BOOK Ends – Thoughts on Cosmic Crossroad Countdown.

In math we know a negative + negative = a positive.  So how does a double negative become positive in real life?  God is the master of surprise and surprised the world with a series of these.   Jesus Christ became a captive to set the captives free, He became sin to destroy sin, He died for us to defeat death.   This is the power behind the bronze serpent in the wilderness that healed all those who looked on it. Jesus became sin for us so that we might be set free from sin – a parallel of the healing that came to those who looked upon the serpent on the pole.  Read about the Wilderness experience in Cosmic Crossroad Countdown
The Burning Bush in the Wilderness was an eternal fire, and so was the torch fire  at the Abrahamic Covenant,  the fire beaming from the eyes of God and the fire of the Shekinah Glory which followed the Israelites.  Fire would normally consume organic matter, but instead this fire not only brings light but also carries a supernatural message.  In essence this type of event goes against the natural order and would involve a visible infinity.  If you saw an angel, for instance, this would be looking into infinity.  Abraham was asleep when the torch passed between the sacrificed animals.  Moses, however, was awake and saw “God” in the fire.   I would conclude that the fire denotes eternal time, matter, power (energy) & revelation – Awesome Truth laden with Love and Grace -in other Words the “I AM”.   This would involve, the Present, the Future, and the Past, for God is not affected by Time.  We are given a portion of this Holy fire when the fire of the Holy Spirit is sealed in us.  This is the eternal seal that guarantees our salvation.  He is God’s Spirit, an eternal fire within us – a source of the divine Light revealing Truth in the Word of God and elsewhere.  We, however, are not greater than the angels until we are “resurrected” into the presence of God.  At the point we also become eternal beings, greater than the angels, but not “mini-god-spirits” like the Mormons believe.

Paul the Apostle who had a first-hand experience of the “Light” of Jesus Christ writes that as children of light “we should have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness” (Ephesians 5:11-12), taking the responsibility to reprove them and expose the lies. This includes the lies of evolution which deny the Power and Glory of God Almighty who defeated the Sin of Adam and the Fall of Man, on the Cross.  The Light exposes that which is reproved by God, enabling us to “walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise” (Ephesians 5:15). That wisdom is not the foolish wisdom of this world (1 Corinthians 1:20) but the wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 2:7), “that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God,” understanding what the will of the Lord is.   Through his death and resurrection, Jesus who is, “God with Us (Emmanuelle),” has made His Kingdom available to everyone for free, and has manifested the Truth in His Word and Answered Prophecy.  The kingdom treasures are manifested in both the Old and New Testaments, but the “new wine” of Grace sets us free from the curse of the Law.  This Gift of Hope, Love, and Peace, the “kingdom life”, pulses through our heart and every fiber of our body and Spirit, as we wait for his return.  Jesus said, “Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the Age,” Matt. 28:20.

In the book of Romans God  forewarns us of a new kind of flood in the future. In the book of Daniel, God speaks of the widespread expansion of information and a population on the move. This information deluge will overwhelm people with useless and distracting data that will draw the generations further and further away from the Word of God and from a relationship with Him. This deluge of information will also allow enemy sources to penetrate and disable our personal and national intelligence data banks and hardware that are keys to world survival, but not our eternal security.
This rapid rise in knowledge will  lead to increased perversion, and greater threats to God’s city, Jerusalem, and to His promised Israel.  Instead of repenting those who wish to attack the traditional family will and have joined up with the witches, the cults, the abortionist, the criminals (illegal aliens, felons, and radical Islam), and even those who are pushing for legalized marijuana.  They do not realize that they are playing with a Hellish fire that will consume them.  “Just as they did not seem fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them up to a depraved mind, to do things which are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil……..” “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator….”
As explained in earlier posts and in COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN, the “Great Sign” of Revelation 12 is an invisible sign for a skeptical world.  Unlike the Star of Bethlehem, which was visible to those with “eyes” to see, and the many visible appearances that the Lord made in  the Old Testament as a “Theophany”, God is not going to make an appearance until His Second Coming – at least the Bible does not forewarn us of any!  Near the End of Time, He will appear in the clouds to receive the church, and again on the Mount of Olives to face the world’s forces.  One of the first signs of His 2nd Coming will actually come from the Anti-Christ and his covenant with Israel.  It is important to note that this “Great Sign” was greatly promoted in the news by fake prophets as being a sign of a coming collision with a Planet-X.  Satan loves to distract us from God’s Truth and from the meaning of His Sign.  The minute the sun rose, the stars and planets and moon became invisible to our eyes.  What else is invisible, yet great?  Yes, God and all the angels are invisible yet great, and as real as the ground you stand on. Hence the this sign points to the supernatural or that which is real, yet cannot be seen.  We know the Great Sign was real because our astronomers and star-maps told us so.  And God knew that we would have this knowledge.  Read the book for to learn why this was a very, very unusual sign, and remember that the “child” is the church & not Jesus.  Then read about the dragon in Rev. 12, that wants to devour the child.  Also read about Satan in the next paragraph, and check out the statement below:
I believe that time is short, as discussed in the book.  God seems to be shaking up the world to the point that those who have gained power and prestige through lies, ill gain, and selfish determination are taking a fall from grace. The celebrities and politicians, like Congressman John Conyers and ABC’s Matt Lauer, who have used and abused their power are now being exposed and shamed by their own kind, the liberal media. It reminds me of how Gideon defeated the Midianite army and coalition of forces. There was fire-balls thrown into the darkness which confused the enemy and caused them to destroy each other. God will find divine ways to teach the power hungry a big lesson. The Light of Truth and the Fire of the Holy Spirit will confuse, and destroy darkness. Jesus says to us, “I am the Light of the Word, follow me and you will not walk in darkness, but will have the Light of Life.”  We are seeing the “reversal of fortunes” or “surprise returns” in relation to the Jubilee year, as described in my book.  However, I had thought that this would also be reflected in the economy. Instead we are seeing this happen in a personal way to a person’s fortune, reputation, and self-esteem. God has orchestrated this fall for their sake so that in their loss and fall they will return to Him in repentance. This reversal of fortune or fall from grace is a shadow or reflection of Satan’s fall from heaven described in Revelation 12.

Why is the number 12 or Revelation 12 important?  Twelve is the number of Perfection & Authority – but also of “Time” set by God in the natural world of the moon, sun, stars, & constellations, (12 months, 12 Constellation Signs, and two sets of 12 hours). Twelve is also an interesting number combination of the perfect unit 2 found in all of creation and the number 10 of purification. The number “two” defines a dynamic coexistence of opposites or contrasts that balance forces, entities, divinity, space, and matter. All of creation is a balance of 2’s. Two can be looked at as a unit such as male and female, or the Hypostatic union of God and man, or light and darkness.

God in fact designed His Creation to witness both Good and evil. Thus, the number 12 could be looked at as a universal number for order in God’s Divine Plan for creation in both space and time!  The number 2 also represents God’s power manifested on earth.  We see 2 witnesses, the power of praying “where 2 are gathered”, the disciples going out 2 by 2, and many metaphors such as the two “olive trees” and “two lampstands” in Zechariah.   Two is also a sign of balance and stability.  It provides equal force and function to our body and those of other creatures.  The animals entered the ark two by two and God provides us two choices: to be with Him or separated from Him for eternity.  God is pointing to Revelation 12 for a reason-  a message from the “heavens” to forewarn us about supernatural events about to happen.  Everything is moving a lot faster and with more intensity including all the dark forces and principalities of evil.  This speeding up was forewarned by Daniel who was given the most important prophecy of all time:  The 70 Weeks Prophecy of the End of the Age.   Every aspect of life seems to be “accelerating and changing” so dramatically that many people in many nations fear that the world is hurtling toward doom.  America is no long the beacon of light reflected in the Statue of Liberty and the American Constitution.

There is an Approaching Darkness.   When Jesus was on the cross there was a darkness for 3 hours that terrified even the soldiers.  This was neither an eclipse nor a cloud.  This was a supernatural darkness that also resulted in an earthquake, the cracking of rocks (which must have made some horrendous noise), and the tearing of the 4-inch thick curtain  at the Holy of Hollies from top to bottom (hence God tearing it).  The thick darkness that fell over Egypt as the ninth plague covered the earth for 3 days.  I believe that this is not a coincidence.  In my book I compare the period of 70 days from the  “budding of the fig tree” to the time of “fruit bearing” as a parallel to the 70-year Prophetic Generation spoken by Jesus at the Olivet discourse.  It is fitting that the Shadow of death striking the first-born of Egypt came right after the 3 days of Darkness.  Likewise the death of the Savior came right after the 3 hours of darkness.   The Israelites were then delivered by God, just as God would deliver mankind through the resurrection.  The 70 days of germination of the fig floret results in the bearing of fruit and is a direct parallel to the 70 years since the “budding” of Israel.  The end of the 70-year Prophetic Generation will result in New Beginnings and new life in Christ.  There will be both a judgment and a deliverance.  Those who seek God will find Him and those who reject him will turn further and further away from truth and righteousness.

Turkey is turning more and more into the Gog of the Bible.  They have imprisoned Pastor Brunson on trumped up charges using hidden witnesses and mock trials.  They have in essence admitted that they are doing this in retribution for our failure to turn over certain American citizens for trial in their country. There is good evidence that Turkey is the “seat of Satan” as described in Revelation, concerning the church of Pergamum.  Satan would feel at home in a city with 4 Temples to the Emperors of Rome, a Temple to Artimus, and a huge Temple to Zeus.  Snakes would be used for healing; there were rooms where one would sleep with snakes in the hope that the serpents would crawl over them and give them good dreams, and healing. The Christian theologian and leader Antipas was burned alive and killed at the altar to Zeus.  This “throne of Satan” was later moved to Berlin and reconstructed by 1930, just in time for Adolph Hitler.  This throne and altar inspired Hitler’s torch parades and “Cathedral of Light” created by dozens of spotlights pointing to heaven.  Hitler employed “Hollywood Stars” to add to this German mystique.  Soon he formed the Nuremberg Laws which removed citizenship from the Jews setting them up for the “final solution,” the Holocaust.  Was this another “burnt offering” to Satan, just as Antipas was thousands of years earlier?

We may see Turkey making more alliances with nations like Russia and Iran in the near future, as it contends with both Israel and America.  Recently Erdogan, the self proclaimed dictator of Turkey, told America and Israel that moving the embassy to Jerusalem “was their red line.”  Iran has already told us that rescinding the Iran agreement established by Obama, would be crossing a red line, with severe consequences.  Here in May we also have the potential conference between Kim of North Korea and Trump.  Is this another trap or smokescreen from North Korea for a surprise attack on the South or on us?   We are entering a very precarious period with ominous signs.  Some of those signs are of natural order such as the 3 surprise eruptions of a normally “dormant” Steamboat geyser in Yellowstone (which produces a geyser 10X the volume of Old Faithful) and the fierce eruption of the volcano on the large island in Hawaii.  This is a volcanic island like many in the Pacific that are now very active.  There are earthquakes happening all around the ring of fire surrounding the entire Pacific ocean.  Does all this portend of a massive earthquake in California?




On page 67 of my book, COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN,  I discuss a very interesting “parallel in time” related to two 70-year Prophetic Generations each consisting of a 50-year Jubilee, and a 20-year “maturing” period. The birth of Jesus Christ in 2 BC (read my blog post showing why this date of birth is the correct one), and the birth of Israel in 1947-48 begin this mirror image parallel.  The parallel is broken up into a 20-year period and a 50-year one.  The date 1967 when Israel fought the miraculous 6-Day war after maturing into a capable fighting force with a solid economy runs parallel to 17 AD when the Son of God, Jesus Christ became of age 20 which was the tradition age in Israel to serve and give offerings.  Both introduce the next stage of maturation, where they impact the world with their shared power and aid.   Jesus will heal the multitudes through miracles while Israel will heal countless people through their advanced medical research and production.  They will also give all kinds of international aid (including high tech irrigation techniques and earthquake recovery). Jesus will transform the world with the New Covenant of Grace while Israel and the Messianic Church will transform the world through peaceful missions, life changing ministries, and Nobel winning discoveries in every profession including medicine, economics, and physics.

Add 50 years or one Jubilee to make our time of 2017-18 AD, we have seen the death of Billy Graham which runs parallel to 67-68 AD and the death of both Paul and Peter.  Their death left the church without the most influential leaders.  Right before their death something else of great significance happened: the “abomination of the Temple” or the date when the Romans brought their banners and standards of Caesar Titus into the Temple sanctuary.  In parallel, today’s church has in the last couple of years taken a big fall into Apostasy.  Barna Research has shown that only 28% of pastors had a Biblical World view.  The rest compromised their trust in the Word of God by not believing that the Word of God is reliable enough to be called inerrant and non-contradictory!  Check out the chart on page 67 of the book.

Both 70-year periods introduce a new paradigm in history.  After 67-68 AD the church would continue to grow outward away from Jerusalem and Judea, and persecution would continue until the Christian revival under Emperor Constantine. Both Christians and Jews would be dispersed throughout the Empire and beyond.  We still do not completely know what transformations will happen after our 2017-18 period, but there are many “new beginnings” occurring as the church is starting to make a comeback in national affairs and influence.  In contrast many prideful leaders have risen to new heights, then fallen completely from national grace.  This includes Congressman Conyers, Hillary Clinton, Judge Moore, and many “stars” in Hollywood and the media. There is much more explained in other posts on the blog, and in my book.  This birth, maturation and transformation parallel has similarities to the one explained in the book, Paradigm, by Jonathan Cahn.  The parallels between Ahab, Jezebel, Joram, and Jehu with Bill and Hillary Clinton, Obama, and Trump is startling.  There are many details in these unique paradigms discussed in his book and mine that will shake you up and help you to realize that God is in complete control of historical events and the affairs of man.  Read more in the next post on the Resurrection.

Exciting New News Connecting the Book

As stated in the Testimony part of my Book, Jerusalem is the centerpiece of God’s Geographical Prophecy and Promise.  On Dec. 6, 2017,  Trump announced the plan to move our American Embassy to Jerusalem.  He is the first world leader to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the nation of Israel!  All this happened in 2017, which is significant considering the meaning of that year in relation to other historical events and generations.  All this is discussed extensively in the book: COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN: The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation.

Jerusalem is mentioned over 300 times in the Bible.  It is mentioned 142 times in  the New Testament and 660 times in the Old.  Note that Jerusalem is also called Zion, Salem, The City of David, and Ariel.  Of those 800 Biblical references, 489 are connected to prophecies given by God that are not yet fulfilled!  Jerusalem is the “Forever” capital of Israel and the location of God’s future throne.

Another Testimony was that of Nathan the Jewish boy when went to heaven for 15 minutes and completely baffled the rabbi.  Even though he had no formal training in the Torah, he revealed truth that so caught the rabbi’s attention that he filmed the interview even though the parents had protested.   The young Jewish teenager had this vision on a very significant day!  He saw Jesus Christ in his vision on the very day that the 4th blood moon over Jerusalem occurred.

In the Testimony of history and current events we are seeing the war in Syria pit our planes and soldiers  against Russian mercenaries (contract soldiers is what the media is now calling them), and just this week Israel and an Iranian stealth drone.  Israel has forewarned Iran that next time there will be dire consequences.  Last month we saw Turkish tanks, soldiers, and planes combat the American allied Kurdish forces in Northern Syria.  Some believe that once ISIS is destroyed completely, Erdogan will announce a new Caliphate that will protect the whole region from rogue enemies such as ISIS. He is building a large German designed Tank factory and a new naval base on the island of Suakin (which was its fortress during the Ottoman Empire). Erdogan has also decided on an advanced Russian Anti-missile system over a NATO system- which will cause severe friction with NATO and the US. All this has the making of a new Mid-East war.  Ironically Egypt has been buying arms from North Korea which is just another East meets West conspiracy.  The biggest threat however is between Iran & North Korea and the potential for a large 2 front war of a nuclear level against both Israel and the United States.

The Ottoman Empire lasted for 400 years after conquering Christiandom in Jerusalem, and in the last 70 years we have seen Israel rise up as the new power in the region. Now 100 years since Jerusalem was liberated by the British, will a new Turkish Empire allied with Russia and Iran rise up against Israel to regain Jerusalem? Is this Empire the Gog or Magog?




The Back Windows of Truth – from the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown

Page 77:  Peter the Apostle warns us to, “Rid yourselves of all wickedness, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander.” And he continues, “the stone that the builders rejected – this One has become the cornerstone.” And then he warns,  “I urge you as aliens and temporary residents to abstain from fleshy desires that war against you.” Then after much sharing concludes, “Be sober! Be on the alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour. Resist him, firm in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are being experienced by your brothers in the world,” I Peter 2:1-5:9.  Slander is much worse than people realize for it results in damage to all involved. Those who listen to slander need to beware for not only will it detour you, but if you pass it on, you will be just as guilty.  Slander relates to what was said earlier about reconciliation and remorse during the 10 Days of Awe.  By tradition the Jews thought that God was keeping a set of books on everyone and would judge them accordingly.  This is supported by what Jesus Christ said, “But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment,” Matt. 12:36.

We all remember as children what happened to Samson, who squandered God’s blessings to feed his desire. He lost the very eyes that led him to sin. our country cannot afford to be led away by lust and greed and the resulting perversion and loss of innocence. one result of this run-away lust is the high abortion rate and a resulting mental and spiritual illness in our nation.

Page 72:  We seem to be at a very important “Cosmic Crossroad” in time, both astronomical and historical – linking God’s time to man’s time and joining Judaic prophetic signs to Gentile Signs of the end Time. This is all part of His order and plan. Just as God used the stars to point to His 1st coming, does it not make sense that He will again use the stars and constellations to point to His 2nd Coming! Twelve is the number of Perfection & Authority – but also of “Time” set by God in the natural world of the moon, sun, stars, & constellations, (12 months, 12 Constellation Signs, and two sets of 12 hours). Twelve is also an interesting number combination of the perfect unit 2 found in all of creation and the number 10 of purification. The number “two” defines a dynamic coexistence of opposites or contrasts that balance forces, entities, divinity, space, and matter. All of creation is a balance of 2’s. Two can be looked at as a unit such as male and female, or the Hypostatic union of God and man, or light and darkness.

God in fact designed His Creation to witness both Good and evil. Thus, the number 12 could be looked at as a universal number for order in God’s Divine Plan for creation in both space and time!  The number 2 also represents God’s power manifested on earth.  We see 2 witnesses, the power of praying “where 2 are gathered”, the disciples going out 2 by 2, and many metaphors such as the two “olive trees” and “two lampstands” in Zechariah.   Two is also a sign of balance and stability.  It provides equal force and function to our body and those of other creatures.  The animals entered the ark two by two and God provides us two choices: to be with Him or separated from Him for eternity.

Page 78:  Peter’s generation saw the first coming of the Lord and witnessed intense persecution. In comparison, we have witnessed “evil empires” and defeated them, and in this country, we have seen very little persecution. Are we “on guard”, as Peter states, or are we allowing the enemy in? The result of our recent election shows the deep divide within the ethos and convictions of our society. The fabric appears torn by hatred, revenge, and a rebellious anger. Some are raising the flag and others are stomping on it. Some are lifting hands to God and others are flaunting a tirade of anti-authority demands and behavior. The traditional fabric is being trampled on and set on fire! Yet, God is with us and our country continues to seek the high ground. We can learn from history, from other generations, and from the words of God, or we can go our own way and lose our way. That is one reason why we need to continue to look at Prophecy and Promise, and realize that this confusion may be God’s plan.  God may be orchestrating all this bizarre behavior to open the door to the Anti-Christ. The stage is being set and the Last Generation needs to turn the lights on!

Page 81:    Here is recap of the top 3 major Biblical generations and the 3 dates that fulfill prophecy for the nation of Israel: Using the birth day of the nation of Israel in 1947-48, the recapture of Jerusalem in 1967, and the issuing of the Balfour Declaration in 1917, we notice that the 50 for Jubilee equals “Release or Return”, the 70 equals “Prophecy Complete”, and the 100 equals “Time extended” for testing. All will end at approximately the same time in 2017-18. Behind these generational periods are the other supporting periods such as the 400, 500 and even the 1000-year Jubilee periods.

We will see how the 40-year generation period spiritually intersects with multiple 400-year periods and other wilderness times of purification. God penalized the nation of Israel a total of 40 years, or one year for each day that the spies lacked faith in their 40-day period spying out of the “enemy” land! This was a unique period for Israel We will soon see in Chapter 6, how this time of purification also links to the “Cross in the Wilderness” and to us.

Page 87:  Our liberal Media used to present truth to the world, but now it is under a grand delusion! It acts as both judge and jury determining what is right and wrong in our nation – making evil good and good evil! These and other lies are reflected throughout the world with increased atrocities, terrorism, apostasy, corruption, starvation, disease, and Christian persecution. An example of what God says about liars and those who follow the lie: “The one who conquers will have this heritage, and I will be his God and he will be my son.” But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” The Serpent said to eve, “You will certainly not die.” The world wants us to believe that God either does not exist or He is impotent. God is alive, and He is actively waiting for you or others to come closer to Him, and to follow Him with faith. There is nowhere that God will not go to save you. God is chasing after you, if not with the “hounds of heaven,” He is seeking and searching the world with the “Four Wheels” Ezekiel describes in the throne room of heaven. This could be his “vehicle” to bring opportunities for you.

Interlude with Death and New Beginnings

Death is the end of the line to those who do not know the LORD.  Likewise the RETURN of Jesus Christ sets the “World’s Clock” to “Apocalypse Time” or the “Hour of Judgment” where all the tribes and nations will be judged.  This will not be a time of national rejoicing!  No nation will be spared and no individual on earth at that time will escape Judgment.  The Word of God says that the “nations will mourn” and the leaders and kings will cower in caves.  Jesus Christ will defeat the forces of the Anti-Christ and other converging armies.  He will then usher in the Kingdom of God and will rule for 1000 years from Jerusalem in a New Beginning  called the Millennium.

I had an interlude with the shadow of death this weekend.  As I was about to serve a tennis ball to a friend, I asked if he was ready.  He said “No,” then went down on his knees and fell over. I ran over and found that he was not breathing nor had a pulse….so I started CPR and went on for 15 minutes because no one else wanted to help! The ambulance got lost even though one of our big hospitals was only about a 15 minute walking distance away!  I was doing solo with 2 breaths and 30 compressions and did get a pulse, but the pulse was weak and  continued for only a few seconds.  I pray that he had time to accept Jesus as I was pumping his blood and breathing the breath of life into his lungs! We had discussed forgiveness and salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in years past?

So what does this have to do with new beginnings?  God uses the “seed” to represent both death and new life.  In order for the seed to bring life, it must die.  Each time God culled or purged his people for their rebellion and sin, He would bring new life to his nation.  A select group would go through trials and tests as they entered into a new Promise.  The new year in both the Jewish and Gregorian calendars end with the number 8 which in the Hebrew Gematra means “new beginnings.”  Are we entering into a new paradigm where both “worlds” will be  tested as God’s Promise is fulfilled?

We just saw the end of the Jubilee year of 5777 and now we begin a new set of 7 sevens or 49 years.  And so begins a new 7 year Shemitah period.  We are seeing all the important generational periods converge on this Jewish year of 5778, implying that a whole new set of generational periods are about to begin.  Even the Cosmic Signs imply a new beginning: both the Solar Eclipse and the “great sign of the Woman and Child of Revelation 12.”  The Solar Eclipse generated fear in ancient civilizations because it often forebode a new calamity of some kind.  In our case we had 3 major hurricanes within 3 weeks time.  The Houston hurricane broke all records for rainfall and the Puerto Rico storm was probably one of the most destructive per acre of any hurricane.

The Great Sign of Revelation 12:1-4 is not visible and hence, it is a supernatural sign indicating a new phase in the supernatural realm promised by God as described in the 2nd paragraph of Revelation 12.  Just as Satan was once “glorious” then fell from grace, mighty men and women are going through a rise and fall before our eyes. Many of those  are in Hollywood, Congress, leaders of the world and in the media.  God is actively unveiling His Plans and fulfilling all His Promises.

“Returns” – Answered Prophecy & the New Printing of COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN

Concerning the Signs that God gave us around the Jewish New Year that ended the Jubilee year of 5777, God impressed me to write the following passage: “Remember also that the year that we are in is a Jubilee year and so the focus has been on ‘Returns.’ Maybe something surprising is returned from one party to another such as land. Maybe it is a return to God or God’s return to man?“  The festivals and times of repentance that God designed for the Jewish nation are prophetic.  They coincided with both a spectacular American Solar Eclipse and the “Great Sign of the Woman” of Revelation 12.

My book was written prior to August. When I wrote about the “returns” I was relating it to both Teshuva and Jubilee.  Teshuva was the 40-day period leading up to Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement when all were called to return to God and repent for their sins.  Jubilee which comes every 50 years celebrates the return of land to original owners and the return of debts.  The “surprise” aspect of the “Returns” relates to God’s intervention in our timeline and His desire to draw the world to Him as he honors Truth, the humble in heart, and the poor in Spirit.

The return of Jerusalem as capital of Israel or Trump’s recognition of God’s city as the true capital of Israel was a surprise to many.  Our nation’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital is very significant since we are the “power brokers” of the modern age. It is indeed a return to the Truth and to Reality. This is what God wants of nations and people.  And it joins our history and interests to that of the nation of Israel!  Many people do not realize this but on our “Liberty Bell” are inscribed words related to the “Jubilee,” from Lev.25:10.  Just another reminder that God owns it all and that should honor Him in all that we own.

Happy New Year to Everyone!  My book is now in it’s 2nd Printing along with   some new information.  Although I did not mention this specific instance, here is a story related to the apostasy of the church:  there was a Kairos Conference that many followers of Kenneth Copeland went to.  There were other speakers including many in the Catholic faith.  What saddened me was to hear Kenneth declare that the Protestant Reformation was one of the greatest spiritual sins of all time and that it was racist.  Copeland also clearly states that the Reformation was of the Devil since it caused disunity and strife!  Look this up on “YouTube” and you will find the complete video (one video is called “Something Big is Going to Happen in 2018”).  What is sad is that Kenneth claims to be filled with the Holy Spirit , yet he is the one causing major strife and claiming a lie.

The Protestant Reformation brought the Bible to the common man and ended the tyranny of the Popes including indulgences.  William Tyndale and many other great scholars were put to the stake for printing the English Bible and making it available to the common man.  This is just another sign of the End Times and the encroachment of the Anti-Christ Spirit as it seeds the nations with lies and the counterfeit religion.

God will supply us with our every need.  “Give and it will given unto you,” is what God promises us.  Faith is believing what God has promised to do and acting accordingly. In this New Year, God is calling us to live by faith no matter the trial or test. Are you ready? Are you willing to Trust in God and His Word? Are you willing to put God before your own misconceptions, your idols, your fears, your desires, and your own mind and will? God says my thoughts and my ways are not your thoughts – they are beyond what the world knows; they are as far apart as heaven is from earth.  Are you willing to realize that “dark matter” and “junk DNA” are man’s lies to explain away God’s Creation, and that there is only one Way, one Truth, and one Life and that is in Jesus Christ?  To live by faith is to know God, and to know God is to read and study His Word, then listen to His voice.  As believers we should return to God all that is His and seek His kingdom and rewards on this earth.

Why The Invisible Sign!- The Jerusalem Countdown, Reversal of Fortune & my book

An Addendum to COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN (The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation): 

I believe that time is short. God seems to be shaking up the world to the point that those who have gained power and prestige through lies, ill gain, and selfish determination are taking a fall from grace. The celebrities and politicians, like Congressman John Conyers and ABC’s Matt Lauer, who have used and abused their power are now being exposed and shamed by their own kind, the liberal media. It reminds me of how Gideon defeated the Midianite army and coalition of forces. There was fire-light thrown into the darkness which confused the enemy and caused them to destroy each other. God will find divine ways to teach the power hungry a big lesson. The Light of Truth will dispel and destroy darkness. Jesus says to us, “I am the Light of the Word, follow me and you will not walk in darkness, but will have the Light of Life.”

God is speaking to us in this time and age and we are seeing the “reversal of fortunes” as suggested in my book. However, I had thought that this would be reflected in the economy, but instead we are seeing this happen in a personal way to a person’s fortune, reputation, and self-esteem. God orchestrates this fall for their sake so that in their loss and fall they will turn to Him in repentance. This reversal of fortune or fall from grace is a shadow or reflection of Satan’s fall from heaven described in Revelation 12. You will see how this fall is related to the Great Sign of Revelation 12:1-4.

Our year started out and continued with many surprise returns: from the 28-point reversal in the Super-bowl to the surprise win by the Astros; from the fall of Target to the rise of Walmart; from the NFL fiasco to the obsessive hypocrisy of the media; from the politically motivated attacks on Trump and Moore, to actual evidence based revelations of rape & groping committed by media & Hollywood giants. These “surprise returns and reversals of fortune” have a Biblical base. They are highlighted by the fact that September 22nd ended the Jubilee year and each generational period of 40, 70, and 100 connects in a dramatic way to our present time-line in the Hebraic year 2017-2018. There are also connections to 500 & 2000-year time spans.

My book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN-The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation, explains each generational connection, that the Solar Eclipse would follow with major storms, and that the Great Sign of Revelation 12 would be a sign without immediate impact. Like the Bethlehem Star, the September 23rd Sign from Revelation 12, ushers in a new Paradigm. The key is the first verse! I have asked dozens of people to tell me what is contradictory or illogical about that verse. No one has had the observational skills to see it. This is one of my points- it takes more than theology to understand the message in the Word of God – a touch of Science, Geography, Art, military tactics, and just pure common sense helps illuminate the message. One could say it takes wisdom and study. As you will see the correct understanding makes a huge difference as to what this whole passage means. It also illuminates the next paragraph in Revelation 12.

The fact is the Sign of Revelation 12 speaks of the Woman clothed with sun with the moon at her feet and a garland of 12 stars. Do you see the problem? As stated earlier, I have shown this to scholars who have failed to see this simple fact. Even though the verb, “appeared,” is used the “Great Sign,” is not visible and never was intended to be visible. Note that the minute the sun appears above the horizon or near the “Woman’s” shoulder – the sign disappears completely! This does not, however, imply that the event did not happen. The stars, planets, sun, and moon are where they are supposed to be, but we cannot see them.

God has given us a sign that is not intended to be seen with our eyes! Why? It is entirely possible that we will never see a visible sign of His Return, because Jesus said multiple times that he would not give a Sign to an “evil generation”. In Matthew 12:39, Jesus says, “A wicked generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” The Great Sign of Revelation 12 would fit this promise perfectly. Even though the sign is miraculous, it is not visible. It “appeared” in the heavens, but the sun keeps the human eye from seeing it!

Hence, I believe this sign is designed to portend the beginning of a supernatural event or series of events that are real, but are NOT visible! These spiritual events will have physical consequences as God orchestrates history with His Promises. The next sub-chapter within Revelation 12, portrays the casting out of Satan and one-third of the angels from heaven. Could this indicate that the mighty on earth who are full of pride like Satan will take a fall too? Does it mean that Satan and his demons will be more active on earth causing demonic mischief? This could be the answer to all the bizarre behavior, irrational threats by crazed leaders, and horrific acts of terror and murder that are happening in America and throughout the world. Could the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel be a catalyst to some more end-time events?

Also note that the 1st verse in Revelation 12, describes only the Woman. The 2nd verse introduces the child. And the 3rd verse shines a light on the “Dragon” or serpent. In just these three verses, the theme of the Bible is presented – as it was in Genesis 3:15. This is akin to the “Wheel of Time” mentioned in my book. Genesis Chapter 3 ushers in a whole new paradigm and I would guess that Revelation 12 will also. Remember the Bethlehem Star? The book explains that this visible sign was also related to the constellation Virgo and that it was not recognized by most in the known world. Yet, it motivated the Magi or Kings to travel a great distance to worship the child! That is why in my book I suggested that the Sign of Revelation 12 on September 23rd, 2017, has opened a door to new beginnings with supernatural consequences.

One of these new beginnings mentioned in my book, COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN, is the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The fact that it did not happen earlier illustrates the impact Satan has in the natural world. Jerusalem is the location where God made his Covenant with Abraham and where God spared Isaac. It is where King David and all the other Judaic kings held office and where many of the great prophets lived and died. In Luke 2 the Word states, “Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover.” This is where Jesus is found as a boy teaching the scribes in the Temple. It is the city of God where Jesus was crucified, then resurrected, and will return in His 2nd Coming. Psalm 122 commands us to pray for Jerusalem. Zachariah 12 states, “On that day I (God) will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.”

God will side with Israel against all the nations of the world and He will use His supernatural power to defeat them all. Thus, we are in what I call a “new Paradigm,” where new beginnings will shake America and the world. In the book I indicated that since Jerusalem was shared by both Islam and the Judeo-Christian world, it was protected- this may now change to a degree.
President Trump has begun what some Jews already call the greatest Pro-Israel initiative in modern time. He is being compared to President Truman who has been given credit for opening the door to establish the Jewish nation.

In my book I indicate what is happening is not a coincidence. The time from the capture of Jerusalem by the Ottomans to their defeat by the British was 400 years. The time between Truman’s amazing decision to establish the nation of Israel and President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is 70 years. It appears that Trump was appointed by God for this time. Note also that Truman and President Trump both won surprise reversal of fortune elections- two of the most surprising elections in our history. The parallels are very interesting as both were businessman, and both have their names beginning with the same 1st 4 letters and their names mean something from a biblical viewpoint. This “New Beginning” will bring conflict and many new challenges around the globe and even in America. I believe that this will embolden the forces of evil and darkness. Keep in prayer! NOTE THAT NO OTHER NATION IN THE WORLD HAS AS MUCH RIGHT TO ITS CAPITAL AS ISRAEL HAS TO JERUSALEM! THIS RIGHT WAS SET BY GOD!

God will prevail for He is in control of the storm. Just as the storm that scared the disciples as they hurried to wake up Jesus Christ, our storm is designed to teach us faith. Jesus asked them why they had such little faith. He wants us to go through the storm with Him so that we will grow in faith. Jerusalem is God’s Holy City. And through Jerusalem, Jesus Christ will show us His Glory and His Power. Jerusalem is the center of history and through Jerusalem, Jesus will show the world that He is the center of the Universe and controls all the forces of Creation. The people of the Promise will seek to know Him and enjoy Him for HE IS THE LIGHT OF LIFE.

Cosmic Crossroad- The Christmas Message and Connection

After writing Christmas letters for over 35 years, it seems that the message has lost its impact on the busy, ever hurried, self-fulfilled mind. Even though we can sense the supernatural (“eternity is written in the heart”) few want to acknowledge the benevolent Person of God behind it. As the heart longs for divine justice, identity, and purpose, the self-will seeks its own center in the Universe of existence. The Truth is, without God we are NOT the center of any anything good – and if we think we are, then we are merely fools in the grand delusion of materialism.

COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN -The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation: Presents a wide perspective on what may be called a “New Paradigm” in History. Our nation & world stand at a critical Crossroad in time. We are being challenged from every side with internal and external threats and challenges. Time seems to be speeding up, compressed with bizarre and extreme events, and disturbed by irrational behavior. The dishonorable, the Perverse, and the Lie, are being raised up (as were the Gates of Baal in N.Y.) while the True and Honorable are pushed down. Eternal things—eternal redemption, salvation, inheritance, and glory—are of infinitely greater value than the temporal things crowding our minds and limiting our perception.  Read the book and learn more about God’s footprints on our time-line.  We are at a Cosmic Crossroad in time – so Merry Christmas as the Countdown continues.

Truth declares, “All treasures of wisdom & knowledge are found in Him,” as Jesus Christ beckons, “Learn from me for I am meek & humble in heart.”  God has left divine footprints on our time-line dating back to the beginning of time with clues & Signs that explain the present and reveal the future. These “Wheels in Time” illustrate events that parallel our time with great moments in history such as the time of Daniel the prophet, and Jesus Christ. This includes: The Fig Tree Prophecy spoken by Jesus concerning a “Last Generation,” the “Cosmic Crossroad” and historic generational periods, a “LOST TIME” instituted by God, and a mysterious “Cross in the Wilderness.” We are witnessing a social shaking and reversal of fortunes with surprise returns! God is exposing Lies & Sin.

“Grace” wants to take hold of us and point us to the obvious Gift wrapped in God’s Mercy. God is trying to get our attention, while we still have time. You see, this is not only the year of surprise returns, but is also the year of remembrance! This year we remember the following:  1) 500 years ago the Luther’s “95 Thesis” was nailed to the door in Wittenberg- resulting in a revolution in mind, soul, nation, and world. 2) Also 500 years ago the Ottoman Empire took control of Jerusalem, but what we celebrated this year was its release exactly 400 years later in 1917 with the signing of the Balfour Agreement, (after the British and Allies defeated Germany and the Turks), 3) 70 years ago the “budding of the fig tree” occurred with the establishment of the Nation of Israel in 1947-48, 4) 50 years ago the city of Jerusalem was “Reunited” in the 6-Day war of 1967. 5) 2000 ago years, Jesus Christ now a man of about 20 years of age would celebrate the Jubilee year. We are now at the 40th Jubilee – a time of complete testing. Does a new beginning await us?

This brings us back to His Mercy. God was Merciful to Adam & Eve when he Promised the “seed” of the Woman would defeat the “serpent.” God was merciful to Abraham, declaring him righteous based on faith alone. God was Merciful to Noah & family, to Abraham’s descendants, and countless others when He interceded for them. Throughout history God wrapped His Love and Mercy around people of Faith. Why is it that the human mind (Jewish, Islamic and Gentile) cannot comprehend the simplicity of God’s unmitigated Mercy when magnified & personified by Grace through faith in God’s Promised Messiah, Jesus Christ? Is it that we are too dependent on self or on Justice meant out by Law and works?  Does it take a “wilderness experience” to humble us enough to see His Grace?  It would make total sense that God would do away with the slaughter of “innocent” animals and the old way of doing things – when those strict methods led exactly to what Moses warned about – the worship of idols and rebellion against God! God Fulfilled the Law with His Gift of Grace?

God, in His Sovereign Mercy, came in the flesh (fully man, yet fully God) to die as the ultimate Sacrifice for our Sins. Jesus Christ is our Propitiation- He alone took God’s full wrath for our sins. When the Spirit of God is sealed in us we become a spiritual temple. Having a deep desire to know God’s Word is a good sign that you are His Temple. Jesus speaks directly to us through the Spirit of Truth when He says, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all.”

This has been a year of surprise returns for me! I went to South Africa thinking that I was going to go white shark diving, and was told that the Orcas had chased the sharks away. That very day, I was almost “bushwhacked” by 5 men.  But, what Satan meant for evil God used for good. A bedraggled man named “Goodman”, who witnessed the event asked, “how did you get away?” I said, “God delivered me, and he will deliver you to if you desire?” He then accepted Jesus as his Savior. This began my “Pilgrim’s Progress” through South Africa & Namibia. The next surprise was our trip to witness the Great American Solar Eclipse. My focus was to take photos of the Eclipse, and it ended with a fun experience without good photos. The highlight ended up being the class at Billy Graham’s Cove and their Library in Charlotte.

To those who still want to hold on to the philosophies of the world despite receiving the Gift of Salvation.  How can Jesus claim authority over heaven and earth and forgive sins, if He is not the Creator of what is, and has been, and is yet to come?  Not accepting the God of Creation is rejecting the authority of the Word of God and the Truth. Ignorance is no excuse, time has moved us forward, and the Word is there for all to read and know.  Now is the time to change and act for the sake of the Gospel, the family, nation, and the Lost.


Do you Want to See God?

The Bible is the Word of God. It is Living and Active and like a two edged sword it can pierce your heart and your mind, the natural and the supernatural.  It has the power to tear down walls and transform hearts and minds.  Jesus Christ said, “Blessed are those who are pure in heart, because they will see God.”

Colleges and Universities do all they can to take the individual away from the Living Word of God and draw them into a kingdom created and designed by man.  Man becomes the center of the Universe and his contrived theories say that everything was created by an accidental Big Bang and that through billions of miracles of accidental cellular changes a recreated DNA strand of information regenerated new information billions and trillions of times over.  That is like saying the Library of Congress recreated itself over and over again improving its shelves of books over time!  The evolutionist demands that water came from nowhere, saturating an earth that was a ball of fire, becoming a soup of life generating molecules, that were then energized into forming molecules of life.

The problem is lab experiments show that all molecular structures formed from such a power soup would have only left handed amino acids. Life requires equal amounts of left and right handed amino acids.  Likewise enzymes that would form from amino acids would have to have very specific functions from the moment of creation- yet  it takes millions of enzymes working together to create life and each of these amino acids are so unique that they cannot be altered.  It has been shown that any attempt to alter enzymes degrades them to the point of denaturing them.  They will not only not function, but will become a poison to the rest of the tissue or organ function. Evolution is a lie and is impossible.  What we experience in “species” change today is not evolution, it is natural adaptation or natural selection.  This process utilizes the power of the DNA allowing us to “breed selective combinations of genes” with characteristics that we demand as humans or which the environment demands for survival.

The Bible is a crossroad of the Supernatural with the natural.  To many it seems purely abstract and they cannot comprehend its power.  For instance the verse, “Be alert and of sound mind so that you can pray,” seems totally illogical to the natural mind.  Surely we need to be alert, but not to pray; first we should hide or run or do our best to work out an answer or a solution.  Another example is: “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  What is this mumbo-jumbo about things not seen and hoped for? We can have faith in the plane that flies, but what does this have to do with the supernatural- why is that faith? This is one good reason why the Bible is discarded even by those who claim to be Christians yet do not immerse their lives in seeking and knowing Jesus Christ. True faith that changes and transforms requires the supernatural.

So Do You Want to See God?  Take that supernatural step of Faith and ask God into your life.  It is that simple, just ask Him to “Come into my life. Thank you for loving me, I know that I have failed you in many ways.  I am trusting in what Jesus did for me in paying for my sin.  I wish to make you Lord of my Life and ask that you help me understand your Word.”  Then go to the Bible and start reading, and “yes,” pray before and after you read!  As stated earlier, “Be Alert and of Sound Mind, so that you can Pray!” Prayer is that important!

There are a lot of good books to read to help you in your walk including Billy Graham’s books on Angels, the classic “Pilgrim’s Progress” or “On Hind’s Feet.” Other great books include those by Greg Laurie, Lee Strobel, and Apologetics books by Dr. Henry Morris.  My book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN- The Fig Tree & the Prophetic Generation will give you a grounding on some Apologetics (or defense of the faith), some Eschatology (the study of Prophecy from the Bible),  some Christology (study of who Jesus Christ is – for instance He is God and was not created), some History (which is important since God has orchestrated much of the important turning points in history), and some very important events in the Word- including Israels 40-year wandering in the wilderness,  the Signs in the stars announcing the birth of Christ,  and the testimonies or messages from  Peter, Paul, John, and Prophets such as Jeremiah, Zachariah, Daniel, and Joel.  One of the most important revelations relates to where Mt. Sinai is.  I can tell you without any hesitation that Mt. Sinai is in Arabia (note both Elijah and Paul said that they went to Arabia to have fellowship with God).   Most important this book has a deep study in the Fig Tree lessons that Jesus Christ shared with his disciples and with us (for they relate to our day and age)!

The Book also discusses much of what authors like Jonathan Cahn discuss in their books on Eschatology.  There is an extensive discussion on why generational periods of 40, 50, 70, and 100 are important to the study of God’s footprints in history and to his Promise for us.  If you wish to read an excerpt of this book read one of the posts below that have a summary, an addition, or just a discussion.  God Bless you in your walk with Christ and ToGodBtheGlory.

Here is a very quick summary of the book:   The Cosmic refers to Science and the harmony & order of the Universe; the Crossroad relates to faith and the supernatural intersecting the natural; the Countdown represents History and the fact that we are on a time-line that God has determined and which God orchestrates for His purpose and plan.

The Gateway to Heaven

Do you feel anxious and uneasy about the events, weather, and behavior in our nation? Are you concerned about the divisiveness, the polarization, the rebellion, and perversity of our society? Do you believe that history repeats itself?.  Do you think that God is actively involved in orchestrating history?.  Are we entering a new paradigm that even the author Jonathan Cahn describes in detail in his book? Have you heard of The Prophecy of the Fig Tree and the Prophetic Generation? These are questions that are answered in my new book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN- The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation.

I could have called my new book “The Gateway to Heaven”, since my primary theme is to point the way to JESUS CHRIST who is the Gate or Door to Heaven.

When He started His ministry he quoted Isaiah, “The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death – A great Light has dawned.”  He came proclaiming Salvation and Repentance: Jesus said, “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”  Matt. 4:17.

The Crossroad is made up of 4 arms: 1) at the top is the Fig Tree Lesson which is a mystery that God helped me to unfold,  2) one arm has the Signs of the Sun, Moon, and Stars including the constellations, 3)  the 3rd arm has the Testimonies of the Apostles (Peter & John), the Prophets (Daniel, Zachariah, Isaiah, etc.), the archaeological evidence including the city of Jerusalem, the Word of God and the current events;  4) the final arm or leg of the cross has the 70- year Prophetic Generations and the generational periods of 40, 50, & 100 along with time spans of 7 years, 49, 400, 500, and 1000.  This Crossroad intersects with the infinite and divine Time line which started 6000 years ago.

The “Cosmic” is important because Genesis tells us that the Sun, Moon & stars were given to us for Signs and Seasons.  The Bible calls the “Woman of Revelation 12,” a Great Sign.  More than likely, the Sign of the Bethlehem Star was a combination of the same Constellations as in Revelation 12 along with Jupiter and some other “star” that moved into the “body” of Virgo.   I noted in the Book that the Solar Eclipse which we just saw here in America was a Perfect Sign- for it had 3 unique properties:  1) It crossed America and not any other nation.  It was like a great slash starting at the 33rd State and ended at the 33rd parallel, 2)  The path was almost completely clear of clouds and it happened on the Day of Teshuvah which is the beginning of the 40 days of Repentance in the Jewish calendar, 3)  It also happened with the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus as they entered Virgo.  Jupiter represents God’s Authority and Venus is the Morning Star which is another name for Jesus Christ. 4) All this happened on a Jubilee year which is a magnification of God’s demand for repentance, Return, and Mercy. Hence everything related requires extra attention including the 40 days of repentance!  Note that God gave the Ninevites 40 days to Repent!  And that scientists believe that there was a Solar Eclipse prior to Jonah’s arrival that helped to motivate them to seek God.  Does this sound familiar? Nineveh repented, but has America repented?

I noted in the book which was sent in for publishing on Aug. 10th that there would be violent storms soon after the Solar Eclipse.  Note also that many ancient civilizations recognized that there was a “gateway” to heaven in the constellations.  Egypt for instance established this fact in the Sphinx as it has the body of the Lion (Leo) and the face of the Woman (Virgo).  The two represent the beginning and the end of the “Universe” or in a sense of “Time” and is therefore the “Gateway” to the outer regions of heaven.  Stars and Planets have meanings and names which God himself explained to Adam and Eve.  So when Regulus which at the heart of Leo and means “Royalty”, lined up with the Planets Mars (or Man), Mercury (or messenger), and Venus (or High Priest) we should realize that something very significant was happening! This array describes the Lion of Judah, who comes to Judge the Earth.

The Sign of the Woman of Revelation 12 was never intended to be seen in its fullest extent.   God gave us this Great Sign as a declaration of a new paradigm, yet He made it appear primarily in the Word of God and in the Star maps.  This sign was not recognized by the world system, nor by the evolution based scientists who normally embrace unique stellar signs.  So why was it not seen?  First of all it happened low on the horizon, and second the sun is part of the  sign thus making the entire sign invisible to the naked eye.  We all know the blinding effect of the sun and its indirect light that can make stars disappear even before sunrise.  The sign required that the sun rest on “Virgo’s” shoulder making her immediately invisible to the eye, but visible to God.

One of the incredible elements in this Great Sign is the way God moved Jupiter into the “womb” of Virgo for 9 months.  The retrograde motion of Jupiter allowed this unique appearance, and in no other case in history has this been so precisely achieved in heavens.

The “Countdown” is important because God has a Timeline which he established at the Creation and throughout time has orchestrated.  These divine footsteps express His Mercy and Love for those who seek Him and honor Him.  We are nearing the end of this timeline and therefore time feels compressed, with many events and weather patterns appearing extreme, along with the almost irrational behavior of people. The labor pains are more intense and this will continue until the rapture – which could happen at any time.  The Prophecy of the Fig Tree and the Prophetic Generation both point to the fact that we are the “Last Generation” that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24 as he gave his Olivet Discourse.  The countdown which began at “the budding of the Fig Tree”, the establishment of the nation of Israel in 1947-48, has lasted almost 70 years now.  We have until Rosh Hashana in 2018.

As I write this, it is past September 23rd and we are seeing more hurricanes and other signs of trouble on the horizon.  We have record “firestorms” in California, stoked by unusually heavy and persistent winds. Another ominous sign is that of  the Kurdistan Independence vote  that happened a few weeks ago.  This vote could lead to regional war as Iraq, Iran, and Turkey do NOT want an independent Kurdish Republic.  Ironically the Syrians are the only ones willing to help the Kurds by allowing them to sell their oil through their pipelines.  Turkey has blocked their pipelines and all airline traffic and so has Iran and Iraq.  I believe the next war will be a conflict related to Iran’s desire to conquer the Kurds in order to establish a passage to the “sea” and to destroy Israel.