Is our “Great Leader” a Lemon or a Lemming?

Should our leader be joking about our borders and the millions of people illegally crossing over, including those from enemy countries? Should he be joking about the death of those from fentanyl or the fast approaching debt limit deadline that will leave our nation insolvent? Americans seem frozen in time where inaction and a cognative disonance seems to rule over the liberal media and the thoughts of many. The young are anxious and many are expressing themselves through violence and mass robbery. Are we headed towards a zombie-like Apocalypse?

God is a strong tower and we can run to that strong tower for cover and protection in the midst of this widening storm. It appears that our nation’s “blind crew” and “derelic captain” are purposefully leading us directly into one storm after another. Can we trust the FBI and other once dependable institutions to protect our consititution and our integrity. So much indifference and apathy among those who are called to stand up against this dark trend reflects what happened to Germany in the years that preceded Hitler’s rise to power.

Biden’s people in the White House say that Biden is only active from 10 AM to 4 PM and so no scheduling is done beyond that time. “Even when Biden is in public during his purportedly preferred hours, he’s not exactly functional. For example, on Thursday, Biden failed to remember the last country he visited when asked by a child,” the report continued. People wonder why we have a semi-senile old man in the office of President. Well has it occurred to you that we have as a nation tried to make a fool of God and God’s Truth (for example by ignoring his warnings in Romans 1 about worshipping Evolution and celebrated all forms of perversion such as Transgenderism and Homosexuality.) So, God has allowed us to elect someone who is making a fool of us.

“I’ve met with 89 heads of state so far,” Biden remarked, “So, uh, I’m trying to think what’s the last place I was. … It’s hard to keep track … uh.”

A kid in the crowd then yelled, “Ireland!”

“Yeah, you’re right, Ireland,” he responded. “That’s what it was. How did you know that?”

Yet Biden is dictating that people looking for homes with good credit scores will have to give up that advantage to those who have bad loan records etc. He is thus setting us up for another mortgage loan failure as we had in the great crash of 2008. Biden is dictating to energy produces that they must apply very stringent controls on emisions and CO2 exhaust. He is dictating to car makers how to build cars and trucks to the point that they are warning that the resources are JUST NOT THERE to build all these non conbustible vehicles.

Biden is dictating the open border policy where we are allowing millions to cross AND THIS WILL INCREASE WHEN TITLE 42 EXPIRES ON MAY 11. When it expires there will be a massive movement to the border and the cartels will use them to distract our security so they can smuggle more fentanyl. Biden is also dictating how the FDIC works to bail out banks and how the Federal system will save peoples deposits. In other words despite the woke failure in running banks the FED will use our money to not only bail out these banks but also save those “HOLLYWOOD millionare deposits” with our money. At every level Biden is using socialistic methods to disperse wealth to his cronies and move money from the middle class to poorer classes and to his special interest groups. Wake up America—the world is watching as a weak leader leads a nation into the gutter. All of this is foretold in the Word of God —read Cosmic Crossroad Countdown….the series. Seek God with all your heart and you will Know the Truth and the Truth will set you Free before the lemmings go over the cliff.

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