Divine Plan or Just Chance?

Does anyone remember the movie “The Ten Commandments”, or the details of the Exodus account.   What happened when the people erected a golden calf to their self created god?   They probably tried to give the true God some token credit as they celebrated their “freedom” and “success” in escaping the Pharaoh with many of the treasures of Egypt.  Does this sound a little like religion in America?  While Moses was on top of Mt.Sinai conversing with God and receiving the 10 Commandments the people decided to worship their own way-with their own idol and a lot of fun and evil desires.   Just as America has removed the 10 Commandments from the pubic Arena….., these people did not need nor want God’s Law, nor the curse of knowing their own sin.   They wanted freedom to do what they wanted without interference.   This is the same rationale of those who want abortions and the whole abortion industry.  This is the same rationale of those behind atheism and Evolution and the New Religions of self made gods….they do not want God interfering with their desires, habits, dreams, and psyche.   This is the  rationale of all those in leadership that want to control the masses through deceit, lies, and carefully designed illusions.
The whole world is turning against the Truth and the God of the Universe who is behind the Truth.  The penalty will be great.  Remember how the earth opened up and consumed the rebellious Israelites.  Well in reality that only happened later.  If you read Exodus you will see that God commanded Moses and Aaron to arm the Levites with swords so that they could execute all those who rebelled.  In a later rebellion God opened the earth to swallow a large rebellious family.   This illustrates that God will judge us not only by a nation’s action, but also according to  family and individual decisions and behavior. We will all be held accountable for our sin – the only difference will be whether one chooses to Trust in the Sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on the Cross for your sin.  When you believe in Him you are in essence exchanging your sin for a new Life in Him, which means you are making Him Lord of your Life.
Now back to the main point.   The Golden Calf represents our own god that we wish to follow and celebrate.  Because of our sin nature we are separated from God.  However, when one erects a “standard” to this prideful rejection, it becomes a virtual “slap” in God’s face.   This happened when Israel and Judah erected “Ashtoreth poles” and other idols in and around Jerusalem during the reign of the “evil” kings.  In order to redeem His people God had to judge them by leading them into captivity.  Can and will this happen to America?  We are raising flags in jubilant gay  “Pride” parades, mosques to the moon god,  Hindu temples and other temples to “millions” of other gods, and now we are about to erect multiple replicas of the hellish Gate to Baal (Baal worship demanded the sacrifice of babies to appease the gods).  Ironically ISIS destroyed the Baal temple in Palmyra and has promised severe punishment to anyone who breaks its version of Shariah law.  They seem to understand the danger of erecting idols to other pagan gods.  America needs to wake up.
We have dumbed down our spiritual accountability and Biblical perspective to the point that worshiping skin, sports and “Shallowood” are the norm and the priority.  How many of you have heard of the “Festival to Moloch”?  Read up on it for it represents the deepest of evils in a land that God commanded to be destroyed.  No man, woman, or child was to be left alive because of the evil of the Canaanites.  They celebrated this Spring festival with the sacrifice of babies in their mountain top fire altars.  The two most holy days to the Satanist coincide with this Spring festival and the Fall festival of Halloween.  The retailers predict that we will spend up to 20% more this Halloween!
The media and now the general population seems to relish the shaming of Christians, Christianity, and anything related to Jesus Christ and the Cross. Warning signs are all around us:  extreme weather conditions, a Zika virus that has the potential of being a massive pandemic (since there is no attempt to quarantine), crazy election wars, an economic slowdown generated out of corruption and fear, and the crisis of war and terrorism throughout the world mixed in with a toxic blend of civilian crime, looting, aberrant behavior, drugs, and the perverted system of rewards for doing nothing.  Are these signs of His coming? When Jesus returns, he will return as the Judge to judge the nations and each and every individual.   Are you ready?
Do not forget that the Bible has eternal power like a supernatural double edged sword which can divide lies and deceit from Truth and Spirit …after all it is the “Living Word”.  Jesus called himself the Word. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” So lets see what the Word says: Gal 6:7 “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”
So is it coincidence that these mockers were treated to a judgement instead of a reward, a sign to all those who mock God?  John Lennon mocked God what he suggested that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus Christ? He died with six bullets shot at close range. Tancredo Neves when running for President in Brazil bragged that if he got 500,000 votes not even God could remove him from office. He won, then died one day before taking office. Cazuza, a notorious Brazilian bi-sexual, mocked God by blowing a puff of smoke to a crowd saying “this is for you God”. He died of lung cancer at the age of 32. The man who built the Titanic said, “not even God can sink this ship”. The ex-vocalist of AD/DC sang, “Don’t stop me I am going down all the way down the highway to Hell” In 1980 he was found dead choked in his own vomit.
What we see day in and day out is the universal principle of “cause and effect”. Many think of it just in scientific terms, but since God created everything including science we see the “divine effect” transferred from the supernatural world into our daily world of trial and error, success and failure.   We cannot escape it because we were made in His image and for a very special reason. We were made to harvest the earth, tending to His creation, and having fellowship with Him.  However, instead of choosing Him, man naturally chose sin and self. What we reap is death, chaos, futility, and fear.    The Cross changed it all.   The Cross  restored our connection to God and opened the Door to Redemption and Fellowship with Him.  This truth will set you free!  Do not mock God!

Trump Time vs Media Hype

I never thought that I would be taking the side of Trump, but after the bombastic, one-sided, behavior of the media in scourging the candidate, I have changed my mind. Trump is absolutely right in saying that “he should sue the media”. The media reacted in their normal fashion by saying that it would be against the constitution for Trump to sue them…. Really? The media has been sued many times for misrepresenting facts and lost. The best  case was the bombing in Atlanta where they skewered an innocent man by saying early on in the investigation that he was culpable. They hounded the poor guy to the point that his refusal to cooperate was framed by the media as a sign of his guilt.

The media has been criticized for not giving equal time during an election to all candidates. The media loves to make fun of Trump, yet completely ignores the fallacies and lies of the Hillary campaign. She has broken the law with her private email server, something more egregious than the General Petraeus email scandal. Her actions may have compromised  American security since her “lack of judgement” was happening “real time” and during a real crisis in foreign affairs. Many aspects of our emergency protocols were learned by our enemies.

Another big problem is the media’s lack of fairness in providing equal expression. For instance here in Dallas, the Dallas Morning News has a flagrant liberal cartoon called “Doonesbury” which seems to have a completely free hand in attacking the church, Christianity, and any person the author wishes to malign. Most of what the author says is not true and is just conjecture or theory. Does the Dallas Morning News have a cartoon to counter balance this huge liberal bent? No!  They have not allowed a conservative, nor a “Christian” cartoon into their paper. This problem  motivated me to cancel my subscription.

The media has used degrading and sarcastic humor to attack Trump in all the evening talk shows, at the Oscars, and in most other venues. Trump recently promised to sue those networks and newspapers. I think that he could win, – if he does not wait too long.   If the liberals win this election, we are likely to see a Nazi type judicial system in the very near future.  The media loves to take one phrase, one sentence, or sound bite and make an entire story out of it.  From an hour long event they will take 15 seconds of action and make a negative story out of that, ignoring the fact that a protester had impeded the celebration for 30 minutes and infringed upon the constitution rights of all those around him.

And this brings up the next issue: the double talk used by the media in pushing its agenda.  The Media focuses their cameras on signs and bill boards claiming that Trump is another Hitler when in essence it is the liberal media, Obama,and its agencies that are pushing a Nazi like propaganda machine.   They are trying to uproot family and religious values and principles  that are the backbone of this country.  One good example of this is how the media vilifies anyone who they think is not politically correct yet ignores actual criminal elements guiding protesters, the Hillary machine, and others in this pro-Islamic administration.   The media hype against Trump is a well orchestrated arm of the Obama Administration, globalism, the UN, and the Bilderburg/Rothschild/Soros forces.  Thank God that someone is not walking in step with the world system that wants to bring America down.  It seems as if Trump is willing to stand up against this multi-dimensional dark power and any political correctness that they have successfully manipulated others with.

The latest development imposes the rule of violence and force to impede this nations election process.   Organized groups of disenchanted youth, union members, illegal migrants, Bernie babies,  and Trump bashers are blocking freeways and roads in order to prevent the normal election process from taking place.   So why doesn’t the media demand that the Democratic party call off it’s dogs.  The media is quick to demand that Trump tell his supporters to play dead! The fact is the media is using a double standard in every aspect of this election.  Thanks to Trump we have an anecdote to this elemental force of deception that is ruling our nation.  Frankly the media is terrified of Trump because they know that he will force changes, even if it requires the Justice Department to take action against their monopoly.  If Trump wins his promise to sue these media giants could indeed happen.  This does not mean that I am a bonafide Trump supporter.  I still favor Cruz but would find it very entertaining to watch Trump go after this ever dangerous Media monopoly.


Here are some simple facts of life that you can rely on:

10.  Life seems good, but the afterlife is better if you make it to the good side.

9. Death is the number one killer in the world.

8. Life is sexually transmitted.

7. Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

6. Men have two motivations: hunger and hanky panky, and they can’t
tell them apart.  If you see a gleam in his eyes, make him a sandwich.

5. Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to
use the Internet
and they won’t bother you for weeks, months, maybe years.

4. Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in the
hospital, dying of nothing.

3. All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no
attention to criticism.

4. In the 60’s, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the
world is weird, and people take Prozac to make it normal.

5. Life is like a jar of jalapeno peppers. What you do today may
become a burning issue tomorrow.