Celebrating Life & His Resurrection – Message to the Jew, the Lost & the Saved.

The Bible says Rejoice -  Stand firm – Resist the Devil – He (God) who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.  We are more than conquerors according to the Power of the Holy Spirit sealed within the new believer.  We are forgiven according to the Power of the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross.  We are sealed in His Promise because of faith in Him – in things not seen, the substance of things hoped for. Faith is like a tiny seed that must first die to live, but then will grow into a great and wonderful tree of life.  Our Faith in Jesus Christ sets us free forever, transforming our lives and bringing peace beyond understanding.

WHAT I LEARNED ON a recent trip to MALTA :  1) Having a “HIGH” education and intellect does not insure a mind of logic and truth.  Found this out today during our tour, from a well-dressed young lady who hit a car as she was pulling out from her parked spot.  Since she did not see the car which came in from around a corner, she felt it was not her fault and would not give the man insurance information.   And because we are in Malta and the police are hard to be found we had to wait over 30 minutes in the bus on a very narrow, ancient city street.  Our great achievements in science, engineering, & transportation were not going to make a difference.  We were trapped by history & human frailty and pure stubborness.

2) When Bad things happen do not despair, God can use the ugly, the bad, and the mistake to make something very good!  Only He can make a curse into a blessing. I had planned this Malta trip months ago with Angie and she broke her hip a month or so later, and therefore,  I thought the trip would be  hampered in a major way.   As it turns out, someone in a wheel chair gets through the security and boarding lines 10 times faster especially in the mass of humanity in Turkey and other places we flew (7 different planes)!

3)  Miracles are real!  Paul was bit by a viper and the people of Malta wanted to make him God when they saw that it did not affect him.  He refused their offer and pointed to the Truth of the Gospel then proceeded to heal the sick for 3 months .  During WWII an enemy bomber dropped a 500 lb. bomb onto the dome of the Mostra Cathedral.   The church was full of people trying to escape the bombing.  The bomb penetrated the heavy dome and hit the floor below skidding across the sanctuary towards the entrance.  It did not explode nor did it injure anyone!  Just one more “healing” – “salvation” miracle!

4) God blessed us by keeping the rain away reminding us how water and wind became the means through which the Apostle Paul a prisoner onboard a Roman supply vessel became shipwrecked off the Bay where we were staying.  Paul ended up staying on the island for 3 months during which time he miraculously healed many sick people. Eventually he was transported to Rome where he later was executed.  That island became a beacon of Christianity and the “Hospital” island of the Mediterranean.  The Knights of St. John who defeated the Ottoman invasion were most known for their skills in not only building hospitals but also in treating patients with methods they developed.  They were not crusaders, yet many died defending the Bible and the island  – they were Men from 8 nations- hence the eight points on the Maltese cross. They were called Knight Hospitaliers.

5) When returning to the US, we missed the Winter Bomb of early March in the North East by arriving a couple of days after the first one hit, and left a day before the next storm came in.  We were able to transfer to Washington DC to visit the White House and the Museum of the Bible:  “Washington Revelations” takes you by “jet drone” to all the Biblical quotes on Federal buildings, statues, and other museums. There is a special area on the writing of “Amazing Grace” and one on Sciences – Kepler, Copernicus, Galileo, George Washington Carver, and Newton.  There is also a great presentation on the 1st revival in America led by Whitfield, Nazareth at the time of Jesus, the writing of the Bible and all the martyrs and efforts to preserve the Word of God.  We learned how valuable the Word is to tribes worldwide – there are over 500 translations into various tribal languages.  One section was devoted to a new city found in Israel that many believe is the “city of 2 gates” where the Philistines fled after David killed Goliath.  Another one on how Christianity and the Bible has affected the American Culture- allowing one to listen to dozens of songs by different musicians and singers.

On the trip I had the opportunity to finish reading The Paradigm and had time to reflect on its import.  In my book, COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN,  I also discuss a “paradigm” one that connects the 1st century 70- year prophetic period of Christ’s birth to the 70-year Prophetic Generation of the birth of Israel. Both have a 20 year “maturation” period, then a 50-year period of global spread and importance.  As the church spread, its leaders were attacked then in 67 AD Peter and Paul were executed.  Likewise, Israel has had attacks from all its neighbors.  The threat to the cross, church and Israel continue to this day.  These parallels in history are no coincidence. 

In this letter I want to remind the reader of the most important day in the History of the World.  Out of nowhere a man like no other man threw the powers of the world on its heels.  Even though the prophets had forewarned of this moment, few recognized the Truth in front of them.  In many ways it was like the Days of Noah –for which the world did not listen and was judged by water (here we have the water motif again). John the Baptist came to baptize the sinner with water and Jesus came to baptize them by the fire of the Holy Spirit.

When He rose from the dead, he preached for 40 days then Ascended into Heaven.  Ten days later the Holy Spirit came in fire upon those gathered at Shavout or what we call Pentecost.  This year’s Resurrection Celebration comes on April 1 which is April Fool’s day for the first time in many decades.  It is fitting for this is the Day that Satan was fooled into thinking that he would defeat God and win dominion over mankind.  Those who submit to the Lies of the World, choosing self & denying the person of God are also fools.  Many try to use God through legalism and misuse of the Word to accomplish their own purpose.  Jesus could have been King and Priest of a Great Kingdom at Satan’s bequest, but He chose to die a cruel death on the cross in order to be our Savior.  He defeated Satan, death, and sin offering us the Gift of Eternal Life.

To the World and to the Jew, God asks why do you think that you have earned your Salvation? I am not your King. I AM the Lamb Of God who paid the Price for your sins. I AM the Gift of Salvation offered to those who believe in me. I AM, Jesus Christ, your Redeemer the Holy One of Israel, who cleanses one of sin. I AM the only Salvation from SIN. By my scourging you are healed; not by might nor by power but by my Spirit.

The Jews did not look for a Savior. They wanted A King to give them what they deserved…and in a perverted way this is what anyone who does not know God seeks. One feels deserving of vindication and honor by whatever works they have done. To Jews, Israel is the suffering servant., yet in the scripture it is obvious that Isaiah is NOT speaking of a nation but of a redeemer. Isaiah 53 is the guilty conscious of the Jews. Israel is not a righteous sinless people suffering for the world. This can only be the person of Jesus Christ. Israel has no need for a sacrifice nor a mediator- all they want is a King to rescue them from suffering. They expect exaltation for their goodness. So ask a Jew if he or she needs a Savior? A sinner, and the most “righteous” person, can only be right with God, if his or her sins are completely paid for vicariously by a slain Savior, the Blood of the Lamb.  This is a picture of the sacrificial system that God set up in the Temple for Israel.  God provided that sacrificial template to prepare them for the Messiah that would save them!

Our Savior died for sin and rose from the dead conquering death and sin. He is not a worldly king, but He is King of Kings, Lord of Lords. He is Jesus Christ, the Risen Savior.    Our Servant King, Jesus Christ bore our iniquities and Paid the ultimate price for our sins. He is our chosen One in which our soul rejoices. He alone is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.


Traitor in our Midst

I woke up in the middle of the night with this thought.  Who can we trust?  Who is being protected and lies in wait?  If we cannot deal with the enemies we see, how can we deal with the enemies that either we do not know or that are hidden in plain sight?  God knows the answer, so how do we prepare?

How many times are you lied to daily?  How many times do you lie either intentionally or “non-intentionally”? There is another essential question for each of us to ask ourselves, “Is it OK to lie for the sake of others?”  Yet, we know that a lie is a lie! In God’s eye we have lied, period.  If we listen only enough to gain power or position then we are lying.  To claim that we did not hear something in order to claim innocence is a lie, and so is the converse.  It takes a strong mind and heart centered on God not to lie, nor to lie to oneself.  Maybe, God will help us if we are willing to expose the lie in us, so that we can have an intimate relationship with the Truth?  If we allow God to renew our minds and give us a right Spirit, then maybe we can then discern the Truth and expose the Lie allowing others also to gain from our knowledge and experience.

God showed up again at our White Rock Lake ministry this last Sunday.  Even though the weather appeared stormy and the wind was blowing, we felt the call of God to share the Gospel and give away free books and lemonade off the bike trail.  Unlike most Sundays, however, there were few people out and about.  Then something interesting happened, we had a series of individuals stop by that I believe represent an interesting pattern.  1) At two different times young Catholic men came over to check out the books.  I was able to share in depth with the one who spoke English concerning having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the fact that parents, works, and the Pope will not save anyone.  He was very appreciative of the theological discussion and a new Bible that we gave him.

2)  A couple of “communist” Chinese students stopped on their bikes, and while one went to the port-o-potty the other came over at my invite.  She was curious, yet reluctant to talk about God or faith, so I asked her what part of China was she from.  She said South China and I replied that my grandparents were missionaries in Canton (southern China) for 25 years.  “That is where I am from”, she retorted. At that point the other girl came over and saw the book that the first girl had rejected.  The book was about a popular Chinese pastor who formed a ministry and underground church in China.  As she grabbed the book, it opened up to a middle page that just happened to have an inscription in Chinese that she recognized as the name of the town that she was from.  “This is a picture of my neighborhood,” she exclaimed!  We shared the faith with them and they left- returning a few minutes later to grab one more book, a Bible!  Note that rarely, do the Chinese students  talk to us.

3)  A rough looking older man with a loud mouth and aggressive nature came over to us and said that he was a Christian, but that most christians  are not real christians since then accept “the Jew”.  He retorted that all Jews should be killed and so I asked him if Jesus was a Jew.  “No”, he said, “Jesus is of the Spirit.”  So then I asked him if “Mary” was a Jew and again he said, “NO”.  He grew louder and louder with his arms flailing and face scowling.  I felt brave and emboldened and so told him that he was very wrong and that God would “Judge him harshly for his attitude and belief”.  He walked away still yelling.  Note that I did not say, “Fine you are entitled to your own beliefs.”  God has called us to be both Light and Salt, and not to be ashamed of the Gospel of Salvation

4)  A Jehovah Witness girl dropped by to look at the books.  She listened as I shared with her about the 144,000 in the book of Revelation and that they were all Jews from the 12 tribes and not Gentile Christians. I talked with her for about 30 minutes. She listened intently and left with one of our Christian books on faith.  Even though we rarely have a JW stop to talk to us, she also seemed excited and thanked us.

5)   Then I had the opportunity to talk to a young man who came from Hindu Nepalese background and had had someone years earlier pray over him to receive Christ.  I told them if he was not being true to his heart, the confession would not be valid.  He asked why the Christian God should be accepted as the true God?  I shared with him that God became a man so that He could share His nature and character with us, as a loving God who was willing to sacrifice his only begotten Son for our sin, and all we have to do is have faith to accept that gift of sacrifice.  He said that anyone can die and that all religions have a God with special traits and then finished with, “What makes a Christian so special?” I shared that the true nature of God is one of love and justice and not to kill indiscriminately as we see happening in many religions.  I said, “do you not know that many Christians have died for their faith refusing to recant their faith despite the threat of death.”  He hesitated and said “Yes, but what makes your faith better?”  So I asked him to go back in time and study the Babylonians who ruled the world, even defeating the Jewish nation.  Surely their faith would be special since many modern religions are connected to this early Babylonian model.  “Note,” I said, “they killed the Israeli kings and took their youth and the talented as captives.”  “One of those was Daniel, and the book of Daniel is one of the books preserved in the Dead Sea Scrolls and so has been proven to be authentic and accurate.” “If you study the book of Daniel you will understand how God works in the lives of those He trusts to carry His message forward to us.”  “Babylon accepted Daniel’s God as their own.”  He was excited and asked me to write down that name and rushed away on his bike.

6) While I was talking to him a guy came up who we know as a Hindu philosopher and who likes to promote a False christian Narrative which is basically Satanic.  It was an Interference which we did not allow to deter us.  He was loud and getting louder as I was sharing with that the young man. So after the young man left,  I went over to him and interrupted his argument with my ministry partner, Angie.  “You have tried to interfere with the work of the Holy Spirit as I shared with the young man, and God wants you to know that He will not forgive the one that forsakes the Holy Spirit”.  He got really agitated and started flailing his arms and contorting his face then left.   

7)  Then an ex combat soldier, by the name of Lonny, came up and asked me about what it means to be a Christian. He told me that he was a Christian but that he did not go to church.  So I asked what the two main Sacraments of the Christian Faith are.  He said that he did not know so I told him that they were Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and that both required that a person be a member of a group of believers or church.  He showed me his chest full of battle wounds and knelt down next to me to find out more about the Word.  That led to a very deep and rewarding discussion and his desire to contact us and buy my book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN.  

We saw many others, but only for a few minutes at a time sharing books with them and giving away the free lemonade.

The opposition was obvious and the Spiritual battle was clear.  There were dark forces determined to stop our effort to share the Gospel and lead the lost to Christ.  Both of the aggressors for Satan claimed to be “Christians,” yet were obviously “traitors to the faith,” followers of a false Christ, and opponents of the  work of the Holy Spirit.  One was blatantly Anti-Jew and the other was New Age and demanding an all inclusive Christianity not dependent on the Words of our Lord Jesus Christ who said, “I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me.”

The others covered a broad spectrum of modern day society:  1) a cult member 2) A Christian who does not attend church  3) Two girls raised as atheists  4) two men raised as Catholics  5) a Nepalese Buddhist who had Christians pray with him for Salvation, yet he did not change nor grow in Christ.  He was trusting in many gods, and thus could be considered a New Age adherent.  5) and the tough soldier as a Christian did not attend any church.  In this case I do believe that his faith was sincere, but stunted due to trauma, or his lack of social skills and willingness to have Christian fellowship.




Apostasy and Forgiveness – an Easter Message

Jesus brought compassion and forgiveness to a world full of religious and secular laws and regulations.  The Romans had introduced Pax Romana and a new order to a world full of chaos and war, but they did it by brute force.  They ruled and dictated from the thrown of Caesar who called himself God.  Ironically the religious leaders of Israel were just as egregious in their assault on the soul and Spirit of mankind.  In fact their sin was worse considering their divine position and message  had been awarded to them by God himself.  Now because they had twisted the spirit of His Word and Promise they would receive His curses and woes. Blinded by their own self-righteousness they thought that they were better than the kings and leaders of the past that had persecuted & killed the Prophets.

Little did these religious leaders know that they would soon kill the Son of God in a blind rage of jealousy and revenge.  Jesus had told them just before his Crucifixion, “You shut the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces.  For you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in,” Mt. 23:13.  Not only had these leaders rejected Jesus but they “had strained gnats” to make new laws to subjugate the people. They were actually preventing people from coming into a relationship with God.   Is this a form of smoke screen and control that is being used today in the modern church?

I believe that it is, but in a more devious and subtle form.   Both Liturgy and the pro-culture, emergent concept draw people away from the Truth and from an intimate relationship with God.  What is Truth without both Love and Obedience to the Word? What is Truth without teaching the whole Bible and the Name of God in every aspect of Life and Creation?  What is Truth if we compromise with the world system in order to fit in?  What is Truth when Lies are embedded in the liturgy, the teaching of the historical book of Genesis, the foundational doctrine of God’s Word and the nature of God?  The Spirit of God is hindered by lies and by rules that do not exhibit the Grace of God and the fruits of the Spirit.

We all make mistakes and God is above all willing to forgive the sin and restore the sinner.  After all this is why God sent His Son to die for us.  By shedding His blood God would be making propitiation for us.  Our sins will be forgiven.  This is why if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins.  God is Just and His Mercies are new every morning.

Life’s accidents and mistakes will trip us up. This is part and parcel to the fall of Creation. In writing my book, COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN, I made requests from the publisher to make changes.  In some cases those changes were not made, and the errors have therefore persisted.  It saddens me, because the book is for both the believer and unbeliever to see the Word of God in a fresh way – free of the myopia that distorts and constrains the “Spirit and Truth of the Word.”  One of those distortions for example is the concept of macro-evolution and a “limited flood”.  Both are lies that cloud the mind and hinder the Spirit of God.  They in many ways “shut the door of the kingdom of heaven” to those who attend church.  These non-believers and some confused believers are not nourished by the Truth and never sense the  “Power of the Spirit”.  In many instances they are learning the lingo  and the external shape of the walk, but do not really partake of an intimate relationship with God.  The mistake that the publisher failed to change was a simple one: I had asked that they change the word “2nd” to “First” in relation to Solomon’s Temple.  I had in a moment mental fatigue typed in the wrong info.  This stupid mistake has been carried forth into my new printing and I am saddened – since I clearly asked them to change it!

Alert ! Be Forewarned ! The Supernatural is Advancing & A Traitor Awaits!

Alert ! Be Forewarned ! The Supernatural is Advancing ! A Traitor Awaits!

As explained in earlier posts, the Great Sign of Revelation 12 is an invisible sign for a skeptical world. Unlike the Star of Bethlehem, which was visible to those with “eyes” to see, and the many visible appearances that Jesus Christ made in  the Old Testament as a “Theophany”, God is not going to make an appearance until His Second Coming – at least the Bible does not forewarn us of any!  Near the End of Time, He will appear in the clouds to receive the church, and again on the Mount of Olives to face the world’s forces.  One of the first signs of His 2nd Coming will actually come from the Anti-Christ and his covenant with Israel.

In the Days of the Patriarchs- of Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Moses- Jesus Christ  appeared to man and spoke to him (Theologians call these divine conversations: Theophany or a Christophany). Through these loving interactions, He defended and guided them and taught us the danger of unbelief, and the blessings of faith and obedience. Now that most of the world has ignored His Word and has turned completely away from Him, He forewarns us in this Great Sign of Revelation 12 that the supernatural world is advancing and we will face the consequences.

Jesus forewarned us at the Mount of Olives discourse in chapter 24 of Matthew that in the end-times there will be “blood, fire, and smoke” and we have seen this in the irrational record mass murders in Las Vegas and now in Parkland, Florida! He warned us of “wars and rumors of wars” and we have seen more threats now than ever in history.  Kim of Korea has swung countless threats at America, South Korea, and Japan.   Assad in Syria has threatened Israel with all forms of retaliation, and so has Iran which has been making extreme threats for years.  Hamas and Abbas are using a variety of terrorist tactics against Israel, and Hezbollah now has 150,000 accurate short and long range missiles.  Russia has threatened our elections and has sent mercenaries in disguise against our troops.  Turkey has threatened to destroy our allies the Kurds and is now bombing into oblivion a city full of innocent civilians. They are building a large German designed tank factory and have hired China to modernize their communication systems.  Turkey will soon have cash free system thanks to the Chinese.   China is threatening the Philippines and other nations in the South China Sea by the super militarization of islands far from their territorial waters. China has also entrenched itself near the Suez canal and the Panama Canal so as to control strategic crossing points on the globe.  ISIS and Al-Qida  still threaten the world with high tech bombs and terrorism.

God also forewarns us of a new kind of flood for the future.  Through the book of Daniel, God speaks of the widespread expansion of information.  This information deluge will overwhelm people with useless and distracting data that will draw the generations further and further away from the Word of God and from a relationship with Him.  I discuss issues like this in my Book; COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN: The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation. The book is in its 2nd printing and is now available at Amazon.com.  This deluge of information also relates to intelligence data that overwhelms our ability to protect ourselves.

As far as smoke and fire, this may also relate to dozens of active volcanoes throughout the world, 3 of which are active in Indonesia.  We may have another very active fire season this coming summer with drought already a threat due to very light snowfalls.

Revelation 12:1, says, “A GREAT SIGN APPEARED IN THE HEAVENS, A WOMAN CLOTHED WITH THE SUN, WITH THE MOON AT HER FEET, AND A GARLAND OF TWELVE STARS.”   This Sign was NEVER intended to be seen!  Once the sun comes up over the horizon (sunrise) all these stars fade along with the moon and planets!  So why does God call it a “GREAT SIGN”?

The Point is God wants us to realize that the Great SIGN was there, but was NOT visible!  He knew that we would have astronomers that would map this celestial SIGN and the media methods to spread the information throughout the world so that everyone would know that it WAS THERE, even though it would be  “invisible”. In fact many false prophets sensationalized this event by saying a Planet X or giant asteroid would collide with the earth on that day. Unfortunately because of this many people ignored the message and were unable to see the truth in this Great Sign.  So what exists, and yet is invisible?  What can we be CERTAIN OF, yet not see?  What is the substance of things hoped for?  FAITH in the invisible REAL GOD is the answer and YES, He is making sure that we realize that He is actively moving to bring HIS PROMISE to fruition.

He is in the process of advancing His Kingdom, fulfilling His Promises, and destroying Satan and those who follow him.  He will make this known to us in visible ways through nature and the actions of humans.  If you read the next paragraph you will see the spiritual battle between God’s angels and Satan and his angel’s.  Implied in this passage is a chronological series of events leading to Satan being cast from heaven, which suggests that Satan was not cast down permanently at an earlier time.  In Genesis, Satan may have been waiting in a “natural state” in the form of a serpent to deceive God’s “perfect” creation.   He wanted to destroy out of jealousy, the perfect Garden and the Man-creature made in God’s image.  Later when Jesus says he saw Satan cast down, it may refer to a future event since God is omniscient.

The point that needs to be accented is the increased intensity of the spiritual battle ahead of us.  Just as the “Great Sign” was distorted by false prophets so will all the other signs and warnings that God will give us.  The false prophets said that Planet X would destroy the earth on September 23rd and Satan used them to make the “sign” seem absurd or inconsequential.  The actions and words of God’s messengers will be distorted by dark forces and the principalities of evil will do everything to distract and deceive us with lies.  We are seeing this happen right before our eyes.  To the world it may seem silly, but there is a sequence of signs that point to something of supernatural consequence leading to the natural.

God wants those who have been deceived to let go of everything you know so that you can know the truth.  Explore life in a prism of divine truth – as if going blind so that you can see: Jesus and Isaiah warned “you see but do not see, you hear but do not hear.” I explain some of this in my book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN. Are you ready to take the journey into a deeper reality about life itself? Our world is so full of lies that indeed a child knows truth better than many a “genius”.

Exciting New News Connecting the Book

As stated in the Testimony part of my Book, Jerusalem is the centerpiece of God’s Geographical Prophecy and Promise.  On Dec. 6, 2017,  Trump announced the plan to move our American Embassy to Jerusalem.  He is the first world leader to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the nation of Israel!  All this happened in 2017, which is significant considering the meaning of that year in relation to other historical events and generations.  All this is discussed extensively in the book: COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN: The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation.

Jerusalem is mentioned over 300 times in the Bible.  It is mentioned 142 times in  the New Testament and 660 times in the Old.  Note that Jerusalem is also called Zion, Salem, The City of David, and Ariel.  Of those 800 Biblical references, 489 are connected to prophecies given by God that are not yet fulfilled!  Jerusalem is the “Forever” capital of Israel and the location of God’s future throne.

Another Testimony was that of Nathan the Jewish boy when went to heaven for 15 minutes and completely baffled the rabbi.  Even though he had no formal training in the Torah, he revealed truth that so caught the rabbi’s attention that he filmed the interview even though the parents had protested.   The young Jewish teenager had this vision on a very significant day!  He saw Jesus Christ in his vision on the very day that the 4th blood moon over Jerusalem occurred.

In the Testimony of history and current events we are seeing the war in Syria pit our planes and soldiers  against Russian mercenaries (contract soldiers is what the media is now calling them), and just this week Israel and an Iranian stealth drone.  Israel has forewarned Iran that next time there will be dire consequences.  Last month we saw Turkish tanks, soldiers, and planes combat the American allied Kurdish forces in Northern Syria.  Some believe that once ISIS is destroyed completely, Erdogan will announce a new Caliphate that will protect the whole region from rogue enemies such as ISIS. He is building a large German designed Tank factory and a new naval base on the island of Suakin (which was its fortress during the Ottoman Empire). Erdogan has also decided on an advanced Russian Anti-missile system over a NATO system- which will cause severe friction with NATO and the US. All this has the making of a new Mid-East war.  Ironically Egypt has been buying arms from North Korea which is just another East meets West conspiracy.  The biggest threat however is between Iran & North Korea and the potential for a large 2 front war of a nuclear level against both Israel and the United States.

The Ottoman Empire lasted for 400 years after conquering Christiandom in Jerusalem, and in the last 70 years we have seen Israel rise up as the new power in the region. Now 100 years since Jerusalem was liberated by the British, will a new Turkish Empire allied with Russia and Iran rise up against Israel to regain Jerusalem? Is this Empire the Gog or Magog?




The Back Windows of Truth – from the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown

Page 77:  Peter the Apostle warns us to, “Rid yourselves of all wickedness, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander.” And he continues, “the stone that the builders rejected – this One has become the cornerstone.” And then he warns,  “I urge you as aliens and temporary residents to abstain from fleshy desires that war against you.” Then after much sharing concludes, “Be sober! Be on the alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour. Resist him, firm in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are being experienced by your brothers in the world,” I Peter 2:1-5:9.  Slander is much worse than people realize for it results in damage to all involved. Those who listen to slander need to beware for not only will it detour you, but if you pass it on, you will be just as guilty.  Slander relates to what was said earlier about reconciliation and remorse during the 10 Days of Awe.  By tradition the Jews thought that God was keeping a set of books on everyone and would judge them accordingly.  This is supported by what Jesus Christ said, “But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment,” Matt. 12:36.

We all remember as children what happened to Samson, who squandered God’s blessings to feed his desire. He lost the very eyes that led him to sin. our country cannot afford to be led away by lust and greed and the resulting perversion and loss of innocence. one result of this run-away lust is the high abortion rate and a resulting mental and spiritual illness in our nation.

Page 72:  We seem to be at a very important “Cosmic Crossroad” in time, both astronomical and historical – linking God’s time to man’s time and joining Judaic prophetic signs to Gentile Signs of the end Time. This is all part of His order and plan. Just as God used the stars to point to His 1st coming, does it not make sense that He will again use the stars and constellations to point to His 2nd Coming! Twelve is the number of Perfection & Authority – but also of “Time” set by God in the natural world of the moon, sun, stars, & constellations, (12 months, 12 Constellation Signs, and two sets of 12 hours). Twelve is also an interesting number combination of the perfect unit 2 found in all of creation and the number 10 of purification. The number “two” defines a dynamic coexistence of opposites or contrasts that balance forces, entities, divinity, space, and matter. All of creation is a balance of 2’s. Two can be looked at as a unit such as male and female, or the Hypostatic union of God and man, or light and darkness.

God in fact designed His Creation to witness both Good and evil. Thus, the number 12 could be looked at as a universal number for order in God’s Divine Plan for creation in both space and time!  The number 2 also represents God’s power manifested on earth.  We see 2 witnesses, the power of praying “where 2 are gathered”, the disciples going out 2 by 2, and many metaphors such as the two “olive trees” and “two lampstands” in Zechariah.   Two is also a sign of balance and stability.  It provides equal force and function to our body and those of other creatures.  The animals entered the ark two by two and God provides us two choices: to be with Him or separated from Him for eternity.

Page 78:  Peter’s generation saw the first coming of the Lord and witnessed intense persecution. In comparison, we have witnessed “evil empires” and defeated them, and in this country, we have seen very little persecution. Are we “on guard”, as Peter states, or are we allowing the enemy in? The result of our recent election shows the deep divide within the ethos and convictions of our society. The fabric appears torn by hatred, revenge, and a rebellious anger. Some are raising the flag and others are stomping on it. Some are lifting hands to God and others are flaunting a tirade of anti-authority demands and behavior. The traditional fabric is being trampled on and set on fire! Yet, God is with us and our country continues to seek the high ground. We can learn from history, from other generations, and from the words of God, or we can go our own way and lose our way. That is one reason why we need to continue to look at Prophecy and Promise, and realize that this confusion may be God’s plan.  God may be orchestrating all this bizarre behavior to open the door to the Anti-Christ. The stage is being set and the Last Generation needs to turn the lights on!

Page 81:    Here is recap of the top 3 major Biblical generations and the 3 dates that fulfill prophecy for the nation of Israel: Using the birth day of the nation of Israel in 1947-48, the recapture of Jerusalem in 1967, and the issuing of the Balfour Declaration in 1917, we notice that the 50 for Jubilee equals “Release or Return”, the 70 equals “Prophecy Complete”, and the 100 equals “Time extended” for testing. All will end at approximately the same time in 2017-18. Behind these generational periods are the other supporting periods such as the 400, 500 and even the 1000-year Jubilee periods.

We will see how the 40-year generation period spiritually intersects with multiple 400-year periods and other wilderness times of purification. God penalized the nation of Israel a total of 40 years, or one year for each day that the spies lacked faith in their 40-day period spying out of the “enemy” land! This was a unique period for Israel We will soon see in Chapter 6, how this time of purification also links to the “Cross in the Wilderness” and to us.

Page 87:  Our liberal Media used to present truth to the world, but now it is under a grand delusion! It acts as both judge and jury determining what is right and wrong in our nation – making evil good and good evil! These and other lies are reflected throughout the world with increased atrocities, terrorism, apostasy, corruption, starvation, disease, and Christian persecution. An example of what God says about liars and those who follow the lie: “The one who conquers will have this heritage, and I will be his God and he will be my son.” But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” The Serpent said to eve, “You will certainly not die.” The world wants us to believe that God either does not exist or He is impotent. God is alive, and He is actively waiting for you or others to come closer to Him, and to follow Him with faith. There is nowhere that God will not go to save you. God is chasing after you, if not with the “hounds of heaven,” He is seeking and searching the world with the “Four Wheels” Ezekiel describes in the throne room of heaven. This could be his “vehicle” to bring opportunities for you.

Interlude with Death and New Beginnings

Death is the end of the line to those who do not know the LORD.  Likewise the RETURN of Jesus Christ sets the “World’s Clock” to “Apocalypse Time” or the “Hour of Judgment” where all the tribes and nations will be judged.  This will not be a time of national rejoicing!  No nation will be spared and no individual on earth at that time will escape Judgment.  The Word of God says that the “nations will mourn” and the leaders and kings will cower in caves.  Jesus Christ will defeat the forces of the Anti-Christ and other converging armies.  He will then usher in the Kingdom of God and will rule for 1000 years from Jerusalem in a New Beginning  called the Millennium.

I had an interlude with the shadow of death this weekend.  As I was about to serve a tennis ball to a friend, I asked if he was ready.  He said “No,” then went down on his knees and fell over. I ran over and found that he was not breathing nor had a pulse….so I started CPR and went on for 15 minutes because no one else wanted to help! The ambulance got lost even though one of our big hospitals was only about a 15 minute walking distance away!  I was doing solo with 2 breaths and 30 compressions and did get a pulse, but the pulse was weak and  continued for only a few seconds.  I pray that he had time to accept Jesus as I was pumping his blood and breathing the breath of life into his lungs! We had discussed forgiveness and salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in years past?

So what does this have to do with new beginnings?  God uses the “seed” to represent both death and new life.  In order for the seed to bring life, it must die.  Each time God culled or purged his people for their rebellion and sin, He would bring new life to his nation.  A select group would go through trials and tests as they entered into a new Promise.  The new year in both the Jewish and Gregorian calendars end with the number 8 which in the Hebrew Gematra means “new beginnings.”  Are we entering into a new paradigm where both “worlds” will be  tested as God’s Promise is fulfilled?

We just saw the end of the Jubilee year of 5777 and now we begin a new set of 7 sevens or 49 years.  And so begins a new 7 year Shemitah period.  We are seeing all the important generational periods converge on this Jewish year of 5778, implying that a whole new set of generational periods are about to begin.  Even the Cosmic Signs imply a new beginning: both the Solar Eclipse and the “great sign of the Woman and Child of Revelation 12.”  The Solar Eclipse generated fear in ancient civilizations because it often forebode a new calamity of some kind.  In our case we had 3 major hurricanes within 3 weeks time.  The Houston hurricane broke all records for rainfall and the Puerto Rico storm was probably one of the most destructive per acre of any hurricane.

The Great Sign of Revelation 12:1-4 is not visible and hence, it is a supernatural sign indicating a new phase in the supernatural realm promised by God as described in the 2nd paragraph of Revelation 12.  Just as Satan was once “glorious” then fell from grace, mighty men and women are going through a rise and fall before our eyes. Many of those  are in Hollywood, Congress, leaders of the world and in the media.  God is actively unveiling His Plans and fulfilling all His Promises.

Why The Invisible Sign!- The Jerusalem Countdown, Reversal of Fortune & my book

An Addendum to COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN (The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation): 

I believe that time is short. God seems to be shaking up the world to the point that those who have gained power and prestige through lies, ill gain, and selfish determination are taking a fall from grace. The celebrities and politicians, like Congressman John Conyers and ABC’s Matt Lauer, who have used and abused their power are now being exposed and shamed by their own kind, the liberal media. It reminds me of how Gideon defeated the Midianite army and coalition of forces. There was fire-light thrown into the darkness which confused the enemy and caused them to destroy each other. God will find divine ways to teach the power hungry a big lesson. The Light of Truth will dispel and destroy darkness. Jesus says to us, “I am the Light of the Word, follow me and you will not walk in darkness, but will have the Light of Life.”

God is speaking to us in this time and age and we are seeing the “reversal of fortunes” as suggested in my book. However, I had thought that this would be reflected in the economy, but instead we are seeing this happen in a personal way to a person’s fortune, reputation, and self-esteem. God orchestrates this fall for their sake so that in their loss and fall they will turn to Him in repentance. This reversal of fortune or fall from grace is a shadow or reflection of Satan’s fall from heaven described in Revelation 12. You will see how this fall is related to the Great Sign of Revelation 12:1-4.

Our year started out and continued with many surprise returns: from the 28-point reversal in the Super-bowl to the surprise win by the Astros; from the fall of Target to the rise of Walmart; from the NFL fiasco to the obsessive hypocrisy of the media; from the politically motivated attacks on Trump and Moore, to actual evidence based revelations of rape & groping committed by media & Hollywood giants. These “surprise returns and reversals of fortune” have a Biblical base. They are highlighted by the fact that September 22nd ended the Jubilee year and each generational period of 40, 70, and 100 connects in a dramatic way to our present time-line in the Hebraic year 2017-2018. There are also connections to 500 & 2000-year time spans.

My book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN-The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation, explains each generational connection, that the Solar Eclipse would follow with major storms, and that the Great Sign of Revelation 12 would be a sign without immediate impact. Like the Bethlehem Star, the September 23rd Sign from Revelation 12, ushers in a new Paradigm. The key is the first verse! I have asked dozens of people to tell me what is contradictory or illogical about that verse. No one has had the observational skills to see it. This is one of my points- it takes more than theology to understand the message in the Word of God – a touch of Science, Geography, Art, military tactics, and just pure common sense helps illuminate the message. One could say it takes wisdom and study. As you will see the correct understanding makes a huge difference as to what this whole passage means. It also illuminates the next paragraph in Revelation 12.

The fact is the Sign of Revelation 12 speaks of the Woman clothed with sun with the moon at her feet and a garland of 12 stars. Do you see the problem? As stated earlier, I have shown this to scholars who have failed to see this simple fact. Even though the verb, “appeared,” is used the “Great Sign,” is not visible and never was intended to be visible. Note that the minute the sun appears above the horizon or near the “Woman’s” shoulder – the sign disappears completely! This does not, however, imply that the event did not happen. The stars, planets, sun, and moon are where they are supposed to be, but we cannot see them.

God has given us a sign that is not intended to be seen with our eyes! Why? It is entirely possible that we will never see a visible sign of His Return, because Jesus said multiple times that he would not give a Sign to an “evil generation”. In Matthew 12:39, Jesus says, “A wicked generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” The Great Sign of Revelation 12 would fit this promise perfectly. Even though the sign is miraculous, it is not visible. It “appeared” in the heavens, but the sun keeps the human eye from seeing it!

Hence, I believe this sign is designed to portend the beginning of a supernatural event or series of events that are real, but are NOT visible! These spiritual events will have physical consequences as God orchestrates history with His Promises. The next sub-chapter within Revelation 12, portrays the casting out of Satan and one-third of the angels from heaven. Could this indicate that the mighty on earth who are full of pride like Satan will take a fall too? Does it mean that Satan and his demons will be more active on earth causing demonic mischief? This could be the answer to all the bizarre behavior, irrational threats by crazed leaders, and horrific acts of terror and murder that are happening in America and throughout the world. Could the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel be a catalyst to some more end-time events?

Also note that the 1st verse in Revelation 12, describes only the Woman. The 2nd verse introduces the child. And the 3rd verse shines a light on the “Dragon” or serpent. In just these three verses, the theme of the Bible is presented – as it was in Genesis 3:15. This is akin to the “Wheel of Time” mentioned in my book. Genesis Chapter 3 ushers in a whole new paradigm and I would guess that Revelation 12 will also. Remember the Bethlehem Star? The book explains that this visible sign was also related to the constellation Virgo and that it was not recognized by most in the known world. Yet, it motivated the Magi or Kings to travel a great distance to worship the child! That is why in my book I suggested that the Sign of Revelation 12 on September 23rd, 2017, has opened a door to new beginnings with supernatural consequences.

One of these new beginnings mentioned in my book, COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN, is the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The fact that it did not happen earlier illustrates the impact Satan has in the natural world. Jerusalem is the location where God made his Covenant with Abraham and where God spared Isaac. It is where King David and all the other Judaic kings held office and where many of the great prophets lived and died. In Luke 2 the Word states, “Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover.” This is where Jesus is found as a boy teaching the scribes in the Temple. It is the city of God where Jesus was crucified, then resurrected, and will return in His 2nd Coming. Psalm 122 commands us to pray for Jerusalem. Zachariah 12 states, “On that day I (God) will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.”

God will side with Israel against all the nations of the world and He will use His supernatural power to defeat them all. Thus, we are in what I call a “new Paradigm,” where new beginnings will shake America and the world. In the book I indicated that since Jerusalem was shared by both Islam and the Judeo-Christian world, it was protected- this may now change to a degree.
President Trump has begun what some Jews already call the greatest Pro-Israel initiative in modern time. He is being compared to President Truman who has been given credit for opening the door to establish the Jewish nation.

In my book I indicate what is happening is not a coincidence. The time from the capture of Jerusalem by the Ottomans to their defeat by the British was 400 years. The time between Truman’s amazing decision to establish the nation of Israel and President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is 70 years. It appears that Trump was appointed by God for this time. Note also that Truman and President Trump both won surprise reversal of fortune elections- two of the most surprising elections in our history. The parallels are very interesting as both were businessman, and both have their names beginning with the same 1st 4 letters and their names mean something from a biblical viewpoint. This “New Beginning” will bring conflict and many new challenges around the globe and even in America. I believe that this will embolden the forces of evil and darkness. Keep in prayer! NOTE THAT NO OTHER NATION IN THE WORLD HAS AS MUCH RIGHT TO ITS CAPITAL AS ISRAEL HAS TO JERUSALEM! THIS RIGHT WAS SET BY GOD!

God will prevail for He is in control of the storm. Just as the storm that scared the disciples as they hurried to wake up Jesus Christ, our storm is designed to teach us faith. Jesus asked them why they had such little faith. He wants us to go through the storm with Him so that we will grow in faith. Jerusalem is God’s Holy City. And through Jerusalem, Jesus Christ will show us His Glory and His Power. Jerusalem is the center of history and through Jerusalem, Jesus will show the world that He is the center of the Universe and controls all the forces of Creation. The people of the Promise will seek to know Him and enjoy Him for HE IS THE LIGHT OF LIFE.

Cosmic Crossroad- The Christmas Message and Connection

After writing Christmas letters for over 35 years, it seems that the message has lost its impact on the busy, ever hurried, self-fulfilled mind. Even though we can sense the supernatural (“eternity is written in the heart”) few want to acknowledge the benevolent Person of God behind it. As the heart longs for divine justice, identity, and purpose, the self-will seeks its own center in the Universe of existence. The Truth is, without God we are NOT the center of any anything good – and if we think we are, then we are merely fools in the grand delusion of materialism.

COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN -The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation: Presents a wide perspective on what may be called a “New Paradigm” in History. Our nation & world stand at a critical Crossroad in time. We are being challenged from every side with internal and external threats and challenges. Time seems to be speeding up, compressed with bizarre and extreme events, and disturbed by irrational behavior. The dishonorable, the Perverse, and the Lie, are being raised up (as were the Gates of Baal in N.Y.) while the True and Honorable are pushed down. Eternal things—eternal redemption, salvation, inheritance, and glory—are of infinitely greater value than the temporal things crowding our minds and limiting our perception.  Read the book and learn more about God’s footprints on our time-line.  We are at a Cosmic Crossroad in time – so Merry Christmas as the Countdown continues.

Truth declares, “All treasures of wisdom & knowledge are found in Him,” as Jesus Christ beckons, “Learn from me for I am meek & humble in heart.”  God has left divine footprints on our time-line dating back to the beginning of time with clues & Signs that explain the present and reveal the future. These “Wheels in Time” illustrate events that parallel our time with great moments in history such as the time of Daniel the prophet, and Jesus Christ. This includes: The Fig Tree Prophecy spoken by Jesus concerning a “Last Generation,” the “Cosmic Crossroad” and historic generational periods, a “LOST TIME” instituted by God, and a mysterious “Cross in the Wilderness.” We are witnessing a social shaking and reversal of fortunes with surprise returns! God is exposing Lies & Sin.

“Grace” wants to take hold of us and point us to the obvious Gift wrapped in God’s Mercy. God is trying to get our attention, while we still have time. You see, this is not only the year of surprise returns, but is also the year of remembrance! This year we remember the following:  1) 500 years ago the Luther’s “95 Thesis” was nailed to the door in Wittenberg- resulting in a revolution in mind, soul, nation, and world. 2) Also 500 years ago the Ottoman Empire took control of Jerusalem, but what we celebrated this year was its release exactly 400 years later in 1917 with the signing of the Balfour Agreement, (after the British and Allies defeated Germany and the Turks), 3) 70 years ago the “budding of the fig tree” occurred with the establishment of the Nation of Israel in 1947-48, 4) 50 years ago the city of Jerusalem was “Reunited” in the 6-Day war of 1967. 5) 2000 ago years, Jesus Christ now a man of about 20 years of age would celebrate the Jubilee year. We are now at the 40th Jubilee – a time of complete testing. Does a new beginning await us?

This brings us back to His Mercy. God was Merciful to Adam & Eve when he Promised the “seed” of the Woman would defeat the “serpent.” God was merciful to Abraham, declaring him righteous based on faith alone. God was Merciful to Noah & family, to Abraham’s descendants, and countless others when He interceded for them. Throughout history God wrapped His Love and Mercy around people of Faith. Why is it that the human mind (Jewish, Islamic and Gentile) cannot comprehend the simplicity of God’s unmitigated Mercy when magnified & personified by Grace through faith in God’s Promised Messiah, Jesus Christ? Is it that we are too dependent on self or on Justice meant out by Law and works?  Does it take a “wilderness experience” to humble us enough to see His Grace?  It would make total sense that God would do away with the slaughter of “innocent” animals and the old way of doing things – when those strict methods led exactly to what Moses warned about – the worship of idols and rebellion against God! God Fulfilled the Law with His Gift of Grace?

God, in His Sovereign Mercy, came in the flesh (fully man, yet fully God) to die as the ultimate Sacrifice for our Sins. Jesus Christ is our Propitiation- He alone took God’s full wrath for our sins. When the Spirit of God is sealed in us we become a spiritual temple. Having a deep desire to know God’s Word is a good sign that you are His Temple. Jesus speaks directly to us through the Spirit of Truth when He says, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all.”

This has been a year of surprise returns for me! I went to South Africa thinking that I was going to go white shark diving, and was told that the Orcas had chased the sharks away. That very day, I was almost “bushwhacked” by 5 men.  But, what Satan meant for evil God used for good. A bedraggled man named “Goodman”, who witnessed the event asked, “how did you get away?” I said, “God delivered me, and he will deliver you to if you desire?” He then accepted Jesus as his Savior. This began my “Pilgrim’s Progress” through South Africa & Namibia. The next surprise was our trip to witness the Great American Solar Eclipse. My focus was to take photos of the Eclipse, and it ended with a fun experience without good photos. The highlight ended up being the class at Billy Graham’s Cove and their Library in Charlotte.

To those who still want to hold on to the philosophies of the world despite receiving the Gift of Salvation.  How can Jesus claim authority over heaven and earth and forgive sins, if He is not the Creator of what is, and has been, and is yet to come?  Not accepting the God of Creation is rejecting the authority of the Word of God and the Truth. Ignorance is no excuse, time has moved us forward, and the Word is there for all to read and know.  Now is the time to change and act for the sake of the Gospel, the family, nation, and the Lost.



Our nation stands at a critical Crossroad in time. We are being challenged from every side with internal and external threats, unlike any time in history. What we do now will make a difference for the future generations. Our debt opens us up to Economic war from foreign powers who want to see the dollar and our nation fall. Our vulnerability in the power grid and in the intellectual spy game is greater than ever … as China and Russia hack into our systems and compromise our university idealism. With the combination security hacks of our Governmental payment system and Equifax foreign powers can cross reference those people in important positions that are having financial problems.

The “liberal” corporate mentality is more willing to share high tech info with the Chinese than it is with our own government! We know that everything shared with any Chinese company will end up on its military scheme- yet here in america very little is being shared for our military use! We are defeating ourselves and letting the Trojan horse in with a blind smugness that may defeat us in a way that the Persians defeated the Babylonians. We are not learning from history- after all the liberal media and many technological institutions are more interested in virtual reality than they are in the REAL WORLD & our survival!

It is no surprise that the World is going through major upheavals and challenges of both natural and human origin.  Since America carries a special burden or mark given by God over the centuries, she will also receive a special judgment by the Almighty.  History shows that America was chosen to not only unify the nations with language, currency, and an expanding culture of information (as foretold by Daniel the prophet), but also to be at the forefront of creating the giant steps of speed and propulsion (again as foretold by Daniel-  people going to and fro ).  God has also used America to spread His Gospel and to establish and protect the nation of Israel.  However, America has now reached a nadir or vanishing point where the bad is outweighing the good, and ironically, this is not the fault of the present leadership.  On the contrary the “Lie” has become so ingrained in the last 10 years and glorified by the media that the Spirit of God is being pushed away by the “powers of darkness and principalities of evil” that have taken over.  And the nations of the world are also being deceived! Do not believe CNN and the lies of Satan!

America is drowning in the “best of times and the worse of times.”  This is only a small part of the judgment.  The worst is to come.  The best of times lulls us into apathy, complacency, and an indifference to God.   The church grows, yet idolatry grows with it.  Materialism and comfort have undercut many churches and made them into a country club of entertainment and mindless devotion.  In many cases lies have been incorporated into the churches theological system in order to “unify” the disenchanted and confused, in the hope that the pastors message will transform them with truth.  The congregation in the process cannot  remember any of the parts of the message much less the theme.  In essence the Spirit of God is missing.  Maybe this is why this has become the year of “surprise returns.”  God is trying to get our attention in the “games” that we play.

It has gotten to the point where more youth are turning away from the Truth than are being drawn.  One study shows that only 2% of Millennials in America trust in Jesus Christ and have a Christian world view!  Those who do go to church have a conscience formed by the world and NOT by the Word of God. Therefore they feel emboldened to defend the perverse and the anti-biblical as long as it has good reason or appropriate origin as defined by the relative state of being.  Tolerance is the badge of faith instead of Jesus Christ.

God, will therefore use America as an example to the rest of the world.  God has to end the ever increasing flood of drug and pornography addictions, the gambling and prostitution, the export of base and violent entertainment,  the “exploitation of innocent humans, and the spread and growth of every other kind of darkness.  Before Judgment, God will inspire His leaders and His people to speak out and stand up for Him.  Revival has begun in many areas and this is Americas only hope.  With trials comes new growth and victories of both body and spirit.  God is using the storms to bring people to Him and he will continue to use these trials to build the true church and the kingdom of God.

Read my new Book: COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN-  Please go to Barnes & Noble and leave a review on my new book if you have read it or part of it.  Another important review that would help is from Amazon. I need reviews quickly in order to place my book in “book clubs”, thanks.  The following is an example of what the book is about:

COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN -The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation”
Presents a wide perspective on what many are calling a “New Paradigm” in American History.
Our nation stands at a critical Crossroad in time. We are being challenged from every side with internal and external threats, unlike any time in history.  Time seems to be speeding up, compressed with bizarre and extreme events, and disturbed by irrational behavior.  What we learn and do now will affect future generations.
This book unveils Answers to troubling current events as it reveals Signs and Mysteries that are meant for us today.   In a broad sweep of inspiration, the book illumines a prophetic parallel in history and a new paradigm that is part of God’s Promise.  God has left divine footprints on our time-line dating back to the beginning of time, with clues for the present and future.  This includes:  The Fig Tree Prophecy spoken by Jesus concerning a “Last Generation”; a “Cosmic Crossroad” that is intersecting our present time-line; a “LOST TIME” instituted for a Lost Generation; the Convergence of “Wheels of time” with historical generational time periods; and a mysterious “Cross in the Wilderness” along with other divine signs.
God gave us these prophetic messages and signs because He desires to have a relationship with us as He guides us through the trials and tests that lie ahead.  If we do not choose Him soon, time will make the decision for us – The Countdown begins.

The Beginning of the End?

One of the main purposes of my new book, COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN is to show that God loves us and is in control – just as He has been in control throughout history -evidenced in both the Old and New Testaments and in rise and fall of nations.   He is real and alive today seeking a personal relationship with us. He has a time table and He is in total control of it.  Because we are nearing the end-time, Time appears to be speeding up and feels compressed from our viewpoint. We see things as being exaggerated or illogical – with many instances of extreme weather, 100-year-record earthquakes, fire storms, wind storms, hail storms, solar flares and abnormal behavior of every kind and scope.

We know that God has ordained the End Times, but He has also ordained the means to the end. Now the question is what are you going to do?   What motivated me to write this book was heart knowledge that God gave me while sharing the Gospel at our mission at White Rock Lake in Dallas – the Fig Tree parable given by Jesus concerning the Last Generation- has a key to unlock the mystery. That key opened up my understanding of the Cosmic Crossroad which has 4 arms: each arm is based on Truth- one relates to the Fig Tree lessons by Jesus and so I therefore go into great detail discussing both the Old and New Testament message related to the “Fig Tree” including the budding, and the ripening of the fruit on the Fig tree.

The next “arm” is the Signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars – with a discussion on the Bethlehem Star and its parallel to the Great Sign of Revelation 12 and the promise in Genesis 3:15. The 3rd arm incorporates the Testimonies of Current events & history, Prophets and  Apostles,  Jerusalem and the Word. The 4th arm includes the 50-year Jubilee, the Prophetic generations, and important the 40, 70, 100, 400, 500, & 1000 generational periods. All of these have correlating Signs from the past and  converge in “wheels of time”  on God’s eternal time-line.

Many of you may have tried to do a review for my book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN – The Fig Tree & The Prophetic Generation on Barnes and Noble and could not because you did not put in the subtitle. It will NOT discover the book under the SEARCH unless you also included the subtitle! On Amazon however it is the opposite- you can find it easier with just the title! I absolutely have to have these reviews in at AMAZON by today in order to have my application approved. The review process only takes 5 minutes and only requires that you write a short sentence, if I do not have 6 more reviews by this morning they could throw out my application. The fact is I did not receive a single review from any of you on Barnes & Noble at the last request…..and this may have been because of the sub-title issue.

After receiving a “vivid dream” from a friend and my own sleepless night I am motivated to share this possible scenario:  San Francisco, Seattle, or Los Angeles SHOULD BE on Alert! North Korea could be sending a submarine tender disguised as a fishing boat across the Pacific. The pair will seek to enter a harbor in the early morning haze or at night without running lights, and if detected will attempt to sink any ship that threatens the nuclear mother-load on-board the tender. As long as they feel they can get close enough they will detonate to eliminate evidence.  They are dumb enough to think that without evidence they will get away with it- that the world is too divided and that America will not act.

If they can enter the harbor without detection they may then turn on the “party lights” and head for the center of the bay, in the case of San Francisco they will head for the Oakland Bay bridge. On-board is their “test” hydrogen/ atomic bomb that they hope will detonate eliminating all evidence of their existence. The submarine offers an escape for the nefarious, suicidal, night stalkers on-board. Be Alert !  This runs like a fiction story, but knowing the fanaticism of North Korea a surprise like this may be in order.