Cosmic Crossroad ART – Sculpted Photography- & (4X4 Ft.) Experimental Mission Art

Below are photos that are shaped to fit a box frame that is smaller than the photo- some of the frames are custom frames designed by me to be part of the artwork.  Some of this is experimental art-work.  I am also including two pieces “painted” at our White Rock Lake mission “Answers on the Rock”….near Chapel Hill rd.

This gives an idea of what the art can be used for – on a table or shelf etc.

We have been involved in this mission now for almost 4 years and have included a couple of photos recently taken of the mission “sidewalk art”.

Painting done at the mission with the “wheat and tares” being notes that people made about nature and God when they stopped to write. The majority of the painting is actually scripture from the Bible.  Below is a picture of our “mission” off the trail at White Rock Lake, in Dallas, near Chapel Hill Rd.  along W. Lawther.  We are there on Sundays from 2 to 5 PM

This is Brianna from Cuba- new immigrant who spoke very little English but is a very good artist!  Her parents were excited too.

More Art is available on this site on another post labeled “art”

Here is the Cover of my New Book which I helped to Design: 

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