What will Happen to a Weak Church in the Hands of an Angry God?

Is a weak church about to fall into the hands of an Angry God? Some churches have invited the world deep into both the teaching and the activity of the Church. They have promoted evolution or an Old Age Earth theory which denies what almost every book in the Bible clearly states was an ACT OF GOD ALONE. They do this to gain the world’s approval and acceptance in a false education system. A system that is dependent on the “ignorance of the world’s philosophies.” Ephesians 4:18 “They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart.”
This is an educational system based on the world’s philosophies and intentions. These Academic institutions and schools are in the business of hardening hearts and deceiving even the elect. Even seminaries refuse to teach anything contrary to evolution and do not teach Apologetics. The head of America’s largest Apologetics (defense of the faith) accedes that most leaders do not believe in the Genesis Account and try to reinterpret it. This may be one big reason why abortion and divorce rates in the church are equal to the world. The Church has lost its credibility and the fog of intellectualism has taken over—a philosophy of the World.
These mega churches and mega denominations are dependent on numbers and numbers means compromise and marketing. They dare not say something that might upset a member. they would rather use pure sugar to attract people than the benefit of nutrition to protect people’s faith. This is both an allegory and a real issue- for many Christians are now over-weight and unhealthy.
One argument recently stated is that we cannot afford to alienate non-believers because they need to be saved. This is why many pastors refuse to discuss basic issues facing our nation and our families. They do not want to mix politics with faith even though it is that kind of faith that stopped slavery, helped to win freedom for our nation and others, defeated hunger and disease in many parts of the world with Christians missions and hospitals, and pushed back darkness throughout the world. Politics exported abortion throughout the world and will prepare the stage for the Anti-Christ—including isolation and the closure of churches.
Some Pastors and leaders incorporate pagan events such as Halloween and Easter to promote sugar, parties, and fashion. The church becomes a marketplace for books, business, and entertainment. Sports and standings among other schools or churches becomes the centerpiece of applause and character building –whereas few churches have an active vital discipleship program. What would happen if that became the #1 priority, along with Evangelism? What would happen if the challenge was to learn Bible verses and share the Gospel? If this was incorporated at a young age—along with prayer—the Church would prosper.
The point is we do not have much time and God wants us to get our act together. He is giving us all kinds of Warnings and Signs to get our attention, yet these pastors want the Church to feel comfortable and continue to give to the coffers. They are afraid to walk by faith yet preach that everyone needs to walk by faith. They preach the Gospel yet are afraid of letting an outside evangelical movement inspire their congregation to join in evangelism. They are afraid of losing members to another group! And of course, they take issue with those who are inspired by the Holy Spirit to make them aware of any of these problems. It is sad because to many are caught up in Academia and their dogma, it is their god and that god is being controlled by the gods of the ancient world.
Pope Francis endorses same-sex civil union. The Pope has also endorsed the idea that there are many ways to heaven. Like the Vatican many large churches have become greatly in debt and therefore have mortgaged their future and tied themselves to the marketplace. They must focus on numbers of members, church roles, budgets, and marketing. They have an agenda that keeps members focused on their agenda. What would happen if a pastor said “i have made a mistake in my past sermon–the Holy Spirit convicted me that I was wrong?” Instead, some of these more prolific pastors have sermons or books out that contradict their present-day views. But they will not admit it. I KNOW because I have done the research. Like you and me we learn deeper Truth in the Word as we reread passages. Well pastors are not perfect, but they want to keep the aura that they are. Thus, they do not want us to know that their view or perception of a passage has changed. And in the end what they share often does NOT penetrate the heart and mind of the listener.
The point is many of us have a FOG of contradiction in our minds that have been taught us— we walk like zombies believing whatever the latest sermon states—then quickly forget it because it has only created more subconscious confusion. Truth should motivate anyone who has the Holy Spirit to understand it, remember it and share it!!!!!! This is one big reason why the Lord led me to write the latest version of the Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: the Invisible War & the Final Chapter.
Our country does not need Marxism…historically it has been a complete failure and yet we are being set up like lemmings for the Great Reset which will change everything as we know it. We are likely not to see the results that the pundits are promising. Be prepared for a surprise in this election that will shake us all to the core. Go to and read some articles that will also help you understand.

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