MIRACLES- the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth!


MIRACLES- the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth!

Miracles are mighty works of God to point us to the supernatural world. These mighty wonders should point everyone to God. Unfortunately many have become blinded by their own perceptions and deductions. Their perspective is like that of an ant that determines its universe by what it can touch, sense, or experience. If you are a naturalist you will always try to explain everything within the box of human knowledge. Anything outside that box is discounted as “dark matter”, “junk DNA”, “anti-matter”,  or other jargon that discounts the miracle of His Creation.

If there is a God, then there must be miracles!  Miracles are a sign that there is something outside the box. If God created the Universe out of nothing then everything must be subject to God’s miracle work.  What makes little sense are those highly educated people who claim to follow the Bible, yet try to explain all the miracles away with naturalistic phenomena and events.  If you want to believe in God why would you want to diminish His power and His character?     If you take the miracles away, all you have is human philosophy and conjecture! God gave us the gift of sight and the other senses so that we can enjoy the Miracles that He created past, present, and future.  And He gave us faith so that we could comprehend them.  Miracles have a divine purpose. They are not given to us just for entertainment. They reveal everything God wants us to know about Him;  His character, His creation, and His plan for us. The miracles in essence “open the door of the Universe” to our own finite senses and limited human knowledge and understanding.

Every miracle in the Bible is unique. Creation itself is the greatest of all miracles. When we observe the stars, the billions of species, and the unique miracle of earth itself there is no other explanation than – God Created it! As a doctor, a student of biology, and a dabbler in physics, math, geology, and genetics- I have the joy of knowing that there is no other logical, scientific explanation than, “God designed it”. Yes, God created and organized everything.  He created Life, Time, Space, and Matter.  The study of infinite number sequences called “Fractals” and the algorithms that grow out of them, has enabled cinematographers to replicate on digital film amazing forms of nature and the “supernatural” (Google the “Mandelbrot Set”).

Yes, even the supernatural follows God’s order and mathematics.   Science and God are not in opposition!  One particular scientist at NASA trusted in the Bible and calculated that the moon would have very little cosmic dust, and of course he was right- since he knew that the moon was only thousands not millions of years old.   He was right because he trusted in God’s Word!  The challenge is not “man conquering the unknown,” -it is man accepting the known Truth and allowing God to shine his light in our darkness.  God will give us wisdom as we experience, study, and understand His Creation.  For instance the miracle of Life is a “Miracle” that is only God given. We cannot create life out of chemicals, but we can study the living miracles so that we can treat and prevent diseases and even slow the degeneration of cells.

Our Universe was created by His Word and in His Light!  God created stars to bring the greater light and the angels in the “heavens” to help minister the “light” of His Word to mankind. We cannot measure the supernatural, but we can measure all aspects of life and nature, including invisible matter. For instance do you realize that it only takes about 5000 years to generate a population that we have today. If you believe Academic Anthropologists and their misconception that humankind began about 300,000 years ago, then the population of the earth would be more than a zillion times greater than what we see today! The fact is our earth is a privileged planet where only a slight change in rotational speed or deviation from the sun would have caused catastrophic events that would have destroyed all life. We also have a perfect moon that is at the perfect distance generating life giving tides and currents, and light for the night. God in his mercy gave us a means of navigation even when darkness falls. And most important of all we have enormous amounts of water on this special planet. Water as we know it has not been found anywhere else in the Universe, yet over 75% earth’s surface is covered by water and ice.  This allows for an extraordinary amount of Oxygen production, CO2 scrubbing and buffering of acids. It also gives life to an almost limitless amount of plants and animals. Ask the evolutionist and the proud Astrophysicist where water came from? They will tell you that after the earth cooled off asteroids brought water to earth!   WHAT?

Every kind of animal and plant has its own unique DNA. The human genome is so complex that it was only recently translated, and even then we did not understand how dynamic this language was. We realize now that “junk DNA” is necessary for both the production and repair of cells. We now know that human DNA is not just 10% different from an apes! Yes, we have been lied to, and this lie continues! How could anyone with any knowledge of science and logic suggest that language occurs by accident and that everything came from nothing? With all our accrued knowledge, and with all our specialized medical and research equipment, we cannot create any form of life! So how could even the most basic cell accidently form? The fact is: all of life’s processes are irreducibly complex and could NOT happen by chance. The scientist who tried to create life in a test tube after receiving enormous government grants gave up, and is now one of the authors of the “Illustra” series- which illustrates in beautifully detailed logic that empirical science supports the reality of Design and a Designer.

The miracles you see in your lifetime are countless, so enjoy them and recognize them for what they are- evidence that a Designer or Creator exists. This Creator wants a relationship with you. He loves you and He knows your every pain, thought, fear, and weakness. He seeks your heart. But realize this- it is our natural bent to reject Him and to seek our own way. His Word states, “This is condemnation, that light is come into the world, and man loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil” (John 3:19). We have the “light” of His Creation and of “His Word” and the testimony of people who know the Truth. Yet most want to be “captain of their fate” trusting in their own “goodness”. Again the Word says, “We all have sinned, and fallen short of the Glory of God”. The truth is we are not good and our hearts are inherently selfish and evil. But despite sin, God has a plan, “God showed his love towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus Christ said, “I am the Light of the world. The one who follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Don’t you want to escape the darkness and have the Light of Life? Jesus says, “If you continue in my word you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Don’t you want freedom from fear, doubt, guilt, and shame? Jesus walked on water, healed the man born blind -and countless others as an example of who he really is: God in human form – born into this world to save us and die for us! Through His Resurrection we are Redeemed and the door to heaven is opened. Jesus said, “I am the Resurrection and the Life, anyone who believes in me, even though he dies, will live”. If you trust in Him, in His ability to set you free from your sin, you will see the greatest miracle of all – your own transformation into a “new creation, “old things will have disappeared, and behold, all things are become new.” Then you will truly understand and appreciate all the miracles in the Bible and everywhere around you!.  You will know Him, and you will know your Identity, and most of all you will know Your Purpose!


EXPLORATION – X:  A mental and spiritual challenge to those who trust only in what they can see.

Do you realize that your government and your “super smart”, upper crust scientists are willing to spend billions of dollars to find a livable planet since our sun is due expire in 3 to 5 billion years? Would it not be better to “explore God” and save a whole lot of money?     Even though you cannot see Him -the evidence of His existence is much, much, greater than evidence of life elsewhere in this universe.

Note what happened to the men who experienced Jesus Christ 2000 years ago:  “With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them,” (Acts 4:33).  Of the 12 Apostles eleven went to their executions boldly carrying the flag of faith and the Gospel message.  Yet today there are many who believe that Christ’s resurrection was only a “spiritual” resurrection, insisting that the idea of a dead body returning to life after three days in the grave is completely unscientific and impossible. This was not what the apostles preached with great grace and great power. They would hardly have been excited about any kind of spiritual resurrection, since everyone—both Jews and the pagan Gentiles—already believed in life after death. If that was their message, no one would have been drawn to them, and no one would have been stirred and transformed!  Even when the disciples saw the resurrected Christ, they first “supposed that they had seen a spirit” (Luke 24:37). Christ had to urge them to “handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as you see me have” (Luke 24:39) . When the disciples finally became convinced of His bodily resurrection, they were quickly transformed into courageous evangelists, willing die in support of their glorious message of salvation.

Jesus said,  “If I tell you earthly things and you do not believe – how will you believe heavenly things?”
If someone told you that bacteria and the invisible virus causes disease would you believe him? Of course you would! Do you realize that in the 18th century that very debate led to Louis Pasteur having to prove to the world that spontaneous generation (something from nothing) does not occur. Everything has a cause including the creation of the Universe. Simple logic shows that there must be an intelligent design and hence an intelligent designer. Yet, we have these men in white robes telling us that everything came from a big Bang, and that all life evolved from inorganic matter- life out of nothing! This theory of evolution is a cowardly lie perpetrated on others to draw them away from the true Creator of the Universe, God the Almighty. God is the Cause that created Time, Matter, Energy, and Space.

Jesus said, “ I’m the Gate. If anyone enters through me he will be saved.” He is the Gate Keeper and there is only one way in. If God doesn’t exist there would be no objective moral standard. How would you make any comparisons….it would be all relative. There would be no real objective “evil” in the world. The fact is God established the moral law and directed mankind to follow that law. Mankind, however, has more than often failed. For instance the American Constitution was established based on God’s laws and as usual through the decades our appointed judges have tried and often succeeded in making it “conform and evolve” to their own view of social justice. This is one reason why God had to destroy the earth with the worldwide flood and later send His promised nation, Israel/Judah, into captivity. Man has throughout time decided to ignore God and create his own gods and his own laws.

Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and The Life, there is NO other way to the Father”. As stated earlier Jesus provided the path to eternal life by dying then resurrecting.  Jesus says to you and I,  “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live”.    No other king, philosopher, prophet, wise man, nor wizard has resurrected, much less died for us!  Jesus then assured us, “ I have come that you might have Life, and that you might have it abundantly”.   Love, hope, goodness, patience, and even prosperity, health, wisdom, and other life changing gifts can be part of this promise;  each gift growing as one exercises their faith in Christ.

So Please take the time and effort to Explore God, and His Supernatural kingdom. God exhorts us, “To do justice, show mercy, and walk humbly with Him.” God wants us to Know Him so that we can have a relationship with Him.  Come to the Cross with humility and surrender.  God says,  “Trust in me with all your heart, lean not in your own understanding.  Acknowledge Me in all that you do, and I will make your path straight!”  Want to explore “X”, which is everything that the world and the powers of darkness have blinded us to? Then take heed to His Words and His promises!  Open the Bible which has been sitting on your coffee table or bookcase and READ; then take time to pray to Him in supplication and Thanksgiving!