True Wisdom

True wisdom is revealed by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit reveals the deep things of God. Man cannot know the things of God without them being revealed by the Spirit. The Spirit says, “man’s wisdom is foolishness to God”. Jesus said learn from me and you will know the Truth and the truth will set you free. To pursue His wisdom and to learn from Him is to open God’s Word and study it. Wisdom is revealed in scripture and is manifest through our obedience to what it says. One Bible verse says, “If anyone lacks wisdom, ask God and he will give it to you generously”. So ask God for wisdom in your thoughts and prayer. Wisdom is not magic, it comes through prayer and faith mixed with action. Faith involves believing that God is the source that will give us what we ask.  Choose the time and the right moment to pray. Amazingly the simple step of praying is not as easy as most might think. Since prayer is a pathway to the supernatural, Satan and the spirit of the world will do all that they can to stop you, including distractions, doubts, and wrong thoughts.  Trusting in prayer, acting by faith, and learning from the process is the biggest part of wisdom.

A clear path towards wisdom is to combine the Word with prayer by praying the Word of God into personal application. Just open the Bible and pick any verse. “There is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus”. Think of how you can apply the verse to your life, your job, your relationships, your success or failure. Then talk to God. “God, help me to incorporate this truth in my thoughts and not to ever condemn myself for my failure to…….” Let the verse become real to you and to your goals and decision making. Plant the Word in fertile soil and it will grow into wisdom. “Seek Him with all your heart and you will find him”, is a verse that applies not only to salvation but also to growth in your spiritual life. Continue in your Bible study and you will see that life’s lessons will spring forth as the Spirit of God gives you deeper insight and vision.

What the Old Testament brings forth in the lives of great men and women pursuing God, the New Testament completes with the cosmic answer  to everything humankind needs for lasting fulfillment.  The Word teaches that Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law and Prophecies and through Him we are set free from both sin and death.   This supernatural fulfillment is both physical and spiritual applying to both the present and the eternal.  Jesus Christ will set you free and you will have freedom not to sin.  The Spirit of God through the Word of God will reveal to you that rituals and religious works cannot save you and that man made idols and rules will not save you.  The Spirit reveals that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.  It is the Word that teaches you to listen.  Listening with belief is the greatest source of wisdom.   Wisdom comes in knowing that only Jesus Christ can and will rescue you; that salvation is a Gift from God; and that it is by Grace through faith that you have been saved.  The Word of God tells us that “All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are found in Christ Jesus”.  This is one very good reason why we should share the Gospel.

Common wisdom should tell you that if you receive a precious gift that you should keep it a secret.  Divine Wisdom will tell you that you should share the Gift and do everything in your power to learn how to be most effective in sharing it.  The sad thing is that many  “Gift receivers” have shut themselves off to this Truth and either do not care to share the Gift or do not know how to share it. God commanded us to make disciples of all nations and the way to do this is to be a light to your neighbors, a city of God on a hill, or a nation that seeks the wisdom and will of God.  When you share the wisdom of God you will be blessed with more wisdom just as a flowing stream will not grow stagnant.  Jesus said, “whoever drinks of the water that I give him never thirst.  But the water that I sahll give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life”.  Jn. 4:14

Wisdom tells us to board the Ark if a worldwide flood occurs.  The church is the modern day Ark and the only “ship” that will save the lost.  So why do we not try everything possible to bring people into our Ark?  Is it a lack of love or a lack of knowledge?  Is it because the “gift receivers” have spent so much time enjoying the world that they have turned away from the “Gift” and are embarrassed to share it?  Probably all of the above.  Are you embarrassed to invite people into your home to tell them about Jesus or share a “Christian” DVD?  Are you more comfortable just watching sports together or laughing at a dirty joke?  We will be held accountable for our lack of love & wisdom!  In order to fulfill His command and save the lost we must study the Word and allow His Spirit to guide us in sharing the Gospel to the world.  The Fear of God is the Beginning of Wisdom!

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