Letter to Wayward Pastors


I just wanted to let you know why many have left the church.  For some reason, you and some in your leadership have done a lot to counter what the LORD has appointed the church to do.  Yes, you give a good sermon but you lack the inner strength and true compassion to be a “good pastor of the flock.”  You see, a good shepherd has a personal interest in his flock and is eager to listen to members of his flock.  He puts his flock first and not his personal safety and fears.  He speaks the truth even though it might make many uncomfortable.  Instead of skipping tough passages such as Revelation 12, he will seek in prayer to teach the whole truth.  Below is a list of potential failures in the modern affluent church:

  • Foremost is the selection of the top leaders for the Education Department and the delegation of discerning authority.  Make sure that your teachers know good doctrine and are versed in the Bible.  A bad leader of a whole department will tend to fail to appoint inspired teachers that are guided by the Holy Spirit.
  • Do not spend more time selling your books and the books of those outside your congregation than in helping your own members develop their writing and sharing skills.  Serving as a spokesman for organizations such as Fox News can be seen by many as being self-promotional.
  • Your promotion of diabetes causing sugar and sugar products to promote your church and even to promote God is not only hypocritical but bordering on evil. If you had read the message that the LORD has given concerning the “coming invisible attack” that is shared in Cosmic Crossroad Countdown—you realize that Covid-19 is a part of that attack which has now killed thousands of diabetic and pre-diabetic individuals.  Many have eaten the pure 100% junk SUGAR-poison that you had been using to promote EASTER (the marshmallow PEEPS is a good example).
  • More than likely Pastors and other top leaders are too busy to read this, but God will still hold you accountable. When the error in your teaching is brought up to you such as that in bad ACADEMIC dogma, you ignore them. You or your leaders even demote or slander others who have been led by the Holy Spirit.  You attack the humble logic of those who are inspired by God as if God cannot gift someone and direct someone!  When some offer services to teach a class in nutrition, you have ignored them.
  • God is trying to message you by allowing your leaders to make big mistakes. For instance, when it appears that there are failures in strategic planning and discernment, repent and seek answers from the Holy Spirit.  If you have spent millions on a parking lot and children’s center that have been empty for the last year-and-a-half, you failed. Or if you wasted millions on a sports center or on trips to Alaska and other extravagant excursions, that had to be canceled- you failed.  God has been using others to try to warn you and your “self-motivated leaders” who have failed to see and hear His voice.
  • Has your insecurity blinded you?  This same insecurity can affect your teaching.  For instance,  in the book of Revelation: How can you honestly say that chapter 12 of the book of Revelation is in chronological order?  That would put the raptured church in heaven at the same time as Satan being in heaven.  It would also put the Satan possessed Anti-Christ killing the two witnesses while Satan is still in heaven!  Your logic is non-sensical and frankly antithetical.
  • God will direct people to leave and to give less to your coffers.  Yet, those directed by the Holy Spirit will pray for you and for the church,  in the hope that you will see and hear His Voice before it is too late.  God entrusted many of your humble servants with certain abilities or gifts as a steward to build the kingdom and YOU have outright rejected them.  We are created to give Glory to God by both the fruit of the Holy Spirit and by our good works. You cannot ignore what each person has been dedicated by God to do for Him.  God is asking you and your academic-minded leaders to surrender to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and to listen to those humble sources?

Sincerely Yours in His Mercy and Love,

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