The Mark of the Dragon- he is here.

2Cor. 4:4 In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. Satan is increasing his evil activity on this earth preparing the way for the Anti-Christ and building a one-world government.

This is for Fathers, Pastors, Missionaries, Church Leaders, Mothers and anyone who helps to raise children and/or sanctify the newly saved. When you teach your children evolution and that science explains away the miracles as my father did YOU ARE BASICALLY DESTROYING THEIR ABILITY TO BELIEVE IN A LOVING GOD, IN THE SUPERNATURAL, IN MIRACLES, IN THE SUPERNATURAL RANSOM THAT JESUS CHRIST PAID AT THE CROSS!!!! This is especially true if the fathers are so focused on their “mission” that they do not show “LOVE” to their kids and do not treat the Word as Holy & Powerful for changing and transforming hearts.

So, my grandfather loved God so much that he went to the mission field right out of surgical school or his surgical internship in one of America’s best medical schools at that time- Case Western. He went to Canton, China and built a hospital where he served for 25 years before dying from spinal meningitis. His wife left in time to evacuate before the Japanese attack on China. The question is why did every one of their 4 kids not know the Lord after they grew up and raised a family? It is impossible to judge but each seemed to fail in a key aspect of the faith– to spread the Truth of the Word of God to their kids in a matter of one generation the grandkids grew up with faith in evolution, in the American dream, in the Presbyterian false doctrine that one is saved when dedicated as a baby. Amazing that the mainline Presbyterians do not believe that being born again plays any part in salvation.  So that means they believe that all their kids are part of the elect so why share the Gospel with them. This is how I and my brothers were raised!!! None of us knew God and no one shared the Gospel with us even though we were 1) raised in a “Christian home” 2) had grandparents that served on the mission for 25 years 3) had a living grandmother who also loved the Lord but did not share Him.
When you teach your children evolution and that science explains away the miracles as my father did YOU ARE BASICALLY DESTROYING THEIR ABILITY TO BELIEVE IN A LOVING GOD, IN THE SUPERNATURAL, IN MIRACLES, IN THE SUPERNATURAL RANSOM THAT JESUS CHRIST PAID AT THE CROSS!!!! This is especially true if the fathers are so focused on their “mission” that they do not show “LOVE” to their kids and do not treat the Word as Holy & Powerful for changing and transforming hearts.
And you wonder why am I sharing this. Because the Church is sick very sick and need of major interventions to resuscitate it. Some of what the Presby’s believe was excused by other denominations–but God is saying NOT ANYMORE. We are approaching the LORD’s return and the fulfillment of major Prophecies especially in the book of Revelation. Yet the Presbyterian Church believes that the 2nd Coming occurred when Jesus entered their heart. Well, I will warn them they do NOT have the Holy Spirit if that is what they believe He is saying. That is NOT in the Word of God. We are not sealed with the Holy Spirit when we are a baby, and the Book of Revelation is not just a symbolic heap of words that mean nothing to our time and therefore can be relegated to the trash heap of ancient philosophy.
Revelation promises a curse to anyone or for that matter any denomination that changes the meaning (adds to) or subtracts from the Book of Revelation—and that is one reason why that entire denomination is dying. When people are intellectually full of God but their heart is empty, cry out and say LORD, LORD, did we not perform miracles for you (raising money for buildings when times were hard), do good (giving your church millions so that you could deduct it from taxes and make your name known) in His name and perform other great works for the church—Jesus will say I KNOW YOU NOT—AND they will be cast into the fiery pit of Hell.
Because this is the End Time God is saying read the Book of Revelation and He promises a Blessing to you if you do read it…He is especially saying this all those who have a Mixed up understanding of what it means. It is NOT symbolic and YES, Jesus is literally returning to Judge the Earth and eventually the Earth will be destroyed by God—so He will cleanse the earth of all traces of Mankind’s sin. Sorry, folks but this is what the Word says. When God returns, He will cast into Hell all those who have rejected Him and who have falsified their belief in HIM. God did create the Heavens and the Earth as stated in Every Book of the Bible except the book of Ruth and YES evolution is a lie along with the idea that Jesus Christ is not coming back.
Another big lie from all those who have rejected God’s Word in Revelation and other Prophecies related to almost all the Great Prophets in the Old Testament is that Israel NO LONGER MATTERS for the Church has replaced Israel as the Covenant Promised People. This is a very very BIG LIE and comes straight from the pits of Hell…..for each of these Prophets state that God’s promise will never be forsaken just as once a person is truly saved he or she will never lose their salvation.
God NEVER breaks a Promise!!! and to suggest that He does ought to be a warning to any true believer that Satan is doing his dirty deeds. The Final Hour is approaching and as these fake churches push their agenda and accusations against the True Church and against the True Believers, and Against God’s Word, and Against
God’s Covenant People—–they will come under His judgment. Sorry to be so blunt but each of us had better stop the distractions and focus on His Word and His Plan for your life—God has a purpose for you and He wants you to put it in high gear. Listen to God’s voice –hearing they did not hear, SEE the Truth and the Power of His Cross and His Creation (it is not evolution) –for Jesus warns “seeing they will not see.” Jesus is very clear for the Book of Revelation is a R-E-V-E-L-A-T-I-O-N— He speaks of a dead church (the church of Sardis)–that needs to wake up—only the Holy Spirit can wake it up by the power of Resurrection. This is where the Presbyterian church of America lies—in a grave —needing to WAKE UP and REPENT. And you need to ask yourself some simple questions –Like how or where did you spend most of your day today—were you emersed in the world system or in God’s Plan for your life? The Bible says that if you die sacrificially and give away everything (even a sacrificial suicide) YET do not love (REAL LOVE does not kill oneself) then it is futile- a total waste. The only Hope is in Jesus Christ— surrender completely to HIM before it is too late.
The Mark of the Dragon is Here: I know the Book of Revelation focuses on the Mark of the Beast but Right Now we are seeing the Mark of the Dragon. He is deceiving Believers with 1) Lies concerning everything you see and believe 2) Deceives everyone into thinking that knowledge is the key to joy and Truth. 3) Generates Apathy and Doubt about the existence of God and His Love for you. 4) Is the stoker of Indifference towards that which is uncomfortable or requires obedience and dedication to the search for God and Truth.
5) He Draws you into LUST for anything and entwines you into bad habits–habits that will kill you. 6) Steals away your integrity, your self-worth, your family, your job, your hope, and your health. 7) Corrupts everything that is good, noble and true. 8 ) He accuses those who are innocent and those who have sin but who can know salvation from that sin if they seek God with their heart, mind, and soul.  9)   Generates Fear of the unknown, of death, and of every step you take by faith. He wants people to hate and will do everything he can to create the whirlwind of prejudice and racism 10) Creates doubt about the Time that we are In and convinces people that one cannot overcome the evil and darkness around them.
The Mark of Satan is all around us in millions of ways. He dwells in darkness and in the principalities of evil established on this earth. He encourages criminality and selfish greed, sexual lust, and the pursuit of treasures here on earth. He is a Liar from the Beginning and wants you to join him in Hell. He knows that Jesus Christ has defeated him and that his time is short–but he wants to take as many as he can with him. He was defeated by the Cross, and He knows that Jesus Christ is the Victor who can save you if you just believe in Him!
I was radically saved by Jesus Christ in my office in 1983 when darkness had such a hold on me that it was affecting my thoughts and my wellbeing. God gave me a new identity and purpose and transformed my life. Through experiences on the mission field and in my daily life, I experienced the mighty miracle power of God. I want to share with you what the Lord showed me and am starting a Podcast combining both the Physical/Natural world concerning our health & the Supernatural kingdom concerning the battle that is going on around us. Both are interrelated and affect our well-being, our health, our families, our survival and our relationships. Interestingly both are often dealing with invisible agents that come at us from all directions–an asymmetrical war that is trying to undermine our integrity, strength, testimony, and countless other important facets of our existence on this earth. These agents include viruses, bacteria, and workings of the powers of darkness and principalities of evil etc. The Podcast will be made available but first I need a email list—so please contact me at and JUST type PODCAST.

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