Not Much Time Left II

God can use what man intended for evil to accomplish good for His Purpose and His will.  He will shake the Church and all those who live in apathy and self-confidence. God is not interested in our agendas and idol worship.  He wants us to repent of our laziness and blindness and to grow up and share the greatest Gift on Earth to all who are lost. He will allow churches to burn down, pastors to fall, and anxiety to sweep this nation.  He is trying to get our attention because the leaders today are like the Pharisees of old and have ignored His warnings and the Signs of the Time.

Despite the “Crooks,” “the Stealers, Liars, and  “Cheat—els” Trump stands tall above the fray as God’s man for his time.   Is the existential threat to Democracy, Trump who won two primaries, or Harris who came in last place in her one primary, yet was appointed millions of dollars raised by the Biden candidacy? Is this a dictatorship or a democracy? Apparently Harris has been appointed by the Elites, not by the normal legal process established by both parties in the primaries. He lies claimed Biden was in great physical shape and healthy, and as usual the present Biden/Harris campaign is using Lies to claim that Trump is a threat to Democracy when they themselves are the Biggest Threat.

Now we are being pummeled with lies– as the media and the elite remake the image of Harris.  She is now a capable speaker able to be President and Biden who was shoved aside for his failed mental capacity is capable to be President for the next 5 months. And now these pundits are saying that Trump is too old to run– this hypocrisy is undeniable.

The contrast between Trump and Harris are at the absolute opposite ends of the spectrum.  God could not have created a more obvious choice between competent and incompetent, good and evil, statesman and clown, sacrificial and self-motivated, protector of the innocent vs baby killer, pro-Israel vs. anti-Israel, and family man vs the woman who seduced Willie Brown to get into office. This is to give America a clear choice before judgment comes.  I have listened to many Prophetic voices, and most are saying that a war in the Middle East will happen before September ends.  They say it will be the Psalm 83 war.  That is a joke when one considers that Iran as a nation is feeding weapons to Israel’s neighbors and threatening a retaliation for Israel’s aggression against Hamas and against them. Dark forces seem to be controlling even our “prophetic human centered” voices.

The next war may be ignited by Iran seeking revenge in Israel or right in our own back yard. We could see a civil like war initiated by a Trojan-like attack from Chinese, Islamic, and Venezuelan agents soon after the election when the nation will be reeling from election controversy. These foreign agents and their governments will see an opportune time to initiate chaos to stoke a civil war.  They will attack churches, military bases, small businesses on Main Street, and all of our vulnerable infrastructure which includes the Grid, rail and highways, food and water sources, and all those who are sworn to our security and safety. This environment will be aided by the Lies that permeate our media and social media in TikTok and other popular sources of “news” and “data.”  We have a population that has been brainwashed by propaganda that will believe almost any lie.

This is not based on a dream or a whim but on the state of our world and what is revealed in the Word of God.  Read the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown books.  Everything in the first groundbreaking book has come true.  And we already see that the 3rd book is showing a pattern of historicity with the recent assassination attempt on Trump. That final book has the subtitle: The Invisible War & Final Chapter.

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