The Countdown Continues

AS of today September 5, 2020, Israel has the highest rate of Covid hospitalization in the world.  America has the highest number of positive cases in the world and largest amount of deaths related to Covid 19.  Both nations have turned away from God through pagan rituals that reflect the evil of ancient Israel when the prophecies were given.  We have endorsed and practiced the sacrifice of millions of babies and the worship or surrender to multiple levels of idolatry including:  pornography, the imaginations of evil, practice of witchcraft, the glorification of man’s strength in sports and film heroes, the materialistic accumulation of wealth attained at the expense of others, and the narcissistic pursuit of self-glorification and beauty. Israel has one of the highest abortion rates and pornography use per capita in the world. It has erected a multi-layered pagan pyramid of lights, statues, temples on the face of the sacred Mt. Carmel.

The Signs God gave us surrounding the Great Sign of Revelation 12 point to a time of severe purification for the church and for the Jewish people.  We are still in this end time template that God established through Daniel, Moses, and Isaiah.  The nations of America and Israel are the two most likely to fulfill God’s plan for the completion of His Promises as stated by both His prophets and His Apostles.  We have received God’s blessing and his mandate to carry out what He promised thousands of years ago.  Now the plan to save His remnant is unfolding as I write this to you.  It is a plan of Return and of New Beginnings.  Everything must be made new and He will fulfill His Promise. God will Return to us and as for His creation it will return to dust.  Man must return to God, to die in Him, before it is too late.

To Daniel God laid out the 70 weeks prophecy with two final three and a half year periods that will introduce the prince, the abomination of desolation, and the new Temple.

To Moses God promised that the Jews then and now would be blessed when they followed His Laws and Principles and a curse if they did not.

To Isaiah God promised that Israel would become a nation that would prosper and have peace when they look to God as their Shepherd, Provider, and Protector.  If they were to disobey and show defiance as they did in 545 BC, they would be taken into captivity and the nation would fall. God spoke sternly to Israel in Isaiah Chapter 9 and 9:10 is a curse-prophecy that both Israel and America have endorsed. It was even stated in the house of Representatives by Tom Daschel who did not know that he was disparaging God and activating the curse promised.  That same verse was read for the last 40 years in the Read the Bible-in-a-Year. The day this verse comes up is on September 11th.  This is a God ordained Judgment. The tree was replanted with the pine and the wall rebuilt with hewn stone.  New York by the way is the gate city to America and therefore the one to receive God’s judgment. But a remnant was and will be saved so that Righteousness can prevail.  This promise holds today and is carried forth through both Israel and America.

The Signs pointed to an invisible attack on the whole world, but its focus is on us.  We have been the most prolific generator of gambling, pornography, idolatry, abortion, and the capture of minds with fantasy and evil imagery.  Our language and currency have allowed us to lead many nations and people into unrighteous behavior.  The Signs are purifying both the church and the world as a New way  of living and thinking has been forced upon us.  As discussed in the book the Wheels of Time are repeating history.  God is bringing forth ancient prophecies to our time.   The result has been and will continue to be the Return of Jews to the nation God promised them, Israel. God does not want them in America or elsewhere.  God will use this period of isolation and trial to bring multitudes to Him. He is saving the lost in this new paradigm.  When all is fulfilled by these signs the 70th week will commence.

It is imperative that both the Church and the believer understand that the Signs were real and that we are indeed within a specific end-time prophecy.  Read the newly published book: Cosmic Crossroad Countdown or download the e-book at  This “cancel culture” and these lawless gangs are part of the birth pains and rebellion that Jesus spoke about at the Olivet discourse in Matthew 24.  Understand prophecy and God’s demand that we humble ourselves, turn away from evil, and pray.

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