Sin or Satan & What is Happening

Christ came into the world to save man from sin.  Sin is the transgression of the Law.  It pollutes and defiles everything it touches: 1)  It is also a defiance against God and shows severe ingratitude;  2) It is a scourge on man and cannot be removed just as a leopard cannot change its spots;  3)  It condemns  us to eternal death; 4)  God damns only the sinner and that is why He sent Jesus Christ to save us; 5)  God hates sin;  6) and the blood of Jesus Christ washes sin away.  If we trust in the Sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us, we will be saved from the penalty of sin.  We still sin but the penalty is gone- God does not count it against us. “All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God” and the “wages of Sin is death.” Without Jesus Christ we are destined to serve the law of sin and death.  But with Jesus Christ we are destined to eternal life with Him in Heaven.

The mind is desperately wicked  and Sin dominates the mind so that it is overpowered by evil.  The Bible confirms that evil dominates the will of the sinner.  It says that humanity loves darkness because our hearts are evil. Man is overpowered by evil.  It is a copout to blame it all on Satan, yet with weak theology many think “Satan made me do it.”  Satan does work in the life of the sinner, for Jesus said, “you are of your Father the Devil” to the Pharisees.  Sin brings unbelievers under easier control by Satan, but he cannot control the Christian nor is he omniscient. This may be why he focuses on the Anti-Christ, entering him, and controlling the world through him.

Jesus cast out demons many times but only once cast them into pigs so what happened to the others?  We do not know the extent of the division between the physical and the spirit—it could be that as a dislocated spirit they immediately stepped into God’s domain and are in essence no longer “on earth.” Paul saw 3 heavens, so they could be in a lower heaven until the time comes.  Sin is evil, but when the person invites Satan or demons or evil spirits to take part, I believe it moves to another level – but it is still volitional and therefore probably counted as sin.  Satan has no power over the believer but can temp us and therefore undermine our mission or image.  Yes, Satan rules the earth, but he is a false ruler not having a kingship and like an exiled ruler, he is positioned in heaven where he is limited in his freedom and power. He can accuse the Saints and can interact with God as he did in the case of Job.

The point is Revelation 12 has not been fulfilled completely – for the second part where the word “then” is used has not happened: Satan is cast out of heaven after the sign of Revelation 12 is fulfilled- but there is no indication that he has begun the Tribulation, nor begun a heavy persecution of Jews and Israel.  My book goes into detail to explain this, and Revelation states that there is a curse placed upon anyone who adds to the Book of Revelation.  God, however, has blessed me ever since I wrote this explanation of Revelation 12 and so I am totally 100% convinced what the lord gave me is true.  The completion of the Great Sign in Revelation 12 is much like the formation of the nation of Israel in 1947-48 and the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947.  Both of those completely changed our understanding of not only Prophecy but also the accuracy of Prophecy.  Likewise, SCIENCE PROVES that the Great Sign happened at a propitious moment in 2017 – where layers of Biblical and Scientific events overlapped to Glorify God.  Read the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown book series.

There are two reasons that are clear why Satan is not cast out yet.   Number one is the fact that the Word states that he knows his time is “short” and if you look throughout the scripture whenever the word short is used it does mean short and not 6000 years.  And number two Revelation is very clear that now Satan will be very “Furious” indicating that there is a heightened amount of evil about to happen upon Earth due to Satan and his angels.  This would also negate Satan being cast out around the time of the Garden of Eden because the Bible is very clear that it was man’s sin both in the garden and later at the flood, and if you go to you will see the rest of the story…. this is also discussed in my new book: COSMIC Crossroad Countdown the Invisible War and the Final Chapter.

Also, Satan was not cast out at the Cross.  Jesus did say that he saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven, but this does not have a time element related to us and because he is the Beginning and the End it could be future affirmation.  True, that once Jesus defeated Satan at the cross, Satan lost his power against Christians and those who trust in the Power of the Cross.  However, the statement related to “the accuser of the Saints” relates to the church which was formed after the Price Paid at the Cross.  Satan is still emboldened to weaken the Church and the believer and the World with its unbelievers.  We all need to understand this because we tend to take Satan for granted as if he is a totally toothless lion—when it is quite clear that when the “evil time comes” Satan will wreak havoc on the world as he persecutes what remains of Israel and the Church and puts the world under his control.


This is what R.C. Sproul said about Satan:  Even at this moment, as I’m discussing this question, Satan’s authority and power are limited and subordinate to the authority that is vested in Christ. Christ right now is the king of this earth. His kingdom is invisible, and not everybody acknowledges it. People are giving more allegiance to the prince of darkness than to the Prince of Peace, but that is an act of usurpation on the part of Satan. His power is restricted, limited, and temporal. What has happened briefly is this: The power and authority of Satan has been dealt a fatal blow by Christ. The Cross, the Incarnation, the Resurrection, and the Ascension tremendously weakened any power or authority that Satan enjoyed, but it didn’t annihilate him. That will come later, when Christ completes his work of redemption with the consummation of his kingdom. All things will be brought into captivity to him, and every knee will bow to him, including the fallen angels, who will bow in submission to his authority.

The Question is- has the “casting out of Satan and his angels” happened or is it still in the future? Here is my VIEWPOINT:  Do you believe that Satan and his angels were cast out of heaven AT THE BEGINNING OF TIME?  This would be soon after Satan rebelled against God.  This is often stated as being right before the Serpent tempted Adam and Eve.  This is taught in seminaries and therefore, is the teaching of most pastors.  This thinking is also spread by the Catholic Church and all orthodoxy.  So, I ask you Why would God Cast Satan out at that time?  This could mean that man’s sin is superseded by Satan’s actions causing havoc and rebellion on earth.  Adam and Cain could have said Satan made me do it.  In other words, Satan and his angels could be accused of being the agents of all evil on earth and thus the flood would NOT necessarily remove this evil, for Satan would still be on earth after the flood.  This is not what the Bible says.  The cause of the flood was 100% man’s sin: “God saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart were all evil all the time.  The Lord was grieved that He had mad man….”  This does not say Satan was causing this evil nor influencing it- for God would have said so.  God brought the flood to destroy the earth and mankind’s evil and evil intentions.  If Satan was on the earth in “great fury” as Revelation 12 states, the whole scenario would repeat quickly after the flood, and man could say he was not responsible.  No, it is man’s sin that brings the wickedness and evil.  Satan and his angels were in heaven when God allowed Satan to cause the trials in JOB’s life as an example of Faith for us (and most believe that the book of Job is the oldest book of the Old Testament).  Satan can influence us and affect how we choose to act, but he is has not yet been “cast out of heaven.” He is the Accuser of the Saints in heaven.

God all along has kept Satan in heaven to keep him and his angels under his control for His purposes.   As the saying goes:  “Keep your friends close but keep your enemies even closer.”  God who taught us to love our enemies allowed Satan in heaven for His purpose.  God is in the act of molding us with dignity, value, and free will.  God does not want to violate or negate mankind’s dignity, value, and free will.  He allows us to fail or sin by our free will for we will be judged for that sin.  It is not Satan that controls us- God has dominion.  God does allow Satan certain access such as Tempting Jesus in the Wilderness or “roaming like a lion” to bring trials in people’s lives or even to change the course of history temporarily—as happened with some of those possessed or influenced by Satan or demons. God is teaching that there is a real history behind evil; that the Garden of Eden was a real event; that we must lean on Him and search His Word for our protection and guidance; and that we can go to Him in prayer for comfort, help, direction, understanding etc..

Satan and his angels will be cast out of heaven prior to the Great Tribulation – as Satan will enter the Anti-Christ and, in his fury, will seek to kill all Jews and Christians.  This is the “day of evil” mentioned in Ephesians 6:13 (and when the day of evil comes.) It also says, “do not sin — for it will give Satan a foothold.”  Satan is working to weaken us and to cause us to stumble as he did with Job.  He, however, is not on earth causing the fury prior to what Revelation 12 speaks of.  Revelation 12 tells us that there is a SHORT TIME in which Satan will be furious on earth for he knows his time is short.  This time element or period of time is key, for God created time and the Word carries forth a definition of time – we know that He limits time and evil.  So, when He states the word “SHORT,” He is giving us a certain period of time – a gift of Grace because He knows that the destruction will grow so great that He will eventually have to limit the whole end-time event.   Matt: 24:21-22 “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would survive. But for the sake of the elect those days (the Great Tribulation) will be cut short.” Thus, the word “SHORT” cannot imply 6000 years as would be the case if Satan and his angels were cast out of heaven near the “Creation of Earth.” Satan is still in heaven and is still accusing the Saints while Jesus Christ is our Advocate.  Remember that Revelation 12 defines what happens when Satan is cast out of heaven.  It says that Satan and his angels war against Michael the Archangel and his angels and are cast out of heaven. “Satan is furious because he knows his time is short.”

TO UNDERSTAND MORE GO TO:  my new book- Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War and the Final Chapter.

God & Prophecy

Almost one third of the Bible is focused on God revealing the truth about the future.  God is not trying to scare us, He wants us to know what the future holds in order to give us Peace and Hope!  Therefore, he wants us to know the message in the Word and the “Signs of the Time.”  Like a good Father, He is in control, and we can have rest and assurance in Him.
1. Prophecy Speaks Truth for God does not lie, nor does He mislead us.  He is Light and Salvation.  He exists outside of time and is therefore, All-Knowing and Omni-Present.  He knows everything from the Beginning to End and into Eternity.

  1. As implied earlier Prophecy proves the Bible Is True. Everything has happened as promised and predicted.
    The Bible is the only book ever written that is full of prophecies that have happened exactly as predicted. Over 350 Prophecies related to Jesus Christ and His first Coming have already been fulfilled.  He is the Messiah, the Promised One of the Old Testament, the Son of David, and the Wonderful Counselor spoken of by Isaiah and other Biblical prophets.
    3.  Prophecy proves that God Is in Control of everything including time and events in history.  When you read Cosmic Crossroad Countdown you will see God’s footprint throughout history.  God is sovereign over mankind and over the Universe and will therefore fulfill all the Promises He made.  He is in control of even the stars as was illustrated by both the Bethlehem Star and by the Great Sign of Revelation 12 that is discussed in the Cosmic book mentioned.
    4. Prophecy Demonstrates God’s Great Love for us.  We are not accidents in the tree of evolution.  All the modern machinery and Science cannot create one living creature, nor a one-celled organism.  Life is given by God and a renewed Life or a Spiritual Life in Him is also promised in His Word to all who believe.  God gives us purpose and an identity.  He has a purposeful destination for those who trust in Him. And He wants to share eternity with us.  He shares His plans with us so that we will know how world history will end, with the faithful living forever with our loving Heavenly Father in the Eternal State.
    5. God’s Plan is revealed in the Prophecies that He has given us.  We know that He is coming back for us and will return to defeat Satan once and for all.  There is Hope in knowing this. God provides specific details about this plan for the ages. He will bring humanity back into a right relationship with Him and establish a kingdom on the new earth.  Before that He will rule on this old earth for 10,000 years and this period is called the Millennium, where the lion will lay down with the lamb.  We will dwell on this earth with Jesus Christ in a special time of peace, prosperity, and fellowship.
    6. Prophecy shows Jesus Christ as being God.  He is the Alpha & Omega, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.  He is the third person of the Trinity and is All Powerful, All Knowing, and Omniscient.    We know that God the Father gave up His one and only Son to die for the penalty of our sins so that those whoever places their faith in Jesus Christ may be redeemed and thus made Righteous in Him.   Hence Jesus is our Redeemer & Savior.
    7. Prophecy also explains why Jesus Christ is Worthy.  Over 1000 prophecies describe the 1st and 2nd Coming of the Savior of mankind.  Only through Jesus Christ can the purity of Creation be restored.
    8. As indicated earlier Prophecy shows that evil will be defeated, and that Righteousness will prevail.   We have all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.  But when Jesus gave up His Life on the Cross, he not only defeated death, but He also defeated sin and Satan’s dominion over us and the earth.  Bible prophecy promises that swift justice is coming. The evil in this world does have an end to it. There is time to be saved.  There is time to decide for Christ and to repent.  God is mercifully providing humanity this short reprieve to return to Him and to grab hold of His gracious offer forgiveness and Mercy. Bible prophecy maps out the timeline for that long-desired day of justice.
    9. God is giving everyone time to turn course and choose Him instead of Self or Satan. Bible prophecy shows God’s grace. Our Creator lets us know what is going to happen ahead of time so that we can get right with Him. If God wanted to, He could just drop the hammer on everybody because we are sinners, and He is not. We all deserve Hell, but God in His mercy has given us a way out. Through His love He grants us the time to prepare and get right with Him.
    10. IN the process He gives us Hope and a future.  The Lord warns us of a coming Tribulation in which many will die, yet many will find a way out by choosing God during this great trial.  The Tribulation and this evil age will end.  Jesus will rapture His Church before the Wrath of God begins, even though many of us will go through tribulations in life. We gain hope knowing that our final destination can be eternity with Jesus Christ – if we choose so.

    God is perfect, and His promises are true. Bible prophecy assures us that God knows exactly what He is doing with our lives and with this world. We can have assurance that He is the Truth and the Light, our Peace, Hope, and Savior.  Read my new book on Prophecy and Hope:  Cosmic Crossroad Countdown; The Invisible War & the Final Chapter.  The first book in the Cosmic Crossroad series came true exactly as promised:  7 out of 7 insights came true including the Invisible agent that would attack us and the New Beginnings at every level of society.

Letter to Wayward Pastors


I just wanted to let you know why many have left the church.  For some reason, you and some in your leadership have done a lot to counter what the LORD has appointed the church to do.  Yes, you give a good sermon but you lack the inner strength and true compassion to be a “good pastor of the flock.”  You see, a good shepherd has a personal interest in his flock and is eager to listen to members of his flock.  He puts his flock first and not his personal safety and fears.  He speaks the truth even though it might make many uncomfortable.  Instead of skipping tough passages such as Revelation 12, he will seek in prayer to teach the whole truth.  Below is a list of potential failures in the modern affluent church:

  • Foremost is the selection of the top leaders for the Education Department and the delegation of discerning authority.  Make sure that your teachers know good doctrine and are versed in the Bible.  A bad leader of a whole department will tend to fail to appoint inspired teachers that are guided by the Holy Spirit.
  • Do not spend more time selling your books and the books of those outside your congregation than in helping your own members develop their writing and sharing skills.  Serving as a spokesman for organizations such as Fox News can be seen by many as being self-promotional.
  • Your promotion of diabetes causing sugar and sugar products to promote your church and even to promote God is not only hypocritical but bordering on evil. If you had read the message that the LORD has given concerning the “coming invisible attack” that is shared in Cosmic Crossroad Countdown—you realize that Covid-19 is a part of that attack which has now killed thousands of diabetic and pre-diabetic individuals.  Many have eaten the pure 100% junk SUGAR-poison that you had been using to promote EASTER (the marshmallow PEEPS is a good example).
  • More than likely Pastors and other top leaders are too busy to read this, but God will still hold you accountable. When the error in your teaching is brought up to you such as that in bad ACADEMIC dogma, you ignore them. You or your leaders even demote or slander others who have been led by the Holy Spirit.  You attack the humble logic of those who are inspired by God as if God cannot gift someone and direct someone!  When some offer services to teach a class in nutrition, you have ignored them.
  • God is trying to message you by allowing your leaders to make big mistakes. For instance, when it appears that there are failures in strategic planning and discernment, repent and seek answers from the Holy Spirit.  If you have spent millions on a parking lot and children’s center that have been empty for the last year-and-a-half, you failed. Or if you wasted millions on a sports center or on trips to Alaska and other extravagant excursions, that had to be canceled- you failed.  God has been using others to try to warn you and your “self-motivated leaders” who have failed to see and hear His voice.
  • Has your insecurity blinded you?  This same insecurity can affect your teaching.  For instance,  in the book of Revelation: How can you honestly say that chapter 12 of the book of Revelation is in chronological order?  That would put the raptured church in heaven at the same time as Satan being in heaven.  It would also put the Satan possessed Anti-Christ killing the two witnesses while Satan is still in heaven!  Your logic is non-sensical and frankly antithetical.
  • God will direct people to leave and to give less to your coffers.  Yet, those directed by the Holy Spirit will pray for you and for the church,  in the hope that you will see and hear His Voice before it is too late.  God entrusted many of your humble servants with certain abilities or gifts as a steward to build the kingdom and YOU have outright rejected them.  We are created to give Glory to God by both the fruit of the Holy Spirit and by our good works. You cannot ignore what each person has been dedicated by God to do for Him.  God is asking you and your academic-minded leaders to surrender to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and to listen to those humble sources?

Sincerely Yours in His Mercy and Love,

Saving Your Life – along with the Signs of the Time


This book is called Dentistry Xposed: Protecting You, Your Smile, and Your Wallet.  I point out dozens of myths, scams & falsehoods that cheat people of their health and billions in savings each year and I will show you products and concepts that will improve your smile and even save your life. Did you know that five of the major causes of death are related to problems in the mouth?  A healthy mouth will protect you from heart disease, bone loss, pancreatitis, cancers, dementia, and other disorders. There is an interconnection between mouth disease, the microbiome of the gut, colon cancer, diabetes, and bad sugars such as sucrose and HFCS. There is, however, a miracle “super-natural” sugar that will save lives. The book includes a glossary of dental terms and answers tough questions related to mouth erosion, stress, vaping, Apple Cider vinegar, sleep apnea, poor-fitting crowns, dry mouth syndrome, alcohol, and safe disease prevention. For instance, there is an amazing super-soft toothbrush that will clean your teeth better and safer than other brushes; and there is a symmetrical sugar molecule, xylitol, that is stored in your cells and is also found in vegetables & fruit.  It can prevent or stop tooth decay, strep throat, sinusitis, diabetes, and serious tissue changes including colon cancer.

I want to make you aware that we often manufacture disease. A good example is the 500 drugs and medications that create dry mouth which leads to periodontal disease feeds bacteria into our bloodstream.  High Fructose Corn syrup, or HFCS, has been promoted because it is cheap vs. the natural sugar Xylitol which protects your tissues and lowers blood sugar levels. One causes type 2 Diabetes the other helps to prevent it. One causes fatty liver disease, the other counters constipation and microbes that can cause cancer.  Xylitol is a tasty food-medicine that can counter the effect of dry mouth & help a leaky gut.  Most doctors and the modern media have not heard of it and that is one reason why Dr. Hofmann calls this the “Untold Story” which has been suppressed by big money and politics.  It is time for a change. Over 80 years of research with a sampling of millions of people shows how effective and safe this simple sugar is. It is so safe that the FDA allows it to be sold as sugar-free.

The book reveals 23 widespread myths, 100’s of amazing facts, 45 “truth-bytes” that will help you change the course of your life.  For instance, alcohol in Listerine is OK but aged alcohol in bar drinks can cause oral cancer.  However, there are political, economic and corporate powers that have prevented many of the answers from getting to the public.  This book is guaranteed to save people a lot of money or they can have their money back.  Most important it will save lives. Knowing how to communicate with your dentist and having the knowledge to make the right decisions about your dental care will save you a lot of time, money, and pain. It will help you diagnose problems before they cause an emergency or weaken a heart, such as in the case of sleep apnea or sleeplessness in a co-worker or family member.  It will show you how to create an effective Dental Emergency Kit for those tooth problems.  Because sugar causes so many diseases, I will summarize more benefits of xylitol.

The logic of using sugar to heal problems caused by sugar does not register easily in one’s mind.  However, I now call xylitol a “miracle molecule” and I use it on a regular basis as a mint, chewing gum, and spray.   Amazingly, it stimulates the flow of liquids: saliva in the mouth, the dilution of phlegm or mucus in the nasal passages, and the softening of stools in the colon.   Use it as a spray to stop strep throat and a nasal squirt to heal sinus, nasopharyngeal, or even middle ear infections. God gave us this super-natural sugar for a reason- yet manufacturers have promoted the disease-causing sugars for generations.  We can prevent serious problems like diabetes, colon cancer, and other diseases with the effective use of this simple yet powerful healing molecule. It is found naturally in strawberries, mushrooms, cauliflower, and raspberries and can be bought as a mint or raw sugar at nutrition and grocery stores.  The only downside is that to a new user it can cause a runny stool and is not good for dogs.

It may surprise you to know that Xylitol is the only sugar that is produced by your own cells.  Each cell in your body stores xylitol in the mitochondria where it may repair ribose, a central component of RNA and DNA.  It is so safe that many countries give it to children or pregnant women to prevent tooth decay. It flows in the bloodstream and can pass through tissue, placenta, and bone barriers while causing no harm.  Research is showing that it decreases preterm birth, heals chronic wounds, and can help fight both depression and the flu. I mixed xylitol with saline solution to heal my sinusitis, dry cough, and chronic strep throat problems.

Xylitol is sold in all nutrition-focused grocery and health stores, usually at a reasonable price.  We are blessed to have this 5-Carbon food-medicine to counter the deadly effects of 6-carbon sugars.  Diabetes for instance has made our population very susceptible to Covid-19.  Xylitol’s extremely low glycemic index helps prevent diabetes and allows the diabetic to maintain stable blood sugar levels. When bad bacteria consume this 5-carbon sugar-alcohol they cannot metabolize and become inactive. They cannot multiply nor can they stay attached to the tissue they are harming. Xylitol then stimulates saliva flow or fluid flow in the area which washes away the bad bacteria and the acids that they had produced.  It is a one-two-three punch that stops inflammation.  We should do all we can to promote and use this wonder-sugar.

In preparing for this book not a single doctor who conversed with Dr. Hofmann knew anything about the power of Xylitol.  Nurses he spoke to said they used it in the hospital for treating dry coughs.  This may be explained by the fact the nurses are more involved in the day-to-day care of patients whereas doctors acting as overseers may be too distracted to learn from them. Dr. Hofmann is not surprised by this failure since he made the mistake years ago of buying some spray which he then left unused and unsold in his cabinet.  No one is educating us, and this is another good reason to buy this book and share it with your dentist or physician.  There is a lot of information on dentistry that I have collected over 44 years of practicing dentistry including a new substance that removes decay without the need for a needle or drill.  Go to Facebook pages: Dentistry Xposed and Cosmic Crossroad Countdown.  You can purchase both books at Amazon or your favorite bookstore or at my Dental practice in Dallas, Texas:  Peter Hofmann DDS at 15615 Coit. Rd. Ste. 107, Dallas, 75248.

Signs of the Time:  Do you realize how much we depend on signs? Signs tell us how fast we can drive, where to eat, how far to go, where we live, or when our plane arrives. Frankly, we take signs for granted. In ancient times there were few man-made signs, so many people depended on the stars, moon, sun, and shadows to tell them when where, and how to navigate distances and time. This may be the reason why people have failed to comprehend the convergence of 3 important signs. It involved planets, stars, our moon, the Jubilee year, Jewish Holy Festivals, & the Generations. God had promised that “A Star shall come out of Jacob; a scepter shall rise out of Israel.” He intends to use Heavenly Lights to announce His Promise of the Messiah. And when He puts those bright Lights in alignment and in a divine order or pattern such as placing them in the “womb” of the Constellation Virgo for 9 months then we know He is trying to get our attention. We also know that the main star in Virgo is called Spica which means Seed. This emphasizes the fact that Eve, the Seed, and the Serpent Satan in Genesis and the Woman-with-child under the threat of Drago in Great Sign of Revelation 12 are interconnected and therefore, point to the final battle between the Dragon or Satan and the Seed of the Woman, Jesus Christ.

Recently unusual movements of heavenly bodies were linked to special events on earth over a span of 3-and one-half years. Each event had significant meaning. For instance, the Blood moon on the feast of Passover 2014 has a significant meaning when it is connected to 3 other Blood moons within a 24-month period that also landed on special Jewish Festivals. That first blood moon happened exactly 3 ½ years before the “Great Sign” that Jesus warned the Apostle John about in Chapter 12 of His Revelation to the Church. The Sign happened on September 22, 2017, as declared by astronomers who were amazed by how Jupiter stayed in the “womb” of Virgo for over 9 months. Prior to that Venus moved in conjunction with Jupiter across the Solar System for 400 days! Then Venus (representing Jesus as High Priest) departed the womb and moved in perfect alignment with Mars (Son of Man) and Mercury (The Messenger or the Word) to form a line of Bright Heavenly Lights pointing at the star Regulus (Jesus as the King of Kings) at the heart of the constellation Leo.

There was a time when constellations were extremely important. The Big Dipper for instance pointed out the North Star and this bright Star helped the star navigator sail in the right direction. The constellations told the story of Creation with Virgo, the Virgin Eve, leading the way, and Leo the Lion closing out the epic event. Some students of Egyptology suggest that ancient priests believed there was a special portal into the underworld at the point where Virgo and Leo joined. Ancient Egyptians thought that the sun, moon, and stars in a certain pattern provided a pathway to the supernatural and to the “Field of Reeds” where the god of the afterlife, Osiris, ruled. That is why the Sphinx had the head of the Virgin and the body of a Lion. This was their path to eternity, but God has a unique purpose His Great Sign. We will explore the possibilities and the timing of this incredibly special event.

The Great Sign is connected to God’s promise to the Virgin Eve and the Serpent Satan in Gen. 3:15: “I will put enmity between you (speaking to the Serpent) and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” Both involve the Virgin, the Seed, a Dragon, and the Hero. Both reflect the birth of the Savior and His Resurrection with the defeat of Satan, death, and sin. Jesus’s first coming was announced with a heavenly light, the Bethlehem Star. It was a silent beacon that was not noticed by the leaders, scribes, and Pharisees. It was noticed only by the Kings of the East who were trained by the prophet Daniel. Likewise, the Great Sign was not seen by the Spiritual leaders of today. In fact, it was virtually invisible since it appeared so low on the horizon. Plus, the minute the sun came up and positioned itself on the shoulder as described in Revelation 12:1, you could not see the sign since it would blind you!

So why would God call the Sign of Revelation 12 a “Great Sign” if it would be unseen by the naked eye? Only astronomers with their telescopes and star maps knew it happened. So, what is its message? Is it to warn us of surprise unseen attacks: of both natural and supernatural invisible forces? Is it a divine Time Marker giving us a time to prepare while Satan sets up the stage for the Anti-Christ? We should expect attacks on the Church, on Christian leadership, the nuclear family, and on the unborn.

Since then, we have seen unusual increases in perversion and insane behavior. We had unseen hacking and cyber-attacks, extreme winds (a record number of hurricanes), and the Covid-19 pandemic. Will it usher in a final countdown for End Time events? It should be a warning to those who have wandered from the faith. Jesus who is the Light of the World warned religious leaders of his time that they were oblivious to the kingdom that was coming. These blind leaders feared the voice of God for it threatened their power and wealth. Is this happening today? Are our faith leaders and those millions who are living comfortably afraid of the voice of God declaring His soon return? As suggested divine Signs do not mean much to those who do not care nor know how to read them. It would be like you or I see a sign written in a foreign alphabet. That ignorance, however, does not mean that it will not affect us. If you miss a stop sign you may suffer severe consequences. Simple signs or less visible signs might be ignored. And some signs can have different meanings to each observer. The rainbow is a sign that water vapor is in the air but according to the Bible, it is an important sign from God of His Covenant never to flood the earth again. The Great Sign seems to carry an important spiritual warning and message.

The Great Sign of Revelation 12 comes right before there is a war in heaven where Satan and his angels are cast out. Revelation 12:12 states, “Therefore rejoice O heavens, and you dwell in them! Woe to the earth and the sea, for the Devil, has come down to you with great fury, because he knows he has a short time.” Have you noticed how crazy and insane things appear to be? It is because Satan and his demons are here. This is part of the shadow that covers the earth. But God and His angels are here to protect us. We can seek refuge in the Shadow of His wings and the Valley of the Shadow of death will draw us closer to God.

The first 3 ½ year shadow began with that first blood moon and ended on September 23, 2017, at the Great Sign of Revelation 12 and at the end of the Jubilee. The 2nd 3 ½ years began as the Trumpets were announcing the 10 days of Awe. It ends March 20, 2121. This is not the rapture but suggests that there will be an intensifying of judgment against the darkness that has spread over the leadership of the nation. Evil has spread to board rooms, to offices of governors, mayors, and leaders of our nation. Read Revelation 12: 1-8 and note that the word “THEN” after the Sign of the Woman closely ties this time to an unseen attack by Satan and his angels after being cast from heaven.

This sequence of two 3 ½ periods surrounding the Sign of Revelation 12 is a divine shadow of the 7-year judgment to come. This second 3 ½ year foreshadow seemed to start innocently but it did not, for we saw an attempted political coup against God’s chosen man to lead America. God put Trump in power to declare Jerusalem the legal capital of Israel. Trump has also been appointed to fight the lies of socialism and the rebellious anti-God movement. LIES are a profoundly serious offense to God. These LIES have risen to incredible heights. Many in the media, Hollywood, High Tech, and Congress have exalted the LIE and suppressed the Truth to destroy the sexual order, the family, Israel, and God’s chosen authorities. Behind this wave of darkness are supernatural forces that aim to undermine God’s people and institutions.

Many have heard the powerful story about Rahab, her faith, and the signal she would give to save herself and her family. The sign she used to alert the Israelites was a scarlet threaded rope hung from a window on the wall. The Israelite army was to march around the city one time for 6 days then on the 7th day, they marched around 7 times and blew their trumpets. God used specific numbers and actions to prepare for the divine destruction of Jericho. He used Rahab’s red rope to remind us that divine grace runs like a scarlet thread throughout “His story” tying His Promise to great events and people in history. That is why the Great Sign of Revelation 12 is so important. God’s mercies are new every morning and God’s final defeat of Satan and evil will follow along with the Great Sign of Revelation 12. Rahab’s status as harboring a house of prostitution would put her at the very bottom of the moral and social totem pole, especially since God had commanded that all Canaanites be killed. Yet God not only preserved her, but He also raised her up as an example of faith. She is mentioned in the Hall of Faith in the Book of Hebrews and in the Book of Matthew as the ancestor of Jesus Christ. Her faith and our faith are to be threads of hope and mercy woven in time, as a testimony of God’s love and Gospel of Salvation.

Are we experiencing a greater influx of dark unseen forces and invisible agents? Covid-19, an unseen microbe, came from an unknown source. LIES and malware have been used to disrupt and corrupt. Other invisible forces affecting our lives include the falsehoods and censorship in our Airwaves. These include High Tech, television, Hollywood, and radio. Are Satan and his minions behind this invasion of propaganda and lies? Note that Satan is the Prince of the Air. This is all part of God’s plan which connects the Seed of the Serpent in Gen. 3:15 to both the 70th-week Prophecy of Daniel and the mystery message in Revelation 12. In this mystery, God forewarns us that Satan’s angels are now cast down from heaven and that Satan is in a fury because his time is short. These invisible dark forces will affect both America and Israel and will foreshadow the final 7 years spoken by Daniel. It will cause Jews to flee to Israel.

God gives us warning Shadows including America’s recent (2017) Solar Eclipse whose shadow crossed America from coast to coast for all to see, the 4 Blood Moons that cast shadows on every continent, and now the 7-year shadow that began with the first blood moon and ends on March 20, 2121. Shadows precede actual events, like an eagle casting its shadow on the prey. What happens next is not the rapture but a more intense series of birth pains as God works to purify and strengthen the Church. A humble church will act as a Light and Salt to the lost world.

“For though they knew God, they did not Glorify Him as God nor show gratitude. Instead, their thinking became nonsense, their senseless minds were darkened,” Ro. 1:21. Has God abandoned our nation to a depraved mind as stated in Romans 1:28? Is this why everything seems so illogical and beyond belief? This appears to be a supernatural descent into apostasy. Few seek the need for repentance like the ancient Israelites who refused to listen to the warnings of the prophets. The church has given up its first love for sugary treats to promote Easter, shopping sprees in the Holy Lands, comedy shows on Alaska cruises, variety shows, and Christmas extravaganzas. Sharing the Gospel and missions are given a backseat to building projects. The church spends more money on fancy buildings than any special service.

Other evidence that the “Great Sign” is important is the fact that Daniel, John, Matthew, and Moses, saw Jesus face-to-face, and each wrote about these end-time events that interconnect with each other. Their books point forward to events happening in our time to give us Hope. This Hope is anchored to the soul. As the Word says, we have been born into a Living Hope. In Matthew Jesus warns of lawlessness, “Because lawlessness will multiply the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be delivered.” He then warns of wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, and famines as part of birth pains. These birth pains will intensify, meanwhile, the world and church are being shaken as God exposes sin and darkness to the Light. Places like N.Y. city and California may come under more extreme storms and shakings.

Through all this God will be Glorified, people will be saved, and the Church will be raptured. We can look forward to our faith being sharpened through endurance as we fix our Hope on the Grace to be brought to us through the complete Revelation of Jesus Christ. If you feel like you are being blinded by a devious media and leadership in high places, and Lies coming from all directions, pray to God. The Bible declares: Be Alert and of Sound Mind so that you can pray. Pray implies an immediate connection to the supernatural. Does all this make sense to you? As believers, we must move forward against the gate of Hell and its dominion on earth. We cannot let our past successes keep us from the miracles of Today. New blessings will follow us when we Walk in the Light and by the Spirit of God as we war against the world system and those diabolical strongholds.

The Signs of The Near End

The Signs that Matter:

Do you realize how much we depend on signs? Signs tell us how fast we can drive, where to eat, how far to go, where we live, or when our plane arrives. Frankly, we take signs for granted. In ancient times there were few man-made signs, so many people depended on the stars, moon, sun, and shadows to tell them when where, and how to navigate distances and time. This may be the reason why people have failed to comprehend the convergence of 3 important signs. It involved planets, stars, our moon, the Jubilee year, Jewish Holy Festivals, & the Generations. God had promised that “A Star shall come out of Jacob; a scepter shall rise out of Israel.”

He intends to use Heavenly Lights to announce His Promise of the Messiah. And when He puts those bright Lights in alignment and in a divine order or pattern such as placing them in the “womb” of the Constellation Virgo for 9 months then we know He is trying to get our attention.  We also know that the main star in Virgo is called Spica which means Seed. This emphasizes the fact that Eve, the Seed, and the Serpent Satan in Genesis and the Woman with child under the threat of Drago in Great Sign of Revelation 12 are interconnected and therefore, point to the final battle between the Dragon or Satan and the Seed of the Woman, Jesus Christ.

Recently unusual movements of heavenly bodies were linked to special events on earth over a span of 3-and one-half years. Each event had significant meaning. For instance, the Blood moon on the feast of Passover 2014 has a significant meaning when it is connected to 3 other Blood moons within a 24-month period that also landed on special Jewish Festivals. That first blood moon happened exactly 3 ½ years before the “Great Sign” that Jesus warned the Apostle John about in Chapter 12 of His Revelation to the Church.

The Sign happened on September 22, 2017, as declared by astronomers who were amazed by how Jupiter stayed in the “womb” of Virgo for over 9 months. Prior to that Venus moved in conjunction with Jupiter across the Solar System for 400 days! Then Venus (representing Jesus as High Priest) departed the womb and moved in perfect alignment with Mars (Son of Man) and Mercury (The Messenger or the Word) to form a line of Bright Heavenly Lights pointing at the star Regulus (Jesus as the King of Kings) at the heart of the constellation Leo.

There was a time when constellations were extremely important. The Big Dipper for instance pointed out the North Star and this bright Star helped the star navigator sail in the right direction. The constellations told the story of Creation with Virgo, the Virgin Eve, leading the way, and Leo the Lion closing out the epic event. Some students of Egyptology suggest that ancient priests believed there was a special portal into the underworld at the point where Virgo and Leo joined. Ancient Egyptians thought that the sun, moon, and stars in a certain pattern provided a pathway to the supernatural and to the “Field of Reeds” where the god of the afterlife, Osiris, ruled. That is why the Sphinx had the head of the Virgin and the body of a Lion. This was their path to eternity, but God has a unique purpose His Great Sign.  We will explore the possibilities and the timing of this very special event.

The Great Sign is connected to God’s promise to the Virgin Eve and the Serpent Satan in Gen. 3:15: “I will put enmity between you (speaking to the Serpent) and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.“ Both involve the Virgin, the Seed, a Dragon, and the Hero. Both reflect the birth of the Savior and His Resurrection with the defeat of Satan, death, and sin. Jesus’s first coming was announced with a heavenly light, the Bethlehem Star. It was a silent beacon that was not noticed by the leaders, scribes, and Pharisees. It was noticed only by the Kings of the East who were trained by the prophet Daniel.

Likewise, the Great Sign was not seen by the Spiritual leaders of today. In fact, it was virtually invisible since it appeared so low on the horizon. Plus, the minute the sun came up and positioned itself on the shoulder as described in Revelation 12:1, you could not see the sign since it would blind you! So why would God call the Sign of Revelation 12 a “Great Sign” if it would be unseen by the naked eye? Only astronomers with their telescopes and star maps knew it happened. So, what is its message? Is it to warn us of surprise unseen attacks: of both natural and supernatural invisible forces? Is it a divine Time Marker giving us a time to prepare while Satan sets up the stage for the Anti-Christ?  We should expect attacks on the Church, on Christian leadership, the nuclear family, and on the unborn.

Since then, we have seen unusual increases in perversion and insane behavior. We had unseen hacking and cyber-attacks, extreme winds (a record number of hurricanes), and the Covid-19 pandemic. Will it usher in a final countdown for End Time events? It should be a warning to those who have wandered from the faith. Jesus who is the Light of the World warned religious leaders of his time that they were oblivious to the kingdom that was coming. These blind leaders feared the voice of God for it threatened their power and wealth.

Is this happening today? Are our faith leaders and those millions who are living comfortably afraid of the voice of God declaring His soon return? As suggested divine Signs do not mean much to those who do not care nor know how to read them. It would be like you or I see a sign written in a foreign alphabet. That ignorance, however, does not mean that it will not affect us. If you miss a stop sign you may suffer severe consequences. Simple signs or less visible signs might be ignored. And some signs can have different meanings to each observer. The rainbow is a sign that water vapor is in the air but according to the Bible, it is an important sign from God of His Covenant never to flood the earth again.  The Great Sign seems to carry an important spiritual warning and message.

The Great Sign of Revelation 12 comes right before there is a war in heaven where Satan and his angels are cast out. Revelation 12:12 states, “Therefore rejoice O heavens, and you dwell in them! Woe to the earth and the sea, for the Devil has come down to you with great fury, because he knows he has a short time.” Have you noticed how crazy and insane things appear to be? It is because Satan and his demons are here. This is part of the shadow that covers the earth. But God and His angels are here to protect us. We can seek refuge in the Shadow of His wings and the Valley of the Shadow of death will draw us closer to God.

This sequence of two 3 ½ periods surrounding the Sign of Revelation 12 is a divine shadow of the 7-year judgment to come. This second 3 ½ year foreshadow seemed to start innocently but it did not, for we saw an attempted political coup against God’s chosen man to lead America. God put Trump in power to declare Jerusalem the legal capital of Israel. Trump has also been appointed to fight the lies of socialism and the rebellious anti-God movement. LIES are a profoundly serious offense to God. These LIES have risen to incredible heights. Many in the media, Hollywood, High Tech, and Congress have exalted the LIE and suppressed the Truth to destroy the sexual order, the family, Israel, and God’s chosen authorities. Behind this wave of darkness are supernatural forces that aim to undermine God’s people and institutions.

Many have heard the powerful story about Rahab, her faith, and the signal she would give to save herself and her family. The sign she used to alert the Israelites was a scarlet threaded rope hung from a window on the wall. The Israelite army was to march around the city one time for 6 days then on the 7th day, they marched around 7 times and blew their trumpets. God used specific numbers and actions to prepare for the divine destruction of Jericho. He used Rahab’s red rope to remind us that divine grace runs like a scarlet thread throughout “His story” tying His Promise to great events and people in history. That is why the Great Sign of Revelation 12 is so important. God uses the number 7 over and over again to set this date up.  In 1897 Theodore Irzil established a Zionist movement to resettle the Holy Land. In 1917 the Balfour Agreement granted this promise by the British Government. Then 1947 the policy was set into place by the British in Palestine.  In 1967 the miracle 6-Day war set Jerusalem free and in 2017 President Trump established Israel’s legal status over the great city.

In God’s mercies, Satan and his minions were cast out of heaven as the Great Sign of Revelation 12 transpired. Apparently, God does not want Satan in heaven when His church is raptured.  Rahab’s status as harboring a house of prostitution would put her at the very bottom of the moral and social totem pole, especially since God had commanded that all Canaanites be killed. Yet God not only preserved her, but He also raised her up as an example of faith.  God will likewise raise the Church up, the rapture, and will save her from Satan’s grasp. Rahab is mentioned in the Hall of Faith in the Book of Hebrews and in the Book of Matthew as the ancestor of Jesus Christ. Her faith and our faith are to be threads of hope and mercy woven in time, as a testimony of God’s love and Gospel of Salvation.

Now that Satan and his angels have been released on the earth we will be subject to greater “unseen forces.”  So are we experiencing a greater influx of dark unseen forces and invisible agents? Covid-19, an unseen microbe, came from an unknown source. LIES and malware have been used to disrupt and corrupt.  Other invisible forces affecting our lives include the falsehoods and censorship in our Airwaves. These include High Tech, television, Hollywood, and radio. Are Satan and his minions behind this invasion of propaganda and lies? Note that Satan is the Prince of the Air. This is all part of God’s plan which connects the Seed of the Serpent in Gen. 3:15 to both the 70th-week Prophecy of Daniel and the mystery message in Revelation 12.  In this mystery, God forewarns us that Satan’s angels are now cast down from heaven and that Satan is in a fury because his time is short.

These invisible dark forces will affect both America and Israel and will foreshadow the final 7 years spoken by Daniel. It will cause Jews to flee to Israel. God gives us warning Shadows including America’s recent (2017) Solar Eclipse whose shadow crossed America from coast to coast for all to see, the 4 Blood Moons that cast shadows on every continent, and now the 7-year shadow that began with the first blood moon and ends on March 15, 2121. Shadows precede actual events, like an eagle casting its shadow on the prey. What happens next is not the rapture but a more intense series of birth pains as God works to purify and strengthen the Church. A humble church will act as a Light and Salt to the lost world.  This may be a time when Ezekiel’s 38-39 war occurs.

As stated earlier the first 3 ½ year shadow began with that first blood moon and ended on September 22-23, 2017, at the Great Sign of Revelation 12 and at the end of the Jubilee. The 2nd 3 ½ years began as the Trumpets were announcing the 10 days of Awe. It ends this March. This is not the rapture but suggests that there will be an intensifying of judgment against the darkness that has spread over the leadership of our nation. Evil has spread to board rooms, to offices of governors, mayors, and leaders of our nation.  Read Revelation 12: 1-8 and note that the word “THEN” after the Sign of the Woman closely ties this time to an unseen attack by Satan and his angels after being cast from heaven.

There is a powerful chart at the website that shows the Golden Ratio or the Fibonacci sequence as discussed in my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown. There are many patterns that follow this Golden ratio including the spirals in shells, the curve of cresting wave, and the spread of veins in a leaf or the florets in a flower.    Some use the Golden ratio to invest and to predict the Stock market. In the chart below we see the ratio in relation to the number of days from the 1st Blood Moon to the Sign of Revelation 12 and to the date in March. All of this is very interesting since other Golden ratios also discussed in a previous post point to March. Note that March 14-15 is the 1st of Nissan which coincides with the Ides of March on the 15th.  The chart is below.
The 1st of Nissan is how Daniel’s 69 weeks began so it might make sense that his final week would also start on the 1st of Nissan. All of this is a form of a “Perfect foreshadow” of the last week of Daniel that could begin in April of 2021. Read my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown to better understand this.
In the chart below we see the ratio in relation to the number of days from the 1st Blood Moon to the Sign of Revelation 12 and to April 2021. All of this is very interesting since other Golden ratios also discussed in a previous post point to April. All of this is a form of a “Perfect foreshadow” of the last week of Daniel that could begin any time after March 20th. Read my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown to better understand this.  We are in a very precarious time when the whole world knows that we have a very weak President. Our enemies know that he is unable to make decisions day in and day out and that he cannot even memorize the nuclear code.    China, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Russia, and North Korea are aching for a war and it is evident that they along with many proxy terrorist groups around the world have been making preparations for this.

“For though they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God nor show gratitude.  Instead, their thinking became nonsense, their senseless minds were darkened,” Ro. 1:21. Has God abandoned our nation to a depraved mind as stated in Romans 1:21-28? Is this why everything seems so illogical and beyond belief? This appears to be a supernatural descent into apostasy. Few seek the need for repentance like the ancient Israelites who refused to listen to the warnings of the prophets. The church has given up its first love for sugary treats to promote Easter, shopping sprees in the Holy Lands, comedy shows on Alaska cruises, variety shows, and Christmas extravaganzas. Sharing the Gospel and missions are given a backseat to building projects. The church spends more money on fancy buildings than any other service.

Other evidence that the “Great Sign” is important is the fact that Daniel, John, Matthew, and Moses, saw Jesus face-to-face, and each wrote about these end-time events that interconnect with each other. Their books point forward to events happening in our time to give us Hope. This Hope is anchored to the soul. As the Word says, we have been born into a Living Hope.  In Matthew Jesus warns of lawlessness, “Because lawlessness will multiply the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be delivered.” He then warns of wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, and famines as part of birth pains. These birth pains will intensify, meanwhile, the world and church are being shaken as God exposes sin and darkness to the Light. Places like N.Y. city and California may come under more extreme storms and shakings.

There are other calculations related to the 70th week of Daniel and God’s judgment upon Israel for her lack of faith. When the Israelite spies entered the Promised Land and failed to see and discern by faith God’s deliverance over the “giants in the land” they garnered God’s judgment upon the whole nation. God would punish the nation one year for every day that the spies spent in the Promise land. These chosen leaders had failed to receive in their hearts the conviction of God’s mantle of protection and had seen and judged based upon the flesh. Likewise, the elders of Israel approximately 1,500 years later failed to see the Bethlehem Star and accept the Messiah that God had sent them. They failed to receive the Kingdom that Jesus Christ offered them and had declared to Pilate, “let His blood be upon us.” For this God would judge them one year for every day in Daniel’s Prophecy concerning that final week of years. They had rejected this 70th week which has 70 X 360 = 2520 days. Therefore the judgment would be extended from the edict of Artexersis in 457 BC to 2520 years later or to the year 2021. The exact month would depend on when the edict was given and most believe that it was issued in the month of Tishrei or mid-September to October.

Through all this God will be Glorified, people will be saved, and the Church will be raptured.  We can look forward to our faith being sharpened through endurance as we fix our Hope on the Grace to be brought to us through the complete Revelation of Jesus Christ. If you feel like you are being blinded by devious media and leadership in high places, and Lies coming from all directions, pray to God. The Bible declares: Be Alert and of Sound Mind so that you can pray. Pray implies an immediate connection to the supernatural. Does all this make sense to you? As believers, we must move forward against the gates of Hell and its dominion on earth.  We cannot let our past successes keep us from the miracles of Today.  New blessings will follow us when we Walk in the Light and by the Spirit of God as we war against the world system and those diabolical strongholds.  To learn more, go to, or buy Cosmic Crossroad Countdown.

Seeing You Will Not See

In the Old Testament time when God had gifted someone and they were determined to forsake God despite that Gift, God would in His Mercy spare their life, but allowed them to be blinded to accomplish a divine purpose. It happened to Samson and later to Saul who became the Apostle Paul and whose sight was divinely restored. Israel’s last king Zedekiah in fulfilling prophecy was blinded when he desobeyed God and was taken captive to Babylon. In the New Testament many who were blind and one in particular, Bartimaeus who was born blind, were given sight by God’s Grace and Mercy. They became witnesses of God’s Mercy & Love, yet the religious leaders saw it as a threat to their education and power. In time they conspired to kill Jesus Christ and had Him crucified.

All three of God’s great prophets, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Isaiah who were appointed to warn the nation of Judah, warned the nation that judgment would come because “seeing they have not seen, and hearing they have not heard.” Are we “seeing and hearing” with our God-given hearts and minds today? We certainly seem to have failed to “see and hear” the warnings that God has declared concerning this time. Ask yourself these questions: If Jesus were to declare to you that He would bless you if you read, hear and/or understand the book of Revelation would you accept His divine invitation.? Why would you not dig into the book and study it? Well, God has made those promises and, “Yes” the book will bless you both with knowledge and understanding- and also by Faith in the Word it could supernaturally give you divine insight. So, as you read into the very middle of the book- Chapter 12, Jesus warns that He would give us a Great Sign in the heavens & soon later there would be a war in heaven where Satan and his angles are cast to earth, would you be concerned & take heed by studying more?

Or would you listen to the pundits that say it all happened back in time at the Garden of Eden when the Serpent tempted Eve? REALLY- then why was Satan talking to God in the Book of Job or in heaven accusing the Saints? Or do you trust those that say Satan is cast out of heaven only after all the events in prior chapters happen? In other words that it is in perfect chronological order. That would mean that Satan would have to be in both heaven and earth when Satan enters the Anti-Christ. And note what the Bible says about the lawless one or the Anti-Christ: “The coming of the lawless one is apparent in the working of Satan, who uses all power, signs, lying wonders, and every kind of wicked deception…”2 Thess. 2:9,10.

“NO by no means no,” The Bible says that he is on earth as he enters the Anti-Christ to empower him. Satan and his angels are also working in the Seal and Trumpet judgments as the demons from the Abyss are released in Chapter 9. And NOTE: that would also mean that when the Saints are raptured in Chapter 4 or 7, they could meet Satan and angels in heaven or that while we are having the Wedding Feast of Lamb that Satan is up there watching. Why would Satan still be in heaven if he could no longer accuse the Saints (who are now raptured???). Note that Jesus is the Light of Life, the Light of the World who will eternally push back darkness—so would it not make sense that He would have cast Satan out of heaven and that He would use the heavenly bodies that He created to make this grand announcement?

The Lord has given us This Great Sign to make the church aware that we are now in the midst of a paradigm of LIES and Deception because Satan and his minions have been released upon this earth. If you WANT TO UNDERSTAND THE DETAILS AND POWER OF THIS SIGN THAT WAS GIVEN TO US and acknowledged by the modern Magi–our astronomers and cosmologists— GO TO THE WEBSITE or order the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown- Notice that at the time of the birth of Jesus the Jewish scholars and religious leaders did not SEE the SIGN of God’s divine BETHLEHEM STAR!

God is challenging us to see with divine insight by reading and studying His Word. The above passage in Revelation is a good example of difficult to comprehend Truth that demands understanding and prayer. God wants us not to have a spirit of fear, for He has given us a Spirit of Hope, Love and a Sound Mind. Read this post and I pray that you will receive a blessing and Hope as you follow God’s challenge to “see” His Great Sign of Revelation 12. More info available at

Share this important message with your friends and loved ones including your pastor, as God wants us to SEE with our heart and mind the “signs of the time” and the Truth in His Word. May God Bless you and Keep you in this time of testing and uncertainty. He is in control and His Word is the Light onto the Path.

The Truth is Being Revealed & the Lie Exposed

Our society is reeling in vitriol that is coming at us from dark sources. There are people who feel they can prosper from crime and destruction of our neighborhoods. There are others who feel entitled to steal whatever they want, hurt people, and make demands that will destroy our security and way of life. Then there are those who have made corruption a way of life, true crime families that have been milking our government and those governments that deal with us. They are truly the source of much of this evil. They have motivated others in their evil endeavors and are protected by corporations and news media agencies.

We have been emersed in this deep rancor, a war of words and dangerous ideas for many years, but the intensity of the lies has increased greatly in the last few months. One side has been motivated by waves of hate and vengeance which has resulted in the destruction of the life savings of many innocent people. The other side has taken the impact with an amazing spirit of Justice with law and order. Yes, there has been anger and fear evoked from these threats. But both the police and the victims have handled this injustice with great patience and self-control.

May be an image of text that says 'The problem is Sin, not Skin. The answer is Grace, not Race. Jesus died for all. Our nation needs Jesus! Grateful Addicts in Recovery Can I Get An Amen?'

However, one result of this terror-like behavior is that many are living day to day in very uncertain conditions. These individuals and families have suffered severely under both the invisible pandemic war and a virulent venom coming from bullies in the evening streets and then in the media.  Sadly, there are now countless students and others listening to the LIE, who have been brainwashed, and having been sold on socialism, now believe that capitalism is evil. They believe in the overthrow of our values, virtues, and authority figures. We have allowed our children to be taught the lie in our hallowed institutions of learning. We have endorsed the great lie of evolution and the worship of nature versus God. These kids and many adults do not realize that these forces are mixed with other darker powers that want to overthrow of our system and take control of the world.

These powers want us to fall because our system is the most effective force against evil in the world. They have blinded their converts so that they cannot see the evil of the socialist system and how it easily morphs into a society of misery and tyranny.  In some countries like North Korea the word “love” has been banned to control the soul of the people. I know the dangers of socialism because I lived in Venezuela in the days of capitalism and democracy. Venezuela at that time was the fastest growing nation in South America and had a healthy middle class. Then greed took hold and a bully soldier saw an opportunity to take control by force just as Gadhafi had done in Libya.

This strongman attitude is usually guided by deep hatred for the church and for democracy. It is the same attitude that guides people bent on destroying our neighborhoods. This darkness is sweeping from our streets and colleges to the halls of the media and our Congress. There is now a well exercised animus against the Established Church, the present Government leadership, and anyone who supports virtue and the Judeo-Christian values. Unfortunately, many people do not comprehend the nefarious agents, natural and supernatural, that are trying to overthrow our way of governance and justice.  If they succeed, it will destroy their lives too and will usher in the Anti-Christ.

These events and agents were introduced by a Sign that almost everybody failed to take note of. People were preoccupied with attacking Trump and caught up in ridiculous conspiracy theories that distracted many from the divine meaning of the Sign.  But this is the way Satan, and his forces work to distract and confuse us.  Satan and his demons are alive and well in the world and their focus right now is bringing down America. What is sad and makes many people angry is to see our media cover up evil as if it is going to help us all. They have made the LIE a weapon to try and bring down our government. They in essence are instruments of the dark forces and the principalities of evil.  These corrupt news organizations will destroy our country and include the Big Box media or Technology giants: Twitter, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN AND MSNBC.

Each of these Powers of the Air appear to be blinded by hate, corruption, and nepotism. Could they be under the power of darkness that God warned us about in the Great Sign of Revelation 12? Seven out of seven insights in the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown came true: go to and you will discover answers that will give you Hope and a Peace in God.  Donald Trump and his family and cabinet need prayer. We need to pray for divine strategies that will come into place to reset and reseat Trump in the office of the Presidency. Pray for our nation that we will fulfill the purpose that He has for us. Donald by the way means “world ruler” and he will win the coming election. His actions are admired the world over. There is a danger here and you can read about this in my book.

Facebook Censorship Posts

We have to count the cost to human life: Obama vs. Trump
It would amount to millions in just abortion alone as Obama stimulated and supported abortion throughout the world through our foreign incentives and policies. Millions more with his total support of Islam vs Christianity in all world affairs and his stimulation of the great Social Media instigated uprisings in North Africa. We are still feeling the results of those upsrisings with chaos and death in Libya and Lebanon and Syria……and innocent people including Christians have suffered the worse.
The subterfuge and lies started years ago with Obama, and all this has prepared a nest for bigger evil to roost. Something beyond odd is happening in our elections and it is not of this world. The occult has occupied the leadership of the BLM and of the Democratic party. The fact is many even bragged about this. Hillary had sceances in the White House. During the 2016 elections they placed hexes on Trump and then called up spirits to harm his leadership at the inauguration (they bragged about it). They are not afraid to worship the spirits of the occult including Satan. All of it is part of the new democratic parties alliance with Marxism, abortion, transgenderism, islam and homosexuality.
All of this supernatural buildup is related to an amazing God’s warning given to us in the book of Revelation. God gave us the “Great Sign” which is symbolic of the opening of a Pandora’s box of Satanic incursion, evil spirits, and demons. This sounds like mumbo jumbo but read Cosmic Crossroad Countdown and you will see that it is entirely Biblical, and given to us in the only book in the Bible that promises blessings to all who read it, hear, or understand it. The Great Sign is revealed in the very center of the book of Revelation for emphasis. The next verses associated to this Sign describe how and why Satan is cast from heaven.
Unfortunately you are being taught by many that Satan is still in heaven since these scholars and pastors believe that every chapter and verse in Revelation is chronological…. so ask them to explain how you can have the demons from the Abysmo that invade the earth in the 5th Trumpet in Chapter 8 if Satan and his demons are still in heaven as stated in Chapter 12. No it is impossible and Yes right now Satan is alive and well with his demons on this earth—the evidence is clear for his devious mischief and lies are everywhere even at the highest levels trying to take over our government.
God is at war with Satan and He is winning at every step and that is why we have seen the selection of a new Chief Justice and why the dirt on Biden was discovered and revealed. Do not fear God will turn up the heat in these next few weeks on the already fearful Biden who is hiding in the darkness of his basement cave. We have been invited to pray and be part of this supreme battle of the ages..

In the Middle East, Trump Protected Christians, While Biden Got Them Killed | The Stream

Branco Cartoon - Cruella de Vil

A symbol of the fall of our Morality, Virtue, and Values and one big reason why God has been active in isolating the church and the Christian- He is purifying us and separating us from our social sins.  Here you see a man in a dress burning the flag…..Revelation 12 is being fulfilled as I type this—but the evidence is in the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown.

Image may contain: one or more people, text that says 'DEMO CRAT 2020 PLATFORM INA SINGLE PHOTO'

Why are We Afraid to Call IT WHAT IT IS?

Our society is reeling in vitriol that is coming at us from dark sources. There are people who feel they can prosper from crime and destruction of our neighborhoods. There are others who feel entitled to steal whatever they want, hurt people, and make demands that will destroy our security and way of life. Then there are those who have made corruption a way of life, true crime families that have been milking our government and those governments that deal with us. They are truly the source of much of this evil. They have motivated others in their evil endeavors and are protected by corporations and news media agencies.

We have been emersed in this deep rancor, a war of words and dangerous ideas for many years, but the intensity of the lies has increased greatly in the last few months. One side has been motivated by waves of hate and vengeance which has resulted in the destruction of the lifesavings of many innocent people. The other side has taken the impact with an amazing spirit of Justice with law and order. Yes, there has been anger and fear evoked from these threats. But both the police and the victims have handled this injustice with great patience and self-control.

However, one result of this terror-like behavior is that many are living in fear and in very uncertain conditions. Many individuals and families have suffered severely under both the invisible pandemic war and this virulent venom coming from bullies in the media and in the evening streets. Sadly, there are now countless students and others listening to the LIE, who have been brainwashed, and having been sold on socialism, now believe that capitalism is evil.  They believe in the overthrow of our values, virtues, and authority figures.

We have allowed our children to be taught the lie in our hallowed institutions of learning. They do not realize that these forces are mixed with other darker powers that want to overthrow of our system.  These powers want us to fall because our system is the most effective force against evil in the world. They have blinded their converts so that they cannot see the evil of the socialist system and how it easily morphs into a society of misery and tyranny. In some countries like North Korea the word “love” has been banned to control the soul of the people.

I know the dangers of socialism because I lived in Venezuela in the days of capitalism and democracy.  Venezuela at that time was the fastest growing nation in South America and had a healthy middle class.  Then greed took hold and a bully soldier saw an opportunity to take control by force just as Gadhafi had done in Libya.  This strongman attitude is usually guided by deep hatred for the church and for democracy.  It is the same attitude that guides people bent on the destruction of our neighborhoods.

This darkness is sweeping from our streets to the halls of the media and our Congress. There is now a well exercised animus against the Established Church, the present Government leadership, and anyone who supports virtue and the Judeo-Christian values.

Unfortunately, many people do not comprehend that nefarious agents, natural and supernatural, are trying to overthrow our way of governance and justice; and that if they succeed, it will destroy their lives too.  These agents were introduced by a Sign that almost everybody failed to take note of. People were preoccupied with attacking Trump and caught up in ridiculous conspiracy theories that distracted many from the divine meaning of the Sign.  But this is the way Satan and his forces work to distract and confuse us.  Satan and his demons are alive and well in the world and their focus right now is bringing down America. What is sad and makes many people angry is to see our media cover up evil as if it is going to help us all. They have made the LIE a weapon to try and bring down our government. They in essence are instruments of the dark forces and the principalities of evil.  These corrupt news organizations will destroy our country and include the Big Box media or Technology giants: Twitter, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN AND MSNBC.

Each of  these Powers of the Air appear to be blinded by hate, corruption, and nepotism. Could they be under the power of dark forces that God warned us about in the Great Sign of Revelation 12? Read the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: Donald J. Trump and his family and cabinet need prayer. We need to pray for divine strategies that will come into place to reset and reseat Trump in the office of the Presidency. Pray for our nation that we will fulfill the purpose that He has for us. Donald by the way means “world ruler” and he will win the coming election. His actions are admired the world over. There is a danger here and you can read about this in my book.

The New Explosive Update to Cosmic Crossroad Countdown- with my Testimony

This little book: Cosmic Crossroad Countdown has 7 insights that have come true.  Because of limited time and space, I will only detail two but as you will see they are of supreme importance.  I am not sure why God gave me the message since I am neither a pastor nor skilled speaker and have thus had to cry out in the wilderness alone to warn anyone willing to listen. The message connects God’s first Promise (Gen. 3:15) at the beginning of time to the message He gave Daniel and John the Apostle.  God warned the Serpent Satan that his seed would strike the heel of the seed of the Woman, but her seed would crush his head.  Daniel was given a vision that spans the centuries; first marking the date of Jesus Triumphal entrance into Jerusalem, and then allotting a final week of 7 years to come sometime in the future.  Almost exactly 500 years later John the Apostle was given the Great Sign a vision of a Woman, the Dragon, and the birth of a child that would baffle theologians up to now.  God places John’s vision right in the middle of the most important prophetical book in the Bible. He brackets this book with a promised blessing at the beginning and at the end to anyone who hears its words, reads the content, and/or understands the message.  This is one reason Why this message is so important.  It is interesting that Daniel, John, and Moses who wrote Genesis, each saw Jesus face to face and each wrote books that are the most controversial of all time. And God uses these books to highlight His Great Sign of Revelation 12 – & the same three books are the focus of my little book.

Many people are distracted by fear and uncertainty but know this, God does not change, and His WORD is the same yesterday, today and forever. God’s Word is just as fresh and vital as it was when it was written. There is peace and joy that passeth all understanding  in the LORD’s presence for He has overcome death, Satan, and the world.  “The people dwelling in darkness have seen a great Light, and for those dwelling in the shadow of death, on them a light has dawned.” This is a promise that has two fulfillments like the Great Sign, one for the Time of Jesus and one for today.  Like King David we must all repent, seek Him and ask for a Clean heart and a Right Spirit.

 We are the midst of a great darkness that is getting more and more intense each day as the Lies and Rebellion against GOD and Righteousness escalates. The influential Big-Box-media have become echo chambers for gross lies that are projected throughout the world. These lies promote the killing of babies, the worship of nature, the rejection of God’s authority, and overthrow of both the family and any noble institution that opposes them.  There is not much time. Satan wants to pollute every heart and destroy everyone’s spirit.  To a believer this is a shadow much like the shadow of the Valley of Death from Psalm 23, for it warns us and purifies us as God walks with us. God gave us the Tabernacle or Temple as a shadow of the eternal blood Sacrifice Jesus Christ made on the Cross. It makes sense that He is now giving us a 7-year shadow, as a precursor to Daniel’s 70th week, to prepare us for the storm ahead. The shadow began in the first blood moon of Passover 2014 and will end at the equinox of 2021.  In the center was the Great Sign.  Just like the Great Sign is in the center of Revelation, it is also in the center of God’s will and in the center of our time.

The book explains where, how and why the Great Sign of Revelation 12 appeared in the very middle of this 7-year shadow.  During this time, we have had the rise and fall of ISIS, the attempted overthrow of our government, the rise of immorality and perversion, the decline of authority and the family, and the New Beginnings at every layer of society due to Covid-19. The shadow of His wings is a comfort to those who depend on Him, to rescue the lost, restore their hearts & spirit, & bring joy in the midst of fear (Ps. 63:7).

If we are in Him, His voice guides us and He goes before us. So why does God choose weak vessels like us?  A broken vessel knows his or her purpose. Not only are we made by Him, he restored us and gave us purpose, a new life and unshakeable hope.  So, what made me weak? I had a pathologic fear of speaking in public—not sure if I was dyslexic or just shy, but I had a hard time expressing myself in both junior and high schools.  I was afraid of being called on or if asked a question I would go blank out of fear. My parents said it was because I was dislocated half a dozen times when my diplomat father was reassigned every 2 years to a new country (Brazil, Iran, Venezuela, Philippines, and Argentina)  In Iran I had a surreal experience at “Daniel’s tomb” when God calmed my anxious spirit.  Anyhow this paranoia only increased when I came to America to go to college (like “Giles goat-boy” in the big city).

The second “supernatural” experience happened my senior year as I sat in a totally dark dorm-rec room contemplating life & death.  The Viet-Nam war was on full force and I had failed a pre-Vet entrance exam.  As a 10-year old kid my two older brothers had cornered me into a boxing match with a much bigger stronger kid-  they were jealous since I had defeated a challenger to my king-of-the-block status weeks earlier- a kid whose brother was a friend of my older brother. During this boxing match I defeated the aggressive opponent – and it was the first time I had every fought anyone much less boxed.  To avoid this next bout, I closed the bathroom door and just froze blindly asking God to help me.  After what seemed like eternity, there was a light and then as if I had been asleep a knock on the door and it was my parents.  So here I was, the Dorm monitor alone at Easter break without a person to talk to (my parents had returned to Iran for another 2-year stent).  Then the main entrance door opened and a person in bright white linens walked in and asked where the cafeteria was.  I was stunned not only because the question was strange since the university was shut down but also because she was extremely beautiful and bright.  She had an accent that reminded me of my mother, and so I asked her if she was from Brazil.  She said yes that she was from Fortaleza.  That was the city that I was born in!  Stunned I asked who she was?  She said she was the wife of an engineer who was at a conference on campus.  After telling her where the cafeteria was, I turned on the lights and fell back into the chair realizing that God had interceded.  Yet I did not have the understanding and the faith to go much further—I did not know how?  My father had not given me the tools nor the desire to open the Bible even though he was the son of a missionary.  He made the mistake of trying to explain away with science most of the great miracles in the Bible.

I felt determined that I could succeed on my own and eventually I fell in love with someone who in a sense saved my life, but she led me into drugs.  Note that my father had warned me of the danger and I had ignored him – at which time the worse event of MY LIFE happened – when he told me not to marry her – I cursed him and he died the next morning of a heart attack. I tried to resuscitate him to no avail, and it was my wife who would resuscitate me into the real world of self-existence.  We were co-dependent and so if it were not for God’s intervention, I would not have survived her departure when 6 years later she said that she was leaving.  I was desperate since the drugs we were taking seemed to be erasing what identity I had.  I crashed onto the floor in total supplication and surrender. Amazingly God answered my prayer and brought me into contact with Christian radio and music ministries on my car radio.  I flipped open a little green Gideon Bible that had been given me when I graduated from High School. For the first time in my LIFE a message penetrated my heart and not just my mind! Both the Word and the music worked like medicine to heal a very broken spirit and polluted mind. Then as I prayed, He answered one prayer after another.  The fear of the supernatural and of darkness that had haunted me my whole life went away miraculously.  However, during the cusp of this restoration and transformation I continued with the medicine and while under its calming effect (it was a simple non-hallucinogenic muscle relaxant) I had a vision of going to Hell. I was placed on a stage with hundreds of darkened lifted hands and frozen faces. A voice said, “Does anyone have anything against this man?” I did not hear a voice but saw a massive light that grabbed me and lifted me up in swirl of light, then I awoke.

In front of me was the janitor whose mouth was agape.  “I thought you were dead.”  Were his first words.  “You were as white as a ghost.”  I quickly replied, “I’m Ok, thanks.”  He continued, “when I saw you, I ran out of the room to call the police but then a voice told me to go back and try to save you.”   The next day as I was relaxing with Gospel music when God unfolded a massive scroll written in Hebrew over me and then showed me that I was awake and not asleep by dividing a 2nd image, one of a classical natural landscape, into each primary color and bringing it back together.  I did not grasp the meaning of this message until realizing for the first time that God may have purposed me to unveil a truth that others could not see: while seeing  they do not see and hearing they do not hear.  In the many years that followed I was led into the mission field to help Indigenous Indian groups in far out places such as the Gola tribes of Africa, the Ixil in Guatemala, Quechua in Peru, and Mayans in Panama. On each trip God used miracles to win hearts and to teach us to depend on Him and not on our own strength.  These experiences, seminary and Bible studies helped me dig deeper, but it was God who unraveled the mystery of the generational markers, the Fig tree parables, and the Sign of Revelation 12.  They are linked.

The final vision scared me out of my wits (in short time God was kind to wean me off the drug).  I was not unconscious since I was listening to Christian music on a hand radio.  But I was sitting in a reclined chair its back to a blank white wall.  However, as I looked ahead, I saw a reflected image behind me, and it was coming out of a massive hole in the wall that was on-fire—a Hellish-hole.  I immediately realized that it was a Satanic spirit and without even looking back I ran out of the room and into the basement where my car was….but as I was fleeing down the steps a voice told me your car is not going to start.  I put my key in and it did NOT start….so I ran up the entrance ramp to the convenience store across the street and called the ministry on a pay phone (I still had the radio in my hand).  They prayed up the amour of God with me and told me to go back.  I did but it was like walking against the wind and darkness won.  I retreated and so called them back.  We prayed that a car from God would come to help me jump my car. Within 10 minutes as I sat on the concrete a guy asked me from his car-window “Puede Ayudarme?” which means can you help me?  “Sure, the hospital is this way and by the way can you help me,” was my reply.  The prayer was answered. -   “Be alert & of sound mind so that you can pray.”

God’s Prophetic book of Revelation is both a hope and a warning to us.  It is unique in that it promises that all who read and hear the book a sincere Blessing and to anyone who tries to change its meaning – a curse.  At the middle of Revelation in Chapter 12 there is an enigmatic Great Sign. It is not in chronological order with the rest of the book -so it should tell us that there must be another reason for its placement.  The multi-dimensional meaning of this Great Sign as stated by God to John is discussed in detail in the newly updated book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown…the eBook is only $2.99.  Associated with this Sign is the Jubilee year, the promise in Genesis 3:15, the Jewish High Holy Festivals, the shadow of Daniel’s 2 prophetic 3 ½ year periods that forewarns us of an approaching storm.  As hinted in the beginning of this letter these insights do shakes up all the past attempts to interpret this key passage.  Popular interpretations connect the sign only to the past- to both the birth of Jesus and the nation of Israel. Yes, those past events are the foundation of the Sign (as all signs need a strong foundation).  But a Sign is NOT a Sign unless it points to the future and that is what this Sign does. Why no one else has “seen” this I do not know.  Notice the word “Then” connects the passage of a war in heaven and the casting out of Satan to the Sign of the Woman and Child.  These separate messages are inherently linked together and are connected to the two 3 ½ year shadows. The book reveals why we are in the middle of an invisible war in both the natural and supernatural world.  This along with New Beginnings at every level in society were God inspired insights explained in the book.   It is the central mystery and meaning of Revelation Chapter 12.  The first half of the foreshadowing or what could be called part one of God’s Prophetic Shadow began exactly 3 ½ years earlier at the 1st Blood Moon on Passover, April 2014.  Read more at  or at  You can also see more on Facebook Pages:  SOS Save Our Souls, Cosmic Crossroad Countdown, and Dentistry Xposed (my 2nd book).    Help spread the Light of God’s Word and this message of Hope, for God is in control of events.   It is no coincidence that Satan, the world system, and his angels are attacking us and those 3 books of the Bible with the Lies of evolution, humanism, revisionism, and sexual exploitation. The attack is also against Israel and the Church. I pray that you accept this message as coming from God and worthy to motivate you to seek Him with all your heart, soul, and mind.  God Bless.