The Truth is Being Revealed & the Lie Exposed

Our society is reeling in vitriol that is coming at us from dark sources. There are people who feel they can prosper from crime and destruction of our neighborhoods. There are others who feel entitled to steal whatever they want, hurt people, and make demands that will destroy our security and way of life. Then there are those who have made corruption a way of life, true crime families that have been milking our government and those governments that deal with us. They are truly the source of much of this evil. They have motivated others in their evil endeavors and are protected by corporations and news media agencies.

We have been emersed in this deep rancor, a war of words and dangerous ideas for many years, but the intensity of the lies has increased greatly in the last few months. One side has been motivated by waves of hate and vengeance which has resulted in the destruction of the life savings of many innocent people. The other side has taken the impact with an amazing spirit of Justice with law and order. Yes, there has been anger and fear evoked from these threats. But both the police and the victims have handled this injustice with great patience and self-control.

May be an image of text that says 'The problem is Sin, not Skin. The answer is Grace, not Race. Jesus died for all. Our nation needs Jesus! Grateful Addicts in Recovery Can I Get An Amen?'

However, one result of this terror-like behavior is that many are living day to day in very uncertain conditions. These individuals and families have suffered severely under both the invisible pandemic war and a virulent venom coming from bullies in the evening streets and then in the media.  Sadly, there are now countless students and others listening to the LIE, who have been brainwashed, and having been sold on socialism, now believe that capitalism is evil. They believe in the overthrow of our values, virtues, and authority figures. We have allowed our children to be taught the lie in our hallowed institutions of learning. We have endorsed the great lie of evolution and the worship of nature versus God. These kids and many adults do not realize that these forces are mixed with other darker powers that want to overthrow of our system and take control of the world.

These powers want us to fall because our system is the most effective force against evil in the world. They have blinded their converts so that they cannot see the evil of the socialist system and how it easily morphs into a society of misery and tyranny.  In some countries like North Korea the word “love” has been banned to control the soul of the people. I know the dangers of socialism because I lived in Venezuela in the days of capitalism and democracy. Venezuela at that time was the fastest growing nation in South America and had a healthy middle class. Then greed took hold and a bully soldier saw an opportunity to take control by force just as Gadhafi had done in Libya.

This strongman attitude is usually guided by deep hatred for the church and for democracy. It is the same attitude that guides people bent on destroying our neighborhoods. This darkness is sweeping from our streets and colleges to the halls of the media and our Congress. There is now a well exercised animus against the Established Church, the present Government leadership, and anyone who supports virtue and the Judeo-Christian values. Unfortunately, many people do not comprehend the nefarious agents, natural and supernatural, that are trying to overthrow our way of governance and justice.  If they succeed, it will destroy their lives too and will usher in the Anti-Christ.

These events and agents were introduced by a Sign that almost everybody failed to take note of. People were preoccupied with attacking Trump and caught up in ridiculous conspiracy theories that distracted many from the divine meaning of the Sign.  But this is the way Satan, and his forces work to distract and confuse us.  Satan and his demons are alive and well in the world and their focus right now is bringing down America. What is sad and makes many people angry is to see our media cover up evil as if it is going to help us all. They have made the LIE a weapon to try and bring down our government. They in essence are instruments of the dark forces and the principalities of evil.  These corrupt news organizations will destroy our country and include the Big Box media or Technology giants: Twitter, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN AND MSNBC.

Each of these Powers of the Air appear to be blinded by hate, corruption, and nepotism. Could they be under the power of darkness that God warned us about in the Great Sign of Revelation 12? Seven out of seven insights in the book Cosmic Crossroad Countdown came true: go to and you will discover answers that will give you Hope and a Peace in God.  Donald Trump and his family and cabinet need prayer. We need to pray for divine strategies that will come into place to reset and reseat Trump in the office of the Presidency. Pray for our nation that we will fulfill the purpose that He has for us. Donald by the way means “world ruler” and he will win the coming election. His actions are admired the world over. There is a danger here and you can read about this in my book.

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