Our nation is on the way down as were many of the ancient and modern-day empires.  Only Israel was born again out of the ash-heap of history– a message and Sign that God honors His Covenant with Israel and that He holds that nation in high regard.  A new beginning, however, has happened for Jesus Christ opened the door to Heaven to all who believe in His Name and receive Him as their Savior– a chance to be Born again of the Spirit.

I have a question for all those optimistic pastors that have stated or suggested on TV that God will delay His judgment and thus the Rapture based upon a particular Church or regional revival.  Revival is good, but God did say that these last days are like the Days of Noah and those “people as a whole” did not repent even though they were heavily forewarned by Noah for 100 years. So I ask those leaders and you, do you really think that repentance can happen when half the church believes that Israel is not relevant in Biblical Eschatology and that God no longer has a Covenant with the nation of Israel? Sorry but God has an appointed Day and Hour for the Rapture and the leaders in the Church will unfortunately try everything to convince Christians not to worry but to keep the agenda and things will work out. They want the weekly income and are unwilling to believe that things will change.

The important thing to know is that God is in control but that His control means that He will bring judgment to the nations around us that are directly rebelling against Him. The most rebellious nation may just be America as we are the promoters of gender transition and puberty blockers that are destroying children. Pfizer and other big Pharma make billions on these life altering – soul destroying drugs.

We also have the largest most lucrative gambling, pornography, and drug abuse markets in the world. We generate the most idols and other bad thinking that is hurting the hearts of people throughout the world. So do you really believe that God is going to ignore America and passover the doors of evil that are being glorified by our wicked government? Wake up Church, get your life in order and stop worshipping your idols!!!!!!!!!! Start sharing the Gospel and read the Bible. 7 years ago I was warning of a foreshadowing of the 7 years of Tribulation and warned of prophetic events to happen in 2024 and 2025 or primarily in the Jewish year of 5784-85. Read the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War & Final Chapter. All the book does is just point out what the Prophets have said and the Great Signs that God has given us yet we do not see with eyes that see and hear with ears that hear.

We are too confused and distracted by the world and our own anxieties. And do not missunderstand. Repentance is importance but the key element is Obedience to His Word—to His Name. Obedience is better than sacrifice and frankly in America or the average church repentance is not sincere enough to reflect even a big sacrifice. How many really change their habits long term?

Is it just a coincidence that we have a bizzare incompetant leadership in this trying time? Is it coincidence that perversion as mentioned in Romans 1 is a dominant part of our culture? God has already judged our nation and the next stage can be understood if you read the history of the fall of Empires such as the Roman Empire.

Eye Opening Mysteries Answered

Just as God used Daniel and heavenly lights to point to Christ’s first coming, does it not make sense that He will again use His Heavenly Lights, elements of Daniel’s Prophecy and historical markers to point to His next coming? A Solar Eclipse with Blood moons, a Virgin with child, a Dragon with a Lion, a comet titled P67, a horribly evil invasion on October 7 against God’s Promised nation, ancient mysteries and the prophetic number 7, Iran’s attack against Israel, and today’s uncertainty and anxiety being felt at all levels of society point to a surprise answer that will solve the Puzzle of the Ages.

Dr. Hofmann will show how carefully God intervenes in history linking the natural to the supernatural as His promises are fulfilled in sequences of time marked out by 6-Days in Creation. In the center is Jerusalem, the mystery of New Beginnings, three prophetic books and the divine connection of Festivals & Jubilees. This is a warning beacon in our Time to draw us to Truth and to solve the puzzle of the century before it is too late. Just as the scholars and scribes missed the signs 2000 years ago, people may miss divine joy unless they read this book. It is a sign that points to both Israel and to the United States.

The Bible has many mysteries, but the greatest mystery linked to Revelation is rarely discussed. Recently a renowned Prophecy speaker announced that he was beginning a program on Bible Mysteries. His list did not include Revelation 12, which contains at least 5 major mysteries. Revelation the Key Prophetic book given to us by Jesus Christ himself, is the only book that promises a Blessing to anyone who reads it, hears it, or understands it. Why? Because it is relevant to our faith and to understanding the Return of Jesus Christ, the Judgment of the Earth, and the Kingdom to come including the His Eternal Heaven.

The book centers on Revelation 12 which explains the Great Sign of the Woman and the Casting of Satan and His Angels out of Heaven. It is a Banner Chapter to get our Attention! It cannot be in Chronological order because Chapter 7 presents the martyred saints in heaven, and Chapter 11 reveals the murder of the two Witnesses.  How could Satan kill these saints on earth, if Satan and his angels are still in heaven accusing the Saints in Chapter 12?

You will discover Answers that will make total sense. This enigmatic chapter in Revelation speaks of a Dragon, a Child, a Woman, and an array of stars that form the Great Sign. Nowhere in the Bible does God mention a “great sign” except here. Yet, pastors and other leaders negate this Sign by saying it happened before the beginning of time. So, I ask you, why would God call it “A Great Sign,” if people were not yet on earth to see it. Are our leaders afraid to address this because God states that anyone who changes the meaning of His Revelation will be cursed? Remember God also says that anyone who reads, hears, or understands His Revelation will be Blessed. This makes the Book of Revelation the most important book in the World to read and understand.

Despite the severe warning many Bible translators have taken great liberty in re-interpreting words in Greek to fit their own agenda and prejudices. A good example is the description of the key 4th Horse of the Apocalypse- the only rider and horse that is given a title and that title is Death. Translators claim that the word “Chlooros” can be interpreted as “yellow” or “pale” which is NOT TRUE. We get the word “chlorophyll from Chlooros” and chlorophyll is bright green. The ancient Greek word for yellow is Xanthos and “pale” is not a true color because it can be used to describe many different colors. A pale face is not the same color as a pale horse. In the case of horses it is an off-white. The translator I talked to said it cannot be green because horses are not green. What? So my reply was, “This is NOT an earth-dwelling horse- it is a supernatural horse because Death is riding it.” Maybe God wants us to know that none of the horses are natural horses! The point is the translators are wrong again- and why would God select another White Horse for Death? It undermines the prophetic meaning. So some translators have made up a new color “pale green” even though nowhere in the text does it suggest that color! NOPE, the color is plain jane GREEN – like a green lizard or snake or grass. The same word Chlooros is used in Mark 6:39 when describing the grass that Jesus and others sit on to eat.

God motivated and inspired Dr. Hofmann to write the series because the Tribulation period is fast approaching. He gave Dr. Hofmann the vision of a great scroll opening in the sky with Hebrew letters- and showed him that it was not a dream by separating the scroll into 3 scrolls—each in a Primary color – and bringing them together—was a profound message to him as an artist. Now he sees numbers like 7 as prophetically divine. Things are not going back to normal as the dark pyramid and principalities of evil widen their control and power. These powers include many well-known corporations and lesser-known entities involved in witchcraft and wickedness. Just as with the spread of the invisible Covid, every level and sector of society is being attacked by an invisible wave of natural and supernatural darkness that is full of lies and celebrates evil. God is shaking the Church and believers must keep in prayer. God wants us to stand up and share the Gospel and be both a Light and Salt to a very lost world.

Why is the Great Sign so Important?

The Great Sign of Revelation 12 happened at the end of what prophetic Jews call the Holy Jubilee or the first Jubilee of the Century.  It therefore, marks the beginning of a new time on God’s 50-year calendar.  The Sign also came at the end of the Hebrew year 5777 into 5778 with the 8 standing for both “new beginnings” and since 8=Peh=Mouth,  for God making a new Proclamation.  It occurred right after the Feast of Trumpets and during the 10 Days of Awe which is a time for Holy preparation of both ones heart and the atmosphere within the Holy of Holies before the Day of Atonement.  God is in essence announcing that we all need to prepare our hearts for His return is emminent. The 777 is for perfection and the Spirit of God working in a mighty way as with Joshua and the 7 priests with 7 Trumpets blowing them on the 7th day.

The Great Sign like the Star of Bethlehem involved many lights pointing to the birth of Jesus Christ & the nation of Israel, and using the Sun, Moon, Stars, along with 3 Planets in a very unique arrangement over a period of many months.  Just as with the Star of Bethlehem the religious leaders failed to see with eyes that see and failed their commission.  Satan successfully distracted the “eyes” of man so they were “blind guides” just as Jesus warned.  Our church was distracted by those “agitators and distractors” claimng that Planet X or Nibiru would collide and destroy the earth.  This is one more reason why the Sign was real!

Read the first verse of Revelation 12 and realize “the Sun on her shoulder” would blind anyone viewing the Great Sign and therefore, no one could see the Sign as the sun moved into place. Both the “moon on her feet” and the “garland of twelve stars” would be Invisible to human eyes. So why would God call it a Great Sign? Why would He use the word “appeared” if we could not actually see it?  Well, the astronomers and those with star-maps knew that the Sign was happening as the constellations, moon, and Sun moved into configuration. God is never wrong, nor does He use bad thinking to reach or teach us. He knew our astronomers would see the sign. Because the Sign was invisible could God be telling us that invisible forces would invade our space and affect our lives. He has been trying to get our attention for a long time.

Before we go any further it is important that we grasp the spirit of these verses in relation to the whole of Scripture. For instance, when John speaks of the Dragon in Revelation 12, we know that he is speaking of Satan. We can also conclude that John in Chapter 12:1 is describing a Sign in the stars which will involve constellations Draco, Virgo, and Leo, plus the Sun, Moon, and 3 Planets. The 4 planets or wandering stars that match the Bethlehem Star Sign tell us that there is significant meaning to the Sign related to Jesus Christ. Is it about His Return?

This is where science comes in. The constellation Leo which is right next to the “head and shoulders” of Virgo has only 9 bright stars or lights and needs 3 other lights to make 12. Common sense tells us that John is not referring to all stars visible and invisible that are part of Leo, but only to those 9 that can be seen on a starry night. We celebrate the fact that God brings 3 planets (Mars, Mercury, and Venus) into the scene at the right moment and in the right place to total twelve lights. He brought Venus, the “bright morning star,” into conjunction with Jupiter 400 days earlier and directed them to parade across the solar system as they moved into the womb of Virgo. Jupiter signifies “Authority or Justice” and Venus the “Spirit of God or the High Priest.”

The symbolism is obvious for Jesus, born of the Virgin, is linked to both the Lion of Judah in the line of David, and to the “Morning Star” Venus. Jesus states, “I have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright morning star. “The morning star” may have also led the Magi in their quest. This will be revealed later in the book.

The study of the stars in ancient times was called the Mazzaroth (Zodiac) and required years of study to fully understand. They knew that God named the stars and that some stars were necessary for night navigation. The Mazzaroth calculates with accuracy the solar year by using charts of the constellations. Each of the 12 constellations correlates to an assigned month connected to the twelve tribes of Israel. To the ancient Hebrew, the Mazzaroth and movement of the stars was a calendar to determine harvest time and their cultural identity. The birth of Jesus was announced by movements in this star map. So, it makes sense that Jesus instructs us to watch for signs in the sun, moon, and stars. After all He created and named them for a reason. The leaders of Israel were blinded by power and greed and did not look up to see the Starry Sign above them. They stated that they did not “want any King but king Caesar.”

Astronomers all over the world, however, were awed by the 400-day conjunction of Venus and Jupiter that ended when Jupiter went into a nine-month retrograde motion inside the “womb” of Virgo while Venus moves on, eventually aligning itself with Mercury, Mars, and Regulus; all part of the Great Sign of Revelation 12. The bright morning star Venus heralded the beginning of the Sign. In a perfect alignment it joins Mars (the Son of God) and Mercury (the messenger or the Word of God) and together they point at Regulus which means “Royalty or King.” Could Venus represent the Spirit of God which guided Israel in the Wilderness? It is the Spirit of God that impregnates the Virgin Mary and gave birth to the Savior.

In about 700 BC, Isaiah proclaims this about the Lord’s birth, “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” Jesus, the bright morning star, bring eternal life, and remove the “shadow of death” which is our sin. Prior to the Great Sign, the 4 Blood Moons, appeared in a two-year span during Jewish High Holy Days. Many think that they reflect the blood sacrifice that Jesus made to pay for our sin, and that the world needs to repent and turn to Him for He shall soon Return.

As God’s Law or Truth exposes our sin, the blood that Christ shed for us replaces it. The blood moons which appeared on all four corners of the earth also draw attention to Jews in Israel and worldwide who are steeped in pagan rituals and live in gross sin with high abortion rates, gay rights celebrations, and pornography. The “Woman” in the Great Sign is Israel which flees into the wilderness for exactly 3 ½ years guided by Jesus who protects and restores her. It reflects back to Israel’s 40-year wilderness experience when the nation was judged. God appoints numbers such as 40 and 400 to remind us of His “appointed time” for testing. Yom Kippur was also an “appointed time” set up by God to atone for the nation’s sin. God will use numbers as markers to communicate His order and plan to fulfill His Promise.

  • A 400-day journey of Venus across the Solar System to Virgo. Most of this journey happened soon after the 4th blood moon. 
  • The 2017 the Great Sign happened the day after Rosh Hashanah and at the beginning of the 10 Days of Awe, and 3) President Trump declared that he would move the American Embassy to Jerusalem “80 days” after this Great Sign appeared on September 23, 2017.  Note, also that the Great Sign happened after 3 1/2  years after the first Blood Moon that happened on April 15, 2014.  Is that God’s way of casting a shadow to remind us of the first 3 1/2 years of the 7 year Tribulation that will come quickly killing 1/4 of mankind.
  • The Great Sign happened at the point of 3 amazing generational periods: the 50th year after the miracle 67 war that liberated Jerusalem; the 70th year after the war that delivered the nation of Israel in 1947; and the 100th year of the Balfour Agreement which promised the Jews a homeland; and the an additional epic change- the 500th year after the Ottoman empire conquered Jerusalem which happened the same year that Martin Luther nailed his 95 Thesis on the Chapel door in Wittenberg.
  • The message of the Great Sign has been been confirmed by recent historical events such as the “Invisible agent” that attacked every level and sector of society affecting everyone in one way or another.  Another Invisible agent was Satan who has compromised the values and stability of the family, democratic governments, and institutions worldwide.  We are seeing the fabric of society being torn in two as evil is declared good and good evil.  7-years after the Great Sign we have seen Iran attack Israel for the first time and according to the Hebrew calendar we saw the barbaric event on Oct. 7th, 2023 that recalls Rachels cry for the children killed by Herod in Bethlehem.  This is a event that has changed the dynamics of diplomacy and the moral compass worldwide. Evil is winning the hearts of the youth and Christianity along with virtue is being pushed back.  For this reason alone God may soon decide to Return.
  • Right now the Cosmos or the mid-heavens are being used to threaten the whole world. The U.S. and Japan tried to pass a resolution in the U.N. to prevent the use of nuclear weapons in space.  Russia vetoed it.  They recently launched a hyper-secret mobile satellite that many think may have a nuclear weapon like an EMP to knock out all our communications.  Putin is very angry at Nato and the US for armng Ukraine and has little to lose by starting a nuclear war that he thinks Russia can win.  Iran is also eager to obliterate Israel with a nuclear missile.  And China is eager to conquer Taiwan.  Biden appears very weak in the world scene and has not made a proper counter move against Chinese nor Russian aggression against our diplomats, our ciitizens here in America, and our businesses overseas.

Below is a Summary of the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible Warn and Last Chapter as it appears at the Publisher- go to CosmicCrossroad.com

Just as God used the Prophet Daniel’s prophetic scrolls, and heavenly lights to point to Christ’s first coming, does it not make sense that He will again use Daniel and the Heavenly Lights?  He gave us the Great Sign of Revelation 12 which showed Saturn moving in retrograde motion for over 9 months in the womb of Virgo and then gave us three planets -Mars, Mercury and Venus aligning in perfect arrow- formation at the great star Regulus which sits at the “heart of the constellation Leo.”   Before this He had both Venus and Jupiter travel in conjunction across the solar system for exactly 400 days.  He also gave us the four Blood moons and 2 Solar Eclipses, a Virgin with child, a Dragon with a Lion, and the comet titled P67 to make his point clear.  However, knowing how “blind religious leaders” were blinded  then and now, God added important information from the Genesis Record and its divine Pattern, along with Daniel’s 70 week’s warning and many historical markers to point to His next coming? An example is the formation of the nation of Israel.

Dr. Hofmann will help you unravel the puzzle of the ages and see how carefully God unfolds history linking his Return to a sequence of time that will surprise you. In the center is the birth of Jesus Christ, a mistake made in the annals of history, the Great Sign of Revelation 12, God’s city Jerusalem, the mystery of sevens and eights, and the divine connection of Festivals and Generations. God has given us this warning beacon to draw us to Him before it is too late. He wants us to help Rescue others before it is too late.

The Bible has many mysteries, but the greatest combination lies in Chapter 12 of the book of Revelation.  Although confused scholars have chosen to cast it and the book of Revelation in the dust bin of “ancient history,”  Jesus Christ declares that there is a special blessing for anyone today who reads it, hears it, or understands it, and a curse to anyone who changes it or adds to it. Why? Because God knows it has the key that leads us to Him and to His game plan.

Revelation 12 is anchored in the birth of both Christ and the nation of Israel linking it all to another Sign- the casting out of Satan and his angels from Heaven. It stands as a warning to all mankind for Satan is furious because he now knows that he has just a “short time.” The only thing protecting the world right now is the Church and the Holy Spirit in believers. By putting the Great Sign in the middle of His Revelation and not in chronological order, God is trying to warn us of this special purpose.

 God motivated and inspired Dr. Hofmann to share this because the Tribulation period is fast approaching.  He gave Dr. Hofmann the vision of a great technicolor scroll opening up the sky with Hebrew letters and showed him that it was not a dream by dividing it into 3 scrolls—each in a Primary color – and bringing them together again.  Things are not going back to normal as Satan’s dark pyramid with its principalities of evil is growing by the hour with the help of AI and well crafted lies like global warming.  Well-known corporations and lesser-known entities involved in wickedness are under the spell. The horribly evil invasion on October 7th and Iran’s first attack against Israel on April 14, along with the irrational celebration at our centers of learning that followed, point to an acceleration of this wickedness.  Everything in the first book of this series came true including the invisible invasion of Covid and its effect on every level and sector of society.  God’s time table is set and He wants the world to know the truth and to seek Him with open hearts before it is too late.

The Emergent

What are we doing?  So many sermons promote the concept of a defeated toothless Satan.  Is this true?  As Jesus stated, “I have come that they may have life and have to the full,” In the same thought He also emphatically stated that Satan, the enemy, has “come to kill, steal, and destroy.”  This does not sound like a defeated foe.  Yes, in the cosmic spiritual battle that spans all time, Jesus defeated Satan at the Cross.  And Satan is no match against Jesus Christ nor against anyone who invites Christ into their heart.

However, there is a fact that we must all accept.  Believers are not immune to a violent death at the hands of those who may love Satan and hate God.  Everyone who dies and has died believing and trusting in Jesus Christ will be eternally Saved and will have defeated sin and “death” as He did.  These supernaturally empowered believers will therefore be “victorious over Satan” and his angels.  All the Apostles except for John who wrote Revelation were victorious, yet they were violently killed, and since then millions more have been persecuted and killed.

The book of Revelation, presented to John by Jesus Christ, explains that billions will die in a span of just 7 years, and will include millions upon millions of “new believers in Jesus Christ.”  This is not a “defeated Satan.”  To teach this is to create a complacent, apathetic, and indifferent church.  By the way this is what many pastor’s and the Papacy want so that they can maintain control. This and the lie that the book of Revelation is just a spiritualization of a person’s salvation and/or personal torment are some of biggest LIES from Satan, who is the Father of Lies. Whole denominations including the Catholic Church promote these falsehoods.

This is part of Satan’s preparation for the Anti-Christ and False Prophet.  He is the “Emergent” that will have control over both of these “Beasts” and will seek to kill and destroy every Jew and Christian alive.  Right now he is preparing nations and people for his army of evil minions.  He wants chaos.  At any given moment the world can be turned into an inferno of war and calamity.  A twitchy finger on a nuclear warhead or a series of balistic missiles from Iran will change the topography of the earth and will intiate a series of wars of Biblical proportions.  This will not be like any other war and entire continents will be left burning.  The fools who worry about climate change had better spend their time and billions trying to stop this fanaticism. Instead they are in self denial and refuse to see or hear the Truth related to the Oct 7th attack on innocent women & children.

Evil has been unleashed in America and around the world.  A 72 old great grandmother named, Lavrenz, who went to Washington DC January 6, to pray and walked into the White House as police officers stood by “acting as if to invite people in” was recently convicted of “insurrection” facing many years in prison and over $100,000 in fines.  Yet all those anarchists that burned down buildings, attacked federal officers, and destroyed people’s lives, were not arrested nor faced a hunt-down like what we are seeing related to all the J6 walk-ins.  Just this week in Dearborn, Michigan there were military aged Muslim men declaring “Death to America,” yet they were not arrested nor prosecuted.  An 89-year-old Holocaust survivor was given a 10-year sentence for protesting in front of an abortion clinic. Are we headed towards a Biden led Totalitarian government? Is the world falling apart and therefore preparing for a one-World Government?  Evil has been turned to good and good to evil by compromised authorities and leaders worldwide.  Putin’s war on Ukraine, mass killings, America’s acceptance of puberty blockers and abortion, the widespread lawlessness in Haiti and our big cities, and the vicous terrorism in the Middle East, India, and Africa are all  symptoms of darkness and the deeper darkness that is coming.


Your Invisible War: The Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe

God is interested in your Heart and each of us should be very concerned about protecting this “heart” that He created, and the “hearts” of those you love. For there is a deceiving treacherous enemy who wants to destroy your heart and with it everything you love and Hope for.  This “invisible war” is going on as you read this, watch TV, make a decesion, and speak or think just about any thought.

Whether you believe it or not the battle is for your heart and in essence for both your concience and your soul.  “A good man out of the treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil,”  Matthew 12:34-35.  Jesus shared this as legalists and those in control sought to dictate their own version of good and evil, making good evil, and evil good.  They nor we can dictate Truth nor can we depend on our own strength. They put Jesus on the Cross but did not realize that that was God’s plan from the “Beginning.”

Ironically, the surrender of “our own strength” is the beginning of the change that will transform your heart, mind, and soul so that you can really Love God with all your with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength as God’s first Commandment demands (Deuterotomy 6:4). God gave us His Son, Jesus Christ, who so loved us that He gave up His life for us, paying the penalty for Sin, so that we might be set free, knowing the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

This is the central theme in God’s eternal message to us, the Bible.  This is why C.S. Lewis name his classic book, “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.”  It is in the wardrobe where we as “children in heart” change our “garments” from one world of seeing things to the Real World of Knowing the Truth.  It is in this journey that we truly understand Good & Evil, the Lion of Judah & the Witch. For we are truly “bewitched” in the natural environment of sin and the enemies enticements and lies.  It is the Lion that defeats death and conquers sin or us.  We are set free from sin and “death” for Jesus Christ has paid the ransom and has redeemed us from sin that condemns and entangles us.  Right there you should understand that there is another side to life, a supernatural one for which a ransom had to be paid to the “witch-kidnapper” or Satan who has dominion over the earth — but not over those “Redeemed” who will be with God eternally.

Amazingly the heart was a great part of the Sign of Revelation 12. It makes sense since God wanted us to know that His Love was intrinsically linked to this Great Sign warning us and to its deep connection to the “Way, the Truth, and the Life.” The heart of the LION or of Leo is the great star Regulus and miraculously each of the 3 wandering lights or planets lined up in perfect order pointing to the heart– Mars (the heart of Man), Mercury (the message itself or the Word), and Venus (the Holy Spirit). Each connects and points to the heart of the Lion of Judah who is Jesus Christ the King of Kings- or the key to Salvation and the Soul.

The heart, mind, and soul are intrinsically connected as stated by Jesus Christ who stated that we are to Love Him with all our heart, mind, and soul. If we do not know this connection, Satan awaits to “steal, kill, and destroy” our hope, our joy, our heart, mind, and soul and even our life.   I have been blessed to share that the Audible version of my updated book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: the Invisible war & final Chapter is now on audio tape for a reasonable price. What is really cool is that the book is done by a professional British narrator–and is fun to listen to. And this narrator told me that he was entralled by the book and could not believe that very little of this was ever shared with him.  I eagerly await your opinion and how God is working in your life.  God Bless.

Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood- Part 1 & 2

Fentanyl is Poison and China is the mass producer of all the precursor chemicals. Manzanillo, Mexico is the main port where these chemicals enter the continent. China controls this port. The pill presses that can make the pill look like an Adderall or an OxyContin, are made by China. The Chinese gangs provide these presses at a discount rate and the pills are then transported across the border at remote crossings (the get-aways). The cartels use Chinese apps and encryption devises so that the “agents” in America can then hide their communications. Hundreds of small “Chinese bank branches” are used to help finance their enterprises. Tik Tok and other popular apps are then used to merchandise, locate, and target their victims.

Authorities believe this is revenge for the Opium Wars going back to the 19th century. The big difference is that everyone knew they were taking opium whereas here it is a hidden poison. The CCP and these heartless multi-millionaires know that they have the Biden family in their pocket. Hunter Biden and his associates got millions of dollars in forgivable loans from them. One named “Li” and his associate “White Wolf,” a Chinese gang leader, initiated contacts with the Sinaloa cartel. There is a well-documented book called Blood Money, explaining all this, written by Peter Schweizer who, much like an investigative reporter, did a lot of deep research. He reports that the Tik Tok app is the ultimate Trojan Horse to sell and manipulate people online. Now it has been revealed that hundreds of pill presses were sold by eBay without them taking legal precautions such as demanding and recording identifications. .

We are inviting the enemy into our homes and the youth are being brainwashed and tempted. Foolish minds think it wise to bypass pharmacies for a quick upper or pain pill. Sadly, this mimics the tragic fable Little Red Riding Hood. The Wolf is in our homes, our places of work, and in our White House. There is also evidence that many of those same Chinese “families” have donated millions of dollars to the transgender movement to generate chaos and division in our society. America, we need to wake up and limit or get rid of Tik Tok, shut the border, and vote wisely. We should all use our influence, wisdom, and ability to share this information with all we know and love and frankly to the whole world.  We do not have much time.

Part 2

Another major development is the spread of dozens and dozens of illegal black market marijuana farms in Maine (check out the recent report on CBS News). These  farms seek loyal Chinese workers (ie. hence the need for Chinese military age border crossers without IDs) and are operating in many other states such as Oklahoma. They pay no taxes and do not buy the license required in states that have legalized medical marijuana. Some follow the already established drug network to  secure an underground market, and also keep a low profile by converting rural Chicken farms. These Big questions need to be answered:

Why is the public not being properly informed? Why does the President of Mexico, Andres Obrador, insist that this is America’s problem, as if he is not willing to help us? Is he profiting from this smuggling? We do know that the cartels have made billions just from the human smuggling network. Why did the prior Mexican leader successfully use their marines to disrupt the cartels, yet he will not? Why was eBay allowed to sell pill presses in the first place? Why is the big box media slow to report on this crisis and demand more border control and protection?  Why are we allowing very dangerous trans-national crime families to use our normal visa programs  by way of our international airlines- to commit very sophisticated invasions of homes and offices?  These criminal elements are  also trafficking  women and children.   The border crossings in themselves are causing the death of hundreds.  Yet both the media and the administration seem mute. Another abomination to God is the rampant use of puberty blockers despite suicides and other dangers. England, which pioneered the use of puberty blockers has now banned them, yet we are pushing them while Big Pharma makes a big profit.

There is more info related to these dark matters in the new Audible book: Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: The Invisible War & Final Chapter.


Persevere & Pray as you Move Forward– & do NOT waste your Time Looking Back

In the Old Testament one leader, Caleb, stands out as looking forward in faith despite huge challenges, even while having to listen to his own complaining tribe. He never let Moses, Joshua, Aaron, nor God down. The Bible says that he “wholeheartedly followed the Lord, the God of Israel” (Joshua 14:14). Then at the age of 80, he volunteered to fight the dreaded Anakin giants in Hebron and conquer that land. It is amazing that this special area remained outside Israel’s control for so long. After all it was the special place where Abraham buried Sarah and where Issac buried Rebecca. Even though old and not part of the top 3, God had appointed him for this conquest. Despite his age and the dangers involved, Caleb did not let the history of the Anakin keep him from overcoming them.
He in a way reflects the boldness and willingness of leaders like Donald Trump. Our nation is being darkened by many threats including demonic spirits that are turning large areas against God, the family and our nation’s survival. Even the head of the FBI admits that we have a serious internal problem that could compromise our entire infrastructure including the electric grid and our safe water sources. He warns that China is behind this and yet we are allowing thousands of Chinese men and women of military age through our porous borders.
Jesus said, “Remember Lot’s Wife.” Lot’s family is characteristic of a lot of American families. They had a lot because they lived in a very fertile area and within a rich city. But this was Sodom whose name we derive the word “sodomy which is a form of anal rape.” The Word of God is clear about homosexuality as stated in I Cor. 7:2, “But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband.” Lot had two daughters that grew up in this environment and this came into play after their mother looked back on the city when told not to and was thus turned into a pillar of salt. They had sexual intercourse with their father after getting him drunk.
Most suggest that the lesson is not to turn back, but to always look forward. This is true especially in a rapidly changing world where evil is growing, and the Lord’s return is eminent. But there is another side to this warning. I believe a more important message is not to look back on evil. Do not play with it in your mind, your heart, nor your actions. Evil is powerful as it can affect us even as we grow in Christ. The Holy Spirit can transform all parts of your life if you submit completely to the Lord and set our minds on things above.
Our society and especially the Democratic party is looking backwards too much and letting an evil legacy affect the youth and even domestic policy. The DEI mentality or the focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity is driving CEO’s and other leaders everywhere to focus on mixing evil with the good and the young and innocent with the perverse and deranged. Those who truly worship and follow God and those who have conservative traditions are being rejected and punished. Creative talents are being wasted trying to generate greater sexual desires and greater perversity. And it is sad to see Christians watching or talking in an exciting way about some of these wicked creatives. Whether it be music, art, or narratives many youthful Christians are being compromised. This recent video reveals a lot about this seduction:
We need a Caleb to conquer the Anakin of the deep state and perverse cultural trends.  And we need pastors that are willing and able to forwarn people of the supernatural battles ahead and to motivate them to keep in prayer and share the Gospel.   God has given us Signs to mark this time history and the book trilogy Cosmic Crossroad Count outlines many of these “unseen” or “unregistered” Signs given to us by the Lord.

Eternity is the Center of Reality–

According to Jesus Christ eternity applies to the most important event in a person’s life: Salvation- “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish” (John 10:28). “The mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him” (Psalm 103:17). “His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away” (Daniel 7:14). “My salvation shall be for ever” (Isaiah 51:6). “The word of our God shall stand for ever” (Isaiah 40:8). This is just as real as the fact that He Created the Universe, visible and invisible, and holds everything together. Col. 1:16-17, states: “For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions, or rulers, or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.”

God told Jeremiah, “Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee” (Jeremiah 31:3). Before the world began, God knew us and prepared to die to save us from our sins. “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it” (Psalm 139:6). We can only thank and praise the Lord and seek earnestly to live fully for Him all our remaining days.

With tragic events happening the world over, we are very blessed to be in a temporary bubble of prosperity and security. Tribulation beyond what the Church is experiencing in America is testing the Church in most of the world. We are not immune and God will soon allow America to face the consequences of gross lies and deceit that has become entrenched in our media, corporate world, and the Federal Administration. If you have doubt about your salvation seek Him with all your heart, mind, and soul.  We do not have much time to squander— so share the Gospel.

And take note: I have met many strong believers who were “scared by Hell” and were thus motivated to seek God.  I would not put down anyone willing to speak about Hell especially since Jesus spoke more about Hell than about Heaven.  Unlike the material world and the education taught in academia God is Real and everything created was designed by Him including the Time Table that will fulfill the rest of His Promises and the Prophecies spoken by His Prophets and by Jesus Christ Himself.  Hell us Real and it is Eternal.

The Treasure

The Father has given us a Treasure. That treasure is a Gift threaded throughout history in the Word of God. It is not something that you can win, demand, manipulate or gain. Like “light” it is hard to grasp and cannot be held, yet it pushes back darkness. Like “water it flows and sustains life” yet is not limited by time nor space. It casts sin as far as East from West and is the only Door to Heaven, Truth, and True Lovingkindness.
Salvation is as simple as receiving God’s act of Grace and Truth. For a Gift is not of any use unless it is received. If you reject the Gift or the Truth of Salvation behind this Gift, no amount of work nor effort can replace it. Jesus Christ is the incarnate wisdom of God. He is the “Word” by whom all things were made (John 1:1-3). He is “the Truth” (John 14:6) and “the Light” (John 8:12) by whom alone men can come to God and follow Him. He is called “the Power of God, and the Wisdom of God” in 1 Corinthians 1:24. He called Himself “the wisdom of God” in Luke 11:49.  As a bonus He breaks every bondage that imprisons us and sets us free to be a new creation or “creature” in Christ  II Corin. 5:17.
He is the Lamb of God who paid for our sins. On the Cross He ransomed us from the curse of sin and death. When He rose from the dead He defeated death and opened the Door to Heaven and Eternal life to all who are willing to surrender to this Truth and Hope. The Word “surrender” is used because it takes Faith to believe something beyond your own logic and natural state of being. “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen,” Hebrews 11:1. Read the Bible and seek God with all your heart and you will find Him. Ephesians 2:8-9 states, “For it is by Grace, through Faith, that you have been saved, It Is A Gift of God, not of works, so that no one can boast.

Factor X: Cosmic Signs, Election Signs, and Invisible to Visible Wars

Stats show that there are close to 7 million Jews in Israel and 7 million living outside Israel. Stats also show that the earth’s present population is near 7 billion and that the population prior to the Great flood was also 7 billion based on a 2000-year period and on the average age of 912 (which is the average age recorded in Genesis). The number 7 is the perfect number of completion in God;s eye. The number 7 is used consistently in the book of Revelation and in Creation. 7 Churches, 7 Lampstands, 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, 7 Bowls, 7 Days of Creation, 7 Feasts to Celebrate the Lord, 7 Eyes and Horns of the Lamb, the 7 Spirits, the 7 stars, and the 7 Thunders.

Is God giving us a picture of judgment to come and the beginning of the promised Prophetic events. The world today is in spiritual rebellion and physical uncertainty with broken borders and regional wars. Is something greater soon to come? As we were launching a massive retaliatory strike in Yemen with the support of over a dozen allied nations, a record-breaking artic dome was forming over America. The very first part of our election process is about to happen in the middle of this storm in temps at around minus 15 in Iowa. Is this part of God’s warning? On our southern border the Texas Governor is defying Biden’s failed border policy and is stationing the Texas National Guard on key areas along the border blocking the Federal Customs agents from interfering. This is an effort to protect our border and to bring the Supreme Court into the decision-making process. Biden’s open-border policy most agree is putting not only Texas but the entire nation in jeopardy. Will this lead Biden to arrest the Governor and bring in the U.S. Army?

Jonathan Cahn brought up an interesting comparison and warning going back to Roe vs Wade and the first 3 years of abortions from 1970 to 1973 comparing the 1.3 million abortions or deaths of “children” to a matching number of people lost to Covid 19 according to the CDC in its first 3 years. Both were 1.3 million. We have recently seen an incredible and almost totally irrational shift of our nation’s agenda focused on issues that go against Natural Law and/or National Security. It is as if a spiritual wave of darkness has swept over us and instead of glorifying God and His blessings, we have opened our gates to an invasion by both physical and spiritual forces.

Will soon to come major events bring the world to its knees. Is Europe about to weather a major record breaking cold front like the one that is presently spreading throughout our nation? Will war rise to unprecedented levels, and will this also include Taiwan, Iran, Lebanon, and other fronts? The year 2024 may be linked to God’s prophetic timetable which is anchored in Genesis & interwoven throughout His Word.

The war against the Houthis in Yemen just escalated with Iran’s capture of a Greek tanker in the Gulf of Oman. Will that now initiate a new front in the Persian Gulf as the U.S. and the allies move their warships to that area too? Will this lead to Iran’s involvement and a much bigger war? Will Iran shut down all trade along the Persian Gulf? And because of the Treaty agreement with Russia, will this lead to its involvement?

Despite all the threats in the Middle East, Baron’s and other investment firms are stating that the biggest threat to business in America is not Ukraine nor Yemen but is our own election. This is easy to understand considering that each election since 2012 has generated more and more controversy and havoc. This election will introduce unknown factors such as 8 million illegal aliens and a million or so get-a-ways that could be secret agents of Iran or China or another group such as the Houthis.

Another question is in the Cosmic realm as America will have another major Solar Eclipse crossing its boundaries–this time North to South. After the West to East Solar/Moon shadow crossed our entire nation, we saw 3 major hurricanes causing more damage than any time in history.

third factor is Trump who is very divisive—one side believing he should be in jail and the other convinced that he is the only one that can take on the deep state and the mess that America is in. The 4th factor is Ai, ChatGPT and other electronic factors such as social media which can be used to deceive the masses and cause riots or rebellion.

All of these factors, especially if Trump loses the election, will in some form weaken our country and may lessen the support that we give Israel. It could also inspire China to attack Taiwan or Russia to initiate expansion of its power and influence in Africa. American power and influence is wanning in Africa and South America and more signs of weakness will diminish respect even more and can easily embolden our enemies to undermine the dollar and attack our economic, diplomatic and military assets throughout the world.

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James Kugler

Countdown to Gog?

Is God giving us a picture of judgment to come and the beginning of the promised Prophetic events. The world today is in spiritual rebellion and physical uncertainty with broken borders and regional wars. Is something greater soon to come. As we were launching a massive retalliatory strike in Yemen with the support of over a dozen allied nations, a massive record breaking artic dome is forming over America. The very first part of our election process is about to happen in the middle of this storm in temps beyond minus 15 in Iowa. Is this part of God’s warning? On our southern border the Governor is defying Biden’s failed border policy and is stationing Texas National Guard along key areas in the border blocking the Federal Custom’s agents from interfering. This is an effort to bring the Supreme Court into the policy dictates that most agree is putting not only Texas but the entire nation in jeopardy. Will this lead Biden trying to arrest the Governor and bringing in the U.S. Army?

Jonathan Cahn brought up an interesting comparison and warning going back to Roe vs Wade and the first 3 years of abortions from 1970 to 1973 comparing the 1.3 million abortions or deaths of “children” to a matching number of people lost to Covid 19 according to the CDC in its first 3 years. Both were 1.3 million. We have recently seen an incredible and almost totally irrational shift of our nation’s agenda focused on issues that are Woke or going against Natural Law and/or National Security. It is as if a spiritual wave of darkness has swept over us and instead of glorifying God and His blessings we are opening our gates to invasion by both physical and spiritual enemies.

Will soon to come major events bring the world to its knees? Is Europe about to weather a major record breaking cold front like one that is spreading throughout our nation? Will war rise to unprecendented levels and will this also include Taiwan and other fronts? The year 2024 may be linked to God’s time-table which is anchored in Genesis & interwoven throughout His Word. The war against the Houthi just escalated with Iran’s capture of a Greek tanker in the Gulf of Oman. Will that now initiate a new front in the Persian Gulf as the U.S. and the allies move their warships to that area too? Will this lead to Iran’s involvement with much greater assets on both sides. And because of the Treaty agreement with Russia, will this lead to its involvement?  National News commentators are even asking the question, “are we headed towards WWIII?”

If not WWIII it looks like we are headed into war called the war of Gog and Magog?  This is a semi-regional war in that the Bible focuses only on Israel but worldwide there may be serious nuclear or massive non-nuclear wars by the Red Dragon nation of China & its proxy North Korea for Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan?  Surely the United States will be involved in either or both fronts which will bring in all Nato countries including Turkey, and many non-Nato countries in North Africa and the Middle East.