Seduction of America

A huge double standard is being made clear in the past and present related to the 1) “Security” risk of Trumps documents vs Biden’s documents —when his documents are part of Univ. of Penn. organization which received 54 million dollars from China,  2) FBI invasions of a Catholic family who opposed abortion vs. the burning and attacks on birth support centers around the country 3) Focus on sending millions to o’ther nations for border security when we open our borders to millions of potential criminal elements—here in Texas we have arrested criminal terrrorists manufacturing a selling fake pills for common drugs that are laced witf  fentanyl (hence these are assasins and killers of the innocent) + the recent take down of a couple from Mexico who rented a home near a high school and were supplying laced drugs to the kids — with multiple deaths resulting — yet this coverage on the media is sparce 4)  Major leak in the rail crash in the small Ohio town that voted Republican is being ignored by Biden and his team.  5)  Security risk of Trumps documents vs the Chinese balloon which recorded a weeks worth of top secret data with its camera’s and other sensors… 6)  Censorship of the conservative viewpoint by AT&T —– I used to have DirecTV but have had it now removed from my home.
We are witnessing a wave of socialist/Chinese/elitist influence and control in our nation. Controls under the guise of climate security is being pushed on a brainwashed public in order to take over the media, the governemnt and even our security agencies.  Why are these lies being endorsed and promoted by our leadership despite the fact that China is the world’s number one abuser of air and water quality with India close behind?  Has our leadership been bought out and are thus compromised?  Our nation is being seduced and sold out and the so called intellectuals are falling for it…..and so are a lot of seniors…..and the X generation + Millinials.  We do not have much time—- this nation is on the precipice of failure and attack.
My Facebook essay:  The post below reveals information from Harry’s own memoirs which linked his behavior to drugs, psychic pursuits, and the Obama’s. Now there is evidence that foreign agents with their finances are interfering with the stability in the nation of Israel. A key leader in the opposing party has already called for the assassination of the Prime Minister, and now ex-prime minister Olmert (who was removed because of corruption) is calling for violent protest. Here is the article:   Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Monday called for the protest movement against the government’s judicial reform proposal to move to the next stage, one fueled by violent confrontation. “What is needed is to move to the next stage, the stage of war, and war is not waged with speeches. War is waged in a face-to-face battle, head-to-head and hand-to-hand, and that is what will happen here,” he said in an interview with DemocraTV, according to Israel National News.

Looks like parts of my original essay were eliminated by the Facebook censors since it mentioned the Obama’s and the liberal movement underlying Israel politics.  All it did was go into more detail about Obama, Harry, and Israel’s troubles.  I suggested that this internal conflict may be the seed for the ” Biblical covenant” that compromises Israel.  This internal “war” could set up the so-called “peace treaty” – one secretly brokered by those behind the scenes that are promoting this internal conflict.  Essay also mentioned how Harry and Meghan met with the Obama’s and soon afterward their tone against the royal family changed.

Russia has amassed an additional 500K soldiers, 500 jets, 400 helicopters, and 1.8K tanks near Ukraine to launch a massive offensive in 10 days.  China has sent more planes into Taiwan’s airspace and is launching balloons all over our country.  All of this is happening while we are being distracted by climate control.  What has not been discussed much is the balloon launched over Hawaii (remember Pearl Harbor) that shot down multiple laser beams.  Yet Biden continues to claim that these balloons have not been a breach of American security. Countering this is Mark Esper our former secretary of Defense who, says this was the first time in our history that a foreign power has breached our airspace as its spy balloons hovered around our major defense assets.  And we know that Biden and his FBI and DOJ claim that Trumps documents (which Trump and his administration authored) were a major breach of our security!  Yet his own documents were being held at the Penn Institute connected to Penn. University which received 54 million dollars from China.

If we are indeed so concerned about climate control, why is the President not discussing the elephant in the room—the major train disaster in Ohio?  Already animals are dying, and major bodies of water are contaminated.

The fact is evil is being celebrated all over America as illustrated in both the Grammy awards and the half-time Superbowl show. Are all of our recent traumatic events interrelated— the train crashes with the dark cloud of burning vinyl chloride and other crashes – all derailments, the multiple plane incidents, the border crisis and drugs, the crime, and horror murders such as the emergency room physician on his bike in California– are they part of a darkness covering the nation?   Is God trying to forewarn us of major events to come.  Again, all of this is part of prophecy from the Bible and God has given us major signs as clearly explained in the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown series?

AS indicated these problems are not happening in America alone.  For in England there is a Harry Potter like attack going on against the Royal family.  Meghan and Harry have opened themselves up to outside influences and demonic controls.    Both came under the tutelage of the Obamas and apparently, according to his memoirs Harry opened himself up to heavy drug use. He states that Cocaine, cannabis, and magic mushrooms opened him up to the truth. Drugs led him to another world “where the red mist did not exist” and where “reality was redefined.”  And he states that he visited a psychic to revisit with his dead mother.

The supernatural is real and Satan is real and so are demons.   It is very likely that the world is being visited by dark forces that want to take the world over and will do anything to remove all obstacles and barriers.  It wants to install a charismatic leader who will unite the nations and then betray Israel (for Israel embodies everything Satan hates—God’s Promise to both Jew and Christian).  Jesus Christ did promise that He would establish His throne in Jerusalem.  I hope that each of you is in prayer and is seeking guidance from the Lord.

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