Mega Churches Nix Revival

Many church leaders and pastors are hoping and even predicting a revival. This will not happen as long as a big part of the Body of Christ is focused on money, prestige, compromise, and the flesh. Yes, many pastors of medium to mega-churches do encourage the Body of Christ but are caught up in soliciting members with expensive marketing.  Many are tied to Christian TV networks that have compromised the Body of Christ by promoting compromised ministries that endorse political leaders and spokespeople who support abortion (including abortion up to and beyond birth), that glorify the transgender movement and its gender policies related to bathrooms and schools, that have platforms supporting same-sex marriage and transgender males in female sports, that attack the patriotic christian by labeling them as christian nationalists (which basically includes all Christians who aligns themselves wtih God & Country), and that undermine parental rights and allow a child to have a sex change without parental permission.
What was summarized above is the platform promoted and supported by Beto and by Stacie Abrams.  Not only are they behind these ANTI-Christian ideas and programs, but they are also behind major anti-church movements like BLM and marxist socialism. The pastors that have invited them to speak their venom from the pulpit included both TD Jakes and Creflo Dollar. Are these pastors accommodating the opposite side in order to be fair? Is that what the Word of God tells the Church to do?  NO emphatically NO!  The Church is NOT the media and should not be part of the world’s evil propaganda machine.  The CHURCH is commanded to be HOLY for God is HOLY, and NOT TO COMPROMISE.  These mega-church pastors are acting like the church of Laodacia and for whom Jesus Christ says, “I am going to vomit you out of my mouth.  Because… have become wealthy and are in need of nothing.”  These lukewarm pastors have in essence endorsed the “Spirit of Jezebel” for which God says, “you tolerate the woman Jezebel…who teaches and deceives my slaves to commit sexual immorality,” Rev. 2:19.
Do these leaders remember what happened in the city of Ai as Joshua and his men met defeat? How one family compromised victory and the survival of the entire nation? Or do they remember what happened to an entire “holy tribe” in Israel when they used unholy fire? God is not easily mocked. Do not deceive yourselves. Judgment is coming and the sooner the Body of Christ deals with this sin the better. As stated in the earlier both Creflo Dollar and TD Jakes have endorsed these radically immoral candidates. Both mega church pastors have very active ministries on the largest and most influencial Christian networks which inlcudes TBN.
Peter speaking of these “false teachers or prophets” says “many will folllow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. These teachers will exploit you….and God will hold the unrighteous for the day of Judgment. This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the sinful nature (referring to homosexualtiy or transgenderism).” II Peter 2:2-10. The Son of God is soon to Appear as the Sun Rises and as the world rebels against him: Isaiah 60:1, “Arise, shine for your Light has come and the Glory of the Lord Rises upon you. See darkness covers the earth and is over the people but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you.” Seek the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul for that day is soon to come.

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