Why is the Great Sign so Important?

The Great Sign of Revelation 12 happened at the end of what prophetic Jews call the Holy Jubilee or the first Jubilee of the Century.  It therefore, marks the beginning of a new time on God’s 50-year calendar.  The Sign also came at the end of the Hebrew year 5777 into 5778 with the 8 standing for both “new beginnings” and since 8=Peh=Mouth,  for God making a new Proclamation.  It occurred right after the Feast of Trumpets and during the 10 Days of Awe which is a time for Holy preparation of both ones heart and the atmosphere within the Holy of Holies before the Day of Atonement.  God is in essence announcing that we all need to prepare our hearts for His return is emminent. The 777 is for perfection and the Spirit of God working in a mighty way as with Joshua and the 7 priests with 7 Trumpets blowing them on the 7th day.

The Great Sign like the Star of Bethlehem involved many lights pointing to the birth of Jesus Christ & the nation of Israel, and using the Sun, Moon, Stars, along with 3 Planets in a very unique arrangement over a period of many months.  Just as with the Star of Bethlehem the religious leaders failed to see with eyes that see and failed their commission.  Satan successfully distracted the “eyes” of man so they were “blind guides” just as Jesus warned.  Our church was distracted by those “agitators and distractors” claimng that Planet X or Nibiru would collide and destroy the earth.  This is one more reason why the Sign was real!

Read the first verse of Revelation 12 and realize “the Sun on her shoulder” would blind anyone viewing the Great Sign and therefore, no one could see the Sign as the sun moved into place. Both the “moon on her feet” and the “garland of twelve stars” would be Invisible to human eyes. So why would God call it a Great Sign? Why would He use the word “appeared” if we could not actually see it?  Well, the astronomers and those with star-maps knew that the Sign was happening as the constellations, moon, and Sun moved into configuration. God is never wrong, nor does He use bad thinking to reach or teach us. He knew our astronomers would see the sign. Because the Sign was invisible could God be telling us that invisible forces would invade our space and affect our lives. He has been trying to get our attention for a long time.

Before we go any further it is important that we grasp the spirit of these verses in relation to the whole of Scripture. For instance, when John speaks of the Dragon in Revelation 12, we know that he is speaking of Satan. We can also conclude that John in Chapter 12:1 is describing a Sign in the stars which will involve constellations Draco, Virgo, and Leo, plus the Sun, Moon, and 3 Planets. The 4 planets or wandering stars that match the Bethlehem Star Sign tell us that there is significant meaning to the Sign related to Jesus Christ. Is it about His Return?

This is where science comes in. The constellation Leo which is right next to the “head and shoulders” of Virgo has only 9 bright stars or lights and needs 3 other lights to make 12. Common sense tells us that John is not referring to all stars visible and invisible that are part of Leo, but only to those 9 that can be seen on a starry night. We celebrate the fact that God brings 3 planets (Mars, Mercury, and Venus) into the scene at the right moment and in the right place to total twelve lights. He brought Venus, the “bright morning star,” into conjunction with Jupiter 400 days earlier and directed them to parade across the solar system as they moved into the womb of Virgo. Jupiter signifies “Authority or Justice” and Venus the “Spirit of God or the High Priest.”

The symbolism is obvious for Jesus, born of the Virgin, is linked to both the Lion of Judah in the line of David, and to the “Morning Star” Venus. Jesus states, “I have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright morning star. “The morning star” may have also led the Magi in their quest. This will be revealed later in the book.

The study of the stars in ancient times was called the Mazzaroth (Zodiac) and required years of study to fully understand. They knew that God named the stars and that some stars were necessary for night navigation. The Mazzaroth calculates with accuracy the solar year by using charts of the constellations. Each of the 12 constellations correlates to an assigned month connected to the twelve tribes of Israel. To the ancient Hebrew, the Mazzaroth and movement of the stars was a calendar to determine harvest time and their cultural identity. The birth of Jesus was announced by movements in this star map. So, it makes sense that Jesus instructs us to watch for signs in the sun, moon, and stars. After all He created and named them for a reason. The leaders of Israel were blinded by power and greed and did not look up to see the Starry Sign above them. They stated that they did not “want any King but king Caesar.”

Astronomers all over the world, however, were awed by the 400-day conjunction of Venus and Jupiter that ended when Jupiter went into a nine-month retrograde motion inside the “womb” of Virgo while Venus moves on, eventually aligning itself with Mercury, Mars, and Regulus; all part of the Great Sign of Revelation 12. The bright morning star Venus heralded the beginning of the Sign. In a perfect alignment it joins Mars (the Son of God) and Mercury (the messenger or the Word of God) and together they point at Regulus which means “Royalty or King.” Could Venus represent the Spirit of God which guided Israel in the Wilderness? It is the Spirit of God that impregnates the Virgin Mary and gave birth to the Savior.

In about 700 BC, Isaiah proclaims this about the Lord’s birth, “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” Jesus, the bright morning star, bring eternal life, and remove the “shadow of death” which is our sin. Prior to the Great Sign, the 4 Blood Moons, appeared in a two-year span during Jewish High Holy Days. Many think that they reflect the blood sacrifice that Jesus made to pay for our sin, and that the world needs to repent and turn to Him for He shall soon Return.

As God’s Law or Truth exposes our sin, the blood that Christ shed for us replaces it. The blood moons which appeared on all four corners of the earth also draw attention to Jews in Israel and worldwide who are steeped in pagan rituals and live in gross sin with high abortion rates, gay rights celebrations, and pornography. The “Woman” in the Great Sign is Israel which flees into the wilderness for exactly 3 ½ years guided by Jesus who protects and restores her. It reflects back to Israel’s 40-year wilderness experience when the nation was judged. God appoints numbers such as 40 and 400 to remind us of His “appointed time” for testing. Yom Kippur was also an “appointed time” set up by God to atone for the nation’s sin. God will use numbers as markers to communicate His order and plan to fulfill His Promise.

  • A 400-day journey of Venus across the Solar System to Virgo. Most of this journey happened soon after the 4th blood moon. 
  • The 2017 the Great Sign happened the day after Rosh Hashanah and at the beginning of the 10 Days of Awe, and 3) President Trump declared that he would move the American Embassy to Jerusalem “80 days” after this Great Sign appeared on September 23, 2017.  Note, also that the Great Sign happened after 3 1/2  years after the first Blood Moon that happened on April 15, 2014.  Is that God’s way of casting a shadow to remind us of the first 3 1/2 years of the 7 year Tribulation that will come quickly killing 1/4 of mankind.
  • The Great Sign happened at the point of 3 amazing generational periods: the 50th year after the miracle 67 war that liberated Jerusalem; the 70th year after the war that delivered the nation of Israel in 1947; and the 100th year of the Balfour Agreement which promised the Jews a homeland; and the an additional epic change- the 500th year after the Ottoman empire conquered Jerusalem which happened the same year that Martin Luther nailed his 95 Thesis on the Chapel door in Wittenberg.
  • The message of the Great Sign has been been confirmed by recent historical events such as the “Invisible agent” that attacked every level and sector of society affecting everyone in one way or another.  Another Invisible agent was Satan who has compromised the values and stability of the family, democratic governments, and institutions worldwide.  We are seeing the fabric of society being torn in two as evil is declared good and good evil.  7-years after the Great Sign we have seen Iran attack Israel for the first time and according to the Hebrew calendar we saw the barbaric event on Oct. 7th, 2023 that recalls Rachels cry for the children killed by Herod in Bethlehem.  This is a event that has changed the dynamics of diplomacy and the moral compass worldwide. Evil is winning the hearts of the youth and Christianity along with virtue is being pushed back.  For this reason alone God may soon decide to Return.
  • Right now the Cosmos or the mid-heavens are being used to threaten the whole world. The U.S. and Japan tried to pass a resolution in the U.N. to prevent the use of nuclear weapons in space.  Russia vetoed it.  They recently launched a hyper-secret mobile satellite that many think may have a nuclear weapon like an EMP to knock out all our communications.  Putin is very angry at Nato and the US for armng Ukraine and has little to lose by starting a nuclear war that he thinks Russia can win.  Iran is also eager to obliterate Israel with a nuclear missile.  And China is eager to conquer Taiwan.  Biden appears very weak in the world scene and has not made a proper counter move against Chinese nor Russian aggression against our diplomats, our ciitizens here in America, and our businesses overseas.

Below is a Summary of the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible Warn and Last Chapter as it appears at the Publisher- go to CosmicCrossroad.com

Just as God used the Prophet Daniel’s prophetic scrolls, and heavenly lights to point to Christ’s first coming, does it not make sense that He will again use Daniel and the Heavenly Lights?  He gave us the Great Sign of Revelation 12 which showed Saturn moving in retrograde motion for over 9 months in the womb of Virgo and then gave us three planets -Mars, Mercury and Venus aligning in perfect arrow- formation at the great star Regulus which sits at the “heart of the constellation Leo.”   Before this He had both Venus and Jupiter travel in conjunction across the solar system for exactly 400 days.  He also gave us the four Blood moons and 2 Solar Eclipses, a Virgin with child, a Dragon with a Lion, and the comet titled P67 to make his point clear.  However, knowing how “blind religious leaders” were blinded  then and now, God added important information from the Genesis Record and its divine Pattern, along with Daniel’s 70 week’s warning and many historical markers to point to His next coming? An example is the formation of the nation of Israel.

Dr. Hofmann will help you unravel the puzzle of the ages and see how carefully God unfolds history linking his Return to a sequence of time that will surprise you. In the center is the birth of Jesus Christ, a mistake made in the annals of history, the Great Sign of Revelation 12, God’s city Jerusalem, the mystery of sevens and eights, and the divine connection of Festivals and Generations. God has given us this warning beacon to draw us to Him before it is too late. He wants us to help Rescue others before it is too late.

The Bible has many mysteries, but the greatest combination lies in Chapter 12 of the book of Revelation.  Although confused scholars have chosen to cast it and the book of Revelation in the dust bin of “ancient history,”  Jesus Christ declares that there is a special blessing for anyone today who reads it, hears it, or understands it, and a curse to anyone who changes it or adds to it. Why? Because God knows it has the key that leads us to Him and to His game plan.

Revelation 12 is anchored in the birth of both Christ and the nation of Israel linking it all to another Sign- the casting out of Satan and his angels from Heaven. It stands as a warning to all mankind for Satan is furious because he now knows that he has just a “short time.” The only thing protecting the world right now is the Church and the Holy Spirit in believers. By putting the Great Sign in the middle of His Revelation and not in chronological order, God is trying to warn us of this special purpose.

 God motivated and inspired Dr. Hofmann to share this because the Tribulation period is fast approaching.  He gave Dr. Hofmann the vision of a great technicolor scroll opening up the sky with Hebrew letters and showed him that it was not a dream by dividing it into 3 scrolls—each in a Primary color – and bringing them together again.  Things are not going back to normal as Satan’s dark pyramid with its principalities of evil is growing by the hour with the help of AI and well crafted lies like global warming.  Well-known corporations and lesser-known entities involved in wickedness are under the spell. The horribly evil invasion on October 7th and Iran’s first attack against Israel on April 14, along with the irrational celebration at our centers of learning that followed, point to an acceleration of this wickedness.  Everything in the first book of this series came true including the invisible invasion of Covid and its effect on every level and sector of society.  God’s time table is set and He wants the world to know the truth and to seek Him with open hearts before it is too late.


EXPLORATION – X:  A mental and spiritual challenge to those who trust only in what they can see.

Do you realize that your government and your “super smart”, upper crust scientists are willing to spend billions of dollars to find a livable planet since our sun is due expire in 3 to 5 billion years? Would it not be better to “explore God” and save a whole lot of money?     Even though you cannot see Him -the evidence of His existence is much, much, greater than evidence of life elsewhere in this universe.

Note what happened to the men who experienced Jesus Christ 2000 years ago:  “With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them,” (Acts 4:33).  Of the 12 Apostles eleven went to their executions boldly carrying the flag of faith and the Gospel message.  Yet today there are many who believe that Christ’s resurrection was only a “spiritual” resurrection, insisting that the idea of a dead body returning to life after three days in the grave is completely unscientific and impossible. This was not what the apostles preached with great grace and great power. They would hardly have been excited about any kind of spiritual resurrection, since everyone—both Jews and the pagan Gentiles—already believed in life after death. If that was their message, no one would have been drawn to them, and no one would have been stirred and transformed!  Even when the disciples saw the resurrected Christ, they first “supposed that they had seen a spirit” (Luke 24:37). Christ had to urge them to “handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as you see me have” (Luke 24:39) . When the disciples finally became convinced of His bodily resurrection, they were quickly transformed into courageous evangelists, willing die in support of their glorious message of salvation.

Jesus said,  “If I tell you earthly things and you do not believe – how will you believe heavenly things?”
If someone told you that bacteria and the invisible virus causes disease would you believe him? Of course you would! Do you realize that in the 18th century that very debate led to Louis Pasteur having to prove to the world that spontaneous generation (something from nothing) does not occur. Everything has a cause including the creation of the Universe. Simple logic shows that there must be an intelligent design and hence an intelligent designer. Yet, we have these men in white robes telling us that everything came from a big Bang, and that all life evolved from inorganic matter- life out of nothing! This theory of evolution is a cowardly lie perpetrated on others to draw them away from the true Creator of the Universe, God the Almighty. God is the Cause that created Time, Matter, Energy, and Space.

Jesus said, “ I’m the Gate. If anyone enters through me he will be saved.” He is the Gate Keeper and there is only one way in. If God doesn’t exist there would be no objective moral standard. How would you make any comparisons….it would be all relative. There would be no real objective “evil” in the world. The fact is God established the moral law and directed mankind to follow that law. Mankind, however, has more than often failed. For instance the American Constitution was established based on God’s laws and as usual through the decades our appointed judges have tried and often succeeded in making it “conform and evolve” to their own view of social justice. This is one reason why God had to destroy the earth with the worldwide flood and later send His promised nation, Israel/Judah, into captivity. Man has throughout time decided to ignore God and create his own gods and his own laws.

Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and The Life, there is NO other way to the Father”. As stated earlier Jesus provided the path to eternal life by dying then resurrecting.  Jesus says to you and I,  “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live”.    No other king, philosopher, prophet, wise man, nor wizard has resurrected, much less died for us!  Jesus then assured us, “ I have come that you might have Life, and that you might have it abundantly”.   Love, hope, goodness, patience, and even prosperity, health, wisdom, and other life changing gifts can be part of this promise;  each gift growing as one exercises their faith in Christ.

So Please take the time and effort to Explore God, and His Supernatural kingdom. God exhorts us, “To do justice, show mercy, and walk humbly with Him.” God wants us to Know Him so that we can have a relationship with Him.  Come to the Cross with humility and surrender.  God says,  “Trust in me with all your heart, lean not in your own understanding.  Acknowledge Me in all that you do, and I will make your path straight!”  Want to explore “X”, which is everything that the world and the powers of darkness have blinded us to? Then take heed to His Words and His promises!  Open the Bible which has been sitting on your coffee table or bookcase and READ; then take time to pray to Him in supplication and Thanksgiving!

Divine Plan or Just Chance?

Does anyone remember the movie “The Ten Commandments”, or the details of the Exodus account.   What happened when the people erected a golden calf to their self created god?   They probably tried to give the true God some token credit as they celebrated their “freedom” and “success” in escaping the Pharaoh with many of the treasures of Egypt.  Does this sound a little like religion in America?  While Moses was on top of Mt.Sinai conversing with God and receiving the 10 Commandments the people decided to worship their own way-with their own idol and a lot of fun and evil desires.   Just as America has removed the 10 Commandments from the pubic Arena….., these people did not need nor want God’s Law, nor the curse of knowing their own sin.   They wanted freedom to do what they wanted without interference.   This is the same rationale of those who want abortions and the whole abortion industry.  This is the same rationale of those behind atheism and Evolution and the New Religions of self made gods….they do not want God interfering with their desires, habits, dreams, and psyche.   This is the  rationale of all those in leadership that want to control the masses through deceit, lies, and carefully designed illusions.
The whole world is turning against the Truth and the God of the Universe who is behind the Truth.  The penalty will be great.  Remember how the earth opened up and consumed the rebellious Israelites.  Well in reality that only happened later.  If you read Exodus you will see that God commanded Moses and Aaron to arm the Levites with swords so that they could execute all those who rebelled.  In a later rebellion God opened the earth to swallow a large rebellious family.   This illustrates that God will judge us not only by a nation’s action, but also according to  family and individual decisions and behavior. We will all be held accountable for our sin – the only difference will be whether one chooses to Trust in the Sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on the Cross for your sin.  When you believe in Him you are in essence exchanging your sin for a new Life in Him, which means you are making Him Lord of your Life.
Now back to the main point.   The Golden Calf represents our own god that we wish to follow and celebrate.  Because of our sin nature we are separated from God.  However, when one erects a “standard” to this prideful rejection, it becomes a virtual “slap” in God’s face.   This happened when Israel and Judah erected “Ashtoreth poles” and other idols in and around Jerusalem during the reign of the “evil” kings.  In order to redeem His people God had to judge them by leading them into captivity.  Can and will this happen to America?  We are raising flags in jubilant gay  “Pride” parades, mosques to the moon god,  Hindu temples and other temples to “millions” of other gods, and now we are about to erect multiple replicas of the hellish Gate to Baal (Baal worship demanded the sacrifice of babies to appease the gods).  Ironically ISIS destroyed the Baal temple in Palmyra and has promised severe punishment to anyone who breaks its version of Shariah law.  They seem to understand the danger of erecting idols to other pagan gods.  America needs to wake up.
We have dumbed down our spiritual accountability and Biblical perspective to the point that worshiping skin, sports and “Shallowood” are the norm and the priority.  How many of you have heard of the “Festival to Moloch”?  Read up on it for it represents the deepest of evils in a land that God commanded to be destroyed.  No man, woman, or child was to be left alive because of the evil of the Canaanites.  They celebrated this Spring festival with the sacrifice of babies in their mountain top fire altars.  The two most holy days to the Satanist coincide with this Spring festival and the Fall festival of Halloween.  The retailers predict that we will spend up to 20% more this Halloween!
The media and now the general population seems to relish the shaming of Christians, Christianity, and anything related to Jesus Christ and the Cross. Warning signs are all around us:  extreme weather conditions, a Zika virus that has the potential of being a massive pandemic (since there is no attempt to quarantine), crazy election wars, an economic slowdown generated out of corruption and fear, and the crisis of war and terrorism throughout the world mixed in with a toxic blend of civilian crime, looting, aberrant behavior, drugs, and the perverted system of rewards for doing nothing.  Are these signs of His coming? When Jesus returns, he will return as the Judge to judge the nations and each and every individual.   Are you ready?
Do not forget that the Bible has eternal power like a supernatural double edged sword which can divide lies and deceit from Truth and Spirit …after all it is the “Living Word”.  Jesus called himself the Word. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” So lets see what the Word says: Gal 6:7 “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”
So is it coincidence that these mockers were treated to a judgement instead of a reward, a sign to all those who mock God?  John Lennon mocked God what he suggested that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus Christ? He died with six bullets shot at close range. Tancredo Neves when running for President in Brazil bragged that if he got 500,000 votes not even God could remove him from office. He won, then died one day before taking office. Cazuza, a notorious Brazilian bi-sexual, mocked God by blowing a puff of smoke to a crowd saying “this is for you God”. He died of lung cancer at the age of 32. The man who built the Titanic said, “not even God can sink this ship”. The ex-vocalist of AD/DC sang, “Don’t stop me I am going down all the way down the highway to Hell” In 1980 he was found dead choked in his own vomit.
What we see day in and day out is the universal principle of “cause and effect”. Many think of it just in scientific terms, but since God created everything including science we see the “divine effect” transferred from the supernatural world into our daily world of trial and error, success and failure.   We cannot escape it because we were made in His image and for a very special reason. We were made to harvest the earth, tending to His creation, and having fellowship with Him.  However, instead of choosing Him, man naturally chose sin and self. What we reap is death, chaos, futility, and fear.    The Cross changed it all.   The Cross  restored our connection to God and opened the Door to Redemption and Fellowship with Him.  This truth will set you free!  Do not mock God!