This message relates to history, the epidemic and my recent book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown which gave a warning concerning the Solar Eclipse with storms to come, and the Sign of an “invisible” attack or warning that would begin to change the world. The Word “Corona” means crown in Spanish and in science is the ring of light at the point of total eclipse during a Solar Eclipse. Like a mighty king this virus is having a mighty affect on the kingdoms of earth, striking the weak and often those at the prime of life. At the same time it is an unknown in science (allegorically it is blotting out the sun) and therefore has humbled both nations and scientists while threatening economies and our present concepts fighting disease.Â
Hello World- you may be experiencing the confusion from the unknown-unseen which could make a difference between life and death- and the state of your spirit.
Few will listen to the truth…much like in the time of Jesus and Noah. They cannot nor want to see the signs of the time as expressed clearly in Matt 16:2-3. This is true even of believers and prophecy pretenders who distract the masses as they did in the time of the kings of Israel. So God has given us a “modern-day mystery-sign” to unravel much like He gave parables to his disciples and to the growing church and half-blind world.
At Sinai God told the Jewish nation, “And if after all this you will not obey Me, I will proceed to punish you sevenfold for your sins.” Why is this so significant? One of the many commands God gave them was that they had to forgive all debts and return the land to the original owners every 50 years or at the Jubilee year. Because they failed to honor the Jubilee mandate for 10 times or for 500 years of their nation building, they were taken into captivity as punishment for exactly 7X10 or 70 years.
This is a very good example of why the Jubilee year is significant in Biblical Prophecy and why God allowed Israel to take over Jerusalem (their own reclaimed land- they were the original owners) in the 1967-68 War & restoration – a very special Jubilee year. The next Jubilee year was 2017-18 (in Israel the year always begins at Roshshanna or in that year Sept. 21-22, 2017) This was the year that Trump declared he would make Jerusalem the legal capital of Israel by moving our Embassy there.
All of this seems abstract but from a historical perspective it will make sense if you study past Jubilees. The incredible thing is that there was also a very important Sign that happened to mark this last Jubilee. It was “The Great Sign” of Rev. 12 which occurred on Sept. 23rd as noted by astronomers and explained in the book: Cosmic Crossroad Countdown. We KNOW that it happened in a very God-like way and we KNOW that Satan did all he could to counterfeit and hide it. Do you remember Plantet X and Nibiru which were not visible even to telescopes but were to destroy the earth on that day? Well they never existed! Those were lies to distract you from the Truth- exactly what we see today.
Everything including Trump’s victory in 2016, the growing rebellion of the heart, the invisible spiritual attacks on the family and faith, and the invisible enemy that has humbled the world are all part of this sign that we know happened yet was unexpected and unseen- as explained in the book. Why did God purpose this almost invisible sign? That in itself is part of the message that God wants us to know.
What else is real yet unseen? God and the world of the supernatural is completely unseen. God, however, wants us to know HIM …. but the unknown is frightening as we see with this invisible virus. Although invisible, God loves us and is merciful. He wants us to know him in a personal way, yet the world rebels against HIM. Known by some and unknown by most – the battle being fought is unrecognized by the world for it involves dark forces and principalities of evil. This is the epitome of an asymmetrical war being fought for your heart, mind and soul. The answer is to Seek God with all your heart mind and soul and He will meet you there. And Know that Jesus Christ became known for you and to you so that you might recognize God in the flesh as Your Savior.Â
One way that God communicates His Love for us is through prophecy. It is prophecy that gives us hope for He does promise to return and prepare the earth for a “Kingdom on earth” where He will reign.  The Power and Mystery of Prophecy is exhibited in the 350+ prophecies that were fulfilled by Jesus Christ in his first coming. Many of these prophecies came from unexpected directions such as Psalm 22. Who would have guessed that a âsongâ from David would end up being a key prophecy of the suffering and crucifixion of the Messiah, or that a prophecy of Hosea (11:1-4) would show that the Jewish Messiah would come out of Egypt. So significant and unexpected is this prophecy that it is repeated by Matthew: This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, âOut of Egypt I called my son.â (Matthew 2:13-15).Â
As stated earlier the Critical Jubilee Year that God established in the Wilderness for the Nation of Israel, and recorded in the book of Leviticus was a measurement of obedience to God’s laws of return, restoration and forgiveness. Because the nation of ancient Israel disobeyed this command for the approximately 500 years of its existence or 10 Jubilees God punished the nation with destruction and exile for a length of 70 years or 7 times 10. This also fulfilled God’s Promise in Leviticus that Israel would suffer 7 times the penalty as a reminder of their gross disobedience. God KEEPS His Promises- Good or Bad, Blessings or Curses. And He will keep them all including those related to the world and to those who do not fear Him nor Receive His Gift of Forgiveness through the Sacrifice He provided: His own Son – Jesus Christ.
The Jubilee Year was intended as a time for Return and Restoration- a picture of Redemption. Land would be returned to the original owners and all debts would be forgiven. Land would also be left fallow and the people would learn to depend on God for survival. The year was very unique in that it would begin on the Day of Atonement and not on Rosh Hashanah as did every other year. So what would happen to the 10 days between this New Year Day and the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur? Those 10 days were just NOT COUNTED. So every 50 years 10 days would not be counted—this alloted for physical corrections in the rotation of earth around the sun to keep the seasons in tune with the 360 day year and leap years. But it another more significant Spiritual meaning. It would signify that Jubilee was a Very Special Year in which Time was Not Counted Just as it is NOT COUNTED IN HEAVEN. It connected the Jubilee of Restoration & Return to God’s thrown room where time was Not Counted and Where everyone must go for judgment or restoration. Everything Returns to God in the end. All of this is in my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown
This 50-year period message should not confuse people. His message simply has a time-capsule attached to it that allows some generations to be impacted more than others. This motivates others to forwarn others and to teach the Truth. I believe that even today God is revealing multi-layers of truth including the very fact that both signs and prophecies may be misinterpreted by those in high positions of authority. These authorities include both pastors and so-called prophecy experts. Tradition tries to protect its own turf and draws the wagons around cherished concepts. God, however, is in the business of revelation and transformation and is not stuck in tradition, agendas, budgets, and the status quo.
Usually when God fulfills Prophecy, He shakes the nations and, in the process, He builds new nations. In other situations, he rebuilds and strengthens a nation as He has recently done with both Israel and America. Both recovered and grew their economies after the formation of the Jewish nation in 1948. Now we are both in semi-lockdowns and Israel is asking all tourists to leave right before Easter and refusing to let any more enter for the annual celebration. We are allies in God’s war against evil and we are both at war with an invisible enemy.
Do you think God is also trying to get the attention of both the orthodox and the secular Jew who now have a life-challenging thing in common? Is this tiny unknown force generating enough uncertainty that people will look to God for answers? I believe that God is trying to get the attention of every soul and spirit in the World and shaking them by the collar. He says, âWake Up! Know me, confess and repent before time runs out….Time-times-half-a-time is approaching- (read the Prophetic Book of Daniel to understand its significance), so get your heart and mind in order and restudy all the prophetic books including Daniel.âÂ
God most likely wants people to seek Him with all their heart, mind, and soul. In doing this he allows epidemics like the Spanish Flu of 2018-19 to come at the heal of WWI and infect 1/3 of worldâs population. Fifty million of them died making it the deadliest period in history, yet it seems to be just a speck in the memory bank of time. Only God knows how it affected history. Maybe it delayed another world war or slowed the world down enough to generate revivals in England and elsewhere.Â
God is also motivating people to study the Bible and prophecy as they point others to Him. It is unfortunate that there are some leaders who discourage this study of prophecy thus squelching the power of the Holy Spirit in oneâs life. They do not seem to understand that God grants the believer the gift of prophecy, teaching and evangelism.
The world has gotten too busy and preoccupied with the pursuit of wealth, power, beauty and other vanities that has affected the clergy and leadership. Maybe God has purposed to slow things down with this corona pandemic. God knows that this isolation experience is teaching us multi-generational living, home schooling or university level online learning that may undermine the power of Academia, and help us cook more,  grow a garden, repair our homes and practice many other crafts, concepts and arts. Part of the worldâs sin was a rebellion of the heart which was sexualizing everything and glorifying the world instead of God. By separating people God is helping them to establish new habits such as book reading and to rethink life for themselves. Each has been given a new start and a new opportunity for change. God will now hold each person accountable. God is eager to see us get back to the basics, to the family, and to worshipping Him.
The Lord placed this on my heart to share with you:
“The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom.” Ps. 111:10 The first verse that reached my heart as a new believer was: “Trust in the Lord with all Your Heart and Lean Not on Your Own Understanding; Acknowledge Him in All that you do; and He will make YOUR PATH straight. Be Not Wise in Your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil…..” God was merciful as he led me off smoking, drugs and every kind of bad thinking that one could imagine. He is patient and loves you. However, God warns us, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” So, what kind of weather, or storm or contagion must God send to awaken you or awaken a sleeping world to the imminence of His coming judgment?
What seems easy to do: 1) For a company even a Christian radio station to take advertising money from unethical sources or sources that do not live up to their promises 2) For a church to market for âsoulsâ using heavy sugar treats such as marshmallow Easter chicks without regard for anyoneâs health. 3) For the average person with convictions to compromise and buy goods from companies that represent opposition to everything one believes in (AT&T who owns CNN or buying from Amazon even though Bezos supports abortion & other very liberal agendas) 4) To play it safe and not stand up for what is right such as the Gospel message and being salt and light to the world. 5) To be sucked in by fear or doubt when trials come. 6) To believe everything you hear even though your logic and common sense (along with Holy Spirit) are trying to tell you it is a lieâfor instance the theory of evolution & the “theologians” that say the Book of Revelation is just symbolic. 7) To depend on your experience, failures, and strengths to solve all your problems and not on God and prayer & 8) Let the world system of finances, sex, beauty and comfort consume you with your daily thoughts leaving little time to Glorify God and seek His Heart.
Jeremiah the prophet said, “For thus says the Lord God of Israel to me: ‘Take this wine cup of fury from My hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I sent you, to drink it. And they will drink and stagger and go mad because of the sword that I will send among them.’ Then I took the cup from the Lord’s hand and made all the nations drink Jer. 25:15-17. Is there a universal insanity among the nations–a love for Iran and Islam- and a catering to the rebellion of Roman’s Chapter 1?
Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches; but let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight” says the Lord. Jeremiah 9:23-24. God is straining the world of its sin and rebellion. Every system that represents the world system is being tested. He has even shut down the tabloid late-night talk shows and the mighty towers to mammon at Las Vegas. The movie industry will lose 11 billion dollars according to the author of “Feeding the Dragon.” Fantasy-lands are hurting too with all theme parks closed and game-shops shut down.
The wisdom of the world is accusatory, cunning, brash, high-minded, and often cynical. God-given wisdom is pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, gentle, full of mercy, reverent, meek and shows faith and a desire to help others. Isaiah warns, “Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes”…For this wisdom will perish and bring destruction. Jeremiah warns that God declares that “My people are fools; they do not know me. They are senseless children; they have no understanding. They are skilled in doing evil.â Jer. 4:22.
God hates idol worship, child sacrifice, the unnatural and natural emphasis on sex, the pursuit of money and power, and the destruction of the innocent. Jesus called Satan, the “prince of this world.” The Bible calls him the god of this age who has blinded the unbeliever – but can also blind and discourage the believer.
Is this earth-shaking event a means of testing has come as a foreshadowing of things to come and a preparation for His return? Is it a mistake to think that this is just another biological blimp in history? Is Its timing, its name (corona meaning “crown”), where it came from (China-the dragon nation), the fact that it has severely affected most of earth including Iran the symbolic enemy of Israel, and the truth that it is an invisible force, give us a significant Biblical prophetic message?. Did God give us a warning of this? Did it begin with sign of Revelation 12? Is this why God called me to write Cosmic Crossroad Countdown when I had never written a book before and yet was so inspired and motivated that He had me writing through the night? In processing the information related to the Sign it was my conclusion that God is and was warning us of an “invisible” force or enemy that would affect the earth and America. Is God telling you something? Will you be ready for his return? What if this is just the 1st wave? Do you realize that almost exactly 100 years after the Spanish flu of 1917-18 the Great Sign of the Woman from Rev. 12 occurred? That 1917 flu came in 3 mighty waves of contagion. Are we ready?
Here is what the church needs to know: 1) Israel and the United States are connected in history and in prophecy. 2) The fact that Truman played a key part in Israel becoming a nation in 48 and Trump gave the status of Jerusalem a legal stamp of approval in 2017 – finalizing it in 2018, links us together in a very powerful & prophetic way 3) Israel was not delivered while their nation sat watching the sun rise and set but were delivered from death at the hands of a a pursuing Pharoah. Likewise the church will not be delivered while it sits in front of T.V. wating for the favorite football team to score. 4) God will test the church and the world so that they will have a chance to see their sin and to confess and repent. Evil has been held back, gambling has been shut down even the bingo parlors, bars and strip joints are closed, the fools and the liars are being exposed, the massive arenas for idol worship are closed, Hollywood,fantasy themeparks and computer game parlors are closed, and the big ego tabloid late night shows are quiet. The church did not do this, a tiny invisible force did it! The virus is the smallest of all God’s creations and it has wrecked havoc throughout the world’s powers. 5) Pastors do not want to talk about this. They are not interested in warnings and linking our potential path to the path that Israel had to go through to reach the Promised Land. After Israel was delivered it still had to be cleansed and purified. They were not ready to enter the promised land because of their idol worship and lack of real faith in their God and Savior.
The church will be only be strenghtened as it is guided by God’s hand and tested during a time of tribulation- but not the Great Tribulation. The church will only be “raptured” after this time of testing which was signaled by the Revelation 12:1-4 Sign and message. This is not a popular message for it does not raise money nor draw many sympathetic hearts and minds. But it has to be done. “And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.” Read the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown and understand why and how God gave us the “Great Sign” as stated in Revelation.
If we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. Jesus also said, “He who follows me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.” We are being challenged to gather in worship in small groups like the early church. Idol worship is being eliminated….God is trying to grow the church before the rapture.
God is preparing the church for the rapture. This has been a life threatening, budget stretching challenge for many people. Lots of people waste money on sports, gambling, drinking, music that has a bad message, a worthless education, and sensual or fantasy playlands and entertainment including movies. This also includes all the darker vices, horror and witchcraft. Suicide and drug addiction rates are evidence of this evil elixir for the soul. Many people in the church have been contaminated by this spiritual virus and need to be healed and purified like dross in order to develope a True Heart. There has been too much distraction coming from this dark world system that has taken us away from Bible study, worship, prayer and time with the Lord. People would rather watch football or other sport than attend a prayer service, or fail to go to church altogether in order to do Sunday sports.
Why teach our kids to worship sport heroes and a world system of music and the arts? Why send our kids to universities that draw them away from the Truth of the Bible and from a relationship with God? Why do we spend so much time watching secular TV, movies, and theatre? When you need help or seek answers do you go to God? There is as much divorce in the church as outside. Something really BIG is wrong with bad agendas, the self-serving preaching and the marketing in churches. Why do we market the church with sugar & sweets that harm the body? This sounds trite but it is symptomatic of the ignorance of the both the Elders & the Pastor. Why don’t we market God by sharing the Gospel? We are to Glorify God in all that we do.
If we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. Jesus also said, “He who follows me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.” We are being challenged to gather in worship in small groups like the early church. AS explained in this explanation, Idol worship is being eliminated. Is God trying to grow the church before the rapture?
In the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Fig Tree & the Prophetic Generation, God may have opened a door or vial at the revelation of the “Great Sign of the Woman” on Sept. 23, 2017. The book explains that unlike the Bethlehem star this Great Sign as stated by God is a Supernatural Sign. It is related not to a physical birth but to a birthing or release of Supernatural powers that are affecting the nations may have: 1) intensified rebellion ( a rebellion which is described in Romans 1 as being witchcraft- perversion/ homosexuality/ transgenerism), 2) intensified a false-Christ deception through false teaching and deception cults, 3) intensified a persecution of the saints, 4) and increased the intensity and number of the birth pains related to the fire, earth, air, and water (extreme weather, earthquakes, locust infestation, epidemics and pandemics, and firestorms.)
Is God allowing the testing of the church to strengthen it for a period of seven years which will also act as a foreshadowing of the 7-year tribulation that will commence immediately afterwards? This would be somewhere near 2024. Ironically 2024 will be the year of the Dragon in China. If this is true then I would surmise that this virus will disappear only to reappear months or a few years later.
In Zechariah it is explained that God sends Chariots North and South: the Black and White that go North give rest to God’s Spirit in the North (Northern Hemisphere—which has always benefited more from the mercies of natural continental design & weather and thus more growth and development) and the Grey which goes South. All 3 wander throughout the earth in their respective hemisphere. The Red Horse stays in Israel where war will eventually take place. Are we seeing the fulfillment of this movement of the Spirit – both God’s Spirit and the spiritual powers of darkness preparing the earth for a coming future judgment or the 7th week of Daniel?
CHINA IS A BAD ACTOR and All I can say right now is that if I were China I would be thinking, ” this has been such an easy way to take down America and the world with a simple virus like we did with a SARS epidemic, swine flu and now the perfect Coronavirus”..Yes,” we have taken down the world’s Mightiest country without firing a shot.”
This is what you call asymmetrical Warfare you hit your enemy so abstractly that they don’t have a clue that you intended this all along and you can actually win the hearts and Minds of the victims by buying off the media or by prepping them with lies and material goods …and then the next stage is to literally buy out properties and companies that have been weakened by the asymmetrical War. This is their opportunity to steal more secrets and like a parasite feed off the intellectual property and prosperity until the final kill stroke. China is not stupid.
Our media which thinks it represents the heart of globalization and the unity of all the spirits of the world is willing to attack our own administration at every chance and to support the enemy- China that wants to destroy us… how stupid can the public be if they put up with this strangulation by the tabloid media. CNN, MSNBC etc. are acting as subversive traitors 2 the integrity and survival of our nation. God help us all and the irony is that God is helping us by allowing the coronavirus to shut down our idol worship in sports, music and Hollywood entertainment… God is also squelching Academia and the liberal school system that is deceiving our children. The corona virus has even trumped the gay pride movement! It has closed down bars, abortion clinics, strip joints, porno studios, and casinos! So God can use natural disasters and even evil intents for His good. We are at the verge of massive new beginnings. This and more is explained in the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown.
Faced with an existential threat, Europeans far from joining together to confront the pandemic as a unified bloc, instinctively are returning to pursuing the national interest. The Liberal Media, Tabloid papers and most EU Leaders, after years of criticizing U.S. President Donald J. Trump for pushing an “America First” policy, are reverting to the very nationalism they have publicly claimed to despise.
Recently, EU member states have closed their borders, banned exports of critical supplies and withheld humanitarian aid. The European Central Bank, the guarantor of the European single currency, has treated with unparalleled disdain the eurozone’s third-largest economy, Italy, in its singular hour of need. The member states worst affected by the pandemic — Italy and Spain — have been left by the other member states to fend for themselves. In fact it looks like we may have to go to their aid. Ironically Italy has already had Russian aid come to its worst area Milan. One huge institution is suggesting that micro-chips be placed in people who have already had the disease in order to monitor them to see if it can still be contagious.
Out of this pandemic may come a charismatic leader-savior who will re-link and solidify the EU. All of this fits into a pattern of the warnings given by Jesus in Matthew chapter 25 which is one of key passages in the Book: Cosmic Crossroad Countdown. As stated before I believe that God is trying to get the attention of every soul and spirit in the World and shaking them by the collar. He says, âWake Up! Know me, confess and repent before time runs out….Time-times-half-a-time is approaching- (read the Prophetic Book of Daniel to understand its significance), so get your heart and mind in order and restudy all the prophetic books including Daniel.â God most likely wants people to seek Him with all their heart, mind, and soul. This message relates to my recent book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown which explains how the 3 most misunderstood books in the Bible (Genesis, Daniel & Revelation) are linked to give us a warning for today. The book explains the importance of the 2017 Solar Eclipse and a much more important Sign that warned us of an “invisible” attack to come.
We are getting a preview of the future when Prophecy and the book of Revelation will unfold: 1) Coronavirus is becoming a pandemic scare even crippling communist China & Iran’s Holy city. 2) A multi-continent locust infestation and swarming is on the move and will erupt at a greater scale this coming Spring season. 3) Global warming has become a worldwide scare. 4) Transgenderism and other perversion has contaminated most world populations 5) The hate for the Police, authority, and the Trump administration is strangely similar to bully kids on a playground and the hypocrisy.of the alphabet media has an “anti-Christ” mentality or spirit. They are stoling Rebellion even in the face of Covid 19 virus. They are a reflection of Antifa. 6) What is happening to Christians is happening to Israel, in terms of persecution all over world. Some have said more Christians have been killed this century than ever in history. 7) The fires are a preview of the burning of 1/3rd of earths grass and forests and the locust infestations are signs of pestilence. 8) Vaping, illegal drugs, and opioids are killing millions even in the bread basket and Smallville America. 9) Suicide and mental disorders or brain diseases are on the rise in most age groups. Suicide is the 2nd highest cause of death among those from teen-35. 10) Lying and corruptionhas become an art and common place in our media. Creative lying is at a peak. Gambling, pornography, narcissism, slothfulness and other social ills are growing rapidly. 11) Killing of babies continues to grow around the world. We are seeing crazy new laws being passed permitting murder of babies. These are some of the signs of the coming Seal judgments that God will soon unfold. He has sent these signs to forewarn us. Read about the big sign that started it all in my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown
As an American do you feel that the average person in your circle has a healthy diet? Do you believe that we need to focus more on nutrition and overall body health? Have you been given a nutrition evaluation or had any nutritional education? Is your body morphology outside what is considered healthy? How is your breath or waistline? Do your gums bleed? Have you put off dental treatment because of cost or fear? Are sugar and fructose to blame?
These questions need to be confronted. Why? Because many people have been given bad information or have a health or dental condition that will catch up with them. Sugar is very good at attacking every part of the body and it begins in the mouth. The mouth acts like a barometer providing evidence of unhealthy conditions, and therefore has been the focus of many extensive studies. We now know that the health of the mouth is key to the health of the body. Many hospitals and doctors now require a clearance from a dentist concerning the condition of the gums. Why? Because gum disease has been linked to infections of joints, heart vessels and other organs. This is one reason why my new book is called Dentistry Xposed.
In 1984, Marlan Mattox invited me on his radio show where I was able to share on the dangers of sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup. I explained that in the mid 70’s, Nixon had instituted a program to decrease the cost of food. Fructose corn syrup was so cheap it became an instant solution. At the same time the sugar cartel was using research to convince people that it was fat not sugar that was causing heart disease and other problems. Fats were then removed, and to keep food tasty, it became convenient to add the HFCS. This magnified all our problems since it goes directly to the liver.
Now a top Endocrinologist, Dr. Lustig who often teaches medical students, warns about the long-term effects of HFCS on our body. He describes how HSFC forms destructive end-products called AGE’s in the liver. AGE’s also happens when we over-heat foods and sear them causing the unnatural fusion of proteins, lipids (fats) or sugars. These end-products harm the liver & can lodge in capillaries and then affect the brain, eyes, hearing and other organs. AGE’s stands for Accumulated Glycation End-Products and is likened to poison. What is scary is that HFCS has the ability to quickly establish addictions. Dopamine in the brain is released and leptins which stimulate the sensation of being full are suppressed. It is the perfect sugar or molecule to draw people into addictive behavior.
Since 80âs the nation has developed the largest per capita ratio of diabetic patients in what is called the âFirst Worldâ of economies. Despite all our high technology and massive expenditures in healthcare, we do not compare well with little Finland. After sixty-one years of research among its entire population, Finland knows the value of a simple sugar that fights bacteria and does not harm the liver, pancreas, heart, teeth or other tissue. This sugar, called xylitol, is found in fruit and vegetables and is even produced in our bodies and stored in the mitochondria of our cells. Finland gave it to their kids in WWII when the Naziâs blocked the import of sugar. Twenty years later they found that these grown-up kids had no tooth decay and little history of disease. Unfortunately, xylitol was introduced into our nation while High Fructose Corn Syrup was being promoted by both the politicians and the economists. Because xylitol was more expensive and came from abroad, the policy makers immediately nixed its promotion and use in our food supply. Xylitol was suppressed even though many doctors and scientists knew it had healing powers.
Americaâs sugar, HFCS, worked its way into almost every kind of processed food including pretzels, sports drinks, canned foods, jams, lunch meats, cereals, junk munchies, yogurt, juices and candies. This Halloween, the sugar industry made and delivered about 2.4 billion dollarsâ worth of candies and other sweet products to the mouths of our children and eager adults. Unlike the 6-carbon sugar fructose, 5-carbon xylitol protects the colon from the yeast Candida, soothes the colon lining with butyrate, and prevents constipation; all of which prevents colon cancer. Studies going back 61 years shows that xylitol prevents tooth decay and stimulates the flow of saliva which counters dry mouth. In comparison HFSC causes obesity, diabetes, fatty liver disease, neurodegenerative diseases & other chronic problems. This has been Americaâs worst health mistake. Unfortunately, xylitol is now primarily produced in China from corn cobs. Instead of building a xylitol industry in our country and promoting food-medicines, our leaders chose to create high fructose factories which have slowly poisoned the population. While Europe and Asia kept fat in foods and learned to use xylitol, we have been taught to love donuts and other super-sweet treats.
There is hope, however. Even though we have put ourselves and our loved ones under harmâs way, we can still affect change. There is Great Reward in breaking food, alcohol, and drug addictions. It takes education and awareness. This is one very good reason for this book. There is nothing wrong with a desert during a meal, however, when we stoke-up-the-body with excessive calories to satisfy a deep desire, then we have encroached upon the true meaning of gluttony. Dentistry Xposed goes into detail about other falsehoods and misunderstandings. Our system is manufacturing disease with over 500 drugs and medications that cause dry mouth. Dry mouth is one of the major causes of gum disease or tooth decay and the formation of bacterial plaques which release tissue destroying enzymes into our blood stream or lungs. This affects organs such as the heart, pancreas and brain along with the health of the fetus. Other areas of falsehoods and myths revolve around the care of teeth and gums and how they are treated. Billions are made by scamming people with unneeded deep cleanings and poor crowns.
The solution can be as simple as maintaining a non-acidic saliva with the use of xylitol mints. Much of the battle is Mental & Spiritual and requires a pro-active solution with good support, teaching & restoration. Like smoking there is more than a chemical stimulation involved. Sitting in front of a TV is part of the reward system that motivates us to move the arms, fingers and mouth closer to the poisons. Stop rewarding yourself, your kids and others with sugar and learn to use good substitutes like safe natural foods or xylitol. For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light
Sincerely Yours, Peter Hofmann
DDS, GO TO:, 972-960-1913, 15615 Coit Rd.
Ste.107 Dallas, Tex. 75248
you up to the task? For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.
Learn how to fight the battle in a better way that will save your health. Read my new book: Dentistry Xposed: Protecting you, Your Smile, and Your Wallet.
The deep state is talked about quite a bit. But it is much deeper than most of us realize, so deep that the Word of God refers to it as the âsecret powerâ. It is so effective that it is hiding in plain sight in many of our cherished sites. We have ex-CIA, FBI, NSA and others who are part of it including its cover up. Many are connected to sinister organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the secret societies of old, the cults, and religions that are backed by the anti-christ.  In fact, the deep-deep state is controlled by Satan and his minions which is called the principality of evil. Note the word principality implies government, power & leadership.
There are many layers to the dark forces that are set up against the Christian church and Jewish government or policy. These are not just the basic enemies such as China, Russia, and Iran but include a complete network of underground forces connected to these and other sinister enemies of the state. Â
These include
Ancient religions such as Hindi and Islam and many of Babylonian extensions
The secret societies: Rosicrucianâs, Rothchildâs, and the various sects, guilds, masons
The cults which include Mormons and JWâs along with Satanism
The violent anti-government movements which include Nazism, Antifa, radical-Socialism and other anarchists.
Social and event philosophies including Farrakhan’s form of Islam, BLM movement, Feminist’s movement, the Burning Man celebrations
The false-christs which include the false church and other anti-Jew borderline churches
Witchcraft and other divine arts
2 Thess. 2:6-8 âAnd now you know what is holding him (the Anti-Christ) back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and by the splendor of his coming.â
Many have heard about the ISIS destruction of the temple to BAAL worship in Palmyra, Syria. And most know that some enterprising person did 3-D imaging of the Arch before it was destroyed. That Arch or gate was then reconstructed using 3-D printing and moved to Londonâs Trafalgar Square.  And it was no coincidence that London at that time was considered the worldâs center of banking. It was said to have opened on the âday of Fireâ or Baal fires on St. John’s Eve, which is a relic of ancient Baal worship. The identity between the celebration of the pagan rite of old with children passing through the fire (child sacrifice) and of the modern are is too obvious to be doubtedâ¦and the tradition is celebrated in many regions such as Scotland and Norway.  Then it was moved to New York where it again was celebrated by elitists as it was resurrected in a park near to the UN. What most do not know is that it was next moved to Dubai for the Future Foundation and UNESCO along with a large international business conference. This is no coincidence nor where it was moved to next; for the G8 conference in Florence, Italy.
All of this and much more is happening in plain site yet not
reported on for commented on. So what is
happening? As I reported earlier this is
all part of the secret powers that are now free to affect world events as they
conjoin with leaders around the world.
The Jezebel spirit has been released and it is affecting even the church
as it did in Rev. 2. God warned us of
this shift in Revelation 12, the âGreat Signâ that appeared on Sept 28th,
2017 as explained and described in the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown.
In Revelation 12:1-4 God gave us a “Great Sign” for a reason. This reason I believe is that He has removed part of His protection—the “wings” so to speak that had been held over our country. I do believe that He is still blessing us, but a “spirit of Jezebel” like that mentioned in Revelation 2, has been released. AS Johnathan Cahn so aptly illustrated in his book The Paradigm, (and in my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown in regards to the Wheels of Time) history is repeating itself especially related to the period in time in Israel where Ahab and Jezebel ruled—specifically when Jezebel ruled for 32 years in various forms of power paralleling Hillary. Well this Spirit has come in a greater form as if it was birthed by Hillary and announced by the Sign mentioned: 1) We see abortion celebrated more than every before by a governor and other leaders. It has reached the point of infanticide and partial birth abortion. Child sacrifice was a center-point of Baal worship has been embraced publicly and loudly by many leaders and power brokers.
2) We a rise in witchcraft and the celebration of it politically and in the media: just this last week there was a featured local story of a father who was proud because his 12 yr-old daughter had special spiritual ability in reading palms with a desire to read tarot cards for anyone who wished to pay for the service- like a lemonade stand. This was our local media promoting this!
3) Power and Celebration of Feminism and rebellion against authority has been a big part of this spiritual movement covering both a civil movement and as a sports-power movement. There is rancorous yelling and an emasculation of men over time—-which I believe has helped to seed transgenderism. This has also bred the concept of removing the “he or him” pronouns from the Bible or worship in some churches or denominations.
4) Perversion and Pornography which also celebrate the flesh and destruction of authority, integrity, and virtue in all—-especially men and boys: boys as young as 8 are being exposed to pornography.
5) Increased celebration of horror and fantasy which are all part of this mental brainwashing
6) Revisionism and violent Protest against Christianity/the Police/ Trump are all part of the Rebellion discussed by Jesus in Matthew 24. Antifa is part of this spirit of Jezebel which is trying to undermine the foundation of our nation.
7) Fear among both leaders such as Republican Congressmen and women, and among pastors to stand up against this apostasy. This also happened to Elijah when he fled from Jezebel. We must recognize this for what it is and pray! The Bible says “Be Alert and of Sound Mind so that you can pray!” it does not say so that you can hunker down or run or flee… this spirit needs to stopped with the true Spirit of the Lord.
Another good possibility is that this spirit of jezebel is also being released throughout the world, but since America is the new empire designed to push forward Prophecy and the nation of Israel and which is related to both ancient Babylon and Persia- we will feel the spirit moving much more deliberately in politics and into the church.
God is testing us, Amen!
Here is a summary:
The 7 aspects of the Jezebel spirit which has been unleashed in America—the âpandora boxâ that was forewarned in Revelation 12 â the Sign of the Woman with the mystery revealed in the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Fig Tree & the Prophetic Generation.
The Queen killer who killed her own children and anyone who got in her way—jealousy is the key and we see this rise within families, Congress, and leaders of every kind. Note jealousy was the main sin affecting leaders throughout the Bible: from Cain to Esau, Josephâs brothers to the many of brothers of Kings in Israel, and from Ishmael to Mosesâ sister in the wilderness.
Baal worship and the killing or sacrifice of babies to the point of partial birth abortion and execution outside of the womb= infanticide
The Queen reigning over the King or emasculation of men throughout the country in the form of the feminist movement and the empowerment of transsexuality and homosexuality
Rebellion-Antifa and rejection of all authority: Jezebel rebelled against God and against Judah putting her Canaanite-Phonetician religion above the God of Israel.
Jezebel worship was one of supernatural fertility gods and goddesses including bloodletting which is all reflected in our fantasy-horror movies of blood-sex-and imitation gods.
Finally Fear of Jezebel which is undermining even the Republican Congress, the church and its leaders.
The world watches as the Empire is being
threatened from within. Only Trump or
Jehu stood up against this jezebel woman or spirit. Just as Elijah ran from Jezebel even the
church and its leaders are in fear. Only
Jehu who was impetuous, brazen, unpredictable and relentless was able to defeat
her. But the spirit of Jezebel continues
as shown in Revelation chapter 2 when Jesus speaks about the spirit affecting
the church of Thyatiraâ¦a woman Jezebel who teaches and deceives believers to
commit sexual immorality and worship idols.
It has now come to America and we are fulfilling the Prophecy of
Revelation 12.
Urgency America: Cosmic Crossroad Countdown was a ground breaking book that challenged conventional logic and weak thinking concerning the Spiritual world. Dentistry Xposed challenges conventional thinking in the physical world of Health science and health care. It will save you time, money, and your life.
Dr. Peter Hofmann believes the path to good health begins in the mouth. What goes on in the mouth affects the whole body and your quality of life. Three of the deadliest diseases originate in the mouth. However, there is a âmiracle moleculeâ found in our own mitochondria and in some fruit and vegetables that can prevent tooth decay, stop congestion, heal a sore throat or dry cough, and protect the gut from constipation and cancer. And so he asks: “Why have we not heard about this and other discoveries that I will present in this book?”
He introduces a process that destroys deep decay without the need for a drill or needle, a saliva test that measures the effect of over 300 drugs on your body, a zinc compound that reduces plaque while improving taste and mouth odor, and a super-soft toothbrush that is stronger, safer and more effective than any other. He uncovers the dangers of Apple Cider Vinegar, Stress and Sleep Apnea, and reveals an amazing “silver bullet” that can save hopeless teeth. These are just a few of the issues and products that he shines a light on to lighten up your path to good health and wise choices.
Dentistry Xposed also uncovers the darker side of dentistry and various scams that have generated millions of dollars from unnecessary fillings, deep cleanings, crowns and root canals. As he states, “I could have increased my income over 10 times if I had scared my patients into replacing amalgam fillings with the much weaker white fillings and the much more expensive crowns. I might have redone those fillings 10 times or more in just the last 43 years of my practice. But I have a conscience. Old amalgams are not dangerous and I explain to my patients that medium to large sized white fillings in back teeth fail to support chewing in just a few years vs. amalgams which can easily last for centuries. You will see pics and learn about the significant dangers of both crowns and periodontal disease in this ground breaking book.”
This self-help fitness book exposes weaknesses in dentistry and in
our Top-Down healthcare and pharmaceutical industry. The public is often
confused by conflicting data, pharmaceutical bias, misinformed doctors, false
thinking, and media hype when it comes to vital areas of preventive care. This
book will inform and guide them into new habits and wiser decisions that will
preserve their health and their wallets. The book promotes many good
products and will draw the support of the American Dental Association, the
medical community and many companies.
The book uncovers falsehoods and myths and exposes scams and fraud
that have generated millions of dollars from unnecessary fillings, deep
cleanings, crowns and root canals. Why is the average income of general
dentists and hygienists much greater versus that of general physicians and
registered nurses? And why do prices for implants and other dental care
continue to go up? This information will draw the attention of many who have
felt shortchanged by the system.
Dr. Hofmann points out that the mouth is connected to the 3 major causes of death: heart attacks caused by sleep apnea, periodontal disease linked to enzymes that weaken the heart, and gram-negative pneumonia resulting from the inhalation of bacterial plaques. Sugar consumption is directly related to colon cancer and periodontal disease is linked to pancreatic cancer? Saliva testing can identify markers for drugs, cancer and DNA changes. A good mouth rinse, specialized toothbrush, and something as simple as a 5-carbon sugar called xylitol can protect you and save someone you love. The population of Finland has been using xylitol for over 80 years and they are some of the healthiest in the world. Recently it easily cured Dr. Hofmannâs Strep throat for which he had been taking penicillin yearly for over 40 years.
The book also explores 22 myths & 28 curious facts; one showing that mouth rinses with alcohol and essential oils are very good for the mouth despite some doctors saying it is not. It will wake America up! Another mind-boggling discovery that this book explains is a product that has been used in many 3rd world countries but was banned in America. This new chemical generates a âzombie-likeâ attack on deep decay destroying layers of bacteria in minutes without having to use a needle or drill. It uses nanoparticles of chemically treated silver to destroy bacteria as they consume one another. The question is why did the FDA ban it and why have we been left in the dark related to products like xylitol?
It could also be titled âHis Glory Revealedâ, as it shows Godâs Glory in both the âheavensâ and in the firmament and also in the supernatural realm of His Word. Illustrated in the center of the painting is theâburning bushâ where the God first spoke to Moses and said âI AM that I AMâ and told Moses to tell His people that âYahwehâ or âI AMâ sent him. Moses of course goes to his people in Egypt and delivers them through the âPassoverâ judgment which is illustrated on the lower right corner, with blood on the door posts and the swirling symbolizing the death angel. Coming from the Burning bush is the Angel of the Lord on the Right side stopping Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac. Highlighting the fact that this event is a foreshadowing of the sacrifice of Godâs own Son for our Sins, the whole image forms the face of the crucified Savior. On the left the Angel is announcing the birth of Jesus Christ: His name will be Emmanuel, God with us. In the manger the baby âJesusâ is the âimage of the invisible Godâ. Nearby in the shadow is Golgotha and the Cross upon which He bore and died for our sins. But radiating beyond this shadow is the Victory of His Resurrection for He has Risen! He has defeated death. Note that on the opposite corner is a door with blood on it, representing the Passover-the Sign given to Israel 1400 years earlier
FIRST the unfinished painting as God was directing me -titled: âSigns of His Majesty and Promiseâ …which was gifted by God as I started with the Abrahamic sacrifice on the right side and then realized it did not follow my earthly concept of time….but it did from the Jewish viewpoint which goes from the opposite direction —from the right to the left. Yes, this painting is for the Jew, so he or she may see the Promise in the landscape of the Torah.
An integral part of the Burning Bush is Time as it unravels in a 3 Dimensional way. This should remind us that time is âmeasuredâ on this earth and that many events in the Bible have both a natural and a supernatural dimension. For instance the 12 tribes camped out in the wilderness with 3 tribes lined up parallel to each of the outer walls of the tabernacle, would form a cross. From heaven the encamped tribe with its warming and cooking fires reflecting light off the tents would glow in the form of a giant Cross. This âcrossâ of course foreshadows the promised Victory that would bless all the nations of the world through the Abrahamic covenant. And that is why the âAbrahamic covenantâ is prominently portrayed next to Time. The Lord walked with a censor filled with fire between the sectioned animals making a Covenant of eternal consequence and promising Abraham that his seed would bless all nations. This âblood covenantâ (where 5 animals are sacrificed) would have created a pool and stream of blood that in my painting forms a cross. Abraham is seen in a sleeping trance just below, as God speaks to him and gives him a vision of the 400 years of Israelâs captivity. Within Time and the Burning Bush are Hebrew letters that tell us about the character of God and His Glory. The top stream says, âI Am Your All Sufficient Godâ or âI Am All Sufficientâ. Below that God tells us to âKnow Before Whom You Standâ , for God seeks a relationship with usâ¦and He is a Just and Merciful God. In the last line He comforts us with these words: âI AM WITH YOUâ. Notice that the clock is pictured from 9 am to 3 pm which is the time during which Jesus was crucified!
Permeating the entire painting are Messages or Signs in groups of 3: Godâs Creation (The Stars and Constellations) and both the Old and New Covenants reveal Godâs Promise and His Truth! From the 1st Adam (upper right with the Tree of Life) to the 2nd Adam, Jesus Christ, 3 covenants are portrayed (Adamic, Abrahamic, and Mosaic); three types of sacrifice are shown (corporate sacrifice as at the Tabernacle, Personal sacrifice as with Abraham and Isaac, and Godâs covenant sacrifice as with His Son; three major Celestial Signs are revealed: 1) in the Stars as with the Bethlehem Star 2) in the Shekinah Glory, and 3) in His Glorious Return in the Clouds. Three messages are illustrated: 1) the symbolic message of His Cross in natural events, 2) His Word through Time, and 3) the Scarlet Thread of blood in all the sacrifices. Of course we have other THREEâS: the Father (the Burning Bush), the Son (returning the Clouds), and the Holy Spirit (the Shekinah Glory). The Past, the Future (Jesus in the Clouds), and the Present are revealed (The WORD). There is also 3 earthly phenomena- the earthquake, fire, and wind. Birth, death, and resurrection along with energy, mass, and supernatural are also shown. The painting itself has 3 âlines or layersâ of 3 images. The first 3 smaller images below are the 1) Cross and the Resurrection, 2) the birth and the Annunciation, and 3) the Passover and the sacrifice. The next âlineâ has the nation of Israel encamped, the Burning Bush with the Eternal Clock, and the Angel stopping Abraham forming the face of Jesus Christ. The final line has the Shekinah Glory, the Lord Returning, and the Abrahamic Covenant. There are also 3 major Fires: the Fire of God on Mt. Sinai, the Fire consuming the sacrifice at the Tabernacle, and the Fire of the Burning Bush. There are also 3 sacrifices: Jesus on the Cross, Abrahamâs sacrifice, and the Ram shown as the propitiation of sins, which the Angel of the Lord points to.
Just as the rising sun radiates rays of light over the sea of Galilee and the Jordan river, the Son of God Coming in the Clouds radiates the Glory of God. All nations âwill see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with great Power and Gloryâ. But we can also see His Glory here on earth: in His Birth, He emptied Himself to take on human flesh; and humbled himself to the point of dying a criminals death on the cross. Christ reveals His Glory as the Bread of Life (in the window), the Living Water (flowing from the sun to the eternal clock), and the Light of Salvation radiating from the tomb etc.
Here is the Finished painting:
The explanation is below
And here is a follow up explanation of the painting and what it means: IT IS BEST TO VIEW FROM A DISTANCE TO CATCH THE FACE OF JESUS ON THE RIGHT.
As JESUS is born in a manger we are reminded of Godâs Promise throughout the Ages beginning in the Garden of Eden where God âs Creation provided a choice between Eternal Life with Him or the curse of sin and eternal life in darkness. On the horizon are the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and just below that is a tiny Abel making the 1st blood sacrifice, outside of the Garden. Years later, it is here as he is preparing the yearly blood sacrifice that Cain kills him in a jealous rage.
God then graciously shined His Light on Abraham whose faith was magnified by his Righteous life and willingness to sacrifice his only Son. Henceforth God establishes the Stage from which He brings forth His Son as Savior: He molds and guides a nation of people through the Burning Bush, The Passover, Mount Sinai, the Shekinah Glory, and a wandering in the desert encamped in a cross formation (all depicted in the painting). Then in the fullness of time highlighted by the Bethlehem star, the baby Jesus, and the âwise menâ seeking the KING, He prepares the Way to Redeem what was lost.
See if you can find the hidden âSigns of His Majesty and Promiseâ: 3 Celestial Wonders, 5 Crosses, & 7 Signs of His Promise (Jesus Christ). I was inspired to do this painting as a witness to the Jew, for it reveals in a profound way how God used events, designs, and faithful servants to reveal and âpaintâ an image of His Promise in their daily lives. How can they not see this? The Italian curator who helped judge my painting said that this conundrum is reflected by the âJESUSâ of this painting that is obvious to an informed eye, but which was missed even by the careful observation of all the other judges (in this small rendition it may not have the same affect -but look at the pic, and see if you can see it -I will reveal it at the end of this letter). You should see the LORD walking between the blood sacrifice of 3 cleaved mammals, a dove, and a pigeon; thus establishing a One-Way covenant while Abraham sleeps (called the Abrahamic Promise or Covenant). Below that is a poetic rendition of the Angel of God pointing to the Ram and stopping Abraham from sacrificing Isaac (who like Jesus carried his own wood for sacrifice and was âinnocentâ). Going clockwise we see the Passover blood covering the posts and lintel; the Burning Bush with infinite multi-dimensional Time streaked in blood (9am â 3pm -was the time that Jesus was on the cross) with the Hebrew inscriptions âI AM your All Sufficient Godâ, âKnow before Whom you standââ¦God said to Moses, and âI will be with you Alwaysâ. Another angel points to the future âbaby in a mangerâ who is to be our Savior and who will die in the âshadowâ of a cross, yet He will be Resurrected! Above we see the Cross formed by Israelâs 12 tribes (3 to the West, 3 to the North, 3 to the South, and 3 to the East of the Tabernacle) the configuration that God commanded. From within the Tabernacle the Shekinah Glory which protected Israel by night, (some say the Holy Spirit of the Old Testament) rises up beyond Mount Sinai and the Fire of God. In the center The âLord of Lordsâ returns in the clouds with His Saints; all nations âwill see the Son of Man coming in the clouds, with great power and gloryâ. There are also over 200 prophecies in the OT that Jesus Christ fulfilled, including Danielâs exact prediction of His Triumphal Entrance. Can you see Him for who He IS?
The final Jesus in the painting that all the judges failed to see is the âJESUSâ formed inside the burning bushâ¦.do you see Him?
God delivered the Israelite nation from the hand of Pharaoh and with a pillar of Cloud by day and a pillar of Fire by night He guided them across northern Sinai to the edge of the wilderness in Etham where they encamped. The next day they went south through a mighty gorge to Pi-Hahiroth (which means âmouth of the gorgeâ, on the Red Sea Exodus 14:2) . Here the Lord parted the deep waters (this large beach area exists today at Nuweiba) and after the 2-3 million Israelites crossed with their animals, God allowed the walls of water to crush the massive Egyptian army that had pursued them. Their chariot wheels and other parts have turned into coral reefs that also betray shapes of the long dissolved bones from men and horses. God delivered this nation of rebellious and ragged people over a course of 40 years in the wilderness.
The Israelites would eventually defeat all the nations around them, but would fall into rebellion again. God would allow them to go into captivity under the 3 great empires of prophecy: Babylon, Persia, and Greece. Then under the Pax Romana God would bring His Son, the Messiah, and fulfill over 300 prophecies. As promised, Jesus Christ was born from a virgin in Bethlehem of Davidâs lineage, lived in both Egypt and Nazareth, betrayed by a friend for 30 coins, hands pierced, reviled and spit upon, lots drawn for his clothes, and no bones broken, and then raised on the 3rd day. Just to have these few prophesies fulfilled by one person would be like finding one marked quarter among tight piles of quarters covering the entire state of Texas 3 feet deep!.
When Jesus Christ was crucified, then rose on the 3rd day. He broke the Curse of Sin and Death and opened the Door to heaven to any and all who believe in His Name. Jesus himself told us what His name is: Messiah, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Lamb of God, Redeemer, the Alpha and Omega, the Resurrection and the Life, Son of Man, the Living Water, the Light of the world, the Bread of Life. So we have no excuse: either Jesus lied about who he was or he was a lunatic? Otherwise Jesus Christ is indeed your Savior and Redeemer and we need to change and seek to know Him and worship Him. By the way His name is not Michael the Archangel as both Jehovah Witnesses and 7th Day Adventists believe. Nor is he the brother of Satan as Mormons believe. Satan who is fallen, and Michael, and Gabriel are Archangels and are not part of the Godhead, nor do they carry the authority of the Godhead. Jesus Christ is, however, fully God and fully man. John 3:16-18 âFor God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.â
By giving birth to Israel and taking them out of the darkness of Egypt, God was not only making preparations for the Law and its sacrificial system, but also for a powerful New Covenant of Grace. Prior to this every man did what he or she thought was right, for there was no law. Having eaten of the âtree of knowledge of good and evilâ mankind was worshipping idols and determining what was âgoodâ and what was âevilâ. God therefore created Israel to carry His standard and to be a witness to the world. Signs of this standard and witness would remain a mystery to both the Jew and Gentile throughout the Old Testament. Today we know that the power of the Cross is the power of God for salvation to all who believe in the Promised One, the Christ. The Cross is our witness. I dare say, however, that we have failed to give God the full measure of credit and Glory for His design in the wilderness, made to be a clear Sign to all in the past, present, and future? This Sign should be considered a more significant witness of the promise (of the Saviors death and victory on the Cross) than the sign of the serpent on the pole. This Sign was a light in the darkness of the wilderness and a foreshadowing of all that would happen to redeem man.
The sign of this promise, a witness to all, is so significant that I will discuss it in detail. God told Moses to arrange the 12 tribes in 4 groups of 3 around the tribe of Levite, which numbered 22,300 men. The Levites who were encamped around the outer court would prepare and perform the sacrifices, and maintain, transport, and erect the Tabernacle. The other tribes as described in Numbers 2 would be grouped around the tribes of Judah with a total of 186,500 men set to the East, Reubenâs group with 151,450 men set to the South, Ephraimâs group with 108,100 men set to the West, and finally Danâs group with 157, 600 men set to the North. The four cardinal compass points were used to align the tribes and banners. To place anyone or any tribe in between these cardinal points would have been unthinkable , yet this is what the traditional âsquareâ formation requires! Given Levitical attention to detail, whoever camped outside of the clear directions of East, South, West, and North (e.g., northwest, southeast) would be violating Godâs directional instructions (e.g., by being both north and west). The Tent of Meeting would face East where Judahâs group encamped- the longest leg of the four legged formation. Two almost equidistant arms would point North and South. The smallest group of three tribes led by Ephraim would be the short top of the cross. Since each man would have had an average of at least 3 children and a wife, the number of individuals not counting the animals would approximate 2.5 million.
These families would need to encamp in a way that would allow for efficient maneuverability because at any moment the Shekinah Glory would move to a new location and their command was to follow. As directed by God, the tribe of Judah would set out first, followed by the other members of their group. Behind them would march the southern group led by the tribe of Reuben. In the middle, the Levites would march, carrying the disassembled tabernacle and the Arc of the Covenant. Closing the rear was the western group of Ephraim and the northern group of Dan. Note that the process would flow easily if each tribe camped out in the order of departure as explained in the illustration on the last page.
Why the CROSS pattern:
1) Viewed from heaven the Cross formation would be a sign of Israelâs purpose and destiny, Godâs Glory in the midst of a dark wilderness. God had just delivered them from Pharaohâs army, now He makes the sign of a future deliverance. As stated earlier, the nation of Israel was created by God to usher in the Messiah and henceforth bring lasting Redemption to all who believe. Jesus Christ, the Lord, came to fulfill not only the Law given to the Israelites on Mount Sinai, but also to fulfill the Promise stated by Him to the Serpent in the Garden of Eden. It was on the Cross that this would be fulfilled. The âseed of the womanâ, is a very interesting phrase for it implies a supernatural virgin birth, since women only produce eggs. On the cross, Jesus Christ the âseed of the womanâ, defeats Satan while being âbruised on the heelâ by the serpent.
Starting with the Garden of Eden, God shed the blood of an innocent animal to clothe Adam and Eve. In the wilderness, God would require the blood of an unblemished animal as a sin offering for the nation that He created. It was by divine design that the encamped nation of Israelites formed a cross with the Tent of Meeting and ark in the very center. Here God would have fellowship with Moses and Aaron and then He would consume with Holy fire the sacrifice on the altar (Lev. 9:23) as the people watched in awe. This Day of Atonement foreshadows the sacrifice of Godâs innocent Son on the Cross and the âcoveringâ His death and Resurrection provides to anyone who places their trust in this Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.
2) As mentioned earlier this massive group of people was much more than an army. They were a nation of at least 2.5 million men, women, children, and the elderly. They came with all their possessions including animals. They also came with the gold and wealth of the Egyptians. Never in the history of mankind had a migration of this dimension happened. They were fleeing the worldâs largest army and heading into a vast wilderness with another army waiting to attack. The most efficient way to set up camp and break up camp was illustrated earlier. But what is even more significant is the military protection that the cross formation offered. At night the fires of each campsite would light up the horizon. A cross creates the largest profile from any direction and gives the enemy the impression that you are bigger than you really are.
3) The Cross formation of campsites also offers the ability to outflank the enemy from any direction. An attacking army would not have a strong point of attack and would have to fear being encircled by this expansive and fluid formation.
4) Often forgotten but probably one of the most important reasons for the Cross formation is logistics. It would allow for 4 separate yet distinct zones of safety to herd animals, maintain latrine services, exercise, and maneuver in case of an attack. Along each arm of the cross and around the ends fly type tents would allow rest and sleeping stations for scouts, couriers, and men who would herd the animals and escort women and children to latrine services. Each arm
is arranged in rows as illustrated which would allow for quick formation of forces. During a surprise attack panic can easily set in. Arranging rows of tents leading to 4 open areas provides maximum maneuverability for the assembly of the armed men. They could easily avoid the mistake that the Midianite coalition made as they encamped in the bowl of a ridge. In the haze of darkness the large and severely confined pagan armies were rousted by a small contingent of 300 Israelites blowing trumpets and breaking pots. In panic the Midianites and their allies killed each other, and God delivered the victory without a single loss to Gideonâs forces. A square formation would bottle up forces and cause mass logistical problems.
5) There are many applications that one can make from this study of the âCross in the Wildernessâ. If one carries the cross in todayâs wilderness, God will be with you. In the Words of Jesus, âWhosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow meâ.
Note that Jesus said this before He was crucified! If you do His will, He will bless you and deliver you out of the wilderness. In the giving of the Law He is the God that makes demands and in the Tabernacle He is the God that draws near and dwells with us. His demand is that we Trust and Obey him and the Reward is that He will Tabernacle in us and with us and provide for us as He leads us to victory and to His Promised land. The Cross makes us Holy and it separates us from darkness. But as Paul states in Philippians, 3:18, ânow [I] say again with tears, many live as enemies of the Cross of Christ.â Those enemies also came against the Israelites from within and without and they were defeated. Even this study and book will be viewed by many as foolishness, for the Word says: âfor the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who are saved it is the Power of God. For it is written: âI will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.â
The Cross is a teaching tool connecting the Law and the World to Jesus Christ. The Law reveals that we are sinners. The Law states GODâs standards and then demands His Justice. The Law is a tutor not a savior, the Law is a mirror not a cleanser, and the Law was given to be fulfilled by the Promised Savior, the Lamb of GOD. The only solution would be Forgiveness through a Subsitutionary Sacrifice. Therefore on the Day of Atonement two goats were chosen for the sin offering: one goat was sacrificed and another driven out into the wilderness. Again the picture here foreshadows the Cross of Calvary when Jesus Christ died for all sin, separating and erasing the sin in our heart while driving away even the guilt. His sacrifice cleanses the conscience so that those redeemed do not have to live under a cloud of guilt, fear, and condemnation again.
6) The Cross is the Power of GOD that binds everything. Because Christ dwells in us, we do not have to sacrifice an unblemished animal, nor do we have to build a Tabernacle. He is our Sacrifice and our Tabernacle and when we receive Him we are His Tabernacle willingly surrendered as a sacrifice unto Him. It may seem confusing but it all makes sense in Light of the Trinity, the Sanctification of the Believer, and the Unity of the Body of Christ. Through Faith we have Life. We are alive in Christ and dead to sin. To live is Christ, to die is gain. He has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the Law. In essence He became the Curse for us. In the process we have crossed over from death to life. The Cross is the link to the believing Jew: âFor he himself is our peace, who has made the two oneâ¦His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of two⦠and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the crossâ¦â Eph. 2:15-16. Before Jesus went to the Cross, He prayed to the Heavenly Father: âFather, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given himâ¦And now Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world beganâ John 17: 1,2, 5. Jesus Christ in this prayer is joining the Father to the Son, Heaven to earth, Jew and Gentile, the Creation of the Universe and original sin to the Promise of Eternal life as he prepares for his death on the cross.
We look vertically to heaven to pray and worship, but we serve and have fellowship here on earth. In the wilderness the Israelites ventured 40 years in a hostile and wild land, yet wherever they went they were led by the Shekinah Glory or the Cloud by Day, both of which came down from Heaven. Then the moment came when GOD, the Son, dwelt with us and according to Godâs Plan was lifted up on the cross- he died, was buried, and resurrected to defeat the curse of death. The Cross, first seen in the wilderness, becomes the Divine Path between heaven and earth. Godâs Divine Design is the Cross. Even the linen fibers that covered the veil and curtains of the Holy of Holies, and the Lamina, a fiber which holds our tissue together, are in the binding design of a cross. The âCross of the Wildernessâ and the Cross of Calvary are linked in every way.
7) The 7th and final reason why I believe that the Cross formation was an integral part of the Wilderness Exodus is the most enigmatic and, in a way, the most refreshing for those of us who want to understand Ezekielâs Vision and the Vision that John had in Revelation. As mentioned earlier the four legs of the cross were made up of four groups or divisions of tribes. Each of these divisions had a standard. The standard for the tribe of Judah and its group was the Lion and King. The standard for the division of Ephraim was the calf or servant. The standard for Reubenâs division was a man and finally the standard for the northern division of Dan was the Eagle or Heavenly Priest. These 4 standards are represented in the 4 Gospels: Matthew is characterized by lineage of Judah the Lion; Mark represents Jesus as the Servant; Luke the doctor presents Jesus as the God/Man; and John shows us Jesus as our Spiritual Priest.
These symbolic standards show up again in Ezekielâs vision of the four Living Creatures. The creatures had feet with soles like that of a calf, four wings, the hands of man, and each had four faces: the face of a lion, the face of man, the face of an ox, and the face of an eagle. What is especially interesting is how Ezekiel describes the energy emitting from these creatures with multi-directional faces. In Ezek. 1:13, he says, âtheir appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: it went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright.â Is this bright fire likened to the fire of the SHIKINAH GLORY? Is this image being reflected on earth by four faces on standards pointing East, South, West, and North? Is this in part what Jesus meant when He prayed, âthy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.â? Although made in Godâs image, the Israelites were far from perfect, yet they were being blessed by His supernatural presence and the fire of GOD. In Heaven as on earth there was and is a great multitude worshiping Him as they are being awed by His Glory.
John the Revelator also sees a vision. In Revelation 4:6-7, he writes, âAnd before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.â These supernatural âbeastsâ appear throughout Revelation as John observes the activities of the Throne Room. These beasts are Cherubim and they are Worshiping God, saying, âHoly, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.â (Rev.4:8). Revelation 4:9, 5:6, 5:8, 5:14, 6:1, 7:11, and 14:3, describe an awe inspiring scene, as the Lamb of God is presented before the Throne where ten thousand times ten thousand and a thousand thousands of angels, the 24 elders, and the 4 beasts worship GOD. As the tumultuous Praise ends, the four Cherubim pronounce an, âAmenâ and then each of these âbeastsâ beckons John to âcome and seeâ as each seal is opened, (Rev.6:1-7). Is John asked to come and see earth through the crystallized floor as the seals release their tribulation on the earth? Are they all watching even now? There is indication that God is indeed watching: Moses, David, Isaiah, and Solomon ask GOD to look down upon them (Deut. 26:15, Ps. 102:19, Isa. 63:15, and Lam. 3:50). What a sight the âCross of the Wildernessâ must have been from heavenâs view!
Is there something special about the number 4? It is a number used frequently in both Heaven and earth. The Trinity + us = 4. Our physical 3 dimensions + the supernatural = 4. In the prophecies we hear of the FOUR BEASTS and the FOUR METALS of the FOUR great civilizations. The Cross has 4 points and there are 4 Gospels. The tabernacle had four hide layers as its covering and four types of metal were used in the furnishings. Four is found throughout Creation: 4 seasons, 4 cardinal points of the compass, 4 lunar phases, 4 times of the day? Is 4 the number of Spiritual Unity in all Creation? There were 13 tribes yet only 4 divisions and 13 Apostles 4 of which wrote in Godâs Word (Peter, John, Paul, and Matthew). Godâs Divine name YHWH has four consonants. There were 4 horns on the altar, 4 tassels worn, 4 women mothered the 12 sons of Jacob, Numbers is the 4th book in the Torah, and 4 cups of wine are used in the Seder. In the New Testament we hear of the âfour winds of the earth,â and Jesus speaks of the FOUR kinds of soil, and FOUR responses. The word used for the number 4 in Hebrew means âdoorâ. Jesus Christ is the âDoorâ and He is the link between heaven & earth. We were created in His image to become partakers of His Divine nature & Word. Just like that spiritual door with four surfaces, Jesus embodies all of Creation and Heaven.
Four colors were used on the gate of the court, the door to the tabernacle and on the veil in the Holy of Holies. These colors were Purple, Scarlet, White, and Sky-blue. Purple is the color of Royalty and speaks of the Kingdom and the King. The Lion of Judah is Jesus Christ and He is the King of Kings. Scarlet is the color red and symbolizes the suffering Savior and His humble obedience in service and carrying out His mission to the Father. Both the Calf and Bullock rendered silent faithful service as they bore the sins of sacrifice and the weight of our burdens. Pure White symbolized the purity and sinless nature of the Man; Jesus Christ who was born of a Virgin and died on the Cross as our unblemished Sacrifice. The blue of the sky represents the Eagle and the Son of God who descended Heaven to provide a Way to Heaven for all who believe.
From heaven the tabernacle was both red and white. Although the outer layer was of the skin of the white Arabian Oryx, the next layer was a specifically dyed red ramâs skin. When skins are sewn together they stretch and harden under the sun and rain and separations occur between the patches. Therefore each layer was made to overlap the next layer. Viewed from above, red stripes would show through the white. The laver of water was made of polished bronze like a mirror reflecting the blue of the sky. Purple was made by mixing blue with red. When one sees blue next to red from a distance it always appears purple (that is why mountains appear purple on the horizon as the sun sets). The colors of the gates were blue, purple and red and would appear purplish from a distance and from above. As an artist painting in oils, this is how we give life to a landscape, by intermingling blues and reds to create blended purple hues.
-Thank you LORD for inspiring me and giving me this understanding of your Word, to You and You alone be the Glory, Amen and Amen. Peter Hofmann, & .com,
Psalm 34:7, the angel of the LORD encamps about them that fear him, and delivers them.
âAs surely as I live,â says the LORD, every knee shall bow before me; every tongue will confess to God, (Ro. 14:11)
I thank my friend, Angie, who has prayed for me throughout this effort and who upon reading the final draft said that this study gave her a new perspective on the Bible. It is always good to have a friend who digs deep into Godâs Word, is in constant prayer, and allows the Holy Spirit to lead her. After reading this study she went back and reread the Exodus account. She noticed a detail about the wording that I had not taken note of, and which had apparently escaped the logic of those scholars who have positioned the tribes side by side in illustrations. Moses describes the progression of the tribes in each group this way: the first two as being ânextâ to each other and when describing the position of the last tribe of the three he does not say that this last tribe is ânextâ to the first. No, he states, âthe last tribe is nextâ, which implies a progression: (Numbers 2: v.12), âThe tribe of Simeon will camp next to them (Reuben) â; and v. 14, âThe tribe of Gad will be nextâ. Moses does not say that they encamped âside by sideâ, nor âon the side of one anotherâ. The Living Bible in fact lays out the verses in a diagram style giving the âLocationâ in this manner: (Judah) East side of the Tabernacle â (Isaachar) Next to Judah â (Zebulum) Next to Issachar. Numbers 2:2b, in the RSV says, âThey shall encamp facing the tent of meeting on every side.â The inference here is that they were grouped in line, each group of 3 tribes forming an arm parallel to the four sides of the Tent of Meeting. Each arm would extend from where the Levites were encamped as shown below. This makes sense, for each group sets up their camp already in line to just march out behind the group in front of them. In setting out Judah leads followed by the rest of his group and then Reubenâs group followed by the Tent of Meeting and the Levites. Ephraimâs group is next along with Danâs group. In settling in for camp Judahâs group leads by marching in from the West and when exactly due East of the Tabernacle, itâs lead row would set up as the first row facing East followed by each successive row in line with Eastern side of the Tabernacle. Reubenâs group aligns itself with the South side of the Tabernacle, perpendicular to Judahâs group and with its front row encamping next to and parallel to the perimeter set up by the Levites. This is like a choreographed marching band forming into line and then breaking apart into a coordinated cross formation.
âThe process of setting out begins with: 1) Judah, and, 2) Reubenâs groups, followed by the 3) Levites with the Tabernacle and closing up the rear are 4) Ephraim and 5) Danâs groups
Note that as the four groups marched out in procession, God had them unravel the Cross from the East around to Danâs Northern group- which, by no coincidence, is the same way that the Hebrew mind is designed to read, write, and illustrate (for instance this is the pattern of the symbols in Chagallâs paintings). Also note the smaller âtentsâ on either side of the four Cross extensions. These represent a perimeter defense and a guard system. In these fly-like tents, which are open in three or four sides , are the young or single men who would help care for the animals, guide and protect people in the dark (who are seeking to relieve themselves or just exercise a walk), scout for wild animals and the enemy, hold general guard duty, and act as messengers.