On page 67 of my book, COSMIC CROSSROAD COUNTDOWN,  I discuss a very interesting “parallel in time” related to two 70-year Prophetic Generations each consisting of a 50-year Jubilee, and a 20-year “maturing” period. The birth of Jesus Christ in 2 BC (read my blog post showing why this date of birth is the correct one), and the birth of Israel in 1947-48 begin this mirror image parallel.  The parallel is broken up into a 20-year period and a 50-year one.  The date 1967 when Israel fought the miraculous 6-Day war after maturing into a capable fighting force with a solid economy runs parallel to 17 AD when the Son of God, Jesus Christ became of age 20 which was the tradition age in Israel to serve and give offerings.  Both introduce the next stage of maturation, where they impact the world with their shared power and aid.   Jesus will heal the multitudes through miracles while Israel will heal countless people through their advanced medical research and production.  They will also give all kinds of international aid (including high tech irrigation techniques and earthquake recovery). Jesus will transform the world with the New Covenant of Grace while Israel and the Messianic Church will transform the world through peaceful missions, life changing ministries, and Nobel winning discoveries in every profession including medicine, economics, and physics.

Add 50 years or one Jubilee to make our time of 2017-18 AD, we have seen the death of Billy Graham which runs parallel to 67-68 AD and the death of both Paul and Peter.  Their death left the church without the most influential leaders.  Right before their death something else of great significance happened: the “abomination of the Temple” or the date when the Romans brought their banners and standards of Caesar Titus into the Temple sanctuary.  In parallel, today’s church has in the last couple of years taken a big fall into Apostasy.  Barna Research has shown that only 28% of pastors had a Biblical World view.  The rest compromised their trust in the Word of God by not believing that the Word of God is reliable enough to be called inerrant and non-contradictory!  Check out the chart on page 67 of the book.

Both 70-year periods introduce a new paradigm in history.  After 67-68 AD the church would continue to grow outward away from Jerusalem and Judea, and persecution would continue until the Christian revival under Emperor Constantine. Both Christians and Jews would be dispersed throughout the Empire and beyond.  We still do not completely know what transformations will happen after our 2017-18 period, but there are many “new beginnings” occurring as the church is starting to make a comeback in national affairs and influence.  In contrast many prideful leaders have risen to new heights, then fallen completely from national grace.  This includes Congressman Conyers, Hillary Clinton, Judge Moore, and many “stars” in Hollywood and the media. There is much more explained in other posts on the blog, and in my book.  This birth, maturation and transformation parallel has similarities to the one explained in the book, Paradigm, by Jonathan Cahn.  The parallels between Ahab, Jezebel, Joram, and Jehu with Bill and Hillary Clinton, Obama, and Trump is startling.  There are many details in these unique paradigms discussed in his book and mine that will shake you up and help you to realize that God is in complete control of historical events and the affairs of man.  Read more in the next post on the Resurrection.

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