Ship of FOOLS or fools for Christ?

Why is it that Paleontologists are running for cover and are afraid to publically comment on recent discoveries of “living tissue” in dinosaur fossils. Back in 2006, Smithstonian Magazine reported on a “dinosaur shocker”, reporting that living tissue had indeed been found in dinosaur bones discovered by Mary Schweitzer in 2005. How could the mass media miss this 5 year old story! Where are the investigative reporters and credible news stories on this incredible find? Surely any person who is interested in the facts would want to pursue an answer to the simple question of how old these fossils are. Yet no one is willing to comment, nor does it seem that reporters nor their editors are willing to pursue the issue. Why is this so?

On Nov. 15th, 60 minutes aired a segment on the T-Rex and indeed reported that “elastic blood vessels” had been found in the thigh bone fossil of a large T-Rex fossil found in Wyoming by a team led by Jack Horner. During the segment Jack Horner and the interviewer repeated more than half a dozen times that those fossils were 65-80 million years old! Yet, not once was he challenged concerning the age of the fossils. The focus of the discussion was steered towards cloning. As a rational human being who has been told for the last 60 years that radiometric dating methods are sacrosanct and that the age of Jurassic fossils has to be between 65 to 80 million years, I would like to see someone step up and bravely report on the issue! As a scientist, I find it appalling that an investigative program such as 60 minutes can invest so much time and effort, yet miss the obvious question…how can a permeable bone stay buried for 65 to 80 million years without turning to stone? Has anyone investigated what science knows about fossilization? Did any reporter investigate the reports done by Scientific America back in the 19th century! Yes, it appears that scientists and reporters back then were less biased and compromised in their viewpoint. They were willing to report that fossilization can occur in two weeks! Villagers in the area of Yorkshire, England, were amazed to find that when they placed a sponge in their creek water in two weeks it would completely fossilize! They found that more impermeable objects would take longer, yet the rate for even small animals was rapid! So they put their beloved dead pets in the water to immortalize them in stone!

Now I challenge you to investigate and follow up on some of the following quotes: 1) Mary Schweitzer stated in her interview on that 60 minutes show “Jack is the only paleontologist out there who lets me dissolve his dinosaurs.” Why is this true? Is it lack of funding among big institutions? We spent $50 million to build a rainforest exhibit in Iowa, 13.5 million on the World Toilet Summit, and 1.8 million on swine odor! Since this appears to be such an incredible discovery, one that might revolutionize how we think about the dinosaur age and one that could totally disprove radiometric dating, why aren’t more scientists investigating every facet of these discoveries? 2) A doctorate student under Mary Schweitzer, Liz Johnson, wrote on Mary’s blog, “I will focus in particular on fossilization processes and pathways that facilitate the preservation of soft tissue in bone for millions of years.” Is we she kidding? Are we implying that super proteins exist that repulse fossilization? Looks like another waste of taxpayer money! Why are we not pursuing the possibility that since those fossils are in the process of becoming complete fossils, they may actually be a lot younger than theorized. Radiometric dating is not hard science for it has been shown to be in error when used to date recently formed rocks in recent volcanic eruptions. Rocks that should be measured as being only a few months or years old were dated as being millions and millions of years old!

The Times Online, reported on a fossilized squid discovered in 2009 in England. “The fossil record has been rewritten – In 150-million-year-old squid ink. The discovery of the perfectly preserved ink sac of the inch-long cephalopod, a type of squid, has astonished palaeontologists,” Another article stated that the same squid fossil, was 118 million years old! This disparity is true of almost every find, where one group disputes the other and radiometric dating appears unable to find an age appealing to everyone (The same was true for “Ida” and for “Lucy”! ). So here we have a totally soft body creature which is elastic and permeable, yet it has not completely fossilized! Could it be that the dating process is completely inaccurate? I would dare suggest so! Otherwise one has to totally rewrite the science of proteins, amino acids, and cell structure and start believing in Superman, the Tooth Fairy, and Mighty Mouse! The average plumber (who has no college education and hence less bias) would clearly tell you that there is no way that a permeable body could be buried in the earth for even 8 thousand years without having a quick mineral disposition or rotting of the entire body! The ink from that squid was still useable and was in fact used to draw a picture of the squid for public viewing! The tissue in the medullary bone of the T-Rex still had elastic blood vessels and cells in it! Let’s be a rational and scientific, and do some empirical testing and allow the free flow of thoughts among all scientists! But most of all, the public needs to be allowed in this debate and needs to be properly informed as I have informed you! I personally interviewed over 200 people from one to eight weeks after the broadcast of the 60 minute segment on T-REx and only 3 saw the program. Of those 3, all were distracted by the cloning issue and made no connection concerning the age of the “fossils”! I would dare suggest that there is a deliberate cover up or stonewalling by the evolution based science community to protect their reputation and ideology. This cover up seems to be supported by the government, politicians (who are uninformed), media, and most academic institutions. The media has had a chance to pursue the truth but has not. A good example is CBS which could and should have pursued the age issue but did not. It is going to be up to the media to provide the forum for the public to decide for themselves. Let’s have some unbiased reporting!

5 years later:

The massacre in Oregon: can be seen as evidence of our state of turmoil and a result of our glorification of a godless society. We have both our present and potentially future leader telling us that the problem is in the gun law and not the heart. We are being told that the heart and mind should be molded by their idea of tolerance and equality- not God’s. Their moral directive is focused on equalizing the state of decay in our society so that everyone can accept and even applaud sin and rebellion against God and against His Word. The high ground has to be leveled so that everyone is entitled to money, power and position. What is right is wrong and what was wrong is right, good has become evil and evil good- in the process the name of Jesus Christ is denigrated, sullied, and dragged through the mud of profanity. We are like a ship ready to be sunk by God’s hurricane of justice. Our ship of state is carrying all the great works of our nation into the eye of God’s storm – for God has found our works to be wanting. The forthcoming deluge will drown the fruits of our labor and humble us in the face of this merciful judgement.  Even our mighty military is but a bumbling cog of wheels and jets where even the most advanced computers cannot seem to guide a “smart” missile away from innocent doctors and their patients.  God is showing us that despite all our technology and industry, diplomacy and good intentions, sweet promises and tolerant laws….we are but a long line of fools waiting to be counted.

The only hope is that there will be many who will be willing to be fools for Christ, and break ranks with the fool that says there is no God or the fool that says there are many gods or forces.

Pro.10:23, It is as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.  Rom.14:16, A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident.  Pro.15:5, A fool despiseth his father’s instruction: but he that regardeth reproof is prudent.Pro.18:7, A fool’s mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul. Pro.26:11, As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.  Pro.28:26, He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered. 1Co.3:18, Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.  Rom.1:22, Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.   1Co.4:10, We are fools for Christ’s sake, but ye are wise in Christ; we are weak, but ye are strong; ye are honourable, but we are despised.

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