The Countdown to War & the Beast

The Cosmic Crossroad Countdown connects Prophecy and History to the 3 most controversial books of the Bible: Genesis, Daniel, and Revelation. It is setting the stage for the Anti-Christ and leading to the Horses of the Apocalypse. God is sending the nations of the world a warning in the wake of the Sign of Revelation 12. All of this is connected to the Trump impeachment trial, the corrupt elections, an invisible war, and the dark pyramid that is led by Satan and his legions. Europe especially is being presented with a major moral test that it will soon have to address- to let a dictator exterminate a nation’s population or to take military action?
I do believe that God is giving a divine message to America, Russia, Europe, Israel, and the whole world. The world needs to understand that it is no coincidence that Ukraine played a big part in pre-election events in the 2016 election, in the impeachment trial, and in Biden’s wealth and win in the 2000 election. That criminality helped a corrupt party win the election in the world’s most sophisticated and powerful nation It shook the world. It is ironic that the Lies told in that process have been matched by Putin’s lies. The corruption in America’s election has also been matched by Putin’s corruption in Ukraine and in Russia. The false-flag concept that the Administration is accusing Putin of –was perfected by the Democratic party in the last election–so you remember how many times they called conservatives Racists and Nazis?
How interesting that Ukraine is so tied to America’s fall from Grace and that Ukraine has a strong leader that the world sees as a hero. Zelensky is a Jew and a man of integrity placed in the middle of this storm— a perfect storm of corruption, warmongering, greed, suffering, helplessness, and media coverage. The world is watching this Apocalyptic and thus semi-prophetic event. It is “almost prophetic” in the sense that few see its true prophetic connection. IT IS NO coincidence that Ukraine is led by a Jew and that it lies between Israel, Russia, and Europe. This is the perfect spark to begin the Prophetic Countdown to the staging of both the Anti-Christ and the 10 horned-beast of Revelation. This is the location from which the Apocalyptic White Horse with its Lies and False Christ cult has risen – Ukraine is a nation that has had a fast-growing and large population of religious cults of False Christs. It has had one of the largest Jehovah’s Witness churches in Europe.
Note this: We are in a very special time- beginning in 2017 (a year in which we had so many disasters that it broke all FEMA records – with over $450 billion in cost to our nation). The invisible war took a great toll not only in America but also throughout the world. Every level and sector of society was affected. Darkness and idolatry were pushed back – yet many lives ended or were upended. Many Jews fled New York to Israel and likewise, the Ukraine chaos forced many Jews to flee to Israel. The whole world is being shaken again – this time by bloodshed. Entire cities are being wiped out with wounded in hospitals and children in theaters. Is this a sign of the 2nd Horse – the Red Horse of the Apocalypse? Ukraine is the breadbasket of Europe and for that matter Russia. Will this conflagration lead to a much more severe bartering and inflation that ushers in the 3rd horse of the Apocalypse? Or does all of this foreshadow the Coming 6 Seals of Revelation?
After all the Great Sign of Revelation 12 has been revealed for all to comprehend and to take heed—YET the church and the world failed to accept it just as the elite intellectuals and the Jews failed to see their Bethlehem Star. That divine cosmic Sign set a countdown to a divine event that would not only affect mankind eternally but would also change the way we measure and count historical time. It also started the countdown for Daniel’s 70th-week prophecy.  The Sign of Revelation 12 along with the birth of Israel reset that countdown and anchored the divine footsteps in our modern-day History. We are witnessing “a time such as this” that will change everything we know.
And I hate to burst people’s bubble- we will never Christianize America but we can share the Gospel with as many people as possible. Some believe that in the process we can delay God’s judgment.  God did say that He would discipline Israel when they strayed away and disobeyed Him – and history showed that He did. The question is, did He delay judgment at any time? He did give King Hezekiah 15 extra years to inspire the Jewish nation to defeat Judah’s enemies. Was God’s timetable kept despite the failures of the Jewish nation? Some would argue that Ancient Israel had the opportunity to accept the Son of God and thus welcome in the Kingdom of God on earth. But when they rejected their Savior they were given curses instead of the blessings as promised by God – just as Moses and other prophets had warned.
The nation of Israel was driven from the Promised land during both the Babylonian captivity and after the Roman destruction of the Temple and many died in the process of fighting or fleeing. The leaders and most of the people of these later generations forgot the prosperity that God had blessed the early nation with as He parted the Red Sea and saved them from starvation, the harsh elements, and their enemies. God had helped them through every trial during the 40-year wilderness experience and guided them to the Promised Land. God gave them victory after victory in this enemy-held land. He then prospered the land and rewarded them with safe cities, prosperous farmlands, prophets to guide them, and a spiritual purpose & hope.
Likewise, early Americans were rescued from persecution and over generations have forgotten the blessings and prosperity given to them by God as it grew through the wilderness becoming a promised land of hope and refuge for millions. Now America has lost its way and is rejecting the God of its forefathers. We have forgotten the blessings of the past — the way God worked in our history and in the daily lives of those struggling to survive. We have taken God for granted and millions have turned to outright rebellion against God and against His Word. So we should not be surprised by the progression of events that worked to humble us including the selection and election of inept leaders (this also happened in Israel.) The next stage in Israel’s history was a war that brought its destruction and captivity.
What most do not understand is there is also an invisible war going on that will fulfill prophecy. Covid was just a small part of the manifestation of the Invisible War that is preparing the stage for the Anti-Christ and the formation of the 10-horned Beast. At present Angels are protecting leaders and even pilots and others in Ukraine as Putin’s forces are held back and pushed back. Part of this is due to the prayer of the saints around the world. All of this was forwarned in the Sign of Revelation12 and is explained in the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown—the series.
Already many leaders throughout the world are asking, “Are we going to let this massacre of innocent civilians go on? We must act before more die.” This could initiate a much bigger war that will draw Nato and America into a war with both Russia and China. Are you ready? Have you put your faith in Jesus Christ? This is a special 30 days as we approach Easter and Passover. Keep in prayer and share the Gospel.

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