The Rise of the Great White Male! “THE DEPLORABLES”

The Rise of the Great White Male:  THE DEPLORABLES

The Great White Male has struck fear in the halls of Hollywood, Wall  Street, Fifth Avenue, the Networks, Congress and every progressive institution in the World. This has been the election surprise of 10 lifetimes! Thank you Lord – the miracle of main street has happened!

Billions of dollars and thousands of celebrities did not matter. Hillary outspent Trump 3 to one and Trump had less than a fifth of the volunteers knocking on doors and manning field offices. The great Trump wave sunk her ship. The funeral arrived at the Networks  before all the cameras in one beautiful night!

The Canadian Immigration website has crashed! May it come back up soon so that promises made by those obnoxious celebrities will come true as soon as possible. The hunter from the rust states took the cake and the candles away from the naughty children before they could burn the house down! The man on the white horse has saved the day! To the LGBT and radical left community this seemed more like Moby Dick than the Lone Ranger, as they watched their ship of state sink.  Obama pleaded with America not to let Trump destroy his legacy and the answer came back from those rustic woods of the Rust Belt- “Your Blue Wall has Fallen”.

Trump sacrificed everything.  He did not need the money, nor the fame and this reached the hearts of the American core.  He has never held office and yet, he beat the experts  overturning all the pollsters and pundits!  He outsmarted and outclassed the best! He woke up rustic America by sounding the alarm, and they came out to be counted!  The ideological Revolution begins.

“Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord”.
Now let us sit down and break bread and make this country great again!

(The day before the election I was sharing with someone how bad the media and 5th Avenue was in not only treating Trump, but also the American white male.  I had just watched a major TV ad for a major car company with a guy sitting near the front gate grilling his food in his long johns. A young, attractive female employee walks up to him and says, “You do not need to camp out the sale is on- the trucks are here!”  He jumps up and runs to the entrance in his long johns and she yells out, “don’t you want to put your pants on?”  and he says,  “No I need them for kindling”…..another really stupid 5th Avenue ad that denigrates the white male- who also appears unshaven and almost like a Neanderthal.)
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