Fakery the New Culture of America

The trade and art of fakery is proliferating in our culture and is affecting the whole world. In fact this fakery has led to wars, the death of many, and compromise of world peace and prosperity.

More and more data and facts are being uncovered that show 2017 was a critical period in which great amounts of fake news was generated and when the security services of various departments including the FBI, DOJ, CIA and Homeland security were compromised by people put in place by Obama. These key players were able to undermine Trump’s efforts to defend himself. for they had privileged connections to Twitter, Facebook, major newspapers, and network TV stations around the country that were eager to do their bidding. It was easy for the democratic machine to push a false agenda and false charges against Trump and anyone in his administration. The Lies and gross deceit cancelled and sot to undermine all of Trump’s great achievements in stabalizing the economy, our border security, and the setting up protective peace deals with North Korea and with Israels neighborns in Middle East.. Putin and Xi had deep respect for Trump’s defense of the American ideal which included worldwide protection of human rights and borders.
Biden has worked to destroy all of this by using Obama’s agents that were planted in those areas of security. They are the ones who illegally sought the overthrow of a President. If anyone should be accused of “insurrection” it should be those who set Trump up for impeachment. All of Trump’s cabinet and those appointed by him were undermined including others such as Congressmen Nunez who had uncovered a lot of those lies.
The Holy Spirit is quickening believers to stand up and stoke revival and push truth to lost generations. The young people simply need to believe on what the Spirit of God is beconing them to receive–the Gospel of Truth. The lines are being drawn between the lies and the truth and all those who want an eternal relationship with a God who loves them have to decide whether to Cross that Line towards Salvation in Jesus Christ. We are in a major Spiritual battle for the hearts and minds of millions who are being deceived by evil forces and the darkness that is spreading up and down the byways of the world. One new and powerful example is the A.I, bias being fed into computers and search engines that attack Christianity, the conservative viewpoint, and Trump specifically. For instance it refuses to give data for Oil and Gas exploration or use. The data is supplied by a liberal source- in essence a propaganda machine. This does not bode well for the future for these are all harbingers of the future Anti-Christ. The Way of Hope is narrow but it is extremely rewarding to overcome fear, anxiety, distress, and the dark lies and falsehoods around you.
Our world is full of fakery- from the commercials we watch to the facade behind Hollywood, easy wealth, easy fame, and easy power. We see fake diplomas and degrees, fake essays and thesis, fake pills and vitamins, fake data accumulated by ChatGPT for search engines etc., fake “organics”, fake news and influencers, fake beauty and bodies (yes some steroid filled bodies claim their good looks and strength is due to a particular lifestyle such as using a certain vitamin or other product), and fake science. This is a sign of the times and is all part of the LIE tht will lead to a false security.
This was predicted in the Bible. Jeremiah says, “Truth is perished and is cut off from their mouths.” He warns of a time when all we deceive their neighbors. Our phony lifestyles is promoted by the power of the air—the media and Satan is the Prince of the Air. Isaiah warned, “No one calls for justice, nor pleads for the truth, they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.” A good example is Jan. 6–which has been used to push a fake narrative and incite hatred and racisim. Lies are trying to foment a race war and hatred towards Christians.
Jesus said that one overall characteristic of the end time—will be like the Days of Noah—and note that the flood came because of violence not perversion. Satan will do all he can to stoke violence and his way of doing it is to kill, steal, destory, and lie. Here are some of the LIes: The FBI, DOJ, and liberal media are unbiased, it is healthy to have 2 moms or 2 dads, blacks are intentionally targeted for demise, wind power is clean and safe, the British Empire and Trumps Adminstration was worse than Hitlers Nazism, the world will end in 10 years due to climate change, Jan. 6 was an insurrection, all people have an immortal soul, inflation is worse everywhere compared to America. Trump caused the inflation and Biden has saved the economy.. The fact is 100,000 federal employees have at least one fake degree which includes generals and top scientists, 50,000 fake phD’s are bought each year. Many top selling suppliments or vitamins do NOt have most of the herbs listed.
Most of Biden’s intiatives are against the prophetic elements in the Bible that speak of the Salvation of Jews and Gentiles alike. Instead they promote the killing of Jews, destruction of the present government in Israel, and the rise of a one-world government with climate control as its main agenda. After Biden gave the Palestinians 1 Billion dollars death by terrorism in Israel increase by 900%: What a difference a billion dollars makes. While the media has tried to portray the terrorism as “lone wolf” attacks, they’re crowdsourced violence of the kind that Al Qaeda and ISIS helped innovate. But the PLO’s version is unique through its ‘Pay-for-Slay’ program which rewards terrorists, regardless of their formal affiliation, including ISIS and Hamas members, with salaries and payments for their families. Terrorists are paid based on the length of their prison sentence. That means successful killers can earn $2,000 to $3,000 a month in a part of the world where the average salary is around $700 a month. It’s five times more profitable to be a terrorist than a teacher.
Prophecy forewarns of this fall. In the book of Daniel the Word states that Satan (who is roaming our land) will cast down the Truth to the ground, in his works and in his prosperity. Why is it happening? Daniel states because “by reason of transgression.” The sins of the world opens the door to Satan and that portal was opened wide in 2017 when the Great Sign of the Woman appeared in the skies over the entire world……read the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: the Invisible War and Final Chapter.

Seduction of America

A huge double standard is being made clear in the past and present related to the 1) “Security” risk of Trumps documents vs Biden’s documents —when his documents are part of Univ. of Penn. organization which received 54 million dollars from China,  2) FBI invasions of a Catholic family who opposed abortion vs. the burning and attacks on birth support centers around the country 3) Focus on sending millions to o’ther nations for border security when we open our borders to millions of potential criminal elements—here in Texas we have arrested criminal terrrorists manufacturing a selling fake pills for common drugs that are laced witf  fentanyl (hence these are assasins and killers of the innocent) + the recent take down of a couple from Mexico who rented a home near a high school and were supplying laced drugs to the kids — with multiple deaths resulting — yet this coverage on the media is sparce 4)  Major leak in the rail crash in the small Ohio town that voted Republican is being ignored by Biden and his team.  5)  Security risk of Trumps documents vs the Chinese balloon which recorded a weeks worth of top secret data with its camera’s and other sensors… 6)  Censorship of the conservative viewpoint by AT&T —– I used to have DirecTV but have had it now removed from my home.
We are witnessing a wave of socialist/Chinese/elitist influence and control in our nation. Controls under the guise of climate security is being pushed on a brainwashed public in order to take over the media, the governemnt and even our security agencies.  Why are these lies being endorsed and promoted by our leadership despite the fact that China is the world’s number one abuser of air and water quality with India close behind?  Has our leadership been bought out and are thus compromised?  Our nation is being seduced and sold out and the so called intellectuals are falling for it…..and so are a lot of seniors…..and the X generation + Millinials.  We do not have much time—- this nation is on the precipice of failure and attack.
My Facebook essay:  The post below reveals information from Harry’s own memoirs which linked his behavior to drugs, psychic pursuits, and the Obama’s. Now there is evidence that foreign agents with their finances are interfering with the stability in the nation of Israel. A key leader in the opposing party has already called for the assassination of the Prime Minister, and now ex-prime minister Olmert (who was removed because of corruption) is calling for violent protest. Here is the article:   Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Monday called for the protest movement against the government’s judicial reform proposal to move to the next stage, one fueled by violent confrontation. “What is needed is to move to the next stage, the stage of war, and war is not waged with speeches. War is waged in a face-to-face battle, head-to-head and hand-to-hand, and that is what will happen here,” he said in an interview with DemocraTV, according to Israel National News.

Looks like parts of my original essay were eliminated by the Facebook censors since it mentioned the Obama’s and the liberal movement underlying Israel politics.  All it did was go into more detail about Obama, Harry, and Israel’s troubles.  I suggested that this internal conflict may be the seed for the ” Biblical covenant” that compromises Israel.  This internal “war” could set up the so-called “peace treaty” – one secretly brokered by those behind the scenes that are promoting this internal conflict.  Essay also mentioned how Harry and Meghan met with the Obama’s and soon afterward their tone against the royal family changed.

Russia has amassed an additional 500K soldiers, 500 jets, 400 helicopters, and 1.8K tanks near Ukraine to launch a massive offensive in 10 days.  China has sent more planes into Taiwan’s airspace and is launching balloons all over our country.  All of this is happening while we are being distracted by climate control.  What has not been discussed much is the balloon launched over Hawaii (remember Pearl Harbor) that shot down multiple laser beams.  Yet Biden continues to claim that these balloons have not been a breach of American security. Countering this is Mark Esper our former secretary of Defense who, says this was the first time in our history that a foreign power has breached our airspace as its spy balloons hovered around our major defense assets.  And we know that Biden and his FBI and DOJ claim that Trumps documents (which Trump and his administration authored) were a major breach of our security!  Yet his own documents were being held at the Penn Institute connected to Penn. University which received 54 million dollars from China.

If we are indeed so concerned about climate control, why is the President not discussing the elephant in the room—the major train disaster in Ohio?  Already animals are dying, and major bodies of water are contaminated.

The fact is evil is being celebrated all over America as illustrated in both the Grammy awards and the half-time Superbowl show. Are all of our recent traumatic events interrelated— the train crashes with the dark cloud of burning vinyl chloride and other crashes – all derailments, the multiple plane incidents, the border crisis and drugs, the crime, and horror murders such as the emergency room physician on his bike in California– are they part of a darkness covering the nation?   Is God trying to forewarn us of major events to come.  Again, all of this is part of prophecy from the Bible and God has given us major signs as clearly explained in the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown series?

AS indicated these problems are not happening in America alone.  For in England there is a Harry Potter like attack going on against the Royal family.  Meghan and Harry have opened themselves up to outside influences and demonic controls.    Both came under the tutelage of the Obamas and apparently, according to his memoirs Harry opened himself up to heavy drug use. He states that Cocaine, cannabis, and magic mushrooms opened him up to the truth. Drugs led him to another world “where the red mist did not exist” and where “reality was redefined.”  And he states that he visited a psychic to revisit with his dead mother.

The supernatural is real and Satan is real and so are demons.   It is very likely that the world is being visited by dark forces that want to take the world over and will do anything to remove all obstacles and barriers.  It wants to install a charismatic leader who will unite the nations and then betray Israel (for Israel embodies everything Satan hates—God’s Promise to both Jew and Christian).  Jesus Christ did promise that He would establish His throne in Jerusalem.  I hope that each of you is in prayer and is seeking guidance from the Lord.

Mega Churches Nix Revival

Many church leaders and pastors are hoping and even predicting a revival. This will not happen as long as a big part of the Body of Christ is focused on money, prestige, compromise, and the flesh. Yes, many pastors of medium to mega-churches do encourage the Body of Christ but are caught up in soliciting members with expensive marketing.  Many are tied to Christian TV networks that have compromised the Body of Christ by promoting compromised ministries that endorse political leaders and spokespeople who support abortion (including abortion up to and beyond birth), that glorify the transgender movement and its gender policies related to bathrooms and schools, that have platforms supporting same-sex marriage and transgender males in female sports, that attack the patriotic christian by labeling them as christian nationalists (which basically includes all Christians who aligns themselves wtih God & Country), and that undermine parental rights and allow a child to have a sex change without parental permission.
What was summarized above is the platform promoted and supported by Beto and by Stacie Abrams.  Not only are they behind these ANTI-Christian ideas and programs, but they are also behind major anti-church movements like BLM and marxist socialism. The pastors that have invited them to speak their venom from the pulpit included both TD Jakes and Creflo Dollar. Are these pastors accommodating the opposite side in order to be fair? Is that what the Word of God tells the Church to do?  NO emphatically NO!  The Church is NOT the media and should not be part of the world’s evil propaganda machine.  The CHURCH is commanded to be HOLY for God is HOLY, and NOT TO COMPROMISE.  These mega-church pastors are acting like the church of Laodacia and for whom Jesus Christ says, “I am going to vomit you out of my mouth.  Because…..you have become wealthy and are in need of nothing.”  These lukewarm pastors have in essence endorsed the “Spirit of Jezebel” for which God says, “you tolerate the woman Jezebel…who teaches and deceives my slaves to commit sexual immorality,” Rev. 2:19.
Do these leaders remember what happened in the city of Ai as Joshua and his men met defeat? How one family compromised victory and the survival of the entire nation? Or do they remember what happened to an entire “holy tribe” in Israel when they used unholy fire? God is not easily mocked. Do not deceive yourselves. Judgment is coming and the sooner the Body of Christ deals with this sin the better. As stated in the earlier both Creflo Dollar and TD Jakes have endorsed these radically immoral candidates. Both mega church pastors have very active ministries on the largest and most influencial Christian networks which inlcudes TBN.
Peter speaking of these “false teachers or prophets” says “many will folllow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. These teachers will exploit you….and God will hold the unrighteous for the day of Judgment. This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the sinful nature (referring to homosexualtiy or transgenderism).” II Peter 2:2-10. The Son of God is soon to Appear as the Sun Rises and as the world rebels against him: Isaiah 60:1, “Arise, shine for your Light has come and the Glory of the Lord Rises upon you. See darkness covers the earth and is over the people but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you.” Seek the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul for that day is soon to come.

Merry Christmas

MERRY CHRISTMAS — The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).  An angel appeared to Joseph and told him not to worry, that the baby would be from the Holy Spirit. This would be a supernatural birth.  Not only would this child be born of a Virgin & the Holy Spirit, but he would be the Christ, the Lamb of God who would pay the ransom for our Sins, and who would Open the Door to Heaven. This Door is open to all who choose to follow Him. He became Sin for Us, and in our time of trial and testing, He comforts us by saying, “in the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”  No longer strangers or aliens to God, we are invited to become friends and family for He desires a relationship with us. The shackles of sin and death will be cast aside, and He will receive us clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

What better time than at Christmas to realize that God calls himself “Father,” inviting us to receive His Son and share in the Gifts that He has to offer.  There is no better way to interact with Almighty God – the One who gives life in this massive Universe. He spoke into existence trillions upon trillions of stellar bodies which we see with the James Webb telescope – stellar bodies located where we thought was empty space – which disproves the Big Bang (any explosion automatically creates an empty space as the flying parts move away at high speed from the source.)  As Time advances, we observe that He created it all, Time-Energy-Space-&-Matter.  We also see this in studies of the diverse animal and plant kingdoms, of elastic collagen found in so-called 200-million-year-old fossils, and in the amazingly super-complex DNA that is both a living language and a computer using epigenetics- dialing up or down certain traits or functions.  Only God could have conceived of and designed such complex systems of life. Simple logic tells us, trillions of years will not spontaneously write a book much less DNA. So why would anyone believe that it could generate life or even a simple enzyme.  His creative power generated species that number as the stars and each new generation brought adaptations – each a miracle birth.  And of course, the most significant birth comes, “through the Spirit”, to anyone who accepts the Gift that God offers. “If you confess Jesus as LORD and believe that He rose from the dead, you will be saved.”  Through His Word and in His Love and Grace, God declares that He is with us answering our prayers.  He invites us to believe in the power of the Cross and the Resurrection. For though He was crucified and buried, death and darkness could not hold Him down.  He Opens the Door to Heaven for ALL who wish to follow Him.


ART: The Face of God

Expressing Truth and God’s Majesty and Love for us. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2-Chronicles7:14….
May be art
The canvas is large and was tough to make as it is shaped in the form of a cross with the Lord’s arms reaching out, holding the DNA molecule in the Right hand and the Atom on the left hand. Both prove that only He is the Creator of Life–not evolution for even with the most sophisticated labs we cannot create basic building blocks such as viable enzymes.

The face is purposefully covered in divine Light for we cannot look upon the face of God and because we really do not know what the face of the LORD looks like. The face also reflects the power of the Cross for His eyes are upon us in His Mercy and Love. God is moving to warn Christians that He is returning soon–so we must keep in prayer as we share the Gospel. This is all explained in the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown trilogy. 

Make your face to shine upon your servant save me in your loving kindness,” Psalm 31:16. Then in Psalm 80: 19, “Oh Lord God of hosts restore us cause your face to shine upon us and we will be saved.” And finally in 1st Peter 3:12, “For the eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous and his ears attend to their prayer but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.” The eyes and face form a Cross—for it is the power of the Cross with His Resurrection that saves us and humbles the limitiations of science.
Above is part of the painting in its final form—it is 4.5 ft. long, 3.5 ft wide in the shape of a cross done with heavy viscous acrylics in order to give texture and with some carefully placed irridescent paint. The Sword of His Word compliments the Word of God at His feet (which is not showing) in this pic

The Great Reset

There is an important Reset issue that will cause many emerging nations a lot of problems. Our uncontrolled inflation and the increase in Prime interest rates has created a deep ripple effect on currencies and banking throughout the world. As our rates increase Central Banks worldwide have to increase their rates in order to protect their bond markets and currencies. These increased rates have forced poor people and those who are already at wits end due to Covid and other trials to pay more for cars, homes, rent, and just about everything to survive.
Along with increase oil prices due our great Green intiative (which raised prices for the whole world) helpless people will have a much harder time paying for necessities.  Already many world governments have been overthrown by disenchanted people who blame them for the turmoil. This has happened in Shri Lanka, Chile and other nations. Capitalism and America is being blamed. Even the UN is blaming us and Yes we are to blame for increasing inflation with our bad oil policies and our poor leadership. Some see our weak leadership as the reason for Putin’s attack on Ukraine.  And Biden was caught on tape suggesting that we will stop the Nord Stream 2 no matter what–thus Russia is able to tell its people that we are the “criminals” who blew it up. The fact is Russia did it with an internal robot cleaner called a PIG that probably carried a high plastics explosive through the pipe to the deeper part of the line.
Now Putin is able to use propaganda which is like our Biden directed media to fool the people and manipulate national policies.  He can claim that America and Europe is attacking the motherland.  Biden also made the mistake of giving away billions, opening borders, and stopping oil production all of which have caused the inflation that is affecting the world currencies and interest rates.
The World Economic Forum sees an opportunity to reset world economies and leadership. It wants open borders, population control, climate controls and other controls to manipulate policy so that it can introduce a Globally controled system. We are being set up for the Anti-Christ. All of this is part of the staging that will lead to chaos and the overthrow of our freedoms. Part of this chaos is caused by lies and the rest by blindness or delusion as when our new Supreme Court Justice said she could not define a woman or when Kamala Harris named North Korea as our partner forgetting that it is South Korea—yet she did not even correct herself. Most 5th graders would know the difference.
The great storm is coming and time is short to turn back towards God. We are not the only power or nation that God is looking after. In fact God may see how we have turned against Him and may seek to allow an intervention that will protect many of these vulnerable families worldwide. And note how we are polluting the lives of little children in our society with the lies of transgenderism, homosexuality and other perversions spoken of in Romans chapter one. The signs of this personal and national rebellion is showing up in waves of perversion and is being supported by our federal government and the public school system. God may want to save as many children as possible before our perverted wave becomes a worldwide tsunami.
Check out my book on the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown, a countdown that is now in progress. Everything in the first book of the Trilogy came true- as each insight given by the LORD unfolded in the Light of His Word under the shadow of the “Great Sign of Revelation 12 “. Note also that 3 major hurricanes hit us soon after our great Solar Eclipse of Sept. 21, 2017. Was that a coincidence? Could have been but that eclipse was called the perfect solar eclipse as it swept across our nation from shore to shore with little if any cloud cover. We will indeed see a Global Reset when the Lord returns and it will transform everything from life to death, from heaven to earth, and from sky to the bottom of the ocean.

Are We Ready?

Again The Bible has a powerful verse to describe how the lowly, the rejected, the leftovers and abused are used to shame those who claim to be wise and powerful.. God can use anyone to change the world. Here is the verse from I Cor. 1:28: “God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important.” It is like a baby in a manger, a boy with slingshot, a drowning man, an old woman, a demoniac or a fisherman, a resurrected Jew, a tax collector or repentant persecuter, can not only shake the world but can lead people to an amazing Eternal Salvation.
God also uses Signs to draw our attention. Do you think that maybe names or numbers can be used. There are names that make us think twice about their implication such as Biiiden or Puuutin—Trump sounds good. Is God sounding the Trumpet? Our new hero in baseball has an interesting name: Aaron (the Priesthood of Aaron) Judge (the next time the world sees the Lord, He will be their Judge.)  The Judge is Coming! The greatest hitter of all time Roger Maris is about to have his homerun record for one season smashed by Yankee home run phenom- Aaron Judge. He hit two on Sunday and is playing tonight—just one more and he will break the record.  I believe a lot in names especially names that pop up out of nowhere in record books topping all previous records in a sport that is considered America’s family sport. This is epic moment for those baseball fans and the typical middleclass family—kind of a symbol of America’s heart.
In the midst of this event the typical American family is under attack by government directed inflation, transgenderism agendas, and other sex related attacks that want to separate parents from their own children. They want to teach these kids gender pronouns instead of the heroes of American history. They want to teach kids sexual ideas that traditionally has been the right of only the parents. This government is also allowing the increase rates of crime and the open border policy is allowing more flow of drugs and criminal elements into their neighborhoods. America is in a whirlwind of trouble in almost every area including foregin policies. To learn more about the landscape of where we land on the prophetic map read any of the cosmic Crossroad countdown series or trilogy.
Think how important the number 12 is? It is written all over the Temple of God and His Tabernacle, it is a big part of our natural world–12 months, 12 constellations, 12 hours of the day and 12 of the night. Look into the Word and see how key the 12th Chapter is. Realize that Revelation 12 is the most mysterious chapter in the Bible yet astronomers know that it happened on September 23, 2017 exactly as described + with added features such as Jupiter and Venus traveling the entire Solar System together for 400 days at which time they enter the “womb of Virgo” and Jupiter remains there for the average gestation period of a baby—9 months! That Chapter points to the invisible war in both the natural and supernatural. Read Cosmic Crossroad Countdown–the trilogy. It along with the formation of the nation of Israel are the two marker events exaclty 70 years apart that mark the new beginnings–the countdown to the Tribulation.

What will Happen to a Weak Church in the Hands of an Angry God?

Is a weak church about to fall into the hands of an Angry God? Some churches have invited the world deep into both the teaching and the activity of the Church. They have promoted evolution or an Old Age Earth theory which denies what almost every book in the Bible clearly states was an ACT OF GOD ALONE. They do this to gain the world’s approval and acceptance in a false education system. A system that is dependent on the “ignorance of the world’s philosophies.” Ephesians 4:18 “They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart.”
This is an educational system based on the world’s philosophies and intentions. These Academic institutions and schools are in the business of hardening hearts and deceiving even the elect. Even seminaries refuse to teach anything contrary to evolution and do not teach Apologetics. The head of America’s largest Apologetics (defense of the faith) accedes that most leaders do not believe in the Genesis Account and try to reinterpret it. This may be one big reason why abortion and divorce rates in the church are equal to the world. The Church has lost its credibility and the fog of intellectualism has taken over—a philosophy of the World.
These mega churches and mega denominations are dependent on numbers and numbers means compromise and marketing. They dare not say something that might upset a member. they would rather use pure sugar to attract people than the benefit of nutrition to protect people’s faith. This is both an allegory and a real issue- for many Christians are now over-weight and unhealthy.
One argument recently stated is that we cannot afford to alienate non-believers because they need to be saved. This is why many pastors refuse to discuss basic issues facing our nation and our families. They do not want to mix politics with faith even though it is that kind of faith that stopped slavery, helped to win freedom for our nation and others, defeated hunger and disease in many parts of the world with Christians missions and hospitals, and pushed back darkness throughout the world. Politics exported abortion throughout the world and will prepare the stage for the Anti-Christ—including isolation and the closure of churches.
Some Pastors and leaders incorporate pagan events such as Halloween and Easter to promote sugar, parties, and fashion. The church becomes a marketplace for books, business, and entertainment. Sports and standings among other schools or churches becomes the centerpiece of applause and character building –whereas few churches have an active vital discipleship program. What would happen if that became the #1 priority, along with Evangelism? What would happen if the challenge was to learn Bible verses and share the Gospel? If this was incorporated at a young age—along with prayer—the Church would prosper.
The point is we do not have much time and God wants us to get our act together. He is giving us all kinds of Warnings and Signs to get our attention, yet these pastors want the Church to feel comfortable and continue to give to the coffers. They are afraid to walk by faith yet preach that everyone needs to walk by faith. They preach the Gospel yet are afraid of letting an outside evangelical movement inspire their congregation to join in evangelism. They are afraid of losing members to another group! And of course, they take issue with those who are inspired by the Holy Spirit to make them aware of any of these problems. It is sad because to many are caught up in Academia and their dogma, it is their god and that god is being controlled by the gods of the ancient world.
Pope Francis endorses same-sex civil union. The Pope has also endorsed the idea that there are many ways to heaven. Like the Vatican many large churches have become greatly in debt and therefore have mortgaged their future and tied themselves to the marketplace. They must focus on numbers of members, church roles, budgets, and marketing. They have an agenda that keeps members focused on their agenda. What would happen if a pastor said “i have made a mistake in my past sermon–the Holy Spirit convicted me that I was wrong?” Instead, some of these more prolific pastors have sermons or books out that contradict their present-day views. But they will not admit it. I KNOW because I have done the research. Like you and me we learn deeper Truth in the Word as we reread passages. Well pastors are not perfect, but they want to keep the aura that they are. Thus, they do not want us to know that their view or perception of a passage has changed. And in the end what they share often does NOT penetrate the heart and mind of the listener.
The point is many of us have a FOG of contradiction in our minds that have been taught us— we walk like zombies believing whatever the latest sermon states—then quickly forget it because it has only created more subconscious confusion. Truth should motivate anyone who has the Holy Spirit to understand it, remember it and share it!!!!!! This is one big reason why the Lord led me to write the latest version of the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: the Invisible War & the Final Chapter.
Our country does not need Marxism…historically it has been a complete failure and yet we are being set up like lemmings for the Great Reset which will change everything as we know it. We are likely not to see the results that the pundits are promising. Be prepared for a surprise in this election that will shake us all to the core. Go to and read some articles that will also help you understand.

The Stage is Almost Set

Is it a lie to say that the border issue is not a problem to the whole nation? Is it a lie to say the border is closed and secure? Is it a lie to say that the border is under control and therefore fentanyl is not getting through? Biden and his administration have been announcing these lies throughout the world. How can any of our diplomats or other negotiators have any credibility abroad? What hypocrisy we represent. We have “Screamin California” where people are told to buy electric cars and where the Governor, a star in this Democratic fantasyland, declares that by 2035 everyone must drive electric. And this is the governor who has told its residents not to use electricity because the heat wave has overtaxed the grid. But this goes much further. California is the template for 15 other states that have promised to follow that same environmental program.
This Marxist environmental movement will not only bankrupt our nation, but it will also dictate how we travel, when we travel, how we live and even how we die. We have recently seen how the system can determine our medical facilities, treatment, and needs even though we are individuals with different immune systems and capabilities. Many of these liberal ideas suggest that we move away from ownership to leasing and renting so that everyone can partake of this efficient and new One-world system. Like streaming movies and music – we should all “stream” our lives so that we partake in pool of resources that are shared by all. Those who do not wish to join will become the slaves of the rest and can work in the labor factories like those set up in China. This is door to the Orwellian life that will be promised by the Anti-Christ and which is being set in place now.
Have people fallen asleep? Kids are being taught the transgender pronouns instead of learning about the great heroes of our past. Criminals are being encouraged to steal and damage property because the laws allow them to go free even when caught. Those who threaten or beat up the innocent are being released with low bail; this is true even if they are carrying a deadly weapon. Is this the lawlessness that Jesus describes in the Olivet Discourse? We must Wake UP before this nightmare becomes real to each of us. Understand where we are in the discourse of Truth revealed in Revelation. Read Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: the Invisible War & the Final Chapter.
And here we are approaching Rosh Hashana, next Sunday-Tuesday, when the trumpets are blown all day with the last Trumpet being a Shofar. Obviously there is no temple but the orthodox in Israel still blow the trumpets. This is also when the Feast of Trumpets which was and is a time of repentance and purification. It is 10 days before the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur.

The Fall of the church and Rise of Marxism

The Big question that you need to ask your pastor or you is what DOES THE BOOK OF REVELATION REPRESENT: 1) IS IT A ROAD MAP TO WARN THE PRESENT DAY CHURCH OF THE NEED TO REPENT AND WALK WITH CHRIST.  2) That it warns of THE RISE OF THE ANTI-CHRIST BEAST who will create a One-World government, and 3) that it gives us hope of THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST, AND THE JUDGMENT OF HIS CREATION.  This represents a literal meaning of the Book of Revelation, the book of Daniel, the words of OT prophets and the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 24.

4) OR that the Book of Revelation and much of what the major and minor prophets say are JUST AN ALLEGORY AND HAVE little or no VALUE FOR US TODAY.   This is a very serious question that very few families, individuals, leaders, and pastors are willing to address.

It is the difference between believing what all the prophets in the Bible and Jesus Christ said about the future or dismissing them as having already happened.  If you believe that God has rejected Israel and that the next step is establishing the Kingdom of God on earth, then you need to read Revelation again because Jesus himself calls it Apocalyptic prophecy.  And if it all happened in AD 70 then it did not happen to the whole world as Revelation clearly lays out. It would have only happened to a small slice of the Middle East.  It would diminish the power of the key book of Prophecy in the New Testament -the one and only book in the Bible in which Jesus Christ promises blessings to all who read it, a blessing to anyone who hears and special blessings to anyone who understands it.  At the same time, He promises to curse anyone to adds or subtracts from its meaning.

If the events in Revelation were all about a soon to happen event during the Roman Empire as Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Lutherans and Catholics believe, it would have to be after John the Apostle wrote the Book of Revelation in AD 90.   And that would imply that you believe each event in Revelation has already occurred in history.  That includes the Seal, Trumpet, and Bowl Judgments.  So where and when was the Mark of Beast, when was the 1000-year kingdom, where is the perfect peace on earth, and where is the destruction of the earth?  Is all that just symbolic?  If you say that the Abomination happened in the time of Nero or some other Roman Emperor, then when did the Tribulation and the 1000-year reign on earth happen or are they yet to come—you are implying a span of at least 1,900 years from the Abomination to now.

Know this you are going against what Jesus Christ said.  Jesus said in Revelation 24:15 – that immediately after the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel – cataclysmic events in Tribulation would Commence- That “unless those days were shortened, no one would survive.”  Are you thinking that those birth pains lasted 1,900 years from the Abomination of Desolation which the Preterists believe happened in 70AD when those in Judea did flee?  Neither would make any sense. History DOES NOT BACK UP what THE PRETERIST believes and THOSE WHO TAKE REVELATION AS AN ALLEGORY.

THE TRUTH IS:  According to Daniel the end time events would last 1 week of years or 7 years and that the Abomination of Desolation would happen at the middle of that week or after 3 and 1/2 years.  That week would be the 70th week- a week of tribulation that has not yet happened according to anyone who studies history and compares it to the Words of Jesus Christ.

AND THE TRUTH IS:  According to Jesus speaking in Matthew 24, that when you see the wars and rumors of war, the earthquakes, the famines and nation rising against nations then it is the beginning of birth pains.  These signs along with increased persecution, the increases in false prophets, the rise of lawlessness, and the “Abomination of Desolation as spoken by Daniel — then let the reader understand that those in Judea must flee to the mountains,” Matthew 24: 4-16 – all Spoken by Jesus Christ concerning this future end time.

According to those who make Revelation an allegory and claim that it is not a literal promise, the “fleeing into the mountains” has already happened- in AD70.  Therefore, the world is ready for the KINGDOM OF GOD to be erected on earth (and has been ready for 1,900 years).  YES, one-half of the present-day Church has sold out to the belief that when an individual accepts Jesus Christ as Savior it is the 2nd Coming of Christ, and that He (Jesus Christ) will not return in the clouds as was promised by the angels in the book of Acts (1:9-11) and in the writings of Paul.  The 2nd coming to them is a personal acceptance of Jesus as Savior and is not a Corporate Promise to the Church to Return to take it up as His Bride  (the rapture) before the Great Tribulation.

These Kingdom builders also believe that Israel has forsaken all the Promises that God made for it and that the Church has replaced Israel as God’s Promised people. Therefore, they believe that Israel is cursed and no longer connected to Promises made by the Old Testament Prophets or Jesus Christ.  This would also eliminate much of what Paul said in the book of Hebrews, Romans, and other letters such as in Thessalonians concerning the rapture or the Return of Jesus Christ.

Basically, they believe Revelation is just an allegory with symbols and metaphors.  Entire Denominations were formed out of this lie.  One in particular was established by a Scottish woman who out of pride and rebellion against the Anglican Church formed a nationalist denomination for the Scotts. Out of the movement and similar one’s people were taught a “covenant type theology” that states that God has rejected His Covenant with Israel and replaced it with a Covenant with the Church.  This IS NOT STATED ANYWEHRE IN THE BIBLE.  God directs each of us to study the Word of God to show oneself approved. They teach when one is baptized as a baby, you are sealed with the Holy Spirit.  Therefore, they do not believe in the concept of being born again if you were baptized as infant.

The irony of this distorted theology is that they believe Israel lost is covenant because it was cursed for disobeying God.  Yet, they are the ones who are disobeying God and are cursed.  This whole denomination has split twice as a result of disobedience concerning homosexuality and the governance of the Church. Do NOT TRUST IN FALSE TEACHING BY OTHERS WHO MAY HAVE ALSO BEEN TAUGHT A LIE.   Much of the leadership of this denomination and other denominations have sold out to an intellectual pursuit of truth and therefore endorse evolution.  Like the Pope they have endorsed evolution and this Replacement theology where Israel has no rights to Palestinian lands.

If you trust that God wants us reject Israel and to build the Kingdom ourselves then you are rejecting the idea that Jesus will build the Kingdom himself after the Tribulation.  You are trusting that even after 1,900 years of increased war, rumors of war, famine, and lawlessness mankind will get its act together and will suddenly form the perfect Kingdom.

Think about it.  You are believing what the Anti-Christ and Satan wants you to believe.  YES, Satan is even now breaking down nations, democracies, families, small businesses so that he can usher in a ONE-World government in order to hand the power over to the Anti-Christ and others who promise “Peace and Safety (I Thess. 5:1-3).”  That false church will fall for these lies and will follow the Anti-Christ instead of seeking to protect Israel and stop this consolidation of power by one man.  This false church and all those in it will be led to believe that this charismatic leader and his false Prophet will create a “A Perfect Kingdom.”  This false church will also follow false gods and knowledge that the man of Lawlessness will use to deceive even the elect.

This word “elect” I believe was purposely used by Paul because he knew this group of false believers will consider themselves the “elect” which is a major characteristic of these deluded church leaders. These leaders think that because they were born into a denomination or sacred organization that they have been elected unto salvation.  They trust in infant baptism for the sealing of the Holy Spirit.  Eventually the Anti-Christ will destroy the False Prophet along with these misguided churches, fulfilling what Jesus said about the lambs led by the false shepherd.

This One-world system will not usher in the true Kingdom of God but will instead usher in a false unified world system (the Ten Horns of the Beast) which establishes the false covenant with Israel, then betrays Israel with the Abomination of Desolation.  This will happen in the middle of the 7-year Tribulation period.  As stated, it will be a time when those in Judea must flee or die.  This will be a time when Jesus will protect this Jewish remnant of believers as they flee to Bosra after that great Abomination.

The True Kingdom of God or the time when Jesus Christ will rule on the earth for 1000 years will only happen after the 7-year Tribulation when Jesus Christ defeats the world’s armies led by the Anti-Christ. This Anti-Christ army may have a lot of christians in it who think that Israel is the enemy- for they have been duped into thinking that they are fighting for the Kingdom of God on earth established by this great prophet (the False Prophet) who performs miracles, and the Charismatic leader (the Anti-Christ) who has brought the whole world together in “peace & safety.” Hopefully these duped Christians will not take the mark of the Beast for that will condemn them to eternal damnation.

Many will walk in this sin through the trials and tribulation thinking that he or she is participating in God’s building of a holy and perfect one-world Kingdom on Earth. They are deceived by both the False Prophet and the Anti-Christ who are performing wonders on earth.  They will reject the literal meaning of about 1/3 of what the Bible says: this includes all the major prophets, most of the minor prophets, the Book of Daniel, and about 35% of the New Testament.  At a certain point God will put a great delusion upon them as stated in II Thess. 11.  I ask you to study what your denomination teaches and believes, and where your belief stands.  It could mean the difference between you following the LORD JESUS CHRIST as prophecy is fulfilled or going against the Promises that He has made for Israel, for the Church and for those who are born again.

It is evident in recent current events that there is a Marxist movement to overthrow the soul of our nation and every institution that we hold dear including what is protected by the Constitution. Our Constitution was given to us by God through covenants established by many of our founding state or local governments.  As stated in my book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown that the LORD put in my heart in 2017, the failures of our government in protecting the innocent, keeping prayer in our schools, and keeping God in the center of our nation’s progress has opened the door to judgment.  This judgment and call to repentance is part of God’s plan to purify the Church and redeem those who have lost their way.  God wants us to pray and to look up to Him for answers.  The lawlessness and rebellion that is spreading throughout our nation are being buttressed by lies, false narratives, deception, and corruption that is being promoted by most of the media and by many influential and wealthy groups such as Hollywood, Corporate moguls, High Tech influencers, and Academia.   A cancellation of Truth and the glorification of a Woke mentality has redefined the natural order that God established and defined good as evil and evil as good.  The ground is being prepared for a One-World government that rejects God.

The Mark of the Dragon- he is here.

2Cor. 4:4 In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. Satan is increasing his evil activity on this earth preparing the way for the Anti-Christ and building a one-world government.

This is for Fathers, Pastors, Missionaries, Church Leaders, Mothers and anyone who helps to raise children and/or sanctify the newly saved. When you teach your children evolution and that science explains away the miracles as my father did YOU ARE BASICALLY DESTROYING THEIR ABILITY TO BELIEVE IN A LOVING GOD, IN THE SUPERNATURAL, IN MIRACLES, IN THE SUPERNATURAL RANSOM THAT JESUS CHRIST PAID AT THE CROSS!!!! This is especially true if the fathers are so focused on their “mission” that they do not show “LOVE” to their kids and do not treat the Word as Holy & Powerful for changing and transforming hearts.

So, my grandfather loved God so much that he went to the mission field right out of surgical school or his surgical internship in one of America’s best medical schools at that time- Case Western. He went to Canton, China and built a hospital where he served for 25 years before dying from spinal meningitis. His wife left in time to evacuate before the Japanese attack on China. The question is why did every one of their 4 kids not know the Lord after they grew up and raised a family? It is impossible to judge but each seemed to fail in a key aspect of the faith– to spread the Truth of the Word of God to their kids in a matter of one generation the grandkids grew up with faith in evolution, in the American dream, in the Presbyterian false doctrine that one is saved when dedicated as a baby. Amazing that the mainline Presbyterians do not believe that being born again plays any part in salvation.  So that means they believe that all their kids are part of the elect so why share the Gospel with them. This is how I and my brothers were raised!!! None of us knew God and no one shared the Gospel with us even though we were 1) raised in a “Christian home” 2) had grandparents that served on the mission for 25 years 3) had a living grandmother who also loved the Lord but did not share Him.
When you teach your children evolution and that science explains away the miracles as my father did YOU ARE BASICALLY DESTROYING THEIR ABILITY TO BELIEVE IN A LOVING GOD, IN THE SUPERNATURAL, IN MIRACLES, IN THE SUPERNATURAL RANSOM THAT JESUS CHRIST PAID AT THE CROSS!!!! This is especially true if the fathers are so focused on their “mission” that they do not show “LOVE” to their kids and do not treat the Word as Holy & Powerful for changing and transforming hearts.
And you wonder why am I sharing this. Because the Church is sick very sick and need of major interventions to resuscitate it. Some of what the Presby’s believe was excused by other denominations–but God is saying NOT ANYMORE. We are approaching the LORD’s return and the fulfillment of major Prophecies especially in the book of Revelation. Yet the Presbyterian Church believes that the 2nd Coming occurred when Jesus entered their heart. Well, I will warn them they do NOT have the Holy Spirit if that is what they believe He is saying. That is NOT in the Word of God. We are not sealed with the Holy Spirit when we are a baby, and the Book of Revelation is not just a symbolic heap of words that mean nothing to our time and therefore can be relegated to the trash heap of ancient philosophy.
Revelation promises a curse to anyone or for that matter any denomination that changes the meaning (adds to) or subtracts from the Book of Revelation—and that is one reason why that entire denomination is dying. When people are intellectually full of God but their heart is empty, cry out and say LORD, LORD, did we not perform miracles for you (raising money for buildings when times were hard), do good (giving your church millions so that you could deduct it from taxes and make your name known) in His name and perform other great works for the church—Jesus will say I KNOW YOU NOT—AND they will be cast into the fiery pit of Hell.
Because this is the End Time God is saying read the Book of Revelation and He promises a Blessing to you if you do read it…He is especially saying this all those who have a Mixed up understanding of what it means. It is NOT symbolic and YES, Jesus is literally returning to Judge the Earth and eventually the Earth will be destroyed by God—so He will cleanse the earth of all traces of Mankind’s sin. Sorry, folks but this is what the Word says. When God returns, He will cast into Hell all those who have rejected Him and who have falsified their belief in HIM. God did create the Heavens and the Earth as stated in Every Book of the Bible except the book of Ruth and YES evolution is a lie along with the idea that Jesus Christ is not coming back.
Another big lie from all those who have rejected God’s Word in Revelation and other Prophecies related to almost all the Great Prophets in the Old Testament is that Israel NO LONGER MATTERS for the Church has replaced Israel as the Covenant Promised People. This is a very very BIG LIE and comes straight from the pits of Hell…..for each of these Prophets state that God’s promise will never be forsaken just as once a person is truly saved he or she will never lose their salvation.
God NEVER breaks a Promise!!! and to suggest that He does ought to be a warning to any true believer that Satan is doing his dirty deeds. The Final Hour is approaching and as these fake churches push their agenda and accusations against the True Church and against the True Believers, and Against God’s Word, and Against
God’s Covenant People—–they will come under His judgment. Sorry to be so blunt but each of us had better stop the distractions and focus on His Word and His Plan for your life—God has a purpose for you and He wants you to put it in high gear. Listen to God’s voice –hearing they did not hear, SEE the Truth and the Power of His Cross and His Creation (it is not evolution) –for Jesus warns “seeing they will not see.” Jesus is very clear for the Book of Revelation is a R-E-V-E-L-A-T-I-O-N— He speaks of a dead church (the church of Sardis)–that needs to wake up—only the Holy Spirit can wake it up by the power of Resurrection. This is where the Presbyterian church of America lies—in a grave —needing to WAKE UP and REPENT. And you need to ask yourself some simple questions –Like how or where did you spend most of your day today—were you emersed in the world system or in God’s Plan for your life? The Bible says that if you die sacrificially and give away everything (even a sacrificial suicide) YET do not love (REAL LOVE does not kill oneself) then it is futile- a total waste. The only Hope is in Jesus Christ— surrender completely to HIM before it is too late.
The Mark of the Dragon is Here: I know the Book of Revelation focuses on the Mark of the Beast but Right Now we are seeing the Mark of the Dragon. He is deceiving Believers with 1) Lies concerning everything you see and believe 2) Deceives everyone into thinking that knowledge is the key to joy and Truth. 3) Generates Apathy and Doubt about the existence of God and His Love for you. 4) Is the stoker of Indifference towards that which is uncomfortable or requires obedience and dedication to the search for God and Truth.
5) He Draws you into LUST for anything and entwines you into bad habits–habits that will kill you. 6) Steals away your integrity, your self-worth, your family, your job, your hope, and your health. 7) Corrupts everything that is good, noble and true. 8 ) He accuses those who are innocent and those who have sin but who can know salvation from that sin if they seek God with their heart, mind, and soul.  9)   Generates Fear of the unknown, of death, and of every step you take by faith. He wants people to hate and will do everything he can to create the whirlwind of prejudice and racism 10) Creates doubt about the Time that we are In and convinces people that one cannot overcome the evil and darkness around them.
The Mark of Satan is all around us in millions of ways. He dwells in darkness and in the principalities of evil established on this earth. He encourages criminality and selfish greed, sexual lust, and the pursuit of treasures here on earth. He is a Liar from the Beginning and wants you to join him in Hell. He knows that Jesus Christ has defeated him and that his time is short–but he wants to take as many as he can with him. He was defeated by the Cross, and He knows that Jesus Christ is the Victor who can save you if you just believe in Him!
I was radically saved by Jesus Christ in my office in 1983 when darkness had such a hold on me that it was affecting my thoughts and my wellbeing. God gave me a new identity and purpose and transformed my life. Through experiences on the mission field and in my daily life, I experienced the mighty miracle power of God. I want to share with you what the Lord showed me and am starting a Podcast combining both the Physical/Natural world concerning our health & the Supernatural kingdom concerning the battle that is going on around us. Both are interrelated and affect our well-being, our health, our families, our survival and our relationships. Interestingly both are often dealing with invisible agents that come at us from all directions–an asymmetrical war that is trying to undermine our integrity, strength, testimony, and countless other important facets of our existence on this earth. These agents include viruses, bacteria, and workings of the powers of darkness and principalities of evil etc. The Podcast will be made available but first I need a email list—so please contact me at phrescue7@sbcglobal.net and JUST type PODCAST.