Urgency America

Urgency America:
Cosmic Crossroad Countdown was a ground breaking book that challenged conventional logic and weak thinking concerning the Spiritual world. Dentistry Xposed challenges conventional thinking in the physical world of Health science and health care. It will save you time, money, and your life.

Dr. Peter Hofmann believes the path to good health begins in the mouth. What goes on in the mouth affects the whole body and your quality of life. Three of the deadliest diseases originate in the mouth. However, there is a “miracle molecule” found in our own mitochondria and in some fruit and vegetables that can prevent tooth decay, stop congestion, heal a sore throat or dry cough, and protect the gut from constipation and cancer. And so he asks: “Why have we not heard about this and other discoveries that I will  present in this book?”

He introduces a process that destroys deep decay without the need for a drill or needle, a saliva test that measures the effect of over 300 drugs on your body, a zinc compound that reduces plaque while improving taste and mouth odor, and a super-soft toothbrush that is stronger, safer and more effective than any other. He uncovers the dangers of Apple Cider Vinegar, Stress and Sleep Apnea, and reveals an amazing “silver bullet” that can save hopeless teeth. These are just a few of the issues and products that he shines a light on to lighten up your path to good health and wise choices.

Dentistry Xposed also uncovers the darker side of dentistry and various scams that have generated millions of dollars from unnecessary fillings, deep cleanings, crowns and root canals. As he states, “I could have increased my income over 10 times if I had scared my patients into replacing amalgam fillings with the much weaker white fillings and the much more expensive crowns. I might have redone those fillings 10 times or more in just the last 43 years of my practice. But I have a conscience. Old amalgams are not dangerous and I explain to my patients that medium to large sized white fillings in back teeth fail to support chewing in just a few years vs. amalgams which can easily last for centuries. You will see pics and learn about the significant dangers of both crowns and periodontal disease in this ground breaking book.”

This self-help fitness book exposes weaknesses in dentistry and in our Top-Down healthcare and pharmaceutical industry. The public is often confused by conflicting data, pharmaceutical bias, misinformed doctors, false thinking, and media hype when it comes to vital areas of preventive care. This book will inform and guide them into new habits and wiser decisions that will preserve their health and their wallets.  The book promotes many good products and will draw the support of the American Dental Association, the medical community and many companies.

The book uncovers falsehoods and myths and exposes scams and fraud that have generated millions of dollars from unnecessary fillings, deep cleanings, crowns and root canals.  Why is the average income of general dentists and hygienists much greater versus that of general physicians and registered nurses?  And why do prices for implants and other dental care continue to go up? This information will draw the attention of many who have felt shortchanged by the system.

Dr. Hofmann points out that the mouth is connected to the 3 major causes of death: heart attacks caused by sleep apnea, periodontal disease linked to enzymes that weaken the heart, and gram-negative pneumonia resulting from the inhalation of bacterial plaques. Sugar consumption is directly related to colon cancer and periodontal disease is linked to pancreatic cancer?  Saliva testing can identify markers for drugs, cancer and DNA changes.  A good mouth rinse, specialized toothbrush, and something as simple as a 5-carbon sugar called xylitol can protect you and save someone you love. The population of Finland has been using xylitol for over 80 years and they are some of the healthiest in the world. Recently it easily cured Dr. Hofmann’s Strep throat for which he had been taking penicillin yearly for over 40 years.

 The book also explores 22 myths & 28 curious facts; one showing that mouth rinses with alcohol and essential oils are very good for the mouth despite some doctors saying it is not. It will wake America up! Another mind-boggling discovery that this book explains is a product that has been used in many 3rd world countries but was banned in America. This new chemical generates a “zombie-like” attack on deep decay destroying layers of bacteria in minutes without having to use a needle or drill.  It uses nanoparticles of chemically treated silver to destroy bacteria as they consume one another. The question is why did the FDA ban it and why have we been left in the dark related to products like xylitol?

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