Artistic Exploration

Celebrating the finish of a painting on the Cowboy victory. 

Here are two paintings done a few weeks apart showing the transformation from a flat looking acrylic depiction of 21 Souls rising to Heaven and

one with a more realistic and moving 3-D effect with an ethereal look:  but note that the brightness is not in play as it would be in normal light.  

This series displays a simple 12 in. by 12 in Plexiglas painting that is my latest experiment for it uses opague gold paint linking the frame to the painting and creating a “flame look” when on a white background or a black cloud look when hanging on a window with sunlight behind it.  #1 is on white background with a very bright light,  #2  is also on white background but with less front light and shows both the gold flames and the dark opagueness on the right side, and finally the pic of the stained or painted polycarbonate on a window with the gold turning completely black and looking like dark clouds.  Each has a Shekina Glory look or the storm at the crucifixtion.  In the center is an ethereal look of the Savior — transfigured.




Stained “Glass” (Polycarbonate) along with other experimental Art Part

The first example I want to show you is a traditional stained glass with lead window that I made from scrap glass.  I did not have enough yellow of the same type so I used multiple “yellows.”  Note how good of an effect it has.  Often you do not want conformity—- it is better to have surprise divergence of color, shadow, and form that will draw the eye.  This window is about 4 ft. by 2 ft. and yes that is real glass with an embedded “sand dollar.” It also has a couple of glass stars. The only “bought glass” is in the rainbow and some of the water.

The work above is a 5 ft. by 3.5 ft. “Stained Glass-Paint” artwork on Polycarbonate that has been hanging for 3 years in direct Eastside sun and it has not faded.  Polycarbonate is known to eventually yellow over time but may not when covered with this “stained glass paint.”   Large pieces like this need to be reinforced but smaller pieces do not.  This piece has intense color and shading due to the layering technique.

It is titled Moses and the Miracle of the Red Sea Crossing

The experimental art below is done on canvas and can be found in other Art posts that are on this site.  Some have won awards.

Below is the largest piece which is 8ft. by 4 ft. and is a mixed media piece with lights on the frame.  It shows Isaiah 60:1-2 as the Son rises upon the darkness and rebellion on the earth.  God the father is seen seeding the earth and the Holy Spirit is coming to the rescue as the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse are released. But the prayer of the saints and the Word are active to defeat darkness. This next piece is my most recent “stained glass” work and is simple enough for anyone to do in class:

This Cross is a simple yet complex looking stained “glass” painting designed to cover an outdoor window in order to control the heat from the intense sun. This uses some of the techniques that I discovered years ago when I gave up on that Moses stained painting that looked too strained or lacking in flow—-  then a year later I scrapped the paint off discovering an amazing new concept of reusing old paint.
This type of “stained window” is effective in cutting down the UV rays and heat from direct sunlight on any window.  Like the 3.5 by 5 ft. window illustrating Moses and the parting of the Red Sea it allows light in but decreases heat.  As I said the technique is unique, and I will teach anyone.  The material cost in doing this big 3ft by 2 ft cross is about $90 ($41 for Lexan on amazon) and $35 for paints and shipping depending the size of the bottles of paint you want to invest in. This window uses about 5 colors. I am looking for ideas to do live Zoom online to teach or will teach a class at the Richardson Senior Center. We will probably use 1 ft. by 1 ft. panes of the polycarbonate or a 1 ft. by 1ft. X 18 in Lexan.  The Lexan is bigger and more expensive.
Below is a series of “stained paintings” that fit a very untilitarian purpose: to allow the person inside the house to see out yet prevents the outsider from seeing in—yet is a creative artistic decoration for the entry.  This goes behind the normal glass and is held together with Home Depot type glass framework insulator material.
Contact me at  And below is another effect caused by light showing through this Art-Light painting:  this is the same Cross painting that was illustrated earlier.  Once mounted on an outside window, it gives a different perspective…..and what looked like an angel before in the center of the cross is actually a flying dove.  We can see the effect of brush strokes which can be painted over to create an entirely different effect. Because of the refracted light you have a 3-D effect at the base of the cross…..generating a translucency that allows you to see out.  If you do not want this much translucency you can “paint” another layer.
The Window below is a large 29 inch by 79 inch door-window using the same technique.  This was the first of the windows done.  It illustrates Jesus on the Cross with two other crosses in the background.  The Rose of Sharon is a symbol of the blood shed for our sins. Here you can see how using special “brush strokes and brush blotching” can create a unique artistic effect. This large window replaces the need for a curtain and acts to cut down on light streaming in.
I have found that stained glass paintings act as great “inbetween room windows” such as in an office— so that one can see someone entering a reception area yet they cannot see you.  It can replace an aquarium and I have done led based stained glass art for this type of inter-room window.

ART: The Face of God

Expressing Truth and God’s Majesty and Love for us. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2-Chronicles7:14….
May be art
The canvas is large and was tough to make as it is shaped in the form of a cross with the Lord’s arms reaching out, holding the DNA molecule in the Right hand and the Atom on the left hand. Both prove that only He is the Creator of Life–not evolution for even with the most sophisticated labs we cannot create basic building blocks such as viable enzymes.

The face is purposefully covered in divine Light for we cannot look upon the face of God and because we really do not know what the face of the LORD looks like. The face also reflects the power of the Cross for His eyes are upon us in His Mercy and Love. God is moving to warn Christians that He is returning soon–so we must keep in prayer as we share the Gospel. This is all explained in the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown trilogy. 

Make your face to shine upon your servant save me in your loving kindness,” Psalm 31:16. Then in Psalm 80: 19, “Oh Lord God of hosts restore us cause your face to shine upon us and we will be saved.” And finally in 1st Peter 3:12, “For the eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous and his ears attend to their prayer but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.” The eyes and face form a Cross—for it is the power of the Cross with His Resurrection that saves us and humbles the limitiations of science.
Above is part of the painting in its final form—it is 4.5 ft. long, 3.5 ft wide in the shape of a cross done with heavy viscous acrylics in order to give texture and with some carefully placed irridescent paint. The Sword of His Word compliments the Word of God at His feet (which is not showing) in this pic

STAINED GLASS INSPIRED ART & Great Experimental Masterpieces

Dr. Hofmann has been performing experimental art for over 40 years and was inspired by this when he realized that large paintings weighed too much.  He discovered that accidents are often the path to creative inventiveness.  This is especially true in his work with stained glass.  Although he still does precious precision work as a dentist he has found time to make large stained glass – paintings that are durable and somewhat easy to lift and position.  Below is his latest work entitled:  The Crossing: Moses and the Birth of a Nation:

Other works of art include  8 X 5 foam board Entitlted:  Isaiah 60- The Sonrise & the Rise of Darkness:

One of his first works is this photorealistic painting of the 1981 Superbowl:

Cosmic Crossroad ART – Sculpted Photography- & (4X4 Ft.) Experimental Mission Art

Below are photos that are shaped to fit a box frame that is smaller than the photo- some of the frames are custom frames designed by me to be part of the artwork.  Some of this is experimental art-work.  I am also including two pieces “painted” at our White Rock Lake mission “Answers on the Rock”….near Chapel Hill rd.

This gives an idea of what the art can be used for – on a table or shelf etc.

We have been involved in this mission now for almost 4 years and have included a couple of photos recently taken of the mission “sidewalk art”.

Painting done at the mission with the “wheat and tares” being notes that people made about nature and God when they stopped to write. The majority of the painting is actually scripture from the Bible.  Below is a picture of our “mission” off the trail at White Rock Lake, in Dallas, near Chapel Hill Rd.  along W. Lawther.  We are there on Sundays from 2 to 5 PM

This is Brianna from Cuba- new immigrant who spoke very little English but is a very good artist!  Her parents were excited too.

More Art is available on this site on another post labeled “art”

Here is the Cover of my New Book which I helped to Design: 

My Latest Painting: a canvas shaped as a 4 ft. Cross- a Door to Heaven – and the Power of the Cross

  Jesus exits the Door to Heaven to greet us.

The door entrance is shaped like a key hole and the path and steps are the Word of God.  Jesus Christ has the miracle of DNA in his right hand from which he Created Man in His image and all the living creatures and plants on the earth.  In the other hand he holds the Atom which represents all matter, space, and time which He created.  The nuclear Atom is dependent on all 3 to exist and function as a non-supernatural creation from which we can sustain life in this universe.  This is the essence and foundation of all visible life in the universe.   From His eyes comes a supernatural fire and a pure white Holy light by which He can see and know everything, everywhere in total Omniscience.

This painting is in the final stages of completion and will be ready within a week.

The painting is 4 feet length by 3.25 ft. width in size.

My 4 Old & New Art Pieces: A Stained Glass Window & Mixed Media Acrylic with Spray Paint

The first piece is a stained glass window of Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea – a 4 1/2 by 2 3/4 ft. stained glass window done with flowing glass paint. So just like a good poem one needs balance and Flow to convey a strong story so that the mind and the eye can follow along easily.  The flow adds to the movement of water and the Power of God as Moses parts the Red Sea as the sun rises in the East! This stained glass painting was started over a year ago and was put in “mothballs” due to my lack of interest in finishing a piece that seemed too mechanical.  However, after doing a study in both Ezra and Nehemiah I was inspired to resurrect the project and remove parts of the paint that were hindering the flow!  So sfter much scrapping, I let the Holy Spirit guide me in the laying down of the new design with multiple layers of glass paint.  Note that in all my “paintings” (some of which are explained in other blog posts) I do not plan out a sketch, but instead allow the Holy Spirit to lead me! I did initially sketch out some basic outlines and that was  what got me into trouble.  Too much planning made it design dependent!  Some of the best effects can happen by “accident” or at the spur of the moment as the Spirit leads, and really add to the surprise and power of the scene.  Another amazing thing happened when I was trying to mount the window by myself- I dropped it from 7 ft. up and it fell on a brick.  By some miracle all that broke was the upper left corner which repaired easily! As you observe you may notice that it has some Van Gogh-like skies, the water is leaping up and then falling away.  My favorite object is the rock on the left which I call the Rock of Jesus as it has a very “Cornerstone” impression!

The Next piece is actually a painting on thick foam board with 3 dimensional quality as I melted the foam board with the volatile solutions  including spray paint.  This is an experimental work that is the first of its kind and is extremely light weight and requires no framing!  The rest of the painting is done with acrylics and dipicts the earth and universe – note the laser pointed at earth. The title is “Target Earth”.  The Redemptive Cosmos Painting “Target Earth” illustrates a deep red canyon on a large asteroid or heavenly body that is approaching earth. This scar is deep with a flowing red almost blood-like lava and crossing over it is a “laser-like” beacon or ray that is shining onward to earth- specifically on the Arctic Ice cap. Is this a judgement targeting the northern polar cap which will initiate an earthquake, flooding and the Trumpet judgements or maybe the 6th seal? Or is this an asteroid that led to the massive destruction of earth in the past?  This “Judgement Rock” is a reminder that “the Rock”, Jesus Christ, will come back not as a Lamb of God but as both the King of Kings and the Judge of mankind.  This photo of the painting shows the detail of the asteroid surface and the surrounding smaller asteroids!  There is a “lava rock” quality to it! Also look carefully and you will see that South America is pointing up and hence the thin red line points to the edge of the Arctic where we are seeing present day melting.

The Road to Salvation

I love this photo of a young man contemplating my painting of Isaiah 60:1-2 which is a reflection of Revelation and the 5th Trumpet.

In the painting you have evil and the world rebelling against God as the “stinging locusts are released to torment man” – on one of those 3 fists of rebellion is “Drugs” & “Homosexuality” (this painting was shown in the heart of Oaklawn and prayers were lifted that no one would try to destroy it despite the message). Jesus Christ is in the center representing the “Door” to Salvation with the narrow path leading to Him – the Word.  The wide path leads to Hell on the left with the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse stretching throughout the earth.   Also in the midst of this scene is the Holy Spirit, the prayer of the Saints, and the Glory of God. Notice that the young man seems to be staring right at the “YOU” in yellow.  There is also the hand of God reaching down seeding the earth with “Faith”…for it is by “Grace, through faith that we are saved, it is a free Gift so that no one can boast.”  You are given this choice!

Seek God with all your heart and you will find Him.  Jesus said,  “I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to Father except through me”.  This painting shows that God allows choice for a reason: Because he loves us.  Yet, many chose to refuse His Love and a relationship with him.

So each of us must ask,  “If God loves the world and is all powerful, why would He allow this evil?” Simply put, the answer is this: God is love; God loves mankind; love requires that a choice be made; choice allows for the possible rejection of God’s unilateral love. God, therefore, created humanity with the ability to positively respond to His love—or to consciously reject His offer of love. Unfortunately as Jesus himself said the majority will reject his Love – after all they killed the “Author of Life” and gloated over it!

The simple truth of the Scriptures is inescapable.  God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. ().

God allows for the possibility of evil so that human love may exist.  We are not cosmic robots.  No, God created us with not only DNA as program language, but also with a brain that can process information, a conscience that knows that He and His Law exists, an incredible physical system that cannot be duplicated even with modern science, and a Spirit that can connect with Him in an intimate way!

The “Signs of His Majesty and Promise” – the growth of a painting.

The Finished Painting is illustrated at the End.

This first section was written many many years ago before the painting was complete.  It shows the development of this work of art that won a major art contest here in Dallas.  Note the first pic is the painting in an earlier stage to show how it evolved.

This is a painting that I am presently working on titled: “Signs of His Majesty and Promise”  It could also be titled “His Glory Revealed”, as it shows God’s Glory in both the “heavens” and  in the firmament and also in the supernatural realm of His Word. Illustrated in the center of  the painting is the“burning bush” where God first spoke to Moses and said “I AM that I AM”.  He told Moses to tell His people that “Yahweh” or “I AM” sent him. Moses of course goes to  his people in Egypt and delivers them through the “Passover” judgment which is illustrated on the lower right corner, with blood on the door posts and the swirling symbolizing the death angel.  Coming from the Burning bush is the Angel of the Lord on the Right side stopping Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac. Highlighting the fact that this event is a foreshadowing of the sacrifice of God’s own Son for our Sins, the whole image forms the face of the crucified Savior. On the left the Angel is announcing the birth of Jesus Christ: His name will be Emmanuel, God with us. In the manger the baby “Jesus” is the “image of the invisible God”.  Nearby in the shadow is Golgotha and the Cross upon which He bore and died for our sins. But radiating beyond this shadow is the Victory of His Resurrection for He has Risen! He has defeated death.  Note that on the opposite corner is a door with blood on it, representing the Passover-the Sign given to Israel 1400 years earlier

An integral part of the Burning Bush is Time as it unravels in a 3 Dimensional way. This should remind us that time is “measured” on this earth and that many events in the Bible have both a natural and a supernatural dimension. For instance the 12 tribes camped out in the wilderness with 3 tribes lined up parallel to each of the outer walls of the tabernacle, would form a cross. From heaven the encamped tribe with its warming and cooking fires reflecting light off the tents would glow in the form of a giant Cross. This “cross” of course foreshadows the promised Victory that would bless all the nations of the world through the Abrahamic covenant. And that is why the “Abrahamic covenant” is prominently portrayed next to Time. The Lord walked with a censor filled with fire between the sectioned animals making a Covenant of eternal consequence and promising Abraham that his seed would bless all nations. This “blood covenant” (where 5 animals are sacrificed) would have created a pool and stream of blood that in my painting forms a cross. Abraham is seen in a sleeping trance just below, as God speaks to him and gives him a vision of the 400 years of Israel’s captivity. Within Time and the Burning Bush are Hebrew letters that tell us about the character of God and His Glory. The top stream says, “I Am Your All Sufficient God” or “I Am All Sufficient“. Below that God tells us to “Know Before Whom You Stand” , for God seeks a relationship with us…and He is a Just and Merciful God. In the last line He comforts us with these words: “I AM WITH YOU”.  Notice  that the clock is pictured from 9 am to 3 pm which is the time during which Jesus was crucified!

Permeating the entire painting are Messages or Signs in groups of 3: God’s Creation (The Stars and Constellations) and both the Old and New Covenants reveal God’s Promise and His Truth! From the 1st Adam (upper right with the Tree of Life) to the 2nd Adam, Jesus Christ, 3 covenants are portrayed (Adamic, Abrahamic, and Mosaic); three types of sacrifice are shown (corporate sacrifice as at the Tabernacle, Personal sacrifice as with Abraham and Isaac, and God’s covenant sacrifice as with His Son; three major Celestial Signs are revealed: 1) in the Stars as with the Bethlehem Star 2) in the Shekinah Glory, and 3) in His Glorious Return in the Clouds. Three messages are illustrated: 1) the symbolic message of His Cross in natural events, 2) His Word through Time, and 3) the Scarlet Thread of blood in all the sacrifices. Of course we have other THREE’S: the Father (the Burning Bush), the Son (returning the Clouds), and the Holy Spirit (the Shekinah Glory).  The Past, the Future (Jesus in the Clouds), and the Present are revealed (The WORD). There is also 3 earthly phenomena- the earthquake, fire, and wind. Birth, death, and resurrection along with energy, mass, and supernatural are also shown. The painting itself has 3 “lines or layers” of 3 images. The first 3 smaller images below are the 1) Cross and the Resurrection, 2) the birth and the Annunciation, and 3) the Passover and the sacrifice. The next “line” has the nation of Israel encamped, the Burning Bush with the Eternal Clock, and the Angel stopping Abraham forming the face of Jesus Christ. The final line has the Shekinah Glory, the Lord Returning, and the Abrahamic Covenant.  There are also 3 major Fires:  the Fire of God on Mt. Sinai,  the Fire consuming the sacrifice at the Tabernacle, and the Fire  of the Burning Bush.  There are also 3 sacrifices: Jesus on the Cross,  Abraham’s sacrifice, and the Ram shown as the propitiation of sins, which the Angel of the Lord points to.

Just as the rising sun radiates rays of light over the sea of Galilee and the Jordan river, the Son of God Coming in the Clouds radiates the Glory of God. All nations “will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with great Power and Glory”. But we can also see His Glory here on earth: in His Birth, He emptied Himself to take on  human flesh; and humbled himself to the point of dying a criminals death on the cross. Christ reveals His Glory as the Bread of Life (in the window), the Living Water (flowing from the sun to the eternal clock), and the Light of Salvation radiating from the tomb etc.

Here is the Finished painting:  Here is a follow up explanation of the painting and what it means:  Hold in your hand the enclosed picture (take a pic of it with your cell phone) and follow along: As the Magi approach from the East we are reminded of God’s Promise throughout the Ages beginning in the Garden of Eden where God ‘s Creation provided a choice between Eternal Life with Him or the curse of sin and eternal life in darkness. On the horizon are the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and just below that is a tiny Abel making the 1st blood sacrifice, outside of the Garden.  Years later, it is here as he is preparing the yearly blood sacrifice that Cain kills him in a jealous rage.
God then graciously shined His Light on Abraham whose faith was magnified by his Righteous life and willingness to sacrifice his only Son. Henceforth God establishes the Stage from which He brings forth His Son as Savior: He molds and guides a nation of people through the Burning Bush, The Passover, Mount Sinai, the Shekinah Glory, and a wandering in the desert encamped in a cross formation (all depicted in the painting). Then in the fullness of time highlighted by the Bethlehem star, the baby Jesus, and the “wise men” seeking the KING, He prepares the Way to Redeem what was lost.

It was this image of His Promise & Faithfulness that inspired me to paint the painting that tied for first place at PcPc Artfest and will now temporarily grace our office reception area.   See if you can find the hidden “Signs of His Majesty and Promise”: 3 Celestial Wonders, 5 Crosses, & 7 Signs of His Promise (Jesus Christ). I was inspired to do this painting as a witness to the Jew, for it reveals in a profound way how God used events, designs, and faithful servants to reveal and “paint” an image of His Promise in their daily lives. How can they not see this? The Italian curator who helped judge my painting said that this conundrum is reflected by the “JESUS” of this painting that is obvious to an informed eye, but which was missed even by the careful observation of all the other judges (in this small rendition it may not have the same affect -but look at the pic, and see if you can see it -I will reveal it at the end of this letter). You should see the LORD walking between the blood sacrifice of 3 cleaved mammals, a dove, and a pigeon; thus establishing a One-Way covenant while Abraham sleeps (called the Abrahamic Promise or Covenant). Below that is a poetic rendition of the Angel of God pointing to the Ram and stopping Abraham from sacrificing Isaac (who like Jesus carried his own wood for sacrifice and was “innocent”). Going clockwise we see the Passover blood covering the posts and lintel; the Burning Bush with infinite multi-dimensional Time streaked in blood (9am – 3pm -was the time that Jesus was on the cross) with the Hebrew inscriptions “I AM your All Sufficient God”, “Know before Whom you stand”…God said to Moses, and “I will be with you Always”. Another angel points to the future “baby in a manger” who is to be our Savior and who will die in the “shadow” of a cross, yet He will be Resurrected! Above we see the Cross formed by Israel’s 12 tribes (3 to the West, 3 to the North, 3 to the South, and 3 to the East of the Tabernacle) the configuration that God commanded. From within the Tabernacle the Shekinah Glory which protected Israel by night, (some say the Holy Spirit of the Old Testament) rises up beyond Mount Sinai and the Fire of God. In the center The “Lord of Lords” returns in the clouds with His Saints; all nations “will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds, with great power and glory”. There are also over 200 prophecies in the OT that Jesus Christ fulfilled, including Daniel’s exact prediction of His Triumphal Entrance. Can you see Him for who He IS?

The final Jesus in the painting that all the judges failed to see is the “JESUS” formed inside the burning bush….do you see Him?