yourself, your kids and others with sugar and learn to use good substitutes like safe natural foods or xylitol.  For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light

 Sincerely Yours, Peter Hofmann DDS, GO TO: DentistryXposed.com, 972-960-1913, 15615 Coit Rd. Ste.107 Dallas, Tex. 75248

you up to the task?  For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.

Learn how to fight the battle in a better way that will save your health. Read my new book: Dentistry Xposed: Protecting you, Your Smile, and Your Wallet.

Sincerely Yours, Peter Hofmann DDS, DentistryXposed.com, 972-960-1913, 15615 Coit Rd. Ste.107 Dallas

The Ten Biggest Dental Lies and Controversies

I have been a dentist for 38 years and am putting my license on the line for the Truth.   Like almost every other level of business and government, dentistry has been compromised and the expense of the patient and ethics.  I am going to reveal some the deepest secrets that the public as a whole does not know.

I share this because my own brother and many friends have been compromised. I may die any day but I want this information to be part of my legacy.   I have fought for Truth for many years and have paid the price.   So this site will receive point after point exposing fraud and deceit in my own profession over the next many months.





Recently I have heard people call this the “Time of Lies” and the “Land of Lies”. A study recently concluded that the average person lies 200 times in one day! Another study concluded that on average the 3 candidates during the primaries lied 25% to 75% of the time! In my profession it has become a common practice to not only lie to patients in advertising, but also in the clinic itself! Oh, sure, these are not the usual bonafide in your face lies, but they are in face value, “Lies”! When a doctor says to the patient that he needs such and such because the x-ray or test suggests it, without doing the proper diligence, he or she is in essence lying. What is even more egregious are the lies that may not hurt the patient, but which do make the practice a lot of money on a daily basis!

I will give an example: Patient A came into my office last week with an apology and a frown saying that he had responded to another doctors “free exam and discounted x-ray ad”. He said that after they took a full set of x-rays, they would not clean his teeth! Instead a consultant sat down with him for a long time trying to convince him that he needed $1,826 worth of dental work discounted by his plan to only $856! They showed him on the x-rays how bone loss was causing periodontal disease, and that in order to stop the progression of disease he would need a very expensive 4 quadrants of deep cleaning done (which was an inflated charge!- note also that if just 3 or less teeth are involved per quadrant the code changes to a much lower fee).  I looked at his past x-rays and in his mouth and told him that the diagnosis was completely wrong and that he did not have any periodontal disease!  The bone loss was due to toothbrush erosion only!  They used the x-rays to scare him into thinking that the bone loss was due to disease not erosion!  The “shadow’ on the x-rays was not due to disease!  The average person would not know better! All the patient needed was a good tooth cleaning and check up, costing $108 in our office.  This is an example of what is happening on a daily basis throughout this country!  People are getting ripped off by people in “white coats” who know they are skipping on the truth!

God judged the earth because “everyone was doing what was right in their own eyes”.  The basis for deceit, slander, malice, and theft is lying.  I was recently listening to a pastor talking about the “lying spirit” in our society and  church (which will be discussed more later).   President Obama  stated that Islam has always played an important part in the making of our country. The fact is that the only significant association that our nation had with Islam was when Jefferson sent our navy to stop the Barbary Pirates from taking slaves and booty from merchant ships!  To the pirate and Islam it is good and justified to lie to the infidel!  Lying is not part of our ethical standards and never has been!

This brings up a serious problem: cultural assimilation.  We are embracing cultures more than ever and their ethics are different than ours.  Our tolerant society has made us more vulnerable to all sorts of lies. One very large religion and culture believes in and trusts in “millions” of gods!  How many lies do you think are embedded in their ethics and standards?   Healing remedies, child rearing, sexual interactions and other norms can easily be distorted and abused under the darkness of authoritarian controls! Mythical, ethnic, and religious dictates can be used to sanction child abuse, spousal abuse, social banishment, witchcraft and who knows what!  To the esteemed white robed Pharisees, who held their culture under bondage with many made up laws & traditions , Jesus said, “You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Some of the worst lies are those that blind the mind and harden the heart. Here are a couple that the Bible warns about: “A fool says in his heart there is no God”, and “Pride goeth before destruction”.  It is foolish and dangerous to lie to ourselves and to continue living in ignorance, self denial, and pride.  When you do, not only are you setting yourself up for judgment, but in that state of mind and heart you could fall into a quagmire of problems including poor health, divorce, poverty, crime and death!  Open your heart to the Truth: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and he will make your path straight”.

Even as a believer it’s so easy to persist in lying to ourselves concerning our bad habits whether it be smoking, drinking, drugs, laziness, procrastination, or junk food. Take note that each of those “bad habits” listed above in themselves embody “tons” of lies! There is a spiritual component- a contaminating darkness- that everyone should be aware of! Our lies along with other lies become part of our thinking and behavior to the point that we lie to skip work, to steal, to win an argument, or to win approval!  In time we can become isolated both physically and spiritually, growing in frustration, bitterness, anger, unforgiveness, distrust, and evil desires!   Then at the point of despair the hardened heart allows the fall and we say or do something that is regretful and foolish,  hurting ourselves and others. The consequences can be dire, playing into the hand’s of Satan! Jesus said, “that Satan has come to steal, kill, and destroy;  I have come that you might have Life; and that you might have it abundantly!”  Satan’s lies are like a lion waiting to pounce at any moment to undermine our credibility and our purpose!

Just as our body relates to the physical world our soul communicates with the spiritual world. Caught in between is our mind! You may not see it happening or coming, but when we lie and ignore our conscience the consequences will take a toll! When Satan lied to Adam and Eve, they rebelled and lost the “Spirit” or “Life of God” in them! God had told Adam that if he ate of the fruit he would die and this death in actuality was a spiritual death. The Word says, “The wages of sin is death!” Like Adam we are spiritually dead in sin! “But while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”. This is how God demonstrates His love for us. Our Hope is in Jesus Christ and the work He did on the Cross! He paid the penalty so that we might have Life- the “Life of God” in the form of the Holy Spirit! The Word says, “For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive”. We are a new Creation in Christ, set free to be a light in the darkness, and to battle the world system that turns “the truth of God into a lie, and worship and serve the creature more than the Creator!”

Serious problems arise when the world’s lies infiltrate the church and are allowed to hide or grow!  We have witnessed many pastors who have fallen or have left the ministry.  If they had tapped into the Power of the Holy Spirit and sought the Righteousness of God with all their heart, mind, and soul, the lies of the flesh and the gates of Hell would not have prevailed!  The foundation of faith cracks when we allow the world system to dictate agendas, theology, the teaching by laymen, and the God given identity of the church itself!

For many years I was part of a church that one might classify as an “Emergent church” or a “Seeker Sensitive Church”.  Those titles by the way are “cop-outs” and only serve to create excuses for compromise!  Is worth effort and risk to reach out to the lost with lies?  For instance in these churches there is no effort to use good apologetics to teach the congregation the Truth about “6-Day Creation”! They do not want to create “controversy” even though the Bible is very clear that God’s greatest miracle was when He created the Universe.  That Miracle supports the fact that He continues His creation by: 1) creating us in the womb, 2) making us a new creation in Him, 3) and will create a new heaven and a new earth!

If you believe in evolution you will have to throw out “Original Sin” because “death” would have happened before the “Fall” and hence the penalty of sin would not be death.  If the penalty of sin is not death then the New Testament is a lie!  And just one lie undermines the entire Gospel and Satan wins!  Evolution and the “Old Earthers”, however, undermine a lot more, including the veracity of Noah’s flood and God’s Covenant with us.  God said that He would never “Flood the Earth” again! Old Earth scientists along with the evolutionists claim that Noah’s flood was only a “local flood” and that all those fossils that we see embedded in sedimentary rock were not caused by a world wide flood!  Hence every “local flood” that we have today is calling God a liar and the church would be complicit in that lie!  Just as with slander and deceit, a few good lies can spread and do a lot of damage to individuals and to the whole church!