Signs in the Stars of His Coming

Signs in the Stars of His Coming

Yesterday (Jan. 12) saw the appearance of a “Wolf Moon,” the first full moon of the year. In addition to this, the planet Venus was at its brightest in eight years. These two events occurred the evening before Friday the 13th.

The sign of Revelation 12 has many details that are common, but uncommon when all put together. The first part of the sign is the woman clothed with the sun. This happens every year, but it narrows the time down to one month around the autumnal equinox. That woman is represented by Virgo–the virgin. She is clothed by the sun from mid-September to early October. September 23, 2017 meets these requirements.

The next requirement is that the moon must be under the feet of Virgo. With the sun in Virgo and her feet to the east, the moon must be a few days past new moon. Since the Hebrew Calendar is lunar and the Feast of Trumpets (September 21, 2017) is on the new moon, September 23-25 places the moon in the correct position. This happens every year on the Hebrew Calendar as long as the new moon did not occur too early or too late in relation to the equinox, which would put the sun too high or low in Virgo. Here it is perfect. The requirement of the moon and sun narrows it down to a few days of the year. The rest of the parts of the sign must then coincide with this time if we are able to observe this sign.

On September 23, 2017 there are four planets in the vicinity that complete the sign and its ultimate uniqueness. Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter play their parts. Above the head of Virgo is the constellation Leo. In Leo at this time there will be Mars, Venus, and Mercury. With Leo being a constellation of nine principle stars, the three wandering stars make it twelve at this time. Thus the garland of twelve stars is upon the woman. For three planets to be in Leo at this time with all of the other preconditions makes this rare. Combined with the final piece of the picture below is what makes this sign difficult of not nearly impossible to replicate anywhere close to the time in which we live. How rare? A search 150 years before and 150 years after September 23, 2017 produced no results.  But if you go back about 5993 years it does pop up.  Could this be the time that Adam and Eve walked with God in the Garden of Eden?

The final piece of the sign is Jupiter. Jupiter was known by the Jews as the planet of the Messiah. Jupiter enters the sign of Virgo on August 27, 2016, which coincides with a close conjunction of Venus. The next such close conjunction with these two brightest planets is 49 years later. Jupiter itself enters Virgo about every 12 years. The August 27, 2016 conjunction comes exactly 400 days before Yom Kippur 2017. Yom Kippur always ends Teshuvah, which is a 40 day season of repentance. Does Jupiter and Venus mark a ten-fold application needed at that time? Note also that the United States has a unique solar eclipse right at this time that travels like a sash from the upper west to the lower east coast.

Jupiter then spends those 400 days in Virgo. As the sign of Revelation 12 forms on September 23, 2017, Jupiter is in the womb of Virgo and moving back and forth – and is about to be born. Remember, the meaning of Tribulation refers to the period of labor pains before birth. The world is going to go through a period of delivery to result in the Messianic Kingdom. This sign speaks to those coming seven years–the worst in human history. However, we have been warned and God will deliver those who have put their trust in Christ by taking them to heaven before the seven years begins. For those who will miss that opportunity, God’s grace will still abound for those who change & believe that Jesus is the savior of the world, but they will have to endure the Tribulation.

Let’s us go back 1260 days from the sign of Revelation 12 to the day of the first lunar eclipse of the Tetrad of 2014-2015. The eclipse of April 15, 2014 occurred at a specific place in the heavens. As a time marker that points to the sign of Revelation 12, it should also have some significance. This eclipse on Passover 2014 occurred right next to star of Spica in Virgo. Jesus’ own body was sacrificed for us on Passover. He was the Seed of the Woman. He was the ear of grain that must die that life may abound. Spica in Hebrew is Zerah meaning “seed”–the Seed of the Woman. It is the same word as found in the promises of Genesis. It is fitting then that this sign of the lunar eclipse points to the sign of Revelation 12, which speaks of the Messiah’s birth, but also to the necessary second part of Jesus’ coming back to earth.

With exactly 1260 days between the signs, it would seem logical that the day count represented a leg of the Tribulation. But it cannot unless one is to believe that we are in the Tribulation, but we are NOT. However, this sign is straight from Revelation 12.  Placing this sign in context with all of the other signs and calculations presented here, it would seem that this sign is a warning of the Tribulation that will soon begin.

The conclusion on this website is that maybe the Rapture occurs on the Feast of Trumpets 2017, which would be on September 21. If the Tribulation ends on the Day of Atonement 2024, then 2,520 back from that day is November 19, 2017. The sign of Revelation 12 then comes 57 days before the Tribulation. This gap matches the gap between the end of Daniel’s 69 weeks on Palm Sunday and the beginning of the Church on Pentecost.   The sign of Revelation 12 makes sense as a sign warning to us all that the Tribulation is coming, just as depicted in the sign itself with the virgin (Israel) about to go through tribulation. For the Church, our time is then short. The requirements of the sign make it extremely rare making 2017 the only year in which it coincides with the final generation. By default, it must be a sign that precedes the Tribulation and signs should be a warning of what is soon coming. But all too often, the heavenly sign of Revelation 12 is glossed over and not looked at as a actual visible sign that can be observed. It happens in just over three years. It’s time to get ready…10:30 am PDT or equivalent time of 8:30 pm Jerusalem time September 23, 2017.

While perusing through Jupiter’s position among the stars, there was something else that presented itself. On the 9th of Av 2024, Jupiter will be in the sign of Taurus. It will be between the horns. The common Hebrew name for Taurus is Shur, which can mean both coming and ruling or in other words, the coming judge. In short, Taurus represents the coming governor, Jesus Christ, with his congregation (meaning of Pleiades).  Here is an image that will help you to  understand what all this means:

On the day known for Jewish sorrow due to the number of calamities that have fallen on this day, Mars comes into conjunction with Jupiter beteween the horns. Mars, in Hebrew Ma’adim, meaning the Adam, the Red One or the Son of Man. On this day it is believed there will be 60 days left of the Tribulation. This sign looks to speak of that time when Jesus will shortly return to end the Tribulation with the Church accompanying him. No other signs or conjunctions after this at this time come into view. However, there will be the final signs of the stars falling from the sky, and the moon and sun being darkened.

From “Signs of the End” by Daniel Matson

Entering the Holy of Holies: The Last Generation- 2017?

Do not read this unless you have been sanctified and read the book “Revelation” for a Divine Blessing – but, note that anyone who adds to or subtracts from that book will be cursed- for His Word and Forewarning are Just and Holy!

A Biblical generation can be 40, 50, 70, or 100 years. Forty years seems to be a period for complete testing and preparation; 50 years is a period of release and return; 70 years is a period when prophecy is completed; and 100 years appears to be the longest period for God dealing with Israel. Combinations of these numbers is also significant such as the 40th Jubilee = 2000 years! It is important to note that in 1917 the British issued “The Balfour Declaration”, which was the first official act to allow for the formation of the new nation of Israel.

Since it is clear from the Word of God that the end-time clock is associated with the nation Israel and the city of Jerusalem (Eze. 36-38, Daniel 9), then the years 1917, 1948 and 1967 are very important in determining the end time generation. The question then is when did the end generation begin? Was it in 1917, the first official act by a Gentile nation to give Israel legal right to the holy land; 1948 when Israel was reborn as a nation after 2500 years of exile; or in 1967 when they recaptured Jerusalem and declared it to be the eternal undivided capital of the State Israel? Each of these events appear to be a Divine act. We must keep in mind that the last 7 years of Daniel’s 70th Week are part of the end generation, which ends Gentile domination of Israel, the city of Jerusalem and the world.

Let’s study the 4 time periods above for each of the three possible dates for beginning of the last generation – 1917, 1947/8, and 1967 and see if we can determine the length of the end time generation- Also note that an Event is CONFIRMED BY 2 OR MORE WITNESSES -GOD’S NUMBER OF ACTION IS 3:
1) THE BALFOUR DECLARATION IN 1917. (First Official Act to Give the Jew the right of return to the land). 1917 + 40 year generation = 1957. This scenario will not work because the time has expired for the tribulation and the Second Coming to occur. 1917 + 50 year generation = 1967. This scenario won’t work for the same reasons. 1917 + 70 year generation = 1987. This scenario won’t work also for the same reasons.
1917 + 100 year generation = 2017. This scenario WORKS with the tribulation beginning in 2017
2) 1947/8 REBIRTH OF ISRAEL AS A NATION 1948 + 40 year generation = 1988. Does not work because the time has expired for the tribulation and the 2nd Coming to occur. 1948 + 50 year generation = 1998. Also doesn’t work for the same reasons.
1947/8 + 70 year generation=2017/8. This scenario WORKS with the tribulation beginning in 2017/8 .
1948 + 100 year generation = 2048. This scenario is a possibility with the tribulation beginning in 2027.
3) 1967 The RECAPTURE OF JERUSALEM 1967 + 50 year generation = 2017. This WORKS with the tribulation beginning in 2017..

From these calculations, we have 3 generational periods pointing to an END GENERATION of 2017/18. Here is recap of the 3 Biblical generations and the 3 dates that fulfill prophecy for the nation of Israel:
Using the birth day of the nation Israel in 1947/8, the recapture of Jerusalem in 1967, and the issuing of the Balfour Declaration in 1917, we notice that the 50 for Jubilee = Release, the 70 = prophecy complete, and the 100 = the right of the Jew to return to their homeland- all end at approximately the same time period – 2017/8 (with the tribulation following). In addition the word” Genea” has a meaning related to ‘birth’ of the nation of Israel. It seems logical that the END GENERATION of 100 years will usher in a rebirth of Israel in Christ.

The number 70 is especially associated with Israel’s bondage, captivities, exiles, return and completion of all vision and prophecy. Notice the generational numbers 50, 70, and 100 fit perfectly into this period. I do not think this is a coincidence. If this is the true prophetic scenario, then I believe Daniel’s long awaited 70th Week will occur soon. Note also that Jerusalem was conquered by the Ottoman’s in 1517 and that Empire remained in control for 8 Jubilee’s or 400 years- similar to the Biblical captivity in Egypt. The Turks were conquered by the British Empire in 1917. If we look at the birth of Jesus occurring around 2-3 B.C. and take into account one extra year to compensate for the year “0” we can see that the year 17 AD as being 20 years after the birth of Jesus Christ. So His 1st Coming begins with a prophetic 70 year generation: 20 + 50 = 70 and could also end with a prophetic 70 year generation period: 1947-8 + 70 = 2017-8.  So we have “Release & Return” bracketed by Prophetic generational periods!  And also a side note:  17 AD + 2000 (40X50) = 2017 !

With what is happening in our world today, I cannot see things continuing beyond the 2nd decade of the 2nd Century. On the scene will be the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet, especially as the present apostasy grows in proportion to the true Church, as the Islamist movement grows and threatens Israel, and as the numbers of martyrs increases at such a rapid pace.   Our Hope is in Jesus Christ & in His Redemption. So it is in His Glorious & Holy Name that we hold fast, Peter

“For thus says the high and exalted one who lives forever, My name is holy.” Holy is His name. 

The Woman behind the Trump Victory!

Kellyanne Conway was America’s first female campaign manager and she was the one person who steered the rudderless Trump campaign through a very challenging storm.  She deserves a lot of credit for her patience, humility, wisdom, and steady hand.  As a professional pollster she knew where to guide the campaign and how to encourage and promote Trump.  She was especially effective  with the hostile and unfair media.  She in essence became the voice and soul of the Trump campaign that helped win the hearts of many.

She deserves a major role in the new Administration and may be just the person to help ameliorate many of the divisions and fears in the aftermath of this raucous race.   Her faith, her experience as an effective pollster, and her dedication to her family of 4 kids have helped her survive the waves of dissent and confusion.  She knows how to communicate strength and compassion at the same time and is a very good judge of character and purpose.  Trump was smart in allowing her to take over.  That very fact says a lot about him and his relationship with women!   She deflected a lot of heat that was thrown at Trump!

She understands that an “Ideological Revolution” is taking place that may just save America- at least temporarily.   Not sure how we will deal with the hordes of students that want a free education, a free lunch, and free citizenship – but their revolution has been democratically snubbed by the majority.  I believe that Kellyanne understands this and sees  the University system as needing a serious overhaul -just as much as many other segments and levels of society.  She can best appreciate that the students should be content with the fact that a lot of other things are about to change including job opportunities!
More than anyone she can see the need to motivate a biased media in a way that will inspire them to be reporters of facts and not expressions of liberal idealism. For instance last night the talking heads were making fun of Trump and the Republican platform by attacking the credentials of those who were congratulating him!  We have a media that is so narrow minded that they prefer that Trump be unpopular with foreign leaders!!  President Duarte, who leads the Philippines has turned to China for help because of Obama’s policy of enforcing the UN!   Likewise many of the leaders in Africa have been intimidated by Obama’s scorched earth policy against any government that has laws and/or policies limiting homosexuality and abortion!  The media lies to the American public! Duarte is not the monster that they have made him out to be.  He is fighting Abu Sayyaf (Islamic Terrorism) on one side and the rampant drug trade on the other. The media does not share the important fact that he is opening the public schools to Christian studies and the Gospel!  This fact is true of many of the African nations who are turning to God for hope and to the Chinese for aid instead of America!  Kellyanne is aware of this and will draw attention to them!
This is just the beginning of the “revolution” to win back nations and people who have become disenchanted with the Obama social agenda.  The world has watched as Hollywood, the networks, and the press have tried to reprogram the world’s agendas, policies, and mindset.  We have become an anathema to many God fearing people and now it is time to reset the entire State Department, Defense Department, and every other agency that deals with the UN and the world!  We need smart, talented people like Kellyanne to lead this “revolution of ideas” to push back 8 years of anti-Christian policy.

The Ten Biggest Dental Lies and Controversies

I have been a dentist for 38 years and am putting my license on the line for the Truth.   Like almost every other level of business and government, dentistry has been compromised and the expense of the patient and ethics.  I am going to reveal some the deepest secrets that the public as a whole does not know.

I share this because my own brother and many friends have been compromised. I may die any day but I want this information to be part of my legacy.   I have fought for Truth for many years and have paid the price.   So this site will receive point after point exposing fraud and deceit in my own profession over the next many months.



The Road to Salvation

I love this photo of a young man contemplating my painting of Isaiah 60:1-2 which is a reflection of Revelation and the 5th Trumpet.

In the painting you have evil and the world rebelling against God as the “stinging locusts are released to torment man” – on one of those 3 fists of rebellion is “Drugs” & “Homosexuality” (this painting was shown in the heart of Oaklawn and prayers were lifted that no one would try to destroy it despite the message). Jesus Christ is in the center representing the “Door” to Salvation with the narrow path leading to Him – the Word.  The wide path leads to Hell on the left with the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse stretching throughout the earth.   Also in the midst of this scene is the Holy Spirit, the prayer of the Saints, and the Glory of God. Notice that the young man seems to be staring right at the “YOU” in yellow.  There is also the hand of God reaching down seeding the earth with “Faith”…for it is by “Grace, through faith that we are saved, it is a free Gift so that no one can boast.”  You are given this choice!

Seek God with all your heart and you will find Him.  Jesus said,  “I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to Father except through me”.  This painting shows that God allows choice for a reason: Because he loves us.  Yet, many chose to refuse His Love and a relationship with him.

So each of us must ask,  “If God loves the world and is all powerful, why would He allow this evil?” Simply put, the answer is this: God is love; God loves mankind; love requires that a choice be made; choice allows for the possible rejection of God’s unilateral love. God, therefore, created humanity with the ability to positively respond to His love—or to consciously reject His offer of love. Unfortunately as Jesus himself said the majority will reject his Love – after all they killed the “Author of Life” and gloated over it!

The simple truth of the Scriptures is inescapable.  God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. ().

God allows for the possibility of evil so that human love may exist.  We are not cosmic robots.  No, God created us with not only DNA as program language, but also with a brain that can process information, a conscience that knows that He and His Law exists, an incredible physical system that cannot be duplicated even with modern science, and a Spirit that can connect with Him in an intimate way!

The Rise of the Great White Male! “THE DEPLORABLES”

The Rise of the Great White Male:  THE DEPLORABLES

The Great White Male has struck fear in the halls of Hollywood, Wall  Street, Fifth Avenue, the Networks, Congress and every progressive institution in the World. This has been the election surprise of 10 lifetimes! Thank you Lord – the miracle of main street has happened!

Billions of dollars and thousands of celebrities did not matter. Hillary outspent Trump 3 to one and Trump had less than a fifth of the volunteers knocking on doors and manning field offices. The great Trump wave sunk her ship. The funeral arrived at the Networks  before all the cameras in one beautiful night!

The Canadian Immigration website has crashed! May it come back up soon so that promises made by those obnoxious celebrities will come true as soon as possible. The hunter from the rust states took the cake and the candles away from the naughty children before they could burn the house down! The man on the white horse has saved the day! To the LGBT and radical left community this seemed more like Moby Dick than the Lone Ranger, as they watched their ship of state sink.  Obama pleaded with America not to let Trump destroy his legacy and the answer came back from those rustic woods of the Rust Belt- “Your Blue Wall has Fallen”.

Trump sacrificed everything.  He did not need the money, nor the fame and this reached the hearts of the American core.  He has never held office and yet, he beat the experts  overturning all the pollsters and pundits!  He outsmarted and outclassed the best! He woke up rustic America by sounding the alarm, and they came out to be counted!  The ideological Revolution begins.

“Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord”.
Now let us sit down and break bread and make this country great again!

(The day before the election I was sharing with someone how bad the media and 5th Avenue was in not only treating Trump, but also the American white male.  I had just watched a major TV ad for a major car company with a guy sitting near the front gate grilling his food in his long johns. A young, attractive female employee walks up to him and says, “You do not need to camp out the sale is on- the trucks are here!”  He jumps up and runs to the entrance in his long johns and she yells out, “don’t you want to put your pants on?”  and he says,  “No I need them for kindling”…..another really stupid 5th Avenue ad that denigrates the white male- who also appears unshaven and almost like a Neanderthal.)
Go to other essays here at  “”

Fallen! to Rise Again?

I believe that We are being tested and that soon we will be judged.  We will pay and the world will rejoice!  God has lifted up these two candidates who have “unsavory character” to show the world how far “America” has fallen!   We were given so much and now we have squandered it on pleasure and material pursuit.
Trump is the “choas candidate”, but God often picks someone who will stir things up in order to generate change and the reordering of things.  Trump has upturned the politically correct and the political machines guarding Washington D.C.!  This is what Reagan and Lincoln did in their own way.  And so now God is challenging the church to makes its presence known by taking a stand for Truth and change.  If this does not happen quickly and decisively, God will have to follow through with powers beyond our borders, just as He did with Israel.  “For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen: because their tongue and their doings are against the LORD, to provoke the eyes of his glory,”  Isa. 3:8.  The Risen Jesus Christ proclaims, “Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” REV. 2:5.   The Risen Christ is the “Door”  as He created a Way to heaven for us.  Note what He said, ” I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me”.
Many thoughtful people attack Trump on his character and past tweets, yet fail to acknowledge the behavior of Hillary and her family.  At least the Trump family has provided major milestones to both public and private charity and infrastructure- which the media loves to diminish.  They attack Trump’s charity ventures without mentioning that Hillary & Bill used foundation money for Chelsea’s  wedding and other expenses over the last 10 years!  So, yes, Trump has fallen short- but don’t we all?  To attack him is disingenuous and hypocritical.  I know one “Christian” who has been divorced twice who is attacking him on the character issue and is upset because I suggested that she is being hypocritical!? We should look at our own past!   The KEY issues are the policies and the promises put forth for the Administration of their Government:
We need to look at the platform of each candidate and what this means for our nation and our children over the long term.
1) Do you want to increase our population with illegal immigrants and Islamist groups, or do you want to increase the population by stopping the abortion industry? This industry has already terminated 47 million babies!
 2) Do you want more drugs and potential terrorism by having open borders?  This includes criminal elements that love the black market and aid the flow of weapons, drugs, and other goods to your community.  – Or do you want to close the borders so that we can protect our nation from an ever increasing drug problem that feeds crime and overdosing!  
3) Do we want to protect the family unit and our identity as a “Christian nation”? – or do we want to continue down the path that Obama started to by creating an Islamic, globalist nation that follows the laws of the United Nations and not the Laws granted to us by the Constitution?  The Hillary policies will promote the transgender/homosexual agenda to the point that many Christian institutions and business will cease to exist.  One columnist showed that many Christian universities depend on the GI bill to provide students with money.  This will end with policies that tie that money to new employment policies!
4) Do you want Iran and Saudi Arabia as our major allies in the Middle East or do we want Israel and Egypt?   Israel gives us more intelligence and tests our equipment better than any other country- and they have always protected our Western flank in the Middle East.   Israel has also provided us with logistical and air support in very difficult situations.   Egypt upset Obama and Hillary’s plan for overthrowing “dictatorships” and we all know what would have happened if Morsi continued in power!   Their foreign policy destabilized that whole region and led to the overthrow and chaos in Libya- which in turn has created a massive refugee issue.    Also the Obama agenda and directives have helped to antagonize many African “Christian nations” who do not want to adopt homosexuality and nationwide abortion incentives (Obama and Hillary attached American aid to the willingness to change this social climate).
5) Do you want to continue to allow Wall Street and the big banks to control our monetary policy- so that we continue as the world’s biggest debtor nation?  The nations of the world await our great fall – because they not only resent us dictating morality, but also our dictating of monetary policy through our dollar and our debt structure!   We mint billions of dollars every year and expect other countries to “buy our debt” in bonds and derivatives!   Our policy has helped the world become beholden to our whims.   We do suck the resources from other countries and waste them by our excessive and obsessive pursuit of material excess.   We have a huge population that has grown to expect free handouts, free empty calories (junk food which we pawn throughout the world),   free entertainment (here, like in China many people steal property and virtual rights), and cheap thrills and escape (we are the biggest “pleasure drug” users in the world!).  With our perverse perspective we then produce the most “R” and “X” rated entertainment for the world to consume.  Some of this entertainment is pornographic and some is pure horror.  All of this points to a Sodom and Gomorrah of super-Biblical proportions!  Ironically our so called social progressives and environmentalists are some of the biggest abusers of  all of these – including the drugs!  Then we have the gall to insult the poor nations around the world by attacking the core of their identity – the family and their faith in a God of the Bible!  
 Amen and Amen!  Maranatha!

Is the Jeze-Baal Spirit defeated?

Is the Jeze-Baal Spirit Defeated?
The eyes of America have become increasingly wicked, so the days of judgement are fast approaching.. Just as lies beget a liar a wicked leader breeds a wicked government with ever increasing wicked followers. This once proud and noble land has fallen to Baal-peor and its sensual indulgences. For half a century the blind have toyed with this ancient god of child sacrifice and now we are literally and figuratively ready to erect his gate from hell. With the help of white robed pseudo “scientists” and political hacks we will soon erect this door in New York city. How fitting it is that one of the patron “saints” of this “great Babylon” is now running to be leader of our great nation. Some say she is the spirit of Jezebel and her husband Bill the biblical figurehead who cowers at her venom.  I say the problem is much deeper and is not just connected to the Clintons!
For the last 50 years we have been losing the sacred ground and laying the ground work for the powers of darkness to take over. Our land is in a drought of righteousness with our church hamstrung by fear and pride. Many of our Christian leaders share in the worship of the creation vs the Creator. They are afraid to teach the Truth of Creation and God’s spoken Universe with the power of His Promise and Sacrifice. They are cowered by the fear of losing members and the power of Mammon! They fear man more than God, so each goes his or her own way doing what is evil in their own eyes. Even the seminaries are afraid to counter the world system of evolution and the worship of the creature! Now many saints are choosing the world’s idols and darkness over the Light of Life!
America’s Mount Carmel is soon to shake her to the roots. Judgement has already begun. It is no coincidence that throughout our nation “100 year floods” have happened and continue to happen while at the same time drought and fires plague huge areas. Earthquakes in very diverse places shock the complacent and new viruses surprise even the best scientists. Jezebel is rising and ushering in the demons of desire. Conflicts and riots have begun and will only continue to grow in intensity. The walls have fallen and the Trojan horse has been invited to participate. Our enemies and even our friends salivate at our demise. At one time they both respected us and admired our strength! Now we seem to be a moral and spiritual failure! Can we change course?
“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Th. 5:22-24. Are you ready for the Lord’s return and you who are of the “seed” are you ready for Elijah? Seriously the time is at hand and very few really comprehend it! The Middle East is on fire, the voice of the Martyrs cries out in ever increasing numbers, technology is designing anti-hacking gold bracelet tattoos, terror is spreading from continent to continent, nuclear blackmail is increasing in every direction, the United Nations is betraying the national rights of Israel, and the great armies of the world are gathering for battle nearby. Jesus warned, “And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet; For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows” Matt. 24:6-8
Have you forgotten history and how the wicked king Ahab and his even more wicked Queen Jezebel ruled Israel? The king wanted the vineyard of Naboth, but did not know how to get it. So he went to Jezebel who reminded him that he was king. She hired a bunch of scoundrels and paid them money to lie about Naboth accusing him of blasphemy against God. Her scheme set Naboth up for execution by a public stoning.  Our paid media seems to focused on destroying  American values? Are we in the midst of Jezebel-like manipulation and retribution against the “deplorable” church and family? Are we going to continue to follow lies and allow deceivers to dictate truth to our children? This is how Baal worship grew and prevailed and why evolution reigns today.  Hitler used “evolution” to promote his “supreme race” to kill the weak and different!  These are forces of darkness and principalities of evil that take away the sanctity of life from the unborn, and promote the survival of the strong and “beautiful” for the sake of pleasure, sensual desires, and convenience! They are the perfect example of the emerging “Jeze-Baal Spirit” overtaking the world and certain blind leaders.
The mountain top judgement that exposed the evil and failure of the Baal prophets is the same type of spotlight that God is using to expose the idol worship and culture failure of America.  God has raised up two Presidential candidates that in many ways represent the fallen state of America.  We are being tried and tested for our excessive materialism and greed, pride and perversion, and a growing general rebellion towards God.   The whole world is witness to this cultural implosion and the embarrassing election scandals.  We have become a snare to the innocent and gathering place for drugs and drug abusers, sexual experimentation and exploitation, and a gross deviant behavior blended with a toxic malice and corruption permeating every level of society.   God has warned us and we have been found wanting!  The testing is upon us, and the trials with Judgement could come soon if we do not turn to Jesus Christ who is the Door and Our Salvation.  He alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!
For further inspiration read Christianity 101 and The Last Generation- 2017

Is Anything Impossible for the LORD?

Is Anything Impossible for the LORD?

That was the Lord’s response to Sarah’s laugh and Abraham’s silence! Are you laughing at God? Are you silent and doubting, or are you waiting and trusting like Abraham was? Do you listen when He responds?  Or have you been so compromised by the world system that you doubt the Truth, and do not follow Him with Faith and Trust?  Do you doubt that God created the Universe?  Think deeply about this; if you do believe in evolution then you have betrayed the Glory of God and the Truth in the Word.  Genesis is His-Story and not a book of poetry!

Right after healing a demon possessed man that the disciples could not help, Jesus said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Here and throughout his ministry Jesus kept emphasizing faith,  the power of true faith, and the power of the Holy Spirit!  With God anything is possible.  God said to Jeremiah,    “  Only moments earlier Jeremiah had said to God, “Ah Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! Nothing is too difficult for You“.  Every book in the Bible except for “Ruth” gives God the Glory for creating the Universe! That should tell you how important it is to BELIEVE THAT HE IS THE CREATOR OF EVERYTHING!

There Is No Promise Too Hard For God To Fulfill.  In Deuteronomy, Moses said,  “The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee“, and in Numbers he said,  “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”  Paul states, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” and, “I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me.” Jesus Christ says, “And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”  He also says, “Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that s the Father may be glorified in the Son.”  It is clear that with faith and prayer anything is possible according to God’s Will!

In the book of John, Jesus Christ performs 7 miracles to show us who He is and illustrate the Character of God.  The miracles illustrate the Mercy and Forgiveness of God, His Sovereignty over Creation, His Purpose and Gift of Righteousness,  His power and dominion over the supernatural, the fulfillment of Prophecy, and that absolutely nothing is Impossible with God.  Jesus starts out by turning Water into Wine, taking the simplest life-giving molecule, water into one of the most complex molecular formulas!  A good wine takes months even years to develop through careful blending, aging, and storage!  In this “simple” miracle Jesus showed that he is Master over Time, Matter, and Energy! He is the Vine! Next, Jesus as the Good Shepherd, shows his omniscience by healing the official’s son from a long distance away!  His Word commands the healing of the human body through Space, and this time sinful flesh is not a factor!  He protects and keeps his sheep safe despite the thief that comes “to kill, steal and destroy”.

The 3rd miracle is the healing of the paralytic at Bethesda.  This was the first “public” miracle and it was performed in the face of the Sabbath legalism and the anger of the Pharisees.  It shocked all the senses and created waves of impact.  In the end Jesus would declare that “the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath”, and his enemies would use this to trap and execute him!   Jesus was fulfilling a prophecy from Isaiah 35:6, “Then will the lame leap like a deer” -as he again created healthy cells and tissue out of nothing! Soon afterwards Jesus declares, “Anyone who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him.” Having done this during Passover near the sheep gate, he is presenting himself as the Lamb of God.   The 4th miracle was the feeding of the 5000 in Galilee and of course this miracle has the greatest direct public appeal and impact.  From 5 loaves and 2 fish Jesus fed over 5000 (when you included women and children).  Like water-to-wine Jesus was supernaturally generating  fresh savory consumables for a very large group! As the “Bread of Life” Jesus was not to be consumed by the frenzied hunger of the masses, but instead withdrew to pray.  Jesus said to Satan, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God“!  The Word of God brings Life!

The 5th Miracle was of course one of the most spectacular as Jesus walked on water and calmed the storm.  And in the midst of all this chaos Jesus reaches out to Peter and encourages him to come to him on the water.  The righteous Jesus offers the Way to him through faith.  And by God’s Grace through faith Peter walked on water.  By God’s Grace the Son presented himself at the right moment to save all the disciples from the storm and from death.  Jesus had command over the waves, the sea, and even gravity!  The 6th miracle was the supernatural creation of eyes, nerves, and sight to a man born blind!  For the first time this man saw the Light and received the Light of the Truth into his heart.   He was so convicted and strengthened that he testified to the Sanhedrin about the miracle!

The final miracle was the resurrection of Lazarus.  This Miracle would more than any other reflect the purpose, plan, and prophecy granted Jesus and spoken to the world by God and the prophets.  Throughout His ministry Jesus spoke about his relationship to the Father and his ultimate death at the hands of the nation. He even said, “I will raise this temple on the 3rd day“, a reference to his own body! Lazarus would die again!  Jesus on the other hand is “The Resurrection and the Life“, and is alive today, and sits at the “right hand of the Father” in heaven! The miracles show that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, the 2nd Person of the Trinity! From the cradle to the Cross, He fulfilled over 300 prophecies to the detail!  As He said, “This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.”  It is very apparent THAT NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR THE LORD!

The Cross & the Wilderness

“The CROSS & the Wilderness” my manuscript and painting

The CROSS & The Wilderness:

In the beginning of time God made man, He made man in His own image, and when man fell, God made a promise. He made a promise that would manifest itself in the cross. Blood would be sacrificed on that cross, His own blood, to save man and restore that image. The price for our redemption was great but the price of our rejection is even greater.  Jesus Christ gave up His life so that we might have Life, and He said, “I AM the Way the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me.”

Jesus Christ is the Word of Life, and He alone provides us with a road map for salvation. The Bible is full of signposts pointing to a future restoration. This Promise is first revealed with God’s puzzling redress of the serpent in the Garden, Gen. 3:15. The serpent, a manifestation of Satan, managed to deceive Adam and Eve into disobeying God. In response, God said to the serpent, “I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head and you will strike his heal.” The answer to this Promise has been revealed to us today, but it is obvious that the guides and leaders of the past failed to realize that the “offspring of the woman” would be a suffering Messiah. They could not comprehend that “God gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life,” (John 3:16).

Even today they fail to see the connection between the Names of God revealed throughout His Word and the Messiah who died on the Cross for them. They cannot see the harmony of these and other signs. The cross is a stumbling block to them. Titles and Names for the Coming Promise are found in books like Genesis, Isaiah, Psalms, and Ruth, offering further insight into the character and purpose of the Promise. Types such as Noah’s Ark, the objects in the Ark of the Covenant, and the various covenants convey further truth about the Promise. All of these are as significant as are the acts and words of God’s Prophets who spoke of truths that have been fulfilled. The events and messages of those called by God along with the signs in His Creation act as signposts pointing to the Promised One, Jesus Christ.

Colossians 2 says that “All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are found in Jesus Christ alone.” Everything including science point to Him. So let’s ask ourselves, why do we wear a cross, or have crosses on ambulances and hospitals, or on family member’s grave sites? The Cross is the Universal symbol for mercy, grace, and hope. Like a light on a hill, the cross is the sign of the Good News; that Jesus died for sins, and our sins can and will be forgiven if we place our trust in Him alone. “It was through what His Son did that God cleared a path for everything to come to him-all things in heaven and on earth-for Christ’s death on the cross has made peace with God”, (Col. 1:20 LB).

The cross is the manifestation of the Promise God made to Adam and Eve, and the curse He gave to the serpent. The cross is the power of God, a sign of the victory Jesus Christ accomplished over the curse of sin and death. The Mosaic Covenant stated that anyone who hung on a tree was a curse. For this reason the cross is a stumbling block to the Jew. The cross is hated by those who oppose God and “Christ crucified is foolishness to the world” I Cor.1:18). The Sign of the cross has penetrated every society to the point that the earth lives under the shadow of the cross. It is a testimony of God’s love and power over darkness and evil and a reminder that Jesus Christ died so that we might have life. It gives hope to those seeking spiritual Truth and an answer to the worlds woes, for it represents the promise of redemption and a relationship with God now and into eternity.

Although the cross had not yet made an appearance there were men, like Seth, Enoch, Methuselah, and Noah, who carried by word of mouth the history of Adam and who followed God. God’s redemptive story would begin 2000 years after Creation with Abram who by faith left his home and followed God to the land of promise. God, then, made an unconditional covenant with Abram who he renamed Abraham: “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great…all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you”, (Gen. 12: 2-3). By faith Abraham was justified and through faith Abraham begat Isaac, and Isaac begat Jacob, and Jacob begat Joseph and his eleven brothers. Joseph’s faith and obedience would save his family and all of Egypt and surrounding nations. As a reward Jacob’s family would receive the fertile land of Goshen in Egypt, and protection for hundreds of years. But a new Pharaoh enacted new laws and put Jacob’s people into a severe slavery. So God raised up a deliverer, Moses, to set His people free.

For the first time in history a disorderly family of slaves would overcome a world power and become a mighty nation. But the stubbornness and disobedience of these people would test both Moses and God over and over again. GOD gave the nation of Israel every opportunity to free itself of the wisdom of Egypt and any unholy alliance that they had with the gods of their past. He brought 10 devastating plagues against Pharaoh and his multiple gods. He destroyed what was left of Pharaoh’s mighty army under the weight and power of walls of water from the Red Sea. He guided the 2.5 million Israelite men, women and children through a wilderness with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. He gave them the Ten Commandments as a blessing and as a safeguard. And He provided for all their daily needs; including water, food, and clothing that miraculously did not wear out despite 40 years of wandering. The Israelites were living a miracle by day and night. As in the Garden of Eden, God was providing Sovereign protection, provision, and promises. He also gave these people freedom to choose. And many chose to disobey and complain.

In a similar parallel God allowed them to be punished by a creature of the serpent kind. In the wilderness God promised that upon gazing on a bronze snake lifted up on a pole, those bitten would find immediate healing and would not die. In the Garden the serpent was cursed for bringing sin and death to Adam and all creation. Now the curse would be used by God to bring a healing to all those who trusted in its life giving power. God transformed the curse into a blessing foreshadowing what Jesus Christ would accomplish on the Cross. By becoming the “the curse” for us, Jesus would defeat the curse of sin and death.

God, in His Mercy, was revealing in the wilderness His plan to “lift up” the Savior and defeat the serpent, Satan. Another sign of God’s plan and promise was in the design and implementation of the Ark of Covenant which was to be lifted up and carried in the wilderness. The Ark was designed and constructed by the artisan Bezalel, after the Spirit of God entered him. This was the first mention of God’s Spirit since He hovered over the seas in Genesis, and the first mention of the Spirit entering a person. God stated, “See, I have appointed Bezalel, and have filled him with the Spirit of God,” (Ex.31:2).

Upon the Ark of the Covenant lay the Mercy Seat and two golden Cherubim facing it. The Mercy Seat represents the Promise of God’s Mercy and Forgiveness. On the Day of Atonement God would have mercy on His people and would consume the sacrifice to atone for the nation’s sins for one year (Ez. 9:23). No human fire was necessary!  God did it all!  It was intended to be a supernatural Gift!  The Ark of the Covenant, the Shekinah Glory, and the Tabernacle all represent Jesus Christ who mercifully atones for sin and who is our Tabernacle.

The Ark of the Covenant was placed in a separate part of the Tabernacle called the Holy of Holies which was the meeting place for God, Moses, and Aaron, (Lev.9:23, Ex. 25:22). On Mount Sinai where Moses received the Ten Commandments, he was allowed to see only the backside of God.  However, he was able to meet the LORD “face to face” in the first Tent of Meeting and in the Holy of Holies (Ex. 33:7,11,18; Lev. 1:1). Could it be that a pre-incarnate form of Jesus Christ met with and conversed with Moses in the Tent of Meeting? Another event in Exodus 14:19 helps to clarify this, “Then the angel of the Lord who had been traveling in front of Israel’s army, withdrew and went behind them. The pillar of cloud also moved from in front and stood behind them standing between the armies of Israel and Egypt.” The pillar of cloud was “darkness to Pharaoh’s forces”, while the Pillar of Fire was Light to Israelites during the night!

Throughout the Old Testament, “The Angel of the Lord” represents a theophany or Christophany, implying the presence of a pre-incarnate Jesus Christ. The pillar of fire, also referred to as the Shekinah Glory, provided light for the Israelites and later would mark the presence of the Lord in the Tent of Meeting.  When the Shekinah Glory or “Spirit of God” moved, Israel  would have to be ready to move with it!  Then as it hovered over the Holy of Holies, Moses & Aaron would know to enter the Tent of Meeting to meet with the Lord.  The wilderness account clearly suggests the existence and presence of a Triune God.  On Mt. Sinai Moses met with the Father, and in the Tent of Meeting he met face to face with the Lord. The “pillar of fire & the pillar of cloud” were manifestations of the Spirit of God.

In the Ark was the Tablet of the Law, and Upon the Ark stood the Mercy Seat where the atoning blood of the unblemished animal was sprinkled.  This foreshadows the dual nature of the Messiah, who would judge by the Law, but who would dispense Mercy by forgiving sin. The Law always precedes Grace, it is a tutor that leads us to Jesus Christ. And when bringing in Grace the Lord made sure that righteousness was an integral part of the message. The Word says that Jesus Christ, the Messiah, would fulfill “all Righteousness“, (Mat.3:15). Jesus said, “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill,” (Mat. 5:17).

The design of the Tabernacle, its implements, the altar, and the laver all reflect aspects of the character and role of the Trinity. Inside the inner sanctum was the “shewbread”, the 7 branched Menorah, and the alter of incense all of which represent Jesus Christ and who he said he was: the Bread of Life, the Light of the World, and our Priestly Intercessor.  Others believe that those implements are a picture of the Church or body, the Light of the Word or Gospel, and the work of the Holy Spirit or fragrance!  The Altar of Sacrifice in the courtyard represents Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God, the Gift of Salvation, and the brass Laver filled with water shows him as the Living Water who satisfies eternally.  Inside the Holy of Holies lay the Ark of the Covenant enclosing the Ten Commandments, Aaron’s rod, and the manna. These show Jesus as Lawgiver, Priest, and Creator- all of which make him co-equal to God. It was here that the Mercy Seat rested and where The Blood of the Sacrifice was sprinkled. God Almighty in 3 persons is illustrated throughout the Tabernacle – even in the stitching and layering of the “roof”.

This “Tent of Meeting” had a 3 layered covering!  The top or outer layer was white and was made from the skin of white Arabian Oryx, the middle layer was dyed Ram skin, and the inner layer again was white of linen.  My belief is that the outer white Arabian skin was intended to shrink under the sun and heat creating “tares” or openings that would appear as red stripes from above – for the red ram skin would show through!  From heaven God would see the red stripes in the center of the cross!  From the inside the “Holy of Holies” would be lit up with red streaks on the white linen!  This inner layer represents the Holy Spirit and the outer layer God the Father and of course the Ram’s skin represents Jesus Christ!

So why do most of the Bibles and Bible scholars still insist on calling the third layer a skin made from dolphins or badgers?  This makes no sense and many people who live in the wilderness today consider this so ridiculous that they refuse to accept the veracity of the biblical account.  Those who live in the desert know that an early morning mist hangs over the sand and earth creating a mirage effect of water vapor.  On seeing these majestic large white mammals running through the plains would create an image of “jumping sea creatures”.  We should know that just because a word has a root meaning indicating one type of animal does not affect the typology at all. For instance a “bull shark” has no relationship to a bull, yet it uses the root word of a land mammal! People name animals and even plants based on how they look or act not on their typology.  These “linguists” are using foolish methods to define unusual  words.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, states that He shed his blood on the cross to bring us into a Righteousness relationship with God. In essence His main purpose was not to teach and preach, or even to perform miracles, but to die. The Levites, Moses, and Aaron, who were standing as intermediaries between God and man would not be needed in this New Covenant. The event that marked this moment happened 1200 years later when Jesus Christ died on the Cross and the four inch thick curtain dividing the Holy of Holies from the rest of the Temple.  The curtain was torn in two from top to bottom, opening up the throne room of God to all who enter through the Blood of Christ (Mat. 27:50-51).

By giving birth to Israel and taking them out of the darkness of Egypt, God was not only making preparations for the Law and its sacrificial system, but also for a powerful New Covenant of Grace. Prior to this every man did what he or she thought was right, for there was no law. Having eaten of the “tree of knowledge of good and evil” mankind was worshiping idols and determining what was “good” and what was “evil”. God therefore created Israel to carry His standard and to be a witness to the world.  Signs of this standard and witness would remain a mystery to both the Jew and Gentile throughout the Old Testament.

Today we know that the sign is the Cross which is the power of God for salvation to all who believe in the Promised One, the Christ.  The Cross is our witness. I dare say, however, that we have failed to give God the full measure of credit and Glory for His design of the Cross in the wilderness.   This Sign like the sign of the serpent on the pole would point the astute student of God’s Word to the future cross. This Sign was and still is a light in the darkness for the world to witness! It is a foreshadowing of God’s eternal Plan to redeem His creation. The Cross of Golgotha and the Cross of the encampment were both in the wilderness and were instruments of God to bring people into His Promise.  I will discuss it in detail the sign of the Cross in the Wilderness.

Paul the Apostle makes a comparison of the Law and the free gift of Grace by stating that Hagar stands for mount Sinai in Arabia or the Law whereas Sarah stands for Mt. Zion or God’s miraculous provision or Gift, Gal. 4:21-31.  It is very important to note that Paul himself uses the phrase “Sinai in Arabia” and not Sinai in Egypt or Sinai in the Peninsula.  Arabia borders the Red Sea!  Both Paul and Elijah fled to Mount Sinai in Arabia!  The Word of God is very clear! Those people who want to contort the Word of God because of some old Crusader maps that are not the inerrant Word of God, are hurting the Gospel and the believer.

Remember that Islam (Saudi and Egypt) have a lot to lose if the Christian and Jewish world recognize the real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia! Saudi Arabia for instance will not allow any “infidels” to step foot in Medina nor Mecca.  The Mountain of the Law or Jubal Al Lawz stands close by and likewise the well of Moses.  Even the poor Bedouin know that the real Mount Sinai lies in the old country of Midian where the Jethro was priest and which surrounded this “holy” mountain in the time of Moses. They know that Pi Hahiroth from Exodus 14 is actually a peninsula now called Nuweiba.   This means “mouth of the gorge” and that is exactly what this large beach head is, the mouth of an enormous ancient gorge whose sediment extends clear across the East finger of the Red Sea over to Saudi Arabia! This is where God placed the Shekinah Glory to stop Pharaoh.  The Pillar of Cloud could not block chariots in an open desert as would be required with the Bitter Lake theory.  And why would any intelligent general take his fast and furious chariots through mud when he could just go around the little lake and meet the fleeing Israelites on the other side?  Do not be fooled by lies!

In the 2nd Chapter of the Book of Numbers, God told Moses to arrange the 12 tribes in 4 groups of 3 around the tribe of Levite, which numbered 22,300 men. The Levites who were encamped around the outer court would prepare and perform the sacrifices, and maintain, transport, and erect the Tabernacle. The other tribes as described in Numbers 2 would be grouped around the tribes of Judah with a total of 186,500 men set to the East, Reuben’s group with 151,450 men set to the South, Ephraim’s group with 108,100 men set to the West, and finally Dan’s group with 157, 600 men set to the North. The four cardinal compass points were used to align the tribes and banners.  Given Levitical attention to detail, whoever camped outside of the clear directions of East, South, West, and North (e.g., northwest, southeast) would be violating God’s specific directional instructions (e.g., by being both north and west).  The pattern is very clear!  We have 13 tribes divided into four groups with the Levites in the middle protecting 3 sides of the Tabernacle!  Each group of 3 tribes set up in alignment with the “box” created by the courtyard, the Tent of Meeting, the tents of the Levites on 3 sides, and the tents of Moses and Aaron on the 4th side.  This “box” had the Holy of Holies at the center and the outlying groups of Israelites forming a cross! This pattern is illustrated in the drawing at the beginning of this discussion!

God directed that the Tent of Meeting face East towards Mt. Sinai, and where Judah’s group encamped- the longest arm of the four armed formation. Two almost equidistant arms would point North and South. The smallest group of three tribes led by Ephraim would be the short top of the cross. Since each man would have had an average of at least 3 children and a wife, the number of individuals not counting the animals would approximate 2.5 – 4  million. These families would need to encamp in a way that would allow for efficient maneuverability because at any moment the Shekinah Glory would move to a new location and their command was to follow.

As directed by God, the tribe of Judah would set out first, followed by the other members of their group. Behind them would march the southern group led by the tribe of Reuben.  The Kohathites with the rest of the Levites carried and protected the Ark of the Covenant as it was carried out with the other implements and the deconstructed Tabernacle.  Next came the western group of Ephraim and the northern group of Dan. Note that the process would flow easily as each tribe marched out in a clockwise formation much like a marching band would.

Why the CROSS pattern: 1) Viewed from heaven the Cross formation would be a sign of Israel’s purpose and destiny, God’s Glory in the midst of a dark wilderness. God had just delivered them from Pharaoh’s army and now He makes the sign of a future deliverance. As stated earlier, the nation of Israel was created by God to usher in the Messiah and henceforth bring lasting Redemption to all who believe. Jesus Christ, the Lord, came to fulfill not only the Law given to the Israelites on Mount Sinai, but also to fulfill the Promise stated by Him to the Serpent in the Garden of Eden. It was on the Cross that this would be fulfilled.

2)  The “seed of the woman”, is a very interesting phrase for it implies a supernatural virgin birth, since women only produce eggs. On the cross, Jesus Christ the “seed of the woman”, defeats Satan while being “bruised on the heel” by the serpent. Starting with the Garden of Eden, God shed the blood of an innocent animal to clothe Adam and Eve. In the wilderness, God would require the blood of an unblemished animal as a sin offering for the nation that He created. It was by divine design that the encamped nation of Israelites formed a cross with the Tent of Meeting and ark in the very center. Here God would have fellowship with Moses and Aaron and then He would consume with Holy fire the sacrifice on the altar (Lev. 9:23) as the people watched in awe. This Day of Atonement foreshadows the sacrifice of God’s innocent Son on the Cross. The “covering” by His blood, and the Resurrection ensure the redemption of anyone who “confesses him as Lord and believes that God raised him from the dead”.

3)  As mentioned earlier this massive group of people was much more than an army. They were a nation of at least 2 million men, women, children, and the elderly. They came with all their possessions including animals. They also came with the gold and wealth of the Egyptians. Never in the history of mankind had a migration of this dimension happened. They were fleeing the world’s largest army and heading into a vast wilderness with another army waiting to attack. The most efficient way to set up camp and break up camp was illustrated earlier. But what is even more significant is the military protection that the cross formation offered. At night the fires of each campsite would light up the horizon. A cross creates the largest profile from any direction and gives the enemy the impression that you are bigger than you really are.

4) The Cross formation of campsites also offers the ability to outflank the enemy from any direction. An attacking army would not have a strong point of attack and would have to fear being encircled by this expansive and fluid formation.

5) Often forgotten but probably one of the most important reasons for the Cross formation is logistics. It would allow for 4 separate yet distinct zones of safety to herd animals, maintain latrine services, exercise, and maneuver in case of an attack. Along each arm of the cross and around the ends fly-type tents would allow rest and sleeping stations for scouts, couriers, and men who would herd the animals and escort women and children to latrine services. Each arm is arranged in rows which would allow for quick formation of forces. During a surprise attack panic can easily set in. Arranging rows of tents leading to 4 open areas provides maximum maneuverability for the assembly of the armed men. They could easily avoid the mistake that the Midianite coalition made as they encamped in the bowl of a ridge. In the haze of darkness the large and severely confined pagan armies were rousted by a small contingent of 300 Israelites blowing trumpets and breaking pots. In panic the Midianites and their allies killed each other, and God delivered the victory without a single loss to Gideon’s forces. A square formation would bottle up forces and cause major logistical problems.

6) There are many applications that one can make from this study of the “Cross in the Wilderness”. If one carries the cross in today’s wilderness, God will be with you. In the Words of Jesus, “Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me”. Note that Jesus said this before He was crucified! If you do His will, He will bless you and deliver you out of the wilderness. In the giving of the Law He is the God that makes demands and in the Tabernacle He is the God that draws near and dwells with us. His demand is that we Trust and Obey him and the Reward is that He will Tabernacle in us and with us and provide for us as He leads us to victory and to His Promised land.

The Cross makes us Holy and it separates us from darkness. But as Paul states in Philippians, 3:18, “Now [I] say again with tears, many live as enemies of the Cross of Christ.” Those enemies also came against the Israelites from within and without and they were defeated. Even this study and book will be viewed by many as foolishness, for the Word says: “for the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who are saved it is the Power of God. For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.” The Cross is a teaching tool connecting the Law and the World to Jesus Christ. The Law reveals that we are sinners. The Law states GOD’s standards and then demands His Justice. The Law is a tutor not a savior, the Law is a mirror not a cleanser, and the Law was given to be fulfilled by the Promised Savior, the Lamb of GOD.

The only solution to sin would be Forgiveness through a Subsitutionary Sacrifice. Therefore on the Day of Atonement two goats were chosen for the sin offering: one goat was sacrificed and another driven out into the wilderness. Again the picture here foreshadows the Cross of Calvary when Jesus Christ died for all sin, separating and erasing the sin in our heart while driving away even the guilt. His sacrifice cleanses the conscience so that those redeemed do not have to live under a cloud of guilt, fear, and condemnation again.

7) The Cross is the Power of GOD that binds everything. Because Christ dwells in us, we do not have to sacrifice an unblemished animal, nor do we have to build a Tabernacle. He is our Sacrifice and our Tabernacle and when we receive Him we are His Tabernacle willingly surrendered as a sacrifice unto Him. It may seem confusing but it all makes sense in Light of the Trinity, the Sanctification of the Believer, and the Unity of the Body of Christ. Through Faith we have Life. We are alive in Christ and dead to sin. To live is Christ, to die is gain. He has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the Law. In essence He became the Curse for us. In the process we have crossed over from death to life. The Cross is the link to the believing Jew: “For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one…His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of two… and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross…” Eph. 2:15-16.

Before Jesus went to the Cross, He prayed to the Heavenly Father: “Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him…And now Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began” John 17: 1,2, 5. Jesus Christ in this prayer is joining the Father to the Son, Heaven to earth, Jew and Gentile, the Creation of the Universe and original sin to the Promise of Eternal life as he prepares for his death on the cross. We look vertically to heaven to pray and worship, but we serve and have fellowship here on earth. In the wilderness the Israelites ventured 40 years in a hostile and wild land, yet wherever they went they were led by the Shekinah Glory or the Cloud by Day, both of which came down from Heaven. Each member of the campsite had a permanent location in respect to the Shikinah Glory and to each other. This reflects the vertical and horizontal relationship that is characteristic of the Church with Jesus Christ in center providing guidance, Truth, and protection.

The Cross was a beacon of hope and a light in the darkness. Then the moment came when GOD, the Son, dwelt with us and according to God’s Plan was lifted up on the cross- he died, was buried, and resurrected to defeat the curse of death. The Cross, first seen in the wilderness, becomes the Divine Path between heaven and earth. God’s Divine Design is the Cross. Even the linen fibers that covered the veil and curtains of the Holy of Holies, and the Lamina, a fiber which holds our tissue together, are in the binding design of a cross. The “Cross of the Wilderness” and the Cross of Calvary are linked in every way.

8) The 8th and final reason why I believe that the Cross formation was an integral part of the Wilderness Exodus is the most enigmatic and, in a way, the most refreshing for those of us who want to understand Ezekiel’s Vision and the Vision that John had in Revelation. As mentioned earlier the four arms of the cross were made up of four groups or divisions of tribes. Each of these divisions had a standard. The standard for the tribe of Judah and its group was the Lion and King. The standard for the division of Ephraim was the calf or servant. The standard for Reuben’s division was a man and finally the standard for the northern division of Dan was the Eagle or Heavenly Priest. These 4 standards are represented in the 4 Gospels: Matthew is characterized by lineage of Judah the Lion; Mark represents Jesus as the Servant; Luke the doctor presents Jesus as the God/Man; and John shows us Jesus as our Spiritual Priest. These symbolic standards show up again in Ezekiel’s vision of the four Living Creatures. The creatures had feet with soles like that of a calf, four wings, the hands of man, and each had four faces: the face of a lion, the face of man, the face of an ox, and the face of an eagle. What is especially interesting is how Ezekiel describes the energy emitting from these creatures with multi-directional faces. In Ezek. 1:13, he says, “Their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: it went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright.” Is this bright fire likened to the fire of the SHIKINAH GLORY? Is this image being reflected on earth by four faces on standards pointing East, South, West, and North? Is this in part what Jesus meant when He prayed, “thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”?

Although made in God’s image, the Israelites were far from perfect, yet they were being blessed by His supernatural presence and the fire of GOD. In Heaven as on earth there was and is a great multitude worshiping Him as they are being awed by His Glory. John the Revelator also sees a vision. In Revelation 4:6-7, he writes, “And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.” These supernatural “beasts” appear throughout Revelation as John observes the activities of the Throne Room. These beasts are Cherubim and they are Worshiping God, saying, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.” (Rev.4:8). Revelation 4:9, 5:6, 5:8, 5:14, 6:1, 7:11, and 14:3, describe an awe inspiring scene, as the Lamb of God is presented before the Throne where ten thousand times ten thousand and a thousand thousands of angels, the 24 elders, and the 4 beasts worship GOD. As the tumultuous Praise ends, the four Cherubim pronounce an, “Amen” and then each of these “beasts” beckons John to “come and see” as each seal is opened, (Rev.6:1-7). Is John asked to come and see earth through the crystallized floor as the seals release their tribulation on the earth? Are they all watching even now? There is indication that God is indeed watching: Moses, David, Isaiah, and Solomon ask GOD to look down upon them (Deut. 26:15, Ps. 102:19, Isa. 63:15, and Lam. 3:50). What a sight the “Cross of the Wilderness” must have been from heaven’s view!

Is there something special about the number 4? It is a number used frequently in both Heaven and earth. The Trinity + us = 4. Our physical 3 dimensions + the supernatural = 4. In the prophecies we hear of the FOUR BEASTS and the FOUR METALS of the FOUR great civilizations. The Cross has 4 points and there are 4 Gospels. The tabernacle had four hide layers as its covering and four types of metal were used in the furnishings. Four is found throughout Creation: 4 seasons, 4 cardinal points of the compass, 4 lunar phases, 4 times of the day? Is 4 the number of Spiritual Unity in all Creation? There were 13 tribes yet only 4 divisions and 13 Apostles 4 of which wrote in God’s Word (Peter, John, Paul, and Matthew). God’s Divine name YHWH has four consonants. There were 4 horns on the altar, 4 tassels worn, 4 women mothered the 12 sons of Jacob, Numbers is the 4th book in the Torah, and 4 cups of wine are used in the Seder. In the New Testament we hear of the “four winds of the earth,” and Jesus speaks of the FOUR kinds of soil, and FOUR responses. The word used for the number 4 in Hebrew means “door”. Jesus Christ is the “Door” and He is the link between heaven & earth. We were created in His image to become partakers of His Divine nature & Word. Just like that spiritual door with four surfaces, Jesus embodies all of Creation and Heaven. Four colors were used on the gate of the court, the door to the tabernacle and on the veil in the Holy of Holies. These colors were Purple, Scarlet, White, and Sky-blue. Purple is the color of Royalty and speaks of the Kingdom and the King.

The Lion of Judah is Jesus Christ and He is the King of Kings. Scarlet is the color red and symbolizes the suffering Savior and His humble obedience in service and carrying out His mission to the Father. Both the Calf and Bullock rendered silent faithful service as they bore the sins of sacrifice and the weight of our burdens. Pure White symbolized the purity and sinless nature of the Man; Jesus Christ who was born of a Virgin and died on the Cross as our unblemished Sacrifice. The blue of the sky represents the Eagle and the Son of God who descended Heaven to provide a Way to Heaven for all who believe.

Carefully allow me to show you something amazing!   From heaven the tabernacle was both red and white. Although the outer layer was of the skin of the white Arabian Oryx, the next layer was a specifically dyed red ram’s skin. When skins are sewn together they stretch and harden under the sun and rain and separations occur between the patches. Therefore each layer was made to overlap the next layer. Viewed from above, red stripes would show through the white. Was this done to illustrate that “by His stripes we are healed?”

The laver of water was made of polished bronze like a mirror reflecting the blue of the sky. Purple was made by mixing blue with red. When one sees blue next to red from a distance it always appears purple (that is why mountains appear purple on the horizon as the sun sets). The colors of the gates were blue, purple and red and would appear purplish from a distance and from above. As an artist painting in oils, this is how we give life to a landscape, by intermingling blues and reds to create blended purple hues. Psalm 34:7, the angel of the LORD encamps about them that fear him, and delivers them. “As surely as I live,” says the LORD, every knee shall bow before me; every tongue will confess to God, (Ro. 14:11) I thank my friend, Angie, who has prayed for me throughout this effort and who upon reading the final draft said that this study gave her a new perspective on the Bible. It is always good to have a friend who digs deep into God’s Word, is in constant prayer, and allows the Holy Spirit to lead her. After reading this study she went back and reread the Exodus account. She noticed a detail about the wording that I had not taken note of, and which had apparently escaped the logic of those scholars who have positioned the tribes side by side in illustrations. Moses describes the progression of the tribes in each group this way: the first two as being “next” to each other and when describing the position of the last tribe of the three he does not say that this last tribe is “next” to the first. No, he states, ”the last tribe is next”, which implies a progression: (Numbers 2: v.12), “The tribe of Simeon will camp next to them (Reuben) ”; and v. 14, “The tribe of Gad will be next”. Moses does not say that they encamped “side by side”, nor “on the side of one another”. The Living Bible in fact lays out the verses in a diagram style giving the “Location” in this manner: (Judah) East side of the Tabernacle – (Isaachar) Next to Judah – (Zebulum) Next to Issachar. Numbers 2:2b, in the RSV says, “They shall encamp facing the tent of meeting on every side.” The inference here is that they were grouped in line, each group of 3 tribes forming an arm parallel to the four sides of the Tent of Meeting. Each arm would extend from where the Levites were encamped. This makes sense, for each group sets up their camp already in line to just march out behind the group in front of them.

In setting out Judah leads followed by the rest of his group and then Reuben’s group followed by the Tent of Meeting and the Levites. Ephraim’s group is next along with Dan’s group. In settling in for camp Judah’s group leads by marching in from the West and when exactly due East of the Tabernacle, it’s lead row would set up as the first row facing East followed by each successive row in line with Eastern side of the Tabernacle. Reuben’s group aligns itself with the South side of the Tabernacle, perpendicular to Judah’s group and with its front row encamping next to and parallel to the perimeter set up by the Levites. This is like a choreographed marching band forming into line and then breaking apart into a coordinated cross formation. Note that as the four groups marched out in procession, God had them unravel the Cross from the East around to Dan’s Northern group- which, by no coincidence, is the same way that the Hebrew mind is designed to read, write, and illustrate (for instance this is the pattern of the symbols in Chagall’s paintings).

Also note in the painting that I made (illustrated at the beginning) the smaller “tents” on either side of the four Cross extensions. These represent a perimeter defense and a guard system. In these fly-like tents, which are open in three or four sides , are the young or single men who would help care for the animals, guide and protect people in the dark (who are seeking to relieve themselves or just exercise a walk).  These young men would also scout for wild animals and the enemy, hold general guard duty, and act as messengers. 1/05/2013 The people living in darkness have seen a great light.” Matthew 4:16



Recently I have heard people call this the “Time of Lies” and the “Land of Lies”. A study recently concluded that the average person lies 200 times in one day! Another study concluded that on average the 3 candidates during the primaries lied 25% to 75% of the time! In my profession it has become a common practice to not only lie to patients in advertising, but also in the clinic itself! Oh, sure, these are not the usual bonafide in your face lies, but they are in face value, “Lies”! When a doctor says to the patient that he needs such and such because the x-ray or test suggests it, without doing the proper diligence, he or she is in essence lying. What is even more egregious are the lies that may not hurt the patient, but which do make the practice a lot of money on a daily basis!

I will give an example: Patient A came into my office last week with an apology and a frown saying that he had responded to another doctors “free exam and discounted x-ray ad”. He said that after they took a full set of x-rays, they would not clean his teeth! Instead a consultant sat down with him for a long time trying to convince him that he needed $1,826 worth of dental work discounted by his plan to only $856! They showed him on the x-rays how bone loss was causing periodontal disease, and that in order to stop the progression of disease he would need a very expensive 4 quadrants of deep cleaning done (which was an inflated charge!- note also that if just 3 or less teeth are involved per quadrant the code changes to a much lower fee).  I looked at his past x-rays and in his mouth and told him that the diagnosis was completely wrong and that he did not have any periodontal disease!  The bone loss was due to toothbrush erosion only!  They used the x-rays to scare him into thinking that the bone loss was due to disease not erosion!  The “shadow’ on the x-rays was not due to disease!  The average person would not know better! All the patient needed was a good tooth cleaning and check up, costing $108 in our office.  This is an example of what is happening on a daily basis throughout this country!  People are getting ripped off by people in “white coats” who know they are skipping on the truth!

God judged the earth because “everyone was doing what was right in their own eyes”.  The basis for deceit, slander, malice, and theft is lying.  I was recently listening to a pastor talking about the “lying spirit” in our society and  church (which will be discussed more later).   President Obama  stated that Islam has always played an important part in the making of our country. The fact is that the only significant association that our nation had with Islam was when Jefferson sent our navy to stop the Barbary Pirates from taking slaves and booty from merchant ships!  To the pirate and Islam it is good and justified to lie to the infidel!  Lying is not part of our ethical standards and never has been!

This brings up a serious problem: cultural assimilation.  We are embracing cultures more than ever and their ethics are different than ours.  Our tolerant society has made us more vulnerable to all sorts of lies. One very large religion and culture believes in and trusts in “millions” of gods!  How many lies do you think are embedded in their ethics and standards?   Healing remedies, child rearing, sexual interactions and other norms can easily be distorted and abused under the darkness of authoritarian controls! Mythical, ethnic, and religious dictates can be used to sanction child abuse, spousal abuse, social banishment, witchcraft and who knows what!  To the esteemed white robed Pharisees, who held their culture under bondage with many made up laws & traditions , Jesus said, “You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Some of the worst lies are those that blind the mind and harden the heart. Here are a couple that the Bible warns about: “A fool says in his heart there is no God”, and “Pride goeth before destruction”.  It is foolish and dangerous to lie to ourselves and to continue living in ignorance, self denial, and pride.  When you do, not only are you setting yourself up for judgment, but in that state of mind and heart you could fall into a quagmire of problems including poor health, divorce, poverty, crime and death!  Open your heart to the Truth: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and he will make your path straight”.

Even as a believer it’s so easy to persist in lying to ourselves concerning our bad habits whether it be smoking, drinking, drugs, laziness, procrastination, or junk food. Take note that each of those “bad habits” listed above in themselves embody “tons” of lies! There is a spiritual component- a contaminating darkness- that everyone should be aware of! Our lies along with other lies become part of our thinking and behavior to the point that we lie to skip work, to steal, to win an argument, or to win approval!  In time we can become isolated both physically and spiritually, growing in frustration, bitterness, anger, unforgiveness, distrust, and evil desires!   Then at the point of despair the hardened heart allows the fall and we say or do something that is regretful and foolish,  hurting ourselves and others. The consequences can be dire, playing into the hand’s of Satan! Jesus said, “that Satan has come to steal, kill, and destroy;  I have come that you might have Life; and that you might have it abundantly!”  Satan’s lies are like a lion waiting to pounce at any moment to undermine our credibility and our purpose!

Just as our body relates to the physical world our soul communicates with the spiritual world. Caught in between is our mind! You may not see it happening or coming, but when we lie and ignore our conscience the consequences will take a toll! When Satan lied to Adam and Eve, they rebelled and lost the “Spirit” or “Life of God” in them! God had told Adam that if he ate of the fruit he would die and this death in actuality was a spiritual death. The Word says, “The wages of sin is death!” Like Adam we are spiritually dead in sin! “But while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”. This is how God demonstrates His love for us. Our Hope is in Jesus Christ and the work He did on the Cross! He paid the penalty so that we might have Life- the “Life of God” in the form of the Holy Spirit! The Word says, “For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive”. We are a new Creation in Christ, set free to be a light in the darkness, and to battle the world system that turns “the truth of God into a lie, and worship and serve the creature more than the Creator!”

Serious problems arise when the world’s lies infiltrate the church and are allowed to hide or grow!  We have witnessed many pastors who have fallen or have left the ministry.  If they had tapped into the Power of the Holy Spirit and sought the Righteousness of God with all their heart, mind, and soul, the lies of the flesh and the gates of Hell would not have prevailed!  The foundation of faith cracks when we allow the world system to dictate agendas, theology, the teaching by laymen, and the God given identity of the church itself!

For many years I was part of a church that one might classify as an “Emergent church” or a “Seeker Sensitive Church”.  Those titles by the way are “cop-outs” and only serve to create excuses for compromise!  Is worth effort and risk to reach out to the lost with lies?  For instance in these churches there is no effort to use good apologetics to teach the congregation the Truth about “6-Day Creation”! They do not want to create “controversy” even though the Bible is very clear that God’s greatest miracle was when He created the Universe.  That Miracle supports the fact that He continues His creation by: 1) creating us in the womb, 2) making us a new creation in Him, 3) and will create a new heaven and a new earth!

If you believe in evolution you will have to throw out “Original Sin” because “death” would have happened before the “Fall” and hence the penalty of sin would not be death.  If the penalty of sin is not death then the New Testament is a lie!  And just one lie undermines the entire Gospel and Satan wins!  Evolution and the “Old Earthers”, however, undermine a lot more, including the veracity of Noah’s flood and God’s Covenant with us.  God said that He would never “Flood the Earth” again! Old Earth scientists along with the evolutionists claim that Noah’s flood was only a “local flood” and that all those fossils that we see embedded in sedimentary rock were not caused by a world wide flood!  Hence every “local flood” that we have today is calling God a liar and the church would be complicit in that lie!  Just as with slander and deceit, a few good lies can spread and do a lot of damage to individuals and to the whole church!