THE MIRACLE MOLECULE XYLITOL, however is more than a fantasy

Xylitol is a 100% naturally occurring sweetener, not an artificial chemical like Splenda, Equal or Sweet‘N Low. Xylitol is a sugar substitute found in various vegetables and fruits such as yellow plums, strawberries and raspberries as well as corn husks, birch, oats, and mushrooms. Pure xylitol is a white crystalline substance that looks and tastes like sugar without the harmful side affects.

The average American consumes as much as 150 to 180 pounds of sugar a year! Excess sugar consumption can deteriorate the body chemistry causing diabetes weight gain, and hyperglycemia which can lead to loss of limb and blindness. It increases bad cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure which increases the risk of stroke and heart disease. But xylitol repairs, heals, protects against chronic disease, and builds immunity. Studies show that it may also help against cystic fibrosis, cancer, chronic wound infections, the flu and connective tissue inflammation. We also know that it strengthens bone and decreases the acidity of saliva while solving one of the biggest problems created by Big Pharma–the classic dry mouth syndrome.

Sugar–free Xylitol is as sweet as sugar with 40% fewer calories and 75% fewer carbohydrates. Absorbed by the body slower than sugar, it has a fresh and cooling affect with no aftertaste. XYLITOL a 5-CARBON SUGAR counteracts the bad effects of 6-CARBON SUGARS. Consuming sugar allows bacteria on the teeth to multiply and create acids that attack the enamel which leads to the formation of cavities and tooth decay. This acid-producing bacteria in the mouth is unable to digest xylitol, and cannot produce acids. The XYLITOL also detaches the bad bacteria from the surface that they are attached to.therefore slowing its growth and decreasing the amount of plaque and decay. It also stimulates the flow of saliva which then washes away these incapacitated and unattached bacterium. Amazingly the good bacteria and the good mucosa are left alone.

Our body naturally produces up to 15 grams of xylitol per day. This xylitol is located in the mitochondria where your DNA and RNA are producing body building enzymes. Note that the core of your DNA and RNA is a 5-carbon sugar. This may be why xylitol is so effective in passing through every tissue barrier to help your body.

Supplementing the xylitol has proven to be uniquely beneficial. It will hinder the growth of harmful bacteria in the body including the middle ear and the intestines. It acts as a perfect laxative soothing and smoothing the bowel movement. It can help relieve constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. XYLITOL strengthens teeth and reduces respiratory infection and intraocular pressures- preventing glaucoma. Xylitol will not impact insulin levels, since it has one of the lowest glycemic levels of any sugar- .7 whereas sucrose has a level equal to 70 or 10 times higher. It is an excellent alternative for those on a diabetic diet. Most important xylitol acts as a perfect probiotic in preserving the important gut microbiome where it eventually breaks down into butyrates that helps the lining of the colon.

Xylitol is recommended worldwide by medical and health professionals and organizations. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations all agree xylitol is a safe and natural sweetener for you and your family. IT IS KNOWN AND PROMOTED AROUND THE WORLD BUT NOT IN THE UNITED STATES- is this because big pharma, the sugar industry, and some of the professions have a lot to lose.



Read this explanation and follow directions:

This is a study that has no profit motive and should have been done years ago:
This 5-Carbon sugar has been shown in studies around the world to inactivate bad bacteria and Candida Albicans which depend on 6-Carbon sugars. Infections in the mouth, throat, nasal passages, middle ear, and colon can be resolved.  It is both hypertonic and hygroscopic, drawing healing fluids to where any inflammation or bacterial invasion is located, thus attracting good anti-bacterial and reparative cells while diluting toxins, salts, and other elements that interfere with healing. 

Xylitol has been shown to initiate healing in connective tissue, mucosa, and on the surfaces of teeth.  Big Pharma and other corporations are not interested in funding nor conducting any research that benefits xylitol- since they could lose billions of dollars. This may be why neither the AMA nor the ADA has done any research on it. Xylitol is very safe and by far the best sugar substitute as it acts to heal tissue including teeth. It works both internally and externally to stop bacteria and inflammation. Even when it is finally digested it becomes a butyrate which helps the lining of the colon. To read more about the potential bad effects of other sugar substitutes go to the next post after the study at

Taking it prevents tooth decay, middle ear and nasal infections.  As stated earlier Big Pharma, the sugar industry and sugar substitute companies are not interested in researching the material- since they could lose billions of dollars. Do not feed it to your pets since we know small dogs or pups can be severely affected.  If your stools loosen too much ease up on the amount you take. And note that xylitol is a carbohydrate with 40% less calories than sucrose sugar, so it will increase blood sugar levels.

Dr. Hofmann knows how well it works against bad bacteria because it saved him from strep throat. The less antibiotics we take the better. There are many other anecdotal accounts showing that it crosses many tissue barriers to repair injured and diseased tissues.  A child born of a woman using xylitol will be protected from tooth decay for up to five years. This comes from the biggest scientific study in the world which goes back to the 1950’s and includes much of the population of Finland.  Studies around the world show that Xylitol strengthens bone, releases intra-ocular pressures, and works against the flu and prevents some cancers. An American study indicates that it helps fight cystic fibrosis.

You can read more about Xylitol in other posts or on facebook at Dr. Peter Hofmann DDS. The cheapest place to buy Xylitol sugar or packets is at “Natural Grocery” or the gum and mints at Sprouts or online at

EITHER TAKE XYLITOL AS CRYSTALINE SUGAR WITH YOUR DRINK OR CEREAL ETC. – OR AS A CHEWING GUM, OR MINT.  Take 3-5 Grams (almost 1 TSP.) three times per day for 3 weeks and RECORD ON THIS PAPER HOW XYLITOL HAS HELPED YOU– and note 2 mints or gum equals one tsp. The results may be published in a book to help the public understand how effective this natural sugar is. Xylitol can also be applied on your finger to the mouth of someone with dementia or Alzheimer’s. If given 3 X per day it will protect them from tooth decay. This and the fact that it helps to loosen stools makes it the perfect travel companion. Note that xylitol like dark chocolate can harm young or small dogs and other animals. If your your stools are getting extra soft pull back on the amount of xylitol. Xylitol does pull water which makes it a good softener of stools.

                                                                                                                                                      NO            YES

  1.   Have you noticed changes related to nasal congestion?……………………………………..
  2.   Have you seen improvement with a dry mouth?………………………………………………..
  3.   Have you seen changes in the sensitivity of your teeth or gums?…………………………
  4.   Have you seen an improvement in bad breath or acidity of your saliva?……………….
  5.   Has a sore throat, hacking cough, or dry cough gone away?………………………………..
  6.   Have you felt a change in taste -where food or drink tastes better?……………………….
  7.   Has your sinus problem gone away or allergies diminished?………………………………..
  8.   Has a lung or bronchial problem improved?………………………………………………………
  9.   Has your digestion or stomach improved?…………………………………………………………
  10.   Less acid reflux?……………………………………………………………………………………………
  11.  Has your bowel movement improved?……………………………………………………………….
  12.  Has an irritated bowel improved?………………………………………………………………………
  13.   Has an injury or sore tendon or muscle shown quick improvement?…………………….
  14.   Do you feel more energetic or healthier in general?…………………………………………..
  15.   Have you noticed any change in your memory or mental acuity?…………………………
  16.   Has a depression improved, or other brain related problem gone away?……………….
  17.   Has your vision improved or any difference with your eyes?………………………………
  18.   Has your hearing improved?……………………………………………………………………………
  19.   Has any wound old or new healed?   ………………………………………………..
  20.   Do you sleep better or do you feel less tired?…………………………………………………….
  21.   Has your blood pressure or blood sugar levels improved?……………………………………
  22.   Has your blood insulin improved?……………………………………………………………………
  23.   Has any special complication related to past surgery improved?………………………….
  24.   Has any pain gone away?………………………………………………………………………………..
  25.   Has any discomfort gone away?………………………………………………………………………
  26.   Has your smell improved?………………………………………………………………………………
  27.   Have you noticed strengthening of your bone, vertebrae, muscles, or connective tissues?
  28.   Do your gums bleed less when you brush?……………………………………………………………
  29.   Do you generally feel better?………………………………………..
  30.   What improvement not mentioned above have you noticed_________________________________?
  31.   If any are YES, please explain your changes on the back of the page with name, dates and specifics.

This study will help a lot of people so give accurate information – how quickly did healing or changes occur and be specific. Your testimony can save lives & help many people. In 2-4 weeks mail form to:

PETER HOFMANN DDS, 15616 COIT RD. STE. 107, DALLAS,  972 960-1913 Copy results & email to:

You can find more information at my facebook page: Peter Hofmann DDS

Helping you Help yourself

To Those Seeking Good Health at a Reasonable Cost,

Introducing a revealing new book promoting whole body health:  Dentistry Xposed: Protecting You, Your Smile & Your Wallet?

When you read the summary and the quotes I have included, you will understand how important this book is to the general public’s interest.  This is not an attack on dentistry nor any institution.  It does, however, point out in a very diplomatic way some weaknesses in all levels from the government down.  The main objective of the book is to educate the public and forewarn them of the many pitfalls along the way to good health.  For instance, many books sold are promoting Apple Cider Vinegar as a cure-all without warning the public of certain dangers. 

What else does DENTISTRY XPOSED expose?

The Following are direct quotes, and we will begin with the 1st and 2 paragraphs of the book:

 That smile may eventually achieve your dreams, as Louis Armstrong so beautifully sang, “When You’re Smiling the Whole World Smiles with You.”

Dr. Hofmann’s warnings and cautions are from his own research and experience including 43 years as a family dentist. The solutions can be as simple as having the dentist grind down a high spot on a tooth, using the table water at your meal as a quick easy mouth rinse, or chewing xylitol mints or gum three times a day. The message is for everyone including those who have little or no voice in their treatment. For example, a handicapped patient found it convenient to go to a dentist within walking distance of his apartment. He was told he needed very expensive periodontal (gum) surgery with a series of deep cleanings.  In a state of panic, he made an appointment to see Dr. Hofmann.  Over many years the patient had eroded his teeth by over-brushing.  Although his x-rays showed ghost-like spots in those areas, this type of tooth erosion is not a disease and does not require surgery nor any deep cleanings! The deep cleaning or surgery would only have harmed his perfectly healthy gum tissue.  He was extremely grateful to have saved thousands of dollars.

 â€œSilver Diamine Fluoride is another treatment that has had great success overseas.  SDF has been effectively used in countries like Australia for over 5 years to defeat decay in children, but we only recently started research here to allow for its approval by the FDA.  Bolivia and other 3rd world countries have been using it on their children for over 3 years.  Yet few people here are familiar with this tooth-decay-removing chemical that can work without the use of the dreaded needle and drill.”

“Again, you should be asking why we have not heard about the benefits of chewing xylitol gum and mints, or spraying the nose with a xylitol mist?  For some reason “Corporate America” does not use xylitol in major brands of toothpaste and mouth rinse and therefore does little research on it.  In preparing for this book not a single doctor that Dr. Hofmann conversed with knew anything about the power of Xylitol.  This may be explained by the fact that the nurses are more involved in the day to day care of patients whereas doctors acting as overseers can be too distracted to learn from them.

Dr. Hofmann is not surprised by this failure since he made the mistake years ago of buying some spray which he then left unused and unsold in his cabinet.  The logic of using sugar to heal problems caused by sugar does not register easily in one’s mind.  He now labels xylitol a ‘miracle molecule’ and uses it on a regular basis as a mint, chewing gum, and spray.  What is amazing is the way it stimulates the flow of liquids: saliva in the mouth, the dilution of phlegm in the nasal passages, and the softening of stools in the colon.  Research is now showing it decreases the concentration of salts in the airway surface fluids that affect people suffering from cystic fibrosis.  This may expose a danger in excessive use of salts and saline solutions to wash out nasal passages.”

“This is one more reason why the book is called “Dentistry Xposed.”  The more we are exposed to good teaching and the good results that follow, the quicker we will adapt our lifestyles to safe and healthy habits.  Otherwise chronic conditions such as periodontal disease and occlusal wear can accelerate the need for surgery or a major over-haul of the chewing surfaces. The dental chair may not be the place to confuse the patient as we try to sell expensive cosmetic treatments and dental products.”

A Key Part of the Book revolves around the 3 major causes of death that are directly related to the mouth.

“Just because you do not have pain, it doesn’t mean you do not have a serious problem!  Serious periodontal disease and other mouth infections often do not cause any pain, yet they can grow colonies of very bad bacteria producing enzymes which destroy bone and soft tissue.  These enzymes can move into your blood stream and weaken your heart and other organs.….” 

“It is easy for individuals to be misinformed with all the false information flooding the marketplace.  We place a lot of trust in our government, media, education, our own perceptions, and what we learned growing up.  Any or all of these could be wrong at any given time in our lives.  And remember just because it is printed in your favorite magazine or proclaimed on television does not make it true nor good to use in your mouth or body. “

“The second serious problem related to the mouth and common to our pressurized society is Obstructive sleep apnea or OSA.  As you sleep the airway collapses, blocking airflow. The person awakens over-and-over again gasping for air.  In the process the body releases adrenaline which over time can raise the blood pressure.   Eventually it can weaken many organs in the body including the heart.  An estimated 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea and 80% of the moderate-to-severe cases will go undiagnosed.” 

“The third life-threatening problem related to the mouth is the inhalation of bacteria infested plaque that collects around teeth in the elderly, weak, or bedridden patient.  These patients are often unable to keep their molars clean and can easily enhale pneumonia causing bacteria in the plaque.  Therefore, some dentists advise removing the back molars.  One good idea is to provide caregivers a specially designed toothbrush with 3 interconnected brush heads to clean every surface at once……. switch to non-sucrose candies such as xylitol mints- which will help cultivate a good saliva.  If they will not do it, you can supply them.” 

Later in the book Dr. Hofmann continues with discussions on Sleep Apnea in adults & children, on cancer of the Pancreas and its connection to periodontal disease, the importance of Good Saliva, and the Sugar Wars.

“Sleep disorders like Obstructive Sleep Apnea, OSA, create cycles of tiredness leading to more and more stress and aggravating insomniac tendencies. Shortness of breath and interrupted breathing will happen right at the point when a person is about to fall asleep.  The brain races and the mind short circuits all attempts to sleep.  The next step downward is ‘SLEEP DEPRIVATION.’  The individual is now becoming more unfocused and unproductive and unable to feel normal.  They may feel like they are sleeping and may even convince themselves that everything is ok, because they cannot remember well, have a lot of adrenaline flow, and are over compensating.  This overcompensation may be in the form of euphoria coming from the use of medications, alcohol, excessive snacking, caffeine, or sex.  All of these will fail and leave the person in a greater state of deprivation.” 

As past head of Dallas Dental Societies Emergency Dental committee, I was exposed to the dark side of the opioid market.  Opioids are now the #1 Rx in America.  He therefore has dedicated a chapter in the book to Opioids, Vaping, and E-Cigs.  I hope that you found this summary informative and necessary for your reading audience.

X-CELLing:  Xtinguishing  misconceptions, lies, fears, and falsehoods while teaching you truths about miracle molecule Xylitol which can move across cell, tissue, and placenta barriers safely to protect and save us from chronic conditions and bad bacteria. As it neutralizes opportunistic bacteria it dislodges them from tissue surfaces in the mouth, ears, and nasal passages. Then it stimulates the osmotic flow of liquids washing them away and in the case of cystic fibrosis these liquids neutralize salts along airway membranes. Amazingly xylitol also decreases ocular pressure preventing glaucoma and research indicates it might help in the war against cancer. Xylitol is the perfect travel companion for it protects from mouth-to-gut neutralizing both bad bacteria and acids while acting as both a probiotic and laxative.”   

CONTACT # DENTAL OFFICE 972 960-1913 –   email   – website:


Protecting You, Your Smile, and Your Wallet

by Dr. Peter Hofmann

The information here is so important that I guarantee it will save you money or you can have your money back.  And I do not hesitate to say, “This book will save lives.”

First the scary part:

3 of the most common causes of Death are related to the Mouth:

1-Enzymes from Gum diseases can destroy tissue in the heart, brain, & pancreas

2-Repeated Heart-Stress from Sleep Apnea and the resulting high blood pressure will weaken and kill many people

3-Gram negative pneumonia has been labeled as the major cause of death of incapacitated patients with cancer being the underlying cause. Doctors believe the inhalation of bacteria from bacterial plaques in the mouth is the source. 

-Sugars & empty calories are the cause of tooth decay, diabetes, and the most common disease in the world-periodontal disease, in this Sugar War the 6-carbon sugars work to destroy our bodies whereas 5-carbon Xylitol works to save us.

-AGE’s (Accumulation of Glycogen End-Product) starts when you eat over-heated foods and the digested molecules are converted into 6-Carbon sugars which denature important proteins clogging up capillaries throughout our body.

Now the Good News:

Your teeth, gums and body can be saved by a Miracle Molecule: called Xylitol which kills opportunistic bacteria in your ears, nose and throat through 2 pathways.  If you take it as a child 3 times per day you will grow up with protection or if applied later in life with a spray or nose squirt it will work directly to stop the sinusitis, earache, or acidic saliva.  It can also cross the placenta barrier. It stopped my dry hacking cough.  Along with chlorine dioxide and zinc they work to to decrease the acidity of saliva, tooth decay and the buildup of hard plaque.  Space age Zirconia crowns can save your bite and your teeth.  Other healthy ideas include eating good foods and cooking them correctly, rinsing with water at your table and using 2 super-soft tooth brushes in order keep them sterile.
-Learn the dangers of using Apple cider vinegar, the best way to stop bad breath, and a quick easy way to stop decay.
Your saliva is key to your whole health- and it can tell scientists quickly whether you are vulnerable to deadly enzymes, bad bacteria, cancers, and DNA related problems such as baldness, birth-conception issues, acne, cholesterol, etc.Top of Form

Bottom of Form

  1. That we have fallen for myths and misconceptions and allowed them to give us a false security.  For instance, did you to know that alcohol in Listerine does NOT cause cancer but carcinogens in Hard Liquors do- yet the liquor industry does not have to reveal any of their ingredients?  

-THAT dental hygienists make more money on average than RN’s who work in neo-natal care?

-THAT general dentists make more money than family physicians?

-THAT the central molecular structure in our DNA is ribose which is a form of 5-carbon sugar?

-THAT we do not need to fear xylitol since it has a very low glycemic index which is good news for diabetics.

-THAT If you snore or breathe through your mouth- A GOOD SLEEP STUDY could save your life.

  • ?

-Simple formulas to control bad breath, bad bacteria and a bad bite. It will help you save your bite and your smile

-It will help you conquer dental fear with a great new product SDF- that requires no drill nor needle

  • What big benefit do you see this book having in the reader’s life?

The book can save your life and those you love.  It will help you control the acidity of your saliva and the bad bacteria in your mouth- saving teeth, gums, and your general health.

It will help you prevent and diagnose sleep apnea even in children and protect their ears, nose and throat.

It will help you prevent and deal with emergency tooth problems.

It will help you prevent the collapse of your bite and make right choices about crowns, fillings, and surgeries.

And it will help you communicate with dentists and other professionals.

  • What is of special Significance? Teaches how to protect the health of your entire body by explaining the causes of tooth decay, periodontal disease, diabetes, some cancers- and then explains what they all have in common.

Learn the power and the good health solutions behind the acronym CLEARS.

Learn about some of hidden secrets in dentistry and areas of fraud that can put a big dent in your wallet.

Learn why dentistry is so expensive and what you can do to make good treatment decisions to save money.

Learn 23 Myths in the mouth and over 40 facts that most people do not know about their mouth.

Learn how to deal with stress and the sore tooth syndrome including the simple “dry-hacking cough”


Learn about a product made from corn cobs that is both cheap and sweet yet will save your life    

g You, Your Smile, and Your Wallet: A Summary

This book will reveal a Better way to protect your Mouth-Health.  The information here is so important that I guarantee it will save you money or you can have your money back.  And I do not hesitate to say, “It will also save lives.”

First the scary part:

3 of the most common causes of Death are related to the Mouth:

1-Enzymes from Gum diseases can destroy tissue in the heart, brain, & pancreas

2-Stress from Sleep Apnea and mouth breathing will weaken and even kill many people

3-Gram negative pneumonia is the major cause of death of incapacitated patients and doctors believe the inhalation of bacteria from the mouth may be the cause

-Sugars and empty calories entering the mouth not only decay teeth and cause the most common disease in the world periodontal disease which can end up adding fat to your body and diabetic tendencies to your whole system.

-AGE’s (Accumulation of Glycogen End-Products) another potentially deadly producer of bad end-products starts its journey in the mouth- then produces deranged proteins that clog capillaries throughout your body.

Now the Good News:

Your teeth and gums can be saved by a Mighty Miracle Molecule: called Xylitol and the mighty miracle atomic element called Zinc. They can work separately or together to stop bacteria, decrease the acidity of saliva, and decrease the buildup of hard plaque.

Other new products and techniques such as Zirconia Crowns, Chlorine dioxide rinses, or your own Emergency Kit will be taught in this book to protect you, your mouth, smile, and wallet: A wise solution could be as simple as eating good foods and cooking them correctly, rinsing with your table water or using a super-soft toothbrush.

-The dangers of using Apple cider vinegar, the best way to stop bad breath, a Free way to stop decay.
-Your saliva is key to your whole health- and it can tell scientists quickly whether you are vulnerable to deadly enzymes, bad bacteria, cancers, and DNA related problems such as baldness, birth-conception issues, acne, cholesterol,

What Principles does this book reinforce for you? That many of us have fallen for myths and misconceptions and allowed them to give us a false security. 

For instance, do not fear alcohol in Listerine—the fear should be focused on the carcinogens in HARD LIQUORS which are aged in new wooden containers because the law requires that used barrels cannot be reused. Beers or wines may have potential trace elements too.

Do not fear, using a super-soft toothbrush-they clean better than soft & medium toothbrushes

Do not fear eating sugar-alcohols for they have a very low glycemic index- which is very good for diabetics

Do not fear using both over-the-counter and professional mouth rinses together.  

If you snore or breathe through your mouth- do a sleep study – it could save your life.

Buy a Triple headed tooth brush if you have a relative who’s incapacitated-for the nurse to use. ?

How do you envisage people applying this book’s information?

-Simple formula to control bad breath, bad bacteria and a bad bite. Saving your bite and your smile

-It will help you conquer dental fear with a great new product SDF- that requires no drill nor needle

  • What big benefit do you see this book having in the reader’s life/career?

The book can save your life and those you love.  It will help you control the acidity of your saliva and the bad bacteria in your mouth- saving teeth, gums, and your general health.

It will help you prevent the collapse of your jaw and bite saving your young smile.

And it will help you communicate with dentists and other professionals.

-It will help you conquer dental fear with a great new product SDF- that requires no drill nor needle

  • What big benefit do you see this book having in the reader’s life/career?

The book can save your life and those you love.  It will help you control the acidity of your saliva and the bad bacteria in your mouth- saving teeth, gums, and your general health.

It will help you prevent and diagnose sleep apnea even in children.

It will help you prevent and deal with emergency tooth problems.

It will help you prevent the collapse of your jaw and bite saving your young smile.

And it will help you communicate with dentists and other professionals.

  • What do you most like about the book?  It has details that will guide you as you seek to protect your teeth and the health of your entire body: by understanding molecules from Acrylamides to Xylitol and applying CLEARS.

Learn the power and the good health solutions behind the acronym CLEARS.

Learn about some of the hidden secrets in dentistry and areas of fraud that can put a big dent in your wallet.

Learn why dentistry is so expensive and what you can do to make good treatment decisions.

Learn 23 Myths in the mouth and over 40 facts that most people do not know about their mouth.

Learn how to deal with stress and the sore tooth syndrome including the simple “dry-hacking cough”


Learn about a product made from corn cobs that is both cheap and sweet yet will save your life    

X-CELLing:  Xtinguishing  misconceptions, lies, fears, and falsehoods while teaching you truths about the miracle molecule Xylitol which can move across cell, tissue, and placenta barriers safely to protect and save us from chronic conditions and bad bacteria. As it neutralizes opportunistic bacteria it dislodges them from tissue surfaces in the mouth, ears, and nasal passages. Then it stimulates the osmotic flow of liquids washing them away and in the case of cystic fibrosis these liquids neutralize salts along airway membranes. Amazingly xylitol also decreases ocular pressure preventing glaucoma and research indicates it might help in the war against cancer. Xylitol is the perfect travel companion for it protects from mouth-to-gut neutralizing both bad bacteria and acids while acting as both a probiotic and laxative.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

“Here is a powerhouse book of tips, tactics and vital information for Mouth Health and you. A fantastic book.”


Dubai is part of the United Arab Emirates which consists of seven city states with seven tribes including Dubai. They portray themselves as the showpiece for the Arab Nations and as the modern Arab lifestyle. They have built the biggest building, own the biggest planes to fly people from around the world which is the A380 – 80. This is the double-decker plane that has won them the airline of the year award. OF COURSE the flight attendants and fine food add to the quality. The men who are citizens mostly dress in all white looking like sentinels watching over the country. The claim to have the tallest building, the biggest chambered Aquarium, and the longest driver-less train system. They see themselves as an ideal kingdom- the iron in that 10-toed set of feet holding up Nebuchadnezzar’s mighty image.

They are building what some might call the perfect kingdom with pristine streets, rail-lines, monorails, magnificent malls, mosques, and island cities. The new DUBAI has dozens of new skyscrapers and the title of having more livable space within a square block on the entire earth. THIS title comes from a block of 40-50 story buildings that are all hotels or apartments. The whole project is built around a series of canals with a driver-less monorail to take people around the many magnificent buildings and bridges that interconnect the system of peninsulas. Much like the palm islands off of DUBAI this series of large architectural glass structures are close to beaches and other attractions. The largest Ferris wheel is being built nearby to meet the 2020 deadline for the EXPO DUBAI. IT is fashioned around the LONDON EYE.

One of the best Hospital Systems in the world is also being built along with entire city projects of golf courses, multi-building hotels and entertainment. One of them is a TRUMP complex with Raddison hotels. MOST famous are these perfect Islands designed in the shape of palm fronds that are much bigger than they appear in photos. When you drive through them you see the immensity of the structures since most buildings are 12 stories high along the main road with roads branching out onto hundreds of multilevel homes and apartments. Topping the whole system is the ATLANTIS resort entertainment hotel and complex with the largest chambered aquarium in the world and water park. Above that is the break-water dome that protects the whole complex. ANOTHER dedicated driver-less monorail carries people to and fro from the mainland. Not many people can see through all this elaborate presentation and understand that this is all very superficial and a cover for what the future Antichrist will use as an example of what ‘peace and harmony on earth’ can bring.

This is a consummate counterfeit of Truth and of reality…. what you have here is somewhat like what existed in time of Jesus with the Pharisees and Herod the Great. You have great buildings and architecture with great ‘white-washed structural masterpieces. You have all the men dressed in white with all of it controlled by the heavy-handed law both religious and civil. For instance you cannot chew gum on the Metro or drink outside. You do not see prostitution but it exists, nor do you see evidence of gambling but both are a way of life in this Arab kingdom. In essence the kingdom is a whitewashed tomb where people are being abused. Women are property for there is no marriage and no divorce… you buy the woman from the father and when you have a woman that you tire of, you just buy another one. You don’t divorce the first one, you keep her as the Cook or for heavy labor and then the new young beautiful one you use as your toy. Like owning a camel, you do not want to lose your investment so there really is no need for divorce. This type of lifestyle is basically akin to a socially accepted ‘whoredom’ like the whore who rides the Beast. Likewise there is no drinking in the streets nor visible use of drugs, but is it happening indoors?

You’re going to hear a lot more about Dubai in the next year because they will be the host of the Biggest ever Expo with over a hundred and fifty countries represented. To do this they are in the midst of creating a NEW Super City south of DUBAI that will match both the new Dubai and the Old Dubai mentioned earlier. In new and old Dubai I counted over 50 new massive structures going up. THE guide mentioned that in the last 10 years over 300 new skyscrapers were built in these two city areas, including the tallest building int the world. NOW there will be this third Dubai in the south which will house buildings for 150 nations with their projects and along with all the supporting buildings and projects of the UAE’s EXPO. They will have driver-less systems, super energy efficient buildings and superstructures, and other high tech experiments. The motto will be Connecting MINDS, Creating A NEW FUTURE.

the 4 LIES in the CHURCH

Statistics show that divorce in the church body is as rampant as it is in the world. This is a sad statement on the condition of the church. It is sad but not surprising considering the lies that have penetrated and consumed church thought. I will categorize these lies into 4 groups as follows: Historical lies which affects doctrines and policy; Scientific lies which includes the Christian perspective on creation and the family; Faith lies which includes demoting the reality of healing and Signs; and the Lies of the Heart which includes relationship deception and unfaithfulness. In the midst of this cloud of lies are besetting sins and failure of the church to counter years of spiritual neglect with teaching that convicts and inspirational programs that uphold the complete Bible from beginning to end.

We will begin with the lies of the Heart since relationship is the centerpiece of Chrisitanity. As my friend and I share the Gospel at our weekly ministry we tell those who stop for lemonade, a free book, or prayer that Jesus Christ wants to have a personal relationship with them. Unlike any other religion the heart of Christianity revolves upon God’s love for us and the free gift of salvation. He gave us his Word and died for our sins. This relationship of sacrificial love should be according to His Word, like the marriage relationship between a man and woman. However, how many men love their wives with the same degree that Christ loves the church. Ask yourself, if you are willing to sacrifice for your wife and serve her above your own desires. Men and women in general have an even bigger challenge. How many can say that they have erased lust from their hearts and seek to share the Gospel and serve the Lord? Now do not lie to yourself or to God. “Yes,” God’s grace covers all sin, but are you incorporating all that God has to give you? Are you willing to know His will for your life and to embrace it?

In the Garden, Satan lied to Adam and Eve. In the wilderness Satan lied to Jesus. In the wilderness Jesus went to Satan and defeated his wiles but in the garden Eve went to Satan and was beguiled. Jesus used the Word of God to defeat Satan whereas Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s Word. Are we as Christians willing to know His Word in order to defeat sin and Satan? A definition of faith is knowing what we cannot see and believing what we hope for. God wants us to know Him and one really good way is to know His Word. So how many churchgoers do a regular Bible study or for that matter open their Bible. Do you meditate on God’s Word. Do you pray on a regular basis for guidance or in supplication? How many times do you seek God in prayer for decision making? How many are setting a good example for their kids and others?

The individual should surrender all to God and become a living sacrifice so that God can sanctify us. This does not seem to be happening. Here are generational stats related to the state of the church: In the USA, of all those classified as boomers and greatest generation from 1928 to 1955, stats show 56% attending church. Now in the Millennial group only 18% attend, and of the X generation even less. In Britain the total attendance is down to 5%. In Australia the attendance going back to 2011 was only 6% and this is true of the rest of Europe. What this group believes is also in spiritual decline. The greatest generation considered same-sex marriage reprehensible but today only 43% of the Millennial generation believe this to be true. The attitudes are the same for abortion. This collapse of moral conviction is connected to the 2nd big lie; the Creation Lie or the counterfeit Science of Academia. There is also a large portion of self-proclaimed Christians who do not attend church with the idea that the church is messed up and full of sinners. True, the church is like a hospital for wounded souls that need fellowship with God and others. 1 John 1:7 states, “If we walk in the light as He walks in the Light we will have fellowship with one another & the blood of Christ cleanses us from sin.”

Counterfeit Science and its web of lies has generated a network of dark spiritual consequences. Generations have become more and more convinced that man was not made in the image of God but in the image of a monkey. Logic has been contaminated with the idea that survival of the fittest instead of God’s grace is the basis and compass for mankind’s existence and decision making. From the Christian perspective our CHOICE goes back to the Garden of Eden: Do you accept Satan’s lie and trust in the knowledge of Good & Evil or do you place your trust in God’s Word and the promise of fellowship with Him? If you think this is ridiculous or not relevant you have by default picked the first option. Paul commended believers to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling.”

There is no compromise, do you trust in God’s Word or in the world’s propaganda? It is black or white decision. In 1st John 1 the Word says, “God is Light, and there is absolutely no darkness in Him.’ If we say, ‘We have fellowship with Him,’ and walk in darkness, we are lying and are not practicing the truth.” “If we say, ‘We have no sin’, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” In the Creation, God created light in the midst of darkness and then Adam and Eve introduced sin into the world. Both are true, but to the evolution- minded Christian these are not convictions that affect their lives and thinking. Their world centered beliefs put God on the bench and make chance the key to creation. This would not stand up in God’s courtroom. God wants us to put on the full armor of God with the Sword of the Word of God and the shield of faith.

In any court you have evidence produced that is compelling to both sides. The question is what side to you want to believe in: God as Creator and the Garden of Eden leading to Original Sin, or Satan’s cloud of false knowledge that erases God’s miracle creation and puts Evolution in the center of the intellectual universe. The evolution Lies are extensive as any adult can attest to. Either the Word is lying or the World system controlled by Satan is lying. Did everything come from nothing? Or is nothingness your idol and nothing has meaning and all is relative? Is the complexity of DNA and the language of all life able to create itself from nothing? Can a book write itself into existence or can a computer language happen by chance. Why is the earth 74% water when Academia says it was a ball of fire originally? The lies of the world are totally illogical, lack common sense & go against the Laws of Nature & Thermodynamics.

The Bible says, “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” The evidence against the World’s Advocate, Satan, is overwhelming. Jesus Christ defeated Satan in the wilderness and in Heaven’s courtroom and will defeat him again for the sake of those who believe. He will keep his promise to keep us from the evil one.

The Lies incorporated in FAITH range from misunderstandings to cult-like persistent lies. The Pentecostal believes that one can lose their salvation. Much of this comes from a misinterpretation of the parable of the 10 Virgins. In this parable Jesus is addressing the Jews before his death and resurrection. Therefore Pentecost has not happened and the Holy Spirit is not sealed in anyone. So the parable was designed to warn the Jew to study the Word of God so as to keep it in their hearts and to understand that their Savior was among them. If not they were likely to be shut out when the Day of the Lord comes.

Jesus Christ spoke of repentance from the beginning of his ministry and in the end promised us the Holy Spirit that would be Christ in us. It should tell everyone to seek righteousness and renounce the sin in our life. Romans 8:13 in summary says by His Spirit we can slay sin and attain Christ likeness. Repentance implies a new way of living and a turning away from evil and evil thoughts. There is no salvation without repentance.

With true repentance and the Holy Spirit it should be easy to discover and shirk off the lies The Jehovah Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, and others purposefully try to deceive people into believing that Jesus Christ is an angel created by God. Sorry but you are wrong and are stuck in a super big LIE. Jesus Christ is God. Many leaders in churches have grown adept at religious routines and agendas that go against the tenants of the faith. They oppose outreaches and crusades that are not anchored in their church. Maybe they fear losing members instead of relying on the Holy Spirit to bring in new believers! They oppose efforts to teach apologetics and Young Earth because it might cause divisiveness. Many church leaders do not believe that God is active in both healing us and providing “Signs” in this time. Yet Jesus commended his disciples to do as he had done to carry forth his compassionate work and bring the Gospel to the world.

It amazes me how many leaders are determined to shut down the thought or concept that Signs are for today. Jesus himself castigated the Pharisees for not knowing the Signs of the time. He then forewarned us that there would be “Signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars.” Another problem is shortsighted teaching. The teaching on Gideon and his band of 300 is a good example. Past down teaching says the 300 were selected because they were alert—-in essence a self taught lie perpetrated by ignorance. The fact is NO ONE CAN LAP LIKE A DOG. This is stated over 4 times in the passage. That’s right, I am a specialist in the tongue and NO HUMAN CAN LAP like a dog. So GOD GAVE 300 MEN THE MIRACULOUS ABILITY TO LAP LIKE A DOG SO THAT GIDEON WOULD KNOW WHICH 300 WERE PICKED BY GOD BECAUSE OF THEIR PURE HEART AND RIGHT SPIRIT. The point is God was going to show everyone that He is in total control and the VICTORY is His. They took pottery, and He is the potter and we are the clay. We are broken pots and they were told to break the pots. They carried fire and He is the Refiner that forgives and covers sin melting off the dross. They blew trumpets announcing GOD’S VICTORY. God wanted us to know that not only was this His victory but it was also a supernatural victory.

A good portion of the church is also guilty of shutting off the study, hearing, and sharing of the book of Revelation. This is the only book that God expressly states He will bless those who read it aloud, who hear it, who read it, and who understand it! “Yes,” this book begins and ends with a verse promising these blessings! So why do so many denominations ignore the book and say that it is just symbolic! The two most abused books among leaders in the church concerning the interpretation of the Bible are Genesis and Revelation. Neither are treated as HIS-Story nor as His-Promise of things that have happened or will happen. This is the only book that God wanted us to read aloud to all! This is also the only book that God specifically warned if anyone changed its meaning would be cursed. Maybe that is why so many of those misdirected churches are losing members. This includes my old church affiliation: the Presbyterians, the Episcopalians, Catholics, and some Lutherans. Anytime we see something as pervasive as this we need to realize that Satan is behind it. Likewise Satan is behind counterfeit Signs and that is why the sign of Revelation 12 is indeed real, for at the time of its appearance the world’s fear-mongers were saying that the earth would end with a collision from Planet X.

The final set of Lies affects historical truth and the way we view theology in the church. A good example is the genocide of 1.5 million Armenians during the Turkish pre-WWI consolidation of power. Because the church refused to stand up against this horror the 2nd Reich under Hitler used it as a template to exterminate the Jews. The period of time between these two genocides includes a 400 year period between the capture of Jerusalem by the Ottoman Empire in 1517 and the Balfour Agreement of 1917 which signaled the end of the Ottoman Empire and the promise of a Jewish homeland The church has allowed other lies from Islam to perpetuate within its own historical accounts. The location of Mt. Sinai has been a masterpiece disguise perpetuated by both Egypt and the Saudi government. It was initiated by the early Bedouins during the time of the crusades when they fabricated fake maps for Queen Helena and others who were trying to locate Holy sites. It was easy to recreate fake landmarks to seemingly authenticate these routes that the nation of Israel took to southern Egypt.

The fact is God gave the Israeli people the strength and the power to cross the Sinai Peninsula on the northern route to Succoth and then down the great gorge to PiHiHaroth (meaning mouth of the gorge) to a large beachhead that you can clearly see on Google Earth. This was perfect place to cross the 2nd finger of the Red Sea for the beachhead was big enough to encamp 2.5 million Israelis and the gorge was narrow enough for the Shekinah Glory to block the way of the great Egyptian chariot force. The southern route had no deep water to cross and no place that the Jews could have been enclosed by water (as stated in the Word). Nor was there a gorge where the Pharaoh would have been trapped by God. Nor was there a place anywhere in the whole southern mountain range that 2.5 million Jews could have encamped much less had an ample supply of fresh water! Plus Midian where Jethro was from is located on the Saudi side of the 2nd finger and not in the Egyptian Sinai. If you study the geography it is obvious that the church has been lied to by Islam which would not want the church nor the Jews to know where the true Holy mountain of God is!

The lies are everywhere and if leaders or a person incorporates those lies into their life they are even more guilty. They have internalized those lies and will then seek to generate a false righteousness that non-believers can see through. This hypocrisy will lead to a guilty conscience and a weighed down heart that cannot have fellowship with God. The church and the individual must deal with these lies as quickly as possible so as to purify minds and hearts or the hearts and minds of others will be affected.

Obedience to God and confession of sins is key to righteousness. Prayer and surrender will help each of us to kill sin and draw closer to God. It is important that we discover and deal with our besetting sins that want to track us down and weaken the power of the Spirit and the work of the church body. Leaders will be held more accountable and so they must seek God with total commitment to prayer and meditation on the Word.

More information on the MOUNT SINAI location and importance is recorded in my new book COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN The Fig Tree and The Prophetic Generation. Watch the film below-

Cosmic Crossroad Continuum

PART 1 : Related to Signs in the Stars:

Christmas shows how much the God of the Universe Loves us and cares for us. He was born in a manger to die on a cross. ‘The cross reaches up and out to everyone. The Christmas Picture we see at the beginning of this era: has the backdrop of the Universe with Angels rejoicing- in the foreground; the baby Jesus lying in the feeding trough amongst the beasts of the field; Mary & Joseph with the lowly shepherds; all bathed by the light of the Stars. This is all interwoven with the message of Christmas today: of the sinless birth, the perfect child, the Virgin Woman, & Joseph her husband.

One Joseph was the child of Jacob -the other a descendant of Judah- both having visions – both delivering Israel towards the Promise land…but Israel falling short in both cases because of sin. In one case a bronze serpent is lifted up in the wilderness and in the next the cross is lifted up for the whole world. Both offer to deliver the believer, with faith a form of death. One from physical death and the other from spiritual death. One pressed the Israelite to look up by faith to acknowledge their sin – and its connection to the serpent’s curse in order to receive a temporary divine healing. Whereas the other, the divine Seed of the Woman, is lifted up as the Perfect Sacrifice to defeat death’s curse eternally by becoming the curse for us.

Jesus takes the sins of the world and puts them under his authority covering it with his blood. In Him both the curse and death are defeated. It is God’s Plan of Redemption and both the 1st Coming and the Fulfillment is written in the Stars. In Psalm 157:4, God says, “I have numbered the stars, and have named them.” God would not have named them arbitrarily but would have told a story through them for Adam and Eve to learn from. In the Bethlehem Star I believe the Light (from an exploding star) was apparent for 9 months and may have been so bright that it even appeared at times in daylight. Revelation 12:1-4, now on September 23rd, 2017 the Sign of the Woman revealed how the church will be rescued from the Dragon that awaits to devour it. The church will be raptured and innocence restored along with the “Lion of Judah” on His throne.

The Sign of the Woman of Revelation 12 was an invisible sign since the sun blocks all visibility. So why would God announce this sign as “A Great Sign” Revelation 12:1 even though it was not visible? So what else is real yet cannot be seen? Of course we all know that this is true of the supernatural. This Great Sign defines a new beginning in the advancement of the forces of darkness. Likewise there are parallel movements of good and of Prophetic promise- such as the legal declaration by Trump concerning the capital Jerusalem. God says in II Chronicles that Jerusalem is special to Him, for the city carries His Name.

PART 2: Do you remember who was the first disciple to recognize Jesus as King of Israel? It was not Peter nor John. It was Nathaniel responding to Jesus as He revealed an omniscient observation concerning him. It concerned Christ’s knowledge of him before they met. Jesus said he saw him meditating under the Fig Tree. This is also a reflection of the fact that Jesus knows us before we were born. When the disciple heard this amazing revelation he was struck with a Holy surrender and recognition of Jesus as God.

Why the Fig Tree, and is there more meaning to this? Does the Fig Tree have anything to do with what Israel was supposed to represent. It was common for people to congregate and read under a Fig Tree. First note that Jesus was focusing on a tree that he would later use to represent the collapse and corruption of the failed state of leadership in Israel. Israel’s religious leaders were supposed to cover the Jewish people with knowledge of God and an opportunity to learn from Him and worship Him. They could encounter God under the shade and protection of a physical canopy that God provided through the structure of the nation state represented by the Fig Tree.

PART 3: Relating to Chapter on History and Iran:

Expansion on the Iranian concept of the Great Mahdi or 12th Iman. He will reign for 7 years after the defeat of the Jews. He will come on a white horse and will defeat Israel and the “Romans” otherwise knowns as the Western powers. They believe that Jesus Christ never died even though he was placed on a stake Allah raised him up to sit with him on the throne. In the end Jesus will marry and then die and will be buried with Muhammed. However, prior to this he will return on behest of Allah to be a testimony to Christians that they have the “story” all wrong. The Mahdi will usher in the new world with Jesus instituting Sharia Law.

Part 4:  The Importance of Stellar Signs

God reminds us that He created the Universe and us. After all he alone stretched out the heavens and named the stars! Yet he knows your name and mine. He brought the earth and each of us out of darkness into the light. The moon reflects the light of the sun, just as we can reflect the Light of God to the world. Therefore it is not surprising that He uses Signs outside our limited world to announce His major covenant advances. Not only are these signs pure but they are available to all people to decipher and understand. He places this power sign in the middle of the book of Revelation. This is the only book that begins with a special promise of a blessing to all who read the book aloud or hear it. Amazingly the book ends with another promised blessing to all who read the message in the book and understand it. No other book has even one of these blessings! I think God wants us to realize how really important this invisible sign is!

After the half hour of silence in heaven, Chapter 8 of Revelation, there is a great number of saints seen in heaven. Is this a silence commemorating the arrival of a special group of martyrs or of the raptured saints. Soon to follow are the coming judgments of the 7 Trumpets. God will destroy His creation and bring judgment to those who have defied Him in rebellion and have persecuted the church and martyred the saints. In the midst of these 7 Trumpets there are 3 Woes in contrast to the 3 “Holy-s” in Chapter 4.

Signs of the Time: connecting the dots.

Anytime the Lord “comes” there is a Sign in the stars. Why because He counted and named the stars as stated in Psalm 157:4 and as Isaiah said, “the heavens declare His Glory.” Yes, the Heavens do declare his glorious entrance each time His Promise is fulfilled. Just as the Bethlehem Star occurred at the first coming, there is a Sign in the Stars of His 2nd Coming. This Sign is in Revelation 12:1-4. God revealed himself in the Star of Bethlehem and He reveals Himself in the Sign of Revelation 12 which includes Drago the dragon, the Virgo the Woman Eve, and the Leo the 1st Adam who through Judah carries the banner of the lion. Hence the constellation depicts the victor banner of Leo with the heart of royalty as depicted by the star Regulus. Virgo has the star Spica which means Seed and ties this Sign to the warning that God gave the Serpent in Genesis 3:15: “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.”

The book of Revelation is bracketed by two powerful verses of blessings to anyone who reads or hears message in this book. No other book in the Bible makes this claim. Revelation 12 is found in the middle of this key book and 12 is the number for divine autrickingthority. Most important, this chapter begins with the powerful phrase, “And there appeared a great Sign.” So why is there so little discussion about this sign? Satan has done everything he can to distort and diminish this sign. When it appeared on September 23rd of 2017 all the pundits were saying the sign marked the end of the world. They tried to scare people with earth’s destruction by Planet X or Niburu. These were lies of Satan, just as Satan managed to blind the eyes of the Pharisees at the 1st Coming.

God gave a mankind a Prophecy to imprint history in the declaration of Genesis 3:15. It would shine a light on the type of Sign that God would use to mark the climatic event in the future. Four thousand years later He would use an exploding star or Nova to announce this invasion of God’s conqueror to defeat the serpent. The Star of Bethlehem was to be a special light in the womb of Virgo which would last just over 9 months- the sign of a new birth. Probably the Magi saw this special sign going on for 8 months and knew that the divine king long awaited was about to be born. They had a month to get there. It is believed that the Magi had much authority in Persia and were the ones who wrote the law that Cyrus and other kings held as sacred. They prepared and called for their calvary and set out to pursue the light to find the new born king. They were so sure of its authenticity that they carried gold, myrrh, and precious frankincense to worship this Holy King. Maybe they were familiar with what was written by the prophets as taught by Daniel. Maybe they had heard of the prophecy in Numbers 24:17, “I see Him, but not now; I behold Him, but not near; A Star shall come out of Jacob; a Scepter shall arise out of Israel.”

Now 2000 years later a 3rd sign appears on the scene. This sign will announce the 2nd Coming of the Savior. However, like the Bethlehem Sign this is not an immediate event. It happens over a period of 9 months and longer as the Jubilee year of 1947-8 to 2017-8 comes to a close. The date was Sept. 23, 2017, the first day of the Jewish New Year or 6 hours after sunset on the 22nd day of September. This was the beginning of the Feast of Trumpets, which symbolically announces this Sign. It was also near the end of the 40 days of repentance called Teshuva, when all Jews are to see the return of favor, forgiveness, and consecration. This sign involves Venus and Jupiter which enter the womb of Virgo 400 days before the Day of Atonement. Venus leaves and aligns itself with Mercury and Mars and the special star Regulus. On Sept. 23rd they are in perfect alignment representing Jesus as Royalty, Priest, Man, and Messenger. Jupiter stays in the womb of Virgo for 9 months and 24 days. At the foot of Virgo is the new moon and on her shoulder is the Sun. Near her other foot is Comet 67P which has an interesting number coinciding with the war of 1967 when Israel took control of Jerusalem. Could this be a forewarning that Trump would give Israel the legal right to Jerusalem soon after this sign occurred? The Sign happened the day after Rosh Hashanna or the first day of the New Year. This new beginning would be marked with the Sign of Revelation 12 which is a very unique sign, but a very important one. We are now seeing great amounts of evil in both thought and action. We even have our first transexual senator in our Senate.

Do not discount this Sign just because you do not understand it! Likewise do not allow your intelligence get in the way as it did the scribes in the time of Jesus. God said to mankind: “To fear the Lord—that is wisdom; to move away from evil—that is understanding.'”

References: Rev_22:7 “See! I am coming soon! How blessed is the person who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book!” Rev_1:3 How blessed is the one who reads aloud and those who hear the words of this prophecy and obey what is written in it, for the time is near!

Is the Daniel Mystery being Revealed?

Why are people looking for the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail when we have a much more important piece of the Divine puzzle right in front of us. We have billions of Bibles throughout this earth with inscribed “divine keys” that can help the avid student unlock amazing mysteries that are being unveiled in our time. The most important puzzle piece and key are found in the 9th Chapter of the Book of Daniel.

The mighty king Cyrus announced in his first year of consolidated power that he would bless Israel by returning them to their homeland. Cyrus, kind of Persia, announces to the Jews, “All the kingdoms of the earth the Lord God of Heaven has given me, and He has commanded me to build him a house in Jerusalem which is in Judah.” Cyrus who had defeated the Babylonians and had taken the Israelites captive, would now help this captive nation return and worship in their homeland. Never in history had a victorious conqueror set a priority to help his captives go free and form a nation. Seventy years earlier the prophet Jeremiah warned the nation of Israel that they would be taken captive for a total of 70 years for their transgressions. These transgressions relate to the nations failure to honor the Sabbath year unto which every debt by every person was to be forgiven. For 490 years they had failed to honor this divine command given by God through Moses in the wilderness. A period of 490 years is composed of 70 Sabbath years. When those 70 years had expired, God would give the command to let them return.

The Cyrus declaration runs parallel to Trump’s announcement in December of 2017, after his victory in the elections. Trump announced that he would move the American Embassy to Jerusalem and thus legally mark Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. In the eyes of many Jews in Israel Trump had become the new Cyrus. Jerusalem had been captured by the Ottomans and held by them for 400 years until finally liberated by the British General Allenby.  Then 1917, Lord Balfour, a Christian, set in motion a series of events that set aside a large portion of land for the Jews in the land of Palestine. Many Jews moved to the land but it was only in 1947 when President Truman declared his support for the formation of a new nation called Israel. The nation was approved by the league of Nations and Israel became a nation in 1947-48. 70 years later Trump becomes President, a man who was born in the time of Truman who was so touched by the Jewish cause that he declared in his tears that “I am the new Cyrus.” Here you have two American Presidents who carry on the Kingly power of Cyrus to announce Israel’s Holy Prophetic ownership of God’s city of Jerusalem.

The number 70 comes into play again in the 9th Chapter of Daniel, when Gabriel announces to Daniel the prophetic 70-sevens countdown that would begin at the next announcement of a Persian leader. This leader was Artaxerxes, who in 457 BC, declared that he would help Israel rebuild not only the Temple but also the walls of Jerusalem – thus establishing the new city. Notice that it is not just the number 70 but again the combination 70 X 7 or seventy sevens equaling 490 years. Amazing that God generated this special moment bracketed by two 70- Sevens Prophetic periods! Gabriel explains to Daniel the amazing thing that will happen during this period; the birth, introduction, and “cutting off” of the promised Messiah! Just as God promised, Jesus the Messiah appears on the scene in an official way at the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem fulfilling this remarkable countdown laid down by Gabriel, at the perfect time. This should get your attention. God is weaving a perfect promise. All this is explained in detail in my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown.

Note that Gabriel appears to Daniel at the time of “the final sacrifice.” So why are we told this? Probably because God wants us to know that he is shaping history with an intricate pattern. For we know that Jesus Christ was the “final sacrifice” who also died at the 3 P.M. hour. Through the Prophet Zechariah God states that he will make Jerusalem “ a cup that will make all the nations tremble.” He has indeed done this even in our time as most nations have refused to recognize Jerusalem as being Israel’s capital. Pundits were declaring that a war would start and condemnations of all kinds were spewed out by the Arab countries and by the UN.  Israel has received more declarations of condemnation from the UN than all the evil, corrupt nations of the world combined!

Now we know that Daniel was the chief Magi in the Babylonian/Persian era and therefore his students would remember all the methods that God imparted to Daniel on how to discern and observe the time and place of any divine sign. That sign was the Bethlehem Star that may have been an exploding star in the “womb” of the constellation Virgo. This Virgo-Leo combination with Drago the dragon sitting above waiting for the birth is explained in my book and stated in Revelation 12: 1-4 in the Bible. So Daniel connects us to both the first and 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. The 70 weeks have not been fulfilled, for a final week of 7 years has yet to happen. This final week of 7 years will happen soon to fulfill the pattern and complete the tapestry that God has set before us. What else can we discern from Daniel that may help us?

We know that the first 69 sevens or 483 years have taken place and led to very day that Jesus entered Jerusalem on the fowl of a donkey. Why did God separate these last 7 years? Obviously he has a reason which we cannot perceive completely. My thought is that God is giving mankind every opportunity to turn to Him and repent. He is very patient and has already added on nearly 2000 years. He promised the Jews that they would return to their land and they did in 3 important stages: 1917 the Balfour Agreement open a big door ; 1948 opened the door even wider with the formation of the nation of Israel; 1967 the door to Jerusalem was opened when the Jews took control of the Temple Mount; and in 2017 the legal status of Jerusalem was proclaimed by the most powerful leader of the most influential “empire” of our time the President of America. Now understand that 2017 also marked the 70th year of the formation of the nation; the 50th year (Jubilee) of the liberation of Jerusalem from Islamic control; and the 100th year of the liberation of the Promised Land from the Ottoman Empire!

Other Amazing Observations: 1) During the 1967 battle for the Temple Mount the some of the Jewish soldiers were surprised to see a rabbi among them. This rabbi blew the shofar celebrating the victory and his name was Goren which in Hebrew means “Threshing floor.” If you remember it was David who first purchased the Temple Mount from the owner of its threshing floor. And if you also remember it was Jesus who called himself the Bread of life, who was born in the city of Bread, Bethlehem. He broke bread with his disciples and reminds us at each Lord’s Supper that his body was given up for us as we eat the “bread of life.” Now realize that no shofar was blown when the President of the U.S. legalized the Jewish capital of Jerusalem- but note that his name is “TRUMP” – so in God’s way his voice and declaration was the “trump” that declared God’s promise fulfilled!

2) General Allenby’s declaration of victory over the Ottoman control of Palestine occurred in the first week of December. This was also true of Truman’s declaration and of Trumps declaration. Why this pattern? Are there other patterns that can help us understand what is about to happen?

3) On the Jubilee year the trumpet is sounded and the land is returned to the original owner. 1917 was a Jubilee year and the land was returned to its original owner: God’s people. In 1967 a Jubilee year, Jerusalem was returned to its original owner: God’s people. In 2017 another Jubilee year, the legal status of God’s people over the city of Jerusalem was guaranteed by the leading power in the world.

The Last Sign —like the pillars of His Covenant

What is the last sign that Jesus speaks of related to the end times in Matthew 24? I can pretty well guarantee you that you’re not going to guess it since most people will say it’s the Rebellion or it’s the Abomination of Desolation, but “No,” those are not it. In order to know what it is read Matthew 24:14. That last sign is the Gospel being preached throughout the world- and guess what? God is having to get the Gospel out into the hearts of man, since the church is failing to a great degree. “Yes,” we have missionaries preaching in many different countries and some are writing the Bible in the language of the people and others are sacrificing their lives, but  the vast majority of the “lost” people are not comprehending the Gospel. And it’s not that the Gospel isn’t  preached, it’s that the ears of the world are not opening.  Americans and many others are just too comfortable with their sin.

So how does God open their ears? God is trying to tell us how, and this is why we are seeing the convulsions, the labor pains, and all the other extreme events and weather conditions.  God gets people’s attention through trial and tribulation, so don’t think that God does not bring storms or God does not bring difficulty for people.  This is God’s most effective way to get peoples attention in the world with cold or lukewarm hearts.   This is one of the few ways that God can get people on their knees to repent and seek Him with all their heart and mind.

The church is weak because of man centered theology and administration.  A good example is the concept of Replacement Theology which is becoming very popular.  This concept is what the anti-Semite who killed the Jews in Pittsburgh holds to.  There is great error in this system of belief.  The church has not replaced Israel.  God still loves Israel and has fulfilled his promise to bring the Jews back to His Land and to Jerusalem.  Hebrew is the only “dead” language that has now become alive and is the spoken language of this nation that God guided into existence.  Just as in Hosea, God has not divorced Israel and is still married to His rebellious people who turned their back on Him.  He has preserved a remnant that will continue onto the spiritual Promised Land of heaven.  Even today there are thousands of Jews who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.

The church is also weak because most members spend more time in the world and in the world system of television, games, sports, and music than they do in church and in the Word of God.  Television is Satan’s most effective way to draw people into the Lie that he is spreading.  Many of those attending church spend more time thinking about the next football game or the next chore than they do about the message they just heard from the pulpit.

Another problem are the “teachers” themselves.  Many have been indoctrinated by Academia and are not led by the Spirit.  The would rather go along with the agenda or with “peer review” than with God’s direction.  A good example is the stubborn determination to believe Saudi Arabia and Egypt when it comes to the location of the true Mt. Sinai.  Remember that Moses was directed by God to build both an altar and 12 pillars representing the tribes of the new nation.  Moses and Aaron were to sacrifice a bull (heifer) and sprinkle half the blood on the altar and half the blood on the 12 pillars.  This represents the Covenant that God established between Himself and the people!  These pillars and altar were immovable just as the Covenant was permanent.  So if you were looking for a site where the Israelites encamped you would look for remnants of both the altar and the pillars.  They have NOT found these in Egypt, but they found these in Arabia when Moller went and photographed a site that one of the princes asked him to examine.  He has the photographs to prove it, yet our stubborn, elitist archaeologists refuse to accept this very important FACT.  What is worse- our theologians have bought into the lie that Mt. Sinai is in Egypt-  this is the same delusion that God had to deal with in the past—-to get “Egypt” out of His people and out of the hearts of man.

The Israelites were delivered by God’s hand from Pharaoh. He carried them to safety through the Sinai desert and delivered them out of Egypt with the parting of the Red Sea. Has God delivered you, or have you been willing out of a tiny seed of faith to walk with him to witness His mighty mercy and deliverance. He will part the seas of fear and darkness. He will defeat the enemy of deadly habits. He will Light the way with the Word of God, and provide a covering during your day with His mighty Spirit. God will establish a Covenant with you–His blood has been shed for you and sprinkled on the Holy Altar and the Pillars of your soul.  God is patient when we whine or complain like the Israelites. He demonstrates divine solutions and doors to walk through. He is faithful and He is The Bread of Life – the eternal manna of the Wilderness. He is the Living Water – that bursts forth from the Rock. He Transforms, Heals, Nourishes, and Delivers. God desires for you to walk with Him to the Promised Land.

You can read about God’s Sign in the Wilderness in my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown…

The Divine Watchmaker or the Divine Crapshooter?

God is Sovereign and  Established the Plan for Redemption for Us and the Fallen Creation.  Bread and Blood cover both Grace and Redemption.

Jesus Christ called himself “The Bread of Life” and by no coincidence He was born in the “City of Bread,” Bethlehem. He was born in a manger which means “table” or table of bread. He would feed the thousands with just a few loaves like “the manna” from heaven. Later he would break bread with his disciples and tell them to remember the Lord’s Supper – “take this bread – this is my body sacrificed for you, and drink of this cup- this is my blood-shed for you.”

The Lord’s Supper is more than a metaphor of Life in Christ redeemed by His blood and fed by His Word. It ties together His-Story, from Adam and Eve & Original Sin; to Abel and man’s first sacrifice for sin; to Abraham & God’s Unconditional sacrifice; to Isaac who was the obedient lamb carrying his wood up Mt. Moriah; to Jacob’s son Joseph who was sold as a slave and thrown into a prison saving drought stricken nations of the world as God answered Joseph’s “Sheaths of grain” dream; and to David who purchased the wheat “threshing floor” in Jerusalem to make the grain and Burnt offerings. In the “House of the Lord” many more Blood Offerings would be made and the Temple Shewbread shared.

The baby Jesus, mankind’s divine Bread, is the seed of Abraham, the Bread of Life, and the Lamb of God, who fulfills all those sacrifices – becoming the Perfect Sacrifice, the propitiation for sin to ALL who believe and trust in Him. He is the Eternal Bread of Life that sustains us and the everlasting Living Water that refreshes. He fulfilled Prophecy and the Promise in His-Story, transferring the blessings of Abraham & Israel to all people. That was just the beginning of His-Amazingly Wonderful-Story. It continues in every believer and follower. He takes us out of slavery and the slave mentality to addictions, to self gratification, pride, bitterness, and the past. He gives us new beginnings and makes us His son. None of those things in the past own you for are set free by the Blood of Jesus who Paid the price and Redeemed you.

That is the True Christmas Story! The Divine Watchmaker is in total control creating life as we know it and determining the course of events in his Time. But the fool says there is no God. The fool also says that this incredibly complex creation around us happened by chance and was created from nothing. The evolutionist has declared war on God and believes that man is intrinsically good as he evolves into a more perfect being through mutations and chance.

Those who try to fit God into this picture would in essence demand that God is a “Divine Crapshooter” who just waits for change to happen. That is like claiming that a Rembrandt was made by a brush blowing in the wind or To Kill a Mockingbird was conceived by an errant typewriter with painter and author standing by and waiting for new creations to happen.  Every living thing around us is shaped and beautifully designed by a much more sophisticated language called DNA. That sophistication requires a Divine Watchmaker who has a Purpose & a Plan.

Plain observation tells us man is depraved and along with all creation is falling and failing in what true Science calls Entropy – the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. Evolution is lunacy wrapped in the cloak of science. It might have been believable 25 years ago, but now with our advancing knowledge of hot planetary moons that should be frozen solid, and dinosaur bones filled with elastic viable tissue and cells where any CSI expert would expect empty space, the truth is out for even the 5th grader to grasp. The sad thing is Fake Science has now turned into Fake News and Fake Learning to the point we have totally dumbed-down our new generations! There is only one Truth and that is in God who is the source of everything and orders events in history to fulfill His purpose and plan.