Is the Sun Setting on America?

IS THE SUN SETTING ON AMERICA? As the book, Cosmic Crossroad Countdown warned we are on a slippery countdown to the end and the climb back will not happen–there will be no going back to normal. We are being inundated with obligations that will bankrupt the nation and weaken our infrastructure of schools, military, welfare, and all those services we cherish.

WHY is this happening? God has His plan, and the Sign of its beginning was definitively given to us, yet those in charge, our civil and religious “Watchmen” refused to see it nor did they care to understand it. Even our churches have been distracted from the first love and many have focused on the next Christmas show, cruise, new book, birthday, or other celebration or entertainment. The next big wave will come as a shock — just as the election in 2020 shocked the masses along with the great charade that followed created by the socialist mindset called the great insurrection and an excuse to break every remaining level of decency and propriety in our government. The FBI and DOJ are now instruments of a political party witch hunt.

Judgment is coming as the devilish magician seeks to destroy the great democracies and establishments. It is said that magicians know that the easiest people to fool are those intellectuals who think they know everything. Yup, it’s those climate change experts, doctors, finance gurus, etc. who think they are on top of the world. However, the one in charge in this world system, “the great magician” -whomever he is (I could tell you but you would not believe me)- distracts them and then pulls the trick when they least expect it. Right now we just “hired” more than 87,000 IRS agents- more than doubling the agency—and the ads posted to hire them are saying they need gun training and willingness to enforce the law–which makes them seem like treasury agents or police force to enforce tax payment. This will make the IRS the biggest Federal Force except for the military, and they will not have the oversight that the military has. We are being set up for a soon to come Police state that will take down not only our democratic election but also our free speech, right to own long guns or for that matter any gun, and freedom of religion among others. All this is coming– but your brain says no way it cannot happen in America. Instead, people are sucking in the Climate Change elixir of brain fog and anesthesia. The “smartest” intellectuals as the Bible says will become fools. If you want to learn more take note of a radical new book about to be published…just give it two weeks: it is the 3rd book in the CCC series: Cosmic Crossroad Countdown- The Invisible War and the Final Chapter.

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