The Great Reset

There is an important Reset issue that will cause many emerging nations a lot of problems. Our uncontrolled inflation and the increase in Prime interest rates has created a deep ripple effect on currencies and banking throughout the world. As our rates increase Central Banks worldwide have to increase their rates in order to protect their bond markets and currencies. These increased rates have forced poor people and those who are already at wits end due to Covid and other trials to pay more for cars, homes, rent, and just about everything to survive.
Along with increase oil prices due our great Green intiative (which raised prices for the whole world) helpless people will have a much harder time paying for necessities.  Already many world governments have been overthrown by disenchanted people who blame them for the turmoil. This has happened in Shri Lanka, Chile and other nations. Capitalism and America is being blamed. Even the UN is blaming us and Yes we are to blame for increasing inflation with our bad oil policies and our poor leadership. Some see our weak leadership as the reason for Putin’s attack on Ukraine.  And Biden was caught on tape suggesting that we will stop the Nord Stream 2 no matter what–thus Russia is able to tell its people that we are the “criminals” who blew it up. The fact is Russia did it with an internal robot cleaner called a PIG that probably carried a high plastics explosive through the pipe to the deeper part of the line.
Now Putin is able to use propaganda which is like our Biden directed media to fool the people and manipulate national policies.  He can claim that America and Europe is attacking the motherland.  Biden also made the mistake of giving away billions, opening borders, and stopping oil production all of which have caused the inflation that is affecting the world currencies and interest rates.
The World Economic Forum sees an opportunity to reset world economies and leadership. It wants open borders, population control, climate controls and other controls to manipulate policy so that it can introduce a Globally controled system. We are being set up for the Anti-Christ. All of this is part of the staging that will lead to chaos and the overthrow of our freedoms. Part of this chaos is caused by lies and the rest by blindness or delusion as when our new Supreme Court Justice said she could not define a woman or when Kamala Harris named North Korea as our partner forgetting that it is South Korea—yet she did not even correct herself. Most 5th graders would know the difference.
The great storm is coming and time is short to turn back towards God. We are not the only power or nation that God is looking after. In fact God may see how we have turned against Him and may seek to allow an intervention that will protect many of these vulnerable families worldwide. And note how we are polluting the lives of little children in our society with the lies of transgenderism, homosexuality and other perversions spoken of in Romans chapter one. The signs of this personal and national rebellion is showing up in waves of perversion and is being supported by our federal government and the public school system. God may want to save as many children as possible before our perverted wave becomes a worldwide tsunami.
Check out my book on the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown, a countdown that is now in progress. Everything in the first book of the Trilogy came true- as each insight given by the LORD unfolded in the Light of His Word under the shadow of the “Great Sign of Revelation 12 “. Note also that 3 major hurricanes hit us soon after our great Solar Eclipse of Sept. 21, 2017. Was that a coincidence? Could have been but that eclipse was called the perfect solar eclipse as it swept across our nation from shore to shore with little if any cloud cover. We will indeed see a Global Reset when the Lord returns and it will transform everything from life to death, from heaven to earth, and from sky to the bottom of the ocean.

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