Letter to a new Christian Pilgrim who is falling into a Jehovah Witness Trap

Dear Brother, the world that we live in has been distorted and redesigned to undermine and destroy our faith and our witness. This is NOT a game, it is spiritual warfare. You are in essence a Lamb ready for the slaughter because you have not yet acquired any of the necessary “armor” . Satan awaits like a roaring lion.
1) Be sincere and have a commitment to win with the Truth of God’s Word – GIRD UP YOUR LOINS with the Belt of Truth. Are you content to lose? Do you know what is at stake? Your usefulness on this earth and rewards in the kingdom are at stake. The souls of others may be depending on your insight and boldness! Even your own soul may be at stake, if you are lying to yourself and really do not know and trust in God. So gain wisdom and knowledge by studying God’s Word. “All the treasures of Wisdom and knowledge are found in Christ Jesus”,. So Gird up your loins with Truth!

2) Are you doing what is right by condemning the two people who drew you to the Lord and are therefore assigned to disciple you? You are judging them based on your attachment to the JW’s ! The JW’s are the ones who are keeping their own members and family from attending other churches and studying the real Bible on their own. You are very confused! You must have the Breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS to fight this battle! But you seem to have chosen to defend what you do not know in an attitude of rebelliousness, anger, & pride!
3) Have you prepared your feet for “The Gospel of Peace”? With these “feet” you are able to stand against Satan because they are anchored in the Gospel of Peace- on which you have made peace with God and know that you are saved. I doubt that you know that! With these “feet” one is strong in the Lord just as David was against Goliath. You have the courage to defeat evil & strongholds in your life.
4) The Shield of Faith protects us from the wiles of the devil whether it be illness, distractions, temptations, and any other attack. Every temptation you get is a lie! “Do this and you will be wise”, or “it will fill your need”, or “ this is the real truth God surely did not say that”….all these were used by Satan against Eve or Jesus and countless others!
5) The Helmet of Salvation or the “Hope of Salvation yet to come” (from 1Thess.) protects you from doubt and despair! This is protection from what will steal your joy & usefulness. This is confidence in God’s eternal Word & salvation.
6) Take the Sword of the Spirit, it is Rhema (a specific statement with Spiritual power), and is a sword that is designed to be used with precision for victory. Jesus quoted specific verses to Satan when tempted by him…that defeated him! Then with all prayer and petition you can seek the Holy Spirit at all times! This will make you strong. Are you drawn by his Word or are you content with having someone else interpret them for you in a false way?

Be careful that you do not go into a spiral of depression & despair that you seek truth from the “liar” & only find yourself helpless and hopeless. We understand that you are trying to protect and stand up for a “persecuted” minority that begs to be considered equal to any denomination. It is true that they have similarities with all the denominations including the Amish, Quakers, and other isolated groups. But you are the one who diminishes and hurts the Amish by aligning them with the JW’s. I dare you to call or write any Amish and suggest this- they will correct you in a heart’s beat! You apparently do not yet know what it means to be a church, a denomination, and even a Christian. You do not know Doctrine, Christology, Theology, Eschatology, nor the Hypostatic Union. So why are you challenging Angie and I who between us have 94 years of studying the Bible, prayer, teaching, and interacting with God and His people? What kind of pride is this? Let me ask you a simple logical question. If the JW’s are a denomination why have they written their own Bible?      The Amish and all the other denominations do not print their own version changing Words, meaning of words and phrases! The Amish people use KJV or the German Martin Luther Version. These and all the other mainline versions have the SAME DOCTRINES, THEOLOGY, HYPOSTATIC UNION ETC.  – WHEREAS THE “jw” version does NOT! Read Psalm 7: 14-15, Num. 32:23, Prov. 11:2, Prov. 16:18, and most of all Ed- Galatians 6:7-8 – Do Not mock God! 1Co 15:33 – Stop being deceived: “Wicked friends lead to evil ends.”

You REALLY NEED TO DIGEST WHAT THE APOSTLE PETER SAID: 2Pe 2:19 “Promising them freedom, they themselves are slaves to depravity, for a person is a slave to whatever conquers him. For if, after escaping the world’s corruptions through a full knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus, the Messiah, they are again entangled and conquered by those corruptions, then their last condition is worse than their former one. It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than to know it and turn their backs on the holy commandment that was committed to them.” Note that the JW’s will not go to any other church or sermon and if anyone does they will be defellowshiped!

JW’s change some of the MOST IMPORTANT THEOLOGICAL VERSES IN THE NEW TESTAMENT! Joh 1:1-3, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (not a god). He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. WHY! Because they believe that Jesus Christ was created! This goes against both OT and NT! Read the 1st Commandment! For Jesus to be created would mean idolatry! We are not to worship other gods nor the creation! Only God has no “cause”! Isaiah 9:6 says Jesus is “Almighty God, Everlasting Father” & Col. states, “For by him all things were created, in heaven & on earth, visible and invisible,” Their’s is NOT CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY: THEY teach that God is Jehovah and that He is “one Jehovah” and not part of a trinity. They teach that Jesus was just a man while on earth & NOT fully God. While in heaven He was & is the created angel, Michael. They teach that Jesus isn’t equal to Jehovah but is the manifestation of the Word & that the two are separate beings. They teach that the Holy Spirit is an impersonal force, much like electricity. This force is used by Jehovah to accomplish His will. A person or people that claim authority to dictate new truth and rewrite the Word are “false prophets” and under judgement!

Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that any belief system or religious teaching other than theirs is part of the “great apostasy” and is “of the devil”. They teach that Jesus was hung on a “torture stake” or pole and not a cross. Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that when we die we are completely unconscious. Nothing survives the body except for a memory that Jehovah has of us. If we were good then Jehovah may choose to resurrect us in the “New System”( term to describe paradise). They teach that when Armageddon comes, all non-Jehovah’s Witnesses will be destroyed by God (not sent to Hell) – and the others will be in a new system of things and paradise. Because they are committed to OLD TESTAMENT LAW and that “life and SIN is in the blood- they teach that taking blood of any type is a violation of God’s laws and is a grave sin. This includes taking blood transfusions. The concept of “sin” in the blood is their own creation and is non-biblical. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in two classes of Christian. One is of the “earthly class” or the “other sheep”. The other class is a “heavenly class” of a literal number:144,000 spoken of in Revelation- (Rev.7 disputes this & says that these are 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel!).  They are rewriting or reinterpreting Revelation- so Ed you must read this for yourself  -Rev.22:18-20

You can hide theology in all kinds of semantics and rabbit holes but you cannot hide the Truth…a counterfeit is shown when next to the real thing – the JW’s have a FALSE CHRIST- AND ARE NO BETTER THAN ISLAM! For you to endorse them, defend them, study with them and then worship with them makes you culpable of not only idolatry but also being a witness to a false religion and professing a lie against the faith – ignorance by them or you is no excuse! You are the “son” of the Living God who is your Father and also your friend and Savior. He has always wanted a relationship with you, but you have run from Him and now your letting a counterfeit imitation draw you away. Jesus warned us, “Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold”.  So Ed, where is your love? Jesus said, “I AM the Alpha and the Omega”, says the Lord God, “who is and was and is to come, the Almighty God”. Rev. 1:8.   Read John 3:16-18. Even though Jesus Christ is and always was God, He is Love- and the greatest fruit of the Holy Spirit which is in every believer is Love- read The Word of God!  For literary inspiration read Pilgrims Progress – an allegory of the Christian walk.

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