THE MIRACLE MOLECULE XYLITOL, however is more than a fantasy

Xylitol is a 100% naturally occurring sweetener, not an artificial chemical like Splenda, Equal or Sweet‘N Low. Xylitol is a sugar substitute found in various vegetables and fruits such as yellow plums, strawberries and raspberries as well as corn husks, birch, oats, and mushrooms. Pure xylitol is a white crystalline substance that looks and tastes like sugar without the harmful side affects.

The average American consumes as much as 150 to 180 pounds of sugar a year! Excess sugar consumption can deteriorate the body chemistry causing diabetes weight gain, and hyperglycemia which can lead to loss of limb and blindness. It increases bad cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure which increases the risk of stroke and heart disease. But xylitol repairs, heals, protects against chronic disease, and builds immunity. Studies show that it may also help against cystic fibrosis, cancer, chronic wound infections, the flu and connective tissue inflammation. We also know that it strengthens bone and decreases the acidity of saliva while solving one of the biggest problems created by Big Pharma–the classic dry mouth syndrome.

Sugar–free Xylitol is as sweet as sugar with 40% fewer calories and 75% fewer carbohydrates. Absorbed by the body slower than sugar, it has a fresh and cooling affect with no aftertaste. XYLITOL a 5-CARBON SUGAR counteracts the bad effects of 6-CARBON SUGARS. Consuming sugar allows bacteria on the teeth to multiply and create acids that attack the enamel which leads to the formation of cavities and tooth decay. This acid-producing bacteria in the mouth is unable to digest xylitol, and cannot produce acids. The XYLITOL also detaches the bad bacteria from the surface that they are attached to.therefore slowing its growth and decreasing the amount of plaque and decay. It also stimulates the flow of saliva which then washes away these incapacitated and unattached bacterium. Amazingly the good bacteria and the good mucosa are left alone.

Our body naturally produces up to 15 grams of xylitol per day. This xylitol is located in the mitochondria where your DNA and RNA are producing body building enzymes. Note that the core of your DNA and RNA is a 5-carbon sugar. This may be why xylitol is so effective in passing through every tissue barrier to help your body.

Supplementing the xylitol has proven to be uniquely beneficial. It will hinder the growth of harmful bacteria in the body including the middle ear and the intestines. It acts as a perfect laxative soothing and smoothing the bowel movement. It can help relieve constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. XYLITOL strengthens teeth and reduces respiratory infection and intraocular pressures- preventing glaucoma. Xylitol will not impact insulin levels, since it has one of the lowest glycemic levels of any sugar- .7 whereas sucrose has a level equal to 70 or 10 times higher. It is an excellent alternative for those on a diabetic diet. Most important xylitol acts as a perfect probiotic in preserving the important gut microbiome where it eventually breaks down into butyrates that helps the lining of the colon.

Xylitol is recommended worldwide by medical and health professionals and organizations. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations all agree xylitol is a safe and natural sweetener for you and your family. IT IS KNOWN AND PROMOTED AROUND THE WORLD BUT NOT IN THE UNITED STATES- is this because big pharma, the sugar industry, and some of the professions have a lot to lose.

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