Opposite Effect- Antacid in Life – Like anything it can destroy instead of heal:


We are always seeking solutions to our problems and without research and care we can cause more harm than good.  A very good example is the connundrum with Antacids.  They can do much more than just  Weaken Your Teeth:

  • For proper digestion, your stomach needs a certain level of acidity. If you take antacids too often or in high enough doses, your body can react by producing more acid than normal. This vicious cycle can lead to more heartburn (if you take more antacids the problem will accelerate). In the process of attempting to block the acid production: antacids can inhibit the absorption of calcium and protein—both vital components for improving the strength of your teeth and jaw. Kidney damage.  Antacids can potentially cause the following:
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms. …
  • Allergic reaction. …
  • Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. …
  • Low blood pressure. …
  • Endocrine disruption.

What people do NOT realize is that antacids will lead to Tooth Decay And Gum Disease if taken habitually and antacids can cause dry mouth. With less saliva in your mouth to wash food debris from your teeth and neutralize the acid produced by plaque, and because of this you are more likely to experience gum disease and tooth decay.

Antacids are also often full of sugar and the chewable ones can get stuck in the crevices of your teeth. This type of prolonged exposure can contribute to cavities.

Tips to avoid The Negative Effects Of Antacids

  • Use antacids in moderation. Try sugar-free ones.
  • Rinse your mouth after taking antacids, and after eating acidic foods.
  • Consume less acidic foods and drinks.
  • To protect enamel, wait about 30 minutes to brush after eating antacids or acidic foods.
  • Use Xylitol sugarless gum and candies which will help with dry mouth.

One area of great importance is acidic saliva which is discussed much more at the main website Dentistry Xposed.com

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