Not Much Time Left I

This is long BUT YOU MUST READ IT:
Trump is a modern-day Nebuchadnezzar. He was “king” of New York, the greatest city in the world, a city that people around the world have sought to visit. Trump hired people that were not good advisors, and he was known to fire people who would not perform well. Nebuchadnezzar had many bad advisors and was eager to punish them to the point of death.  We learn from the book of Daniel that Nebuchadnezzar  appointed Daniel to be his “right hand man” after Daniel interpreted an “impossible” dream that he had.  In the process of empire building he found that God’s children, the Jews, could be trusted because their God had the answers.  Near the end of his term his Jewish son-in-law helped negotiate and shape the Abraham Accords which are a signature event of Trump’s successful foreign policy.  Trump discovered that God’s Children, the Christians were not only trustworthy and effective, but followed a God who I believe, gave him the vision that made both his campaign and term in office successful despite the great trials and tests.  In the election of 2020 it seemed as if everthing Trump was followed by an event orchestrated by God to confirm it.
The tests that Nebuchadnezzar went through parallel the great tests that Trump had to go through.  In the midst of those tests the King was able to unite various people groups and likewise Trump united people and nations by working to break down walls that vilified Kim in North Korea and Puttin in Russia. He realigned our position with Europe and China and punished miscreants like Iran and ISIS. Trump brought peace and increased alliances throughout the world as did the King of Babylon. Like Nebuchadnezzar, Trump spread his “brand” throughout the world and was a world-class builder and treaty maker. Trump built many magnificent buildings and 17 golf courses, whereas Nebuchadnezzar built one the 7 wonders of the world- the Hanging Gardens.
Both the Babylonian King and Trump had the greatest army in the world. Nebuchadnezzar made a lot of mistakes that God had to correct and so did Trump.  For instance, both changed their perspective on Truth. Trump reversed course and became a voice for the unborn and he helped the poor and middle class by improving the general economy, lowering unemployment and supporting Right to Life. Both brought new Justice to their “empires” (Trump did this through the Supreme Court and by implementing tariffs and good trade laws). Both expanded their empires and brought prosperity.
However, Pride would bring Nebuchadnezzar down for 7 years. He saw a vision of a great tree that was chopped down, and one that Daniel interpreted. The angel passed over and around the stump of the tree 7 times. Hence the king , the great tree, was humbled and put to pasture for 7 years and then was restored.  Nebuchadnezzar was given 1 year to humble himself and deal with his pride and likewise Trump was given time to deal with his pride in 2016 when his economy was booming and he had defeated ISIS.  Yet, his pride only grew when he was successful moving the Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  He both lost their “empires” temporarily.  The king of Babylon became like the beast of the field and Trump became a target of derision for 7 years.
In Trump’s Presidency the 7 year Countdown began in November, 2017 only weeks before he made his public announcement on Dec.15, 2017 concerning a promise to move the Embassy.  His 7-year trial will end on that same day in 2024 (which may be the day the vote count concurs that Trump has won the election- November 5-6).
The Great Sign of Revelation 12 occurred on September 23, 2017, and marked the beginning of this new Paradigm and Countdown. Within 2 years the Invisible attack by Covid will begin to affect every sector and level of society. This Great Sign which God gave us, warned us of another more powerful invisible attack coming from Satan and his angels as they are cast down from heaven. Satan is furious for he knows that “his time is short,” and he knows that God is restraining him through the Holy Spirit and the prayers and faith of the Saints on earth. Despite the restraints, Satan is on the attack and the powers of darkness will continue to escalate the level of malice and evil in society. This is evidenced by the fact that mankind is turning its back on God along with a greater persecution against Jews and Christians.  There are many Christian speakers suggesting that the increased appearance of UFO’s and non-human appearances point to the very fact that Satan and his angels are making significant moves on earth in preparation for the Anti-Christ.
The Great Sign also warns of increased threats to America and to Israel. Revelation 12 and Trumps 7-year “humbling” together are a foreshadow of the Coming Storm and Tribulation that will soon sweep over the earth. We are approaching the end of this Countdown at which time a great war will break out. The Lies of Satan which have been building up for the last 7 years will open the door to the White Horse and the Red Horse that will bring rebellion and chaos in America. Go to other posts on this sight to get more information or read the new book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: the Invisible War and Final Chapter.
Ai and other counterfeit fraud will play a big part in creating fake ballots and other official documents that will also cause problems in this election. Ai has become a modern-day Tower of Babel as man seeks to become like God. God will destroy it as He did the Tower. God can take super large hail stones or asteroids or nuclear war or the “mountain” that hits earth to knock out the worldwide grid. Both Nebuchadnezzar and Trump found Truth and discovered the true Creator of the Universe. Whoever, Believes and Trusts in Jesus Christ, the Creator of the Universe, will also be saved.
Jerusalem will become a “cup of trembling” for the whole earth. Every empire that came against Israel lost their empire. This is beginning to happen to America. Jerusalem is the center of God’s Prophetic Plan, and this is why Trump’s decision to declare it as capital of Israel and to recognize it legally by moving our Embassy connects Trump in a deep way to Prophecy and to God’s will. Jews, Christian, and Muslins claim the Temple Mount and the whole Mt. Moriah as theirs. Therefore, the forces of the world will gather there for a great battle that will be led by the Anti-Christ who will be defeated by Jesus Christ as He returns for the 2nd Coming.
Like in Israel the Church is divided, and many do not trust that this will happen. They have been misled into thinking that Jesus Christ is not literally returning and setting his foot upon the Mount of Olives. These people will not be raptured and will worship the Anti-Christ who will fool the whole world. Rev. 13 says you cannot buy without the mark, the name, and the number and this points to the “tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.” Can Ai give us eternal life. For instance, can the freezing of the body, do it? NO, by no means. It is all a lie. Ai is making people like God. It is the reimagined “Tree of Good and Evil.” Isaiah 40:5, says “that the Glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all the world will see it together.” This is one of hundreds of proofs that the Lord’s Return is a literal coming of Lord upon the Mt. of Olives and not an allegory that is taught by most churches in the world system.  The whole world will see His Return and likewise the whole world will see the murder of the two Witnesses on the Temple Mount.  This means that the Temple will be rebuilt by Israel—which means Israel will win all the wars up to that time.  So keep in prayer because a Great Shaking or Storm is coming as forewarned by God’s Great Sign and it is just on time as the 7-year foreshadow is about to end.

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