God’s “Still Small voice”

The Lord has sent a Great Sign and few have had the eyes to see and He has sent a still/small voice of Warning and few have had ears to hear. Maybe God is trying to get your attention! It is no coincidence that our Christian “leaders” are coming under heavy trials.

The enemy is here and is affecting the whole world yet the Church is not keeping up with discernment and commitment.
The Church is giving up Holy Ground and is in retreat in many parts of America because of poor discernment and lack of faithful, Godly
determination.  Perhaps the greatest measure of our Christian life is here. Perhaps we can take our true spiritual temperature by the amount of trials heaped upon us. Perhaps the abundant life is more about having joy in the midst of trials than the absence of those trials. J.B. Phillips translates James 1:2 this way: “Don’t resent trials as intruders, but welcome them as friends.”

If you teach error you will reap trials. God is seeking those with a “wholesome tongue” to speak out — yet there is silence.
God blessed us for a reason. This is a time of trial, so stand up against error, falsehood, and apathy. Where is the voice crying in the wilderness calling for repentance? Seek God in fervent prayer while reading His Word. When we have the “Dollar” on the premier “christian” TV production company speaking “christ” and abortion” in the same breath…. — then we have Apostasy.

When we have “christianity” mixed with puberty blockers and the promotion of baby killing on the same platform then we have wickedness.

When God’s people allow “christian” voices to speak against His Promise, then you have embraced the Lie. Wake up,
God wants to Bless and Restore — yet the “Church is silent and not speaking  the whole Truth and the Warning’s that He has proclaimed.

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