The Stage is Almost Set

Is it a lie to say that the border issue is not a problem to the whole nation? Is it a lie to say the border is closed and secure? Is it a lie to say that the border is under control and therefore fentanyl is not getting through? Biden and his administration have been announcing these lies throughout the world. How can any of our diplomats or other negotiators have any credibility abroad? What hypocrisy we represent. We have “Screamin California” where people are told to buy electric cars and where the Governor, a star in this Democratic fantasyland, declares that by 2035 everyone must drive electric. And this is the governor who has told its residents not to use electricity because the heat wave has overtaxed the grid. But this goes much further. California is the template for 15 other states that have promised to follow that same environmental program.
This Marxist environmental movement will not only bankrupt our nation, but it will also dictate how we travel, when we travel, how we live and even how we die. We have recently seen how the system can determine our medical facilities, treatment, and needs even though we are individuals with different immune systems and capabilities. Many of these liberal ideas suggest that we move away from ownership to leasing and renting so that everyone can partake of this efficient and new One-world system. Like streaming movies and music – we should all “stream” our lives so that we partake in pool of resources that are shared by all. Those who do not wish to join will become the slaves of the rest and can work in the labor factories like those set up in China. This is door to the Orwellian life that will be promised by the Anti-Christ and which is being set in place now.
Have people fallen asleep? Kids are being taught the transgender pronouns instead of learning about the great heroes of our past. Criminals are being encouraged to steal and damage property because the laws allow them to go free even when caught. Those who threaten or beat up the innocent are being released with low bail; this is true even if they are carrying a deadly weapon. Is this the lawlessness that Jesus describes in the Olivet Discourse? We must Wake UP before this nightmare becomes real to each of us. Understand where we are in the discourse of Truth revealed in Revelation. Read Cosmic Crossroad Countdown: the Invisible War & the Final Chapter.
And here we are approaching Rosh Hashana, next Sunday-Tuesday, when the trumpets are blown all day with the last Trumpet being a Shofar. Obviously there is no temple but the orthodox in Israel still blow the trumpets. This is also when the Feast of Trumpets which was and is a time of repentance and purification. It is 10 days before the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur.

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