It is All About God’s LOVE

Yes it really is as simple as that. Everything no matter how far away, how deep or dark, small or infinite, of this dimension or not – is connected to and is a result of God’s love. It is unfathomable and beyond our complete understanding. It is reflected as Truth, and it reveals, and creates immeasurable beauty, hope, and faith. Through faith in Jesus Christ anything is possible.

How Ironic that God asked me to write about His love- when so much of my life was about running from this love. God’s love is the great anecdote for all pain, fear, and hopelessness. It is the remedy for all problems and solution to all doubt and despair. Yet most people like me run from it!   It is as if we were all contaminated with a virus that confuses us and grows in us unless it is removed quickly so that our originally designed system can operate at full capacity and harmony.   The Bible calls this “virus” SIN and it was introduced into our birthplace, the Garden of Eden.   Satan in the form of a Serpent suggested to Eve that she would surely not die (despite God’s warning) and that God was just trying to keep her from deeper understanding of knowledge (the forbidden fruit was from a Tree called “The Knowledge of Good and Evil”).   It was through this act of disobedience that SIN entered planet earth.   This affected all of earth and nature- hence the idea for Sin’s anagram, = the “Satanic Invasion of Nature“. God who designed our magnificent system then had to publish a working “manual” with limitations ( Bible & Ten Commandments) in order to provide a temporary solution to the problem and give us a working chance to make improvements and adjustments.. The LAW acts as a guide but is also a curse for it condemns us and is death’s signpost.

The human is the only body in all God’s creation that has a special space called “spirit”. By faith we can make a choice to transform this space into a Holy dominion occupied by the Spirit of God. Once a body is occupied by the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit is sealed and will never leave. When that person physically dies that body will be transformed into an eternal “Glorified Body” that has all the characteristics of the sinless Christ when He was resurrected. When a living person “dies to self” and rises to new Life in Christ, sin no longer has power over that person and he or she is “alive in Christ”. This is often called a born again experience and as stated in 2 Cor. 5:17, the person is “a new creation, the old things have passed away; behold all things have become new”. This is a supernatural wonder of God’s love.

God in His Grace and Love gave us faith through which men and women are able to choose to “cover” and neutralize SIN by inviting the Jesus Christ into this divinely designed space. This happens when in repentance we accept His Gift. This is God’s ultimate act of love for His creation. “For it is by Grace through faith that you are saved, it is a Gift of God, so that no one will perish”. “For God so Loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son so that no one will perish, but will have eternal life.” It is the supernatural Blood of Christ that covers our sin and allows the Holy Spirit to live in us and to be sealed in us. Once this happens it is up to the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit to transform our obedient mind, soul, and spirit into the “likeness” of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is the supernatural anecdote that counters sin and preserves the power of God within. Prior to his crucifixion Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would take his place and provide a greater comfort and help. This is why GRACE is described as: God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.

God’s love for us is the answer to all questions of identity and purpose in life. The worst mistake that man can make is to resist God’s love and Truth. Man seems to have an inherit nature that blocks this love and urges us to run from it. We reject God’s Truth as stated in the Bible and try to generate our own form of “truth”. This nature and the “lies” that go with it are the opposite of “righteousness” and is often called “self-righteousness”. We saw earlier that this nature is a result of sin and rebellion, going all the way back to the Garden when Adam and Eve chose to disobey God and seek the “Truth” through their own self endeavor. In doing this Adam and Eve, and by proxy us, chose to do things their own way, making all of us “captains of our own soul”. This is a soul crushing lie generated by Satan that can only be countered by the power of God through Jesus Christ. It is the work of the Cross and Redemption through Jesus Christ that transforms us into a new creation, set free from the power of sin and death. This is why a good anagram for CHRIST is: “Creating His Righteousness in Spiritual Transformation“.

The question is not why he loves me or if he loves me. There is no place that God’s love does not exist. Even Hell was created out of God’s love. Hell was created for Satan and his angels. It is man who chooses to reject God’s love and rely on their own effort and destiny. The rich man is an example of someone who rejected God’s offer. The rich man does not complain or claim it was someone else fault. He knew it was fair and that he deserved what he got…in the face of God’s righteousness. Whatever happens, God will be glorified and He will be completely fair and righteous in His judgement. That judgement is a reflection of his Love. Because God is completely fair and just. If a person chooses to reject God and do it their own way, God respects that persons choice.

God does not lie nor play games. He has presented the Truth and the truth is a reflection of His Love. Jesus said, “I AM the Way, Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the father except through me.” Jesus called himself the “Door” , the “The Lamb of God”, and the “Resurrection and the Life,” – all of which are the reflection of His desire to save us into eternity. What could be greater than a Love that brings fellowship with God forever? Yet, many choose to ignore this Promise or not to care about the consequences of unbelief: which could be the unforgivable sin. They are in essence choosing to be separated from God for eternity, which is in essence a place called Hell.

A recent survey asked people what they wished for the most. The Answer was LOVE. Unfortunately the world has done a good job of distorting true Love or “Agape” Love with a counterfeit, lust driven love. This superficial love is a desire motivated love that is most often very selfish and immature. In Contrast the unconditional Love that God offers brings a change of heart and mind through the Spirit. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom”. This freedom removes the “fog” of lies that enslaves us and keeps us from real Truth and Love. Truth and Love are further revealed to us in the Word of God which is revealed to us through the Holy Spirit. Persevering in the Word sanctifies us and builds character, allowing the person to act and think in the will of God. Just as God created everything in this Universe, He now offers us the opportunity to change everything in our life and to affect others in a miraculous way.

Answers on the Rock – To Pastors and Theologians Etc.

3 Letters to Pastors and Leaders:

  1.  I was somewhat confused by your sermon this Sunday. You suggested that God created the Universe in 6 Days, but then you implied that there is room for a “gap”. Was this what you meant? If so how can you fit this into the Gospel and into the Genesis Account? You suggest that Satan’s fall happened before the Creation hence the “tohu/bohu” or what you called “chaos”- then God brought order and goodness with his Creation. The Bible does not say this! You suggested that this is what most theologians believe! First of all that is not relevant since most “theologians” also believe in evolution! Are you trying to make room for evolution? Why not conclude that “in the beginning” everything would naturally been in a stage of creative order since EVERYTHING WAS CREATED BY GOD!! Sure Water is Chaotic (we see that in storms), but the fact that the Spirit was moving over it establishes the 3rd person of the Trinity working to form new molecules- the molecules of LIFE as the land is raised up and the water recedes or is absorbed into the caverns of the deep! To allow for evolution is to subject the Bible to total compromise and error! The Bible clearly shows that Satan entered the picture in the Garden – maybe having revolted against God due to his anger at God for having created man then woman and ignoring his own desires.

Then you continued your sermon with a discussion on Isaiah 14! ‘ Again you suggested that most theologians have your viewpoint. Does that make it true? Most theologians are not correctly positioned in Eschatology and do hold to the viewpoint that Mt. Sinai is in Arabia (read my post ! Do you believe that scripture should be taken as a whole unit or that it can be broken up into segments in order to create new theology? Do you believe that Satan can die? Do you realize that Isaiah lived to see Nebuchadnezzar become king in Babylon? It was Isaiah who saw the unknown Darius as one who would deliver Israel- even though he had not yet become a leader! So would it not make more sense that this whole passage is about a proud king who would elevate himself above God and then fall eventually to die!
The following verses point to a human not an angel:  V.9 “The grave below is all astir to meet your coming”, V. 11 “all your pomp has been brought down to the grave”, “how you have fallen from heaven”…does not have to refer to Satan- any royalty who glorified himself as did the Egyptian, Assyrian, and Babylonian kings would consider themselves like God and being worthy of glory in Heaven! V. 15 “but you are brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit”. “You are covered with the slain with those pierced by the sword”- Satan cannot be slain! And then in verse 22, Isaiah directly refers to Babylon! Your segmented theology is what the Jehovah Witnesses & the other cults do to prove their false theology! Also you state that Satan caused chaos when he was expelled? I doubt it! The angels still praise God in Worship and Satan would not have been missed at all!

2.  Lost or Found Christmas?

The Chorus, “BORN TO SUFFER, BORN TO SAVE, BORN TO RAISE US UP FROM THE GRAVE,” by Lauren Daigle , could be sung: “ Born of Promise, Born to Love, Born to open Eternity above.” Surprisingly the birth of the Son of God was missed by almost everyone! The innkeeper missed Christmas because he was busy and preoccupied- just as people today fill themselves with things that do not matter: endless pursuits, habits, desires, and work. Mighty leaders like Herod the Great missed it as their blind ambition and paranoia overcame them- just like merchandisers today who are afraid to lose power and influence by offending anyone with Jesus. The third group that missed Christ were the great minds of their day; those that had a “Biblical” education, language skills, and knowledge of God’s Promises and Prophets! Their self-righteousness led to a dogmatic pride akin those who preach a religion of Naturalism, Materialism, & Evolution from the Ivory towers of the Media and Academia . The fact is today more than ever there is a supernatural battle going on for the hearts of every child, teenager, and adult!  Grab your Bible, read it, and listen to your heart before you miss Him too. Only the Gentile Magi Saw that distant Star and Understood! They and the lowly shepherds acted through faith, and with risk journeyed to worship Him!  Jesus came for you, and now you can call on Him! He is the Door to eternal life. “’Call to me and I’ll answer you, and will tell you about great and hidden things that you don’t know.” Jer.33:3

3. Islamic Caliphates – the 4th Beast?
The Islamic conquest started before the 7th century and lasted through the 17th century. It actually never stopped but historically this is what happened: in 732 A. D. the Muslim Army, which was moving on Paris, was defeated and turned back at Tours, France, by Charles Martell. Then in the 13th – 14th centuries a new bigger Islamic force fought the Bulgarians and Serbians. In the 15th century they rampaged central Europe. But in 1571 A. D. the Muslim invaders were defeated by the Italians and Austrians as they tried to cross the Mediterranean in the Battle of Lapano. In 1680 this Islamic Ottoman Army attacked Eastern Europe and after years of war was finally defeated in the Battle of Vienna by German and Polish Christian Armies. The war had gone on for over 1,000 years and if not for the strong “Holy League” of armed forces, Christianity could well be non-existent and Judaism certainly would not exist. Yet, this great WAR has fallen into the back burner of history! Note that the Islamic Caliphate that was called the Ottoman Empire continued through WWII and only ended when Turkey became a Republic. Their brutality had decimated much of the known world and demolished the Byzantine Empire, all of northern Africa, and all the Middle East over to Persia and up into Russia! This along with earlier Caliphates could well be the Babylonian centric “Empire” that Daniel prophesied as the vicious 4th Beast. If true, then we are seeing a fulfillment of what Daniel saw as the final Beast- one with Iron Teeth, that will usher in the end of the world. We just saw what could be a “tooth revealed” as Turkey (now a NATO nation) almost initiated war with Russia. But the main fang is that of ISIS, the growth of Radical Islam, and the potential rise of a new Caliphate should Turkey and other nations fall into chaos. Note how all the super powers have gathered for war not far from Armageddon.


ANSWERS II important Questions: X2

I will ADD to this or the other “Answers” Post on a weekly basis:

Answers to Important Questions:
1)    Was it the atmosphere that allowed the pre-flood descendants of Adam           and Seth to live so long?
It is doubtful that a canopy of water vapor and an increased atmospheric pressure would have extended life.
We need to realize that the DNA of every living creation in both the animal and plant kingdoms were created perfect in every way and would have produced perfect cellular structures and organ function. Although death was now possible the scourge of decay and the widespread growth of disease causing bacteria, fungi, and viruses would take a long time to happen. This would have been slowed down by the simple fact that death was not pervasive. Another important factor in the spread and development of pathogens would have been waste and spoilage, but this would have been limited by the fact that meat eating was not permitted by God. Hence it would be difficult for serious “flesh consuming” microbes to be cultivated or spread. Another possible factor would have been the high intelligence of not only humankind, but also in the rest of the animal world. This would aid them in habitat and sanitary development and lifestyle habits that would limit injury, disease, and death. Insects may have allowed for the effective consumption and transformation of waste products into nitrogen and other safe products.

Question 2:

Can we easily overcome Fear and Doubt:
If you do not know your Savior, the obvious Answer is to believe and trust in Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father but through me”. John said, “Everything that was made was made by Him.” Jesus also stated, “I am the resurrection and the Life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live. Worry is an issue: The Word states “do not be anxious for anything, but by prayer and petition make your request known to God, and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will make you at peace in Christ Jesus”

So the First Answer is: We can overcome Fear and Doubt through Jesus Christ and the Spirit of God sealed in you. However the 2nd issue is: Now that I am a Christian how do I deal with it? As one author states, “It is not about you!”. A better way to look at it is: take your focus off your failures and frustrations, instead Look up, Lean on Jesus Christ and walk in the Spirit for where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is both freedom and the fruits of the Spirit (which includes Peace, Joy, and Love). So Pray, and Study the Word of God for in both the Old and the New Testament God clearly describes Who He is and What He will do for you. He Promises a solution to Fear and Doubt:
Psalm 33:8,   Let all the earth fear the LORD; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him! I will fear no evil, for you are with me.   Psalm 27:1,  The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?  Pro. 1:7, The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge..

Mat. 10:28, And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Mar_5:36 But overhearing what they said, Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not fear, only believe.” Luk. , 8:50 But Jesus on hearing this answered him, “Do not fear; only believe, and she will be well.” Luk. 12:32, “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” 2Ti. 1:7, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. Rev. 1:17, “Fear not, I am the first and the last. And, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” I Jn. 4:18.
So is it Easy? If you do not seek Him with all your Heart, Soul, and Mind….No it is not easy! The Word says to focus not on the world but “on things above”. That “All the Treasures of knowledge and wisdom are found in Christ Jesus”. So cast away your foolish thinking, philosophies, and perspectives and seek the Truth with all heart, soul, and mind. Study the BIBLE: the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.  And remember “you can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens you”.  Even when facing death:  Rom. 8:11, “If the Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from death, lives in you, then he who raised Christ from death will also give life to your mortal bodies by the presence of his Spirit in you.”

7th Day Adventist & Deception

7th Day Adventist Deception:  an Urgent Message:

In the new Covenant Jesus listed the commandments that we are to follow and keeping the Sabbath was not one of them. It is clear that keeping the Sabbath is not required nor commanded by the Lord.  Col.2:14, states that  Jesus “nailed the Old Mosaic law to the cross” and that He fulfilled the law. We are no longer under its curse.  Yet, we have a “denomination” that declares that Keeping  the Sabbath is required for Salvation. This “denomination” has kept under the radar by presenting itself as a mainline church with an emphasis on living a healthy life with spiritual and physical guidelines. So far it has worked. And the smokescreen continues.
Three weeks ago I received a brochure in my mailbox entitled : “America & Bible Prophecy” a conference to be given at your neighborhood “Richardson Church”. Angie and I drove over there and were surprised to discover that this was a 7th Day Adventist church. They had succeeded in fooling us into believing that this was a new non-denominational church in our neighborhood. As I listened to their first lecture, I noticed that they rarely quoted scripture and jumped from Daniel to current events without using good exegesis.    In the process they generated a healthy dose of fear. This conference was supposed to be 6 sessions long, but has grown into more sessions during which time they have conveyed more and more strange Eschatology. Here are some points to note about what they teach, and some of the history of this “cult”:
1) Miller, a Baptist preacher, had predicted that the Lord would return in 1844 (based on the book of Daniel) and many of his 10,000 followers had given away their possessions. In came Ellen G. White to save the day with over 100 visions that declared that Jesus Christ stepped off the throne of God and out of Heaven and into the Holy of Holies and is waiting and Judging!   Apparently Jesus is no longer our Advocate at God’s right hand!  This is how she established the Seventh Day Adventist church. They believe that “through baptism one is truly born again in Jesus” and they do not believe in the Assurance of Salvation. Because Jesus is in the process of Redeeming, no one is really saved until the end – and only if their works are worthy! Note – Paul wrote concerning deceit, mystical experiences, & Gnosticism:
Col. 2:8, 16 “Beware least anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.” “So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths”.                 Also read Gal. 4:9-10!
2) At these sessions they are teaching that Jesus is waiting for the true church (SDA) to be Redeemed  and for the “beast” of the Catholic church to make it’s move. Anyone who is caught attending church on Sunday, as the Catholics are, will be condemned as having the seal of the beast.  Hence anyone not following the Sabbath day (a very Holy Day to them) will be condemned at the 2nd Coming! There is no rapture nor Millennium kingdom.
3) They are teaching that there is also no Hell. They believe in “Annihilation” and that Satan will not be cast into eternal Hell but will be burned into ashes to never exist again. “Fire from heaven will fall upon the wicked and the fire will completely eradicate sin and sinners from the universe forever.”-No lake of fire.
4) According to what I had read elsewhere, they believe in a  “Deity” of Jesus Christ that is not same “Deity” in which we believe. Their brochure says “Jesus causes us to mature in Christ.” There is no mention of the Holy Spirit, hence the Trinity  (but on their website they do claim a “trinity” and believing in a “holy spirit”). There is no mention of the sealing of the Holy Spirit, but they do believe in an “assurance of salvation” based on works (which is not true Assurance!). The point is they play a game of semantics using “decoy” statements that they later contradict!  They believe that everyone has a Guardian Angel and that “Michael” is another Name given to Jesus.  They teach that Lucifer was jealous of Jesus and thus rebelled.  Jesus then moved up to become God’s Son.                                                                                                                                      Paul addresses this heresy:
Col. 2:18 “Let no one cheat of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his (or her) fleshy mind and not holding fast to the Head (Jesus Christ), from whom all the body, nourished and….grows with the increase that is from God.”
5) Their emphasis on works is very apparent in all their dogma and works-based Salvation. Hence they are also practicing an acute form of Legalism that “puffs up” the mind.  To them Redemption is a process & only ends when Jesus returns.
6) As one attends these meetings they keep a close “eye” on you by having you fill out forms that ask if you agree with what is said.  They then call you up to monitor your “understanding” and “growth”. This and the promise of exclusivity & special knowledge succeeds in drawing many into a web of deceit & control.
7) They continue to add new sessions as I write this.  Last week they taught on the “Mark of the Beast”.  This mark is given to all who attend church on Sundays!  In the last session they taught:  that each day you are required to “repent”, “fervently study the Bible”, and “show yourself approved”= WORK & no real assurance of salvation.  Here is a quote from their own website on Salvation: “In infinite love and mercy God made Christ“.   God did not make Jesus Christ!  He made the Angels.  They lower Jesus Christ to just another being made by God.

8)  It can be very difficult to leave this group.  Any non-SDA member is called “worldly” because they truly believe that anyone who does not attend church on the Sabbath will be condemned as being part of the “beast’s” world by Jesus at the 2nd Coming!  They are careful to discuss these matters in the later sessions and among themselves.   The website “” states, “large portions of the church culture are controlling, oppressive, insular and very hard to leave”.

I believe that this recent “push” and outreach by the SDA is not only to increase their membership, but also to create a climate for what they perceive as a new awakening and a new leadership, ie. Ben Carson. I was at the verge of donating to Ben Carson’s campaign as I was struck in a very positive way by his testimony. After attending that 1st meeting, I decided to write his Campaign a letter asking for an explanation concerning the doctrines and dogma of the SDA. I have not received a reply and have decided not to support his campaign.

 I am also doing a year long study on the Letters of Paul and just happened to be studying Col. 2: 16-19 where Paul addresses the heresies of Legalism, Gnosticism, and Asceticism.  I realized that the SDA is guilty of promoting all three of these heresies that Paul warned believers to stay away from!  The Sabbath worship is blatant legalism (and I believe a form of idolatry), the visions (of Ellen White) and worship of angels are “special knowledge”, and the vegetarian diets, and eating habits that they heavily promote are part of an ascetic lifestyle.  Jesus Christ, “has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love…He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers” Col. 1:13, 15-16.  Jesus called himself “The Lord of the Sabbath” for a reason!  He fulfilled the Law and thus fulfilled the Sabbath.  He is now our Sabbath peace!  We do not need to follow the Sabbath law because we can celebrate Jesus Christ every day!  We are saved by believing in His Name:  “And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. . . . These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.” (, 13).  Jesus warned:     “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” Mar.13:6.  

 Whereas Paul, emphasizes the work of and fruit of the Holy Spirit, the SDA emphasizes the work necessary for Salvation that one must achieve.  They do not mention nor suggest that a believer is “sealed  with the Holy Spirit”.  They use the term, “Sealed by God” and give it a new meaning. They in essence are creating their own Salvation even though they use the words, “trinity”, “holy spirit” and “jesus”.  None of these pertain to the real Truth- they are all recreations of the SDA.  They also demand that a follower “swear allegiance” to the SDA.
Also note that : One cannot really hold the “Sabbath”  to be HOLY in its purist sense, because we are under a different calendar than the time of the Mosaic law.  We do not have an accurate date for the Sabbath (the Hebrew calendar is totally different that the Gregorian)- so our Saturday may not be same as the Saturday instituted on Mt. Sinai!  Jesus places NO value in any particular Day except the “Day of the Lord” which will be days of Judgement and His return.  Also it is important to note from Col. 3:1-2 that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the father (not standing in the Holy of Holies)!  And [GOD]  hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.”  Eph. 2:6-7 .              We are “with Jesus” and “in Jesus” receivingthe exceeding riches of his grace“.
When Jesus died on the cross he said, “It is finished“.   Redemption has been accomplished-  and He is NOT “in the process of redeeming” his special church nor judging the world! This is  very important because these lies pervert the meaning of Grace (the Gift that is freely given), and is contrary to the very essence of Salvation:  “It is by grace that we have been saved, NOT BY WORKS, it is a gift of God so that no one can boast!” Eph.7:8-9.  Note that, if you get into the inner circles of the SDA they boast about their position of special salvation and good works….as Paul says “they are puffed up about their Sabbath worship and works!” Col.2:16-17.

Isaiah 60 : The Apocalypse and the Promise

This is a multi media painting done on a 8ft. by 4ft. insulation foam board that took me about a year to make.  It is multi-dimensional in that where Hell is the insulation was melted with xylene, in the middle hangs a gold and jeweled frame (not shown) and to the right is a collage of various levels of cut photos.

This painting was not totally completed when this pic was taken.  On the right is a collage of “social events and behavior” depicting the Fall of our present day civilization.  The fist formation below the 3rd horse of the Apocalypse illustrate man’s rebellion against his Creator.  In the midst of this collage of lust and materialism is a “green” monster, the locust with a stinger tail that torments mankind for 5 months.  These tormentors come from the Abyss and are described by the John the “Revelator” in his description of the 5th Trumpet.  Above this milieu is a darkened sun with “black rain” and the “pale horse” of the Apocalypse.  The pale horse is the 4th horse of the “Seal Judgments” which will help to usher in those Trumpet Judgments.  Facing the coming Wrath are the prayers of the saints (symbolized by Billy Graham and the wavy chords of scarlet).  Under the altar in the Seal judgment is also the cries of the Martyrs demanding vengeance:  (the dark lines that link up with the prayers).

In the Center of course Is Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, crowned in all His Glory. He is the Word and He is the Door.   We are reminded of the sacrifice that He made for us by the thorns on his head, for it is by His Blood that our sins are redeemed.  Surrounding Him are the Names that Glorify Him, the Prophets that foretold his coming,  and His Holy Spirit that changed us.  Some verses that emanate in all directions are:  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, acknowledge Him in all that you do, and he will make your path straight”, “I Am the Light of the World, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness”, “I Am the Door, he who enters by me will be saved”,  and “If you confess your sins and believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved”.

Below Him is the field of “seeds” where God has sown the seeds of His Word.   Unfortunately the cares of this world and the “evil one”, as shown by the thorns and weeds, have led people astray.  As Isaiah says,  “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”  The Hand from Heaven on the left is sowing these seeds.  We are reminded that Jesus used “seeds” to illustrate many of his parables: “The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field”,  “The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man.  The field is the world, and the good seed is the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one,” “Other seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it, and it yielded no grain”.   Coming out of this area is the Dark Horse, and the curse of starvation and torture from condemnation and injustice.

The panel on the left illustrates the Holy Spirit and His war against the flesh, the world, and Satan.  Below are the two first horses: the white horse of the deception and the cults; and the red horse of war, terror, and affliction.  Both of these ride above hell as if fed by its fury.  Hell is depicted by the character of Satan (false, counterfeit),  the names of Hell (Wits End, Lake of Fire), and by its predisposition (Depression, paranoia, insanity, and anxiety).  The dragon is shown bursting from the fire but repulsed by the cross of Christ.  In making Hell I accidentally spilled acetone which melted the foam and created melted plastic effect- which added 3 dimensional texture effect to hell.  Other effects include the seeds which are done with colorful sequins, and a 3D frame that is on the actual painting – framing he head of Jesus in Gold with jewels.  It is not shown in the photo because it would block other important features.  At the very top is the verse from which this work is titled, Isaiah 60:1-3:   Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.   For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples;  but the LORD will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you.  And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.

The “Signs of His Majesty and Promise” – the growth of a painting.

The Finished Painting is illustrated at the End.

This first section was written many many years ago before the painting was complete.  It shows the development of this work of art that won a major art contest here in Dallas.  Note the first pic is the painting in an earlier stage to show how it evolved.

This is a painting that I am presently working on titled: “Signs of His Majesty and Promise”  It could also be titled “His Glory Revealed”, as it shows God’s Glory in both the “heavens” and  in the firmament and also in the supernatural realm of His Word. Illustrated in the center of  the painting is the“burning bush” where God first spoke to Moses and said “I AM that I AM”.  He told Moses to tell His people that “Yahweh” or “I AM” sent him. Moses of course goes to  his people in Egypt and delivers them through the “Passover” judgment which is illustrated on the lower right corner, with blood on the door posts and the swirling symbolizing the death angel.  Coming from the Burning bush is the Angel of the Lord on the Right side stopping Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac. Highlighting the fact that this event is a foreshadowing of the sacrifice of God’s own Son for our Sins, the whole image forms the face of the crucified Savior. On the left the Angel is announcing the birth of Jesus Christ: His name will be Emmanuel, God with us. In the manger the baby “Jesus” is the “image of the invisible God”.  Nearby in the shadow is Golgotha and the Cross upon which He bore and died for our sins. But radiating beyond this shadow is the Victory of His Resurrection for He has Risen! He has defeated death.  Note that on the opposite corner is a door with blood on it, representing the Passover-the Sign given to Israel 1400 years earlier

An integral part of the Burning Bush is Time as it unravels in a 3 Dimensional way. This should remind us that time is “measured” on this earth and that many events in the Bible have both a natural and a supernatural dimension. For instance the 12 tribes camped out in the wilderness with 3 tribes lined up parallel to each of the outer walls of the tabernacle, would form a cross. From heaven the encamped tribe with its warming and cooking fires reflecting light off the tents would glow in the form of a giant Cross. This “cross” of course foreshadows the promised Victory that would bless all the nations of the world through the Abrahamic covenant. And that is why the “Abrahamic covenant” is prominently portrayed next to Time. The Lord walked with a censor filled with fire between the sectioned animals making a Covenant of eternal consequence and promising Abraham that his seed would bless all nations. This “blood covenant” (where 5 animals are sacrificed) would have created a pool and stream of blood that in my painting forms a cross. Abraham is seen in a sleeping trance just below, as God speaks to him and gives him a vision of the 400 years of Israel’s captivity. Within Time and the Burning Bush are Hebrew letters that tell us about the character of God and His Glory. The top stream says, “I Am Your All Sufficient God” or “I Am All Sufficient“. Below that God tells us to “Know Before Whom You Stand” , for God seeks a relationship with us…and He is a Just and Merciful God. In the last line He comforts us with these words: “I AM WITH YOU”.  Notice  that the clock is pictured from 9 am to 3 pm which is the time during which Jesus was crucified!

Permeating the entire painting are Messages or Signs in groups of 3: God’s Creation (The Stars and Constellations) and both the Old and New Covenants reveal God’s Promise and His Truth! From the 1st Adam (upper right with the Tree of Life) to the 2nd Adam, Jesus Christ, 3 covenants are portrayed (Adamic, Abrahamic, and Mosaic); three types of sacrifice are shown (corporate sacrifice as at the Tabernacle, Personal sacrifice as with Abraham and Isaac, and God’s covenant sacrifice as with His Son; three major Celestial Signs are revealed: 1) in the Stars as with the Bethlehem Star 2) in the Shekinah Glory, and 3) in His Glorious Return in the Clouds. Three messages are illustrated: 1) the symbolic message of His Cross in natural events, 2) His Word through Time, and 3) the Scarlet Thread of blood in all the sacrifices. Of course we have other THREE’S: the Father (the Burning Bush), the Son (returning the Clouds), and the Holy Spirit (the Shekinah Glory).  The Past, the Future (Jesus in the Clouds), and the Present are revealed (The WORD). There is also 3 earthly phenomena- the earthquake, fire, and wind. Birth, death, and resurrection along with energy, mass, and supernatural are also shown. The painting itself has 3 “lines or layers” of 3 images. The first 3 smaller images below are the 1) Cross and the Resurrection, 2) the birth and the Annunciation, and 3) the Passover and the sacrifice. The next “line” has the nation of Israel encamped, the Burning Bush with the Eternal Clock, and the Angel stopping Abraham forming the face of Jesus Christ. The final line has the Shekinah Glory, the Lord Returning, and the Abrahamic Covenant.  There are also 3 major Fires:  the Fire of God on Mt. Sinai,  the Fire consuming the sacrifice at the Tabernacle, and the Fire  of the Burning Bush.  There are also 3 sacrifices: Jesus on the Cross,  Abraham’s sacrifice, and the Ram shown as the propitiation of sins, which the Angel of the Lord points to.

Just as the rising sun radiates rays of light over the sea of Galilee and the Jordan river, the Son of God Coming in the Clouds radiates the Glory of God. All nations “will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with great Power and Glory”. But we can also see His Glory here on earth: in His Birth, He emptied Himself to take on  human flesh; and humbled himself to the point of dying a criminals death on the cross. Christ reveals His Glory as the Bread of Life (in the window), the Living Water (flowing from the sun to the eternal clock), and the Light of Salvation radiating from the tomb etc.

Here is the Finished painting:  Here is a follow up explanation of the painting and what it means:  Hold in your hand the enclosed picture (take a pic of it with your cell phone) and follow along: As the Magi approach from the East we are reminded of God’s Promise throughout the Ages beginning in the Garden of Eden where God ‘s Creation provided a choice between Eternal Life with Him or the curse of sin and eternal life in darkness. On the horizon are the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and just below that is a tiny Abel making the 1st blood sacrifice, outside of the Garden.  Years later, it is here as he is preparing the yearly blood sacrifice that Cain kills him in a jealous rage.
God then graciously shined His Light on Abraham whose faith was magnified by his Righteous life and willingness to sacrifice his only Son. Henceforth God establishes the Stage from which He brings forth His Son as Savior: He molds and guides a nation of people through the Burning Bush, The Passover, Mount Sinai, the Shekinah Glory, and a wandering in the desert encamped in a cross formation (all depicted in the painting). Then in the fullness of time highlighted by the Bethlehem star, the baby Jesus, and the “wise men” seeking the KING, He prepares the Way to Redeem what was lost.

It was this image of His Promise & Faithfulness that inspired me to paint the painting that tied for first place at PcPc Artfest and will now temporarily grace our office reception area.   See if you can find the hidden “Signs of His Majesty and Promise”: 3 Celestial Wonders, 5 Crosses, & 7 Signs of His Promise (Jesus Christ). I was inspired to do this painting as a witness to the Jew, for it reveals in a profound way how God used events, designs, and faithful servants to reveal and “paint” an image of His Promise in their daily lives. How can they not see this? The Italian curator who helped judge my painting said that this conundrum is reflected by the “JESUS” of this painting that is obvious to an informed eye, but which was missed even by the careful observation of all the other judges (in this small rendition it may not have the same affect -but look at the pic, and see if you can see it -I will reveal it at the end of this letter). You should see the LORD walking between the blood sacrifice of 3 cleaved mammals, a dove, and a pigeon; thus establishing a One-Way covenant while Abraham sleeps (called the Abrahamic Promise or Covenant). Below that is a poetic rendition of the Angel of God pointing to the Ram and stopping Abraham from sacrificing Isaac (who like Jesus carried his own wood for sacrifice and was “innocent”). Going clockwise we see the Passover blood covering the posts and lintel; the Burning Bush with infinite multi-dimensional Time streaked in blood (9am – 3pm -was the time that Jesus was on the cross) with the Hebrew inscriptions “I AM your All Sufficient God”, “Know before Whom you stand”…God said to Moses, and “I will be with you Always”. Another angel points to the future “baby in a manger” who is to be our Savior and who will die in the “shadow” of a cross, yet He will be Resurrected! Above we see the Cross formed by Israel’s 12 tribes (3 to the West, 3 to the North, 3 to the South, and 3 to the East of the Tabernacle) the configuration that God commanded. From within the Tabernacle the Shekinah Glory which protected Israel by night, (some say the Holy Spirit of the Old Testament) rises up beyond Mount Sinai and the Fire of God. In the center The “Lord of Lords” returns in the clouds with His Saints; all nations “will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds, with great power and glory”. There are also over 200 prophecies in the OT that Jesus Christ fulfilled, including Daniel’s exact prediction of His Triumphal Entrance. Can you see Him for who He IS?

The final Jesus in the painting that all the judges failed to see is the “JESUS” formed inside the burning bush….do you see Him?


Christianity 101- 2016


“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” (1 Timothy 4:1)
Christians should not be taken by surprise at the vast eruption of witchcraft, New Age mysticism, Eastern occultism, rock-music demon worship, drug-induced fantasies, altered states of consciousness, and even overt Satan-worshiping cults that have suddenly proliferated in our supposedly scientific and naturalistic society. Behind it all are the “seducing spirits” and “the rulers of the darkness of this world” (Ephesians). So do not be surprised by this spirit of tolerance and blind faith in things that we once considered anti-family, sick, devious, and disturbing. Transgenderism, S&M, and other sexual aberrations are all part of this new age of acceptance and deviation. Where poverty is fostering drug resistant gonorrhea, TB, and flesh eating bacterium, affluency is is cultivating its own version of soul destroying disease.
The West is falling into a cultural black hole that will draw the wrath of those who see these aberrations as decadent and evil . This is the irony of the whole Western mentality of social humanism. We think that our progressive humanitarian efforts and liberal tolerance will change the world for the better. How foolish! Most of the world, including South America and Africa, think that we have opened up a Pandora’s box of compromise and tolerance that will hurt them and their children. The Islamist and other militant fundamentalists believe that we have gone to bed with the devil and consort to spread wickedness and vile thinking. Other countries such as Russia have taken the measure of criminalizing these sexual behaviors and have also banned any religion that they consider to be a cult. This includes the Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons. We in turn have condemned this action as being undemocratic and intolerant. So who do you think is right? Frankly this very issue could be what ignites the next war.

Note that God is at work at this very instance bringing souls into his kingdom. The irony of this whole matter is that God often uses “evil kings” and “evil forces” to bring about his will.  Just as he did with Israel, Judah, Babylon, and Persia he will bring the mix together to produce a remnant that will purified by the test of trial.  We have our own “evil king” and “evil forces of the air” that are polluting the brains and hearts of our young.   So how long will God allow these forces to grow without a climatic ending.  He wants to save the lost and just as he allowed the destruction of Babylon, Persia, the rebellious Israel, and the idolatrous Judah, He will allow America to fall.   Three powerful triggers are ready to be pulled: 1) North Korea is one command away from setting off a major nuclear war 2) Iran is sophisticated enough to launch an intercontinental missile-satellite our way 3) ISIS, Hezbollah, and other very crazy folks along with the Chinese smuggling networks are ready to suck the life out of our country by subterfuge and terrorism.   Along with  these are the Satanic forces of evil which in the time of Jesus were effective and content possessing  individuals.  Now these same demons are occupied with much more strategic and devious plans – controlling the population with media, music, drugs, and lies of every kind and form.

The Truth is this: God created a Universe that was good in every facet. Even the angels were good. But God gave both the angels and man the right to choose and hence the ability to think and decide right from wrong. Lucifer, who commanded 1/3 of the angels, chose to defy the authority of God and was cast from heaven. He then deceived Eve and Adam into thinking that God had said something other than what He said, leading them on to disobey God’s command not to eat of the fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  Some suggest that Adam and Eve were in direct violation of God’s will because they defiantly wanted to have more knowledge and the freedom to choose.    So they ate and become fully flesh and knowledgeable of their own nakedness and sin.  Yet God in His infinite Love and Mercy provided a covering for both Adam and Eve….in front of them He took an innocent lamb and slew it in order to cover them.

This was done Outside of the Garden that God had given them; and may have been done on a special rock. The next sacrifice would be prepared by man. Abel, who was born first would learn how to make this sacrifice on a yearly basis- probably at the same place where the Lord had made His sacrifice. This sacrifice of blood was commanded by God -and Cain, the next son, chose to disobey it. He killed Abel in defiance of God’s order (does this sound familiar?) Adam and Eve had been commanded to replenish the earth and multiply and so they did….until evil again raised its ugly head.
The families of Cain (whom God cursed yet protected from being murdered) had been told not to intermarry with the families of Abel. They disobeyed and Giants came unto the land and more evil was conceived. So much evil filled the land that God could find only one righteous family, the family of Noah. In order to cleanse the earth, God generated a world wide eruption and fall of water that covered even the highest hills (the mountains as we have today did not exist- they were created by the drift of continents). So evil and disobedience again was judged and dealt with.

With the replenished earth people multiplied and tried to build a tower that would reach God. Seeing their defiance God changed their languages so that each tribe could speak to the other…..hence they fled into every direction..some crossing snow and ice bridges to the new continents, some using the massive piles of wood left from the flood to cross into areas of Australia…and others built boats and and launched themselves onto the oceans. This is how God established nations and cultures in all the lands. God then chose one man, one family, one tribe, one nation to be His example. He chose Abraham and his son Isaac who had a son named Jacob. Through Jacob came Joseph and the nation that was formed in Egyptian slavery. God delivered the Israelite nation from the hand of Pharaoh and with a pillar of Cloud by day and a pillar of Fire by night He guided them across the desert to the edge of the wilderness at Etham where they encamped. The next day they went south through a mighty gorge to Pi-Hahiroth (which means “mouth of the gorge”, on the Red Sea Exodus 14:2) . Here the Lord parted the deep waters (this large beach area exists today at Nuweiba) and after the 2-3 million Israelites crossed with their animals, God allowed the walls of water to crush the massive Egyptian army that had pursued them. Their chariot wheels and other parts have turned into coral reefs that also betray shapes of the long dissolved bones from men and horses.

God delivered this nation of rebellious and ragged people over a course of 40 years in the wilderness.   The Israelites would eventually defeat all the nations around them, but would fall into rebellion again. God would allow them to go into captivity under the 3 great empires of prophecy: Babylon, Persia, and Greece. Then under the Pax Romana God would bring His Son, the Messiah, and fulfill over 300 prophecies.                                                                                                As promised, Jesus Christ was born from a virgin in Bethlehem of David’s lineage, lived in both Egypt and Nazareth, betrayed by a friend for 30 coins, hands pierced, reviled and spit upon, lots drawn for his clothes, and no bones broken, and then raised on the 3rd day. Just to have these few prophesies fulfilled by one person would be like finding one marked quarter among tight piles of quarters covering the entire state of Texas 3 feet deep!. When Jesus Christ was crucified, then rose on the 3rd day. He broke the Curse of Sin and Death and opened the Door to heaven to any and all who believe in His Name. Jesus himself told us what His name is: Messiah, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Lamb of God, Redeemer, the Alpha and Omega, the Resurrection and the Life, Son of Man, Son of God, the Bread of Life, -names that anyone can identify with even back then. So we have no excuse: either Jesus lied about who he was or he was a lunatic? Otherwise Jesus Christ is indeed your Savior and Redeemer and we need to change and seek to know Him and worship Him. By the way His name is not Michael the Archangel as the Jehovah Witnesses  believe. Nor is he the brother of Satan as Mormons believe. Satan who is fallen, and Michael, and Gabriel are Archangels and are not part of the Godhead, nor do they carry the authority of the Godhead. Jesus Christ is, however, fully God and fully man.
John 3:16-18  “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.  Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.”

Polar Extremes:

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It appears that the media, the administration, and the science community do not want to tell the public what is really going on with Antarctica Sea Ice formation. The FACT is Antarctica Sea Ice formation  is at near record levels whereas Arctic Sea Ice is reaching record lows. Is this Global warming? Not exactly! The amount of Sea Ice formation in Antarctica is much greater than the sea ice loss in the Arctic! I decided to do my own research and believe there is another serious issue developing. It is obvious that there has been a large shift of mass between the poles. Does this portend stress on the earth’s crust. I decided to look back at the charts from 1960 when the world’s most violent earthquake hit Chile. As shown in the chart below the sea ice that year spiked to record levels. Another very curious event happened recently in May, 2015 at the Pacific Antarctic Ridge. An area that has few earthquakes was shocked by a 6.5 quake! Likewise we have seen multiple earthquakes in Chile!

For both hemispheres, quasi-weekly sea ice concentration and extent were digitized by the U.S. National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). One of the difficulties using charts based on in situ observations is that there was very little exploration poleward of the “marginal ice zone” (the area of partial sea ice cover near the ice edge), so in older reconstructions the ice concentration was often assumed to be 100% beyond the marginal zone. By comparing in situ, aerial, and satellite observations, it’s possible to make a much better estimate of actual ice conditions throughout the polar regions. NSIDC has announced the discovery & recovery of space footage of Earth’s polar icecaps, dating back to 1964.
The recovered photographs have yielded some startling surprises, according to David Gallaher, technical services manager at NSIDC, bold mine: In the Arctic, sea ice extent was larger in the 1960s than it is these days, on average. “It was colder, so we expected that,” Gallaher said. What the researchers didn’t expect were “enormous holes” in the sea ice, currently under investigation. “We can’t explain them yet,” Gallaher said. “And the Antarctic blew us away,” he said. In 1964, sea ice extent in the Antarctic was the largest ever recorded, according to Nimbus image analysis. Two years later, there was a record low for sea ice in the Antarctic, and in 1969 Nimbus imagery, sea ice appears to have reached its maximum extent earliest on record. The Arctic regularly reaches ever smaller extents of end-of-summer minimum extents of sea ice. This changing sea ice extent is cited by the IPCC as an indicator of a warming world. However, sea ice extent is growing in Antarctica [1].  In 2014 Antarctica sea ice hit record levels. The growth of Antarctic sea ice was erratic this year (2015): sea ice was at much higher than normal levels throughout much of the first half of 2015 until, in mid-July, it flattened out and even went below normal levels in mid-August. The sea ice cover recovered partially in September, but still this year’s maximum extent is 513,00 square miles (1.33 million square kilometers) below the record maximum extent, which was set in 2014.

However, aside from the fact that many people confuse land ice, sea ice and ice shelves, it’s important to note that there are huge differences between the Arctic and the Antarctic. The Arctic is an ocean surrounded by land. The Antarctic is land, covered by ice, surrounded by ocean. Sea ice in the Arctic is generally thick, multi-year sea ice that survives several seasons, whereas the sea ice in Antarctica largely melts away each summer. Antarctic sea ice is mostly thin (~0.6 m thick [2]), single-year sea ice. It’s also warmer, more saline and more mobile than Arctic sea ice.
Increasing Antarctic sea ice Antarctica is a unique environment, and the complex interactions between ice, ocean and atmosphere have led to a unique set of circumstances that have resulted in sea ice growth. It may be explained by many factors, or most probably by a combination of several. Climate change is a complex process governed by multiple feedbacks between different parts of the system; complex interactions between the melting land ice and ice shelves fringing the continent and changes in wind stress are all implicated in controlling Antarctic sea ice extent. Further, more work is required to ascertain the reliability of observations of sea ice increase given the recent discovery of an error in the algorithm used to quantify and map sea ice over the last few decades. The point is we have been wrong in our predictions and Global warming may not be occurring. The real question should be: if the northern hemisphere is heating and the southern hemisphere is cooling, will we see increased tectonic activity and earthquakes? The stress on the earth’s crust could result in more volcanic activity too. Volcanic activity does not necessarily increase Global warming but it can cause havoc and further destabilize the crust. Someone needs to start studying the charts and finding a new Algorithum!

Nephilim – Satan Bugs, Fallen Angels, Giants, and Demon Babies

Satan Bugs, Fallen Angels, Giants, and Demon Babies:

My conversation with two Seminary educated Bible Teachers  (Dr. H & Dr. M): Before giving up on the detailed dialogue go to the 5 points at the end.

ME:  Dr. H, why on earth and in heaven’s name would God use his Word to call “Sons of God” fallen angels that help to destroy the world-no way.  Sorry! As you suggested, just because a lot of Bible Teachers think so does not make it true!  Big name Bible teachers are a dime a dozen and to God they can be about as good as the really smart Pharisees!  I appreciate your understanding of the Word but please do not use your claim to grammatical knowledge to suggest a theology that runs counter to the good faith and heart of the Word and the Gospel.  By the way this fanciful type of thinking also feeds Scientology, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, and other cults because it gives more power and control of humans to angels and spirits – which they place in high order- equal to Jesus!  And by the way they claim to have “grammatical” knowledge that proves their points!  Hollywood also loves this kind of fanciful interpretation as it gives credence to “Satan bugs”, human “demon babies”, and “Giants”.

To push the sin of man to the side in order to blame a select group of evil angels (which you call “Sons of God”)  is stretching theology to the point of a horror fantasy!  Just because a group of sodomites in Sodom wanted to “know” the angels does not suggest nor indicate in any logical way that angels are capable of sex. To even suggest this gives angels sexuality- A Human Trait and would also suggest that Gabriel could have impregnated Mary!.  Angels Do not have DNA - HENCE CANNOT TRANSFER TRAITS – “Yes!” this borders on heresy! The literal meaning of Sons of God is either good angels or good people linked to God – not evil angels nor demons!! Remember Jesus said “as the days of Noah were, so shall be the coming of the Son of Man.”  So where are these demon babies and Satan bugs?  Where are the 1/2  demonic angels or the 1/2 human mutants?  Jesus states that it will be as in the “Days of Noah”! Surely He would have warned us in the His Revelation to John, (the book of Revelation).  Also your reference to Job 1:6 as another example of “Sons of God” being evil angels is ludicrous.  Read the context:  Job 1:6-7 “Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.  And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.”  The grammar is very clear to me.  The “Sons of God” does refer to angels, however NOT to evil angels or to Satan’s fellow angels.  To support your thesis the context would have to read:  Satan and his angels presented themselves to the LORD.   The Author is clearly separating the good angels from Satan. The use of “Sons of God” here does not dictate the meaning of “sons of God” in Genesis 6.   As in English and every language word meanings and titles can change over time.
I highly respect you Dr. H, for you are scholar of the Word and a dedicated student of Word and of Charitable causes.    So you should understand this continued exegesis of the Word.  Note that in Genesis God said that each animal would procreate according to its kind (each after it’s kind).  God delineated each kind so that they could NOT create “mutants” or hyper breeds!  There was a reason for this! It is called DNA.  I know that you do not understand DNA so you may not comprehend nor understand this.  There is also an insurmountable gap between His flesh and blood creation and his spiritual creation!  Note what is said in I Cor. 15:40-55.  Paul makes it very clear that there is a BIG difference between flesh and blood and the spiritual creation (glorified bodies).  The body is corrupt and cannot be raised!  15:50 states that “Flesh and Blood” cannot inherit the kingdom of God.  It is very likely that the “glorified body” does NOT have blood nor consists of flesh as we know it!   Taking this into consideration it is also likely that the angels that ate with Abraham appeared as human, but did NOT consist of “flesh and blood”.  This would suggest that they did NOT have the ability to produce sperm, DNA, feces, and urine!  They are supernatural by definition!

Dr. M, earlier you stated that you believe that demonic angels possessed the daughters of man. You didn’t state cohabitation!

Dr. M: Fallen angels cohabited with women and created a super race.
Me: So now you are changing what you said to Angie and I a couple of days ago. By the way “demonic possession” is also what Dr. Morris believes and taught in the class that I was in. Now concerning the cohabitation theory:  why would Jesus not address this issue in the Gospels?  Obviously this would also be a problem post flood! The problem prior to the flood, as Jesus stated, was the “wickedness of MAN”- NOT the evil angels, NOR MAN-ANGELS!

Dr. M: You misunderstood what I said last night. I said that angels cohabited with women, but some believe that they possessed men first. But I believe the majority view that the fallen angels (demons) appeared as men and had sex with the women. The super race offspring were the renowned evil men that roamed the earth. That super race had to be destroyed to protect the line of Christ.
Me: That also makes no sense!  So you think that “Sons of God” is a reference to Satanic man angels?  When does the Bible refer to the title “Sons of God” in a bad way?  “Sons of God” is never used to mean fallen angels.  Even if they become like men (which is only associated to good angels ) they would not be able to procreate without DNA!  That is one important reason why Dr. Morris (who is a decorated scientist, author, and Bible scholar) believes that it would have to be demon possession and NOT angelic procreation!

Dr. M: Fallen angels make perfect sense to me. Even though my view is the majority view, doesn’t make it right. Good theologians hold other views, mainly two other views. BTW, fallen angels could procreate as well as angels could eat solid food.
Me: they could eat, but there is no reference to procreation, (but Take Note of this – if you say that they are like humans in eating, then they would have to poop!  I seriously doubt that they are of real flesh because real flesh is full of sin.  Their “flesh” would be a glorified pure flesh and not of sinful human form and function- yet able to mimic aspects of human function!   Mike why on earth and in heaven would God use his Word to call “Sons of God” fallen angels that help to destroy the world?  No way!  Sorry, and as you suggested just because a lot of Bible Teachers think so does not make it true!  Same as Mt. Sinai being in Egypt deception! This is foolishness and again the majority of Christian apologists still believe in evolution (according to Kirby Anderson)! Frankly there is something really wrong with our seminary indoctrinated “church” of modern America!  Which means there are a bunch of bad teachers!

Dr. M: Why are those angels placed in the lowest hell (Tartarus), while the other fallen angels free to go about the country?
Me: 2Pet.2:4,  “For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but threw them into the lowest hell and imprisoned them in chains of deepest darkness, holding them for judgment,”- These angels were judged for “leaving their domain” and that has nothing to do with procreation. Note what 2 Pet 2:5, says:  That Noah and his sons were a “herald of righteousness”!   Yes, God clearly is focused on sin and “righteousness” not on a “demon seed”, nor on an angelic DNA epidemic!  What is important is what is NOT SAID. From beginning to end, God has been concerned with the heart of man and Satan’s attempt to seduce & destroy it!
SEARCH Google for one of the excellent sites that show how the “Sons of God” are connected to Seth, and the “Daughter of men” are related to Cain!  You like many others have grown too comfortable in your black box viewpoint!

Dr. M: The angels interpretation is from excellent literal exegesis. There is a lot that we can’t understand in Scripture like the Trinity, election, virgin birth, etc. You can take any of the three views that you most comfortable with, because they are all based on the Bible. It is not like salvation or evolution. I personally see the Angel view more sound and you see your view more sound. What is important is that you and I are pre-trib and creationists.

Me: If angels did indeed help cause the fall of the world, then I would think that Jesus and Peter and all the other writers of the NT would have warned the early church of the possibility of angels cohabiting with man in the future! The fact that it is not mentioned is a stark statement of reality. There would be a reason to warn! For prophecy would be severly affected, jsut as history was affected in the pre-flood era!  Sorry, but I do not go along with your logic!  All of this leads to conspiracy theories and really bad exegesis, and again it is more than just the matter of salvation - it Does affect how people think and act! Crazy stuff like this only arms bipolar people like my brother with serious non-Biblical thought, fears, suspicions, and just pure paranoid thinking! By the way this ridiculous type of thinking also feeds Scientology, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, and other cults because it gives more power and control of humans to angels and spirits – which they place in high order- equal to Jesus!

Me, later on:  This is much more than just an issue with the Nephilum or the noble men of valor which could easily have passed their DNA onward to Noah’s family through intermarriage.  After all this intermarriage did take place against God’s will.  That DNA surfaces again in the post flood era with the “giants” in the Promised land in the book of Numbers.  But this does not at all suggest that angels were involved in the process and it would be almost heretical to suggest that something other than sin was causing the “fall of mankind”!

Dr. M: I don’t understand why you are sounding so upset. You don’t understand the whole concept of the fallen angels. I studied all those theories in angelology classes at DTS. Even the men of Sodom wanted to have sex with the two angels that rescued Lot. Although I am positive that I am right, I have no problem with you having a different view. I want to bring people to Christ.

Me: I also want to bring people to Jesus Christ and Angie and I do this at our White Rock Lake Mission every Sunday!  The problem is there are a lot of crazy people out there who love your viewpoint- which is more science fantasy than reality!!   The Bible is trustworthy. Satan loves to change the meaning of the Word.  By the way, sin entered the world by one man not one angel! To push the sin of man to the side, in order to blame a select group of angels is stretching theology to the point of heresy!  Just because a group in Sodom wanted to “know ” the angels does not suggest nor indicate in any logical way that angels are capable of sex.   Angels do not have DNA –  HENCE CANNOT TRANSFER TRAITS….and yes, this is heresy!  By the way your good friend, Dr. Morris agrees with what I just stated above.  As a student of science, he says or argues the same point then goes on to say that it has to be demon possession.
For in demon possession there is no DNA TRANSFER.   If you studied Angelology then you should know that heresy concerning angels was a big problem in the early church!  So why was this Genesis 6 issue not addressed by Paul in Colossians? By the way I do not agree with Dr. Morris and his demon possession theory!

Me: Look I enjoy this discussion because it is to the Glory of God and His Word! But you and all leaders should realize that you may be setting a bad example to believers and to unbelievers!   The world loves twisting the Bible with Watcher Beings, vampire angels, and all kinds of super angels that are evil, yet have power over believers and unbelievers alike.  Making Sons of God into evil angels only empowers this fallacy. Another reason to get this right is all the other mythology built around the Bible such as the recent Noah movie, the Apocryphal texts, and the Kabalah – all of which distort the truth about angels. The literal meaning of “Sons of God” is either good angels or good people linked to God – not demons!  Remember Jesus said “as the days of Noah were, so shall be the coming of the Son of Man.”  A couple of more things to note is that St. Augustine also believed that God wanted to keep the family of Seth separate for obvious reasons (in the same way that He desires that believers today keep away from the world and from intermarriage with non-believers!) The heresy of that time (including the Catholic church and the Apocrypha) involved a  popular worldly thinking of angels mixing with men!   Note that even the NIV distinguishes Sons of God in Genesis from angels used in the book of JOB.
I hope and pray that this type of error is not being taught at DTS!

Dr. Morris has this all pinned on demon possession…but I still donate to ICR. I just think that anyone who teaches had better be very very sure that they teach the correct message…and if there is any doubt to present both sides without showing a bias towards the “angel concept”!

Other VERY IMPORTANT points to note: 1) God knows that beautiful women can easily deceive men: 25,000 Israelites died because of the Midianite women that seduced them.  This incident is linked to Balaam the prophet – who misused the gift God gave him.  2) The angels that followed Satan had already fallen and were no longer Sons of God.  3) This mixing of demons with man is all part of the “Serpent Seed” or “Satan Seed” teachings that generated movies like “Rosemary’s Baby” and the “Satan Bug” etc.  The “creatures” produced of this unholy seed would not be “in the image of God”, for they would no longer be totally human.  4)  If we look in the NT many demon possessed men were delivered of demons and were normal in size and became “saved” men. The “demoniac” for instance, was NOT A GIANT NOR WAS HE A PERSON IN CONTROL OF HIS SENSES  and Behavior and so would not “have been a man of valor or skill in fighting (as is stated in Genesis 6 concerning the Nephilim!   5)  When Jesus confronted the demoniac, it was clearly stated by LUKE that the demoniac was very violent and anti-social!  This crazed maniac was NOT interested in procreating, romance, and marriage! I would doubt that any “daughter of man would want to marry him!  Note that in Genesis 6 the giants are NOT STATED AS BEING SUPERNATURAL and crazy, but are just “mighty men who were of old, men of renown”. It does not even imply that these “giants” are MORE wicked or evil THAN THE REST! 6) Even though the Nephilim are mentioned after the flood this does not mean that they survived the flood, nor that a demonic spirit survived and then returned to haunt the earth!  The use of the word denotes “giants” and does not imply “sonship” -just as “son of wickedness” does not imply a familial trait.  These post flood Nephilim were not a result of the daughters of man cohabiting with the Sons of God.  There are many names in the Bible that are not fully explained but are descriptive in nature: such as the word used to explain the name of the animal whose skin was used to cover the tabernacle.  So called “experts” claim that the Hebrew name implies a sea creature like a dolphin – really!  These shepherds, slaves, and brick layers went fishing for dolphins!  Or another version calls them “badgers” which of course do not exist in the desert or wilderness of “Arabia”!  A logical careful examination would point to the “Arabian Oryx” which has a white hide (reflecting the sun’s heat) and may have looked like a sea creature in a desert mirage!


Ship of FOOLS or fools for Christ?

Why is it that Paleontologists are running for cover and are afraid to publically comment on recent discoveries of “living tissue” in dinosaur fossils. Back in 2006, Smithstonian Magazine reported on a “dinosaur shocker”, reporting that living tissue had indeed been found in dinosaur bones discovered by Mary Schweitzer in 2005. How could the mass media miss this 5 year old story! Where are the investigative reporters and credible news stories on this incredible find? Surely any person who is interested in the facts would want to pursue an answer to the simple question of how old these fossils are. Yet no one is willing to comment, nor does it seem that reporters nor their editors are willing to pursue the issue. Why is this so?

On Nov. 15th, 60 minutes aired a segment on the T-Rex and indeed reported that “elastic blood vessels” had been found in the thigh bone fossil of a large T-Rex fossil found in Wyoming by a team led by Jack Horner. During the segment Jack Horner and the interviewer repeated more than half a dozen times that those fossils were 65-80 million years old! Yet, not once was he challenged concerning the age of the fossils. The focus of the discussion was steered towards cloning. As a rational human being who has been told for the last 60 years that radiometric dating methods are sacrosanct and that the age of Jurassic fossils has to be between 65 to 80 million years, I would like to see someone step up and bravely report on the issue! As a scientist, I find it appalling that an investigative program such as 60 minutes can invest so much time and effort, yet miss the obvious question…how can a permeable bone stay buried for 65 to 80 million years without turning to stone? Has anyone investigated what science knows about fossilization? Did any reporter investigate the reports done by Scientific America back in the 19th century! Yes, it appears that scientists and reporters back then were less biased and compromised in their viewpoint. They were willing to report that fossilization can occur in two weeks! Villagers in the area of Yorkshire, England, were amazed to find that when they placed a sponge in their creek water in two weeks it would completely fossilize! They found that more impermeable objects would take longer, yet the rate for even small animals was rapid! So they put their beloved dead pets in the water to immortalize them in stone!

Now I challenge you to investigate and follow up on some of the following quotes: 1) Mary Schweitzer stated in her interview on that 60 minutes show “Jack is the only paleontologist out there who lets me dissolve his dinosaurs.” Why is this true? Is it lack of funding among big institutions? We spent $50 million to build a rainforest exhibit in Iowa, 13.5 million on the World Toilet Summit, and 1.8 million on swine odor! Since this appears to be such an incredible discovery, one that might revolutionize how we think about the dinosaur age and one that could totally disprove radiometric dating, why aren’t more scientists investigating every facet of these discoveries? 2) A doctorate student under Mary Schweitzer, Liz Johnson, wrote on Mary’s blog, “I will focus in particular on fossilization processes and pathways that facilitate the preservation of soft tissue in bone for millions of years.” Is we she kidding? Are we implying that super proteins exist that repulse fossilization? Looks like another waste of taxpayer money! Why are we not pursuing the possibility that since those fossils are in the process of becoming complete fossils, they may actually be a lot younger than theorized. Radiometric dating is not hard science for it has been shown to be in error when used to date recently formed rocks in recent volcanic eruptions. Rocks that should be measured as being only a few months or years old were dated as being millions and millions of years old!

The Times Online, reported on a fossilized squid discovered in 2009 in England. “The fossil record has been rewritten – In 150-million-year-old squid ink. The discovery of the perfectly preserved ink sac of the inch-long cephalopod, a type of squid, has astonished palaeontologists,” Another article stated that the same squid fossil, was 118 million years old! This disparity is true of almost every find, where one group disputes the other and radiometric dating appears unable to find an age appealing to everyone (The same was true for “Ida” and for “Lucy”! ). So here we have a totally soft body creature which is elastic and permeable, yet it has not completely fossilized! Could it be that the dating process is completely inaccurate? I would dare suggest so! Otherwise one has to totally rewrite the science of proteins, amino acids, and cell structure and start believing in Superman, the Tooth Fairy, and Mighty Mouse! The average plumber (who has no college education and hence less bias) would clearly tell you that there is no way that a permeable body could be buried in the earth for even 8 thousand years without having a quick mineral disposition or rotting of the entire body! The ink from that squid was still useable and was in fact used to draw a picture of the squid for public viewing! The tissue in the medullary bone of the T-Rex still had elastic blood vessels and cells in it! Let’s be a rational and scientific, and do some empirical testing and allow the free flow of thoughts among all scientists! But most of all, the public needs to be allowed in this debate and needs to be properly informed as I have informed you! I personally interviewed over 200 people from one to eight weeks after the broadcast of the 60 minute segment on T-REx and only 3 saw the program. Of those 3, all were distracted by the cloning issue and made no connection concerning the age of the “fossils”! I would dare suggest that there is a deliberate cover up or stonewalling by the evolution based science community to protect their reputation and ideology. This cover up seems to be supported by the government, politicians (who are uninformed), media, and most academic institutions. The media has had a chance to pursue the truth but has not. A good example is CBS which could and should have pursued the age issue but did not. It is going to be up to the media to provide the forum for the public to decide for themselves. Let’s have some unbiased reporting!

5 years later:

The massacre in Oregon: can be seen as evidence of our state of turmoil and a result of our glorification of a godless society. We have both our present and potentially future leader telling us that the problem is in the gun law and not the heart. We are being told that the heart and mind should be molded by their idea of tolerance and equality- not God’s. Their moral directive is focused on equalizing the state of decay in our society so that everyone can accept and even applaud sin and rebellion against God and against His Word. The high ground has to be leveled so that everyone is entitled to money, power and position. What is right is wrong and what was wrong is right, good has become evil and evil good- in the process the name of Jesus Christ is denigrated, sullied, and dragged through the mud of profanity. We are like a ship ready to be sunk by God’s hurricane of justice. Our ship of state is carrying all the great works of our nation into the eye of God’s storm – for God has found our works to be wanting. The forthcoming deluge will drown the fruits of our labor and humble us in the face of this merciful judgement.  Even our mighty military is but a bumbling cog of wheels and jets where even the most advanced computers cannot seem to guide a “smart” missile away from innocent doctors and their patients.  God is showing us that despite all our technology and industry, diplomacy and good intentions, sweet promises and tolerant laws….we are but a long line of fools waiting to be counted.

The only hope is that there will be many who will be willing to be fools for Christ, and break ranks with the fool that says there is no God or the fool that says there are many gods or forces.

Pro.10:23, It is as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.  Rom.14:16, A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident.  Pro.15:5, A fool despiseth his father’s instruction: but he that regardeth reproof is prudent.Pro.18:7, A fool’s mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul. Pro.26:11, As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.  Pro.28:26, He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered. 1Co.3:18, Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.  Rom.1:22, Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.   1Co.4:10, We are fools for Christ’s sake, but ye are wise in Christ; we are weak, but ye are strong; ye are honourable, but we are despised.

The Pope in America


Is the Pope not called HOLY FATHER, the Successor of Peter, Vicar of Christ, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, and Bishop of Rome? You would think with all those magnificent titles that the Pope would therefore follow the Great Commission and use his duties to primarily spread the Gospel of Christ and Disciple the nations. He did nothing of the sort. Not once during the Congressional Address did he mention the name of Jesus Christ! He did a lot to promote a relationship with the Universal Catholic Church and the Pope, but very little to promote a relationship with Jesus Christ. His entire trip was more diplomatic and political than evangelical or Biblically instructional. He did a lot to promote the environment and little to publically defend the lives of unborn babies. He promoted his position, the title under which he serves, and the liturgy and function of the Catholic church, but little if any to promote the name of Jesus Christ, the Price that He paid for our sins, and our need for Redemption through Him!